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In Mining for the Long Haul Mining Technology for Tomorrow

Celebrating 45 years of electric drive systems excellence In the future, GE – Transportation’s technology will continue to reduce operating costs,
fuel consumption and downtime. Examples of GE’s forward thinking include:
GE – Transportation invented electric drive systems for and in 2008 demonstrated the world’s first hybrid mining
mining trucks in 1963 and has been leading the industry drive system.
ever since.
GE’s electric drive systems offer many advantages when
With more than 20 million hours of operation worldwide and compared to mechanical drive systems:
Hybrid Drive Systems Interior Permanent Magnet Motors
more than 5,000 electric drive systems operating at mines in
GE’s Hybrid Vehicle Team has applied advanced hybrid GE’s technological advances also include an interior permanent
more than 35 countries, our track record stands alone. • Improved cycle time due to higher speed and
technology to off-highway vehicles. The result? Fuel savings
and increased productivity. GE has teamed with Komatsu and
magnet motor in its next-generation traction motor that
provides a higher power density resulting in increased fuel
AC Motorized Wheel Drive Systems
GE’s innovations in mining drive systems did not stop with • Fewer components delivering lower maintenance
the U.S. Department of Energy to demonstrate the world’s first efficiency or improved speed on grade.
inventing them. In 1984, GE developed the first mining and higher availability
and only hybrid drive system that captures retarding energy
trolley technology, enabling the industry to use overhead • Reduced wear on the primary braking system due
for fuel savings or provides an on-demand energy boost to
electric power. GE marked yet another milestone in 1996 by to electrical retarding
increase speed on grade. Next-Generation
inventing AC drive systems for use in mining trucks. Today
Diagnostic Information Display
the company offers a comprehensive array of AC drive GE – Transportation, Mining is one piece of the GE mining
system technology. technology portfolio organized to provide solutions to the The next-generation diagnostic information display is a single-
mining industry. This portfolio includes Energy Services, point diagnostics tool that consolidates truck diagnostic
By the late 1990s, GE had introduced air-cooled IGBT Electric Motors & Controls, Enterprise Solutions, Stationary information to speed troubleshooting and reduce downtime.
semiconductors that offer a simpler, more reliable design Power, Water, and Commercial Finance. This innovative tool is capable of displaying diagnostics
and lower life-cycle costs. But GE never stops innovating information from GE’s propulsion system and engine and truck
subsystems -- including payload, tires and cooling.

GE’s AC Drive Systems — Worldwide

60 trucks
North America China GE
375 trucks 100 trucks Transportation

South Africa
South America 25 trucks
275 trucks
170 trucks 20135-A
150-Ton 200-Ton 240-Ton 320-Ton 360-Ton
GE’s Drive System GE150AC™ GE200AC™ GE240AC™ GE320AC™ GE360AC™
*available for oil sands applications *available for oil sands applications

General Truck Specifications
GE’s AC Drive Systems Advance Productivity Gross Vehicle Weight Capacity 550,000 lbs (249,482 kg) 740,000 lbs (335,664 kg) 865,000 lbs (392,364 kg) 1,112,000 lbs (504,403 kg) 1,250,000 lbs (567,000 kg)
Payload 300,000 lbs (136,082 kg) 400,000 lbs (181,440 kg) 480,000 lbs (217,728kg) 640,000 lbs (290,304 kg) 720,000 lbs (326,592 kg)
Horsepower Up to 1,800 gross hp (1345 kw) Up to 2,500 gross hp (1864 kw) Up to 2,700 gross hp (2013 kw) Up to 3,500 gross hp (2610 kw) Up to 3,500 gross hp (2610 kw)
In 1996, GE introduced AC drive systems, offering lower
Retarding Horsepower 2,700 3,880 Up to 4,300 5,400 6,000
operating costs and higher haul productivity than mechanical • Fewer components – Lower maintenance, higher Tire Size 33.00 R51 or 36.00 R51 40.00 R57 40.00 R57, 46/90R57, 50/80R57 53/80R63 56/80R63
drives. AC drive systems eliminate wearing components availability Max Truck Speed 40 mph (64 km/hr) 40 mph (64 km/hr) 40 mph (64 km/hr) 40 mph (64 km/hr) 40 mph (64 km/hr)
such as torque converters, drive shafts, transmissions and • Higher gradeability – Steeper hauls, reduced cycle time
Applications Parameters
differentials, reducing maintenance, thus improving truck • Higher speed – Reduced cycle time 12% equiv. grade 12% equiv. grade
Continuous Motoring
availability and lowering life-cycle cost. • Broader retarding envelope – Reduced cycle time, less 12,000 feet @ 33C with no deration 12,000 feet @ 33C with no deration
Altitude (above sea level)
55C @ 750 feet 55C @ 750 feet
brake wear Maximum Ambient Temperature

The AC drive system eliminates brushes, commutators and

General System Configuration
other maintenance-intensive components and drastically Today, GE has the largest fleet of rugged, field-proven AC Alternator 5GTA22 5GTA41 5GTA41 5GTA41/5GTA39 5GTA39
reduces the number of contactors. Fewer serviced drive systems in the world. Motorized Wheels 5GEB23 5GEB25D 5GEB25A,B & C 5GDY106A 5GDY108B
components and higher reliability parts reduce life-cycle AC Control Group 17KG527 17KG537 17KG535/17KG537 17KG535 17KG535
Dynamic Retarding Assembly 17EM137 17EM147 17EM145/17EM146/17EM155 17EM136 17EM140

GE’s Invertex™ AC Control Software System Integral Motor Design

GE’s Invertex™ AC control software system offers independent Windows ®-based wPTU Toolbox applications simplify GE’s Optimized Integrated Drive Systems • 150T (GEB23)
wheel-motor control, thermal self-protection and advanced managing truck data and provide graphic plotting in real The Power is Inside • 200T (GEB25)
spin-slide, hill-start for optimum traction control, increased time. Statistical data uploads via wPTU are available for
safety and reduced tire wear. transfer to laptop or handheld computers.
AC Control Group • 240T (GEB25)
Controls engine load and power flow

GE’s patented high-power, air-cooled IGBT inverter controls 20 million

Dynamic Retarding Assembly
total hours
offer fewer parts, higher reliability and less maintenance.
Simpler and lighter components offer better serviceability Dissipates retarding energy Exterior Motor Design
of operation
and easier maintenance.

Motorized Wheels • 320T Oil Sands (GDY85E)

Deliver tractive effort • 320T (GDY106)
• 360T (GDY108)
Generates electrical power

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