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Module 3 - Multiple Linear Regressions

Understand the strength of Multiple linear regression (MLR) in untangling
cause and effect relationships

Understand how MLR can answer substantive questions within the field of
educational research, using the LSYPE dataset for examples

Understand the assumptions underlying MLR and how to test they are met

Understand how to explore interaction effects between variables

Be able to implement and interpret MLR analyses using SPSS

Appreciate the applications of MLR in educational research, and possibly in

your own research

Start Module 3: Multiple Linear Regression

Using multiple explanatory variables for more complex regression models.

You can jump to specific pages using the contents list below. If you are new to this
module start at the overview and work through section by section using the 'Next'
and 'Previous' buttons at the top and bottom of each page. Be sure to tackle the
exercises and the quiz to get a firm understanding.


3.1 Overview

3.2 The Multiple Linear Regression Model

3.3 Assumptions of Multiple Linear Regression

3.4 Using SPSS to model the LSYPE data

3.5 A model with a continuous explanatory variable (Model 1)

3.6 Adding dichotomous nominal explanatory variables (Model 2)

3.7 Adding nominal variables with more than two categories (Model 3)

3.8 Predicting scores using the regression model

3.9 Refining the model: treating ordinal variables as dummy variables (Model 4)

3.10 Comparing coefficients across models

3.11 Exploring interactions between a dummy and a continuous variable (Model 5)

3.12 Exploring interactions between two nominal variables (Model 6)

3.13: A value added model (Model 7)

3.14 Model diagnostics and checking your assumptions

3.15 Reporting your results



3.1 Overview
What is multiple linear regression?
In the previous module we saw how simple linear regression could be used to predict
the value of an outcome variable based on the value of a suitable explanatory
variable. This is a useful technique but it is limited - usually a number of different
variables will predict an outcome. For example, how good a student is at football is
not just related to how many hours they practice a week. There is likely to be a
relationship between ability and practice but discussing this in isolation from other
important variables would most likely be a considerable over-simplification. The
young player‟s spatial-awareness and physical fitness are also likely to contribute to
their overall level of ability. Their ability may partly stem from personality traits that
are related to confidence and teamwork.

Of course we can go even further than this and say that sometimes the explanatory
variables can influence each other as well as the outcome itself! For example, the
impact of training on ability is bound to be dependent on the level of motivation the
student feels. Perhaps they are turning up to training but not putting any effort in
because they don‟t really like football! The real world is very complicated but luckily,
with regression analysis, we can at least partially model that complexity to gain a
better understanding. Multiple linear regression (MLR) allows the user to account for
multiple explanatory variables and therefore to create a model that predicts the
specific outcome being researched. Multiple linear regression works in a very similar
way to simple linear regression.

Consider the example of understanding educational attainment. It is well known that

there is a strong and positive correlation between social class and educational
attainment. There is evidence that pupils from some (though not all) minority ethnic
groups do not achieve as well in the English education system as the majority White
British group. However there is also a strong relationship between ethnic group and
social class, with many minority ethnic groups experiencing higher socio-economic
disadvantage than the White British group. It is therefore not possible to say from
raw scores alone whether the lower attainment of some minority ethnic groups
reflects something particular about belonging to that ethnic group or reflects the fact
that some ethnic groups are particularly socially and economically disadvantaged.
The relationship may look a little like the one presented below (Figure 3.1.1).

Figure 3.1.1: The third variable problem

Multiple regression offers a way to address these issues. If we put all the variables
we have into one analysis, we can assess the impact of one factor when another is
taken into account. Thus multiple regression can allow us to assess the association
of ethnicity and attainment after the variance in attainment associated with social
class is taken into account. A wide range of further variables can also be included to
build up highly detailed and complex models, e.g. family composition, maternal
educational qualifications, students‟ attitude to school, parents educational
aspirations for the student, etc.

Running through the examples and exercises using SPSS

As in the previous module, we provide worked examples from LSYPE which you can
follow through using SPSS. You will find that we make a lot of transformations to the
dataset as we perform the various analyses. It could get confusing! We recommend
that you do not make the transformations yourself (one small error could dramatically
alter your output) and instead use the pre-prepared variables in the MLR LSYPE
15,000 dataset. However if you really do want to perform all of the transformations
yourself you can always use the original LSYPE 15,000 data file.
LSYPE 15,000 MLR LSYPE 15,000

3.2 The multiple regression model

The simple linear regression model is based on a straight line which has the
formula Ŷ = a + bX (where a is the intercept and b is the gradient). You'll be relieved
to hear that multiple linear regression also uses a linear model that can be
formulated in a very similar way! Though it can be hard to visualize a linear model
with two explanatory variables, we've had a go at showing you what it may look like
by adding a 'plane' on the 3D scatterplot below (Figure 3.2.1). Roughly speaking,
this plane models the relationship between the variables.

