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Staff Report

February 6, 2018

TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members

SUBMITTED BY: Robert M. Harary, P.E., Director of Public Works

APPROVED BY: Chip Rerig, City Administrator

Presentation by PG&E to Introduce a New Gas Line Project Across the Northerly
SUBJECT: Portion of Carmel-by-the-Sea.


This agenda report and presentation are for information only. PG&E and City staff welcome public comments on a
proposed project to install a 6-inch diameter gas pipeline. Based on any comments received, staff will prepare Special
Conditions of an Encroachment Permit to minimize adverse impacts to the public.

Public Works and Community Planning & Building have been meeting with representatives of PG&E over the past
few months to review PG&E's proposed new gas line project and consider various pipeline alignments. PG&E and
staff now agree that the safest and most practical route would be as follows (from west to east): North San Antonio
from the Pebble Beach gate south to 4th Avenue, continuing east along on 4th Avenue to San Carlos, where it will be
turning north and continue to Camino del Monte, then heading northeast along Camino del Monte to the City limits.
The pipeline will have a total length of 4,900 feet (slightly less than one mile), and the pipeline trench will average
4 feet deep. Construction will proceed one block at a time. Following completion, there will be no new above
ground facilities, and the existing gas line along the alignment will be de-energized and abandoned. No property
easements are needed. PG&E has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act per Article 19, Section 153000.1.
At the February 6, 2018 meeting, PG&E will introduce the proposed project to the City Council and public.
Notifications of this presentation have been sent to properties within 300 feet of the alignment. As part of the
Encroachment Permit process, staff will develop Special Conditions customized to this unique project. With
comments from the community, these Special Conditions will be tailored to minimize disruption to residents
along the alignment, protect or restore City and other utility facilities that may inadvertently be damaged, address
traffic issues, and provide a safe environment for the construction crews.
Staff will benefit from the special conditions of an encroachment permit model recently implemented by the City
of Monterey which minimized impacts during construction of Cal Am Water's Monterey Pipeline, a considerably
larger pipeline which traversed 5 miles across Monterey.
Preliminarily, the Special Conditions will include the following requirements prior to and during construction:
· Traffic control and detour plans, including accommodations for pedestrians
· Pre-construction potholing and protection of City storm drains, CAWD sewer facilities, and Cal Am
water lines that cross above or below the new gas pipeline
· 24/7 Emergency contact information
· Asphalt trench sawcutting, backfill, and temporary repaving – daily if warranted, to prevent road closures
over nights and weekends
· Ongoing coordination with Carmel Police, Fire, Schools, MST, GreenWaste, Pebble Beach, etc.
· Protection of all trees along the alignment, with consultation between a PG&E arborist and City
Forester should any trees need to be pruned
· Coordination, and possible shutdowns, during City and Pebble Beach special events
· Updated construction schedules on a weekly basis
· Invitations to City staff for construction meetings and copies of meeting minutes
· Results of soil compaction and asphalt density testing by an independent laboratory
· Increased insurance limits appropriate to the complexity of construction
· Continuation of public outreach, including a hotline phone number for public concerns
Public Works staff will lead the oversight of the project and help resolve problems as they arise. The Directors of
Public Works and Public Safety have the authority to immediately shut down the project if serious problems or
safety issues arise.
At this time, construction is anticipated to begin in late May and be completed by early November. Anticipated
Special Conditions promptly following completion of the gas pipeline will include:
· Reconstruction of damaged asphalt pavement to the City's satisfaction
· Asphalt pavement resurfacing (overlay or slurry seal) along the alignment
· Restoration of any damaged asphalt berms and swales
· Restoration of centerline stripes and pavement markings
· Submittal of as-built plans

There is no fiscal impact at this time. However, as staff becomes increasingly involved with oversight and inspection of
this project, especially during construction, an agreement with PG&E will be developed so that PG&E reimburses the
City for any actual City labor costs and expenses incurred.




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