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Rajni Fucked by Her Brother

Hi! I am anil here. This time I am writing a story, which I got from my friend, who reads
my stories and become my friend.

Rajni came home from her work as she was doing internship in an bank and had to work
hark to clear her exams and Dinesh was already working in an company . when she came
she knew from the faces of her parents that’s there is some news she asked what
happened , mom said oh dear nothing its just so that we r so tight up in our schedule
that we cant leave the city and there the wedding coming of your cousin in Islamabad
and if none of us go it will not look nice at that time Dinesh came n the lounge after
getting freshen up he said who is not going and where , mom said me and your dad, dad
was quiet all this time he said Z if we cant go why not send the children they’ll enjoy
there Dinesh can take off for a week and so Rajni can and they both can go , first Rajni
didn’t want to go but then she agreed and Dinesh was ready as ever and he always
needs the pleasure time and so they decided to go on wednesday this week as wedding
was on saturday ,

There was only one day in between so Rajni submitted her application for leave and took
half day and did all the packing Dinesh came to her room he was surprised to see she
was taking 2 suit cases she said u go out im doing my work but he was stubborn and he
stayed there , her undergarments were there lying on top of suitcases he looked at them
they were quiet sexy piece he thought ohh what a good choice his sister have then he
said ohhh after she is my sis. he had already done his pacing so now they were all ready
to leave

mom gave many instruction to them and then in the afternoon next day finally it as time
for departure. Dinesh took some books also with him magazine etc as he is very fond of
but Rajni didn’t take any as she thought agar dil chaha to lay ker perh loo gi.

she was younger then Dinesh but use to call him Dinesh only as they were friendly and
free. At last it was time for them to go and Rajni was looking quiet smart today she was
wearing a trouser and shirt when they were seated Rajni sat on neat near the window
and Dinesh next to her plane took off after some time Rajni hand carry she had kept it on
top so she wanted to take out she took out her kit from inside and when putting it back
she forgot to close the zip and when it fell down things were scattered around she bent
down to pick them and at that time what Dinesh saw was that he saw her boobs from her
deep neck as bent down , he could not escape the sight she was his sister but they were
tempted he had read an incest story and had thought that u cannot develop feeling for
sex for your sis but when he saw her boobs there something inside him shattered him
fully and he wanted to touch them . after a while Rajni was back in her seat but Dinesh
was got disturbed he was hiking she is my sis how can it be possible but it was he
wanted to seduce his sis he looked at her carefully now she was pretty, her body was full
and well shaped, .

she was busy talking to him but he was in his own world and he put his hand on hers and
holded her hand in his she looked at him and said nothing , and like his they were
heading towards their destination. meal was being served and after finishing his meal he
spilt the coldrink and it fell on him as well as on Rajni , hurriedly he started cleaning her
with towel his hands touched her body and electricity went in him he was cleaning her
shirt and his hand went on her thighs and on her curve and he pressed them a little ohhh
he wanted to do it with ease but he is not sure what’s going to happen. Rajni also felt
that something is bothering him but she was not sure what she asked him he could not
tell her he was waiting for the time when he can take some action.

In islamabad Dinesh was very uncomfortable , its thursday and every one getting ready
for mehndi Rajni was looking gorgious inher choori daar pyjama suit after the rasm
during the dance the light went off and Rajni was scare of darkness so he went for her he
heard and went close when she knew he was near her she hugged him OHH Dinesh im so
scared and he pressed her against him her boobs pressing him he was caressing her on
back its ok Rajni I m here his went to her buttocks they were round and smooth ohh he
didn’t want his hands off from there , now Rajni realised that where she was she tried to
get release but his grip was so tight she could not breath she said Dinesh I m ok , then
light came and he released her cursing the light.

next day was Barat and when they were going Dinesh was left behind he came out
running and most of the cars left the premises there were 1 or two cars were left Rajni
was also in one of them he came to them she squeezed her self and gave place to him
he sat down Rajni's thigh was on Dinesh 's and this he was enjoying it , his hand was on
hers thigh and Rajni was also little disturbed but he was not he was sitting so closely to
his sister that he could hear her breath . her smell was making his cock bulge out it was
semi hard , when the car took a turn Rajni could not keep balance on her self and she
was on him her hand to get some support holded Dinesh but what her hand was on his
bulge and she was so confused that she took off her hand and looked at him he
pretended as if he is looking out where as he knew what she was asking him , then he
looked at her without saying a word and both of them sat quietly.

Valima was schedule after 3 days and Dinesh decided to go to muree after the booking
he told her I have made bookings and we r leaving early morning so we can be back after
two days, she wanted to go to muree but at this stage when they r having function , she
agreed and they left for murree next morning and after 2 hours ride they finally reached
cecil motel which was fully booked due to the snow season , only one room was available
Dinesh was happy but Rajni wanted separate room then he said we cant go to bhurban
now and its also fully packed so lets take it what ever we r getting it.

they got one room , and now they were unpacking things and it was so cold Rajni wore a
sweater that Dinesh had bought for her it is so warm and soft, she liked it wearing
without bra as the touch of it would give u silken touch , after the lunch both of them
were sitting and watching the movie Rajni wanted to go out but there was something else
in his mind , he stood up and kissed her on cheeks and said in the evening well go out ,
she had kept her box on the cupboard and now it had gone to other side of cupboard she
wanted to take it down she asked him but he said ohhh u do it, he said ur know sis u r
gorgeous , i lov u and if u would have not been my sis i would have loved u only loved u ,
she was shocked by his remarks , ohhh uuu and she climbed up There he was watching
her holding the stool for her her sweater was widened up and he could see her nipples
were hard and watched fascinated as they glided slowly back and forth against the soft
material, as her body moved. he wanted to suck one, his body was saying yes yes, yes,
yes, but his conscience said no. he watched them moving back and forth, back and forth,
. Yet it was so unsatisfying. It was just too short.

it was snowing out When after some time spending in the room it was snowing and
Dinesh said to Rajni lets go out , Rajni wanted to to be in snow and the thought of soft
snow falling she said yes and they went out it was all white the tree tops the roof of
houses and all mall road was covered with snow , she was feeling hungry in this cold
people were having icecream Dinesh holded her hand and they walked she was enjoying
the weather , now it was not that cold earlier she was shivering biut the warmth in the
touch of Dinesh was something she could feel something passing trough her hand to all
over her body , she thought for the first time that Dinesh was with her and it gave her so
much security and by the thought of Dinesh touching her she felt masculine touch not
the brotherly touch and she also felt something for him it was not sisterly love she
wanted warmth of his body, she was trembling and Dinesh thought it was coz of coldness
so he pressed her to himself so she get some warmness and to give her some relief. and
said go back to the motel before we get pneumonia when they returned to their room
they found that there was only one blanket , he said u sleep and take the blanket take it
so u don’t get cold and he order for coffee while having coffee his mind was there he
wanted her .

Night was very cold and he was sleeping on the couch and Rajni on the bed she could not
sleep as there was only one blanket and he had nothing at last he was her brother how
could she let him sleep in this coldness in the middle of the night she stood up and took
the blanket and put it on him and sat there watching him , he opened his eyes and saw
her sitting on the sofa he asked feeling cold , she nod her head he brought the blanket to
her and said common u sleep and he made her wear the blanket as he was going away
she holded him and said its so chilly u how u can sleep on couch Dinesh she called him to
bed and said sleep here he looked at her and slept next beside her.

the thought of sleeping next to her made him more erotic and passionate then ever she
was within reach and his meat piece was fully erected he could not hide it , Rajni went to
sleep or may be pretend as sleeping he touched her face with his finger and his finger
rolled down her nose then lips and he could feel the hot breath of her and hotness of her
lips .

