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Technical documentation

“Synchronization and load sharing


CRE Technology believes that all information provided herein is correct and reliable and reserves the right to
update at any time. CRE Technology does not assume any responsibility for its use. E & O E.
Technical documentation history


A May 2005 Initial document
B March 2007 New PCB and Embedded software
C November 2007 Administrative update
D December 2008 Neutral in wiring diagram (three phase with neutral)
G December 2009 MOBDUS modification
H February 2010 Connection to EFC speed regulator
Firmware v1.28 :
 500Hz PWM speed output (hardware option).
I May 2010  MODBUS read/write functions.
 External speed potentiometer features.
 External synchronization input features.
Commissioning tips for small generating sets (below 200kW).
J February 2011
Description of automatic load/unload feature (using CAN bus load sharing).
Connection to Woodward EPG speed governor.
Connection to CRE technology GCR module.
Firmware v2.00:
K June 2012  Compatibility with CRE Config software.
 Advanced settings for external speed potentiometer.
 Optimized PID transitions.
 User delay on SYNC_OK output.
Removed PWM output option (A51M141).
L June 2016 Error regarding polarity of BREAKER_IN in chapter 7 TERMINALS.
Update temperature range.
Documentations available on CRE technology Web site:

Chapter : Technical documentation history

A51 Z0 9 0004: UNIGEN/UNIGEN PLUS technical documentation.
A51 Z1 9 0015: TCP-IP connection under Windows XP.
A51 Z0 9 0246: TCP-IP connection under Windows 7.
A51 Z1 9 0103: Replacing a Barber Colman DYN2-94026 by a UNIGEN PLUS.
A51 Z2 9 0107: Replacing a Barber Colman DYN2-90300 by a UNIGEN.
Read the entire manual and all other publications pertaining to the work to be performed
before installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Apply all plant and safety instructions
and precautions. Failure to follow instructions can cause personal injury and/or property
Motors, turbines and any other type of generator must be equipped with protections
(overspeed, high temperature, low pressure… depending on the power plant).
For further information, please contact your CRE technology distributor or the After-Sales
Service Team.
All CRE Technology products are delivered with one year warranty, and if necessary we will be happy to come
on site for product commissioning or troubleshooting.
The company also provide specific trainings on our products and software.

You can download the most up-to-date version of this documentation and different other
documentations relating to CRE technology products on our Web site

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 2

Table of contents

Technical documentation history........................................................................................................ 2

Table of contents ................................................................................................................................ 3
1 List of figures ................................................................................................................................ 4
2 List of tables .................................................................................................................................. 5
3 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 UNIGEN front cover ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Global functions ................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 CRE Config software ............................................................................................................................. 7
4 Features ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 Synch check relay ................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Reverse kW relay ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3 kW Indicator ........................................................................................................................................ 9
4.4 Remote speed control input ................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 CAN bus load sharing ......................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Plug’n’play CAN protocol ............................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 Load sharing using parallel lines (UNIGEN PLUS)................................................................................ 10
4.1 DROOP load sharing ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Automatic load/unload request ......................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Load ramp management .................................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 Ramps ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.3.2 Automatic TRIP OUT ................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.3 Manual load/unload request ...................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 COMMAND MODE (UNIGEN PLUS) .................................................................................................... 14
4.5 MAINS PARALLELED (UNIGEN PLUS) .................................................................................................. 15
4.5.1 Connecting to a GCR module ...................................................................................................................... 16
4.6 Modbus (UNIGEN PLUS) ..................................................................................................................... 17

Chapter : Table of contents

5 Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 19
6 Display ........................................................................................................................................ 21
7 Terminals .................................................................................................................................... 22
7.1 Terminals description......................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 Wiring diagram .................................................................................................................................. 24
7.3 Connection to a Cummins EFC speed regulator .................................................................................. 25
7.4 Connection to a Woodward EPG speed regulator .............................................................................. 25
7.5 Connection to a Leroy Somer voltage regulator ................................................................................. 25
7.6 Connection specifications .................................................................................................................. 26
8 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................ 27
8.1 Caution .............................................................................................................................................. 27
8.1.1 Grounding: ................................................................................................................................................. 27
8.1.2 Wiring rules:............................................................................................................................................... 27
8.1.3 Vibrations:.................................................................................................................................................. 27
8.2 Power plant start-up/Commissioning ................................................................................................ 28
9 Environment ............................................................................................................................... 32
9.1 CE directives ....................................................................................................................................... 32
10 Dimensions............................................................................................................................... 33
11 CRE TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................................... 34

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 3

1 List of figures
Figure 1: Front panel ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Isochronous load sharing with parallel lines ...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5: Connecting with Carantec boards...................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6: DROOP load-sharing ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: Automatic load/unload example ....................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8: Automatic load/unload principle ....................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: Ramp Sequences............................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10: kW set point vs potentiometer input ............................................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: Parallel lines voltage / Power plant average kW .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 12: Command mode and Mains paralleled kW management ................................................................................. 16
Figure 13: Connection to a CRE technology GCR module .................................................................................................. 17
Figure 14: Wiring diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 15: EFC Cummins connection ................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 16: Woodward EPG connection ............................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 17: Connection to Leroy Somer R448/R449 AVR .................................................................................................... 25
Figure 18: Earth connection............................................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 19: Dimensions ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 20 – Access to CRE Technology.............................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 21 - CRE Technology distributors ........................................................................................................................... 35

Chapter : List of figures

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2 List of tables

Table 1: SYNC_OK logic table............................................................................................................................................. 8

Table 2: kW/Speed management .................................................................................................................................... 16
Table 3: Potentiometers .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Table 4: DIP switches description..................................................................................................................................... 20
Table 5: LED description .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Table 6: Terminals of the module .................................................................................................................................... 23

Chapter : List of tables

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 5

3 Overview

3.1 UNIGEN front cover

Each terminals of the industrial UNIGEN are also available on UNIGEN PLUS.

