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Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992

Modeling and simulation of high-pressure urea synthesis loop

Xiangping Zhanga,b,∗ , Suojiang Zhanga , Pingjing Yaob , Yi Yuanb
a Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 353, 63#, Beijing 100080, PR China
b Chemical Engineering Department, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, PR China

Received 28 October 2003; received in revised form 14 July 2004; accepted 11 October 2004
Available online 6 January 2005


In this paper, modeling and simulation of high-pressure urea synthesis loop has been studied. The extended electrolytic UNIQUAC equation
has been used to describe the nonideality of liquid phase of NH3 –CO2 –H2 O–urea system under high pressure and high temperature, and the
perturbed-hard-sphere (PHS) equation of state has been used to predict the vapor fugacity coefficients. The vapor–liquid equilibrium has been
treated simultaneously with chemical reactions due to the complex features of the urea synthesis system. A concrete procedure for simulation
of the key units and flowsheet of the high-pressure urea synthesis loop has been developed. The equilibrium-stage model has been applied to
modeling and simulation of the urea reactor, CO2 stripper and other key units in the high-pressure loop for urea synthesis, and the simultaneous-
modular approach has been adopted to simulate the flowsheet. The simulation results have been found to be in good agreement with the design
data from the industry-scale plant. This work provides an effective tool and significant guidance for design or retrofit of urea synthesis process.
© 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

PACS: 07.05.T

Keywords: Simulation; Phase equilibrium; Urea synthesis process; NH3 –CO2 –H2 O–urea system; Simultaneous-modular approach

1. Introduction by considering thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and fluid

dynamics, but a semi-empirical model was used to describe
Urea is one of the most important nitrogen-based fertil- the vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) of NH3 –CO2 –H2 O–urea
izer and a widely used intermediate in the chemical industry. system. Bernardis, Carvoli, and Santini (1989) have simu-
However, urea process is known to consume a huge amount lated the high-pressure urea synthesis loop of IDR technol-
of energy and face many environmental challenges. Demands ogy with the extended UNIQUAC equation. Irazoqui and Isla
from energy conservation and environmental control would (1993) and Isla et al. (1993) proposed extended UNIQUAC
be answered partially by the simulation technique. equation to calculate the VLE of NH3 –CO2 –H2 O–urea sys-
There are a number of reported works (Dente, Pierucci, tem, and the isothermal urea reactor was treated as an inter-
Sogaro, Carloni, & Rigolli, 1988; Dente, Rovaglio, nal coil and main reactor (Irazoqui & Isla, 1993; Isla et al.,
Bozzano, & Sogaro, 1992; Irazoqui & Isla, 1993; Isla, 1993). Wei (1994) simulated the process flowsheet of urea by
Irazoqui, & Genoud, 1993; Li & Wei, 1996; Satyro, Li, a sequential-module approach, but short-cut models were ap-
Agarwal, & Santollani, 2001; Wei, 1994) on modeling and plied for some units, e.g. CO2 stripper (Wei, 1994). Recently,
simulation of urea process; however, there are still a variety Satyro et al. (2001) developed a program to simulate the urea
of disadvantages or improved room in the modeling or sim- process and different thermodynamic models were used for
ulation of such a complex process. For example, Dente et al. the high-pressure and medium/low-pressure sections, which
(1988, 1992) developed a simulation program of urea process leads to the complexity of application (Satyro et al., 2001).
In this work, we intended to develop a simula-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62550850; fax: +86 10 82627080. tion program for high-pressure (HP) urea synthesis loop
E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Zhang). with simultaneous-modular approach. An extended UNI-

0098-1354/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
984 X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992

