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138 A


(Cap. 149)
Please complete this form and return it to the Principal Registrar, P.O. Box 49179, Nairobi, together with all relevant documents
and the correct fee.
In addition Form Al (Form 1 in the Schedule to the Births and Deaths Registration Rules) must be completed in duplicate and
accompany your application.


Full name of child:

Postal Address of Child: Is the child still alive?
Child's date of birth: Sex of child:
Full name of Father:
Full name of Mother:
Exact place of child's birth:
Child's identity card No. or, if none father's Child's ethnic
identity card No. group or tribe:
If child is now aged over 18 years
is he/she in pensionable employment?
Full name and postal address of child's em-
Name of child's circumcision or Name of circumcision or age-
age-group group at the date of-child's birth:
2. In support of the application as many of the following documents as possible MUST be produced:
Municipal notification of birth; certificate of doctor or midwife who attended the birth; baptismal certificate; school-leaving certificate;
identity card or passport.
The certificate on the reverse of this form must ALSO be completed by an independent person, that is by a person who is not a rela-
tive, who knew of birth at the time of the birth,
If' the child is in pensionable employment, an official letter must be produced from his/her employers confirming that the date of
birth shown on this form corresponds to the date of birth recorded in the employee's personal file with the employer.
The applicant must also produce any other document or obtain any certificate that the Registrar may in his sole discretion require.
For the avoidance of doubt, applicants are warned that without the production of the documents referred to in this paragraph, this
application may, I n the discretion of the Registrar, be refused.
3. State (a) why birth was not registered at the time ………………………………………………………………………………………..


(b) for what purpose is a birth certificate now required …………………………………………………………………………......


4. Dated this ................................................................................ of ................................................................................... , 20.........

Full name of applicant…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…...

Postal address of applicant…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…

Relationship of applicant to child (father, mother, or specify) …………………………..……………………………………………..……..

…………………………………… ……………………………………………...
(Witness to Applicant’s Signature) (Signature of Applicant)
Full name and postal address of witness …………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Pg 1 of 2

To he completed by an independent person (that is one not directly related to the child) who is over 18 years of age and at least
five years older than the child. Your attention is drawn to section 22 of the Act; it is a punishable offence to willfully give false infor-
5. I, (full names) ……………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………,
(age)………………………, of (postal address)…………………………………………………………………………………………….
hereby certify that I have knowledge of the personal details of the child named in the above application and that I have known him/her
since birth, that is for ……………………………………………………..years and that the facts given in the above application are true
to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. I can vouch for these facts because (insert full grounds for knowledge).



Date from which district became a compulsory Registration Area:
Bungoma 1st July, 1965. Machakos 1st January, 1969.

Busia .. 1st October, 1969. Meru 1st October, 1969.

Eldoret Municipality 1st July, 1968. Mombasa 1st July, 1965.

Elgeyo-Marakwet 1st October, 1969. Murang'a 1st January, 1969.

Embu 1st July, 1968. Nairobi 12th March.
Kakamega 1st July, 1968. Nakuru Municipality 1st July, 1965.
Kericho 1st July, 1968 Nakuru Rural 1st October, 1966.
Kiambu 1st July, 1968. Nyandarua 1st October, 1969.
Kilifi 1st July, 1968. Nyeri 12th March, 1963.
Kirinyaga 1st October, 1969. Siaya 1st January, 1969.
Kisumu Municipality 1st January, 1967. South Nyanza 1st October, 1969.
Kisumu Rural 1st January, 1968. Taita 1st October, 1969.
Kitale Municipality 1st January, 1969. Trans Nzoia 1st October, 1969.
Kwale 1st July, 1965. Uasin Gishu 1st January, 1969.
Lamu 1st January, 1969. All other Districts 1st September, 1971
6. Fees.-A late registration fee of Sh. 100 is payable in the following circumstances-
(a) for the registration of a birth more than six months after the date of such birth where registration was compulsory (see list above);
(b) for the registration of a birth occurring after 20th April, 1904 and more than six months after the date of such birth of a child who
was of European or American descent;
(c) for the registration of a birth occurring after 9th June, 1928 and more than six months after the date of such birth of a child who
was of Asian descent.
7. For a certified copy of any entry in the register (that is full form birth Sh.
certificate) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50.00
For a birth certificate in the short form .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.00
8. Payment must be made at the time of application in respect of late registration fees (if any) and for any birth certificate required.
In the event of an application being refused a refund will be made of the cost of the certificate but not of the late registration fees. Note
that no application for late registration will be considered unless a birth certificate is also applied for.

9. Postal remittances should be made by crossed cheque or postal or money order payable in favour of the Principal Registrar. No
cash should be sent.

10 - Note--No application for late registration will he considered where the child was either born before

11 - These are the only fees payable for late registration. An official receipt is always given immediately for the payment of any
money to the government. Should any officer or other person fail or refuse to give a receipt, you should demand the return of the
money and report the matter to the Principal Registrar. Pg 2 of 2

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