Dinesh trying to sleep he laid his hand on her waist and moved her closer to him she
opened her eyes and was staring at him she did not protest that why he has put arm
around her waist then and hewas caressing her rubbing her she just stood up and said no
Bhai u cant do this what r u doing and then Dinesh he took her by force in his arms and
asked Rajni u don't luv me just say yes or no, she said how can I say no , he said then its
yes , he took her and said u know u do same thing just being with me in a same room as
any girl do to me during intercourse, u without touching me without even saying a thing
make me hard and its unbearable for me he went on top of her trying to rip her cloth off
she wanted to yell but could not what the motel staff would think if they hear, and when
Dinesh was about to touch her kamiz she cried silently and tears started running on her
face but Dinesh didn’t care but licked her tear and he tried get her bra off she resisted so
much but it was of no use she was under his control his grip was so tight that she could
not get out .

this made him him to to get his hands on her bra and from inside it he took out her boobs
with full grip and pressed them fully ,she was feeling so ashamed and was saying no
Dinesh pleaseeeeeeeeeee! but of no use , he continued fondling it then he got them
released from the bra and they came out her big brown nipple he hungrily suck them and
press his hardness on her Choot when she realize that he will go further anytime he will
also tore shalwar she first time open her eyes and said with trembling voice ohhhhhhhh
Dinesh no please don’t go so far not go sofar pleasee its ok u seen my boobs and suck
them but don't go so far we cant , pleaseeeee Dinesh and he again pressed his hardness
to her softness he released her nipple and trying to kiss her lips she move her head to
other side to side and was trying not to touch his lips but he forcefully grip her Hair and
placed his lips on her lips and one hand on her Hair other on her boobs and humping his
hips to her choot suck her lips and also press her boobs she wanted to getup and move a
way from his strong body which was not possible as he was more forceful and she
helplessly withdraw his struggle and lose her body and only tears were running down her
face she feel so ashamed but when she realized that now after surrendering herself to
him and she was just starring him she was also feeling something that she could not give
any name. He hold her and started kissing her again and she clung herself to him , he
moved his hand over her body till they cupped her ass and pressed them , said I luv u
Rajni jaaaan my jaaan don't u want that she said no , he said no that means yes and he
buried his mouth in the soft hollow between the breast and said u wont believe it how
much I wanted to do it jaaaan , oohhh Rajni I luv u aaah jaan thanks thanks jaaan she
was trembling uncontrollably now, hardly able to speak as she told him, I know how much
u want and now how much I hate u ooohhhhh!now.

he came to her Choot and slowly and gently he cupped her Choot and massaged and rub
she closed her eyes again he slowly withdraw his hot lips and placed again her Nipple
and suck them so hard she get new session as Dinesh massaged her Choot and suck her
nipple she realized that her choot now wet why she dont know but she get some wetness
between her cunt and she trying to close her legs but he said no Rajni don’t do this other
wise i parted u legs and then he press his hand on her Kamarbund and going to remove
her shalwar she grip his hands and said No bhai please u suck my nipp and dont remove
my shalwar i will die pleaseeeeeee but again he don't care and loosen her kamarbund
and placed his both hands on her shalwar and in one jerk he remove and now she was
completely nude and he see her bra up on her chest and nothing on her body she bent
down her knees to hide her Choot view but he grip her and forcly parted her legs and
when he saw her choot he eagerly place his hand on her open Choot and massaging and
rubbing her she trying resist and close her wet choot from his eys and hands but this
time he forcedly and angrily open her legs as wide as he can do and gently found his way
to her cunt first she tried to hide it but it was no use he locked his lips onto her clit and
using his tongue and his lips he worked her clit over like he have never ever felt. she
could not help but moan out loudly and her eyes opened wide. her resistence stopped
when he was licking entire Choot in quick motion and she faint she don't know what her
body was responding and her body against her mind she start new feeling and again she
surrender herself to him Now he wanted to lick the lover choot her honey is so sweet he
want to just lick her she screamed out "oooohhhhh Godddd nooooooo please
ss….pppleeeeas stop..oh pppleeeeaaa Mani ohhhhhsseeee please dont do this s." He did
not stop, whether he wanted to or not, her hands grasped his hair and tryed to pulled his
mouth from her mound. He continued lick on her clit with his sucking lips and swirling
tongue. she was sucked right into heavenly bliss, Choot first. As the first shudders of my
orgasm raced through my body, he sensed this and stopped abruptly.

He was caressing her and his lund was in erection and he caressed her naked body till it
was burning both of them were burning inside he was caressing her , stroking her till her
body was responsive in every way then he slid his hard lund inside her with a jerk, she
yelling “Bhaiiiii ameeeee mar gaiii off bhaya pull out please I m dying and screaming

My Sister Punam
My sister named Punam, is doing her B.Sc.2nd yr in a local college here. She is not so
smart that can attract everyone but she is like an average college girl. We used to talk on
almost all the subjects freely at our home. My father is a headmaster of a local school
and mother is a teacher in girls’ high school. My elder sister is married and is well settled
in Pune. Our paternal grandmother is staying with us. She is partly immobile with feeble

Normally we remain alone at home in the afternoon, barring few occasions when she
goes to her tuitions in noon. Normally we remain busy with our own work and granny
usually sits in her room near the verandah. Until reading that incredible story ‘Sonal My
Behna’, I never thought about sex with my sister. However, I really like the views of that
author about incest sex for reasons like that it avoids AIDS and STDs possibilities and
allows you an in-house entertainment too. Friends you will not believe but before this
incident I never had a sexual encounter in my real life. I was so unlucky guy until my 22
that had never seen a naked girl or women in my real life, so the matter of fucking
doesn’t arise! All the things what I was doing were limited to masturbating ( hand job,
hatthoo or mooth ), chasing or flirting the girls, erotic chat on adult sites, seeing blue
films etc. – Even after knowing clearly the fact that the so called ‘girl’ chatting across me
is not a girl in reality but is a Naughty Tom like me having a fucking stick in his pants and
is idly sitting like me in the cafe nearby his college and passing his leisure time there!
However, there were no other alternatives of entertainment in small towns like ours. After
reading that story I started thinking seriously of fucking my sister and finally decided to
seduce her.

I was not getting clue how to approach her. Although we were talking and chatting on
almost all the subjects in our leisure times but previously I never thought in this intension
before. Normally we used to talk freely on our friends, their affairs how they ( friends )
search for privacy to meet each other’s lovers’, for that how they bunk tuitions, lectures
etc etc....

We were free in discussing films and filmstars their affairs like why Abhishek left
Karishma; but soon I found this was not sufficient to seduce her for fucking! One day my
father asked me to accompany my sister to our district HQ, so as to get her homeguard
cadet certificate from the office of District Sports Officer. As I was searching for the
chance, I immediately nodded. On a safer side father advised us to travel by bus instead
of my motorbike. It was Thursday that day, after taking lunch we left the house. As there
are frequent buses going to that place, we got the bus soon. We were sitting nearby in
the bus on a two-sitter bench. Punam sat on the window sit and I was on aisle seat. It was
approx 1-hour distance. As my intensions were clear, I intentionally sat closer to her
touching my thighs to her thighs; arms to her arms and like that. While chatting I was
getting more closer to her as if I can’t heard her conversation in the noise of bus. Due to
closeness, my penis was getting partly erected and bulge was clearly visible from my
pants. I was sure she must have definately noted that changes in my behavior and
obviously in my pants! - But she did not showed anything like that on her face. Taking
liberty, I clapped on her thighs for few times and also on the pretext of reading fortune
on palm, I fondled her hand too. By my moves, she was getting nervous and shy but she
was quiet all the while. After journey was over, we reached to D.S.O. office at 11 noon
sharply for certificate.

As usual the sarkari babu told us to collect that certificate by 5 in evening as the DSO
was on the tour outside and would be supposed to returned by 3 PM at his office, after
that he will sign the certificate and we can get it. Now how to pass the time until evening
was our task so after thinking we planned to go for a morning movie of 12 to 3. I referred
the local newspaper and we decided to go to ‘Razz’, although previously it was seen by
both of us with our respective friend circle but we decided to repeat it. The movie theatre
was nearby so we could reach easily to DSO office after movie. We went to theatre, got
the tickets, and sat inside the theatre. Being morning show and movie was no more
remained new by now, so there was no rush to show except the strayed audience. In
balcony, hardly 100 spectators were present out of which 90 were the couples of lovers
and balance may be strayed viewers. As we were among the first comers entered the
theatre; we sat in the last row and many couples were sat in front of us. It was obvious
that they all were lovers and were reached here to get the privacy by bunking their
colleges or tuitions. After some time the lights were made off and the movie started.

As the lovers around were no more interested in movie, they started their work of
lovemaking. Presuming us as a couple one out of them,they were least bothered about
our presence nearby. Exactly in front of our eyesight one couple was sitting. We were
observing them, soon he started kissing her.

He was smooching her lips for almost 20 minutes, and by closing her eyes she was
enjoying his kiss. Punam was disturbed to see those lovers. She was shying and getting
more nervous. I was sure that now she would said to leave the movie in between but
amazingly she didn’t said any word like that and was carefully observing what was going
on nearby. After some time, the nearby lovers fulfilled their thirst of kissing and were
moving ahead. They were becoming shameless. The lover sitting in front of us has
inserted his hand in the kamiz of his fiancée and started rudely rubbing her breasts
probably she was not wearing her bra. He was least bothered about our existence there
as we are seeing them may be presuming that we are there for the same work! She was
now leaned down her legs below the front seat and laid her head on the hands of chair
and both of his hands were inside her kamiz caressing her breasts wildly. In a short while,
she started moaning.

I saw -like me- punam was also watching the same movie! My penis got erected but I
could not do anything as I was sitting with my sister. Now the lovers were moving one
step ahead. He put her hand on his erection and down the zip of his pant. She had drawn
her palm inside his pant and started probing his tool. As we were sitting on uppermost
step chairs in the last row, we could easily see their complete drama from our place.
After fondling his tool for sometime she could not controlled herself as he was fondling
her breasts and was arousing her badly, so finally she pulled out his tool outside his
pants. Oh what a seen that was! His black coloured monster was now in her hand and we
could see easily when there was enough light on the scenes in the picture. The lund was
getting larger in the outside air! Soon it becomes fully erected due to her gentle
massaging. As the foreskin was down the head of lund was glistening. Now she leans
over him and started masturbating his tool. Punam was carefully watching their drama
like me. I don't know if she had already seen an erected lund before. Thinking this my
penis was getting erected inside my pants.

