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Rubber friction on wet and dry road surfaces: the sealing effect

B.N.J. Persson,1 U. Tartaglino,1, 2, 3 O. Albohr,4 and E. Tosatti2, 3, 5

IFF, FZ-Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Via Beirut 2, I-34014 Trieste, Italy
INFM Democritos National Simulation Center, Trieste, Italy
arXiv:cond-mat/0502495v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 21 Feb 2005

Pirelli Deutschland AG, 64733 Höchst/Odenwald, Postfach 1120, Germany
International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), P.O.Box 586, I-34014 Trieste, Italy
Rubber friction on wet rough substrates at low velocities is typically 20 − 30% smaller than for
the corresponding dry surfaces. We show that this cannot be due to hydrodynamics and propose
a novel explanation based on a sealing effect exerted by rubber on substrate “pools” filled with
water. Water effectively smoothens the substrate, reducing the major friction contribution due to
induced viscoelastic deformations of the rubber by surface asperities. The theory is illustrated with
applications related to tire-road friction.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.035428 PACS numbers: 81.40.Pq, 62.20.-x

Ref.: Phys. Rev. B 71, 035428 (2005)

1. Introduction bulk properties of rubber-like materials.

The study of sliding friction has attracted increasing Rubber friction on smooth substrates, e.g., a smooth
interest during the last decade thanks also to the develop- glass surface, has two contributions, namely an adhesive
ment of new experimental and theoretical approaches[1, (surface) and a hysteresis (bulk) contribution[6, 10]. The
2, 3, 4]. While some understanding has been gained adhesive contribution results from the attractive bind-
about the origin and qualitative properties of friction, ing forces between the rubber surface and the substrate.
first principle calculations of friction forces (or friction These interactions are often dominated by weak van der
coefficients) for realistic systems are in general impos- Waals forces. However, because of the low elastic moduli
sible. The basic reason for this is that friction usually of rubber-like materials, even when the applied squeez-
is an interfacial property, often determined by the last ing force is very gentle this weak attraction may result
few uncontrolled monolayers of atoms or molecules at in a nearly complete contact between the solids at the
the interface. An extreme illustration of this is diamond interface [11, 12], resulting in the large sliding friction
friction: the friction between two clean diamond surfaces force usually observed even for very smooth surfaces[13].
in ultra high vacuum is huge because of the strong in- The hysteresis contribution results instead from the sub-
teraction between the surface dangling bonds. However, strate roughness (even highly polished surfaces have sur-
when the dangling bonds are saturated by monolayers of face roughness, at least on the nanometer scale).
hydrogen atoms (as they invariably are in real life con-
ditions), friction becomes extremely low[5]. Since most 1.2
surfaces of practical use are covered by several monolay-
µ eff
ers of contamination molecules of unknown composition, dry
the quantitative prediction of sliding friction coefficients 0.8
is generally impossible. An exception to this may be rub-
ber friction on rough surfaces, which is the topic of the
present paper.
Rubber friction is a topic of extreme practical impor-
tance, e.g., in the context of tires, wiper blades, con-
veyor belts and sealings[6]. Rubber friction has several
remarkable properties. First, it may be huge, sometimes 0
0 0.2 0.4
resulting in friction coefficients much higher than unity. slip
Secondly, on very rough surfaces, e.g., in the context of a
tire sliding on a road surface, it is mainly a bulk property FIG. 1: A typical measured effective friction coefficient as a
of the rubber. That is, the substrate (or road) asperi- function of slip for dry and wet road surface. See Sec. 3 for
ties exert pulsating forces onto the rubber surface which, the definition of the slip.
because of its high internal friction at the appropriate
frequencies, results in a large dissipation of energy in the For very rough surfaces the adhesive contribution to
rubber bulk (hysteresis contribution)[7, 8, 9]. Finally, rubber friction will be much smaller than for smooth
rubber friction is very sensitive to temperature because surfaces, mainly because of the small contact area. For
of the strong temperature dependence of the viscoelastic a tire in contact with a road surface, for example, the