Figure 2.2.1: A multiple regression plane

The plane still has an intercept. This is the value of the outcome when both
explanatory variables have values of zero. However there are now two gradients,
one for each of the explanatory variables (b1 on the x-axis and b2 on the z-axis).
Note that these gradients are the regression coefficients (B in the SPSS output)
which tell you how much change in the outcome (Y) is predicted by a unit change in
that explanatory variable. All we have to do to incorporate these extra explanatory
variables in to our model is add them into the linear equation:

Ŷ = a + b1x1 + b2x2

As before, if you have calculated the value of the intercept and the two b-values you
can use the model to predict the outcome Ŷ (pronounced “Y Hat” and used to identify
the predicted value of Y for each case as distinct from the actual value of Y for the
case) for any values of the explanatory variables (x1 and x2). Note that it is very
difficult to visualize a scatterplot with more than two explanatory variables (it involves
picturing four or more dimensions - something that sounds a bit 'Twilight Zone' to us
and causes our poor brains to shut down...) but the same principle applies. You
simply add a new b value (regression coefficient) for each additional explanatory

Ŷ = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + ... + bnxn

Potentially you can include as many variables as you like in a multiple regression but
realistically it depends on the design of your study and the characteristics of your

Multiple r and r2
For simple linear regression it was important to look at the correlation between the
outcome and explanatory variable (Pearson's r) and the r2 (the coefficient of
determination) to ascertain how much of the variation in the outcome could be
explained by the explanatory variable. Similar statistics can be calculated to describe
multiple regression models.

Multiple r is the equivalent of Pearson‟s r though rather than representing the

magnitude and direction of a relationship between two variables it shows the
strength of the relationship between the outcome variable and the values predicted
by the model as a whole. This tells us how well the model predicts the outcome
(sometimes researchers say how well the model fits the data). A multiple r of 1
means a perfect fit while a multiple r of 0 means the model is very poor at predicting
the outcome.

The r2 can be interpreted in the exact same way as for simple linear regression: it
represents the amount of variation in the outcome that can be explained by the
model, although now the model will include multiple explanatory variables rather than
just one. The diagram below (Figures 3.2.2 - lovingly prepared on 'MS Paint') might
help you to visualize r2. Imagine the variance in the outcome variable 'Exam Grade'
is represented by the whole square and 'SES' (socio-economic status) and 'Attitude
to School' are explanatory variables, with the circles representing the variance in
exam grade that can be explained or accounted for by each.

Figure 3.2.2: SES and Attitude to School predicting Exam Grade

In Figure 2.2.2 the square represents the total variation in exam score in our
sample. The red circle represents the variance in exam score that can be predicted
(we might say explained) by SES. Now we add a further variable, the blue circle -
attitude to school. This variable also explains a large proportion of the variance in
exam score. Because attitude to school and SES are themselves related, some of
the variance in exam score that can be explained by attitude is already explained by
SES (hatched red and blue area). However, attitude can also explain some unique
variance in exam score that was not explained by SES. The red, blue and hatched
areas combined represent r2, the total variance in exam score explained by the
model. This is greater than would be accounted for by using either SES or attitude to
school on its own.

Methods of Variable Selection

When creating a model with more than one explanatory variable a couple of
complications arise. Firstly, we may be unsure about which variables to include in
the model. We want to create a model which is detailed and accounts for as much of
the variance in the outcome variable as possible but, for the sake of parsimony, we
do not want to throw everything in to the model. We want our model to be elegant,
including only the relevant variables. The best way to select which variables to
include in a model is to refer to previous research. Relevant empirical and theoretical
work will give you a good idea about which variables to include and which are

Another problem is correlation between explanatory variables. When there is

correlation between two explanatory variables it can be unclear how much of the
variance in the outcome is being explained by each. For example, the hatched area
in Figure 3.2.2 represents the variance in exam score which is shared by both SES
and attitude to school. It is difficult to ascertain which variable is foremost in
accounting for this shared variance because the two explanatory variables are
themselves correlated. This becomes even more complicated as you add more
explanatory variables to the model!

It is possible to adjust a multiple regression model to account for this issue. If the
model is created in steps we can better estimate which of the variables predicts the
largest change in the outcome. Changes in r2 can be observed after each step to find
out how much the predictive power of the model improves after each new
explanatory variable is added. This means a new explanatory variable is added to
the model only if it explains some unique variance in the outcome that is not
accounted for by variables already in the model (for example, the blue or red section
in Figure 2.2.2).

SPSS allows you to alter how variables are entered and also provides options which
allow the computer to sort out the entry process for you. The controls for this are
shown below, but we'll go into the overall process of doing a multiple regression

analysis in more detail over the coming pages. For now it is worth examining what
these different methods of variable selection are.

We've grouped these methods of entry together because they use the same basic
principle. Decisions about the explanatory variables added to the model are made by
the computer based entirely on statistical criteria.

The Forward method starts from scratch - the computer searches from the specified
list of possible explanatory variables for the one with the strongest correlation with
the outcome and enters that first. It continues to add variables in order of how
much additional (unique) variance they explain. It only stops when there are no
further variables that can explain additional (unique) variance that is not already
accounted for by the variables already entered.

The Backward method does the opposite - it begins with all of the specified potential
explanatory variables included in the model and then removes those which are not
making a significant contribution.

The Stepwise option is similar but uses both forward and backwards criteria for
deciding when to add or remove an explanatory variable.

We don't generally recommend using stepwise methods! As Field (2010) observes,

they take important decisions away from the researcher by making decisions based
solely on mathematical criteria (related entirely to your specific dataset), rather than
on broader theory from previous research! They can be useful if you are starting
from scratch with no theory but such a scenario is rare.