In a minute or two-he cummed forcefully on her and her face was clunged with his load
on her chicks. As there was no A.C. in that hall,the humid air inside the theatre was
getting hotter and we could easily feel the whiff of some pungent aroma inside the hall.
She ate some of his cum with her fingers and rest cleaned with her hanky and put that
hanky carefully in her purse. Next she loosened knot of her shalwar and put his hand
inside her shalwar. From his actions, it was clear that he was fingering her phoody or
vagina. By imagining the scene of their finger fucking I could not control myself and was
about to cum inside my pants. Although the treasure of sex was sitting next to me but I
could not make any move because she was my sister and I was her brother! I know both
were ignited from inside but could not do anything. What I could do was that I put my left
hand on her right hand and that is too on the arm of seat and I could feel that she was
hot, and was shivering, I was quietly watching her reaction. However, she did not make
any move as I was expecting and watching the in front love making couples'affairs like a
statue. After some time of finger fucking of his fiancée’s pussy he removed his fingers
and was licking those fingers.

I was sure that he was eating her cum that was sticking to his fingers. She was sitting in
a manner that he could easily scratch her lava. By the time, all the surrounding was filled
with some pungent odour probably that was emitting from their body parts like choot and
lund! After fulfilling their desires they neatened their clothes and leave the theatre. By
the interval almost three forth of theatre was vacated so we decided not to watch the
movie further and left the theatre after intervals. In the outside circumstances, I
observed Punam was somewhat disturbed so I changed the topic of movie and we went
to nearby restaurant for refreshment. Now she was getting normal but was shy and was
avoiding me in meeting her eyes direcly like what she was doing previously. Then I took
her to the DSO office and we collected her Homeguard certificate. In evening we got
return bus at around 6.30 PM. Sitting arrangement was like morning. But this time I built
some more courage for the reason that it was darkness inside the bus after the booking
was over and the afternoon movie scene was witnessed by both of us. So this time I
could not control myself. I directly put my left-hand palm over her right thigh in the
darkness and waiting for her replies. She did not replied.

So I started caressing with my fingers on her thighs but she was seeing outside the
windows as if nothing had happened. I could not built more courage than that within me
so I could not go beyond that, as I was not sure about her extreme reaction if something
goes wrong. By the time, our small journey was over and my entire efforts went futile.
From next day onwards I was searching for more opportunities to seduce her. Now she
was became an angel of my dream. Although she is a medium girl of wheatish
complexion long hair up to hips good body curves.....featuring something like Shilpa
Shetty ( what I think! )....and is really beautiful, I mean it. Now when she came to my
room as usual for chatting about our college gathering, youth festival, friends & profs (I
believe, that's the only topic on which I can debate with my sister!) I use to stare at her
(particularly at her breasts) in the manner that she should take note of my intentions. I
was eager to show her that I was magnetized by her physically maturity, her magnetic
eyes, magical smile, her makeup and costumes that carved her novel picture in my
heart. Since recent past I also noticed her boobs are bubbling to new heights and were
erecting my penis. There onwards I use to search every occasion of talking to my sister

Although I was not sure whether we both had mutual attraction but I observed that we
both us are glancing each other on time to time. It was my duty to drop her to the college
every morning on my bike. I observed many times her hand touches to my penis, earlier I
was overlooking this considering coincidence but then I decided to harvest this every
opportunity. When her hand touches to my penis, I started my penis growing more and so
she should feel the erection. Later I come to know that she removes her hand like
touching an electric wire that is carrying a current when she feels my growing erection to
her hand. Here I was expecting that she should hold my erection so that I could make a
further move but it was not happening.

Time was passing and I was getting more and more desperate to fuck her. When I cleared
my ICWA entrance recently and that was come to know me on 1st Jan. 03 - that day CA
and ICWA results were declared- I hugged her deeply on the pretext of joy and as if I am
doing it unintentionally I keep her in my embrace for almost a minute. When I released
her, she was blushed and was shying. Because this time I touched my full erection to her
body. Later I was thinking that she might surely complain this to our parents so in
evening when our mom came home I hugged her in the same manner -as I hold my sister
in noon- but obviously this time my penis was not erected! She didn’t said anything but
matter was not progressing at all. I was searching for all possible chances. I started to
withdraw underwear while sleeping and was sleeping on merely a pyjama or bermuda or
on shorts so that she should view my erection like a tent and should make further move.

I observed she saw my swollen tent many times but was quietly observing. I also bring
some porn magazines and leave them on table or below my pillow so that she should at
least take note and glance them. I know she saw those issues but neither shown like that
on her face and nor complained to parents. As we are sharing same bathroom and toilet
so when she takes bath earlier to me then I started masturbating on her panties and
bras, leaves my cum thereon, and later put that panty or bra on bath stool or at other
place than the normal pile of clothes so that she should guess later while collecting the
clothes for washing and should note that what I did to her undergarments! If I take bath
earlier then I use to spread my cum on bath stool. Once I shaved my penis, removed
pubic hair- Zata- and keeps the entire shaving kit clinging with hair-zata-and foam
intentionally in bathroom as if I forget to clean it. After some time when I peek into
bathroom, I found my kit was washed and was kept on its place! Twice I showed her my
dick from the corners of my Bermuda (short), when I was resting on my bed with pillows
below my head, reading a book with my knees upward and I was not put on my
underwear inside the Bermuda. So I was sure that my dick was clearly visible to her when
she was sitting on the corner of the same bed. Finally, I concluded that she is neither
showing any interest in my moves nor taking initiative. I got frustrated. On the other
hand, I was thinking like although even if she is not showing any direct interest in me nor
she is complaining to anyone in house means

I could say that she is neutral moreover. So why should not I take the initiative by directly
invading her and test my luck once. For that, I was searching an opportunity. After a few
days, a solitary time arose.

Our parents have to leave for Pune for a 3 days meeting for setting the SSC board
papers. As both our papa and mom are on the committee of paper setting and every
year, they have to visit board office at Pune. My sister and our grandma were left behind,
My mother instructed to sleep us all in the same room. It was 13th Jan, Monday. However
by the night my granny requested that she would like to sleep in her regular room that is
attached to verandah, as she could not sleep elsewhere being the new place and that
may cause her sleeplessness at this old age. So at around 9 PM granny left for her room
and asked me to lock the door inside carefully. We were alone watching the TV in our
main room. She was sitting in the sofa & I was lying on the bed watching TV. There was
some love story going on! As I was thinking something different in my mind so I was shy
watching the movie with her that day. Once or twice I went purposefully to kitchen (to
drink water) to avoid to see those love & kissing scenes on the movie. But she was so
cool girl seriously looking at the love scene and enjoying them, as it seems like she is
unaware of Love and sex. Thinking her innocence like ‘Sridevi’ in the movie ‘Sadma’ my
penis was getting erected and I was waiting for a chance to fuck the innocent girl. When I
could not control I jerked off in the toilet. It was around 11.30 pm, by the time she made
herself comfortable to sleep down-thank God!- and laid her mattresses on the carpet side
by my cot. I was pretending to be sleep on my bed and my tent was once again on its full

I was waiting for her replies. I know by now she had noticed my tent many times -not
directly but from the corners of her eyes but she was quiet. After complete movie was
over, She switched off the TV and drank water from a jug nearby. Then she went to toilet
for piss. In the quiet background of night, I can easily hear her pissing sound. That made
me crazy and desperate and I decided to fuck her at any cost. Again she came in the
room think for a while and then switch off the bedroom light and went to her bed. At
midst of darkness I couldn’t really sleep, Some thing like monster inside me ignited to
have a perfect fuck with her now. After long thoughts, I made up my mind of how to make
a love affair with her.... After a careful thought, I was sure this is 'Yes or ever or No or
Never' type battle. I finally decided to test my luck. I stated with a gargle
mmuuueee,mmuuuuueee, twice, thrice and watching. I was heart beaten.......

Eagerly waiting for her replies......Oh my

God.......Finally you blessed me!....... She

replied with the cough. Now I understood that she is sleepless and she is of the same
intensions as I am having! In order to confirm further I coughed this time.... and oh God
she gargled in replies this time! In fact I was waiting for this final sign. I started and come
on rolling on the side of my cot...I approach her with my hands from my cot (As I told you,
she was sleeping on the floor besides my cot). I first put my hand out of my bed and
slowly crawled my hands to her from my bed (I never made an attempt to peep from my
bed, all my hands did)....I was about to touch her......and was shaken by her meekly
voice, "Bhaiya....didn't you get sleep??". I immediately took my hand and my mind was
boggling to death. I said, "Punam,I couldn't". She raised up her knees leaned to the bed,
and said "Let me make you sleep",. She started, she reached my right hand and placed
my palm on her cheek.

