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G.R. No. 46296. September 24, 1991.

Petition for review on certiorari on the decision of the Court of appeals reversing
the decision of the trial court which declared the certificate of title null and void in
the name of the respondents’ predecessor.

Lino Delima acquired Lot 7758 in Cebu but later died in 1921 leaving 3 brothers
and a sister as his only heirs. They are Eulalio Delima, Juanita Delima, Galileo
Delima and Vicente Delima.

After his death, TCT 2744 of the property was issued in the name of “The Legal
Heirs of Lino Delima represented by Galileo Delima”.

Respondent Galileo Delima executed an affidavit of “Extra Judicial Declaration of


Based on the affidavit, TCT 2744 was cancelled and TCT 3009 was issued on
February 4, 1954 in the name of Galileo delima alone to the excclusion of the
other heirs.

Galileo Delima declared the lot in his name for taxation purposes and paid taxes
thereon from 1954 to 1965.

On February 29, 1968, petitioners, who are the surviving heirs of Eulalio and
Juanita filed with CFI Cebu an action for reconveyance and/or partition of
property and for the annulment of TCT 3009.

CFI rendered a decision in favor of the petitioners, each heir sharing a pro-
indiviso share of one fourth.

CA reversed the decision of the trial court and upheld the claim of Galileo that all
other brothers and sister of Lino had already relinquished and waived their rights
to the property in his favor also considering the Galileo alone paid the remaining
balance of the purchase price of the lot and realty taxes.


Whether or not the petitioners’ action for partition is already barred by



When the petitioners filed their action for reconveyance and or to compel partition
on February 29, 1968, such action was already barred by prescription.


An action to compel partition may be filed at any time by any of the co-owners
against the actual possessor. In other words, no prescription shall run in favor of
a co-owner against his co-owners or co-heirs so long as he expressly or impliedly
recognizes the co-ownership.

From the moment one of the co-owners claims that he is the absolute and
exclusive owner of the properties and denies the others any share therein, the
question involved is no longer one of partition but of ownership. In such case, the
imprescriptibility of the action for partition can no longer be invoked or applied
when one of the co-owners has adversely possessed the property as exclusive
owner for a period sufficient to vest ownership by prescription.

In order that a possession considered adverse to the cestui que trust amounting
to repudiation of ownership, the following elements must concur:

1. that the trustee has performed unequivocal acts amounting to an ouster of the
cestui que trust
2. that such positive acts of repudiation had been made known to the cestui que
3. that the evidence thereon should be clear and conclusive.


The Supreme Court held that when a co-owner of the property in question
executed a deed of partition and on the strength thereof obtained the cancellation
of the title in the name of their predecessor and the issuance of a new one
wherein he appears as the new owner of the property, thereby in effect denying
or repudiating the ownership of the other co-owners over their shares, the stature
of limitations started to run for the purposes of the action instituted by the latter
seeking a declaration of the existence of the co-ownership and of their rights

Since an action for reconveyance of land based on implied or constructive trust

prescribes in 10 years, it is from the date of the issuance of the title on February
29, 1954 that the effective assertion of adverse title for the purposes of the
statute of limitations is counted.

Evidence shows that TCT 2744 in the name of legal heirs of Lino Delima,
represented by Galileo Delima, was cancelled by virtue of affidavit executed by
Galileo Delima, he obtained the issuance of the new title in his name numbered
TCT 3009 to the exclusion of his co-heirs.

The issuance of this new title constituted an open and clear repudiation of the
trust or coownership, and the lapse of 10 years of adverse possession by Galileo
was sufficient to vest title in him by prescription.

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