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Ar. Tan Pei Ing | Sr. Low Khian Seng | Ar. Jerry Sum Phoon Mun | Ar. Chee Soo Teng of PAM Contract
Contract disputes often arise as a result of a combination of disputable
ambiguity in the contract documents, lack of understanding of terms
and conditions during administration of contracts as well as a less than
careful preparation or alteration of documents. For architects and ok
contracts managers, administering a contract by relying on past Handbo
experience and less than thorough understanding of the clauses is no for
on tract 2006
longer sufficient. There are issues like statutory position, legal
precedence, appropriateness of context and procedural protocols, not to
mention evolving statutory provisions to contend with.

In Malaysia, although the PAM Forms are the de facto private industry
standard forms of contract, most users also use or are exposed to other
forms of contract. Feedback collected during the workshops to introduce
the PAM 2006 Forms to the industry indicated that there was a great need
to highlight the differences between these forms, and given the diverse
nature of the information sources, there are areas of confusion among
users that needed clarification, especially with regards to applying that
knowledge when using PAM 2006 forms.

This Handbook for PAM Contract 2006 was written by the authors of PAM
2006 suite of contracts to address these needs. PAM President Ar. Boon
Che Wee in his Foreword to the Handbook said: “Drawing on their combined expertise gained in pursuit of
their careers as active practitioners, the authors of PAM 2006 explain all clauses succinctly and when
necessary, with reference to relevant case law decisions, illustrate the legal principles that have been used
to shape PAM 2006. Written in a style that has come to characterize their collaborative authorship, the
narrative, including the cases cited and their interpretations are readily understood, and regardless of the
complexity of the subject matter, the writing remains clear and easy to follow.”

Eminent lawyer YM Raja Aziz Addruse also continued in his foreword that: ‘The PAM Handbook, with its
pithy commentary, elaborates on the provisions of the PAM 2006 Form of Contract in a simple way.’

This handbook is targeted at all members of the construction industry who may need to keep their
contractual knowledge and understanding up to date as well as to find useful pointers directly related to the
PAM 2006 Forms. It will also be a source of reference not just on PAM 2006, but also contractual issues in

The Handbook is also supplemented with sample easy-to-use proformas for certificates, instructions,
notices etc. that are required to be issued in the administration of PAM 2006, as well as samples of collateral
warranties, Nominated Suppliers’ agreement and adjudication rules. The authors have also included a colour
Annexure to the Handbook identifying the text changes in the revision of PAM 1998 so that practitioners can
easily track the changes.

PAM 2006 and this accompanying Handbook was written by the authors “pro bono”; whilst the authors have
retained copyright to this Handbook, all proceeds from this edition will be received by PAM for the continued
development of PAM Form.

The Handbook is priced at RM 220.00 per copy and is now available at PAM, The Institution of Surveyors,
Malaysia (ISM), major book stores, or by ordering from PAM’s Pusat Binaan Sdn Bhd at Tel: 03-2693 2843 •
Fax: 03-2693 2849 • Email: [email protected] • PAM Centre, 4 & 6 Jalan Tangsi, 50480 Kuala

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