Chapter : Overview

Figure 1: Front panel

This symbol is used to indicate UNIGEN PLUS special features.

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3.2 Global functions

The main functions performed by the UNIGEN are:

 Automatic and manual synchronization (See SW5 and SW6 configuration).
 Active load sharing in isochronous, droop or Command mode (UNIGEN PLUS only).
 Reactive load sharing in isochronous voltage, droop mode or power factor fixed (UNIGEN PLUS
 Compatibility with all speed governors (See SW2 configuration) and AVR on the market.
 Remote speed control by potentiometer (See SW7 configuration).
 Internal synch check relays, useful for automatic and manual synchronization.
 Phase sequence protection.
 Load sharing with CAN plug and play (See SW1 configuration) or with paralleling lines (UNIGEN
PLUS only, see SW3 configuration).
 Automatic load/unload.
 Reverse kW relay.
 2 analogue outputs (0…5V and 0…20mA/4…20mA) for kW meter (See SW4 configuration).
 Modbus RTU on RS485 serial port (UNIGEN PLUS only, see SW8 configuration).
 Command mode (UNIGEN PLUS only).
 Mains Paralleled (UNIGEN PLUS only).

3.3 CRE Config software

Starting from firmware v2.00, UNIGEN modules are compatible with PC software CRE Config.
This software gives you the ability to communicate with your module using RS232 serial
communication. Serial COM port is placed under the front cover of UNIGEN modules.
UNIGEN modules can be installed without any computer, but you may want to use CRE Config
software to set advanced parameters or display internal measurements such as generating set voltages,
currents, active power and so on.

Chapter : Overview
For more information, please refer to the following documentation available on CRE technology Web site:
 A70 Z1 9 0003: CRE Config user manual.
 A51 Z1 9 0015: TCP-IP connection under Windows XP.
 A51 Z0 9 0246: TCP-IP connection under Windows 7.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 7

4 Features

4.1 Synch check relay

SYNC_OK output (terminals 34/35) permit the coupling of generators when all following conditions are
 Voltage of generator and bus bar within a 15 - 130% window from nominal voltage (500V).
 Voltage difference between generator and bus bar, < 10%.
 Frequency of generator and bus bar within a 30 - 130% window from nominal frequency.
 Phase Angle difference between generator and bus bar. <+/- 10°.
 Frequency difference between generator and bus bar, < 0.01Hz.
 Phase sequence correct.
Switch SW5 allows or not to close the generator breaker even if SYNC_IN logical input is not active.
Switch SW6 allows or not to close the generator breaker on a dead bus bar.

Table below describes the behaviour of SYNC_OK relay depending on the actual setup of your module and
according to voltage measurements on generator and bus bar sides.

Logical inputs Configuration Electrical conditions Relay


Dead Bus bar Synchronization (No voltage on + phase
(manual/auto) bus)
OFF X X NOK open
Active X X NO OK closed
to 0VDC) ON X YES NOK closed
ON X NO NOK open

Chapter : Features
Inactive X OFF X X open
(not connected)
Inactive X ON NO OK closed
(not connected)
ON ON YES NOK closed
Table 1: SYNC_OK logic table

X = Do not care.
Since firmware v1.28, SYNC_IN input is taken into account only if both generator and Mains/Bus frequencies
are greater than a predefined percentage of nominal frequency. This percentage can be changed using
parameter E01226. It is factory set to 0% to help you check AVR and speed output range during commissioning,
but it may be useful to set it to a higher value (e.g. 80%) depending on your use of SYNC_IN input.
Since firmware v2.00, SYNC_OK output can be delayed according to parameter E01227. In this case, SYNC_OK
output is closed when all parameters described above are in the proper conditions during the delay set in
parameter E01227. Otherwise SYNC_OK is kept open.

After power on sequence on dead bus conditions, a minimal delay must elapse before SYNC_OK relay is
closed. This delay may be adjusted using parameter E01033 (Default value is 3.0s).

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 8

One generator has to be started alone to close on the dead bus before starting the
other generators.

The SYNC_OK green LED confirms the activation of the relay:

 LED ON = contact closed.
 LED OFF = contact open.

4.2 Reverse kW relay

UNIGEN includes a reverse kW relay on terminals 9 and 10. This relay output closes when the kW of the
generator is below -5% of the nominal kW during more than 20 seconds.
The REV._kW red LED confirms the activation of the relay:
 LED ON = contact closed.
 LED OFF = contact open.

4.3 kW Indicator

UNIGEN has two analogue outputs for kW indicator on terminals 11, 12 and 13. These outputs allow the
display of active power (kW).
Outputs are between 0-5VDC, 0-20mA or 4-20mA depending on SW4 configuration. A multi-turn potentiometer
allows the calibration of the output to adapt it to your indicator.

Chapter : Features
4.4 Remote speed control input

UNIGEN includes a remote speed control input on terminals 14, 15 and 16. This input is provided for
connecting an external potentiometer (5kΩ). The mid-point of this potentiometer (5 turns for a 10 turns
potentiometer) will generate a 0V signal to the cursor input and will not generate any speed deviation.

The potentiometer is taken into account depending on switch SW7:

 OFF position, potentiometer is always read by UNIGEN.
 ON position, potentiometer value is set to zero when generator breaker is closed (BREAKER_IN
logical input active). Potentiometer is normally read when generator breaker is open.

Maximal speed deviation depends on the speed output adjustments. When it is adjusted for the
recommended range of +/- 3.00Hz, then the following rules apply:
 +5V applied on cursor input will increase the speed of + 3.00Hz.
 -5V applied on cursor input will decrease the speed of -3.00Hz.

This input can also be used as 0…5VDC for a master PLC control. In this case the nominal speed must be
adjusted when 2.5VDC are applied on the cursor input.

