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Lesson 4.

1. Questions must be simple and direct.
2. They must not involved legal terminology such as rape, murder, etc.
3. They must be answerable by yes or no only
4. Must be short as possible.
5. Their meaning must be clear and unmistakable phrase in a language that the subject can
easily understand.
6. They must not be in the form of accusation.
7. Question must never contain an inference which presupposes knowledge on the part of the
8. All questions must refer to the once offence only.
9. All questions must refer to only one element of an offense.
10. They must not contain interferences to ones religion races or belief.
The phraseology of the test question is an extremely important aspect of the
examination. The questions, and every word used in the questions must be unambiguous,
unequivocal, and thoroughly understandable by the subject.
The questions must be states as simply as possible, and with a complete avoidance of
such double inquires as ‘Did you shoot him and then run into the house’?
All questions must have only a single, unambiguous meaning.
There should be an avoidance of lengthy question.
Simply questions. Avoid legal terms such rape, murder, embezzlement, etc.
1. Irrelevant Questions - these questions are formulated without any specific relationship
with the case under investigation. They are assigned to establish subject physiological
norm and to reduce the excitement level created by a relevant question, in this question
the examiner usually refer to dates, names of place, subject position etc.
2. Relevant Questions – this are the primary or key question asked by the examiner in
order to resolve a specific subject matter, its purpose is to detect deception, as a result
of this type of question in the polygraph examination via between chart probing and

Relevant question are further classified as to their stimulation effect. This strong or primary
or crucial question is a relevant question having an intense and specific relationship with the
crime or problem being considered. It is designed and constructed to test for direct
involvement only and specifically designed to produce an emotional response in guilty
subjects. Secondary or weak questions concern some secondary element of the crime or
problem and deal mostly on guilty knowledge and partial involvement. The different types of
weak relevant questions, some of which are capable of becoming strong relevant are further
classified as follows.