QUAC model has been used to represent the VLE of

NH3 –CO2 –H2 O–urea system, equilibrium-stage models
Nomenclature have been proposed to simulate the units in HP urea syn-
thesis loop, including urea reactor, CO2 stripper, HP con-
aji UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters be- denser and scrubber. The simultaneous-modular approach
tween species i and j was adopted in this work instead of the sequential-module
CT total molar concentration (kmol m−3 ) approach, which has shown that the simultaneous-modular
Ea activation energy (kJ mol−1 ) approach is faster and easier to converge compared to the
G Gibbs free energy sequential-modular approach. Agreement between the sim-
H enthalpy of each stage (kJ kmol−1 ) ulation results and the design data for industry is definitely
k reaction rate constant good.
K vapor–liquid phase equilibrium constant
Kx equilibrium constant of reaction
L liquid phase mol flow rate (kmol h−1 ) 2. Thermodynamic modeling
mk molality of specie k referred to 1000 g of mixed
solvent (mol kg−1 solvent) A robust, rigorous thermodynamic model is critical for
n number of stages process simulation. In HP urea synthesis loop, it is involved a
p pressure (MPa) system under pressure ranging from 13 to 25 MPa and temper-
P coefficient matrix between connected streams ature from 180 to 220 ◦ C depending on different techniques,
qi UNIQUAC area parameter the chemical reactions take place in the liquid phase and the
Q heat lost (kJ h−1 ) vapor–liquid equilibria of volatile components should been
ri UNIQUAC volume parameter considered simultaneously.
S stream vector The reactions occurred in liquid phase are the following:
T temperature (K)
u amount of urea product (kmol h−1 ) CO2 (l) + 2NH3 (l) → H2 NCOO− + NH4 + (I)
V vapor phase mol flow rate (kmol h−1 )
V reaction volume (m3 ) CO2 (l) + NH3 (l) + H2 O(l) → HCO3 − + NH4 + (II)
x mole fraction of true specie in liquid phase CO2 (l) + NH3 (l) → H2 NCOOH(l) (III)
xr mole fraction of component (NH3 , CO2 , H2 O,
urea) in liquid phase H2 NCOO− + NH4 + → H2 NCONH2 (l) + H2 O(l) (IV)
y mole fraction of vapor component
zi charge of ion i The liquid phase contains physically dissolved and chem-
Z UNIQUAC coordination number (Z = 10) ically combined components that are mainly present as ions
and molecules, namely H2 O (1), NH3 (2), CO2 (3), NH4 + (4),
Greek letters HCO3 − (5), H2 NCOO− (6), H2 NCOOH (7), H2 NCONH2
γ activity coefficient (8). The volatility of urea is negligible, and ions cannot leave
θ area fraction from liquid phase to vapor phase, so there are only three
ν reaction stoichiometrical coefficients molecular components including H2 O (1), NH3 (2), CO2 (3)
υL molar volume in the vapor phase.
φ volume fraction The vapor–liquid equilibrium can be expressed with the
Φ fugacity coefficient following relationships:
CO2 (l) → CO2 (g) (V)
C combinatorial term NH3 (l) → NH3 (g) (VI)
D–H Debye–Hückel term
L liquid phase H2 O(l) → H2 O(g) (VII)
R residual term There are several thermodynamic models for describing
V vapor phase the nonideality of NH3 –CO2 –H2 O–urea system (Bernardis
et al., 1989; Edwards, Maurer, Newman, & Prausnitz, 1978;
Subscript Isla et al., 1993; Kotula, 1981; Satyro et al., 2001; Yuan
i component or specie & Wang, 1997). Edwards’s model is applicable to dilute
j stage weak electrolyte systems (Edwards et al., 1978), Sander’s
model (Sander, Fredenslund, & Rasmussen, 1986; Sander,
Rasmussen, & Fredenslund, 1986a, 1986b) and Isla’s model
(Isla et al., 1993) could yield better results within HP re-
gion. In this work, an extended electrolytic UNIQUAC model
X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992 985

