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Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur


PROJECT : Kohalpur,Banke

1.1 Surface dressing and Top soil cutting with 150 to 200 mm depth including disposing the surplus excvated earth
within the premises for layout & setting out of building as per drawing & specification.

(Norms Items no. 1.7 &1.8) UNIT - 1 Sqm

Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labour 0.17 Nos 380.00 64.60
Sub-Total 64.60
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 9.69
Grand Total 74.29
Rs. 74.29 per Sqm.

1.2 Earthwork in excavation of ordinary soil in foundation trenches of semi basement pits raft etc depth upto 3.5m
including dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, trenches, shoring and disposing the excavated material upto 10m lead
as per drawing and specification all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms-2.1/2Ka ,2.32 and 25.12) (For OHT)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 1.36 Nos. 380.00 516.80
0.7+2*0.08+0.5=1.36 Sub-Total 516.80
3% for tools & plant 15.50
Total 532.30
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 79.85
Grand Total 612.15
Rs. 612.15 per Cum

1.3 Earthwork in excavation of ordinary soil in foundation trenches of pits raft etc including 10m lead and 1.5m lift as
per drawing and specification all complete.

UNIT - 1
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 0.70 Nos. 380.00 266.00
Sub-Total 266.00
3% for tools & plant 7.98
Total 273.98
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 41.10
Grand Total 315.08
Rs. 315.08 per Cum

1.4a Earthwork in excavation of boulder mixed soil in foundation trenches of pits raft pipe line etc. depth upto 1.5m
and lead 10m including dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, trenches as per drawing and specification all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.14)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 1.59 Nos. 380.00 604.20
Sub-Total 604.20
3% for tools & plant 18.13
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 90.63
Grand Total 712.96

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Rs. 712.96 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

1.4a' Earthwork in excavation of boulder mixed soil in foundation trenches of pits raft pipe line etc. depth upto 3m
under water and lead 10m including dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, trenches as per drawing and specification all
UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.14)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 3.70 Nos. 380.00 1406.00
Sub-Total 1406.00
3% for tools & plant 42.18
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 210.90
Grand Total 1659.08
Rs. 1659.08 per Cum
1.4a" Earthwork in excavation of boulder mixed soil in foundation trenches of pits raft pipe line etc. depth upto 4m
and lead 10m including dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, trenches as per drawing and specification all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.14)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 2.80 Nos. 380.00 1064.00
Sub-Total 1064.00
3% for tools & plant 31.92
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 159.60
Grand Total 1255.52
Rs. 1255.52 per Cum
1.4b Soft Rock soil excavation for trenches lift up to 1.50 m with dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, stacking of
excavated materials atleast 3 m clear from the edge of excavation with disposal of surplus excavated soil within 10 m
all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.14)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 3.00 Nos. 380.00 1140.00
Sub-Total 1140.00
3% for tools & plant 34.20
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 171.00
Grand Total 1345.20
Rs. 1345.20 per Cum

1.4c Hard Rock cutting & excavation in trenches, lift up to 1.50 m & lead up to 10 m including the cost of dressing of
side, ramming of bottom & stacking of excavated materials atleast 3 m clean from the edge of excavation excluding the
cost of blasting all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.14)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 4.50 Nos. 380.00 1710.00
Sub-Total 1710.00
3% for tools & plant 51.30
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 256.50
Grand Total 2017.80
Rs. 2,017.80 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

1.5 Filling with earth stacked at site with 150 mm thick layers with well compaction without watering etc. all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.25 Ka)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 0.25 Nos. 380.00 95.00
Sub-Total 95.00
3% for tools & plant 2.85
Total 97.85
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 14.68
Grand Total 112.53
Rs. 112.53 per Cum

1.6 Filling with earth stacked at site with 150 mm thick layers with well compaction, water sprinkling etc. all complete.
UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.25 Kha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 0.5 Nos. 380.00 190.00
Sub-Total 190.00
3% for tools & plant 5.70
Total 195.70
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 29.36
Grand Total 225.06
Rs. 225.06 per Cum

1.7 Filling with gravel and boulder mixed soil stacked at site with 200 mm thick layers with well compaction, water
sprinkling etc. all complete in pipe trench.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.39 Gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 0.60 Nos. 380.00 228.00
Sub-Total 228.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 34.20
Grand Total 262.20
Rs. 262.20 per Cum

1.7.1 Filling with gravel and boulder mixed soil stacked at site with 200 mm thick layers with well compaction, water
sprinkling etc. all complete in pipe trench.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-2.39 Gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Boulder 1.1 cum 1,700.00 1870
Sand 0.71 cum 1000 710
Unskilled Labours 0.60 Nos. 380.00 228.00
Sub-Total 2808.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 421.20
Grand Total 3229.20
Rs. 3229.20 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