a. Sacrifice or Dyat questions

This is designed to absorb the responses generally generated by the introduction of the
first relevant question in the series. It reveals the subjects norm plus stimulus and excitement
level. Construction of this question is regarding the matter under investigation, as “Do you
intent to answer truthfully all the questions about them”.
Example: Regarding the stolen wristwatch, you intend truthfully to answer each question about
b. Knowledge Questions
This is the question designed to prove whether the subject possess information
regarding the identity of the offender, or as to the location of the evidence or other secondary
elements of the case under investigation. The knowledge question is framed “Do you know
who committed the offense” in the formulation of the question and review.
Example: Do you know for sure who stole wristwatch of Hazel?
c. Evidence Connecting Questions
this is designed to stimulate the guilty subject and focus his attention on the probability
the incriminating proof that would tend to establish his guilt. In formulating the question the
examiner must secure information from investigator as to whether or not fingerprints, tools or
other evidences where collected from the crime scene. The examiners proceeds in asking the
question “Was the evidence found in (crime scene) yours?
d. Control question (Probable lie)
This is a question designed to produce a response in the innocent subject and serve as
a basis for evaluating the subject perceptual set. Control question would either be a primary or
secondary. The primary control question is base on known lie. It must concerned about the
events that transpired within three or five years period before the case under investigation
(present) occurred, in example of the question is “before reaching the age of 20, have you ever
stolen anything”
The secondary control question is of more specific in nature and is based upon another
experience or wrong doing which will enhance the opportunity for the responsiveness. Its
scope covers up to the present period. The question of responsiveness must not be related to
the case under investigation for example, ‘have you ever committed any crime in your
community or have you ever stolen anything?’
e. Symptomatic Questions
these question are designed to detect and evaluate the presence of the outside issue
factor is neither the case which he is involved, but is nor a subject matter under investigation.
An example of this is “Are you not convinced that I will not ask you any questions aside from
those which we have reviewed? Or “Are you afraid that I will ask you about something which I
told you I would not?”
f. SKY Questions
these three questions grouped together by Backster confirm the previous chart and may
detect indirect involvement or guilty knowledge. The “S” stands for you. “K” stands for know;
and the “Y” questions the same as the strong relevant question.
Example: Do you suspect anyone in particular of stealing f hazel’s wristwatch?
Do you know for sure who stole Hazel’s wristwatch?
Do you steal Hazel’s wristwatch?
The polygraph test consist of asking the subject/ person through the transducer of the
instrument, a list of prepared questions in a planned sequence; comprising of not more than
twelve. At least 3 test charts are taken, each lasting not more than four (4) minutes with a rest
interval of five (5) to ten (10) minutes between charts.
“What takes place on a polygraph chart during the test?”
During the test, the examiner asks questions, this question becomes verbal stimulus,
and the message is received by the air and transmitted to the brain. Analyses the question, if
the question is not a threat to the well being of the subject of the thought central discards it and
the body continue to function normally. However, when the question is important to the subject,
physiological chain reaction takes place within his/her body, which is recorded by the
polygraph instrument and can b e evaluated by the polygraph examiner.
Test Construction Applied is of Two (2) Main Types:
1. General Question test – most commonly applied.
2. Peak - of –Tension Test – usually use as supplementary test.
This test is about the case under investigation. This are sequence or relevant,
irrelevant, and control question asked in a designed order. The questions are arranged in order
to contrast the subjects responses between relevant question and control question. The
answer to the question is restricted to yes or no only.
The sequence and sample of general question test are follows:
1Q – irrelevant – Is your first name Raine?
2Q – irrelevant – Do you know that today is Thursday?
3Q – weak relevant – Between 7:30am to 10:30am of oct 25, 2002, did you open the table
drawer of mr. Reynaldo Suave?
4Q – irrelevant – Are you married?
5Q – Strong relevant- Were you the one who actually stole the missing P50,000 cash money
of MR. Reynaldo Suave?
6Q – Control - Before attaining the age of 25 have you ever stolen anything?
7Q – irrelevant – Do you know how to read?
8Q - Evidence Connection – were the bunch of the keys recovered under the table of Mr.
Reynaldo Suave, yours?
9Q - knowledge- Do you know who stole the cash Reynaldo Suave.
10Q - Secondary control- Have you ever stolen anything from you current employment?
1. To get the standard tracing of the subject.
2. To establish a truth telling pattern for the initial part of the record.
This consist of a series of relevant and irrelevant question asked in a plan order.
Questions are so arrange as to make possible a comparison of responses to relevant question
with as subject norm made during the answering of a irrelevant questions.
Weak Relevant Question- it concern some secondary element of the crime or problem and
deals with mostly in guilty knowledge and partial involvement.
Strong Relevant Question- it is defined as verbal stimulus of primary important projected in
the form of a question which overcome a psychological excitement level and causes changes
from the subjects psychological norms.
Evidence Connection Question- it is designed to stimulate the guilty subject and focus his
attention on the probability of the incrimination proof that would tend to establish his guilt.
Knowledge Question- this question is designed or begun to probe whether the subject
pauses information regarding the identity of the offender, the location of evidences or items of
secondary element of the case.
Upon finishing of the first test, here is another part of the test the examiner will show to the
subject (7) variously numbered cards, face down. The cards are set in such a way the
examiner will write away know which card has been chosen by the subject. The number 7, 11
and 13 should not be used because other subject are too superstitious and number 6 and 9
should not be included to avoid confusion on the part of the subject. The cards with number
15, 8, 5, 3, 4, 14 and 12 are used.
The subject is given an instruction to get a card, look at it and memorized the number of
the card that was chosen and return it without showing it to the examiner or telling the number.
After the selection is finished, the examiner shuffles the card and will instruct the subject to
answer “no” to each question regarding cards, even if the number of the card he has choses is
asked. In short oe of the subjects answers to the question will be lie.
The verification test is intended to assure the innocent examinee, the accurateness of
the test, and of the competency of the polygraphist. If futher serves to arouse the guilty
1. To check the possible deliberate distortion when the chosen number is asked.
2. To obtain a chart wherein the subject is not under stress.
Spot Responder:
This test contain question previously asked questions in general question test. (GQT) with the
same number of the same question of the earliest test, the sequence would be:
1Q – irrelevant – Is your first name Raine?
3Q – weak relevant – Between 7:30am to 10:30am of oct 25, 2002, did you open the table
drawer of mr. Reynaldo Suave?
2Q – irrelevant – Do you know that today is Thursday?
5Q – Strong relevant- Were you the one who actually stole the missing P50,000 cash money
of MR. Reynaldo Suave?
4Q – irrelevant – Are you married?
6Q – Control - Before attaining the age of 25 have you ever stolen anything?
7Q – irrelevant – Do you know how to read?
8Q - Evidence Connection – were the bunch of the keys recovered under the table of Mr.
Reynaldo Suave, yours?
9Q - knowledge- Do you know who stole the cash Reynaldo Suave.
10Q - Secondary control- Have you ever stolen anything from you current employment?
1. To determine the responsiveness of the subject to crucial/critical question and also
serve as a check on a possibility of spot responses.
Mix Question:
This test is the same with test III but question of GQT is again mixed and the sequences of
the question are as follows:
4Q – irrelevant – Are you married?
1Q – irrelevant – Is your first name Raine?
9Q - knowledge- Do you know who stole the cash Reynaldo Suave.
6Q – Control - Before attaining the age of 25 have you ever stolen anything?
2Q – irrelevant – Do you know that today is Thursday?
3Q – weak relevant – Between 7:30am to 10:30am of oct 25, 2002, did you open the table
drawer of mr. Reynaldo Suave?
10Q - Secondary control- Have you ever stolen anything from you current employment?
5Q – Strong relevant- Were you the one who actually stole the missing P50,000 cash money
of MR. Reynaldo Suave?
6Q – Control - Before attaining the age of 25 have you ever stolen anything?
2Q – irrelevant – Do you know that today is Thursday?
8Q - Evidence Connection – were the bunch of the keys recovered under the table of Mr.
Reynaldo Suave, yours?
10Q - Secondary control- Have you ever stolen anything from you current employment?
To compare the degree of reaction between control and relevant question.