The 'Enter' method allows the researcher to control how variables are entered into
the model. At the simplest level all the variables could be entered together in a single
group called a „block‟. This makes no assumptions about the relative importance of
each explanatory variable. However variables can be entered in separate blocks of
explanatory variables. In this „hierarchical‟ regression method the researcher enters
explanatory variables into the model grouped in blocks in order of their theoretical
relevance in relation to the outcome. Decisions about the blocks are made by the
researcher based on previous research and theoretical reasoning. Generally
knowing the precise order of importance is not possible, which is why variables that
are considered of similar importance are entered as a single block. Enter will include
all variables in the specified block while Remove removes all variables in the
specified block.

Some of this may sound confusing. Don't worry too much if you don't get it straight
away - it will become clearer when you start running your own multiple regression
analyses. The main thing is that you have some understanding about what each
entry method does.

3.3 Assumptions of multiple linear regression

The assumptions for multiple linear regression are largely the same as those for
simple linear regression models, so we recommend that you revise them on Page
2.6. However there are a few new issues to think about and it is worth reiterating our
assumptions for using multiple explanatory variables.

Linear relationship: The model is a roughly linear one. This is slightly

different from simple linear regression as we have multiple explanatory
variables. This time we want the outcome variable to have a roughly linear
relationship with each of the explanatory variables, taking into account the
other explanatory variables in the model.
Homoscedasticity: Ahhh, homoscedasticity - that word again (just rolls off
the tongue doesn't it)! As for simple linear regression, this means that the
variance of the residuals should be the same at each level of the explanatory
variable/s. This can be tested for each separate explanatory variable, though
it is more common just to check that the variance of the residuals is constant
at all levels of the predicted outcome from the full model (i.e. the model
including all the explanatory variables).
Independent errors: This means that residuals should be uncorrelated.

Other important things to consider

As with simple regression, the assumptions are the most important issues to
consider but there are also other potential problems you should look out for:
Outliers/influential cases: As with simple linear regression, it is important to
look out for cases which may have a disproportionate influence over your
regression model.
Variance in all explanatory variables: It is important that your explanatory
variables... well, vary! Explanatory variables may be continuous, ordinal or
nominal but each must have at least a small range of values even if there are
only two categorical possibilities.
Multicollinearity: Multicollinearity exists when two or more of the explanatory
variables are highly correlated. This is a problem as it can be hard to
disentangle which of them best explains any shared variance with the
outcome. It also suggests that the two variables may actually represent the
same underlying factor.
Normally distributed residuals: The residuals should be normally
We‟ve moved through these issues quite quickly as we have tackled most of them
before. You can review the simple linear regression assumptions on page 2.6 if you
feel a little bit rusty.

Checking the assumptions

Here is an assumptions checklist for multiple regression:

1. Linear relationships, outliers/influential cases: This set of assumptions can be
examined to a fairly satisfactory extent simply by plotting scatterplots of the
relationship between each explanatory variable and the outcome variable. It is
important that you check that each scatterplot is exhibiting a linear relationship
between variables (perhaps adding a regression line to help you with this).
Alternatively you can just check the scatterplot of the actual outcome variable
against the predicted outcome.

Now that you're a bit more comfortable with regression and the term residual you
may want to consider the difference between outliers and influential cases a bit
further. Have a look at the two scatterplots below (Figures 3.3.1 & 3.3.2):

Figure 3.3.1: Scatterplot showing a Figure 3.3.2: Scatterplot showing an

simple outlier outlier that is an influential case

Note how the two problematic data points influence the regression line in differing
ways. The simple outlier influences the line to a far lesser degree but will have a very
large residual (distance to the regression line). SPSS can help you spot outliers by
identifying cases with particularly large residuals. The influential case outlier
dramatically alters the regression line but might be harder to spot as the residual is
small - smaller than most of the other more representative points in fact! A case this
extreme is very rare! As well as examining the scatterplot you can also use influence
statistics (such as the Cook's distance statistic) to identify points that may unduly
influence the model. We will talk about these statistics and how to interpret them
during our example.

2. Variance in all explanatory variables: This one is fairly easy to check -

just create a histogram for each variable to ensure that there is a range of values or
that data is spread between multiple categories. This assumption is rarely violated if
you have created good measures of the variables you are interested in.

3. Multicollinearity: The simplest way to ascertain whether or not your explanatory

variables are highly correlated with each other is to examine a correlation matrix. If
correlations are above .80 then you may have a problem. A more precise approach
is to use the collinearity statistics that SPSS can provide. The Variance inflation
factor (VIF) and tolerance statistic can tell you whether or not a given explanatory
variable has a strong relationship with the other explanatory variables. Again, we'll
show you how to obtain these statistics when we run through the example!

4. Homoscedasticity: We can check that residuals do not vary systematically with

the predicted values by plotting the residuals against the values predicted by the
regression model. Let's go into this in a little more depth than we did previously. We
are looking for any evidence that residuals vary in a clear pattern. Let‟s look at the
examples below (Figure 3.3.3).

Figure 3.3.3: Scatterplot showing heteroscedasticity - assumption violated

This scatterplot is an example of what a scatterplot might look like if the assumption
of homoscedasticity is not met (this can be described as heteroscedasticity). The
data points seem to funnel towards the negative end of the x-axis indicating that
there is more variability in the residuals at higher predicted values than at lower
predicted values. This is problematic as it suggests our model is more accurate
when estimating lower values compared to higher values! In cases where the
assumption of homoscedasticity is not met it may be possible to transform the
outcome measure (see Extension A).