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Starting from firmware v2.00, parameter E01228 is associated to DIP-switch SW7 to determine the speed
correction due to the external speed potentiometer while generator breaker is closed and SW7 is ON. Factory
setting is set to 0 so that potentiometer correction is set to zero as described above. Depending on your specific
application, you may want to set E01228 to 1. In this case, external speed potentiometer value will be
memorised just before the generator breaker is closed.

4.1 CAN bus load sharing

When DROOP input (terminal 4) is open and DIP-switch SW3 (plines/canbus) is set to select CAN bus (ON
position for UNIGEN PLUS), UNIGEN is in isochronous load sharing mode. The load setpoint will be calculated
via the CAN connection.
Up to 8 UNIGEN modules can be connected via CAN bus.
The CAN bus needs terminal resistors at each end of the bus. Switch SW1 (CAN bus termination resistor
OFF/120Ω) to ON position on the first and last UNIGEN modules connected to the physical CAN bus. SW1
should be switched OFF on all other UNIGEN modules.
4.1.1 Plug’n’play CAN protocol

As soon as several UNIGEN are connected together through CAN bus, they automatically choose a generator
number different from each other. They are able to share the load without any settings. If one UNIGEN
disappear from the CAN, it is no longer taken under account by the others, and they continue to share the load
The rules of the Plug’n’play CAN protocol are described below:
 UNIGEN must receive information on the availability of the GE. (Input SET_UNAVAILABLE). If this
information is set to 0 then the UNIGEN will not participate to the negotiations.
 A generator is considered as slave when the SLAVE INPUT is connected to 0V.

Chapter : Features
 At least one UNIGEN must be configured as master (SLAVE INPUT not selected).
 At power up, all UNIGEN connected to the CAN bus will be automatically attributed a set number (1, 2,
3...) according to the power supply sequence of the UNIGEN. If multiple units are powered ON at the
same time, then serial number will be used to attribute a different group number to each unit.
 At power up, all UNIGEN are fully operational during 2 minutes (No stop negotiation), then the
automatic load/unload mode starts.
Plug’n’play can be inhibited if you want each unit to keep the same generating set number whatever the status
of other modules (powered ON or OFF). To do so, set parameter V01038 to 0 on all UNIGEN modules and select
a different generating set number to each module using parameter V02192. Do not forget to save parameters
in FLASH memory so the setup will be kept even if power supply is lost.

4.2 Load sharing using parallel lines (UNIGEN PLUS)

When DROOP input (terminal 4) is open and switch SW3 (plines/canbus) is on plines position (OFF), UNIGEN
PLUS is set to isochronous load sharing mode, it compares its power with the level of the paralleling lines and
generates an output signal to the speed governor to adjust its power.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 10

Voltage on parallel lines
(terminals 44 and 45)


0V KW%
0% 100%

Figure 2: Isochronous load sharing with parallel lines

Parallel lines are compatible with other analogue sharing lines products on the market. This can be useful to
extend power plants with heterogeneous control units. Examples of such products are:
 GENSYS/GENSYS 2.0 product range from CRE technology.
 Barber Colman products (ex: DYN2-80109, Pow-R-Con…).
 Woodward 2301A controller.
 …

MICS® Process II
Carantec board

13 Parallel lines +
44 Parallel lines -
Figure 3: Connecting with Carantec boards

4.1 DROOP load sharing

When DROOP (terminal 4) input is connected to 0 VDC, UNIGEN is in Super droop mode. In this mode the load
sharing is managed between 50.50Hz (0% load) and 50.00Hz (100% load).

Chapter : Features
For this specific droop, it is not needed to set precisely the engine speed, and any connections are required
between each UNIGEN, even the 0V.
kW and kVAR load sharing are managed with droop.



50.00Hz KW%
0% 100%

Figure 4: DROOP load-sharing

4.2 Automatic load/unload request

The START_ON_LOAD_REQUEST relay output can be used to start and stop the slave generators depending on
the power plant load. START_ON_LOAD_REQUEST green LED confirms the activation of the relay:
 LED ON = contact is closed.
 LED OFF = contact is open.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 11

This feature can be used when UNIGEN modules are connected through CAN bus. If the power plant load goes
below 20% of the nominal power during more than 2 minutes then a slave generator will be elected to stop.
If the power plant load goes above 70% of the nominal power of the power plant during at least 10 seconds
then a slave generator will be elected to start.
If the load is between 20% and 70% of the nominal power then the actual number of generators on the bus
bars will not change until either 20% or 70% threshold is reached.
Thresholds and timers described above can be changed using CRE Config software to tune up modules
depending on your application.
Refer to Plug’n’Play CAN protocol chapter for more details concerning attribution of a generating set number
to each UNIGEN module.

Figure below gives an example of power plant with three generating sets. Two of them (UNIGEN with
SLAVE_INPUT connected to 0V) can request to start or stop their engine depending on the global load of the
power plant.

Auto start

Auto start

Chapter : Features
Auto start

Figure 5: Automatic load/unload example

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 12

 If UNIGEN is stopped and its SET_UNAVAILABLE input is activated it will prevent any start upon load
request by keeping START_ON_LOAD_REQUEST relay open and TRIP_OUT relay closed.

If UNIGEN is running and on the bus bar, as soon as SET_UNAVAILABLE
input is closed the TRIP_OUT relay is activated (closed) to open the
breaker of the generator.

Load shedding inhibition:

 Don’t connect the START_ON_LOAD_REQUEST relay: the load shedding will not have any influences.
 In droop mode the load shedding is inhibited.

START_ON_LOAD_REQUEST relay behaviour is described in the schematic below:

Load threshold

Unload threshold
Power plant kW

Slave generator kW Low limit

Unload Load
Ramp Ramp
delay delay

Chapter : Features



Unload decision Start request

Start on load request delay

Figure 6: Automatic load/unload principle

Note: at start up, START_ON_LOAD_REQUEST relay is closed. All generators are started because it is impossible
to know the level of load before start.

