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Quadratic Equation (2nd Degree Polynomial) Solution:

a*(x^2) + b*(x) + c = 0

Input Equation Coefficients:

a= 2.0000
b= 8.0000
c= -10.0000

Roots of Quadratic Equation:

x1 = 1.0000 = (-b+SQRT(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
x2 = -5.0000 = (-b-SQRT(b^2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
Cubic Equation (3rd Degree Polynomial) Solution:
a*(x^3) + b*(x^2) + c*(x) + d = 0

Input Equation Coefficients:

a= 2.0000
b= -4.0000
c= -22.0000
d= 24.0000

Solve Cubic Equation:

f= -12.333 = ((3*c/a)-(b^2/a^2))/3
g= 4.074 = ((2*b^3/a^3)-(9*b*c/a^2)+(27*d/a))/27
h= -65.333 = (g^2/4)+(f^3/27)
i= 8.336 = SQRT((g^2/4)-h)
j= 2.028 = i^(1/3)
k= 1.818 = ACOS(-(g/(2*i)))
L= -2.028 = j*(-1)
M= 0.822 = COS(k/3)
N= 0.986 = SQRT(3)*SIN(k/3)
P= 0.667 = (b/(3*a))*(-1)
R= N.A. = -(g/2)+SQRT(h)
S= N.A. = R^(1/3)
T= N.A. = -(g/2)-SQRT(h)
U= N.A. = T^(1/3)

Roots of Cubic Equation:

Case #1: If h > 0 Case #2: If h <= 0 Case #3: If f, g, h = 0
x1 = N.A. 4.0000 N.A. = 2*j*COS(k/3)-(b/(3*a))
x2 = N.A. -3.0000 N.A. = L*(M+N)+P
x3 = N.A. 1.0000 N.A. = L*(M-N)+P
Quartic Equation (4th Degree Polynomial) Solution:
a*(x^4) + b*(x^3) + c*(x^2) + d*(x) + e = 0

Input Equation Coefficients: Modified Coefficients (dividing each by 'a'):

a= 3.0000 ao = 1.0000 = a/a
b= 6.0000 bo = 2.0000 = b/a
c= -123.0000 co = -41.0000 = c/a
d= -126.0000 do = -42.0000 = d/a
e= 1080.0000 eo = 360.0000 = e/a

f= -42.500 = co-(3*bo^2/8)
g= 0.000 = do+(bo^3/8)-(bo*co/2)
h= 370.563 = eo-(3*bo^4/256)+(bo^2*co/16)-(bo*do/4)
Substitute 'f', 'g', and 'h' into following Cubic Equation:
(y^3) + (f/2)*(y^2) + ((f^2-4*h)/16*y - g^2/64 = 0
a1 = 1.000 =1
b1 = -21.250 = (f/2)
c1 = 20.250 = ((f^2-4*h)/16
d1 = 0.000 = -(g^2/64)
Solve Cubic Equation:
f1 = -130.271 = ((3*c1/a1)-(b1^2/a1^2))/3
g1 = -567.355 = ((2*b1^3/a1^3)-(9*b1*c1/a1^2)+(27*d1/a1))/27
h1 = -1406.979 = (g1^2/4)+(f1^3/27)
i= 286.147 = SQRT((g1^2/4)-h1)
j= 6.590 = i^(1/3)
k= 0.131 = ACOS(-(g1/(2*i)))
L= -6.590 = j*(-1)
M= 0.999 = COS(k/3)
N= 0.076 = SQRT(3)*SIN(k/3)
P= 7.083 = (b1/(3*a1))*(-1)
R= N.A. = -(g1/2)+SQRT(h1)
S= N.A. = R^(1/3)
T= N.A. = -(g1/2)-SQRT(h1)
U= N.A. = T^(1/3)
Roots of Cubic Equation:
Case #1: If h1 > 0 Case #2: If h1 <= 0 Case #3: If f1, g1, h1 = 0
y1 = N.A. 20.2500 N.A. = 2*j*COS(k/3)-(b/(3*a1))
y2 = N.A. 0.0000 N.A. = L*(M+N)+P
y3 = N.A. 1.0000 N.A. = L*(M-N)+P

p= 4.5000 = SQRT(y1)
q= 1.0000 = SQRT(y3)
r= 0.0000 = -g/(8*p*q)
s= 0.5000 = b/(4*a)

Roots of Quartic Equation:

x1 = 5.0000 = p+q+r-s
x2 = 3.0000 = p-q-r-s
x3 = -4.0000 = -p+q-r-s
x4 = -6.0000 = -p-q+r-s

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