actual contact area between the tire and the substrate the rubber friction from the surface asperities.
is typically only ∼ 1% of the nominal footprint contact
area[7, 8]. We have shown recently that the observed 2. Theory
friction when a tire is sliding on a dry road surface can The contribution to rubber friction from the vis-
be calculated accurately by assuming it to be due en- coelastic deformation of the rubber surface by the sub-
tirely to internal damping in the rubber (the hysteresis strate asperities depends only on the complex frequency-
contribution)[7, 9]. This theory takes into account the dependent viscoelastic modulus E(ω) of the rubber and
pulsating forces acting on the rubber surface from road on the substrate surface roughness power spectrum C(q),
asperities on many different length scales, from the length which is defined as follows. Let h(x) be the substrate
scale λ0 ∼ 1 cm, corresponding to the largest road asper- height profile measured from the average surface plane
ities, down to micro-asperities characterized by a wave- defined so that hhi = 0, where h...i stands for ensemble
length λc of order ∼ 1−10 µm (theory shows that shorter averaging or averaging over the total surface. We then
wavelength roughness is unimportant), and gives friction have
coefficients of order unity, as indeed observed experimen- 1
C(q) = d2 x hh(x)h(0)ie−iq·x
tally. (2π)2
We assume that the statistical properties of the substrate
surface are isotropic and translationally invariant (within
the surface plane), so that C(q) only depends on the mag-
nitude q = |q| of the wave vector q. The upper curve
in Fig. 3 shows the power spectrum calculated from the
height profile h(x) measured for an asphalt road using
an optical method. The figure shows C(q) as a func-
substrate tion of q on a log-log scale. For q > 1600 m−1 , C(q)
shows a power law dependence on the wave vector q,
as expected for a self affine fractal surface. The fractal
dimension of the surface is about 2.2 and the root-mean-
square roughness hrms ≈ 0.3 mm. For q < q0 , C(q) is
constant. The roll-off wavevector q0 correspond to the
- - - - -- - - -- - wavelength λ0 = 2π/q0 ≈ 4 mm and reflect the largest
- - -- --- - asperities or sand particles contained in the asphalt.

log C (m 4)


FIG. 2: A rubber block sliding on a rough hard substrate. (a) −18

The rubber penetrates into a large substrate valley and ex-
plores the short wavelength roughness in the valley. The pul- −20
sating rubber deformations induced by the short-wavelength
roughness contribute to the friction force. (b) On a wet sub-
strate the water trapped in the large valley forms a pool pre- −22
3 4 5
venting the rubber from penetrating into the valley. It will
log q (1/m)
hence remove the valley contribution to the friction force This
rubber sealing effect reduces the sliding friction.
FIG. 3: The logarithm (to base 10) of the surface roughness
power spectra C(q) for a dry and a wet asphalt road surface,
In this paper we study rubber friction at low sliding as a function of the logarithm of the wavevector q.
velocities on wet rough substrates, where it has been
observed that the friction typically is 20 − 30% smaller In general, the hysteresis contribution to rubber fric-
than for the corresponding dry surfaces, see Fig. 1 and tion increases with increasing magnitude of C(q). How-
Ref. [14, 15]. We show that this cannot be a hydrody- ever, the friction depends on C(q) over a wide range of
namic effect,(see especially Appendix A). Expanding on wave vectors q. For example, the rubber friction on as-
our recent proposal,[16] we put forward a novel explana- phalt road surfaces depends on C(q) for q0 < q < q1 ,
tion based on the rubber sealing off pools, namely regions where typically q0 ≈ 103 m−1 and q1 ≈ 106 m−1 . For
on the substrate filled with water as shown in Fig. 2. The a wet road surface, the rubber will seal some surface ar-
water effectively smoothens the substrate surface, and eas filled with water (pools) as schematically shown in
thus reduces the viscoelastic deformation contribution to Fig. 2, and this leads to an effective smoothening of the

substrate and to a reduced power spectrum. We illustrate

this below for the same asphalt road surface for which we
showed the power spectrum in Fig. 3(top curve).