was used to describe liquid activity coefficients of molecular where fi0 is defined as standard fugacity under the system
and ionic species in NH3 –CO2 –H2 O–urea system in terms temperature and zero pressure.
of Sander and Isla’s work, and vapor fugacity coefficients For CO2 , Henry’s law was applicable, and vapor–liquid
were represented by perturbed-hard-sphere (PHS) equation equilibrium equation was represented as Eq. (7), and HCO2
of state proposed by Nakamura, Bread, and Prausnitz (1975). is the Henry coefficient of CO2 .
The extended UNIQUAC equation consists of three items  
as the follows (Sander et al., 1986, 1986a, 1986b; Isla et al., υiL (P − P1s )
pyΦi = γi xi HCO2 exp (7)
1993): RT
ln γ (T, X) = ln γ C (T ) + ln γ R (T, x) + ln γ D–H (T, X)
i i i i (1)
The vapor fugacity coefficient Φi was estimated with the
where the combinatorial ln γi
and the residual ln γiR contri-
PHS equation of Nakamura et al. (1975). All the parameters
butions to the activity coefficients are given by including binary interaction parameters, chemical equilib-
        rium constants, Henry’s constants and standard fugacity of
φi z θi φi
ln γi = ln
+ qi ln + li − xj lj pure component were obtained by fitting against the experi-
xi 2 φi xi
j (2) mental data (Zhang, Chen, Liu, Yao, & Yuan, 2001a; Zhang,
Yao, Wu, & Yuan, 2001b).
    Table 1 shows the model sensitivity to changes in the im-
   θj τij  portant variables: temperature, NH3 /CO2 and H2 O/CO2 in
ln γiR (T, X)= − qi ln  θj τji  −1+  the region of HP urea synthesis loop. It can be noticed that the
 k θk τkj 
j j thermodynamic model could satisfy the requirement of indus-
(3) trial calculation considering the average relative deviations
for equilibrium conversion rate of CO2 and total pressure
 a  being 1.75 and 7.89%, respectively. Figs. 1 and 2 show the
qi xi ri xi ji
θi =  , φi =  , τji = exp − thermodynamic character of liquid–vapor-phase equilibrium
j qj xj j rj x j RT in conditions of industrial urea synthesis process. The pa-
  rameter a refers to the NH3 /CO2 (mol), b refers to H2 O/CO2
Z (mol), P refers to the equilibrium pressure and xCO2 refers to
li = (ri − qi ) − (ri − 1)
2 the equilibrium conversion rate of CO2 .

aij = aji , aii = ajj = 0

The Debye–Hückel contribution for nonionic species (i.e., 3. Simulations of reactor and stripper
NH3 ) is
  There are five main units in the HP urea synthesis loop,
D–H 2A including urea reactor, CO2 stripper, HP scrubber, condenser
ln γi (T, X) = Mi 1 + bI 1/2
b3 and ejector. The flowsheet diagram of Stamicarbon HP urea
 synthesis loop (Stamicarbon, 1985) is shown in Fig. 3. In
− − 2 ln(1 + bI 1/2
) (4) this work, equilibrium-stage models are used to model those
1 + bI 1/2
while in the case of ionic species (i.e., NH4 + , HCO3 − ) is
3.1. Simulation of urea reactor
zi 2 AI 1/2
ln γiD–H (T, X) = − (5)
1 + bI 1/2 The urea reactor is one of the most important units in
where ionic strength: urea synthesis process. Vapor–liquid two-phase flow enters
 to the reactor at the bottom and discharges from the top of the
1 1 k xk z2k
I= mk zk =  reactor. The plate conceived is schematically shown in Fig. 4,
2 2 m Mm and the model of the urea reactor was described as follows
Debye–Hückel parameter: (MESHR equations, in jth plate, for i component, i = H2 O,
NH3 , CO2 , urea, j = 1, 2, 3, . . ., n):
A = 1.131 + 1.335 × 10−3 t/◦ C + 1.164 × 10−5 (t/◦ C)2 ,
1/2 Vj yj,i + Lj xrj,i = Vj−1 yj−1,i + Lj−1 xrj−1,i + νuj (8)
b = 1.50(kg mol−1 )
yj,i = Kj,i xrj,i (9)
For H2 O and NH3 , Lewis–Randall rule is applicable, and the  
phase equilibrium equations are represented as follows: xrj,i = 1, yj,i = 1 (10)
υiL P i=1 i=1
pyΦi = γi xi fi exp
, i = H2 O, NH3 (6)
RT Vj HjV + Lj HjL = Vj−1 Hj−1
+ Lj−1 Hj−1
+ Qj (11)
986 X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992

