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Lesson Plan

Date : 4th May 2015

Teacher: Vieru Elena
Class: 8th grade
Unit: Believe it or not!
Topic: verb + gerund/ infinitive structures
Textbook: High Flyer, ed. Longman
Skill Focus: Speaking
Lesson Type: teaching
Main aims:
2.4 *express an opinion on familiar subjects
3.4 identify and use data from texts and diagrams.
Lesson aims:
A1: to express their attitude towards superstitions in terms of agreement or disagreement;
A2: to identify superstitions which are not on the board poster
A3: to practice reading techniques (skimming and scanning, intensive reading)
A4 : to recognize verb + gerund/ infinitive patterns in a given text;
A5: to classify verbs structures (verb + gerund/ infinitive patterns);
A6: to fill in with gerund or infinitive verb forms;
A7: to work out in pairs personal answers using the appropriate –ing /to forms;
Methods and materials: worksheets, textbook, conversation;
Bibliography: Suzanne W. Woodward , Fun with grammar ;
Traveller B2 Studentbook (Ed. Mmpublications); High Flyer–Intermediate Studentbook
(Ed. Longman)
Time: 50 minutes
Activity 1 Check homework (5minutes)
Interaction: T-Ss
The teacher introduces herself and checks attendance. Pupils are asked what was
their homework for the current class. They read it and the teacher makes any necessary

Activity 2 : Lead-in “Superstitions” (7 minutes)

Lesson Aims
A1: to express their attitude towards superstitions in terms of agreement or disagreement;
A2: to identify superstitions which are not on the board poster
Interaction: T-Ss
The teacher shows pupils two posters on which they recognize various superstitions
(positive and negative). The teacher sets the topic “Believe it or not!” ( Superstitions). The
teacher and pupils build sentences describing these.
The teacher writes one of these on the board and rephrase it using a gerund form,
then ask pupils to rephrase other three sentences in similar ways.

Activity 3: Reading “The moon and us” ( 7minutes)

Lesson Aim: A3: to practice reading techniques (skimming and scanning, intensive
Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure :
The teacher elicits superstition connected to the “moon”.
-reading: The teacher asks pupils read the text silently because afterwards they will
have to read just the parts indicated by the teacher (like “the one connected to agriculture”,
or “ the one about going to the hair-dresser”).
Unknown vocabulary items are written on the board.
Pupils reread the paragraphs requested by the teacher.
The teacher and pupils comment on how do they feel about these assumptions
considering the influence of the moon upon our lives. Students paraphrase structuresn the
text in order to provide answers for the following questions.
1. How does a full moon act on people?
2. How does the moon influence the sea level?
3. When is the best time to go to the hairdresser?

Activity 4 : Gerunds and Infinitives Shootout (7minutes)

Lesson Aims:
A4 : to recognize verb + gerund/ infinitive patterns in a given text;
A5: to classify verbs structures (verb + gerund/ infinitive patterns);
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss
The teacher draws the following grid on the board:
Gerunds Infinitives
 Imagine not seeing…  The moon tries to pull the Earth and …
 Avoid going out…  Looking at the moon allows farmers to guess
 Some hairdressers dislike the weather.
cutting hair when the moon  People will continue to fear it and to love it
is getting smaller.
Pupils fill in the grid with examples found in the text. The teacher sets up a game
called “Gerunds and Infinitives Shootout”. They have to draw lines from balls with verbs
to their appropriate baskerts. They work in teams to score as many goals in the “Gerunds
and Infinitives Shootout” worksheets, then on the board.
Activity 5 : Gerunds and Infinitives Practice (10minutes)
Lesson Aim: A6: to fill in with gerund or infinitive verb forms;
Interaction: T-Ss
The teacher hands out two worksheets for each pupil. In the first exercise they have
to fill in five sentences with the appropriate verb form (gerund or infinitive) and in the
second one they match verbal forms to their meanings in order to identify and practice
verbs using both forms but with different meanings.

Activity 6 : Feedback -Getting personal (10minutes)

Lesson Aim:
A7: to work out in pairs personal answers using appropriate –ing /to forms;
Interaction: T-Ss
Pupils receive cards with which they are to build questions for their colleagues and
to which they are to receive answers as well.
The teacher hands out worksheets with similar questions. Pupils read them and
write down any troubling vocabulary items . They answer to at least two questions.

Activity 7 : Assessment (2minutes)

Lesson Aim: -
Interaction: T-Ss
The teacher assesses pupils` participation as a whole, then names a few students.

Activity 8 : Homework (2minutes)

Lesson Aim: -
Interaction: T-Ss
They will have to finish the worksheets given for practice during the lesson.

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