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“Pressure to catch up 7 years” to Google 9/18/15 John Bares Uber Engineering Manager * Bares’ September 18, [2015] notes 18 Sept BAM Telecon 2 SEEPS EESTI: hile also keeping up progress on so many other fronts Uber bureacracy setting in (HR, Recruiting, IT) Bulding budget wth no bounds, weed bout sing our cute; bt need to ove on rg 20] Every pull back seems to reflect poorly on me. wavmo 1367 WOX1-15 Uber Was Unable to Close the “Huge Gap” with Google in Driverless Car Technology 5/13/16 L From: Jeff Holden [[email protected]] Sent: To: i i rosy Subject: Fwd: Zoom: Mobileye Sync © We should *not* have CV in the critical path; Welshou refocusing the current team on laser). (which means w wavmo T4481 WDX'-16 Kalanick Contacts Levandowski to Discuss “Selling a Non-Existent Company” October 2015 MEMORDANUM To: John Gardner From: Stro2 Friedberg Date: April2, 2016 ‘They met and discussed robot cars. Kalanik indicated that Uber did not want to be a customer and instead wanted to be more involved in Levandowski's new venture. Kalanik talked to Levandowski about buying the robot vehicle technology. Poetscher and McClendon were present at this meeting. TXT WOX1-18 Levandowski Downloads 14,000 Waymo Prop The Same Day He Meets with Uber ‘Google Calendar [calendar-notification@] PM [[email protected]] Notification: (confirmed) @ Fri Dec 11, 2015 1pm -2pm ([email protected]) lama 12/11/15 ‘When Fri Dec 11, 2015 1pm - 2pm Pacific Time Where SF 4th-Tampa (5) (tap) Calendar [email protected] Who + Cameron Poetzscher -rganizer + [email protected] + [email protected] + Emil Michael MACHINE FORENSIC RECORD ‘Google Secu Tear ‘nee Tratone sew/217350 ATTORNEY CLIENT. PRIVILEGE ee + [201624 TorciseSVN was installed, and 14ke files were downloaded from Waymo's SYN. w 7259; 1X 2260 WDXI-20 Kalanick Wants “IP” and “Pound of Flesh” as Part of Newco Deal 12/22/15 + Bares’ notes of December 22, 2015 meeting with Kalanick Tagging wavmo TH170 — WDX1-23 Uber’s Notes from the Jan. 3 Meeting With Levandowski: “Laser is the Sauce”, “AL Laser” is “Critical to AV Success - No Clear Substitute 1/3/16 == From: Jeff Holden (via Google Docs) ([email protected]) eed cE enoitecon ae memes © Context Pls BUA RTEBIAG UBEFnstcad of working wth them as 2 separate company. © Possible Outcomes: = Super Duper (UBEHSUBEFIDUBEE or USD, so could BSUSIaMEES!) 1K 262; 4174 WDXI-24 Levandowski Accesses Google Prop Hours Before Meeting with Uber Clava ncoleniciaceda) 1/4/16 | On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 1:19 PM, Jeff Holden wrote: more details » Where SFO | 1455 Market - 05th The Street (12) (map) Calendar [email protected] S Who + Jeff Holden Exhibit 8 to Supplemental Report of Lamberts Hesselink Ph.D waymo 1X 809; TX 3758 WDXI-25 Levandowski Again Downloads Numerous Waymo Proprietary Files the Same Day He Meets with Uber 1/4/16 | On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 1:19 PM, Jeff Holden wrote: | cane Where ‘SFO | 1455 Market - 05th The Street (12) (map) Calendar [email protected] S Who + Jeff Holden PBR Intensity Calibration Pbr Extrinsic Calibration ‘Tx and Rx tuning Instructions GBr Assembly Flowchart SOP ‘TBR TESTING STATION wavmo 1X 809; TX 5031 © WOX1-26 Levandowski Again Downloads Highly C Information on the Same Day He Meets with Uber Sent: To: ce: Subject: ential Waymo 1/12/16 [[email protected]] 13 PM. Nina Qi ([email protected]) Newco [email protected]}; eff Holden [email protected]}; Brian McClendon ([email protected]] A 2016-01-11 18:44:17 TX 394; TX 5031 WDXxt-27 Bares’ Meeting with Levandowski to Discuss His “Dream Case Long Range Laser” 1/12/16 © canyou ge me comments onl these nunbers, RR WER NEOUS SH WS OREN SSG “what would we really want ifwe could get it, wavmo 1X459— WDXI-28 TK’s Advice On L NT al a Ce\ Ven : 1/21/16 + Bares’ notes from January 21 meeting at Uber 21 Jan Meeting: TK. Emil, Com. Bam (no Holden - on plane} starts ff with the premise of the deal-> JB and BAM make the case BAM believes that laser wil be excaly strategie AND wil poivde the best salety case for us or a east very tong component of safely case wavmo TK170 — WDX1-29 The “X factor” for Uber Was That Levandowski And His Team “Has IP In Their Heads” 1/25/16 | _ | Message 10:25:19 PM Cameron Poetzscher [cameron] Emil Michae! {[email protected]); Jeff Holden [[email protected]] 1) Inthe beige box is the rough RSUs that we would give to strong engineer hires today. With the exception of ‘Anthony who would probably be higher than this scale, my sense is that each of his team would fit into one of ‘these three buckets. Now of course the |X fa6tof is that with NEWCO we get a team that knows each other, has solved our problem before, etc. wavmo 1273 WDX1-30 Levandowski to Kalanick: “we need to