Table 1
Comparison between the experimental data (Mei, 1994) and the calculated results
Temperature (◦ C) NH3 /CO2 and H2 O/CO2 Equilibrium conversion Equilibrium pressure
(mol) in liquid phase rate CO2 (%) (MPa)
NH3 /CO2 H2 O/CO2 Cal. Exp. Cal. Exp.
161.5 4.03 1.03 64.75 68.8 7.83 9.22
171.5 3.89 0.85 66.72 64.9 8.929 9.907
171.5 4.49 0.75 71.49 69.8 9.98 10.985
176.5 4.01 0.09 78.77 78.6 10.455 11.868
176.5 4.23 0.92 68.08 67.3 9.4 10.091
186.5 4.00 0.06 79.27 79.2 16.1 14.514
186.5 4.24 0.89 68.67 68.4 15.1 13.239
196.5 3.93 0.07 78.57 79.5 17.79 18.046
196.5 4.03 0.30 75.49 76.8 17.77 17.948

Fig. 1. Dependences of equilibrium pressure and conversion of CO2 on a and b at 444 K.

Fig. 2. Dependences of equilibrium pressure and conversion of CO2 on temperature and a at b = 0.46.
X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992 987

Fig. 3. Flowsheet diagram of high-pressure urea synthesis loop.

Fig. 5. Sketch map of CO2 stripper.

at the same pressure as that in the reactor. In general, the CO2

stripping process is carried out in falling-film heat exchangers
where the urea solution, while being heated by steam, flows
counter-currently to a stream of CO2 . Till now, the studies
on the simulation of CO2 stripper are very few (Bernardis
et al., 1989; Dente et al., 1988). Due to lack of the data of
transfer properties for CO2 stripping process, we attempt to
Fig. 4. Sketch of stage for reactor. develop an equilibrium-stage model that is based on rigor-
ous thermodynamics model proposed above to simulate CO2
uj = R Vj (12) stripper.
The equilibrium-stage model for the stripper is as follows
The reaction rate of the urea synthesis was represented as
(MESH equations, see Fig. 6):
follows (Dente et al., 1992):
1 x8 x1 Lj−1 xrj−1,i + Vj+1 yj+1,l − Lj xrj,i − Vj yj,i = 0 (14)
R = kCT x6 − (13)
Kx,4 x4
yj,i = Kj,i xrj,i (15)
k = k0 exp , k0 = 2.5 × 108 s−1 , Ea
RT yj,i = 1.0, xrj,i = 1.0 (16)
i=1 i=1
= 94.5 kJ mol−1
Kx,4 is the equilibrium constant of reaction (IV). x1 , x4 , x6 and Vj HjV + Lj HjL = Vj+1 Hj+1
+ Lj−1 Hj−1
+ Qj (17)
x8 refer to the mol fraction of species H2 O, NH4 + , H2 NCOO−
and H2 NCONH2 in the liquid phase. where i = H2 O, NH3 , CO2 , urea, j = 1, 2, 3, . . ., n.
A stage-by-stage calculation method is used to solve the The set of nonlinear equations (13)–(16) is solved by
mathematical model (Zhang et al., 2001a). The comparisons successive-approximation method. To accelerate the speed of
of calculated output stream values and design data for indus- convergence of the iteration, a random method is applied to
try are shown in Table 2. The agreement on conversion and determine the initial values of the liquid flows. Table 3 gives
final temperature of outlet stream is well satisfactory, which the comparison of simulation result and design data for plant.
confirm that the proposed model can be considered suitable In high-temperature condition, side effects such as urea hy-
and reliable. drolysis reaction cannot be neglected, here, we assumed that
the urea hydrolyze rate as 4% on the basis of experimental
3.2. Simulation of CO2 stripper data obtained from industrial plant (Bernardis et al., 1989).
Furthermore, less than 7% relative deviation between the cal-
The CO2 stripper is another critical unit in HP urea synthe- culated results and the design data proves that the proposed
sis loop, which is composed of tubes being filled with urea thermodynamic model and equilibrium-stage model for strip-
synthesis solution and a steam shell as shown in Fig. 5. In per would be used to simulate the CO2 stripping process very
the stripping process, carbamate decomposition takes place well.
988 X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992

