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Reaction Paper

Presented to
College of Arts and Sciences
Mindanao State University
Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay

as Final Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
Philo 1 (Introduction to Issues and Isms)
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2016-2017

May 2017
National News:
CA rejects Gina Lopez’ appointment
By: Maila Ager - Reporter / 02:13 PM May 03, 2017

Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Regina Lopez.

The Commission on Appointments (CA) rejected on Wednesday the appointment of

controversial Environment Secretary Gina Lopez.
It was Senator Manny Pacquiao as chairman of the CA’s committee on environment and
natural resources who read its recommendation to reject Lopez’s appointment. The
recommendation was later adopted on the floor.
Senate Majority Leader Vicente “Tito” Sotto III, and Senators Francis Pangilinan and
Loren Legarda stood up on the floor and manifested that they voted for Lopez’s confirmation.
Senator Joseph Victor Ejercito also stood up to explain his vote for Lopez.
President Rodrigo Duterte reappointed the Secretary after she failed to get the CA nod
before Congress went on a six-week break last March 15. But Lopez was faced with strong
opposition and criticisms after she ordered the closure of 23 mines and the suspension of five
Aside from Lopez, the CA had also rejected the appointment of former ad interim Foreign
Affairs secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr. amid questions on his citizenship.

Most of the time, we Filipinos can really be frustratingly funny. Seeing how things
remained the same for years, we prayed for radical, unconventional and even authoritarian leaders.
When a few of these individuals come and start to shake up things, we criticize and reject them
and even call them anything negative.
For years, the Philippines have been flooded by corruptive officials on the government.
The Filipino saying, “Ang mayaman ay lalong yumayaman at ang mahihirap ay lalong
nasasadlak” is famous in the country mainly because it is undeniably existing. Because of it, we
longed for leaders who have nothing but goodness in their heart.
It is also obvious how we humans destroy our Mother Nature. Pollution is visible in the
land, water, air and everywhere else. Huge amount of chemicals are being excreted from factories
to the bodies of water. Mining is a popular example of pollution. It is a process of digging
underground to obtain minerals, metals, and jewels.
Yes, mining can bring in a huge amount of money but what hurts the most is the fact that
it kills not only Mother Nature but also humans and animals. Rivers near mines may stop producing
water but instead, chemicals that could be really, really harmful to everyone near it.
When President Rodrigo Duterte appointed Gina Lopez as Department of Environment and
Natural Resources Secretary, a well-known anti-mining personality, the country was shook. The
nation was divided into two – pro’s and the anti’s. Some applauded the president for choosing
someone fit for the position. They were happy for according to them, the nature needs a savior and
that is Lopez. Some, mostly those who come from business sectors, disagreed for accordingly,
Lopez lacks the qualities of being a DENR Secretary. They did everything to dethrone her.
After three strikes, Lopez was rejected by the Commission on Appointments (CA). Her
rejection isn’t just about her gender. Just by looking at it simply we can tell that the big mining
companies doesn’t want her because her courage and perseverance is a threat to their growing but
hazardous business.
The writing is on the wall. Not even the president can do anything about it. The president
can expend political capital to save her but I doubt it. It will be a bruising battle that the president
can ill afford to wage. The fat cats in the CA have too much to lose to let her stay in office. A
compromise candidate will soon replace her.
The gold and metal smuggling of this mining moguls will eventually continue, which will
surely hurt those small-time miners. These big-time miners will buy the products of the small-time
miners and will ship them out of the country in expensive prices. Only the fat cats will get fatter,
with damage to our environment as the additional feeds and fertilizers.
Mother Nature absolutely supports Gina Lopez! Those who refused her appointment to
DENR forgot the old adage: MOTHER KNOWS BEST. Rejecting her is a slap on Mother Nature
herself and to the Filipinos in general! With the overpopulation our country has right now, in a few
years, the beat up environment could not support our needs.
Local News:

