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C10: Introduction to Computers

Assignment 4: Business Startup Proposal

Kendra Paul


Business Proposal
RE: Sales Representative-Bill

Itemization of Pre-Requisites

Hardware and Peripheral devices Required

Items Estimated cost

1. Laptop computer $
2. Wireless Hand held Mouse $
3. Bluetooth headset $
4. Wi-fi router $
5. External SSD $
6. Ink Jet Printer $
7. Android OS cellphone $
8. Filing Cabinet $

Software Requirements

9. Operating system $
10. Anti-virus and firewall $
11. Microsoft office: Office 35 $
12. Office Productivity software training $

** It is expected that the Recipient of this Proposal already has a personal or a business
email. In the even this is not the case, an email should be set up within the fortnight. It is
also expected that recipient has DSL broadband internet service at his home
Description of the required Pre-Requisites

1) Laptop computer: This will be the main office equipment to be used. A laptop is a
computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling and outdoors. The
specifics of the laptop computer to be used should include the following:

a) Screen size- standard 15.6”. Convenient for everyday use and agronomical for
home and outdoor use.

b) Processor speed- quad core processor count is recommended and a processer

speed of no less than 2.6 Ghz (gigahertz- the unit that represent the clock speed
of a processor denoting the rate at which a task can be executed by the
processor). In order, to handle the large expected programs to be used and the
multiple tabs and window that may be open while user is on the pc.

c) Ram-4 GB (gigabyte-is a multiple unit 109of the byte in computer storage). RAM is
abbreviated to mean Random Access memory which is a form of computer
storage that stores data and machine code currently being used. Hence, with
the multiple desktop windows Bill may be using, it would be wise to use a laptop
with this amount of real time storage so as to minimize time lag when switching
windows or the slowing down of data processes when multiple programs are

d) Hard drive- 1 TB SSD. (SSD-solid state disk, this form of storage is recommended
rather than a hard drive that is HDD-Hard disk drive. Reason for this form of Hard
drive for Bill is primarily due to the fact that SSD replaces moving parts in its make
up resulting in resistance to physical shock, corruption and loss of data will in
operation and the user is moving the laptop around. Bill will also benefit from a
more silent run in his pc and lower access time.
The main storage capacity of the laptop. Bill is expected to have information
that will require at least 3 terabytes of storage. Hence 1TB laptop storage will
suffice with the everyday data. The other data will therefore need to be stored

e) Bluetooth- a wireless technology for exchanging data over short distances. Bill
will be able to interconnect other peripheral device through this technology
reducing corded limitation and ease of mobility in and around the home office
or outdoors.
f) Usb ports- Laptop should have at minimum 2 USB ports for the connection of
other peripheral devices. USB- is short for universal serial bus, an industry standard
for short distance digital data communication.

2) Wireless Hand held mouse: Bill will benefit greatly from obtaining a wireless mouse for
more efficiency than to always be restricted to the track pad of the laptop
computer. This mouse will communicate with the laptop with its receiver inserted
into one of the laptop USB ports.

3) Bluetooth headset- the use of wireless Bluetooth headset will serve bill well in being
able to connect this headset to his phone and also his laptop. Online video
conferencing will be easy and calls can be accepted and terminated without
being distracted while bill is driving.

4) Wi-Fi router- this device should be provided upon purchasing internet service from
an internet service provider. And is to be used for wireless local area networking,
facilitating and computers, smart phones and other devices to connect to the
internet or communicated with one another wirelessly within Bill’s home.

5) External SSD- 1TB external drive. Refer to hard drive above for SSD. Bill will
undoubtedly have use for external storage since his maximum data capacity is
between 2-3 TB. His Laptop SSD together with this portable external SSD will serve his
all his storage needs.

6) Inkjet printer- Simple all in one inkjet printer will suffice for the printing of sales invoice
and all other printing needs.

7) Android OS cell phone- a recommendation for Bill is a cellphone capable of

Bluetooth and operating on the latest Android Operating system.

8) Filing Cabinet- Bill will need this miscellaneous equipment for the storage of printed
sales records so that his hired account can have hard copy documents to track
expenses and sales income.

9) Operating system- An operating system is the most important software that runs on a
computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of
its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer.
Without an operating system, a computer is useless. Operating systems usually
come pre-loaded on any computer. The three most common operating systems for
personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. For Bill, it is
recommended that he uses Microsoft windows version 10, the most basic and user
friendly of the three. Windows 10 introduces "universal apps"; these apps can be
designed to run across multiple Microsoft product families
including PCs, tablets, smartphones etc, unique for Bill’s business use.

10) Anti-virus and firewall- a firewall is a network security system that monitors and
controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security
rules.. A firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted internal network and
untrusted outside network. It is recommended that Bill buys and install the AVG
Antivirus for Windows and for his mobile Android device. AVG provides the common
functions available in modern anti-virus and Internet security programs, including
periodic scans, scans of sent and received emails , the ability to "repair" some virus-
infected files, and a quarantine area ("virus vault") in which infected files are held.
AVG Online Shield is a feature, designed to check files and ensure that they are
safe. AVG Online Shield also ensures the safety of exchanging files over the internet
disabling it to be hacked or picked up by unauthorized personnel.

11) Microsoft office 365- Office 365 is the brand name Microsoft uses for a group
of subscriptions that provide productivity software and related services. This
recommendation is made for Bill since the subscription allows the use of Microsoft
Office apps on Windows and Android and provides storage space on the
cloud OneDrive file hosting service, and grants 60 Skype minutes per month.

12) Office Productivity software training- Productivity software sometimes

called personal productivity software or office productivity software is application
software dedicated to producing information, such
as documents, presentations, worksheets, databases, charts, graphs, etc. In order
for Bill to produce useful data of his day to day activities, he must be able to
maneuver the basics of document presentation and be able to produce summary
analysis of his business.

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