Figure 3.3.4: Scatterplot showing homoscedasticity - assumption met

That's better! In Figure 3.3.4 the data points seem fairly randomly distributed with a
fairly even spread of residuals at all predicted values.

5. Independent errors: As we have stated before this assumption is rather tricky to

test but luckily it only really applies to data where repeated measures have been
taken at several time points. It should be noted that, as we said on Page 2.6, if there
is a high degree of clustering then multi-level multiple regression may be
appropriate. Using the SPSS complex samples module, mixed module or separate
multi-levelling modelling packages such as MLWin may be the only solution (see
page 2.6 for more detail).

6. Normally distributed residuals: A histogram of the residuals (errors) in our

model can be used to check that they are normally distributed. However it is often
hard to tell if the distribution is normal from just a histogram so additionally you
should use a P-P plot as shown below (Figure 3.3.5):

Figure 3.3.5: P-P plot of standardized regression residual

As you can see the expected and observed cumulative probabilities, while not
matching perfectly, are fairly similar. This suggests that the residuals are
approximately normally distributed. In this example the assumption is not violated.
A Note on Sample Size
The size of the data set that you're analyzing can be very important to the regression
model that you can build and the conclusions that you can draw from it. In order for
your regression model to be reliable and capable of detecting certain effects and
relationships you will need an appropriate sample size. There is a general rule of
thumb for this:

For each explanatory variable in the model 15 cases of data are required
(see Field, 2009, pp. 645-647).

This is useful BUT it should be noted that it is an oversimplification! A good sample

size depends on the strength of the effect or relationship that you're trying to detect -
the smaller the effect you‟re looking for the larger the sample you will need to detect
it! For example, you may need a relatively small sample to find a statistically
significant relationship between age and reading ability. Reading ability usually
develops with age and so you can expect a strong association will emerge even with
a relatively small sample. However if you were looking for a relationship between
reading ability and something more obscure, say time spent watching television,
you would probably find a weaker correlation. To detect this weaker relationship and
be confident that it exists in the actual population you will need a larger sample size.

On this website we're mainly dealing with a very large dataset of over 15,000
individual participants. Though in general it can be argued that you want as big a
sample as practically possible some caution is required when interpreting data from
large samples. A dataset this large is very likely to produce results which are
'statistically significant'. This is because the sheer size of the sample overwhelms the
random effects of sampling - the more of the population we have spoken to the more
confident we can feel that we have adequately represented them. This is of course a
good thing but a 'statistically significant' finding can have the effect of causing
researchers to overemphasise their findings. A p-value does not tell the researcher
how large an effect is and it may be that the effect is statistically significant but so
small that it is not important. For this reason it is important to look at the effect size
(the strength) of an effect or relationship as well as whether or not it is statistically
likely to have occurred by chance in a sample. Of course it is also important to
consider who is in your sample. Does it represent the population you want it to?

If you would like more information about sample size we recommend that you check
out Field (2009, p.645). There is also software that will allow you to estimate quite
precisely the sample size you need to detect a difference of a given size with a given
level of confidence. One example is the dramatically named „GPower‟, which can be
downloaded for free (the link is in our resources). With this in mind let us put our
new knowledge on regression analysis into practice by running through an example!

3.4 Using SPSS to model the LSYPE data

In our example of simple linear regression in the previous module we found that prior
academic achievement (age 11) is a good predictor of future academic achievement
(age 14). This seems reasonable but surely there is more to it than that! The socio-
economic class (SEC) of the parents is known to be related to students‟ academic
achievement. The media talk about a gender gap in exam scores and inequalities
between different ethnic groups. If we knew about these other variables could we
improve the predictive power of our model? Multiple regression provides us with the
tools we need to explore these questions!

Figure 3.4.1: Factors which may influence Age 14 exam score

The rest of this module is largely dedicated to an example which will build these
variables into our multiple regression model and improve our understanding of the
relationship between these factors and educational achievement. Over the next few
pages we will be building up a model for predicting achievement during age 14 (KS3)
exams. There will be seven different versions of the model as we build up your
knowledge and refine the structure of our regression model with each new variable.

We will show you how to run this process on SPSS. Why not follow us through using
the LSYPE MLR 15,000 dataset? The variables are already there for you so you
will be able to run the analyses without creating the new variables (you‟ll see what
we mean by this when we get started). Come on, it will be fun. Like a convoy.

Though it is not advisable to use anything other than a continuous variable for an
outcome variable in multiple linear regression it is possible to use ordinal and
nominal variables as explanatory variables. Before we can do this the data needs to

be set up in a specific way on SPSS. The ordinal and nominal variables must be
coded as numbers so that SPSS can understand them.

Ordinal variables
The process for ordinal variables is straight forward as it simply means ranking the
categories. For example, for socio-economic class (SEC) data provided by parents
on their occupation and employer have been coded using the Office for National
Statistics socio-economic classification (for further details on this coding system see
our Resources). Our measure of SEC has eight categories arranged in rank order
with „Higher managerial and professional occupations‟ coded as 1 through to 'Never
worked or long-term unemployed' coded as 8.