Silence Answer Test (SAT):

In this test the subject is instructed by the examiner to avoid from giving any verbal answer to
the questions that are to be asked of him during the test. The subject is instructed to pay
attention of each question only to himself, silently. In short, the subject should “sub vocalized”
his answer, in addition he should think of the truthful answer and give the truthful answer
silently to himself.
Two important point was found to be essential in order to achieve to outmost benefits
from the test: first, the subject should understand clearly that on the silent answer test (SAT)
he will be asked of the same question just like on his previous test and exactly in the order
they were ask before. Secondly, it is significant for the subject to understand that though he his
is not answer verbally the test question, he should answer all test questions silently in his mind
with truthful answer only.
It is confirmatory test or affirmative checked with the silence answer test.
Other question asked:
1. Checked question - Last question asked in the lie test. It is direct question that relates
to the fact that the subject has told the truth to all questions asked in the lie test.
2. Fishing Expedition Test Question – used to vagrants or loiters for routine
interrogation. No idea about what offense has been committed. Examples :
a. Have you ever been arrested before?
b. Are you wanted anywhere now by the police?
c. Have you stolen anything since you have been in tour?
Aside from the standard test describe above, the following special test maybe
performed and incorporated as part of the procedure or maybe used as supplementary test
depending upon the result of the standard test in order to draw a better conclusion.
Peak-of-tension Test:
The subject maybe given this test if he is not yet informed of the details of the offense
for which he is being interrogated by the investigator, or by other person or from other sources
like the print media.
This valid test is only made possible when there is no widespread publicity about a
crime where intimate details as to the method of commission or certain facts of the case is
known from the victim and investigator.
The questions formulated are similar in nature and construction, only one in which is
true and the perpetrator who would naturally be in possession of such unpublicized knowledge
will usually exhibit a rise in the tracing up to that particular question followed by a declined
thereafter, cause by the relief of knowing that a dreaded question dangerous to his well- being,
is past.
Examples of peak-of-tension test:
a. Do you know whether the stolen watch from Allan is a Seiko? ( this is an introductory
phrase plus padding question)
b. It is an Omega? ( padding )
c. It is Rolex? ( padding)
d. It is Timex? ( relevant question)
e. It is Alba Quartz? ( padding)
f. It is Citizen? ( padding)
Guilt Complex Test:
This test is applied when the response to relevant and control questions which are
similar in degree and in the consistency and in a way that the examiner cannot determine
whether the subject is telling the truth or not.
The subject asked question aside from the irrelevant, relevant and control question, in
new series of relevant questions dealing with a real incident and that which the subject could
not have been committed.
If the subject does not respond the other relevant question, it indicates that the subject
was being deceptive as primary issue under investigation. However, no conclusion can be
drawn if the response to added guilt complex is similar to the real issue questions.
Silent Answer Test:
This test is conducted in the same manner as when relevant and control questions are
asked but the subject is instructed to answer the questions silently, to himself, without the
making any verbal response causes distortion in the tracing such as sniff or clearing the throat.
Knows Solution Peak of Tension
This is administered when a fact relating to the event knows only to the perpetrator of
the offense and the victim, police, and client. This material fact, whether it be particular sum of
money, a particular make of weapon, etc. is inserted into test comprising a list of similar items,
the examinee is tested to determine his guilty knowledge.
Proving Peak Tension
This is administered to obtain information that might prove valuable to an investigation.
It is designed to determine the location, disposition, modus operandi and amounts on the list of
Pre- employment Test
This test seeks to verify information contained in a job application and develop relevant
information deliberately committed by the subject.

Periodic Testing
This is conducted for the purpose of determining the honesty of employees assigned to
sensitive position. It also acts as a constant deterrent to employee’s dishonesty.

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