4.3 Load ramp management

4.3.1 Ramps

Ramp sequences:
 The first generator on the bus bars takes immediately the load with no ramp.

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 The other generator load ramp stops when generators reach the load setpoint (average power
plant load).
 The unload ramp stops when the power reach 5% of its nominal power.
Load and Unload ramp rates are using the same potentiometer. The single turn potentiometer named ‘RAMP
TIME’ adjusts the ramp time from 0 seconds to 180 seconds. This setting is the time to transfer 100% of the
nominal power.

Power plant power


Ramp Time Load Time

60sec. 36sec.

Figure 7: Ramp Sequences

4.3.2 Automatic TRIP OUT

TRIP_OUT relay (terminals 7 and 8) is used to open the breaker once the unload ramp is finished. The relay is
closed when the kW of the generator which is unloading reaches 5% of the nominal kW.
TRIP_OUT green LED is lit to confirms the activation of the relay:
 LED ON = contact closed.
 LED OFF = contact open.

4.3.3 Manual load/unload request

The Load/Unload ramps are managed by the UNLOAD input (terminal 6):
 UNLOAD input disconnected = when the breaker closes, the load ramp starts immediately.
 UNLOAD input connected to 0V = the generator starts an unload ramp.

Chapter : Features

When the following conditions are met:

1. DROOP input is opened (terminal 4 not connected).
2. COMMAND_MODE input is closed (terminal 39 connected to the 0VDC).
3. Generator breaker is closed (BREAKER_IN, terminal 5 connected to the 0VDC).
Then the UNIGEN Plus is in COMMAND mode. The kW set point is then fixed via the remote potentiometer of
kW set point (terminals 40/41/42) and the power factor is fixed to 0.95 using parameter E11020. The low limit
of the potentiometer is 5% and the high limit is 110% of nominal kW. Behaviour of kW set point
(potentiometer) is described on schematic below:

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 14

Voltage on
kW SET input

(CW) +5V

(CCW) 0V
or not
kW (%)
5% 110%

Figure 8: kW set point vs potentiometer input

COMMAND mode is described in the second schematic shown on MAINS PARALLELED chapter.


When the following conditions are met:

1. DROOP input is opened (terminal 4 not connected).
2. COMMAND_MODE input is opened (terminal 39 not connected).
3. MAINS_PARALLELED input is closed (terminal 38 connected to the 0VDC).
4. Generator breaker is closed (terminal 5 connected to the 0VDC).
Then UNIGEN PLUS is in MAINS PARALLELED mode. The kW set point is then fixed by the paralleling lines
(driven by a GCR module for example) and the power factor is fixed at 0.95 by the parameter E11020.
A 0V on the parallel lines (terminals 44/45) will make the generator take 0% of load while a 3V signal will make
the generator take 100% of load as described on schematic below:
Voltage on paralleled lines
(terminals 44 and 45)

Chapter : Features

0V KW%
0% 100%

Figure 9: Parallel lines voltage / Power plant average kW

COMMAND mode and MAINS PARALLELED active power behaviour are described in the schematic below:

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 15

Mains load

Generator load

Load setpoint::
Command mode load=kW sepoint input,
Mains paralleld load=paralleling lines input.

Low limit

Unload Low
request limit

Paralleling of stop generator

the generator

Figure 10: Command mode and Mains paralleled kW management

Active power set point behaviour in different mode is described in the following table:

Mode kW/Speed






according to

X open X X X X Waiting None

Chapter : Features
open closed closed X X X Droop Frequency
closed closed open X X X Unload Ramp time pot.
open closed open open open ON Load sharing CAN bus
open closed open open open OFF Load sharing Parallel lines
open closed open X closed X Fixed kW kW set point
open closed open closed open X Parallel lines
with Mains
Table 2: kW/Speed management

Close = connected to 0VDC.

Open = not connected.

4.5.1 Connecting to a GCR module

Figure below shows the speed and parallel lines connections that can be done between UNIGEN PLUS and a
GCR module from CRE technology in order to parallel a power plant with the Mains.

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Figure 11: Connection to a CRE technology GCR module

4.6 Modbus (UNIGEN PLUS)

All the logical and analogue input/output values and all the other parameters which appear in the UNIGEN
PLUS menus can be read by the serial port RS485 terminals 49A and 50B (2 wires). UNIGEN PLUS behaves as a
MODBUS slave device.

Chapter : Features
If your UNIGEN PLUS is located at one end of the RS485 network, then you should activate the internal 120Ω
termination resistor by switching SW8 (Modbus OFF/120Ω) to ON position.

Support of MODBUS RTU by the UNIGEN PLUS is performed using the following parameters:
 Communication speed: 4800, 9600 and 19200 (default: 19200).
 Number of bits by character: 8.
 Number of parity bits: 0.
 Number of stop bits: 1.
 Supported function: 04 (analogue reading) and 03 (registers reading) and 06 (registers writing).
 The RTU address of the variables is the same than their number plus 1, converted in hexadecimal.