Consider a tire rolling or sliding on a wet road surface.

In the Appendix A we show in detail that at low velocities
(say v < 30 km/h), there is a negligible hydrodynamic
water build up between the tire and the road surface.
There is sufficient time for the water to be squeezed from
the contact regions between the tire and the road surface,
except for water trapped in road cavities and sealed off
by the road-rubber contact at the upper boundaries of
the cavities (see Fig. 2). Thus, in what follows we will
only focus on the smoothing effect on the road profile by
the sealed off water pools.

In Fig. 4(a) we show the height contour lines of a square

1.5 cm × 1.5 cm area of the dry asphalt road. We have
calculated the height profile h′ shown in Fig. 4(b) (wet
surface) numerically. Every valley has been filled with
water up to the maximum level where the water still re-
mains confined, i.e., up to the lowest point of the edge
surrounding the pool. Any extra addition of water would
flow out of the square area. This criterion to fill the sur-
face with water is shown schematically in Fig. 2. From
the new height profile h′ (x) we can calculate a new power
spectrum C ′ (q) shown by the lower curve in Fig. 3. Now
we make the basic assumption (see also below) that when
a rubber block slides on the wet surface, the friction force
will be determined by the power spectrum C ′ (q). This
implies that the water in the pools is sealed off by the
rubber (as indicated in Fig. 2) and cannot get squeezed
out. This prevents the rubber from penetrating into the
corresponding valley, and will reduce the sliding friction
by removing contact with the rough walls of the valley. FIG. 4: Optically observed contour line height profile of (a) a
dry asphalt road (1.5 cm×1.5 cm area) and (b) the calculated
We notice that our filling criterion is generally not profile for the same surface area when wet. Deeper asphalt
unique, since it depends on the size of the surface area we regions are darker, and the water pools in (b) are white.
are considering. In fact it becomes unique (apart from
small differences localized at the borders) when the size
is much larger than the roll-off wavelength λ0 ≈ 4 mm, ature, the friction coefficient is given by[7]
which corresponds to the typical size of the largest pools. Z 2π
1 E(qv cosφ)
Nonetheless a realistic description requires the surface µ= 3
dq q C(q)P (q) dφ cosφ Im
area to be comparable with the size of the tread block 2 0 (1 − ν 2 )σ
of the tire, while water at the boundaries does not get
trapped but it is free to flow away across the channels of

2 sinx √
the tread pattern. This is indeed the conditions we are
exp −x2 G(q) = erf (1/2 G)
P (q) = dx
adopting through the choice of the size and the bound- π 0 x
ary conditions of the filling procedure. In Appendix B we
present the results for another asphalt surface, confirm- with
ing our results despite the unavoidable statistical noise. 1
Z q Z 2π E(qv cosφ) 2

G(q) = dq q 3 C(q) dφ
8 0 0 (1 − ν 2 )σ
3. Numerical results
where σ is the perpendicular pressure (the load divided
Now we present numerical results related to tire fric- by the nominal contact area).
tion on dry and wet substrates, calculated using the the- The results presented below have been obtained for a
ory presented in Ref. [7, 9]. Neglecting the flash temper- standard tread compound, sliding on the asphalt road