Table 2
Comparison of simulation results with design data (Yuan & Wang, 1997)
Outlet stream Temp (K) Liquid mole fraction Vapor mole fraction
NH3 CO2 H2 O Urea NH3 CO2
Cal. 455.9 0.4645 0.1051 0.2792 0.1512 0.6280 0.2429
Design 453.1 0.4635 0.1176 0.2679 0.1509 0.6709 0.2121
Relative deviation (%) 0.164 0.216 10.63 4.22 0.199 6.39 14.5

Flow rate (kmol h−1 ) CO2 to urea conversion (%)

Vapor Liquid
Cal. 945.39 8529.68 58.99
Design 1017.58 8522.58 56.20
Relative deviation (%) 7.09 0.083 4.96

Table 3
Comparison of simulation results of stripper with design data (Yuan & Wang, 1997)
Heat duty (GJ h−1 ) 139.5
Theoretical stage number 12
Urea hydrolyze rate (%) 4

Flow rate (kmol h−1 ) Temp. (K)

H2 O NH3 CO2 Urea Inerts

Inlet stream Liquid phase 2283.5 3950.2 1002.5 1286.1 0.0 456
Vapor phase 0.0 0.0 1209.9 0.0 81.0 373
Outlet liquid stream Design 2025.9 617.3 308.8 1234.7 0.0 438
Cal. 2023.3 648.9 327.7 1233.6 0.0 456
Relative deviation (%) 0.128 5.119 6.120 0.0891 – 4.109

treated as constituting a very large system of nonlinear equa-

tions to be solved simultaneously. Whereas, simultaneous-
modular approach can be regarded as an attempt to combine
some of the good features of both the sequential-modular
approach and the equation-based approach. There are two
levels of computation, a modular approach level in which the
modules are used, perhaps together with some connection
equations to generate an approximate Jacobian for the pro-
cess, and a flowsheet in which these equations are solved si-
multaneously with the specification equation. Therefore, this
Fig. 6. Sketch of stage for stripper. method has been regarded to be a very promising alternative
for the sequential-modular approach and the equation-based
4. Flowsheet simulation of urea synthesis loop HP urea synthesis loop is a complex process with a number
of recycle streams so that the sequential-modular approach
4.1. Approaches to process flowsheeting may become extremely slow (Dente et al., 1988; Wei, 1994)
and the equation-based approach may cause the difficulties
Although the sequential-modular approach has been of initial guess of stream values and convergence (Zhang,
widely used in the flowsheet simulation and optimization, Zhang, & Yao, 2002). Therefore the simultaneous-modular
there are serious drawbacks of this approach that are in- approach was applied to simulating the HP urea synthesis
creasingly being recognized. For example, it becomes ex- loop in this work.
tremely slow and difficult to converge when applied to com-
plex processes with a number of recycle streams. Two alterna-
tives are the equation-based approach and the simultaneous- 4.2. Simulation of process flowsheet
modular approach (Chen & Stadtherr, 1985a, 1985b, 1985c;
Westerberg, Hutchinson, Motard, & Winter, 1979). Fig. 3 shows the flowsheet diagram of the HP urea syn-
With the equation-based approach, the process unit model thesis loop, where the feed and output streams through this
equations, connection equations, and specifications are loop are also highlighted. Fig. 7 is the flowsheet block di-
X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992 989

Fig. 9. Simplified signal flow diagram.