Variable E00110 (Mains breaker status) has RTU address 006Fh (Decimal 111). See file A51Z090030 for the
whole list of existing registers.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 17

MODBUS registers writing meets the following rules:
 Ex0xxx measures are “Read only”.
 Ex1xxx parameters are factory set to “Read only”. It is possible to switch them to “Read/write” using
the embedded Web site. To do so it is necessary to connect to UNIGEN with a laptop in level 2
(distributor password). Go to Configuration/Modification by variable nb page, enter the parameter
that you want to change, and then in the « Writing by modbus/PLC » box, choose « allow » and
validate. Go to System/Flash all parameters and press « FLASH it » red button to save parameters
(Otherwise changes are lost when UNIGEN is switched off).
 Variables Ex2xxx can be written using MODBUS without restriction.
Table below is an example of a master that needs to read variable E00001, E00002 and E00003 from a UNIGEN
PLUS. So the request will be a “read register” function starting at address 0001h and for 3 registers. Left
columns represent the request from the master while right columns represent the corresponding answer from

Field Data Field Data Description

(hex.) (hex.)
Slave address 01 Slave address 01
Function 04 Function 04
Start address (MSB) 00 Number of data bytes 06 2 bytes per register
Start address (LSB) 01 1st data byte XX MSB of 1st register
Number of registers 00 2nd data byte XX LSB of 1st register
Number of registers 03 3rd data byte XX MSB of 2nd register
CRC16 (MSB) E1 4th data byte XX LSB of 2nd register
CRC16 (LSB) CB 5th data byte XX MSB of 3rd register
6th data byte XX LSB of 3rd register

Chapter : Features
CRC16 (MSB) --
CRC16 (LSB) --

Changing Modbus RTU slave address (Parameter E01215) and communication speed (Parameter E01216) of

 Connect using a computer (see A51Z1 9 0015A).

 Type the password 1
 Go to Configuration / Modification by variable Number
 Enter 1215 to set slave address (Parameter E01215) or 1216 to set communication speed
(Parameter E01216) and press Save button.

 Enter desired value for the specific parameterand press Save button.
 Go to menu System / Save all variables
 Click on "Flash it!” button.
 Disconnect UNIGEN, switch power off and then switch it on for new settings to take effect.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 18

5 Settings

UNIGEN modules include the following adjustments for calibration and settings:

Potentiometers Factory Description

Single turn potentiometers.
Proportional and Integral adjustments of the synchronization
control loop. Adjust them using the following steps:
 Turn P and I fully Counter Clockwise.
6h  Turn P clockwise until the generator is unstable and
then turn it back counter clockwise to stop the
 Repeat above step for I potentiometer.

Single turn potentiometer (0…180s).

Adjusts the time taken by a 100% kW load/unload ramp.

Multi turn potentiometer (0…100%).

Span adjustment for 0…5VDC and 0…20mA/4…20mA output
None signals.
 Also see SW4 configuration in table below.
Multi turn potentiometer (-10 to +10VDC).
None Offset adjustment of the speed control output.
 Also see dedicated commissioning chapter.

6h Single turn potentiometer (0 to 10VDC).

Span adjustment of the speed control output.
 Also see dedicated commissioning chapter.

Chapter : Settings
None Multi turn potentiometer (-10 to +10 VDC).
Offset adjustment of the voltage control output
 Also see dedicated commissioning chapter.
Single-turn potentiometer (0 to 10VDC).
Span adjustment of the voltage control output
 Also see dedicated commissioning chapter.

Generator nominal kW.

None  See dedicated commissioning chapter to adjust this
potentiometer correctly.

Table 3: Potentiometers

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 19

DIP switches Description
SW1: 120Ω CAN bus termination resistor.
OFF: termination resistor is not connected.
ON: termination resistor is connected.

SW2: speed output slope sign.

OFF: reverse speed regulation for GAC speed regulator.
ON: direct speed regulation for other speed regulators.

SW3: load sharing communication.

OFF: kW load sharing set point comes from paralleling lines.
ON: kW load sharing set point comes from CAN bus.

SW4: kW monitor output signal.

OFF: 0…5VDC and 0…20mA output signals.
ON: 4…20mA output signal.

SW5: synchronization.
OFF: SYNC_OK relay closes only when synchronisation conditions are OK and
SYNC_IN input is active (connected to the 0VDC).
ON: SYNC_OK relay closes when synchronisation conditions are OK whatever
the value of SYNC_IN input.
 Also see SYNCH CHECK RELAY dedicated chapter.

SW6: Dead bus bar authorization.

OFF: SYNC_OK relay never closes on dead bus bar conditions.
ON: SYNC_OK relay closes on dead bus bar conditions.
 Also see SYNCH CHECK RELAY dedicated chapter.

SW7: Speed potentiometer behaviour.

Chapter : Settings
OFF: external SPEED_SET potentiometer is always active.
ON: external SPEED_SET potentiometer is not active when the generator
breaker is closed.
 Also see REMOTE SPEED CONTROL dedicated chapter.

SW8: 120Ω RS485 termination resistor for Modbus RTU.

OFF: termination resistor is not connected.
ON: termination resistor is connected.
Table 4: DIP switches description

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6 Display

UNIGEN includes LED to have information feedback.

LED Description

This LED is ON when DC power supply (12 or 24VDC) is connected.

This LED is ON when synchronization is requested (SYNC_IN input

closed to the 0VDC).

This LED is ON when a droop is required (DROOP input closed to

the 0VDC).

This LED is ON when the generator breaker is closed (BREAKER_IN

input closed to the 0VDC).

This LED is ON when TRIP_OUT relay is closed.

Red LED switched ON when REV_kW relay is closed.

This LED is ON when START_ON_LOAD_REQUEST relay is closed.

Chapter : Display
This LED is ON when SYNC_OK relay is closed.

This LED is ON when the mains breaker is closed

(MAINS_PARALLELED input closed to the 0VDC)


This LED is ON when the fixed kW control is requested

(COMMAND_MODE input closed to the 0VDC).


This LED blinks when load sharing is done through CAN bus.
This LED blinks according to the number of UNIGEN modules
detected in the CAN bus.
Table 5: LED description

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 21

7 Terminals

7.1 Terminals description

Terminal Name wires Description
(mm² / AWG)
9 to 40 VDC power supply, 10 W. Protected against
1 POWER SUPPLY + reverse connection. Fuse: 5A / 40VDC.
2.5 / 13
2 POWER SUPPLY- Note: terminal 2 must be connected to the 0V
terminal of the speed governor with a 4 mm² wire.
Activates automatic synchronization of the generator
3 SYNC IN 1 / 17 to the bus bar.
See SW5 and SW6 configuration.