introduced in Sect. 2. We use the measured complex rms roughness amplitude. Nevertheless, the difference
viscoelastic modulus of the rubber and the power spectra between the friction coefficients for the dry and wet road
presented in Fig. 3 for the dry and wet road surfaces. surfaces is very similar to what we have found above.
In Fig. 5 we show the kinetic friction coefficient calcu- This shows that the conclusions above are of general va-
lated for the dry surface at T = 60◦ C (a typical tire tem- lidity.
perature during driving on a dry road), and for the wet Finally, all sealings leak. This is in particularly true in
surface at four different temperatures, namely T = 30, the present case because the upper boundary of a water
40, 50, and 60◦ C. Note that on a wet road the tire tem- filled cavity, which is in contact with the rubber, is not
perature is generally lower than on the dry surface, its smooth, but has roughness on many length scales, and
typical value being ∼ 30◦ C. The decreased friction with one cannot expect the rubber to make perfect contact
increasing temperature shown in Fig. 5 is always observed with this region of the substrate. Thus, one expects nar-
for rubber, and results from the shift in the viscoelastic row channels through which water may leak out. As a
spectrum to higher frequencies with increasing temper- result, for very low car velocities the water may have a
ature (temperature makes rubber more elastic and less negligible influence on the rubber friction. In fact, exper-
viscous), which in turn reduces rubber friction. iments have shown that the difference in µeff between dry
and wet surfaces for velocities v < 1 m/s is very small.
4. Discussion
We have shown that the reduction in rubber friction
30 o
0.8 usually observed when a hard rough road surface be-
dry, T=60 oC 40 o
comes wet with water cannot be explained as a hydro-
dynamic effect, and we have proposed a novel mecha-
50 o
0.4 nism involving the rubber sealing off pools filled with
wet, T=60 oC water. This leads to an effective smoothening of the
substrate and to a lower sliding friction. However, the
0 sealing mechanism may be more complex than outlined
−20 −10 0 above. One can imagine dynamical processes where seal-
log v (m/s)
ing can occur although not allowed by our procedure. In
fact, long-lived trapped water regions have been observed
FIG. 5: Kinetic friction coefficient as a function of the loga-
even when a rubber ball is squeezed against a smooth
rithm of the sliding velocity, calculated for a standard tread
compound and an asphalt substrate flat substrate[17, 18]. The trapped water regions some-
times exist even after several hours of stationary contact,
therefore reducing the friction on wet surfaces. Another
All modern cars use Anti-Blocking Systems (ABS). In
complication is that the water is often located in “deep”
this case during braking the wheels never get fully locked,
valleys which contribute little to the sliding friction, since
but the rolling velocity, vR = ωR, is smaller than the for-
the rubber is not able to deform enough to fill them out.
ward velocity v of the car, implying that some slip must
Hence, our calculation tend to overestimate the influence
occur at the tire-road interface. The fundamental charac-
of such deep valleys to the change in the rubber fric-
teristic of the tire-road friction relevant for ABS braking
tion. Since the calculated difference between the friction
is the so called µ-slip curve. Here the slip is defined as
on dry and wet surfaces is of similar magnitude to that
s = (v − vR )/v. Hence s = 0 correspond to pure rolling,
observed, we suggest that the above two effects tend to
and s = 1 to locked wheel braking. The µ-slip curve de-
cancel each other.
pends not only on the rubber-road friction but also on the
Another effect which has been suggested to influ-
elastic properties of the tire. Thus, at small slip the tire
ence rubber friction on wet surfaces is the dewetting
tread blocks are not slipping relative to the road surface
transition[19, 20], which has been studied mainly for very
as they first enter the foot print contact area, but will
smooth surfaces. The stability of a water film between
only slip close to the exit of the foot print contact area.
a rubber block and a flat solid substrate is controlled by
The theoretically calculated µ-slip curves (see Fig. 11) for
the spreading parameter:
dry and wet surfaces are similar to experimental results
(Fig. 1). In particular, the µ-slip curve for the dry and ∆γ = γRS − (γRL + γLS )
wet surface exhibit a similar dependence on the slip as
is also observed experimentally[14, 15], but would not be where γRS , γRL and γLS are the rubber/solid, rub-
expected if hydrodynamic effects were the origin of the ber/liquid and liquid/solid interfacial free energies per
decrease in µeff for wet surfaces. In that case one would unit area. If ∆γ > 0 the liquid film (in the absence of a
expect a much stronger reduction of µeff for large slip. squeezing force) is stable. If ∆γ < 0 the flat liquid film
In Appendix B we present numerical results for an- is unstable and is expected to dewet by nucleation and
other asphalt surface with nearly twice as large surface growth of a dry patch surrounded by a rim, collecting

