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G.R. No. 167838. August 5, 2015.

represented by its President, ALBERTO C. DY, respondents.

Civil Law; Land Registration; Annulment of Judgment; Reconveyance; “Annulment of Judgment” and
“Reconveyance,” Distinguished.—An action for annulment of judgment is a remedy in equity so
exceptional in nature that it may be availed of only when other remedies are wanting, and only if the
judgment, final order or final resolution sought to be annulled was rendered by a court lacking
jurisdiction or through extrinsic fraud. An action for reconveyance, on the other hand, is a legal and
equitable remedy granted to the rightful owner of land which has been wrongfully or erroneously
registered in the name of another for the purpose of compelling the latter to transfer or reconvey the
land to him. The Court of Appeals has exclusive original jurisdiction over actions for annulment of




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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

judgments of Regional Trial Courts whereas actions for reconveyance of real property may be filed
before the Regional Trial Courts or the Municipal Trial Courts, depending on the assessed value of the
property involved.

Remedial Law; Civil Procedure; Courts; Jurisdiction; It is axiomatic that what determines the nature of
the action and which court has jurisdiction over it are the allegations in the complaint and the character
of the relief sought.—It is axiomatic that what determines the nature of the action and which court has
jurisdiction over it are the allegations in the complaint and the character of the relief sought.

Same; Same; Compromise Agreements; Res Judicata; While a judicially-approved compromise

agreement indeed has the effect and authority of res judicata, the same is conclusive and binding only
upon the parties and those who are their successors-in-interest by title after the commencement of the
action in court.—While a judicially-approved compromise agreement indeed has the effect and
authority of res judicata, the same is conclusive and binding only upon the parties and those who are
their successors-in-interest by title after the commencement of the action in court: It is basic in law that
a compromise agreement, as a contract, is binding only upon the parties to the compromise, and not
upon nonparties. This is the doctrine of relativity of contracts. Consistent with this principle, a judgment
based entirely on a compromise agreement is binding only on the parties to the compromise the court
approved, and not upon the parties who did not take part in the compromise agreement and in the
proceedings leading to its submission and approval by the court. Otherwise stated, a court judgment
made solely on the basis of a compromise agreement binds only the parties to the compromise, and
cannot bind a party-litigant who did not take part in the compromise agreement.

Civil Law; Implied Trust; Reconveyance; Article 1456 of the Civil Code provides that a person acquiring
property through fraud becomes, by operation of law, a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the
real owner of the property; An action for reconveyance based on an implied trust prescribes in ten (10)
years, the reckoning point of which is the date of registration of the deed or the date of issuance of the
certificate of title over the property.—Article 1456 of




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

the Civil Code provides that a person acquiring property through fraud becomes, by operation of law, a
trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the real owner of the property. The presence of fraud in this
case, as shown by the disposition of the property to ARC Marketing by Lourdes Ramos despite
knowledge of petitioners’ title over the same, created an implied trust in favor of petitioners Toledo, et
al. This gives petitioners the right to seek reconveyance of the property from the subsequent buyers. An
action for reconveyance based on an implied trust prescribes in ten years, the reckoning point of which
is the date of registration of the deed or the date of issuance of the certificate of title over the property.
However, if the plaintiff also remains in possession of the same, as in this case, the prescriptive period to
recover title and possession of the property does not run against him. In such a case, an action for
reconveyance, if nonetheless filed, would be in the nature of a suit for quieting of title, an action that is
imprescriptible: Prescription does not run against the plaintiff in actual possession of the disputed land
because such plaintiff has a right to wait until his possession is disturbed or his title is questioned before
initiating an action to vindicate his right. His undisturbed possession gives him the continuing right to
seek the aid of a court of equity to determine the nature of the adverse claim of a third party and its
effect on his title.

Same; Contract to Sell; While the contract to sell indeed provided for the ipso facto cancellation of the
contract “without need of notification or judicial action,” jurisprudence requires, for cancellation to be
effective, that written notice be sent to the defaulter informing him of said cancellation/rescission.—
While the contract to sell indeed provided for the ipso facto cancellation of the contract “without need
of notification or judicial action,” jurisprudence requires, for cancellation to be effective, that written
notice be sent to the defaulter informing him of said cancellation/rescission. In Palay, Inc. v. Clave, 124
SCRA 638 (1983), we held that the cancellation of the contract to sell was void because of lack of notice,
stating thus: Well-settled is the rule, as held in previous jurisprudence, that judicial action for rescission
of a contract is not necessary where the contract provides that it may be revoked and cancelled for
violation of any of its terms and conditions. However, even in the cited cases, there was at least a
written notice to the defaulter informing him of the rescission. As stressed in University of the
Philippines v. Walfrido de los


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

Angeles, the act of the party in treating a contract as cancelled should be made known to the other.

Same; Reconveyance; An action for reconveyance is always available as a remedy for a rightful owner to
retrieve his property for as long as the same has not passed to an innocent purchaser for value.—An
action for reconveyance is always available as a remedy for a rightful owner to retrieve his property for
as long as the same has not passed to an innocent purchaser for value. An innocent purchaser for value
is one who buys the property of another without notice that some other person has a right to or interest
in it, and who pays a full and fair price at the time of the purchase or before receiving any notice of
another person’s claim.

PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Pacifico C. Yadao for petitioners.

Rico Bolongaita for respondent A.R.C. Marketing.

Emmanuel P. Pasal for A. Ramos.