1.8 Filling with sand brought from outside in 150mm layers under floors foundation etc. including watering, ramming,
dressing, etc. as per drawing and specification all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms 2-42)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Sand 1.10 Cum 1,000.00 1100.00
Unskilled Labours 0.70 Nos. 380.00 266.00
Sub-Total 1366.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 204.90
Grand Total 1366.00
Rs. 1,366.00 per Cum

1.9 Disposal of surplus excavated earth within 50 mtr. leads the premises including transportation loading & unloading
of soil all complete as per the instruction of engineer.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no. 2.27)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 0.60 Cum 380.00 228.00

Sub-Total 228.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 34.20
Grand Total 262.20
Rs. 262.20 per Cum

1.10 Earthwork in filling in floor in perfect line and level with materials from associated excavation in 150mm layers
with sprinkling water as per drawing, specification & approval of engineer all complete.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no. 2 ka 25)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Unskilled Labours 0.50 Nos. 380.00 190.00
Sub-Total 190.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 28.50
Grand Total 218.50
Rs. 218.50 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

2. P.C.C. WORK
2.1 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting & the different mixes of plain cement concrete for foundation bases & lead
upto 30m excluding the cost of formwork & reinforcement bars, as per drawing, specification & instruction all
complete. a) 1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 Sand : 6 crushed aggregate 20 mm and down well graded)

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no. 7.2 ga)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement ( 53 grade) 4.40 Bag 710.00 3124.00
Sand 0.470 Cu.m. 1,000.00 470.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate (40
mm./ 20 mm.) 0.89 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2276.93
Skilled Labour 1.00 No. 540.00 540.00
Unskilled Labours 4.00 Nos. 380.00 1520.00
Sub-Total 7930.93
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1189.64
Grand Total 9120.57
Rs. 9,120.57 per Cum

2.2 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting the different mixes of plain cement concrete on floors lead upto 30m as per
drawing, specification & instruction all complete.
b) P.C.C. 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 Sand : 4 crushed aggregate 20
mm and down well graded)

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no. 7.2 gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 6.40 Bag 710.00 4544.00
Sand 0.445 Cu.m. 1,000.00 445.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.85 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2174.60
Skilled Labour 1.00 No. 540.00 540.00
Unskilled Labours 4.00 Nos. 380.00 1520.00
Sub-Total 9223.60
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1383.54
Grand Total 10607.13
Rs. 10,607.13 per Cum
2.3 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement :1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete.
UNIT - 1
(Norms item no. 7.4 gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Sub-Total 11397.18
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1709.58
Grand Total 13106.76
Rate (Rs) 13,106.76 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

2.4 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement :1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete. (upto 4.0 mtr.)
UNIT - 1
(Norms item no. 7.4 gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Consider for additional 1 mtr.
0.17 Nos. 380.00 380.00
Sub-Total 11777.18
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1766.58
Grand Total 13543.76
Rs. 13,543.76 per Cum

2.5 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cemen t:1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete. (Above 4 to 8 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no. 7.4 gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Additional labour for lifting upto
1.32 Nos. 380.00 501.60
Sub-Total 11898.78
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1784.82
Grand Total 13683.60
Rs. 13,683.60 per Cum

2.6 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement :1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete. (Above 8 to 12 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(HMG Norms item no. 7.4 gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Additional labour for lifting upto
2.00 Nos. 380.00 760.00
12 m

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Sub-Total 12157.18
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1823.58
Grand Total 13980.76
Rs. 13,980.76 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

2.7 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement :1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete. (Above 12 to 16 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(HMG Norms item no. 7.4 gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Additional labour for lifting upto
16 m 2.66 Nos. 380.00 1010.80
Sub-Total 12407.98
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1861.20
Grand Total 14269.18
Rs. 14,269.18 per Cum

2.8 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement :1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete. (Above 16 to 20 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(HMG Norms item no 7.4 gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Additional labour for lifting upto
20 m 3.32 Nos. 380.00 1261.60
Sub-Total 12658.78
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1898.82
Grand Total 14557.60
Rs. 14,557.60 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

2.9 Supplyin,g mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement :1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete. (Above 20 to 24 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(HMG Norms item no. 7.4. gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Additional labour for lifting upto
24 m 4.00 Nos. 380.00 1520.00
Sub-Total 12917.18
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1937.58
Grand Total 14854.76
Rs. 14,854.76 per Cum