the rejected liquid. However, we do not believe that the completely flat. We consider two limiting cases, namely
dewetting transition is crucial in the context of (rough a viscous liquid without inertia effects and a liquid with
surface) tire-road friction. First, the dry state should inertia but neglecting the viscosity.
not be the minimum free energy state, since water wets
rock surfaces, (which usually consist of polar oxides), and Role of viscosity
this should favor a state with an intercalated water film Consider first the influence of the water viscosity on
between the surfaces. Second, the dewetting transition the squeeze-out of the water between a tire tread block
usually involves a thermally activated nucleation process. and the substrate. We assume first that the substrate
Thus it should have a strong dependence of temperature, is perfectly flat and we neglect the deformation of the
while such strong dependence is not observed for the fric- tread block, i.e. the bottom surface of the tread block is
tion force. Third, the dewetting transition is unlikely to considered flat (see Fig. 6). If the tread block is squeezed
affect the water sealed off by the rubber. Finally, we with the stress σ against the substrate in water, and if
have argued that the adhesive interaction gives a neg- the thickness of the water layer is h0 at time t = 0, then
ligible contribution to the rubber friction force on very (neglecting inertia effects) the thickness h = h(t) at time
rough surfaces so that it is irrelevant whether or not a t is given by[21]
very thin water film (thickness h < 1 µm) is present at 1 1 16tσ
the rubber-road asperity contact areas. − = , (1)
h2 (t) h20 3µD2
5. Summary and conclusion
where µ is the viscosity and D the width of the tread
Rubber friction on wet rough substrates at low veloc- block. During pure rolling, or rolling–sliding with small
ities is typically 20 − 30% smaller than for the corre- slip, the tread block stays a time t ≈ W/v in the tire
sponding dry surfaces. We have shown that this cannot foot print area, where W is the length of the foot print
be due to hydrodynamics, and we have propose a novel contact area, and v is the tire rolling velocity. Since we
explanation based on a sealing effect exerted by rubber are interested in h(t) ≪ h0 , it follows from (1) that the
on substrate “pools” filled with water. Water effectively thickness h1 of the water film at time t = W/v satisfies:
smoothens the substrate, reducing the major friction con-
tribution due to induced viscoelastic deformations of the 1 16W σ
rubber by surface asperities. The theory was illustrated 2 ≈
h1 3vµD2
with applications related to tire-road friction.
Acknowledgments Work in SISSA was sponsored
16W h21 σ
by the Italian Ministry of University and Research v≈ (2)
through MIUR COFIN 2003, MIUR COFIN 2004 and
MIUR FIRB RBAU01LX5H as well as through Isti- If we take h1 = 1 mm, the tread block diameter D =
tuto Nazionale Fisica della Materia, grant INFM FIRB 3 cm, the foot print length W = 10 cm and contact
RBAU017S8R. We acknowledge computational support pressure σ = 1 MPa we get for water (µ ≈ 10−3 Ns/m2 ):
from CINECA (Casalecchio, Bologna). v ≈ 106 m/s. Thus, the the viscosity of the water is
irrelevant for the initial squeeze-out down to a thickness
of order the root-mean-square amplitude of the substrate
APPENDIX A: Hydrodynamic squeeze-out roughness.
Here we present simple arguments to demonstrate that
there is negligible hydrodynamic water film build up at σ
low car velocities, between the road surface and the tread
blocks, which is a necessary condition for the sealing
mechanism to be relevant. We are interested in water
squeeze-out from the rubber-road asperity contact areas, - - - -
down to a thickness of order hc , where hc = hrms (λc ) - - h(t) - - - - -
- - - -
is the surface root-mean-square roughness amplitude de-
rived from surface roughness wavelength components
larger than λc . This is the shortest surface roughness
component which effectively contribute to the rubber FIG. 6: A tread block squeezed against a smooth flat sub-
friction on the dry surface (typically λc ≈ 5 µm and strate in a liquid. The surface separation h(t) decreases with
hc ≈ 2 µm). We first study the squeeze-out on a length increasing time.
scale larger than the road rms roughness, which typically
is of order 1 mm or less. In this case we can neglect the If we consider pure sliding, the relation between the
surface roughness and assume that the road surface is sliding velocity and the shortest separation between the

tread block and the substrate will be[22]

h21 σ
v≈ , (3)

where α depends on the ratio of the tread-block substrate - -

-- - - - -- - - -
separation at the inlet and the exit of the junction. Typ- R - ---
ically α ≈ 0.1. Thus, to within a factor of order unity,
(3) can be obtained from (2) if we put W = D, and the
estimate of v given above still holds.