My heart started pounding and my vain blood started pumping out. We were motionless
for minutes. Slowly she whispered ‘Sleep...Sleep...’rubbing her cheek on my palm. I was
relaxed by her love whisper and slowly fingered her cheek as gently as I could. After
fingering for about 2 minutes, I slowly took my hand off her Cheek and hold her shoulder
to rise her knees. At last words came from my mouth "Punam Please sleep with me"!!. Oh
my my surprise she did as I said and laid besides me on my bed and did not
even protested! For a few minutes we were motionless, suddenly she tightened my hand
with hers slender fingered tender palm and placed it on her belly. I made up mind not to
waste time anymore.... I crawled my hand to her boobs, she was holding my hand tightly
and never let me press it. She guided my hand to her neck...face and I started tickling
her ears. I can hear her sex ecstasy voice mmmmm..mmmmm. and said bhaiya please
make love to me, I was half way on her, and started with the first kiss & smooch of my
life. With that she lost her control, holds my hair tightly, and never let me take my lips. I
reached her tongue with mine, and she gave a bite. I kissed her all over her face, and so
did she. I started to probe her boobs on her dress and was lucky this time that she let me
play, kiss and mouth them over her kamiz. I was pressing them over her kamiz with my
tremendous vigor. We were hugging and spinning each other rolling all over the bed,
kissing each other. She was wearing salwar- kamiz, I started unzipping her tops, and she
was much co-operative turning her back for unzipping. We kneed on the bed and she
raised her hand to take off her tops.

As did to her, she did the same to take off my t-shirt. Still on the knees, I released her
ponytail as she got big hair touching her hips and whiff of hair fragrance went into my
nosrills. Now I could never resist and started hugging kissing her boobs and around. At
the same time scents emerging of her bare armpits were intoxicating me. I found her
armpits were full with a black jet of hair. I caressed there. She whispered my name ‘
Naren, Naren....’and hold my buttocks tightly to hers, as my hard penis was touching her,
she was shocked, and hold my buttocks still tighter and reached my neck hugging with
hers. When it was on the go, I slowly put my hands on her buttocks and slowly released
her salwar nara. She suddenly realized and hence refrained me doing so. She was still
half-dressed, I removed forcefully her salwar at last. I released her bra and saw her pair
of nice breast standing stiff and erect. This time I carefully observed her boobs. She had
a very nice pair of boobs. Whitish in color with faint brown or you can say reddish colored
nipples. Although they were big in size but they were very hard and tight. Her nipples
were erected. That site astonished me. We hugged in bare body and I realized the heat of
her body in mine. I dragged my tongue all over her face, her hairy arm pits and boobs.
She was so curious and demanding even as she holds my back hair, and guides me from
her boobs to belly.

She was screaming by the tickle of tummy. I went down licking and reached her toes. I
stated going back kissing her legs, thighs. I raised her legs and kissed her thighs and
started my journey (in side the thighs) towards the treasure of cunt. No word can explain
her sexual appearance in her panties in the darkness. I then camped few of my kisses
and licks in and around her panties. She realized that I would never leave this area, with
out stripping her panties and making her fully nude. She never wants to do so
immediately. She raised and turned me down and started kissing me from top to bottom.
I was amazed to see that she was not shy when she tried to remove my short, Now I am
nude before my sister. When she saw my lund first time she blushed with a feminine
shame may be due to the thought that she have to gulp this entire lund inside her small
and tiny pussy. She was also getting very shy to look at my nudeness in that fade lights.
When she was probing to touch my penis,

I voluntarily took her hands and lead her to touch my hard tool. She made a feather
touch downed my foreskin and fondled my lundsupari or supada with her gentle feminine
touch, and my penis soared up to new heights, and I whispered haaaaa...haaaaa.....

She understood I am getting erotic by the time due to her tender touches so slowly she
tightened her grip on my lund. I was so delighted that I hold her head down to my penis
to acquire a kiss voluntarily. She then started her kisses around my penis and balls. I hold
her hair back and hold my penis and started trusting it into her mouth. As she was
immature and innocent in sex, she started with a rough work, teething my penis, it
pained my a lot. After a moment, she removed it from her mouth like what she was
shocked. I thought she was disgusted with the taste of my precum. I did not said
anything. I was rather much curious to have an intercourse and to thrust my hard tool
between the great love tunnel that is situated within the dense jungle between her legs.
Now our body twisted, hands twisted around and I planted few kisses on her neck. She
lost her control, when I kissed her neck area, she murmured mmmmmmmmmmm..

I realized that this is the golden chance to undress her last panties. I was anxious to see
her love tunnel so I got up and put my thumb on each side of her elastic and pulled her
panties off, I could never missed this moment as she was feeling heavenly and so now let
me bring down her last piece of dress "the panties". A real mystery of nudity ends here! I
saw, She had a thick bush of dark black hair between her legs, the hair were dense and
curly -each around 2-3 inches long- and it seemed as she had never ever shaved down
there, I caressed her pussy mound and tried to locate her cunt with my middle finger. By
the time her phoody started emitting her sweet aroma the air and that was intoxicating
me. To helped me in probing her pussy she had spread her legs wide but I found it was
difficult to locate her hole so she took my finger in her slender fingers and guided my
middle finger to her cunt, she was soaking wet, taking a closer look I found that her
juices on her pussy hair were glistening like a dew on a grass in winter season and were
spreading sweet cunt aroma in the atmosphere nearby by this time.
I love that exciting aroma. I was sure the same aroma was inhaled before, so I was
recalling my memory when and where we found this smell. Soon I recalled that we
inhaled this nature’s scent in the cinema-talkies where we saw the movie during our
district visit. I filled that smell in my nostrils. That really made me mad and horny. Now I
inserted my middle finger in her pussy she screamed with both pain and ecstasy, as she
was virgin she could not bear my finger in her phoodi. I found the she was very hot like
furnace inside. Finally I could get her clitoris and started stimulating it, her clit was big as
big as a peanut and was glistening pink in that fade light. I massaged her clit with my
thumb and after a while she started moaning very loudly, it seemed she had never had
such pleasure before this in her life like me, her breathing got heavy and then suddenly
she just closed her thighs tightly trapping my hand between them, she was now gasping
and said bhaiya I can’t take it any more, something is happening to me, I knew she was
having an orgasm because I could feel her juices wetting my hand. I licked her juices off
my fingers she tasted salty with the intoxicating aroma of her piss mixed in it but it was
marvelous, I then rubbed my wet and sticky hands on her boobs and then stuck two
fingers in her mouth, she tasted her own juice, I then sat with a leg on each side of her
stomach and put her hand on my growing Lund. She now held my Lund and started
rubbing it on her boobs, then she let go of my lund and held her boobs from the sides
and pushed them together, this formed a nice cleavage, I got the hint and I stuck my
lund in that valley and started making fucking motion, precum was oozing from my cock
which provided lubrication and my cock started moving easily between her boobs, on my
up strokes my cock would cum out at the top of her boobs and Punam would stick her
tongue out and lick the head of my lund, the sensation I was getting was fantastic.

My cock was now once again fully erect and was ready for some real action, I tit fucked
Punam for a while and then I removed my lund from her cleavage and gave my lund in
her mouth but she resisted and removed from mouth instead of persuading her for the
same I started rubbing my lund on her thighs, she was loving this and was making sexy
sounds like ah ah ah ah ah , the room was filled with such sounds and the scent of our
sex mainly the exciting scent that was emerging from her phooddi. She then took my
lund in her hand started rubbing it moving my outer skin up and down and then touched
the head of my penis on her pussy lips, the sensation was out of this world, she was now
pulling at my lund trying to insert it in her cunt, after a while when she found she was
unable to take my cock in her cunt she said bhaiya please fuck me, I spread her legs with
mine and thrusted my hardest penis in to her cunt, I was unsuccessful, because both
were virgins and 'New Lads to Sex'. Patently, I spit on my hand and applied that spit to
my penis to lubricate the passage.