2.10 Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement :1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate
20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and
instruction all complete. (Above 24 to 28 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(HMG Norms item no. 7.4. gha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 8.00 Bag 710.00 5680.00
Sand 0.425 Cum. 1,000.00 425.00
Stone Crushed Aggregate 0.86 Cu.m. 2,558.35 2200.18
Skilled Labour 0.80 No. 540.00 432.00
Unskilled Labour 7.00 Nos. 380.00 2660.00
Additional labour for lifting upto
4.16 Nos. 380.00 1580.80
28 m
Sub-Total 12977.98
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1946.70
Grand Total 14924.68
Rs. 14,924.68 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur


3.1 Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift upto 4m height & removal and disposal of the same
all complete as per drawing specification & approval of engineer (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork).

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum.
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Sub-Total 7209.97
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1081.50
Grand Total 8291.47
Rs. 829.15 per Sqm

3.2 Providing, placing, fixing, centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per specification & approval of engineer (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork). (Above 3 to 4

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum.
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Additional labour for lifting 3 to 4
0.167 No. 380.00 63.46
Sub-Total 7273.43
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1091.02
Grand Total 8364.45
Rs. 836.45 per Sqm

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

3.3 Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams (with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per specification & approval of engineer (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork). (Above 4 to 8

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum. 0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Additional labour for lifting 4 to 8
1.320 No. 380.00 501.60
Sub-Total 7711.57
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1156.74
Grand Total 8868.31
Rs. 886.83 per Sqm

3.4 Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per specification & approval of engineer (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork). (Above 8 to 12

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum.
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Additional labour for lifting 8 to
2.000 No. 380.00 760.00
12 m
Sub-Total 7969.97
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1195.50
Grand Total 9165.47
Rs. 916.55 per Sqm

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

3.5 Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per specification & approval of engineer (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork). (Above 12 to 16

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum.
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Additional labour for lifting 12 to
16 m 2.660 No. 380.00 1010.80
Sub-Total 8220.77
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1233.12
Grand Total 9453.89
Rs. 945.39 per Sqm

3.6 Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per specification & approval of engineer. (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork).(Above 16 to 20

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum. 0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Additional labour for lifting 16 to
3.320 No. 380.00 1261.60
20 m
Sub-Total 8471.57
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1270.74
Grand Total 9742.31
Rs. 974.23 per Sqm

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

3.7 Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per specification & approval of engineer (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork). (Above 20 to 24

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum. 0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Additional labour for lifting 20 to
4.000 No. 380.00 1520.00
24 m
Sub-Total 8729.97
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1309.50
Grand Total 10039.47
Rs. 1003.95 per Sqm

3.8 Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering for plywood or steel formwork for slabs, walls, columns and
beams with necessary provision of extenstion of reinforcement for well ties) and other RCC works including nails,
propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all
complete as per specification & approval of engineer (Assume considering 6 times use of formwork). (Above 24 to 28

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Wooden/ steel tubular Props &
bracing (0.07-0.02) Cum. 0.0500 Cu.m. 56,512.00 2825.60
12 mm thick plywood 1.833 Sq.m. 775.08 1420.97
Nails 2.50 Kg. 85.00 212.50
Skilled Labour (2.67+4.0)/2 3.335 No. 540.00 1800.90
Unskilled Labour 2.50 No. 380.00 950.00
Additional labour for lifting 24 to
4.680 No. 380.00 1778.40
28 m
Sub-Total 8988.37
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1348.26
Grand Total 10336.63
Rs. 1033.66 per Sqm

3.9 Scaffolding/ Staffing

Assume 450 cum. Capacity (upto 30m height)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Scaffolding pipes clamps bracing
744.25 Sqm 125.00 93031.25
Skilled Mason 12.50 Nos. 540.00 6750.00
Unskilled Labour 75.00 Nos. 380.00 28500.00
Sub-Total 128281.25

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 19242.19

Grand Total 147523.44
Rs 147523.44 Per Job

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur


4.1 Supplying/mixing of approved quality concrete admixture mixing in concrete @250ml per bag of cement weight as
per drawing & specification.

UNIT - 1
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
concrete admixture @ 2 liters 2.00 Ltr. 450.00 900.00
Unskilled Labour 0.10 No. 380.00 38.00
Sub-Total 938.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 140.70
Grand Total 1078.70
Rs. 1,078.70 per Cum

4.2 Providing and application of two or more coat of water proofing treatment (Tapecrete P151 PMC of CICO Brand or
equivlalent) coating on the RCC terrace, slope roof, sunken slab etc. with ordinary hand brash including cleaning of
surface all complete as per drawing, specification and approval of engineer.