The analysis above has assumed a flat substrate. How- FIG. 7: A tread block squeezed against a rough flat substrate
ever, a road surface has a surface roughness with a typ- in a liquid.
ical root-mean-square amplitude of about 1 mm, and
the analysis above can only be applied until h(t) ≈
1 mm. In studying the influence of surface roughness on per unit time, K̇. The kinetic energy is of order
the squeeze-out, we consider first the longest-wavelength
roughness, with a wavelength determined by the roll-off K ≈ ρD2 hv̄ 2 ,
wavevector q0 via λ0 = 2π/q0 . When the system is stud-
where the average velocity v̄ ≈ Dḣ/h. Thus we get [with
ied at the lateral resolution λ0 , the contact between the
h(0) = h0 ]:
rubber and the substrate occurs at randomly distributed
asperities with the radius of curvature R ≈ (hrms q02 )−1 .
−σ[h(t) − h0 ] ≈ ρD2 ḣ2 /h
We denote these asperities as macro asperities because
they are the largest asperities occurring on the substrate. or
Consider a tread block squeezed against a road macro
asperity in water (see Fig. 7) and assume that the squeez- −σ[h(t) − h0 ]h(t) ≈ ρD2 ḣ2
ing force equals F , and that the rubber slides with the
velocity v relative to the asperity. The thickness of the We are interested in the case h(t) ≪ h0 so we can ap-
water layer between the asperity and the rubber surface proximate
can be estimated using the following standard results
from elastohydrodynamics[23]: σh0 h(t) ≈ ρD2 ḣ2 ,
which gives the squeeze-out time (i.e., h(t) = 0):
(E ∗ )9 F 4 h20
0.16 1
µ R15  ρ 1/2
t≈D (4)
When the rubber-substrate interface is studied with a σ
lateral resolution of order λ0 , the area of contact is about The time the tread block spends in the foot print area is
10% of the nominal contact area, and the loading force (for small slip) of order W/v so that (4) gives
on a macro asperity will typically be F = 100 N. Using
R = 2 mm, E ∗ = 1 MPa and h1 = hc ≈ 1 µm it follows W σ
v ≈ 200 m/s. In this study we have neglected the (short- v≈ (5)
D ρ
wavelength) roughness on the macro asperity. However,
neglecting sealing of water pools, it is easy to see that the Using the same numerical values for W , D and σ as before
inclusion of the short-wavelength roughness in the range gives for water (ρ = 103 kg/m3 ): v ≈ 100 m/s. Thus,
λc < λ < λ0 can only facilitate (speed up) the squeeze- if v ≪ 100 m/s the inertia of the water will not inhibit
out of the water, down to the water thickness ∼ hc at the water squeezed out from the interface. When the
the micro-asperities, characterized by the wavelength λc . viscosity is neglected, the total squeeze-out time is finite,
This result follows from the fact that the average space but complete squeeze-out (within the framework of the
between the surfaces at the macro asperity will be much Navier Stokes equations) takes infinitely long time (see
larger than hc . Eq. (1)). As a result the viscosity effect will always
dominate over the inertia effect for very thin liquid films,
Role of inertia and inertia can be neglected. However, as shown above,
Let us now study the influence of the inertia of the for water film thickness h > 1 µm this is not the case and
water on the squeeze out at a tread block. Neglecting the water viscosity can be neglected.
the viscosity, the pressure work (per unit time) −σD2 ḣ
must be equal to the change in the water kinetic energy Aquaplaning (hydroplaning)