S3 Unreacted gas from urea reactor;

S4 Tail gas to vent;
S7 Urea synthesis solution from urea reactor;
S8 Urea solution to concentration unit;
S11 Carbamate solution from low-pressure recycle system;
S12 Liquid ammonia from raw material pump;
S13 Compressed carbon dioxide;
S15 Mixture of carbamate, NH3 , H2 O from HP car-
Fig. 7. Block diagram of high-pressure urea synthesis loop.
According to the simplification rules (Chen and Stadtherr,
1985a, 1985b, 1985c; Peng, 1995), Fig. 8 can be further sim-
agram derived from Fig. 3 and some pseudo-units have plified to Fig. 9. Then, the linear equation set at flowsheet
been added, such as pseudo-mixer in order to facilitate level can be described as Eq. (18):
the simulation work. In Fig. 7, 201-D denotes urea reac-
tor, 201-C denotes stripper, 202-C denotes carbamate con- S4 − PG × S11 − PF × S17 = 0,
denser, 203-C denotes scrubber, 201-L denotes ejector, MIX- S8 − PE × S17 − PD × S13 = 0,
1–5 denote pseudo-stream mixers. The codes in the cir-
cles mean the streams. Fig. 8 is the signal flow diagram S17 − PA × S11 − PB × S12 − PC × S13 = 0 (18)
that expresses the relationships of streams among the dif- The coefficient matrices in Fig. 9 and Eq. (18) are shown as
ferent units clearly and simply. In Fig. 8, Si (i = 1, 2, follows:
3, . . ., 18, X1 ) are the stream vectors and Pi (i = 1, . . .,
21) denote the coefficient matrices between two connected PA = (I − D)−1 × P8 × P6 × P5 × P3 × P1 ,
streams. The illustrations of main streams are as follows: PB = (I − D)−1 × P8 × P7 ,
S1 Stripping gas from CO2 stripper to HP carbamate PC = (I − D)−1 × P9 × P12 × P20
PD = P21 × P20 , PE = P21 × P19 × P18 × B,
PF = P2 × P4 × P17 × B, PG = P2 × P1
where the matrices A, B, C and D are as follows:
A = P8 × P6 × P16 × P15 + P9 × P12 × P19 × P18 ,
B = P13 × P11 + P14 × P10
C = P8 × P6 × P5 × P3 × P4 × P17 ,
D = (A + C) × B,
and I is the unit matrix.
Giving the initial guesses of the matrices Pi (i = 1, . . ., 21)
and the values of feed streams S11 , S12 and S13 , the other
stream values can be calculated with Eq. (18). With the cur-
rent values of inlet streams of each unit, the sub-modules
of units with rigorous models are carried out and the out-
Fig. 8. Signal flow diagram of high-pressure urea synthesis loop. let stream values for each unit are obtained, then the new
990 X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992

Fig. 12. Profiles of flow rate in liquid phase along the stripper.
Fig. 10. Temperature profile along the reactor.

matrices Pi (i = 1, . . ., 21) can be produced. Repeating this tion reaction is strongly exothermic and so fast that can be
procedure until all the matrices are convergent. Because of ap- practically considered at the equilibrium, and the carbamate
plying the simultaneous-modular approach, the convergence dehydration reaction giving urea and water is endothermic,
of procedure is good and the computing time is short. This slower than the first one and does not proceed to completion.
approach can avoid resolving very large nonlinear equations In general, the urea synthesis reaction is exothermic and rate-
and partitioning and tearing the recycle streams. based by the dehydration reaction, so the profile of tempera-
With this developed program, the HP urea synthesis loop ture is increasing along the reactor from the feed stage to the
of CO2 stripping technology was simulated. Simulation re- outlet stage. And also, the flow rates of urea and water are
sults of key streams are compared against plant design data increasing at the expense of reactants ammonia and carbon
in Table 4, showing a very good agreement between calcu- dioxide.
lated and measured outlet streams values, temperature and The profiles of component flow rates in liquid phase along
pressure, which indicates that the developed procedure can the CO2 stripper are shown in Fig. 12. With feeding the strip-
be applied in the industrial process and it also demonstrates ping reagent CO2 , NH3 and CO2 in liquid phase will be
that the algorithm is stable and reliable. stripped gradually into the vapor in high temperature, the
Some important profiles of the critical units are also ob- result is along the stripper, the flow rates of NH3 and CO2
tained from the developed procedure. The profile of tempera- are decreasing while urea and water is holding the line basi-
ture along the urea reactor is shown in Fig. 10, and the profiles cally. Fig. 13 shows the profile of CO2 concentration along
of component flow rates are shown in Fig. 11. In urea reac- the stripper and indicates that the total stripping process could
tor, two independent reactions contribute significantly to the be divided into three phases: in the first phase, a small quan-
urea synthesis process: the carbamate formation reaction and tity of CO2 in the vapor phase will be absorbed and the CO2
the carbamate dehydration reaction. The carbamate forma- mole fraction in liquid phase will increase slightly, i.e. so-