4 DROOP 1 / 17 Forces kW and kVAR load sharing in DROOP mode.

Position of the generator breaker.

5 BREAKER IN 1 / 17
Use an auxiliary contact of the generator breaker.
6 UNLOAD 1 / 17 Unloads the generator if BREAKER_IN is closed.
Dry contact: normally open. 250VAC, 5A.
TRIP OUT 1 / 17 Controls the opening of generator breaker at the end
of the unload ramp.
9 Dry contact: normally open. 250VAC, 5A.
REV kW 1 / 17
10 Closed when generator is in reverse power conditions.
11 +Power monitor 1.5 / 16
0…5VDC (Terminals 11/12) or 0…20mA (Terminals
12 -Power monitor (0V) 0.25 / 23

Chapter : Terminals
13/12) analogue output proportional to the generator
active power.
13 +Power monitor 0.25 / 23
14 SPEED SET CW +5V 5kΩ potentiometer input or +/-5VDC between terminal
15 SPEED SET cursor 0.25 / 23 * 2 (-) and 15 (+). Use a shielded wire.
16 SPEED SET CCW -5V Manual remote control of generator speed.
+/-10 VDC analogue output. Use a shielded wire.
17 Generator OUT Engine speed control output compatible with most
0.25 / 23 * speed governors on the market.
18 Generator REF See dedicated commissioning chapter and SW2
(from speed governor) configuration.
19 Shield 0.25 / 23 * Connect the shield of the analogue signals.
Isolated analogue output +/-10VDC.
20 AVR OUT (+)
0.5 / 20 * Controls alternator voltage. Offset and gain
21 AVR OUT (-)
22 Generator I1+
AC current inputs from generator.
23 Generator I1-
0 to 5A inputs (1VA).
24 Generator I2+
2.5 / 13 Withstands up to 15A during 10s.
25 Generator I2-
Nominal current input must be as close as possible to
26 Generator I3+
5A for maximum accuracy.
27 Generator I3-

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 22

Terminal Name wires Description
(mm² / AWG)
28 Generator L1 AC voltage measurement inputs from generator.
29 Generator L1 100 to 500 VAC (Line to line), 50/60Hz.
1.5 / 16
30 Generator L1 Use 100 mA / 600 VAC fuses.
31 Generator neutral Note: neutral connection is optional.
Dry contact: Normally open, 250 VAC, 5A.
1.5 / 16 Used for automatic load/unload of generators. See
specific chapter for more details.
Dry contact: normally open, 250 VAC, 5A.
34 Relay is closed when coupling the generator is
SYNC OK 1.5 / 16
35 considered as safe.
See specific chapter and SW5/SW6 configuration.
36 SET UNAVAILABLE 1 / 17 Connect "fault" signal from the generator.
Sets this UNIGEN as slave for automatic load/unload
37 SLAVE INPUT 1 / 17
Feeds position of Mains breaker into UNIGEN.
Connect auxiliary contact of the breaker.
Forces kW and kVAR load sharing in COMMAND mode
39 Mode COMMAND 1 / 17
(fixed kW setpoint).
40 kW SET CW +5V
Analog input 5kΩ potentiometer or 0-5VDC between
41 kW SET cursor 0.25 / 23 *
42 (-) and 41 (+). Use shielded wires.
42 kW SET CCW 0V
43 Not connected
0…3VDC load sharing signal between UNIGEN modules,
44 or active power set point when used with GCR
Parallel lines (+)
2.5 / 13* module. Used when SW3 is OFF.
Parallel lines (-)
45 Compatible with Wheatstone bridge load sharing

Chapter : Terminals
Isolated input. Load sharing through CAN bus
46 CANBUS+ communication.
2.5 / 13*
47 CANBUS- Used when SW3 is ON for UNIGEN PLUS.
See also SW1 configuration.
48 SHIELD 0.25 / 23 * Connect shields of analogue signals.
49 MODBUS A 19200 bps RS485 Modbus RTU slave.
2.5 / 13 *
50 MODBUS B Also see SW8 configuration.
51 Bus bar L1 AC voltage measurement inputs from bus bar.
52 Bus bar L2 100 to 500 VAC (Line to line), 50/60 Hz.
1.5 / 16
53 Bus bar L3 Use 100 mA / 600 VAC fuses.
54 Bus bar neutral Note: neutral connection is optional.
RS232 to PC or Connection via CRE Config software.
COM1 Female DB9
modem Use a straight 9 wires cable.
Table 6: Terminals of the module

Only available on UNIGEN PLUS.

 Shielded cable is recommended for these connections. Use 2 or 3 Conductor Foil Shield with drain Wire.
 Cable sizes are for guidance only. Cable size should be increased for long cable runs, to overcome possible
voltage drop and to increase noise immunity.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 23

7.2 Wiring diagram

Terminals of the industrial UNIGEN are all present on UNIGEN PLUS.



100 - 480 V


(optional) Bus N 54
Bus L1 51
Bus L2 52
Bus L3 53
Mains paralleled 38
34 Synch OK
Breaker NO Start on load
35 32
-Alim control request
9 NO 33
Rev. kW
10 NO
Modbus A 49
7 Trip out
Modbus B 50
8 NO

5 Breaker IN CAN+ 46 CRE

5A 23 Gen I1- UNIGEN
P2 S2 CAN- 47

S1 48
P1 22 Gen I1+
25 Gen I2-
P2 S2
Parallel lines high 44 CRE
P1 S1
24 Gen I2+
27 Gen I3- Parallel lines low
P2 S2 Barber Colman