UNIT - 10
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Cement 0.14 Bag 710.00 100.76
M Seal 501 (for two coats) 3.79 Kg 600.00 2273.58
Skilled Labour 0.50 Nos 540.00 270.00
Unskilled Labour 0.50 Nos 380.00 190.00
Sub-Total 2834.34
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 425.15
Grand Total 3259.49
Rs. 325.95 per Sqm

5.1 Supplying & placing of TMT reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and binding with 14
gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing and specification. (0-
UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
TMT reinforcement (8mm to
1.050 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
25mm) bar
14 gauge binding wire 10.000 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Sub-Total 98920.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 14838.00
Grand Total 113758.00
113,758.00 per MT
Rs. 113.76 per Kg

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

5.2 Supplying & placing of TMT reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and binding with 14
gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing and specification.
(Above 4 to 8 mtrs.)
UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Tor steel reinforcement (8mm to
1.050 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
25mm) bar
16 gauge binding wire 10.000 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Additional labour for lifting 4 to 8
1.33 Nos. 380.00 505.40
Sub-Total 99425.40
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 14913.81
Grand Total 114339.21
114,339.21 per MT
Rs. 114.34 per Kg

5.3 Supplying & placing of TMT reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and binding with 14
gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing and specification.
(Above 8 to 12 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Tor steel reinforcement (8mm to
1.050 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
25mm) bar
16 gauge binding wire 10.000 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Additional labour for lifting 8 to
2.00 Nos. 380.00 760.00
12 m
Sub-Total 99680.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 14952.00
Grand Total 114632.00
114,632.00 per MT
Rs. 114.63 per Kg

5.4 Supplying & placing of TMT reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and binding with 14
gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing and specification.
(Above 12 to 16 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Tor steel reinforcement (8mm to
25mm) bar 1.050 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
16 gauge binding wire 10.000 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Additional labour for lifting 12 to
2.67 Nos. 380.00 1014.60
16 m
Sub-Total 99934.60

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 14990.19

Grand Total 114924.79
114,924.79 per MT
Rs. 114.92 per Kg

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

5.5 Supplying & placing of TMT reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and binding with 14
gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing and specification.
(Above 16 to 20 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Tor steel reinforcement (8mm to
1.050 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
25mm) bar
16 gauge binding wire 10.000 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Additional labour for lifting 16 to
3.33 Nos. 380.00 1265.40
20 m
Sub-Total 100185.40
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 15027.81
Grand Total 115213.21
115,213.21 per MT
Rs. 115.21 per Kg

5.6 Supplying & placing of TMT reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and binding with 14
gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing and specification.
(Above 20 to 24 mtrs.)

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Tor steel reinforcement (8mm to
25mm) bar 1.050 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
14 gauge binding wire 10.000 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Additional labour for lifting 20 to
4.00 Nos. 380.00 1520.00
24 m
Sub-Total 100440.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 15066.00
Grand Total 115506.00
115,506.00 per MT
Rs. 115.51 per Kg

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

5.7 Supplying & placing of TMT reinforcement bar for column beams, slab, etc. placed in position and binding with 14
gauge binding wire including cutting, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing and specification.
(Above 24 to 28 mtrs.)
UNIT - 1
(Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Tor steel reinforcement (8mm to
1.050 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
25mm) bar
14 gauge binding wire 10.000 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Additional labour for lifting 24 to
4.67 Nos. 380.00 1774.60
28 m
Sub-Total 100694.60
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 15104.19
Grand Total 115798.79
115,798.79 per MT
Rs. 115.80 per Kg

5.8 Supplying and placing Tor steel reinforced bar fixed in position binding with 14 gauge M.S. wire including the cost
of cutting, bending, binding, carrying, lifting, etc. all complete as per drawing & specification.

UNIT - 1
( Norms item no-7.5)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Tor steel reinforcement 1.05 MT. 82,600.00 86730.00
16 gauge binding wire 10.00 Kg. 115.00 1150.00
Skilled barbenda 12.00 Nos. 540.00 6480.00
Unskilled labour 12.00 Nos. 380.00 4560.00
Sub-Total 98920.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 14838.00
Grand Total 113758.00
113,758.00 per MT
Rs. 113.76 per Kg

6.1 Providing & laying First class chimney made brick masonry work in foundation and superstructure with 1:6 cement
sand mortar (1 cement: 6 sand) including lead upto 30 m curing, cleaning & racking out mortar joint and making ducts,
recesses where required as per drawing, specifcation and instruction all complete.