The Case
Petitioners Jose V. Toledo, Glenn Padiernos and Danilo Padiernos assail in this Rule 45 Petition the
October 22, 2004 Decision1 and April 13, 2005 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in C.A.-G.R. S.P. No.
73670. The Court of Appeals dismissed petitioners’ special civil action for Certiorari (and affirmed the
trial court’s finding of lack of jurisdiction in Civil Case No. Q-97-30738), and later petitioners’ motion for


1 Penned by Associate Justice Magdangal M. De Leon, with Associate Justices Romeo A. Brawner and
Mariano C. Del Castillo (now member of this Court), concurring.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals


The facts are as follows:

On May 5, 1958, Del Rosario Realty (represented by Pedro Del Rosario) entered into a Contract to Sell
with spouses Leonardo Faustino and Angelina Lim (“Faustino spouses”). Del Rosario Realty agreed to sell
Lot 4, Block 2, Ilang-Ilang Street, Sunrise Hills Subdivision, Quezon City (“property”), covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 44436, for the amount of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Two
Pesos (P13,572.00), with an initial payment of P4,200.00 and the balance to be paid in consecutive
quarterly installments.2

On January 20, 1959, the Faustino spouses sold their rights over the property to spouses Vicente
Padiernos and Concordia Garcia, and the latter agreed to assume the former’s obligations under the
May 5, 1958 contract to sell.3 This transfer was registered and annotated on the property’s TCT as an
adverse claim as early as October 20, 1960.4

Meanwhile, on May 7, 1959, Pedro Del Rosario executed a deed assigning all of his rights and interests
in the May 5, 1958 contract to sell to Socorro A. Ramos. In the same deed, Socorro Ramos
acknowledged and “approved the transfer or assignment of rights made by spouses Leonardo Faustino
and Angelina Lim in favor of Vicente Padiernos” over the property including “all the incidental rights,
interests and obligations inherent thereto.”5
On January 9, 1962, Vicente Padiernos sold one-half of the property to petitioner Jose Toledo and his
wife Elisa Padierno (hereafter, “spouses Toledo”). The deed embodying the Partial Assignment of Rights
noted that the spouses Toledo had already commenced payment of the installments since August


2 Rollo, p. 145.

3 Id., at p. 147.

4 Id., at p. 258.

5 Id., at p. 149.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

5, 1961. It further provided that the spouses Toledo shall “continue payments until fully paid,” with said
payments to be made in the name of Vicente Padiernos as the purchaser on record. After completion of
payment, the Toledo spouses shall own one-half of the property.6

On March 21, 1967, Vicente Padiernos sold the remaining half of the property to spouses Virgilio and
Leticia Padiernos.7 Later on, or on January 17, 1986, Virgilio and Leticia Padiernos assigned their rights
over the property to their children, petitioners Glenn and Danilo Padiernos.8

Consequently, spouses Toledo and spouses Virgilio and Leticia Padiernos paid quarterly installments on
the property until full payment sometime in 1971.9 When petitioners requested for the release of the
owner’s duplicate certificate of title, respondent Antonio A. Ramos, representing the heirs of Socorro
Ramos, issued a Certification stating that while the property “has been paid in full by Mr. Vicente
Padiernos...Title #44436 could not be released pending final decision of the Supreme Court.”10

In 1974, Virgilio Padiernos and petitioner Jose Toledo constructed their houses on the property, resided
therein, and paid the corresponding real property taxes.

In the meantime, it appears that execution proceedings were taken against the estate of Socorro Ramos.
As a consequence, eighteen (18) parcels of land belonging to the estate, including the property, were
sold in auction to Guillermo N. Pablo and Primitiva C. Cruz, who thereafter sold said properties to A.R.C.
On March 14, 1977, Enrique A. Ramos, Antonio A. Ramos, Milagros Ramos Sarno, Angelita Ramos and
Lourdes A.


6 Id., at p. 142.

7 Id., at p. 143.

8 Id., at p. 144.

9 Petition for Review on Certiorari, id., at p. 36.

10 Id., at p. 151. Emphasis supplied.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

Ramos, all heirs of Socorro A. Ramos, filed a Complaint for Nullity of Execution Sale (docketed as Civil
Case No.Q-22850) against auction sale winners Guillermo N. Pablo and Primitiva C. Cruz, and their
transferee A.R.C. Marketing. Sometime in 1990, Enrique A. Ramos, Antonio A. Ramos, Milagros Ramos
Sarno and Angelita Ramos, by way of a Deed of Assignment, assigned all their rights and interests in the
case (and the properties it covered) to Lourdes A. Ramos.

On January 13, 1993, Civil Case No. Q-22850 was settled, and the parties entered into a Final
Compromise Agreement (“Compromise Agreement”). Under the Compromise Agreement, then sole
plaintiff Lourdes A. Ramos agreed to settle the case for the total compromise amount of Two Million
Pesos (P2,000,000.00) to be paid by A.R.C. Marketing to the former in installments.11 Upon joint
motion by the parties,12 the Compromise Agreement was approved by the trial court in a Decision
dated January 13, 1993.13

On April 8, 1997, petitioners Jose Toledo, Glenn Padiernos and Danilo Padiernos filed a complaint for
reconveyance and damages.14 This was docketed as Q-97-30738 and raffled to Branch 218 of the
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City.