By: Nasser Datukali Mabol

Mar 23, 2017 at 5:43 pm


The death of two persons involved in a road accident is a wake-up call for everyone.
According to reports, the main reason for the said accident is the driver who is actually a ‘striker’,
someone who’s from a far place but chooses to continue his route from his original destination a
new destination. The driver, accordingly, is from Cotabato. He was sleepy when he drove from
Pagadian to Buug which made him lose focus in driving the HiAce van they rode on.
When we watch the news on television, many reports of road accidents would be present.
The common reasons for these are damaged breaks, drunk or sleepy drivers and weak road railings.
Drivers must be aware of driving when they are stressed out, tired, sleepy, and worst, when they
are drunk. Drunk driving is a serious illegal activity which one must not do to avoid being jailed.
They must also ensure the safety of the vehicle they are driving so any future accidents would be
avoided. The government must also make sure that the railings being put on the roads are strong
and can withstand being hit by vehicles.
Global News:
Impeached South Korea president: What Park did wrong
Agence France-Presse
March 10, 2017 2:58pm

South Korea's Park Geun-Hye was fired by the Constitutional Court on Friday, becoming
the country's first president to be sacked by impeachment.
She was brought down by a sprawling corruption and influence-peddling scandal centered
on her secret confidante Choi Soon-Sil, who is on trial for using her ties to the head of state to
force local firms to "donate" nearly $70 million to non-profit foundations Choi controlled.
Park has been named as Choi's accomplice and is accused of letting her handle a wide range
of state affairs, including senior nominations.
She was impeached by parliament on 13 separate grounds, with the final decision on
whether to uphold or overturn the impeachment resting with the court.
Here are the court's main conclusions in the case.
-Breach of representative democracy-
From 2013 to 2016, a key aide to Park handed Choi secret documents over upcoming senior
nominations, cabinet meetings and overseas state visits and diplomatic meetings under "Park's
orders or negligence", the court said.
Choi often issued directions over the drafts or personally revised them, even recommending
personal acquaintances for senior positions who later helped her seek benefits from state projects.
Local media reports have described Choi, a high school graduate who has never held any title or
no security clearance, as a "shadow president".
"The accused (Park)... impaired the principle of representative democracy and the rule of
law," the court said.
- Abuse of power –
Park for years not only concealed the presence of Choi but cracked down on journalists or
lawmakers who tried to make public Choi's presence and influence, "rendering the system of
checks and balances ineffective", the court found.
"The accused abused her presidential power for Choi's personal gain... in violation of the
Constitution, the laws on public servants and the ethical codes on public servants," the court said.
- Violation of property rights -
Park forced a number of top firms including Samsung and Lotte to donate a large amount
of money to the Choi-controlled foundations.
She also interfered with management decisions at firms including Hyundai and KT -- a
major wireless operator -- to force them to award lucrative contracts to firms controlled by Choi.
"The actions by the accused... that directly or indirectly helped Choi reap personal gains
not only violated the companies' property rights but also the freedom of enterprises," the court
- Breach of freedom of press –
According to the parliamentary accusations, the Blue House threatened a tax probe and
legal action against the Segye Ilbo newspaper after it reported on alleged interference in state
affairs by Choi's then husband, forcing the daily's president to step down.
There was no evidence for the allegation, the court said.
- Violation of citizens' rights to dignity -
Park stayed at her residence in the first critical hours when the Sewol ferry sank in April
2014, killing more than 300 people, mostly schoolchildren.
She has refused to specify what she was doing, sparking wild rumors including a tryst and
a cosmetic surgery, and parliament charged her with negligence.
Park had a duty to "sincerely" protect citizens, but the definition was too abstract, the court
said, so that the issue "cannot be a subject of judgment at the impeachment review."


Being a president of a certain country means an extremely wide range of task that can’t be
handled by whoever or whatever. To be a president, one must pass a standard set by the law. To
be one is to possess courage, dignity, a strong but kind heart that cares for his/her people.
South Korea's Park Geun-Hye obviously forgot about that one. She was swallowed by her
position. Greed and power ate her mind. She used her presidency in a wrong way. Instead of
leading and protecting her country, she secretly stabbed and put it in vain.
Her personal interest got in the way while she reigned so she forgot of the fact that one
day, her evilness will come to an end. She thought she’s unstoppable but she’s merely wrong. Her
negligence and abuse of power brought her down.
What happened to her is a reminder to everyone to be wise when it comes to choosing who
they give their votes for. Let’s not be fooled by those politicians golden speeches. Their tongues
may seem like they’re made in heaven but they’re actually not. Their words are all sugar-coated
and only a few are real. Also, we must fight for our freedom. When we feel like we are being
mandated by someone whose aims for his/her country are undesirable, we should stop him/her.
We need to stand for our right to have a better future and that future will only be attained through
having a good leader and being good followers.

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