While SEC is usually treated as an ordinal rather than a continuous variable, for the
purpose of this example we will initially treat SEC as if it were a scale. However,
ordinal variables should only be used in this way when there are at least five
categories (levels) within the variable, a reasonable spread of cases across the
levels, and a roughly linear relationship with the outcome. All these conditions are
met for SEC (see Figure 3.4.2 and later Figure 3.5.2). Regression is a very „robust‟
procedure when it comes to treating ordinal variables as continuous explanatory
variables so given these conditions are met this is permissible, although we will
discuss some limitation to treating ordinal variables in this way later in the analysis.

Figure 3.4.2: Frequency table for SEC of the home

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Valid 1 Higher Managerial and professional occupations 1567 9.9 12.2
2 Lower managerial and professional occupations 3083 19.5 24.0
3 Intermediate occupations 932 5.9 7.3
4 Small employers and own account workers 1672 10.6 13.0
5 Lower supervisory and technical occupations 1454 9.2 11.3
6 Semi-routine occupations 1637 10.4 12.8
7 Routine occupations 1409 8.9 11.0
8 Never worked/long term unemployed 1075 6.8 8.4
Total 12829 81.4 100.0
Missing 0 missing 2941 18.6
Total 15770 100.0

Nominal variables - simple dichotomies

Some nominal variables are simple dichotomies which mean they have only two
mutually exclusive categories (e.g. you are either eligible for a free school meal or
you are not – you can only belong to one of two categories). These are called
dichotomous or binary variables because they have only two categories. Adding
such variables to your regression module is fairly simple because we can simply give
each category a numeric code (e.g. for gender code males as '0' and females as '1').

The output will represent a direct comparison between the two categories – this will
become clearer when we run our example!

Nominal variables - multiple categories

When you have nominal variables with multiple categories that cannot be ranked it
requires a slightly more complicated approach. How do you numerically code a
variable like school type? We can assign numbers to different school types, e.g. 0 for
'community schools', 1 for 'independent schools', 2 for 'foundation schools' 3, for
'voluntary-aided schools' and so on. However these numbers do not represent more
or less of something as they do with SEC. In this case it is necessary to set up a
number of comparisons such that a reference category (say 'community schools') is
compared to each of the other categories. This means you have to create a series of
new binary variables (for example 'independent school‟, 'foundation school‟ and
„Voluntary-aided school‟) where each case is coded '1' if it is from that particular
school type and coded „0‟ otherwise. This procedure is often called setting up
dummy variables. There should be one less dummy variable than the number of
categories in the variable. So if we had four types of school we would need to
choose one to be our base or reference category (e.g. community schools) and then
create three dummy variables to compare each of the remaining categories
(independent, foundation and voluntary-aided) to this reference category.

This is easiest to understand with examples. Over the next few pages we will
introduce a variable of each of these types into our model.

3.5 A model with a continuous explanatory variable (Model 1)

Rather than start by throwing all possible explanatory variables into the regression
model let‟s build it up in stages. This way we can get a feel for how adding different
variables affects our model.

Our Outcome variable is ks3stand - the standard score in national tests taken at the
end of Key Stage 3 (KS3) at age 14, which we used as the outcome measure in the
previous module. To begin our analysis we will start with Social Economic Class
(SEC) as an explanatory variable. SEC represents the socio-economic class of the
home on a scale of '1' (Higher Managerial and professional occupations) to '8'
(Never worked/long term unemployed). There is a strong relationship between SEC
and mean age 14 score, as shown in Figures 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 below.

Table 3.5.1: Mean age 14 score by SEC

Social class (SEC) Mean N SD
1 Higher Managerial & professional occupations 7.30 1378 9.761
2 Lower managerial & professional occupations 3.70 2851 9.179
3 Intermediate occupations 1.05 899 8.813
4 Small employers and own account workers .51 1585 9.287
5 Lower supervisory and technical occupations -1.14 1421 8.803
6 Semi-routine occupations -2.70 1580 8.823
7 Routine occupations -4.00 1367 9.063
8 Never worked/long term unemployed -6.19 1019 9.162
Total .39 12100 9.936

Figure 3.5.2: Mean age 14 score by SEC

We will start by entering SEC in our regression equation. Take the following route
through SPSS: Analyse> Regression > Linear. This is the exact same route which
we took for simple linear regression so you may well recognize the pop-up window
that appears. The variable ks3stand goes in the dependent box and the variable sec
is placed in the independents box. Note that we have selected „Enter‟ as our Method.

We are not going to run through all of the diagnostic tests that we usually would this
time – we will save that for when we add more variables over the coming pages!
Let‟s just click OK as it is and see what SPSS gives us.

SPSS output for multiple linear regression

In this basic analysis SPSS has only provided us with four tables. The first simply
tells us which variables we have included in the model so we haven‟t reproduced
that here. The other three provide more useful information about our model and the
contribution of each of our explanatory variables. The process of interpreting most of
these statistics is the same for multiple linear regression as we saw for simple linear
regression in Module 2.

Figure 3.5.3: Multiple r and r2 for model

Model Adjusted R Std. Error of the
R R Square Square Estimate

1 .389 .151 .151 9.154


The Model Summary (Figure 3.5.3) offers the multiple r and coefficient of
determination (r2) for the regression model. As you can see r2 = .151 which indicates
that 15.1% of the variance in age 14 standard score can be explained by our
regression model. In other words the success of a student at age 14 is strongly
related to the social economic class of the home in which they reside (as we saw in

Figure 3.5.2). However there is still a lot of variation in outcomes between students
that is not related to SEC.

