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G.R. No. 213137 | March 1, 2017 | PERALTA, J. W/N Grande’s resignation was a forced resignation - YES

 Respondent Philippine Nautical Training College, or PNTC, is a private entity engaged in  Resignation is the voluntary act of an employee who is in a situation where one believes
the business of providing maritime training and education. that personal reasons cannot be sacrificed in favor of the exigency of the service, and has
 From 1988 to 2007, Flordeliza Llanes Grande has been employed by PNTC and has held no other choice but to dissociate from employment. Resignation is a formal
different positions: Instructor for medical courses, Course Director of the Safety pronouncement or relinquishment of an office, and must be made with the intention of
Department and Course Director for the Training Department of respondent school. relinquishing the office accompanied by the act of relinquishment. A resignation must be
 In November 2007, she resigned as she had to pursue graduate studies and carry on her unconditional and with the intent to operate as such.
plan to immigrate to Canada.  In voluntary resignation, the employee is compelled by personal reason(s) to
 In May 2009, Grande was invited by PNTC to resume teaching since it intended to offer disassociate himself from employment. It is done with the intention of relinquishing an
BS Nursing and other courses for maritime training. Grande was, again, employed by office, accompanied by the act of abandonment. To determine whether the employee
respondent as Director for Research and Course Department.She was later given the indeed intended to relinquish such employment, the act of the employee before and after
additional post of Assistant Vice-President for Training Department and received salary the alleged resignation must be considered.
for both her positions.  For the resignation of an employee to be a viable defense in an action for illegal dismissal,
 In February 2011, several employees of respondent's Registration Department, including an employer must prove that the resignation was voluntary, and its evidence thereon must
Grande were placed under preventive suspension in view of the anomalies in the be clear, positive and convincing. The employer cannot rely on the weakness of the
enlistment of students. employee's evidence.
 On March 1, 2011, the VP for Corporate Affairs, Frederick Pios, called petitioner for a  The element of voluntariness in petitioner's resignation is missing.
meeting wherein he relayed to Grande the message of PNTC's President, Atty. Hernani o If petitioner was being investigated for an administrative charge, she should not
Fabia, for her to tender her resignation from the school in view of the discovery of have been cleared from liabilities. The more logical thing to do is to hold her
anomalies in the Registration Department that reportedly involved her. Pios assured clearance until all the liabilities have been settled.
petitioner of absolution from the alleged anomalies if she would resign. o Petitioner pursued the litigation of her action against respondent, manifesting that
 Grande prepared a resignation letter, signed it and filed it with the Office of the PNTC she has no intention of relinquishing her employment.
President, and PNTC accomplished her exit clearance. o While there was no employment of force from the language used by Pios in
 On the same day, Grande filed a police blotter for a complaint for unjust vexation against addressing Grande, there was undue influence.
Pios. The next day, she filed a case for illegal dismissal with the Labor Arbiter.  Art. 1337. There is undue influence when a person takes improper advantage
 The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of Grande and held that her claim of forced resignation of his power over the will of another, depriving the latter of a reasonable
has been established by substantial evidence. The NLRC affirmed this LA decision. PNTC freedom of choice. The following circumstances shall be considered: the
filed an MR with the NLRC but was denied. confidential, family, spiritual, and other relations between the parties, or the
 PNTC filed a petition for certiorari before the CA. The CA affirmed the NLRC decision and fact that the person alleged to have been unduly influenced was suffering from
dismissed the petition. PNTC later filed a motion for reconsideration, which was granted mental weakness, or was ignorant or in financial distress.
by the CA. The NLRC decision was reversed and set aside. o It is very unlikely that petitioner who was in the thick of preparation for an upcoming
 Petitioner’s arguments: visit and inspection from the Maritime Training Council and who had just requested
o She had no real intention of leaving her employment. for the acquisition of textbooks and teaching aids, and had just submitted a Master
o Her resignation letter which she described as "simply worded" signified her Plan to the corporate officers would simply resign voluntarily.
involuntariness in the execution of the document o As a sign that respondent really wanted petitioner to go is the fact that the former
o It was the "undue influence and pressure" exerted upon her by respondent that immediately issued the latter her clearance showing the signatures from different
compelled her to submit the resignation letter departments of the school.
o She immediately filed the case for illegal dismissal the day after she tendered her  Further, PNTC’s allegation that it was Grande’s abrupt resignation that prompted the
resignation letter. investigation shows that when petitioner "suddenly" resigned, there was no discovery yet
o The Special Cash Audit Report dated March 11, 2011, which was the result of the as to the alleged anomaly involving petitioner, contrary to the statements of PNTC in its
audit conducted on the PNTC upon its request, shows that it is the VP for Comment, alleging that Grande resigned to cover up her involvement in the anomalies in
Training/Registrar who was made to account for the irregularity in the collection the students’ enlistment.
reports.  In the case at bar, petitioner's letter of resignation and the circumstancesregarding the
 PNTC claims that: filing of the complaint for illegal dismissal are substantial proof of petitioner's involuntary
o Grande’s resignation was voluntary resignation.
o The acts of petitioner showed that she used "calculated reasoning to protect herself
from possible charges that PNTC may file against her." RULING
o Notwithstanding the absence of liability of petitioner in the Special Cash Audit LA and NLRC decisions are affirmed.
Report, it filed criminal complaints against petitioner.

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