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Social Media Analytics Overview

What is Social Media Analytics?
• Social Media Analytics is the art and science of extracting valuable
hidden insights from vast amounts of semistructured and
unstructured social media data to enable informed and insightful
decision making.

Why Science?
• It is a science, as it involves systematically identifying,
extracting, and analyzing social media data using
sophisticated tools and techniques.

Why art?
• It is also an art, interpreting and aligning the insights gained
with business goals and objectives.

Interest in social media analytics

Interest in social media analytics overtime

Social Media vs. Traditional Business Analytics
Table 1. Social media vs. conventional business analytics

Social Media Analytics Business Analytics

Semistructured and unstructured data Structured data
Data is not analytical friendly Data is analytical friendly
Real-time data Mostly historical data
Public data Private data
Stored in third-party databases Stored in business-owned databases
Boundary-less data (i.e., Boundary within the Internet) Bound within the business intranet
Data is high volume Data is medium to high volume
Highly diverse data Uniform data
Data is widely shared over the Internet Data is only shared within organizations
More sharing creates greater value/impact Less sharing creates more value
No business control over data Tightly controlled by business
Socialized data Bureaucratic data
Data is informal in nature Data is formal in nature

Purpose of Social Media Analytics
• To enable informed and insightful decision making by
leveraging social media data.

• To know your customers better.

Knowing your customers : Key Components

• Where are they?

• Location Analytics
• What they say?  How they network?
• Text Analytics
 Network Analytics
• What they do?  How they navigate?
• Actions Analytics
 hyperlink Analytics
• What they search?  How they use apps?
• Search Engine Analytics  Apps Analytics
Component One: Text

• Social media text analytics deals with the

extraction and analysis of business insights from
textual elements of social media content, such
as comments, tweets, blog posts, and Facebook
status updates.

Component Two: Networks

• Social media network analytics extract, analyze,

and interpret personal and professional social
networks, for example, Facebook, Friendship
Network, and Twitter.

Layer Three: Actions

• Social media actions analytics deals with

extracting, analyzing, and interpreting the
actions performed by social media users,
including likes, dislikes, shares, mentions, and

Component Four: Apps

• Apps analytics deals with measuring and

optimizing user engagement with mobile
applications (or apps for short).

Component Five: Hyperlinks

• Hyperlink analytics is about extracting,

analyzing, and interpreting social media
hyperlinks (e.g., in-links and out-links).

Component Six: Location

• Location analytics, also known as spatial

analysis or geospatial analytics, is
concerned with mining and mapping the
locations of social media users, contents,
and data.

Component Seven: Search Engines

• Search engines analytics focuses on analyzing

historical search data for gaining a valuable insight
into a range of areas, including trends analysis,
keyword monitoring, search result and advertisement
history, and advertisement spending statistics.

Types of Social Media Analytics
Predictive Analytics involves
analyzing large amounts of
accumulated social media data
to predict a future event Analytics
Descriptive Analytics is
focused on gathering and
describing social media data in
the form of reports,
Types of
visualizations, and clustering
social media to understand a business
analytics problem.
Prescriptive Descriptive
Analytics Analytics

Prescriptive Analytics suggest

the best action to take when
handling a scenario
Social Media Analytics Cycle

Interpretation Extraction

Visualization Cleaning


Social media analytics cycle

Challenges to Social Media Analytics
• Volume and Velocity as a Challenge
• Diversity as Challenge
• Unstructuredness as a Challenge

Challenges to Social Media Analytics
• Volume and Velocity as a Challenge
• Social media data is large in size and is swiftly generated. Capturing and
analyzing millions of records that appear every second is a real challenge

Challenges to Social Media Analytics
• Diversity as Challenge
• Social media users and the content they generate are extremely diverse,
multilingual, and vary across time and space.
• Due to the noisy and diverse nature of social media data, separating
important content from noise is challenging and time consuming.

Challenges to Social Media Analytics
• Unstructuredness as a Challenge
• Social media data is dubious grammatical structure, and is laden with
abbreviations, acronyms, and emoticons (a symbol or combination of symbols
used to convey emotional expressions in text messages), thus representing a
great challenge for extracting business intelligence.

Review Questions
• Why it is important for business managers to understand and mine social
media data?
• What is social media analytics, and how it is different from traditional
business analytics?
• Briefly explain the components of social media data. Support your answer
with examples.
• Explain the social media analytics cycle.
• What ethical issues should be considered when mining social media data?
• What are some main challenges to social media analytics?
• Compare different social media analytics tools available in the market and
explain their strengths and weakness.
Case Study
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