Enrique Ramos moved to dismiss the case on the ground that petitioners failed to state a cause of action
against him because he has already assigned his interests in Civil Case No. Q-22850 (and consequently,
over the property) to his corespondent Lourdes Ramos.15 A.R.C. Marketing, on the other hand, sought
the dismissal of the complaint on the following grounds: (1) the Regional Trial Court had no jurisdiction
over the subject matter of the claim because it is essen-


11 Id., at p. 157.

12 Id., at pp. 159-160.

13 Id., at pp. 162-165.

14 Id., at pp. 135-141.

15 Resolution dated December 15, 1997 issued by Judge Hilario Laqui, id., at pp. 183-184.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

tially an action to annul the judicially-approved Compromise Agreement in Civil Case No. Q-22850; (2)
petitioners failed to pay the correct docket fees; (3) the action was barred by the statute of limitations;
(4) the action is barred by a prior judgment; (5) the complaint shows that petitioners failed to comply
with the conditions of the contract to sell; and (6) laches, among others.16

The Ruling of the RTC

In a Resolution dated December 15, 1997, Regional Trial Court Judge Hilario Laqui denied the Motion to
Dismiss filed by Enrique Ramos.17 Upon petitioners’ motion, Judge Laqui thereafter inhibited himself
from proceeding with the case and the same was re-raffled to the court of Judge Apolonio Bruselas, Jr.
Judge Bruselas, in an Order dated June 2, 2000, denied respondent A.R.C. Marketing’s motion to

On June 19, 2000, A.R.C. Marketing sought for a reconsideration of the Order, reiterating two grounds
cited in its previous motion to dismiss, viz.: a) the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter; and
b) the court did not acquire jurisdiction over the case due to petitioners’ failure to pay the proper docket
In an Order dated June 17, 2002, Judge Bruselas granted A.R.C. Marketing’s motion. He held that
petitioners’ action is really one for annulment of the judgment in Civil Case No.

Q-22850 and ordered the dismissal of petitioners’ complaint for lack of jurisdiction.20 Petitioners’
subsequent motion for


16 Id., at pp. 234-247.

17 Supra note 15.

18 Order dated June 2, 2000 issued by Judge Apolonio Bruselas, Jr., Rollo, pp. 271-272.

19 Id., at pp. 273-279.

20 Id., at pp. 128-131.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

reconsideration was denied.21 Hence, they filed a petition for certiorari before the Court of Appeals.22

The Ruling of the Court of Appeals

The Court of Appeals found that Judge Bruselas did not act with grave abuse of discretion in dismissing
petitioners’ complaint due to lack of jurisdiction. It stated:

Evidently, petitioners would want respondent Judge to annul the decision of a coequal court, nay, a
branch of the same Regional Trial Court which approved the compromise agreement. Specifically, they
pleaded for the cancellation of private respondent A.R.C.’s Transfer Certificate of Title, the issuance of a
new one in their favor, and asked for the award of damages. x x x

Respondent Judge cannot be faulted for subsequently divesting himself of jurisdiction he earlier
recognized. The issuance of the said Order, in observance of judicial restraint, is felicitous, not
capricious, whimsical or despotic. A judge is presumed to know the constitutional limits of the authority
or jurisdiction of his court. Restated, respondent Judge soundly dismissed petitioners’ complaint, on his
firm belief that he has no jurisdiction over the case. Otherwise, he would be retrying and settling once
more the issues that had already been litigated and decided by a competent court, RTC-Branch 77; and,
worse, he would only create confusion and costly delays in the dispensation of justice. As a matter of
law, this is not permitted under the rule of stare decisis.23


21 Id., at p. 132.

22 Id., at pp. 104-127.

23 CA Decision, id., at pp. 22-24. Emphasis supplied.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals


Petitioners argue that the Court of Appeals erred in affirming Judge Bruselas’ dismissal of their
complaint for lack of jurisdiction. They claim that nowhere in their complaint did they allege or pray for
the annulment of the judgment based on compromise. On the contrary, they claim to have sufficiently
alleged relevant facts that would support their action for reconveyance and damages.24 A.R.C.
Marketing, on the other hand, claims that while petitioners appear to seek the reconveyance of the
property, what they ultimately would have the court do is to annul the January 13, 1993 decision
approving the Compromise Agreement adjudging the property in A.R.C. Marketing’s favor.25 A.R.C.
Marketing thus argue that petitioners’ action was correctly dismissed, the Regional Trial Court having no
jurisdiction to annul a compromise judgment approved by a coequal court.26

The Ruling of the Court

We rule for the petitioners.

An action for annulment of judgment is a remedy in equity so exceptional in nature that it may be
availed of only when other remedies are wanting, and only if the judgment, final order or final
resolution sought to be annulled was rendered by a court lacking jurisdiction or through extrinsic
fraud.27 An action for reconveyance, on the other hand, is a legal and


24 Petition, id., at p. 41.

25 A.R.C. Marketing’s Comment to the Petition for Review on Certiorari, pp. 10-11, id., at pp. 743-744.

26 Id., at pp. 744-745.

The crux of the controversy therefore in this case is whether the action filed by petitioners before the
RTC is one for reconveyance or for annulment of judgment.