Fig. 11. Profiles of flow rate in liquid phase along the reactor. Fig. 13. Profile of CO2 concentration in liquid phase along the stripper.
X. Zhang et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 29 (2005) 983–992 991

Table 4
Comparison of simulation result of HP loop with design data (Yuan and Wang, 1997Yuan & Wang, 1997)
Stream code Stream connect Flow rate of component (kmol h−1 ) Pressure (MPa) Temp. (◦ C)
H2 O NH3 CO2 Urea
S2 From unit 3a to unit 1a Cal. 82.0 1616.4 556.2 0.0 14.3 167
Design 84.5 1620.1 540.0 0.0 14.1 167
Relative deviation (%) 2.93 0.22 3.0
S5 From unit 3 to unit 1 Cal. 954.3 5359.4 1880.3 1.95 14.3 167
Design 951.9 5581.2 1962.5 1.96 14.1 167
Relative deviation (%) 0.25 3.97 4.19 0.51
S3 From unit 1 to unit 4 Cal. 35.90 616.0 235.0 0.0 13.9 182
Design 36.9 682.7 215.9 0.0 13.8 183
Relative deviation (%) 2.71 9.76 8.84
S7 From unit 1 to unit 2 Cal. 2389.7 3754.3 876.2 1292.8 13.9 182
Design 2283.6 3950.4 1002.5 1286.3 14.1 183
Relative deviation (%) 4.64 4.96 12.6 0.51
S1 From unit 2 to unit 3 Cal. 214.7 3260.7 1858.3 0.0 13.5 181.6
Design 206.2 3435.9 1955.2 0.0 14.1 180
Relative deviation (%) 4.14 5.10 4.96
S8 From unit 2 to LP loop Cal. 2116.6 597.5 297.1 1219.6 13.0
Design 2025.9 617.3 308.7 1234.7 14.1 168
Relative deviation (%) 4.48 3.2 3.76 1.22
S6 From unit 4 to unit 5 Cal. 821.5 1337.3 578.3 1.95 14.0 165.5
Design 830.1 1387.58 547.4 1.96 13.8 165
Relative deviation (%) 1.04 3.63 5.64 0.51
S4 From unit 4 to venting Cal. 0.11 1.48 0.08 0.0 14.1 90
Design 0.0 1.71 0.0 0.0 13.8 100
a Unit code: 1, reactor; 2, stripper; 3, condenser; 4, scrubber; 5, ejector.

called “anti-stripping”; in the second phase, CO2 and NH3 Acknowledgement

are stripped out in large amount from the liquid phase into
the vapor phase; in the third phase, because of the addition of The authors acknowledge the financial support provided
CO2 as stripping reagent, the partial pressure of CO2 in vapor by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
phase is higher than the liquid equilibrium partial pressure of 20436050).
CO2 , so the absorption of CO2 will take place and the concen-
tration of CO2 in the liquid phase will increase slightly. The
simulation result from Fig. 13 can describe this phenomenon
much more visually and accurately. References

Bernardis, M., Carvoli, G., & Santini, M. (1989). Urea–NH3 –CO2 –H2 O:
VLE calculations using an extended UNIQUAC equation. Fluid Phase
5. Conclusion Equilibria, 53, 207.
Chen, H. S., & Stadtherr, M. A. (1985a). Simultaneous-modular approach
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