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Roll No.

: _________ Total Printed Pages:- 3

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

The Question paper is in two sections-A & B. Section-A consists of 10 short answer type
question of 5 marks each (word limit 100 words). Attempt any SIX questions form section-A.
Section-B consists of 7 descriptive type questions of 10 marks each (word limit 300 words).
Students are required to attempt any FOUR questions from Section-B. If necessary use graphs,
charts and diagrams to explain your answer.

Q.1 Short answer type questions (Maximum limit 5 5x6=30

80-100) (attempt any six questions)

(i) Write a short note on “PERT” with an example.

(ii) List and describe some of the major reasons for the

use of project management.

(iii) Describe the importance of “small scale industries”

for entrepreneurs.

(iv) Specify the steps in preparation of a project report.

(v) Enumerate the objectives of entrepreneurial

development in India.

(vi) What do you understand by “sickness” in small scale


(vii) What is entrepreneurship?

(viii) Explain the following

a) Optimistic time

b) Most likely time

c) Pessimistic time

(ix) List the different types of projects.

(x) Explain the reference of “three floats” while

computing CPM.


Attempt any four questions (Answer limit 300 10x4=40


Q.2 What are the different „feasibility‟ techniques used

for appraising a project?

Q.3 Explain in detail the different methods used in

appraising the projects?

Q.4 In what ways do the concept of project management

appear traditional and modern ways of managing?

Q.5 Write short notes on the following :-

a) Small scale industries board

b) DIC‟s

Q.6 Enumerate the procedure for registration of “small

scale industries”.

Q.7 What is a “Gantt” chart? Explain the relevance with

networking techniques.

Q.8 “A company has no physical existence but it is still a

legal entity.” Explain.

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