Aquaplaning (or hydroplaning) refer to the limiting

case when a tire is completely separated from the road 1.2
dry dirty dry clean road
surface by a liquid film. Here we will only consider a µ road
tire without a tread pattern. In the case of clean water, wet clean
aquaplaning is entirely due to the inertia of the water, 0.8 road
and viscous effects are negligible[24]. This can be seen
by applying eq. (3) with D = W ≈ 10 cm equal to the
length of the footprint area and h1 ≈ 1 mm equal to 0.4 wet dirty
the amplitude of the road surface roughness. This gives road

v ≈ 105 m/s, i.e., larger than observed experimentally by no rain raining no rain
a factor of 104 . On the other hand, the inertia effect is 0
important even at relatively low velocities. Thus, from
(5) (with W = D)
FIG. 8: The dependence of the tire-road friction coefficient
 1/2 on time during rain.
v≈ ,

we get v ≈ 20 m/s. In fact, some tire road lack of con- road with nearly twice as large rms roughness amplitude
tact will occur at the front of the footprint contact area as the for asphalt surface used above. In Fig. 9 we show
already at lower sliding velocity, but an accurate study of the power spectra for the dry and wet asphalt surfaces.
this effect requires taking into account the deformations Fig. 10 shows the kinetic friction coefficient as a function
of the tire, and is possible only using advanced finite el- of the logarithm of the sliding velocity both for the dry
ement calculations. and wet surfaces.
Viscous effects may also be important for aquaplaning -13

if the road surface is covered by a high viscosity fluid,

-14 asphalt
e.g., oil spill or mud, since these fluids may have viscosi-
ties ∼ 1000 (or more) times higher than that of water.
log C (m 4 )

Many drivers will have noticed that roads are sometimes -16

most slippery when rain begins, and this is caused by -17

rain mixing with road debris, such as dirt (e.g., stone -18
-18 dry

particles or rubber wear particles) and oil, creating an -19 wet

effective high viscosity lubricant (similar to clay mixed -20


with water) that will decrease the coefficient of friction -21

2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
2 3 4 5
(see Fig. 8). The coefficient of friction will be particu-
log q (1/m)
larly low after long time periods, due to the build up of
road debris. As Fig. 8 shows, the coefficient of friction
FIG. 9: The logarithm of the surface roughness power spectra
between the road surface and the tire will increase as the C(q) for a dry and a wet asphalt road surface, as a function
rain washes away the road debris. The maximum friction of the logarithm of the wavevector q.
will result when the road has dried, as it is now free from
particle contamination (the particles have been washed
away by the rain).
To summarize, we have shown that the water viscosity
T 0 = 60 C
is irrelevant for squeeze-out (unless the effective viscosity µk dry
is strongly enhanced by contamination), while the water
inertia will be important for sufficiently high sliding or
rolling velocities. However, for thin water films (less than 0.5 wet
the tread height), where aquaplaning will not occur, for
velocities below, say ∼ 30 km/h, the water inertia effect
can also be neglected, and the only way the water will
affect the rubber friction is via the sealing effect.
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
log v (m/s)
APPENDIX B: results for another asphalt sur-
face FIG. 10: Kinetic friction coefficient as a function of the log-
To demonstrate the general nature of the results pre- arithm of the sliding velocity, calculated for a standard tread
sented above, here we present results for a second asphalt compound and an asphalt substrate.

Fig. 11 shows the effective friction coefficient as a func- [5] R.J.A. van der Oetelaar and C.F.J. Flipse, Surface Sci-
tion of the slip. The figure is obtained from a computer ence 384, L828 (1997).
simulation, where the motion of a single tread block in [6] D.F. Moore, The Friction and Lubrication of Elastomeris
(Oxford: Pergamon, 1972)
the tire-road footprint contact area is studied. However,
[7] B.N.J. Persson, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 3840 (2001).
a more realistic calculation involving all the tread blocks [8] M. Klüppel and G. Heinrich, Rubber Chem. Technol. 73,
coupled to each other (indirectly) via the car cass elas- 578 (2000).
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