27 Dare Adventure Farm Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 161122, September 24, 2012, 681
SCRA 580, 586.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

equitable remedy granted to the rightful owner of land which has been wrongfully or erroneously
registered in the name of another for the purpose of compelling the latter to transfer or reconvey the
land to him.28 The Court of Appeals has exclusive original jurisdiction over actions for annulment of
judgments of Regional Trial Courts29 whereas actions for reconveyance of real property may be filed
before the Regional Trial Courts or the Municipal Trial Courts, depending on the assessed value of the
property involved.30

Action filed by petitioners

is one for reconveyance

It is axiomatic that what determines the nature of the action and which court has jurisdiction over it are
the allegations in the complaint and the character of the relief sought.31

We find that the action filed by petitioners is one for reconveyance.


28 Justice Oswaldo Agcaoili, Property Registration Decree and Related Laws (Land Titles and Deeds),
p. 326 (2011), citing Alde v. Bernal, G.R. No. 169336, March 18, 2010, 616 SCRA 60.

29 Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 (1981), Sec. 9.

30 Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, Sec. 19 as amended, provides:

Jurisdiction in civil cases.—Regional Trial Courts shall exercise exclusive original jurisdiction:


(2) In all civil actions which involve the title to, or possession of, real property, or any interest therein,
where the assessed value of the property involved exceeds Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00) or for
civil actions in Metro Manila, where such the value exceeds Fifty Thousand Pesos (50,000.00) except
actions for forcible entry into and unlawful detainer of lands or buildings, original jurisdiction over which
is conferred upon Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts.

31 Sales v. Barro, G.R. No. 171678, December 10, 2008, 573 SCRA 456.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

For one, and as correctly pointed out by petitioners, the complaint they filed before the Regional Trial
Court shows that they never prayed for the annulment of the compromise judgment in Civil Case No. Q-
22850. What petitioners sought was the cancellation of the title issued in A.R.C. Marketing’s name and
the issuance of a new one in their favor.32 This is characteristic of an action for reconveyance which
respects the decree of registration as incontrovertible but seeks the transfer of property, which has
been wrongfully or erroneously registered in other persons’ names, to its rightful and legal owners, or to
those who claim to have a better right.33 There is no special ground for an action for reconveyance. It is
enough that the aggrieved party has a legal claim on the property superior to that of the registered
owner and that the property has not yet passed to the hands of an innocent purchaser for value.34

Second, and more importantly, the following allegations in petitioners’ Complaint clearly make out a
case for reconveyance:

3. That the plaintiff Jose V. Toledo bought from Vicente Padiernos one-half (1/2) of Lot No. 4, Block 2,
at Ilang-Ilang Street, Sunrise Hills Subdivision, Quezon City, while the other one-half of said property
which was purchased by the spouses Virgilio Padiernos and Leticia R. Padiernos was assigned by the
same spouses to the plaintiffs Danilo Padiernos and Glenn Padiernos, the copies of the three deeds are
hereto attached. x x x


32 Complaint, Rollo, pp. 139-140.

33 Pagaduan v. Ocuma, G.R. No. 176308, May 8, 2009, 587 SCRA 604.

34 Heirs of Concha v. Lumocso, G.R. No. 158121, December 12, 2007, 540 SCRA 1.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

4. That tracing back the property, Vicente Padiernos bought Lot 4, Block 2, Ilang-Ilang Street, Sunrise
Hills Subdivision, Quezon City, covered by TCT No. 44436 from the Spouses Leonardo Faustino and
Angelina Lim.

4.1 That said property was previously purchased by the spouses Leonardo Faustino and Angelina Lim
from the original owner, Pedro Del Rosario, proprietor and manager of Del Rosario Realty for the sum of


5. That on May 7, 1959, Pedro Del Rosario, proprietor and manager of the Del Rosario Realty, assigned
to Vicente Padiernos, with the approval of Soccoro A. Ramos, Lot 4, Block 2, Ilang-Ilang Street, Sunrise
Hills Subdivision, Quezon City. x x x

6. That before March, 1973, the Plaintiffs requested the Heirs of Socorro A. Ramos to release to them
the owner’s duplicate copy of Transfer Certificate Title No. 44436 because they have already fully paid
said property. But the defendants Heirs of Socorro A. Ramos, represented by Antonio A. Ramos issued
tot he [sic] Plaintiffs a Certification...which is self-explanatory.


8. That in February 1990, the defendants Enrique A. Ramos, Antonio A. Ramos, Milagros Ramos Sarne
and Angelita A. Ramos, signed a Deed of Assignment in favor of Defendant Lourdes A. Ramos assigned
Ransfer [sic] Certificate of Title No. 44436, together with other Titles, in an action for the annulment of
execution proceedings taken as a result of a decision in Civil Case No. 3066-P of the Court of First
Instance of Pasay City, Branch VII, entitled Guillermo N. Pablo and Primotiva [sic] Cruz v. Estate of the
deceased Socorro A. Ramos, which case was transferred in the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City
docketed as Civil Case No. Q-22850, Branch 7. x x x


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

9. That on January 13, 1993, in Quezon City, the Defendants Lourdes Ramos, in behalf of codefendants
Enrique A. Ramos, Milagros Ramos, Antonio Ramos and Angelita Ramos; Guillermo N. Pardo, Primitiva
Cruz, and A.R.C. Marketing, represented by its President Alberto C. Dy, assisted by their respective
counsels, entered into a Final Compromise Agreement, including Transfer Certificate of Title No. 44436,
superseded by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 223956, agreed to transfer the aforementioned TCT in
favor of A.R.C. Marketing Corporation, together with other titles. x x x

10. That on January 13, 1993, in Quezon City, the Defendants executed a Joint Motion to the
Honorable Court that the judgment be rendered:

(a) Approving the Final Compromise Agreement...