P1 S1
26 Gen I3+

100 - 480 V
31 Gen N (opt) UNIGEN Barber Colman

F 28 Gen L1

L2 F
Gen L2
Gen L3
PLUS Woodward

Surge 21 AVR out -
20 AVR out +

18 Speed Ref CW +5V 40


Chapter : Terminals
governor 17 Speed out kW setpoint 41

14 Speed CW +5V CCW 0V 42

15 Speed setpoint

16 Speed CCW -5V

Command mode

5k potentiometer
Set unavailable

11 kW out +5V
Power supply +
Power supply -

Power monitor
Slave input

0...5V or 12 kW out 0 or
Sync in

0...20mA 0...5V
5k potentiometer
13 kW out 20mA
1 2 3 4 6 36 37 39
+/-5V Chassis 5A
isolated from
power supply +Alim -Alim
+ -
From speed
governor (4 mm²)

Figure 12: Wiring diagram


A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 24

7.3 Connection to a Cummins EFC speed regulator

Due to the big sensitivity of Cummins EFC speed input, wiring should be applied as shown below. This allows a
higher voltage span on UNIGEN speed output.
Speed governor



Figure 13: EFC Cummins connection

7.4 Connection to a Woodward EPG speed regulator

Refer to dedicated commissioning chapter for potentiometers adjustment.

Woodward EPG
Speed control



Figure 14: Woodward EPG connection

Chapter : Terminals
7.5 Connection to a Leroy Somer voltage regulator

Most Leroy Somer AVR modules feature an input for an external potentiometer for voltage control. Figure
below shows the example of an R448 AVR connection.
R438 / R448 / R449
Leroy Somer

(Ext. Pot.)
T.I. ST4

Figure 15: Connection to Leroy Somer R448/R449 AVR

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 25

7.6 Connection specifications

 Power supply: 9 to 40VDC, <1A with 12 VDC and <500mA with 24VDC.
 AC voltage inputs: 100 to 500VAC, 100mA max. The neutral wire can be connected or not.
 AC currents inputs: 0 to 5A, 1VA. Each input is isolated from the other ones.
 Possible over-current: 15A during 10s.
 Frequency measurement: 45 to 70 Hz – 15 VAC minimum between neutral and line.
 Digital inputs: Normally open, not isolated, internal pull up of 10kΩ. Connect to 0V to activate.
 Relay outputs: 5A, 230VAC max.
 Remote speed control input: 5kΩ potentiometer or ±5VDC.
 Remote kW control input for COMMAND mode: potentiometer (5kΩ) or 0…+5VDC.
 kW monitor output (0…5VDC or 0…20mA/4-20mA): 300Ω maximum load on the 0…20mA or
4…20mA output. 1kΩ minimum load on the 0…+5VDC output.
 Speed bias output: The frequency control is made by the adjustable 0…10VDC output. Adjust
using OFFSET and GAIN potentiometers.
 Voltage bias output: The voltage control is done via the AVR. The output is a ±10V. Adjust using
OFFSET and GAIN potentiometers.
 Terminals: with screws, 2.5 mm2.

Chapter : Terminals

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 26

8 Commissioning

8.1 Caution
8.1.1 Grounding:

The grounding of the chassis of UNIGEN must be done with the M5 screw. Use a 4mm² wire to connect to
earth, this cable should be as short as possible.

Figure 16: Earth connection

8.1.2 Wiring rules:

The cables with high voltage (400VAC) and/or high current (5A) must be separated from the command cables.
All the command and digital inputs / outputs can be in the same cable path.
If you have to cross the command/DC cables with the 400V/5A cables, it is recommended to cross with a right

Chapter : Commissioning
The grounding must be done in a proper way to avoid personal injuries and for a reduction of EMC.

8.1.3 Vibrations:

In case of heavy vibrations, UNIGEN should be mounted using AV Mounts.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 27

8.2 Power plant start-up/Commissioning

Caution: before starting the generating sets, please read the following part.
This is a standard commissioning for a simple power plant. If you use only this procedure, it can't
engage our responsibility.

Before commissioning (before going on site)

Check of schematics
 Be sure you have the latest power plant schematics.
 To be sure the wires will be present on site (Can bus connector, shielded wires...).
 0 Volt wiring.
 Shields.
 Speed governor / UNIGEN Interface.
 Automatic Voltage Regulator / UNIGEN Interface (droop current transformer must be
 CAN bus.
 Parallel lines.

During commissioning

Chapter : Commissioning
Start in safe condition
 Generator breaker output locked in open position.
 Disconnect the wires between UNIGEN (terminals 17/18) and the speed governor.
 Disconnect the wires between UNIGEN (terminals 20/21) and the AVR.
 Ask the technician who had wired the power plant to lock the generator breaker open.
 Battery negative of each UNIGEN power supply (terminal 2) must be connected to each other
UNIGEN and to the 0V of the speed governor.
 Disconnect the wires of the relay ‘SYNC OK’ (terminals 34/35) of the UNIGEN.

 To be sure not to drive a false paralleling during the beginning of commissioning.

Switches configuration
 Put switches in OFF/ON position before start the engine, see dedicated chapter “Settings” for
more details.

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 28

 To configure several important functions of the UNIGEN.

Interface UNIGEN / Speed governor

Interface UNIGEN / Auto Voltage Regulator

Start the engine.
Adjust the nominal speed and voltage, for example 50.00Hz & 400VAC, on the speed/voltage
regulator. If a trim pot is present on the AVR, adjust it to get ±8% (see AVR manufacturer doc).
 Stop the engine.
 Remove the cover of the UNIGEN if necessary.
 Connect only the REF input (terminal 18) to the speed governor “speed ref output”.
 Speed setting :
 Start the engine.
 Adjust Speed gain RV10 full CCW on the UNIGEN.
 Measure the voltage between Ref and remote voltage input on speed regulator side.
 Adjust UNIGEN output voltage (terminals 17/18) adjusting the offset RV9 to have the same
voltage than measurement of previous point.
 Connect the control wire (terminal 17).
 Shunt terminals 15 and 16 together to get the maximal negative speed correction on
SPEED_SET input.
 Adjust the speed gain RV10 to have 48.00Hz.
 Remove the shunt between terminals 15 and 16.
 Stop the generator.