Figure 3.5.4: ANOVA for model fit

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 180687.920 1 180687.920 2156.304 .000
Residual 1013754.450 12098 83.795
Total 1194442.370 12099

Whether or not our regression model explains a statistically significant proportion of

the variance is ascertained from the ANOVA table (Figure 3.5.4), specifically the F-
value (penultimate column) and the associated significance value. As before, our
model predicts the outcome more accurately than if we were just using the mean to
model the data (p < .000, or less than .0005, remembering that SPSS only rounds to
3 significant figures).

Figure 3.5.5: Coefficients for model

Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 7.579 .176 43.120 .000
sec Socio-economic -1.725 .037 -.389 -46.436 .000
class of the home

The Coefficients table (Figure 3.5.5) gives the Constant or intercept term and the
regression coefficients (b) for each explanatory variable. The constant value (7.579)
represents the intercept, which is the predicted age 14 score when SEC=0 (note that
SEC is never actually 0 in our data where the values of SEC range from 1-8, the
constant is just important for the construction of the model). The other value here is
the regression coefficients (b) for SEC. This indicates that for every unit increase in
SEC the model predicts a decrease of -1.725 in age 14 standard score. This may
sound counter-intuitive but it actually isn‟t – remember that SEC is coded such that
lower values represent higher social class groups (e.g. 1 = „Higher Managerial and
professional‟, 8 = „Never worked/long term unemployed‟).

We can use the regression parameters to calculate the predicted values from our
model, so the predicted age 14 score when SEC=1 (higher managerial) is 7.579 +
(1*-1.725) = 5.85. By comparison the predicted age 14 score when SEC=8 (long
term unemployed) is 7.579 + (8*-1.725) = -6.22. There is therefore roughly a 12
score point gap between the highest and lowest SEC categories, which is a
substantial difference. Finally the t-tests and „sig.‟ values in the last two rows tell us
that the variable is making a statistically significant contribution to the predictive
power of the model – it appears that SEC is since the t-statistic is statistically
significant (p < .000).

3.6 Adding dichotomous nominal explanatory variables (Model 2)

As discussed on the previous page, SEC can reasonably be treated as a scale, but
what do we do with variables which are nominal? What if the categories cannot be
placed in a rank order? Let us take the example of gender. Gender is usually a
dichotomous variable – participants are either male or female. Figure 3.6.1 displays
the mean age 14 standard scores for males and females in the sample. There is a
difference of a whole score point between the scores of males and females, which
suggests a case for adding gender to our regression model.

Figure 3.6.1: Mean age 14 score by gender

Mean KS3 score N Std. Deviation
0 Male -.45 7378 10.174
1 Female .62 7140 9.710
Total .08 14518 9.963

Take the following route through SPSS: Analyse> Regression > Linear. Add
gender to the independents box – we are now repeating the multiple regression we
performed on the previous page but adding gender as an explanatory variable. Do
not worry about all of the extra options and assumptions yet – we will come to that
later! Just click OK.

You will be starting to get familiar with these three tables now.

Figure 3.6.2: Multiple r and r 2 for model

Model Adjusted R Std. Error of the
R R Square Square Estimate

1 .394 .155 .155 9.113


Our Model Summary (Figure 3.6.2) tells us that our new model now has r2 = .155
which suggests that 15.5% of the total variance in age 14 score can be explained.
This is only very slightly more than the previous model (15.1%). But has the inclusion
of gender made a significant contribution to explaining age 14 test score? We
evaluate this through inspecting the coefficients table.

Figure 3.6.3: Coefficients for model

Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 7.032 .194 36.202 .000
Socio-economic class of -1.722 .037 -.389 -46.172 .000
the home
Gender 1.198 .167 .060 7.169 .000

The Coefficient table (Figure 3.6.3) provides us with a fresh challenge: how do we
interpret the b-coefficient for gender? Actually it is delightfully simple! If you recall the
code „0‟ was used for males and „1‟ for females. The b-coefficient tells us how much
higher or lower the category coded 1 (females) score in direct comparison to the
category coded 0 (males) when the other variables in the model (currently SEC) are
controlled (held fixed). The B coefficient for gender indicates that females score on
average 1.2 standard marks higher than males, whatever the SEC of the home. The
t-tests indicate that both explanatory variables are making a statistically significant
contribution to the predictive power of the model.

What are the relative strengths of SEC and gender in predicting age 14 score? We
cannot tell this directly from the coefficients since these are not expressed on a
common scale. A one unit increase in SEC does not mean the same thing as a one
unit increase in gender. We can get a rough estimate of their relative size by
evaluating the difference across the full range for each explanatory variable, so the
range for SEC is 7*-1.72 or 12.0 points, whereas the range for gender is just 1.2
points (girls versus boys). Another way of judging the relative importance of
explanatory variables is through the Beta (β) weights in the fourth column. These are
a standardised form of b which range between 0 and 1 and give a common metric
which can be compared across all explanatory variables. The effects of SEC is large
relative to gender, as can be seen by the relative difference in beta values (-.389
versus .060). Note you ignore the sign since this only indicates the direction, whether
the explanatory variable is associated with an increase or decrease in outcome
scores, it is the absolute value of Beta which is used to gauge its importance. You
will remember this from comparing the strength of correlation coefficients which we
completed in the Simple Linear Regression module (see page 2.4). The results
indicate that SEC is a more powerful predictor of age 14 score than gender, but both
make a contribution to the explanation of variance in age 14 score.