(b) Dismissing the Complaint as against the A.R.C. Marketing Corporation and Guillermo N. Pablo,
Primitiva Cruz and other Defendants, with prejudice;

(c) Ordering the Register of Deeds of Quezon City to cancel the notice of lis pendens and/or adverse
claim annotated in connection with the case in Transfer Certificate of Title No. 223956 (formerly TCT No.
44436), and other titles, all in the name of the Corporation. x x x

11. That on January 13, 1993, the Honorable Judge Ignacio L. Salvador of Branch 77, Regional Trial
Court, Quezon City, in Civil Case No. Q-22850, ordered the approval of the Joint Motion. x x x

12. That the Defendants Lourdes A. Ramos and her co-heirs of the Estate of Socorro A. Ramos,
Guillermo N. Pablo, Primitiva Cruz and A.R.C. Marketing Corporation, represented by its President
Alberty [sic] Dy, collaborated with each other to the prejudice of the plaintiffs who bought the property



Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

in question for a valuable consideration and further since 1974 had constructed their residential house
and are notoriously and continuously residing l [sic] the premises up to the present.

13. That the plaintiffs have been paying the taxes on the house since 1975 up to the present. x x x

14. That the Defendants committed fraud, dishonest and grave mistake in including TCT No. 44436,
preceded by TCT No. 223956 and now TCT No. RT-17876 (242918) in the name of A.R.C. Marketing
Corporation... in the Final Compromise Agreement that misled the Honorable Court of Quezon City in
approving it and issuing its Decision. x x x35

Petitioners allege that: first, they are the owners of the land by virtue of a sale between their and
respondents’ predecessors-in-interest; and second, that respondents Ramoses and A.R.C. Marketing
illegally dispossessed them by having the same property registered in respondents’ names. Thus, far
from establishing a case for annulment of judgment, the foregoing allegations clearly show a case for

As of the time of the filing of the case, the assessed value of the property, per the Real Property Tax
Receipts attached on the record and undisputed by respondents, exceeds P50,000.00.36 The case was
thus cognizable by the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, where the property is located.

In support of their argument for the dismissal of petitioners’ action, A.R.C. Marketing cites our rulings in
Rone v. Claro37 and Cultura v. Tapucar38 where we affirmed the lower court’s dismissal of an action for
annulment of a fraudulent deed of sale. There, we held:


35 Complaint, Rollo, pp. 136-138. Emphasis and underscoring supplied.

36 Annex L-17 of Complaint for Reconveyance with Damages, id., at p. 182.

37 No. L-4472, May 8, 1952, 91 Phil. 250.

38 No. L-48430, December 3, 1985, 140 SCRA 311.

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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

It may be that the recovery of title and possession of the lot was the ultimate objective of plaintiffs, but
to attain that goal, they must needs [sic] first travel over the road of relief on the ground of fraud;
otherwise even if the present action were to be regarded as a direct action to recover title and
possession, it would, nevertheless, be futile and could not prosper for the reason that the defendants
could always defeat it by merely presenting the deed of sale, which is good and valid to legalize and
justify the transfer of the land to the defendants, until unnulled [sic] unless the action of [sic] annul had
been filed within four years after the discovery of the fraud in 1941. So, from whatever angle we view
the case, the claimed [sic] of plaintiffs-appellants must fail.39

A.R.C. Marketing’s reliance on Rone and Cultura is misplaced. The facts in Rone and Cultura are
markedly different from the circumstances of the present case.

A.R.C. Marketing alleges that petitioners’ action is one for annulment of a judgment albeit disguised as
an action for reconveyance; Rone and Cultura, on the other hand, dealt with actions for annulment of
fraudulent deeds of sale. The former type of action concerns only judgments, final orders and
resolutions in civil actions of Regional Trial Courts. It is governed by Rule 47 of the Revised Rules of Court
and cognizable only by the Court of Appeals whereas actions for the cancellation or annulment of
contracts (as in the cases of Rone and Cultura) are covered under Articles 1390 and 1391 of the Civil
Code and considered actions beyond pecuniary estimation which fall within the jurisdiction of Regional
Trial Courts. Furthermore, and as correctly argued by petitioners, the actions in Rone and Cultura were
dismissed mainly on the ground of prescription, not for lack of jurisdiction.


39 Rone v. Claro, supra note 37. Also cited in Cultura v. Tapucar, id.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

That petitioners filed an action for annulment of judgment all the more fails to persuade when one
considers that, not being parties to Civil Case No. Q-22850, petitioners cannot file such action to annul
the judgment therein. Section 1 of Rule 47 extends the remedy of annulment only to a party in whose
favor the remedies of new trial, reconsideration, appeal and petition for relief from judgment are no
longer available through no fault of said party.40

Even assuming that petitioners will be allowed to file an action for annulment, it will be for naught as
they will not derive any real benefit from a favorable ruling. Our ruling in Dare Adventure Farm v. Court
of Appeals is particularly instructive:

The petitioner probably brought the action for annulment upon its honest belief that the action was its
remaining recourse from a perceived commission of extrinsic fraud against it. It is worthwhile for the
petitioner to ponder, however, that permitting it despite its being a nonparty in Civil Case No. MAN-
2838 to avail itself of the remedy of annulment of judgment would not help it in any substantial way.
Although Rule 47 would initially grant relief to it from the effects of the annulled judgment, the decision
of the CA would not really and finally determine the rights of the petitioner in the property as against
the competing rights of the original parties. To be borne in mind is that the annulment of judgment is an
equitable relief not because a party-litigant thereby gains another opportunity to reopen the already
final judgment but because a party-litigant is enabled to be discharged from the burden of being bound
by a judgment that was an absolute nullity to begin with.