win, second place is first looser” 3/1/16 E lessage: +1510919666 Participants: JM Sochony Levandowski Source: iMessage: [I Start Time: 2/13/2016 8:39:09 PM(UTC+0) Last Activity: 3/21/2016 11:00:56 PM(UTC+0) Time Stamp: BVEVB0Me) 9:02:59 am(utc+0) Cre CONFIDENTIAL LEV_002075 TX-10275, Page 1 of 34 WAYMO TX 10275 WDX1-33 Levandowski to Kalanick: “take all the shortcuts we can find” 3/1/16 do need to think though the strateqy ta take all the shortcuts ue can find Participants: Po Anthony Levandowski Source: iMessage: Po Start Time: 2/13/2016 8:39:09 PM(UTCHO) Last Activity: 3/21/2016 11:00:56 PM(UTC+0) Time stamp: [BVHVZ0NS 9:03:24 am(urc+o) TX-5460, Page 1 of 1 WAYMO TX 5460 WDX1-34 “TK = This is all about winning” and “losing is not an option” 3/13/16 Participants: Po (owner) Source: iMessage: PY Start Time: 3/6/2016 12:49:28 AM(UTC+0) Last Activity: 3/16/2016 7:39:03 AM(UTC+0) Time Stamp: 3/13/2016 4:34:10 AM(UTC+0) atin eee eet. ‘CONFIDENTIAL STROZ_R_oa0003106 : ‘1X-5472, Page 1 of 3 w WAYMO TX 5472 WDX1-35 Board Presentation — Rationale for Deal Project Zing Review " April 11, 2016 H [ices - Project Zing Review Cee mel} Rationale + Ottomotto could significantly enhance our overall AV efforts and potentially al WAYMO, TX910 — WDX1-37 Board Presentation — Structure of Deal Project Zing Review 5 ™ April 11, 2016 Project Zing Review cl a sy 100k upfront cash + up to. of Uber restricted stock, totaling up to based on Series G price of $48.77 + Vesting of restricted stock laser milestones and 80% tied to overall AV success" Ses + Minimum of 25 engineers to join Uber (could be as many as 50-100) 20% tied to la minimum of 5 key employees and Ottomotto for specific subject to certain restrictions and limitations. TX910 —- WOX1-38 “It is war time.” -- Priority from Kalanick to Find And Use “Cheat codes” 4/28/16 * Bares’ April 28 notes on “Top Priorities from TK” _TopPrioitesomTKredrect@SAwiI2016)——=~=~*~“*« ETO what are smart risks that we can take today? (how to reduce the downside of a risk) thinking through outcomes helps to reduce risk we need to celebrate the moment of moving past the golden time can't be attached to the past (no sacred cows either) {get into the mode of “listening to the world” => lots of data collect, bugs, triage, roll too slow and "poof", we are gone there are rules that separate order and chaos. Need to understand those rules. focus on the troubling indicators and fix them, rather than enjoying the positive ones and relaxing DO NOT upgrade the car at the cost of slowing down development of the stack crisp goals to unique people. Crisp rules. KILL the word "general" wrt general solutions fix exactly what you see is broken and just that. 0k to set closer goals, but don't lower longer goals 1682 WOXI-41 Kalanick “wants AL to allow us to leapfrog” 4/28/16 + Bares’ April 28, 2016 notes of a “Jam” with Kalanick wants AL to allow us to leapfrog | wavmo 1682 WDX1-42 Uber: “war for self-driving is truly existential for Uber” 5/13/16 From: Sent To: travis Subject! Fad: Zoom: Mobileye Syne Here's the note to Drew I mentioned in my previous email to you. = = x extremes could play out. So this is extremely important to get right, and in line with our Meritocracy & Toe Stepping value, we ruthlessly seek truth, and ask everyone to focus 100% of their creative and problem-solving energy on that + We have two story ares: the battle and the war. | It's about establishing souey beach heads, the game ina credible way. + ERENT others so we afford ourseives the opportunity to extend our | massive scale business into the future. This will be about who gets NSD self-driving to seale first, w wavmo 1X 4481 WDX1-43 Uber’s Lawyer — Levandowski Had Disks With You Need To Create A Self-Driving Car” roz Day 2 Download by Stroz with OMM (Amdursky and Bentley) - EAT Notes wo great detail. Had regular status meetings with Unicorn. Three minute discussion. Prior to it, A any Former Employer information, property at home, wavmo 15073 WDX1-59 Uber’s Head of ATG Said One Day with Levandowski Could Save Months of Work (At $20 Million/Month) * Bares’ December 20, 2015 Notes in Advance of Levandowski Meeting [REWGO-anmony nandor eae The cess game ‘AL cea connected, sat, movinala and venta Move autonomy tot marnetplace hana auton wavmo TX170 — WDX1-73 Ottomotto Ballparked Acceleration Value at Several Hundreds of Millions — ee To: Lior Ron{[email protected]] From: Lior Ron Sent: Sat 1/2/2016 6:49:46 AM Importance: Normal Subject: link Received: Sat 1/2/2016 6:49:46 AM connect on concrete vision: - help Uber win the self driving race value: 7% 4313 = WDX1-74 Present Value of “Incremental EBIT Co! Between $836 Million to $3.9 Billion Fubicon Model -Matipies approach (essai Coverage) wavmo 1299 WDXI-76

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