3.7 Adding nominal variables with more than two categories
(Model 3)

In the section above we added gender to our model and discussed how we interpret
the b coefficient as a direct comparison of two categories. But what do we do when
we have more than two categories to compare? Let‟s take a look at the example of
ethnicity. Figure 3.7.1 plots the mean age 14 score for each ethnic group. This
shows that Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Black African and Black Caribbean students on
average have a mean score around 3 points lower than White British students.
Ethnic group is definitely a candidate to include as an explanatory variable in our
regression model.

Figure 3.7.1: Bar chart of mean age 14 score by ethnic group

On page 3.4 we mentioned the use of „dummy variables‟ as a method for dealing
with this issue. Where we have nominal variables with more than two categories we
have to choose a reference (or comparison) category and then set up dummy
variables which will contrast each remaining category against the reference
category. See below for an explanation of how the ethnic group variable is coded
into seven new dichotomous „dummy‟ variables.

Nominal variable with more than two categories: Ethnicity
This requires the use of dummy variables. The variable is originally coded '0' to '7'
with each code representing a different ethnic group. However we cannot treat this
as an ordinal variable - we cannot say that 'Black Caribbean (coded '5') is 'more' of
something than White British (coded '0'). What we need to do is compare each
ethnic group against a reference category. The most sensible reference category is
'White British' (because it contains the largest number of participants), so we want to
contrast each ethnic group against 'White British'. We do this by creating seven
separate variables, one for each minority ethnic group (dummy variables). The group
we leave out (White British) will be the reference group („0‟ code).

This has already been done in the dataset so why not take a look. The new variable
'e1' takes the value of '1' if the participant is of 'Mixed Heritage' and '0' otherwise,
while 'e2' takes the value of '1' if the pupil is Indian and '0' otherwise, and so on.

We have already coded the dummy variables for you but it is important to know how
it is done on SPSS. You can use the Transform > Recode into new variable route
to create each new variable individually. We have discussed the use of Transform
for creating new variables briefly in our Foundation Module. There are hundreds of
options through this menu and we think the best way to learn is to have a play with it!
The alternative to generating each dummy variable individually is using syntax. We
have included the syntax for the recoding of the ethnicity variable below! You don‟t
need to use the syntax if you don‟t want to as we have already created the variables
in our datasets but it is useful to know how to generate them.

RECODE Ethnic (1=1)(else=0) into e1.
RECODE Ethnic (2=1)(else=0) into e2.
RECODE Ethnic (3=1)(else=0) into e3.
RECODE Ethnic (4=1)(else=0) into e4.
RECODE Ethnic (5=1)(else=0) into e5.
RECODE Ethnic (6=1)(else=0) into e6.
RECODE Ethnic (7=1)(else=0) into e7.
e1 "Mixed heritage" e2 "Indian" e3 "Pakistani" e4 "Bangladeshi" e5 "Black
Caribbean" e6 "Black African" e7 "Any other ethnic group".

Coding variables through the SPSS menu options is relatively easy once you are
used to the software, but can be very time-consuming. Using Syntax is a good way
of saving time!

We can now include our dummy variables for ethnic group (e1 through to e7). Take
the same familiar path through SPSS: Analyse> Regression > Linear. Add

ks3stand as the Dependent and move all of the relevant variables into the
Independents box: sec, gender, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 and e7.

Click OK when you‟re ready.

You will see that the new model has improved the amount of variance explained with
r2 = .170, or 17.0% of the variance (Figure 3.7.2), up from 15.5% in the previous
model. We won‟t print the ANOVA table again but it does show that the new model
once again explains more variance than the baseline (mean) model to a statistically
significant level.
Figure 3.7.2: Model 3 summary
Model Adjusted R Std. Error of the
R R Square Square Estimate

1 .412 .170 .169 9.037


More interesting for our understanding and interpretation is the coefficients table
(Figure 3.7.3).

Figure 3.7.3: Regression coefficients for model 3

Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 7.180 .197 36.412 .000
sec Socio-economic class -1.674 .038 -.378 -43.595 .000
gender Gender 1.234 .166 .062 7.439 .000
e1 Mixed heritage -.376 .375 -.008 -1.002 .316
e2 Indian 1.400 .338 .035 4.142 .000
e3 Pakistani -2.343 .361 -.056 -6.494 .000
e4 Bangladeshi -.465 .432 -.009 -1.076 .282
e5 Black Caribbean -4.251 .436 -.082 -9.746 .000
e6 Black African -3.294 .437 -.064 -7.539 .000
e7 Any other ethnic group .199 .433 .004 .459 .646

Firstly a quick glance at the b coefficients (Figure 3.7.3) shows SEC and gender are
still significant predictors, with a decrease of -1.674 score points for every unit
increase in SEC and with girls scoring 1.234 points higher than boys. The b-
coefficients for the ethnic dummy variables can be interpreted in a similar way to the

interpretation of gender. The coefficients represent the difference in age 14 test
score between being in the specified category and being in the reference category
(White British) when the other variables are all controlled. For example, the model
indicates that Indian students achieve 1.40 more standard score points than White
British students, while Black Caribbean student achieve -4.25 less standard score
points than White British students. Remember these coefficient are after controlling
for SEC and gender.