UNIT - 1
Norms item no. 5(1) Ka 3, 5(2)Ka
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Local Brick 530.00 Nos. 9.74 5159.55
Cement 1.40 Bags 710.00 994.00
Sand 0.30 Cu. m. 1,000.00 300.00
Skilled Mason 1.50 No. 540.00 810.00
Unskilled Labours 2.20 Nos. 380.00 836.00
Unskilled Labours 0.20 Nos. 380.00 76.00
Scaffolding Expenses (3% of RS. 46.00) Ls. 2.28
Sub-Total 8177.83
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1226.67
Grand Total 9404.50

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Rs. 9,404.50 per Cum

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

6.2 Providing & Laying First class (Chimeney made) half brick masonry work with 1:4 cement sand mortar excluding
the cost of reinforcement bar including lead upto 30 m, lift upto 18mtr. with scaffolding curing etc. as per drawing,
specification & instruction all complete. Norms item no 5.1 Kha 2, 5(2)Ka

UNIT - 1
(Assume 3.10 x 2.8 m = 8.7 sq. m)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Local Bricks 560.00 Nos. 9.74 5451.60
Cement 2.00 Bags 710.00 1420.00
Sand 0.28 Cu. m. 1,000.00 280.00
Skilled Mason 1.50 No. 540.00 810.00
Unskilled Labours 2.20 Nos. 380.00 836.00
Unskilled Labours 0.20 Nos. 380.00 76.00
Scaffolding Expenses (3% of RS. 46.00) Ls. 2.28
Sub-Total 8875.88
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1331.38
Grand Total 10207.26
Rs. 1,173.25 per Sqm

6.3 Dry flat brick soling in foundation and floors with first class made bricks in true line and level including watering
and ramming all complete as per drawing and specification.

UNIT - 10
(Norms item no. 11.15 Ka)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Local Brick 420.00 Nos. 9.74 4088.70
Sand 0.710 Cu. m. 1,000.00 710.00
Skilled Mason 0.50 No. 540.00 270.00
Unskilled Labours 1.00 Nos. 380.00 380.00
Sub-Total 5448.70
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 817.31
Grand Total 6266.01
Rs. 626.60 per Sqm

6.4 Dry brick on edge soling in foundation and floors with first class made bricks in true line and level including
watering and ramming all complete as per drawing and specification.

UNIT - 10
(Norms item no. 11.15 Kha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Local Brick 750.00 Nos. 9.74 7301.25
Sand 0.710 Cu. m. 1,000.00 710.00
Skilled Mason 1.00 No. 540.00 540.00
Unskilled Labours 3.25 Nos. 380.00 1235.00
Sub-Total 9786.25
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 1467.94
Grand Total 11254.19
Rs. 1,125.42 per Sqm

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

6.5 Providing & filling with first class chimney made brick bats all complete as per drawing, specification and approval
of engineer.
UNIT - 10
(Norms item no. 11.19 Kha)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Brick bat 2000/4.69m3 11.00 cum 3,300.00 36300.00
Unskilled Labours 10.00 Nos. 380.00 3800.00
Sub-Total 40100.00
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 6015.00
Grand Total 46115.00
Rs. 4,611.50 Per Cum


7.1 Providing & fixing in position well seasoned & dressed Sal Timber for Doors, Windows & Ventilators chowkhat
frame fixed with 6 nos. 300 x 20 x 6mm long MS Holdfast fixed with screw excluding the cost of 1:2:4 (300 x 100 x
100mm) concrete block all complete as per drawing, specification and instruction of Engineer.

UNIT - 1
(Norms item no 10.1)
Types of labour/Materials Quantity Unit Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Remarks
Sal Timber 1.10 Cu. M. 169,385.00 186323.50
MS Holdfast 92.00 Nos. 20.00 1840.00
Screws 184.000 Nos. 3.00 552.00
Skilled Carpenter 34.00 Nos. 540.00 18360.00
Unskilled Labours 3.40 Nos. 380.00 1292.00
Sub-Total 208367.50
Contractor's Over Head @ 15% 31255.13
Grand Total 239622.63
Rs. 239,622.63 per Cum

7.2 Providing & fixing 38mm thick Solid Core Door shutters (both side teak ply (PF/BST) waterproffing 38 x 12mm
thick sal timber leaping arrangement) fixed in position with 4 nos. 100mm long brass Hinges to each shutters
including the cost of 300mm & 150mm brass long tower bolts with Mortice Lock all complete as per drawing,
specification & instruction. (Norms item no.10.8)

(Assume 1.092 x 2.0558 = 2.245 sq.m.) UNIT - 1 Sqm

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur

Enhance Functionality in Small Town water Supply And Sanitation Sector Project(STWSSSP)- Kohalpur


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