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Cauan, Rosalyn

Magparangalan, Mary Rose

Reyes, Carla
Sulit, Lean Rose
Tanael, Karla Ronelle


February 4, 2018

1: THE
The Vision: To
Description of build a place where people can find and discover our business. To make a
My Business
great and have
The product a good
that quality
we would of to
like food that isisnot
produce changing. And
KreamyTuron. be the one ofis the
KreamyTuron most
made in
popular business in this place. We believe that our product will be the one of the
fried Banana with wrapper and coated in flavored ice-cream.Turon is also made in banana favorite
food or snack
that soaked inof people.oil &brown sugar.The size of turon is not big but small size .The
design of cup are emoticons which you can select what’s mood you feelat that time.

Targeted Market and Customers

The product that we would like to produce is KreamyTuron. KreamyTuron is made in
fried Banana with wrapper and coated in flavored ice-cream. Turon is also made in
banana that soaked in cooking oil & brown sugar. The size of turon is not big but small
size .The design of cup are emoticons which you can select what’s mood you feel that
time. Background and Education Credentials
The People: The owner of these business are Sulit, Tanael, Reyes, Magparangalan and
Cauan, we are Senior High students, we are studying in the same school at BISHS. And
we're friends since Grade 11, so that's why it easy to us to decide what business are we
going to build. When it comes to food I think we have the same taste and like, so it will
really help us to make a better product or delicious food that we can serve to people, and
maybe itTrends
Growth will beIn the
Thisway of our success someday. Although we don't have enough
The market when
experience of ouritproduct
comes are growing abecause
to building thebut
business bananas aregive
we will not seasonal
our best every month
to make our
in market
product there’s and
delicious a lotunique
of bananas also the
from other wrapper, sugar and ice-cream our ingredients
are not difficult to find It can easily buy inany market or store. We think kreamyturon will
stand out against the competitors because of good taste & good appearance and also the
cleanliness of our store.

Pricing Power
KreamyTuron is not too common in BNHS. Most of students knew only a “turon” they
didn’t know the taste when itsfilled with ice-cream, the taste of it are complement to each
other. Since there’s a lot of flavor in one cup the satisfaction of customers are not yet
finished when they eat once.The uniqueness of this product is the “taste’’ that give the
customers remarkable taste. We assure that this product is not only by gaining a profit but
also gaining a trust & loyalty to our customers.


1. Factors in Selecting the Business

CUSTOMER-there is no selected persons who will buy our product, anyone can buy it if
they are hungry, like and want our product.
TASTE-we make sure that the taste of our product is not too sweet or lack of sweetness
through the food tester person who will taste our product and it will be one of my partners
who is good in tasting.
SUPPLIER-we've decided to buy our product to the wholesalers who bought from
manufacturers because we only need small quantities of our ingredients as part of our new
started business.
PRICE (Ingredients)-we find a wholesalers who will sell their products that we need in
low prices with quality so that we can afford it and prepared for it.

-One experienced to be bankrupt in selling selected manufactured goods
-the other one is selling a t-shirt online for church purposes. It is more important that we
considered our experiences before regarding in business as part of putting a business so
that we've already ideas on how we can handle it.
Home Based
-Our product can be done without the use of machineries or too large equipment
-the utensils or tool that will be used in preparing and cooking our product is available
in our houses.
Internet and Communication tools
-Encouraging words
Homed Based Zoning and Licensing Required
-Business Permit
-Turon Vendors
-Other food vendors (Bananacue, Maruya, Carioca vendors, etc.


2. Operating personnel

MANAGER - The one who will manage our business is Carla Reyes. She will be the one
who is incharge of in managing all the happenings in our business because we know that
she can handle it.
CHEF - She will cook the orders of the customers in the kitchen and the assigned person
named Lean Rose Sulit. She is the one that we appointed in this position because she
already experience on how to cook Turon and based on her skills, she can cook our product
the best that she can and Turon is her favorite food so we expect that she will enjoy
cooking it with love.
CASHIER - This role/position will be given to Karla RonelleTanael. The role of cashier
is not easy because she is incharge in accepting all the payments of the customers to the
food that they bought and their change (if there is).We appoint her because we see her
mathematical skills and participation in our business when it comes in money deduction
and addition.
WAITRESS - She will be the one who will serve all the customers food and assist the
customers order. The one who is incharge in this position/responsibility is named Mary
Rose Watiwat, we've decided to put her in this position because of her pleasing attitude
toward others. She do her actions calmly and she is not clumsy as well as she also shows
patience in everything which is what we need to deal with our customers.
INGREDIENTS PRODUCER - This person will be the one who will go the market to
buy ingredients related in the product that we are going to sell. This person named Rosalyn
Cauan, the reason to produce our product. Her position is more appropriate to her because
of her pleasing attitude also toward others which is need in dealing to our suppliers/sellers
of our ingredients.

E-Commerce Plans
First, We’re going to create a Facebook Page that indicate the name of our business
“KreamyTuron” we’re using Facebook because some of teenager are more on using
Facebook rather than other social media and our business is only start-up so Facebook is
the perfect tool and also some of us have a skills in editing poster and many
followers(Famous) in Facebookso that it can able tothem tofamiliarize our product. In
online businesses the admin of the page is not only watching who will like or follow the
page. The work of the adminis to spread the page & invite Facebook friends to like &
share and also the netizen can comment or give suggestion for the improvement of our
product. And by promoting the page are not only by means of inviting but also tagging,
personal message or in Group chat.

Computer and Communications Tools
(Session 8): Furnish a tabulation of each piece of equipment you intend to use including
a description and the budget for each. You can use the following as a guide.

Resource Requirements:

Enter a description and budget of all communications equipment.

Enter a description and budget for all computer equipment.

Enter a description and budget for necessary Internet access and providers.

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