She then hold my penis and guiding into her passage. I thrusted my penis with a vigor to
reach inside ignoring her loud noises. After a many unsuccessful attempts at last, my
penis reached deep inside into her hole, and she shouted of pain. Now she was no more
virgin. As her screaming was increasing, I immediate smooched her to stop shouting. She
started biting my mouth deeply of pain but I was more generous to let her does that!
After a stand still silence, I gradually started moving my buttocks in and out of her
phooddy. I was approx. 4 inches in her pussy and realized that she is very tight in her
pussy. I pushed my lund completely in up to the hilt, she has now gulped in my big seven
inches long and 3 inches girth penetration deep into her phoodi than ever before, she
was in some pain but at the same time her life long wishes of having sex- like everyone-
were being fulfilled, I could see her satisfaction, her eyes were closed and mouth open
and was gasping with ecstacy, her boobs were sexily dangling and the sight was erotic. I
started giving her slow strokes and I found she is moving her butts to meet my strokes
and take my lund as deep as possible, my lund was going in her choot very swiftly and
that sound of fucking was natural music to my ears, she was steadily moaning and urging
me to go deeper and fuck her harder she said bhaiya please fuck my choot harder I want
you to rip my cunt apart, your lund is big and thick it has stretched my choot to its limit,
please fuck me harder, then she put her right hand between her legs and massaged my
balls and it felt very good,

I in turn with my right hand found her sensitive clit and rubbed it and that took her to her
second orgasm. I could feel her cunt muscles were contracting and they were holding my
cock tight, as her orgasm subsided I started ramming her again and this time I was
fucking her hard and fast, she was now shouting with pleasure, her tits were violently
moving around, I held onto her right breast and fucked her hard, we were sweating like
anything, I then took hold of her hip long hair and pulled them and with that her head
came up I hold again tightly and started fucking her, the sex was rough and there was
pain for her but she was liking it. I then decided to change the position and asked her to
come on top of me, we got into the position and she started riding me, she was moving
her arse round on my cock, she had her hands on my shoulder and I was massaging her
tits, I was pinching her nipples and at few times would suck them, my cock was deep in
her womb and our mixed juices were trickling down my balls and arse. She had now
picked up speed and was approaching her third orgasm and I too was near to cumming,
she was now moving her hips up and down with my cock and finally with a huge grunt
she cummed and at the same time I also cummed deep inside her pussy. She was still
kept on fucking me, and then collapsed on my chest, she was kissing my chest and neck
and was thanking me for a great fuck, we lied there stuck to each other for about 10
mins and then she slowly got up, my cock came out of her choot and some blood was
dripping their and with that my cum started pouring out of her choot, my thighs were full
of spunk and blood mixed together she saw this and was somewhat frightened and went
to the bathroom, I was just lying there recovering from a great workout, my cock had
shrunk and was lying loose between my legs. Punam came back after 5 mins with a wet
flannel and cleaned my cock, balls and thighs;

I then kissed her and thanked for allowing me fulfilling my desire after such a long time.
It was now 11.30pm we were relaxed but still naked and sat on the sofa, she went to the
kitchen and bring a coke for us from a fridge, she then sat next to me and said bhaiya
will this bleeding hurt me? I said, ‘ No way! It usually happens first time only. Next time
onwards you will only enjoy my lund grinding your phodi and that will satisfy our hunger. I
further said to her Punam remember this lund is always available to you and whenever
you feel the need you can have it straight way in your phoodi, then she said bhaiya I am
your slave from today and I am available for you always till my marriage, Today I don’t
know who will be my official husband tomorrow but for me today you are my true
husband and I love you from the bottom of my heart, I was well pleased hearing this and
we went to bed with sweet memories and slept kissing and hugging each other. .

The next morning I woke up at 8am and found Punam was left the bed earlier to me, so I
finished my morning chores and the sat in front of the TV sipping tea made by Punam, I
did not had my bath by this time though it was 9.30 morning, I was just lazing around the
house waiting for the the next chance as my memory was recalling last night’s drama.
Soon my granny rushed to temple saying she will be back by 12 noon. I was overjoyed. I
called Punam, but she called me in a kitchen as she was cooking something. I went there.
Sitting on a chair of dining table, I asked her if she was having any guilty feeling about
last night’s happenings then I am sorry for that but she said, no bhaiya it is not like that,
in fact she was waiting for my move since very long time. I was appalled and cursed
myself with her reply for the reason that I really missed something in my life otherwise I
would have fucked her far before.... I told her that I really enjoyed last night and asked
her if she liked it, she ignored to reply so she just nodded in affirmation. I stood behind
her and hugged her and said Punam, I love you and you can get all the love you require
from me, my hands were on her stomach and I was caressing her there, she felt a lot of
comfort in my arms, she then turned around and kissed me and said I know you will
always love me and I am very thankful for that, I wish I could be with you all the time
next to me in my bed at night. I said I will be always there for you but we must respect
the laws of society and be discreet about our love and keep our relations secret
hereafter, Now she was in my arms and her boobs were crushed against my chest, after
a while we broke our embrace and she attended to the cooking again.

Once the meal was ready we come to the living room, and there we sat close to each
other, I asked her what are her plans today, she said nothing is planned except my
routine tuitions in noon and in the evening I just have to cook food and rest of the time I
am free, I said that is fine today you will spend the day with me as I my bunking my
college today she said that’s fine. I went and sat next to Punam and took her hand in my
hand and started caressing it, I was wearing pyjamas and no underwear inside and my
cock was getting harder by the second and soon a tent was prominent, she saw the tent
and asked, ‘is it me or the someone in dreams?’ I said ‘it is you, I have watched you
many times seeing this tent’. She smiled at me and then put her hand on my lund over
my pyjamas, I was rock hard and precum was oozing out and wetting the front of my PJ’s,
she asked me to take my PJ’s off so I could be more comfortable, I took them off in a flash
and stood nude from waist down in front of her, I asked her to stand up and she stood up,
I went closer to her and unzipped her top and removed it and then undid her salwar and
let it drop to the floor, she was now standing in front of me with only her panties, I
hooked my thumbs in the panty elastic and pushed them down she gracefully stepped
out of them and then came closer to me and removed my shirt, now we were naked our
clothes scattered on the floor, I hugged her and my cock wedged between her pussy lips,
her tits crushed against my chest and our lips French kissing, we fell on the couch and
started caressing each others private parts, we did this for a while till Punam was hot
once again and then as expected she said to me bhaiya fuck me.

I said I intend to fuck you Punam but before that we need to do something she said what,
I asked her if she had ever thought of shaving her pubic hair? She laughed loudly as she
remembered the earlier episode as I kept my shaving kit in the bathroom.

She said you penalize me by cleaning your shaving kit I may be the first person in the
world who cleaned the kit before shaving because she had never shaved her hair before;
I asked her if she would like me to shave her hair? She said if you want to, I don’t mind it
will be something new for me. I said ok then I went to the bathroom and got my shaving
kit, I asked her to lie down on the carpet and spread her legs, I laid some newspaper
below her butt and she lied on it, first I trimmed her all long pubic hair from her pussy to
her entire anus region. She was very dark haired in her buttocks slit. First I trimmed them
all with scissors. I then observed her entire private parts. Smelled and licked her pussy
up like a dog does to bitch and that is up to her anus. I liked that salty taste feeling. Then
I applied some foam and shaved off all her hair with a razor except a small bush at the
top of her pussy, I then asked her to shave my lund hair which she did very erotically,
while shaving my hair my cock got erected she-at her own-back the foreskin took my
pink head of cock in her mouth and sucked my precum for first time, I liked it very much.
We also shaved each other’s armpits and that added pleasure.

After the shaving session we cleaned up and again sat together. I pulled her onto my lap
and she leaned on my chest, my fully erected cock was between her legs inches away
from her pussy, I stood her up and asked her to spread her legs, she did that and then I
kissed her on her pussy smelled her pussy inhaled the intoxicating aroma into my nostrils
until I felt fully satisfied, she had her left leg on the sofa besides me and I was between
her legs, my face was comfortably in line with her pussy so I found it was easy to lick her
choot, her pussy lips were thick and fluffy and her clit was hidden under the hood so I
stimulated her clit with my finger she started moaning and within seconds her clit was
out of its hood. Now I took her clit in my mouth and sucked it hard and then almost bite it
in ecstacy. She yelled, it must have pained her so I apologized, I again started sucking
her clit and at the same time inserted two fingers up her choot, she was enjoying the
dual pleasure she was receiving from me, I was sucking her clit hard and finger fucking at
the same time. Soon I felt her thighs were shivering as she reached her orgasm.

This orgasm was so intense that she could not stand up on her feet so she felled on me
and I gladly held her in a tight embrace. After a while I sat her on the sofa and I knelt
between her legs and rubbed my Lund on her choot, I was rubbing my lund from top to
bottom of her choot and whenever I touch to her clit I was dabbing my lund head on it.
Soon her pussy became wet and sticky with her juices and my precum, after doing this
for about ten mins I shoved my entire lund in her choot vigorosly, a scream came out of
her mouth, my whole lund was in her choot in a second and I stayed motionless for a few
minutes, when I knew that she has accustomed herself to my big lund I slowly started
fucking her, with every stroke her hard tits with light brown nipples were bouncing up
and down and I like to see the tits bouncing while I was fucking, I was massaging her tits
while fucking and she was moaning like hell, beads of sweat had formed on her forehead
and she was getting really hot, I increased my pace, my balls were hitting her arse and
the feeling was great, my knees were rubbing on the carpet and I knew that I will end up
with carpet burns on my knees but I did not stop I wanted to fuck Punam to my hearts
content. I now was fucking her at my fullest speed and she was asking me to stop but I
ignored her pleas and kept on fucking her,

I was nearing my orgasm and so I increased the speed and then with a grunt I unloaded
my cum deep in her choot I spurted; jet after jet; of my spunk in her that filled her phoodi
and the spunk started coming out of her choot, she said your spunk feels nice and warm
in my choot, I kept her choot plugged with my lund for a while then removed my lund,
she realised that there is too much spunk I unloaded inside her phoodi so she ran to the
bathroom to clean up, I followed her and saw her squatting in the bath and pushing my
spunk out of her choot, I got in the bathroom and turned the shower on, we both had a
good shower and came out and dried each other and relaxed in each others arms on my
bed,. By the time we were tired and now physically hungry as Punam cooked the food
earlier it was ready to serve. So we had our lunch together. After lunch for desert I licked
Punam’s pussy once forcefully. Soon then the khujjat granny comes to home and we
stopped our love affair. Our newly founded love is flourishing nicely and our lovemaking
is getting better and better day by day. We are not afraid to execute novel experiments
and doing many things, which are our fantasies. Once again I am thankful to the authors
of the stories like ‘Sonal my behna’ and 'chandu story'- because their stories inspired me
a lot about brother-sister affair which earlier I was thinking pure sin. Contact for good
friendship at my email through the link below.