Chapter : Commissioning
 Voltage setting :
 Adjust AVR Offset RV11 & Gain RV12 full CCW on the UNIGEN.
 Connect AVR outputs (terminals 20/21) to AVR.
 Adjust voltage offset RV11 to have 400VAC.
 Close SYNC_IN input (Terminal 3 to 0 volts).
 Adjust AVR Gain RV12 to reach 370VAC

Check the control of the breaker on dead bus (depending on SW6 position)
 Be sure there is no critical load connected on bus bar.
 Close the breaker and verify that the breaker feedback input (terminal 5) is closed
(BREAKER_IN LED should light on).
 Open the breaker and verify that the breaker feedback input is opened (LED not lit).

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 29

Adjustment of the nominal power
 For the Industrial UNIGEN:
 Set the kW monitor output in 0-5V: switch SW4 to OFF position.
 Put in full CW the multi turn potentiometer ADJUST RV7.
 Close the circuit breaker of the generator. BREAKER_IN LED must light on.
 Apply 100% of load on the generating set (with bench load for example).
 Adjust NOMINAL_kW potentiometer RV13 to reach 7.45VDC between terminals 11(+) and 12(-)
of the UNIGEN.
 Open the circuit breaker of the generator.
 Set switch SW4 as desired depending on your application.

 UNIGEN PLUS (Generating set below 200kW):

On GE with a nominal power below 200kW, adjustment of NOMINAL_kW potentiometer RV13 may be
hard to find. To adjust this setting more easily it may be helpful to decrease UNIGEN PLUS internal CT
ratios (Factory set to 1000). This can be done by lowering value of variables E11002, E11003 and
E11004 (e.g. set them to 200):
 Connect to UNIGEN PLUS internal Website using a computer (see document A51Z1 9 0015A).
 Type in password “1”.
 Go to Configuration/Modification by variable nb page.

 Enter the number of the variable to modify (at first “11002”) and validate.

Chapter : Commissioning
 Enter the new desired value and press SAVE button.
 Repeat these steps for variables E11003 and E11004.
 Go to page System/save all variables.
 Click on "Flash it!”.
 Disconnect UNIGEN, switch power off and then switch it on again for new settings to take
 Finally, adjust the nominal power potentiometer as described below for engines above

 UNIGEN PLUS (Generating set with nominal power between 200kW and 4000kW):
 Switch SW3 to OFF position.
 Paralleling lines are not connected on terminals 44 and 45.
 Close the circuit breaker of the generator. BREAKER_IN LED must light on.
 Apply 100% of load on the generating set (with bench load for example).
 Adjust NOMINAL_kW potentiometer RV13 to obtain 3V on parallel lines (terminal 44 & 45).
Open the circuit breaker of the generator.

Check wiring of current

 Put load.
 Measure the voltage between terminals 11 and 12.
 Shunt the phase 1 current directly of the secondary of the current transformer (CT).

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 30

 Measure the voltage between terminals 11 and 12. Check that this voltage decrease of 1/3
that before.
 Do the same test for phases 2 and 3 (don’t forget to remove the shunt of each phase after
 Switch SW3 as desired depending on your application.

Check synchronization
 Close the breaker to have voltage on the bus bar (mains or other generator).
 Lock the engine breaker in open position.
 Start the engine to check the synchronization.
 Close SYNC_IN input (terminal 3 connected to 0VDC).
 Adjust P (RV15) & I (RV1) potentiometers of synchronization to reach a response time of 4 or 5
seconds to get the SYNC_OK signal (terminals 34/35) the relay closes.
 With a voltmeter check on both sides of the breaker if the voltage is <20VAC on each phases.
 With the voltmeter check also that there is 400VAC between phase 1 of the engine and phase
2 of the bus bar (crossed monitoring).
 In this test we don’t close the breaker.
 If the test is OK, connect the wires of the relay SYNC_OK (terminals 34/35) of the UNIGEN.

Load sharing / kW regulation

 Regarding the application check the stability of kW and kVAR regulation.
 Open Breaker.
 Stop engines.

Chapter : Commissioning

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 31

9 Environment

 Operational temperature: -20 to + 70°C.

 Storage temperature: -30 to +70°C.
 Humidity: 5 to 95%. The PCB is tropicalized to be used in humid climate areas. Protection IP20.
 Size: 275x200x26mm.
 Mounting: Can be placed in all positions.
 Weight: 1.5Kg.

9.1 CE directives

EMC Directive 89/336/EEC deals with electromagnetic emissions and immunity. This product is tested by
applying the standards, in whole or in part, which are documented in technical construction file CEM
2004/108/EC, which replaces directive CEM (89/336/EEC) relative to electromagnetic emissions as from July
20th 2009. This product is developed to respect harmonized norms:
 EN 55099:2009
 EN 55099:2010
 EN 55088:2008
 2006/95/EC (replaced directive 73/23/EEC since January 16th 2007).
Other standards:
 EN 61326-1: 2006 (Industrial location)
 EN 55011

Chapter : Environment
 EN 61000-3-2
 EN 61000-3-3

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 32

10 Dimensions


10mm Mounting holes (*4)


275mm 255mm

Chapter : Dimensions


5mm nut (used for earth connection)

Figure 17: Dimensions

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 33


130, Allée Victor Naudin

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06410 Biot
Phone: +33 (0)4 92 38 86 82
Fax: +33 (0)4 92 38 86 83
Email: [email protected]

Technical support: +33 (0)4 92 38 86 86 (office hours: 8.30AM-12AM / 2PM-6PM GMT+1).

Email: [email protected]



Figure 18 – Access to CRE Technology

A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 34

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Figure 19 - CRE Technology distributors

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A51 Z0 9 0004 L EN - Technical documentation.docx 35

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