We agree with the CA’s suggestion that the petitioner’s proper recourse was either an action for
quieting of title or an action for reconveyance of


40 Supra note 27.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

the property. It is timely for the Court to remind that the petitioner will be better off if it should go to
the courts to obtain relief through the proper recourse; otherwise, it would waste its own time and
effort, aside from thereby unduly burdening the dockets of the courts.41
Petitioners’ action being one for reconveyance filed with the proper court, the trial court therefore
erred in dismissing the action on grounds of lack of jurisdiction.

We note that the issues between the parties have been pending for over seventeen years. We further
note that petitioner Jose Toledo died on September 6, 2009 while awaiting final determination of
ownership of the land upon which he has made his residence. Several of the named respondents appear
to have died as well.42 Only A.R.C. Marketing, in whose name the property is registered, has actively
participated in the proceedings.43

Considering that the remaining issues named herein may already be resolved on the basis of the records
before us, and a remand of the case to the RTC would only cause undue


41 Id., at pp. 589-590. Emphasis supplied.

42 It appears from the records that respondents Enrique and Antonio A. Ramos have both also died
pending resolution of the case. Respondent Angelita Ramos, in her Comment before this Court, stated
that she was still a minor when the events subject of the petition occurred and has no documents or file
pertaining to said events in her possession. She, however, recalls the assignment of rights made by all
heirs of the late Socorro A. Ramos in favor of respondent Lourdes A. Ramos. Angelita, along with Alan
Joseph A. Ramos (heir of deceased respondent Antonio A. Ramos), thus prayed that they be considered
mere nominal parties to this case. Guillermo Pablo and Primitiva N. Cruz did not appear to have
participated at all in the proceedings subsequent to the execution of the Compromise Judgment in Civil
Case No. Q-22850.

43 While she participated in the proceedings before the Court of Appeals, respondent Lourdes A.
Ramos did not file any pleading in the case before this Court.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

hardship on the parties,44 we shall proceed to resolve this case on the merits and decide the issue of
ownership of the subject property.
Action for reconveyance not barred

A.R.C. Marketing argues that petitioners’ action is barred on grounds of res judicata,45 prescription,46
and laches.47

It errs.

First. The ruling in Civil Case No. Q-22850 does not serve to bar petitioners from filing an action for

While a judicially-approved compromise agreement indeed has the effect and authority of res
judicata,48 the same is conclusive and binding only upon the parties and those who are their successors-
in-interest by title after the commencement of the action in court:49

It is basic in law that a compromise agreement, as a contract, is binding only upon the parties to the
compromise, and not upon nonparties. This is the doctrine of relativity of contracts. Consistent with this
principle, a judgment based entirely on a compromise agreement is binding only on the parties to the
compromise the court approved, and not upon the parties who did


44 Heirs of Dr. Jose Deleste v. Land Bank of the Philippines, G.R. No. 169913, June 8, 2011, 651 SCRA
352, citing Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 77425, June 19, 1991, 198
SCRA 300.

45 A.R.C. Marketing’s Comment to the Petition for Review, Rollo, p. 743.

46 A.R.C. Marketing’s Motion to Dismiss, id., at pp. 238-239.

47 A.R.C. Marketing’s Motion to Dismiss, id., at p. 245.

48 Martir v. Verano, G.R. No. 170395, July 28, 2006, 497 SCRA 120.

49 Ayala Corporation v. Ray Burton Development Corporation, G.R. No. 126699, August 7, 1998, 294
SCRA 48. See also Villanueva v. Velasco, G.R. No. 130845, November 27, 2000, 346 SCRA 99.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

not take part in the compromise agreement and in the proceedings leading to its submission and
approval by the court. Otherwise stated, a court judgment made solely on the basis of a compromise
agreement binds only the parties to the compromise, and cannot bind a party litigant who did not take
part in the compromise agreement.50

Petitioners were never parties to Civil Case No. Q-22850. Petitioners also acquired their title over the
property prior to the institution of said case involving respondents. Thus, petitioners cannot be
prejudiced by the compromise judgment in said case.

Second. A.R.C. Marketing argues that petitioners’ action is barred by the statute of limitations:

25. Plaintiffs waited for more than ten (10) years from the issuance of the … certification, more than
ten (10) [sic] after title over the subject property was issued in favor of Guillermo Pablo, more than ten
(10) years … after title over the subject property was issued in favor of A.R.C. and for more than four (4)
years from the rendition of the Decision dated January 13, 1993, before they instituted the present

26. Clearly, plaintiffs’ cause of action, if there was any, prescribed or was barred by the statute of
limitation a long, long time ago. Perforce, this action should be dismissed.51

This argument fails to persuade.

Article 1456 of the Civil Code provides that a person acquiring property through fraud becomes, by
operation of law, a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the real owner


50 Philippine National Bank v. Banatao, G.R. No. 149221, April 7, 2009, 584 SCRA 95, 104. Emphasis

51 A.R.C. Marketing’s Motion to Dismiss in Civil Case No.97-30738, Rollo, pp. 240-241.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

of the property. The presence of fraud in this case, as shown by the disposition of the property to A.R.C.
Marketing by Lourdes Ramos despite knowledge of petitioners’ title over the same, created an implied
trust in favor of petitioners Toledo, et al. This gives petitioners the right to seek reconveyance of the
property from the subsequent buyers.