My Husband's Friend
Hi, I am anil once again with new story of a married women who is taken by her
husband's friend. After this I am narrating this story as

Let's me describe first of all myself, my name is Sheena. I am a married woman of 36

years but have a nice body shape. No one can say at first glance that I am 36 years, I
have got a very nice and attractive features and figures from heaven. I am tall of more
than 5' 6'' with a slim body as I keep very care of my body. I have a great, praiseworthy,
and attractive figures. My waist is still 34'' while my breasts and hips are 36'' though I am
mother of three children and my first child is 14 years old. And all on them my
complexion is white reddish. My lips are thinning with small-mouthed and my eyes are
wide big black colored and have long black hairs.

I am living with my family and my husband very happily. I think my husband loves me
that very rare husband love their wives. My marital life was nice. As we are not newly
married so we have no continuously sexual relationship but we have yet a routine twice
or thrice in a month. May be this is enough for other woman but I don't think why I think
that this is not enough for me, but I have never thought about it seriously. I loved my
husband and this the fact that I had only given myself to my husband but as I got older I
sometimes wondered what another man would be like. I had no thoughts of finding out
but it was interesting to think about it.

My husband has a friend named Sachin from his childhood who living near our house. We
have very good relation between the two families of us. We use to go each other houses
without any hesitation on every occasion. Sachin's wife Deba begum and I have very
good friendship as our hubbies had. Sachin is very nice and mannered man. He keeps all
our small needs. He is very charming personality. I must admit that he was very
attractive. But I never think about him like it this point of view, I mean sex with him nor
he showed me that he looks me in that point. We ever meet like a sister and brother.
Although we have met so many time in solitude. My husband had never objected
whenever I met him nor he objected met his wife with my husband. We were like one
family and we don't care that we have no blood relation.

Once it was noon and my husband was out of station while children were sleeping and I
have nothing to do so I went to Sachin home to meet his wife as usual we meet once or
twice in a week. When I entered the home Sachin's wife Deba begum was not at neither
home nor the kids were there. I called so many times Deba begum but there was not any
response. I became wondered that what is the problem that no body is responding me. I
stood there for a while and after few seconds Sachin shouted from the bathroom that he
comes bhabi with in a minuet please wait for me. And after few minuets he came out
from the bathroom. His hair was wet as he recently took the bath. He became very
pleased to see me and asked me to sit. I asked from Sachin that where is Deba begum
bhabi and kids. He told me that they have left just an hour for her native city as her
mother is ill and that she called her in hurry so she couldn't meet you. He asked me for
some drink and tea. I laughed and said that now you will make tea for me? Then he said
me ok if you don't want to make it by me then you should made it, as I need it. So I went
to the kitchen and that was not unknown place for me. I don't know but I was too nervous
today to feeling alone with him, as it was not the first time alone with him for me. When I
was fumbled around in the kitchen I was thinking about an excuse to leave, but couldn't.
So I prepared the tea both for us. He was in lounge when I brought the tea and I sat with
him in one sofa and put the try on the table near the sofa. We started talking and I
inquired that why he is at home at this time, he said that he was not feeling well. I asked
him about his sickness but he didn't tell anything. I offered her to take her to doctor but
he refused and said that he has already taking medicine. We were talking on every topic.
He was looking me today very strange and I was thinking that what is the new and soon I
realized that there is some thing new. I felt some new thing and it could lust in his eyes.

He started talking about my cloth and said that I have wore very nice cloths today and
that it looking so nice and gives extra charming to my personality which has already
extra grace full. I was wearing the red color shilwar kamiz as I usually wear. I shy for a
while and then said thanks to him. Then he said how my husband is lucky that he has
found so nice, beautiful, gorgeous and so sexy wife like you. I found myself once again an
embarrassed position and said him Sachin bahi what are you talking today, you have
never talked like this before. Then he said you mean that I should have talked it before.
No I don't mean like this but I consider you as my brother, and Mr. Sachin you have so
nice and beautiful wife. But not like you. He replied. Then he turned his conversation
towards his martial life and said me that his martial life is not so satisfied and that his
wife doesn't care about his desires. I was surprised that how Sachin is talking today? He
proceed his conversation and said me that he wants to talked with me on this topic from
long but he had not get chance for it.

I was now fully confused and want to leave. So said him that I should go now as the
children were expected to awake but he request me not to leave him alone and I stayed
there I don't know why? He started state away about his sexual life and I started to feel
nervous as Sachin was talking about sex and I was feeling lightheaded. I felt for the first
time that something might happen that noon. Suddenly he moved near to me as we
seated on one sofa, and I became astonished when he grabbed me from my waist and
put his mouth on mine. My whole body tensed as Sachin warm lips touched mine. I
followed my marital life and was going to get out of there. As I started to turn around,
Sachin grabbed me in a powerful embrace. I was trying to escape from his grip but truly
not from my heart. His body was tight against mine and I couldn't help but be turned on
by how well my breasts fit under his massive chest. He was kissing my lips passionately
and his hands were on my breast rubbing them gently. I was really in double minded at
that time, that what should I do? I was feeling this rush of sexual tension like I never felt
in my life but at the same time I knew it was wrong. At first I resisted but it was
surprisingly feeling good. I tried to pull back but the empowering embrace made it
impossible and Sachin's warm love was not more ignore able for me, As Sachin lips were
pressed tight against mine, I started to feel a hot sensation deep within.

Our lips melted together as if they were becoming one. I responded him unintentionally.
Then he parted his lips and wanted to slide his tongue against my mouth. First I resisted
but then I parted my lips and allowed his tongue deep inside me. His warm tongue slowly
entered my mouth. We were motionless. He warmly licked my mouth as I was fighting for
some sort of control. I didn't kissing back but I was not stopping him either. He was
passionately sucking and licking inside my mouth as I was losing control. I always liked
Sachin, and may be there was this passion. I was feeling nice so I raised my tongue.
When our tongues met it sent a shock wave shivering through my body. I was beginning
to lose control of my inner sexual power. I passionately licked his tongue back as we
started to deeply kiss each other and I forgot all about my of my husband or anything
else as I was so turned on by this incredible sensation. . Nothing else was on my mind but
this powerful kiss. As he pulled his tongue from my lips and started to lick my neck
forehead nose and neck. I was too excited at this time but I muttered to him that we are
married and shouldn't do this. But he was not hearing me. I wanted to stop him but
couldn't, and he re-entered his tongue into my mouth as we started to kiss wildly again.
After some time he again made his way down my neck. I again told Sachin to stop.
Sachin magically licked my neck and ears, and the warmth of his mouth on my
erogenous zone did not allow me to notice his hands on my breast this time. His hands
were now on my impressively inviting breast and he was rubbing and massaging them.
Now this was out of my control.

I again tried to pull myself from this carnal spell but by this time he had moved his hand
in my neck as it was too low cut, I asked him once again that Mr. Sachin this is sufficient,
and we should stop it. He was very expert and well known about the woman psychology.
With in flash he released me from my kamiz and left only in my bra. He unhooked it
releasing my tight tits. My ripe breasts were beautiful and inviting. He knelt down and
took one of my erected nipples into his mouth. His warm tongue licked across my swollen
nipples, and was sucking my tits like they were his lifeline, which was sending me into a
sexual confusion my body was so filled with passion that I became weak. Sachin lifted me
off the ground and held me as he continued to suck my tits. Sachin licked my tits up and
down. He laid me on couch. I felt like this was a chance to stop this erotic heat. As I laid
there half naked and wanted him on me. I thought about how I secretly wanted another
man at least once in my life. I wanted him now really, as I probably couldn't have found
my husband as hot as Sachin. He was now trying to take my shilwar off. I whispered once
again not to do like this. But I was wondering how it would feel to have another man
taste my love and that thought sent my mind in a naughty fit of desire. He took off my
shilwar slide it from my legs. As Sachin took off my shilwar, the exotic feeling of being
totally nude in front of another man sent a shiver up my spine as instinctively my legs
spread open. He leaned and put his mouth on my pussy lips and kissed, licked it.

I could not believe I was letting Sachin to suck my pussy. I was powerless to stop his oral
attack, I again whispered out in a frantic but orgasmic way that I couldn't do this I am
married. He said me married can do this very easily, don't worry you will fell well. But I
will never for give myself for this entire my life. I replied. How can you say your husband
so loyal to you? Doesn't he go to anther women. He said to me. But I don't care what he
does but I couldn't. With out replied me he took my swollen cunt lips against his mouth
and let his tongue in to probe. Sachin sucked and licked inside of me. Sachin licked me
deeply as my pussy was on fire. It was too incredible, and pleasurable, which I had never
felt like this before in all my sexual life. Now it was not in my control and my tight little
cunt and whole body was burning and I grabbed Sachin head and was burying his face
into my wet cave and I started moaning and bucking wildly. Sachin was licking my clit as I
moaned like an animal. Sweat was pouring from my body as I was yearning to be
entered. Would I let another man's rock hard cock enter my cunt where I have never
imagined letting any other man cock? But Sachin was sending my body into a sexual
frenzy as his face was buried into my drenched pussy. Sachin was relentless and
experienced, as he knew exactly what a woman wanted. He was really aroused me and I
felt his cock in my cunt madly. I felt nervous excitement as I knew exactly where this was
leading and I realized I was losing the battle.

After a long time, Sachin whispered that he desired that I should take his cock my
innocent married mouth. First I refused that I have never done it, and that I don't know
how one can take this in one mouth. But he insisted very. As the passion filled my body to
the point of thrusting, explosion I argued within myself. If I were to suck Sachin's cock I
might be able to quench my thirst and satisfy this stud without allowing him to put his
cock into my cunt as I wanted still to stay true to my husband. I wanted him to be the
only man who I tasted. Sachin was fully erected and he had the biggest dick I could ever
imagine. It was a good eight inches long and thick twice then my husband. After some
arguments. I leaned in and put my mouth on his cock. I kissed and licked his cock for
while and then I opened my mouth as far as I could and took in his head. The swollen
head of this prick needed more space. I opened my mouth as far as I could and took in
his head. Sachin moaned in delight as I was fulfilling his desire. I bobbed my head back
and fourth trying to mouth fuck this man. I hadn't had much experience in this area. As I
continued to slide his huge cock in and out of my mouth Sachin continued to tell me suck
his dick. I was sucking his dick which was now so excited and pleasurable experience for
me and me hand went to my cunt which stuck up my cunt. It was gushing with juice and
was begging for more. I knew now the obvious, I was going to get fucked by Sachin it was
really totally a new experience for, as I have never sucked my husband cock nor he ever
asked for it. My husband had not give me what Sachin giving me now, and if my husband
were here I would tell him this is real sex. I needed to be fucked now and Sachin sensed
my urgency and pulled his monstrous crank from my mouth. He had really the big one,
twice than in thickens and long from my unaware husband. Who never think that his loyal
wife will suck his best friend cock, and she was going to take his fiend dick in her lovely
pot. The thought of this huge cock inside of me sent my body into a shiver. But I my inner
core was begging for his dick to ram me. By this time I couldn't control the passion

And I fell back and eagerly spread my legs. He was rubbing his over powering cock
against my pussy lips. I knew what he was doing. He was not giving it to me unless I
begged. He was rubbing it to my clitoris and I had a fire inside my cunt that only a long,
hard cock could extinguish. He knew that well. So I started to beg and cry for his cock. I
took his cock and put it on my pussy hole saying stop it and insert this in me. I was so
swollen and wet. So Sachin had very easily his cock head inserted in my cunt as it was
too wet but due to his bigger cock I felt little pain Aaaaa aahhhh a big and loud sound
pours out of my lips but as no one at home, it was safe. Sachin then grabbed my legs and
held them up as he slid his dick further in my cunt. He had to pull back and push forward
a couple of times to stretch my tight cunt. He had really big cock, which made my pussy
hole resized more my husband's custom fit hole. I was screaming with ecstasy as Sachin
vibrating eight inches cock easily deeper into my love hole. My legs were straight up in
the air and my fingernails dug into Sachin's hips. As he pumping all of his 8 inches rock
hard into my cunt hole. He was slowly pulling his dick back and fourth. He was fucking
me in very sophisticated manner, which I appreciated very much, and I wanted him to
fuck me in this way forever.

Sachin was giving me what I was mercifully begging for. He was fucking me strongly, and
I was feeling his hard rock cock in my depth of my cunt flesh. I also start having pleasure
and started jumping under him to accompany his moves. His testis starts making noises
with every hit to my buttocks. I was not in this world but I felt I was going in and out of
conscience as he fucked me. I was numb to the world as I was being fucked like a wild
animal. Sachin opened my cunt with his rock solid wide eight-inch cock. He pumped me
fast and hard. Sachin fucked for a long time and was now looking tired, he could not
control my legs anymore. As we were doing all this in the couch so my feet were planted
on the ground and I was bucking like a bronco. Sachin was ripping me in half with his
huge package and couldn't get enough. I was now in full control of him so he asked me to
ride on him now. And this was the last desire of mine that I want ride on him. He pulled
out his cock from my pussy and lay on his back, and I climbed on top of him. By now my
shyness and loyalty to my husband was gone. I caught his 8'' cock in my hand and
guided it on my pussy hole. My proud pussy took in his eight-inch pole in one stroke. his
long cock went in my pussy like a fish in water cave as I needed it so bad. I bounced and
bucked so hard, I thought this thick prick was going to tear me in half. I was jumping on
him, I took him in even farther than when he was on top on me. I couldn't keep up
anymore, The massive size of his cock was getting the best of me and I was slowing
down. Sachin put his hands on my butt and started to pull me down deep onto his dick.
That was very nice and I was crying for deep and hard fuck from Sachin. My breasts were
jumping up and down which he caught by his hand and squeezed them.

That was my thrust for fuck as I have been not fuck like this from long, and I was wonder
how a conservative woman like me begged to be fucked like this. I needed to get fucked
and begged Sachin to finish me off. Then he asked me to turn I wonder that what he
want but without any question I turned and he came just behind me and put his dick in
my wet pussy he inserted his cock in my pussy from my ass side. Now he was fucking me
from behind with his full power and I was bearing his all-powerful stroke very happily as
he was really giving me the nicest pleasure of my life. And I gave him all I had. Now we
both were too exhausted and I asked him to finish it. And he increased his rhythm of
stroking. After few minutes he and I both came together felled my pussy from his heavy
load, while this was my third cum. I came so hard I felt like someone let the air out of me,
we lay there for a while and were kissing each other. This time I was kissing him with lot
of love, because he gave me lot of pleasure, the pleasure that my husband had nerved
give me in my whole martial life. We talked and I said him compiled an innocent married
women, beg you to fuck. He laughed and said your fucking was my dream from the
beginning. But you have never showed it to me. I replied. He said I know that you were
not that type of woman who can do this so easily. After some I asked him to leave now
and He helped me dress for, as I was hardly able to move due to hard fuck. When I was
leaving him he hugged me tight and kissed me, he asked me that when we meet next. I
said him that I want to tell you clear that this is our first and last meeting like this and
that we will never thought about it again. He became very sad to listen this. I left him in
that situation and went to home.

He insists now for more, when he meets me, he tries to meet me always alone but I let
him only to kiss hardly but he wants more then kiss.

My Bhabie & Her Lovely Sis

I want to share my sexual experience. My name is Anil and presently I am 25 yrs old. Me
and my parents live in delhi. Once during my summer vacations, we planned a trip to
bangalore. The reason was that my parents wanted to buy some property in bangalore,
as it is our hometown. We stopped at mathura because one of my cousin brothers is
staying in mathura with his wife. We thought of spending a couple of days in mathura
and then proceeding further. When we reached my cousin's place, we found that my
cousin was not there.

He had gone to mumbai on business purpose for two weeks. So at home were
Bhabhi(sister-in-law, Brothers’ wife) and her elder sister Neha who was also married.
Bhabhi had two children - one a girl of 4 yrs (her name was Deepa) and another a boy of
6 months. Neha's husband had also gone on a business tour to Hong Kong and that is
why she was staying with her sister. Bhabhi was 26 yrs old and without any children.
They had been married only for a year. Bhabhi was stunning. She was tall and fair and
had a very attractive figure. Her sister (30 yrs) was also beautiful though she had
delivered two children. the initial two days were of great fun. After that my parents
decided to go to bangalore and they told me to stay with Bhabhi as they would be busy
dealing with property dealers and told me that I would get bored.

I started complaining to my parents and at that moment Bhabhi came into the room and
said to me, " Anil, you would not regret staying here" and saying this she stroked my
cheek. that afternoon my parents left. Now Bhabhi, Neha, her two kids and myself were
the only ones in the house. After my parents had left, I went to Bhabhi's bedroom and
switched on the TV and started watching it.