An action for reconveyance based on an implied trust prescribes in ten years, the reckoning point of
which is the date of registration of the deed or the date of issuance of the certificate of title over the
property.52 However, if the plaintiff also remains in possession of the same, as in this case, the
prescriptive period to recover title and possession of the property does not run against him. In such a
case, an action for reconveyance, if nonetheless filed, would be in the nature of a suit for quieting of
title, an action that is imprescriptible:53

Prescription does not run against the plaintiff in actual possession of the disputed land because such
plaintiff has a right to wait until his possession is disturbed or his title is questioned before initiating an
action to vindicate his right. His undisturbed possession gives him the continuing right to seek the aid of
a court of equity to determine the nature of the adverse claim of a third party and its effect on his

Here, petitioners’ undisturbed possession of the property is uncontroverted. Petitioners have alleged
that they have been in “continued, open and uninterrupted possession of the property for over forty
(40) years,” as evidenced not only by their payment of real property taxes but also the construction of


52 Brito v. Dianala, G.R. No. 171717, December 15, 2010, 638 SCRA 529.

53 Alfredo v. Borras, G.R. No. 144225, June 17, 2003, 404 SCRA 145, 164.

54 Id., at p. 166.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

their house thereon.55 This was notably never disputed by A.R.C. Marketing. As plaintiffs in possession
of the disputed property, petitioners are not barred from seeking relief from the court via an action for

Neither can petitioners be considered to have slept on their rights for laches to operate against them.
Petitioners have clearly taken steps to protect their interests in the property. While respondents
correctly point out that the sale of the property between the predecessors-in-interest of petitioners and
respondents was not registered, the records show that petitioners (and/or their predecessors-in-
interest) have registered their adverse claim over the property as early as October 20, 1960.57
Petitioners also previously requested for the release of the owner’s duplicate certificate of title58
sometime in 1973 but was given a Certification/Acknowledgment of Full Payment instead as the title
then could not be released due to a pending case involving the property.59

More importantly, petitioners were not parties to Civil Case No. Q-22850 between respondents Ramos,
Cruz and A.R.C. Marketing. They cannot therefore be presumed to be aware of the January 13, 1993
decision in said case for their action for reconveyance filed four years after (or in 1997) to be barred by

Petitioners are entitled to the

reconveyance of the property

Petitioners have alleged a legal right over the property and presented ample documentary evidence to
support their claim.


55 Petition for Review on Certiorari, Rollo, p. 42.

56 Caragay-Layno v. Court of Appeals, No. L-52064, December 26, 1984, 133 SCRA 718.

57 Rollo, p. 258.

58 Upon full payment, presumably for purposes of having the title over the property transferred to
their name.

59 Rollo, p. 151.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

In fact, the complete payment of the purchase price by petitioners (and/or their predecessors-in-
interest) is not disputed. A.R.C. Marketing, however, claims that certain provisions of the original
contract to sell in relation to the disposal of the property were not complied with and so petitioners
(and/or their predecessors-in-interest) did not acquire ownership of the property.60
Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Contract to Sell read:


7. The PURCHASER/S agree/s not to sell, cede, incumber, transfer or in any other manner dispose of
his/her/their rights and obligations under this contact without the previous written consent of the
OWNER. x x x

8. Should the PURCHASER/S fail/s to pay any installments or payments, when due, of the aforesaid
purchase price within ninety (90) days from the date of the last payment made, or if the PURCHASER/S
violate/s any of the conditions herein set forth, the OWNER shall have the right to cancel this
AGREEMENT, without further notice, in which event, this contract, “Ipso Facto” without the necessity of
a notification or judicial action, shall be forfeited and cancelled, and the OWNER shall be at liberty to
dispose of said parcel/s of land to any other person in the manner as if this contract had never been
made or entered into. In the event of such forfeiture, all sums of money paid under this contract will be
considered as rentals and liquidated damages for the use and occupancy of said parcel/s of land and the
PURCHASER/S waive/s all rights and interests on the said property, or to ask or demand to return the
amount thereof, and he/she/they shall vacate the said land within sixty (60) days, and all the


60 A.R.C. Marketing’s Motion to Dismiss in Civil Case No.97-30738, id., at pp. 242-245.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

built by him/her/them shall be removed from said property without any prejudice to the OWNER.61

According to A.R.C. Marketing, the subsequent transfers made by the Faustino spouses (from which
petitioners derive their title) were made without the written consent or approval of Del Rosario (and/or
his assignees). This caused the ipso facto cancellation of the contract to sell.

We are not persuaded.