After fifteen minutes, Bhabhi and Neha came to the room with Neha clutching the baby in
her arms. I asked them where Deepa was and they said that she was sleeping in the
other room. Neha sat very close to me on the bed and Bhabhi said that she was going to
take a bath. Bhabhi took her clothes from the almirah and went inside the bathroom.
suddenly the kid started crying. Neha was swift to react. she dropped the pallo of her red
saree, started unhooking the hooks on her black blouse from the front and in no time
exposed the translucent black bra that she was wearing. She had unhooked her blouse
completely and her two bra cups were completely exposed to my gaze.

My goodness, what a breast she had. Perfect round cups and the nipple being clearly
visible owing to the translucent bra that she was wearing. The bra was a low cut one and
a large portion of her cleavage was exposed. I had a sudden hard on. After that she took
her hands behind and undid the clasp of her bra. Her breasts shook briefly. then she
pulled one bra cup and exposed her breast completely. She had a milky breast and the
nipple was in perfect contrast to it. It was of perfect black color and the circumference
was too large. It almost occupied her half breast. She took the nipple between her two
fingers and guided it into the kid's mouth. The kid had stopped crying and was suckling
the nipple hungrily. My cock was rock hard in my underwear and I was feeling the pain as
my monster tried to tear apart the fabric of my underwear.

After placing the nipple in her kid's mouth, she was casually watching the television, but
now my eyes were glued to her breast rather than to the TV. I was feasting my eyes on
the nipple that her kid was sucking as well as on the other nipple that was less hidden
and more exposed by the sheer fabric of her lacy bra. Very soon because of the body
movements that she was making her other breast also came out of her bra and was
hanging loose outside. I just could not control myself. After a little while she stopped
nursing the kid. She gradually pulled him from her nipple and placed him on the bed. As
she did so, her both breasts were dangling outside, the nipple that the baby had sucked
was rock hard and the other one was of usual size.

She then took of her blouse completely through her hands and placed it on the bed, still
with her breasts dangling outside, she got up from the bed and undid her saree. As she
threw the saree onto the bed, I could not control myself any longer and started rubbing
my penis from the top of my pajama. She was now in her pink petticoat and the black
colored bra, which was hanging loose on her body. She went up to the dressing table, sat
in front of it and taking her hands behind hooked her bra. After hooking her bra, she took
her hands in the front and started cajoling her breasts and adjusting them so that they fit
inside her bra. She then opened the almirah and took a towel and came to the bed and
sat near me. My mouth was wide open after this sexual experience. I was sweating
profusely. My forehead was perspiring and she noticed it. She gave a naughty smile and
asked me whether it was too hot. I nodded obediently. She said that it was okay and I
would feel better once I paid a visit to the bathroom. then I thought - "So this bitch knew
it all the time and she had done everything purposefully." But I still lacked the courage to
make an indecent move. She was still sitting in her black bra and pink petticoat.

She told me, " Even I am feeling very hot" and saying this adjusted her petticoat below
her navel. I was now in the process of forming a mental image of her body. Her pink
colored sexy petticoat, her deep navel, her flat stomach, her black bra imprisoning her
milky breasts, her nipple that was clearly visible and her deep cleavage of which nothing
was left hidden. Suddenly Bhabhi came out of the bathroom and she expressed no shock
or surprise on seeing her elder sister scantily dressed. Neha went to the bathroom and as
she was walking to the bathroom I noticed her back. Her bra strap was clinging tightly to
her body and her wide buttocks were protruding out from her pink petticoat.

I now looked at Bhabhi. One look at her and it sent my already rock hard cock even
harder. She was wearing a silky nighty of yellow color. The nighty was a perfect see-
through. Inside she was wearing a yellow color petticoat and a black bra. Her bra cups
were clearly visible through her nighty. Around 5 P.M in the evening Deepa got up and
she said that we play something. Bhabhi asked her what she wanted to play. She said
that she wants to play kabbadi. So Bhabhi said,” Me and Deepa will be in one team,
Sunny and Neha will be in the other team," but Neha said that she is not feeling like
playing. So Bhabhi and Deepa were in one team and I was alone in the other team. Neha
sat nearby to watch the game. firstly, Bhabhi came to my side chanting "kabbadi..." I was
staring more at Bhabhi's anatomy which was all the while more visible whenever she
bent. Her breast clad by the black bra was becoming more and more visible.

I caught hold of Bhabhi from behind and had a good grip on her stomach. My dick was as
such rock hard and I was having a difficult time holding Bhabhi's stomach and controlling
the pain in which I was reeling. Now as Bhabhi's nighty was made out of silky material,
she was able to break loose my grip and get onto the other side. I then protested,
"Bhabhi, your nighty is made up of slippery material and that is why you escaped, you
please change your nighty." Bhabhi said, " Now who has the time to change the nighty. I
will remove it for you." saying this, she unhooked the front of her nighty and holding the
hem of her nighty pulled it above her head. My goodness, I had my tongue caught
between my teeth as I looked at Bhabhi who was now wearing a yellow petticoat below
her navel and a black bra. She was smiling naughtily and she said pointing to her
clothing, "This is my bra and it is made up of cotton. My petticoat is also made of the
same material and now you cannot complain anything about my clothing." Neha was
laughing loudly at this. Now I knew that these two were real bitches and I will royally fuck
them before leaving for delhi. But still I was not able to muster the courage. I then went
to their side chanting "kabbadi..." I was not able to concentrate on the game and Bhabhi
would occasionally bent and expose more of her cleavage for me. Neha was all the while
having a good time laughing. next when Bhabhi came to my court, I held her tightly from
behind. This time deciding not to let her go. She started struggling in my grasp. My dick
was hard and it was rubbing against her ass on the fabric of her petticoat and from
behind I was getting a better view of her breasts now jumping in and out of her black bra
owing to her rigorous body movements.

All of a sudden without any warning she brought her hand behind and gave my dick a
sudden and violent squeeze. I yelled and let her go. She reached her court and said that
it was an escape at the nick of the moment. Now I understood that the bitch wanted to
play dirt. Now when I went to her court, I went near her and gave her breasts a mighty
squeeze. She yelled loudly and simultaneously started laughing. Deepa was not able to
understand anything. The next time Bhabhi came to my court, I decided to play a little
more dirty game. I caught hold of her black bra from the front and told her, “Now you
won't be able to get away from me this time." She winked at me and in one swift action
took her hand behind, unhooked her bra and let it come off through her hands. She got
back to her court bare breasted leaving the black bra in my hands. I was stunned. She
was laughing voraciously along with Neha and I was looking at her breasts.

Magnificent in size and shape with the same sized nipples as her elder sister. I took the
bra to my nose and started smelling it. I noticed the size tag on her bra. It read 40 inch -
100-cm. Bhabhi came to my court and asked for her bra. Now it was my turn. I quickly
put the bra inside my pyjama and asked her to take it if she wants it. She looked at her
sister for a moment and then took my hand and placed it on her breast. I just lost control
of myself and started squeezing her boobs and fondling them. I pressed her boobs hard
and started playing with her nipples. I tuned them and soon they became rock hard.
Bhabhi turned to Neha and said, "Didi, you put Deepa into sleep and come to my
bedroom. tonight is party time." Saying this she dragged me to her bedroom. I was still
clinging onto her breast. once inside the bedroom, she pulled the string of my pyjama
and got it down. the bra was inside my underwear and so she had to pull down my
underwear. She got me off my underwear.

The bra was now hanging from my dick on one of its straps. With the bra hanging, she
took my shaft inside her mouth and gave me a good blowjob. I came instantaneously and
she took the entire thing in her mouth. She was still wearing her petticoat. I untied the
knot of her petticoat by my teeth and had it down instantaneously. She was wearing a
red colored panty. I was about to pull her panty down when she asked me to wait. She sat
on the bed and laid me on her lap, lifting my head to her nipples, she guided one of them
inside me. I started sucking them as hard as I could. At that moment Neha joined us. She
came near me and asked me to help strip her. I pulled the pallo of her saree and
unwound it around her. She was wearing a pink colored blouse and a matching petticoat.
I started tracing my hand on her boobs. she liked that tickling sensation. Then I went
behind her and I squeezed her boobs from behind.

She yelled aloud. I then came to her front and started unhooking her blouse gradually.
She was moaning and biting her lips. I removed her blouse and this time she was wearing
a bra with the nipple completely exposed. She had actually cut her bra at the place
where the nipple would thrust out. I could not control on seeing this and started sucking
her breasts. Being a breast-feeding mother milk started oozing out and I started sucking
harder. After about five minutes of sucking at one breast, I switched my attention to the
next. I then unhooked her bra and untied her petticoat. I helped both of them remove
their panties and made both of them lie on the bed. That night I really feasted myself on
them. The next day the three of us took bath together and till my parents came from
bangalore we had a great time. Now Bhabhi has gone to the states and Neha has shifted
to Kuwait, but the memory of those days is still fresh in my mind.

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