While the contract to sell indeed provided for the ipso facto cancellation of the contract “without need
of notification or judicial action,” jurisprudence requires, for cancellation to be effective, that written
notice be sent to the defaulter informing him of said cancellation/rescission.62 In Palay, Inc. v. Clave, we
held that the cancellation of the contract to sell was void because of lack of notice, stating thus:

Well-settled is the rule, as held in previous jurisprudence, that judicial action for rescission of a contract
is not necessary where the contract provides that it may be revoked and cancelled for violation of any of
its terms and conditions. However, even in the cited cases, there was at least a written notice to the
defaulter informing him of the rescission. As stressed in University of the Philippines v. Walfrido de los
Angeles, the act of the party in treating a contract as cancelled should be made known to the other.63


61 Contract to Sell, id., at pp. 145-146. Emphasis and underscoring supplied.

62 Siska Development Corporation v. Office of the President, G.R. No. 93176, April 22, 1994, 231 SCRA
674, citing Palay, Inc. v. Clave, No. L-56076, September 21, 1983, 124 SCRA 638 and Cheng v. Genato,
G.R. No. 129760, December 29, 1998, 300 SCRA 722.

63 Palay, Inc. v. Clave, id., citing University of the Philippines v. De los Angeles, No. L-28602, September
29, 1970, 35 SCRA 102.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

In this case, it does not appear that A.R.C. Marketing (nor its predecessors-in-interest) took any steps to
cancel the contract and/or eject petitioners from the premises (much less notify petitioners about said
cancellation) prior to the latter’s institution of the action for reconveyance. A.R.C. Marketing’s
predecessors-in-interest also seemed to have continued to accept payments for the property without
protest or qualification. Respondent Antonio A. Ramos, representing the heirs of Socorro A. Ramos,
even issued a certification64 acknowledging full payment for the property on March 20, 1973, long
before the same was allegedly adjudged in A.R.C. Marketing’s favor in 1993. A.R.C. Marketing is thus
estopped from invoking cancellation of the contract to defeat petitioners’ rights over the property.65

A.R.C. Marketing is not an innocent

purchaser for value

An action for reconveyance is always available as a remedy for a rightful owner to retrieve his property
for as long as the same has not passed to an innocent purchaser for value.66 An innocent purchaser for
value is one who buys the property of another without notice that some other person has a right to or
interest in it, and who pays a full and fair price at the time of the purchase or before receiving any notice
of another person’s claim.6


64 Annex F of Complaint for Reconveyance with Damages, Rollo, p. 151.

65 Angeles v. Calasanz, No. L-42283, March 18, 1985, 135 SCRA 323; Rapanut v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 109680, July 14, 1995, 246 SCRA 323. See also De Guzman v. Guieb, No. L-28862, November 24,
1972, 48 SCRA 68.

66 Pacete v. Asotigue, G.R. No. 188575, December 10, 2012, 687 SCRA 570.

67 Heirs of Felix Bucton v. Go, G.R. No. 188395, November 20, 2013, 710 SCRA 457.


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Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

In Spouses Ching v. Spouses Adolfo and Arsenia Enrile, we held that one who purchases real estate with
knowledge of a defect or lack of title in his vendor cannot claim that he has acquired title thereto in
good faith as against the true owner of the land or of an interest therein. The same rule must be applied
to one who has knowledge of facts which should have put him upon such inquiry and investigation as
might be necessary to acquaint him with the defects in the title of his vendor.68

In this case, Vicente Padiernos (petitioners’ predecessor-in-interest) caused the annotation on the title
of his adverse claim over the property as early as October 20, 1960.69 Thus, when A.R.C. Marketing
agreed, by way of the judicially-approved Compromise Agreement, to purchase the property on January
13, 1993, it already had constructive notice of the adverse claim registered earlier. It is also beyond
dispute that petitioners have been in possession of the property even prior to the time of the
Compromise Agreement in Civil Case No. Q-22850. These circumstances should have put A.R.C.
Marketing on guard and required it to ascertain whether one of the properties subject of the
Compromise Agreement it is entering into has already been sold to another. A.R.C. Marketing cannot
thus be considered an innocent purchaser for value. It cannot rely on the indefeasibility of its title as
such defense does not extend to a transferee who takes the certificate of title with notice of a flaw in his

WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition and SET ASIDE the assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court of
Appeals dated October 22, 2004 and April 13, 2005, respectively, in C.A.-G.R. S.P. No. 73670. Judgment
is hereby rendered declaring petitioners the owners of Lot 4, Block 2, Ilang-Ilang Street, Sunrise Hills
Subdivision, Quezon City presently cov-


68 G.R. No. 156076, September 17, 2008, 565 SCRA 402.

69 Supra note 56.

70 Supra note 53.




Toledo vs. Court of Appeals

ered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. RT-17876 (242918). The Register of Deeds of Quezon City is
hereby ordered to:

(a) CANCEL TCT No. RT-17876 (242918) in the name of A.R.C. Marketing Corporation; and

(b) ISSUE a Transfer Certificate of Title in the name of petitioners Jose V. Toledo, Glenn Padiernos and
Danilo Padiernos.


Velasco, Jr. (Chairperson), Peralta, Villarama, Jr. and Perez,** JJ., concur.

Petition granted, judgment and resolution set aside.

Notes.—Reconveyance is a remedy granted only to the owner of the property alleged to be erroneously
titled in another’s name. (Heirs of Francisco I. Narvasa, Sr. vs. Imbornal, 732 SCRA 171 [2014])

The law does not prescribe a form to rescind a contract to sell immovable property; The law does not
require notarization for a letter to rescind a contract to sell immovable property. Notarization is only
required if a contract of sale is being rescinded. (Cabrera vs. Ysaac, 740 SCRA 612 [2014])


** Designated acting member, in lieu of Associate Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes, per Special Order No.
2084 dated June 29, 2015. Toledo vs. Court of Appeals, 765 SCRA 104, G.R. No. 167838 August 5, 2015

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