Though it is clear that SEC score is the most important explanatory variable, looking
down the t and sig columns tells us that actually most of the ethnic dummy variables
make a statistically significant contribution to predicting age 14 score (p < .05). After
we have controlled for SEC and gender, there is no statistically significant evidence
that students of Mixed Heritage, Bangladeshi and Any Other ethnic group achieve
different results to White British students. However on average Indian students score
significantly higher than White British students while Pakistani, Black Caribbean and
Black African pupils score significantly lower (p<.000).

3.8 Predicting scores using the Regression Model

Let‟s look at how we can use model 3 to predict the score at age 14 that a given
student from a specific background would be expected to achieve. Take this
opportunity to look back at the coefficient table for model 3 (Figure 3.7.3, Page 3.7).
The intercept is 7.18, this is the predicted age 14 exam score for our reference
group, which is where SEC=0, gender=0 (boy) and ethnicity=0 (White British). The
coefficient for SEC shows that each unit increase in SEC is associated with a
decrease of about -1.67 score points in test score. The coefficients for gender shows
the average difference between girls and boys, and the coefficients for each ethnic
group shows the average difference between the relevant ethnic group and White
British students. There is no interaction term (more on this on Page 3.11) so the
model assumes the effect of gender and ethnicity are the same at all levels of SEC.
For example, whatever the SEC of the home or whatever ethnic group, girls on
average score 1.234 points higher than boys. Equally whatever the SEC of the home
or gender of the student, Black Caribbean students score 4.25 points below White
British students of the same gender.

So let‟s see how the predicted values are calculated. This may initially seem quite
complicated but what we are doing is actually very straightforward. There are a total
of 10 terms in our regression equation for Model 3. There is the intercept, which is
constant for all cases, and there are nine regression coefficients: a coefficient for
SEC, a coefficient for gender and seven coefficients for ethnicity, one for each ethnic
group. As we described on Page 3.2 in standard notation the calculation of the
predicted age 14 score (labelled as Ŷ) for any case would be written as:

Ŷ = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + ... + b9x9

Where Ŷ = the predicted age 14 score; a= the intercept; b1= the regression
coefficient for variable 1; x1= the value of variable 1, b2= the regression coefficient
for variable 2; x2= the value of variable 2…. and so on through to b9 and x9 for
variable 9. We can calculate the predicted value for any case simply by typing in the
relevant quantities (a, b1, x1, b2, x2 …etc) from the regression equation. Four examples
are shown below.

For a White British, boy, from SEC=1 (higher managerial & professional home)
The predicted value would be:
Ŷ = intercept + (1*SEC coefficient)
Ŷ = 7.18 + (1*-1.674) = 5.51.
Because gender=0 (male) and ethnic group=0 (White British) there is no contribution
from these terms.

For a White British, girl, from SEC=1

The predicted value would be:
Ŷ = intercept + (1*SEC coefficient) + (Gender coefficient)
Ŷ = 7.18 + (1*-1.674) + (1.234) = 6.74.
Again, because ethnic group=0 there is no contribution from the ethnic terms.

For a Black Caribbean, boy, from SEC=1

The predicted value would be:
Ŷ = intercept + (1*SEC coefficient) + (Black Caribbean coefficient) =
Ŷ = 7.180 + (1*-1.674) + (-4.251) = 1.26.
Because gender=0 there is no contribution from this term.

For a Black Caribbean, girl, from SEC=1

The predicted value would be:
Ŷ = intercept + (1*SEC coefficient) + (Gender coefficient) + (Black Caribbean
Ŷ = 7.180 + (1*-1.674) + (1*1.234) + (-4.251) = 2.49.

Once you get your head around the numbers what we are doing is actually very

The key point to notice is that whatever the value of SEC, girls are always predicted
to score 1.234 points higher than boys. Equally whatever the SEC of the home,
Black Caribbean students are always predicted to score 4.25 point below White
British students of the same gender.

Rather than manually calculating the predicted values for all possible combinations
of values, when specifying the multiple regression model we can ask SPSS to
calculate and save the predicted values for every case. These predicted values are
already saved in the LSYPE 15,000 MLR dataset (they are called PRE_1). If you
want to do this yourself can rerun the analysis for Model 3 as described on Page 3.7
using the LSYPE 15,000 dataset but this time also click on the save button:

Add a tick in the „Predicted values (unstandardized)‟ option in the pop-up box. This
will create a new variable in your SPSS file called PRE_1 which will hold the
predicted age 14 score for each student, as calculated by the model.

We can then plot these values to give us a visual display of the predicted variables.
Let us look at the relationship between ethnic group and SEC. We will just plot the
predicted values for boys since, as we have seen, the pattern of predicted values for
girls will be identical except that every predicted value will be 1.234 points higher
than the corresponding value for boys. We can plot the graph using the menu
options as shown in Module 1, or we can do this more simply using syntax:

SELECT IF gender=0.

The results are shown in Figure 3.8.1.

Figure 3.8.1: Regression lines for ethnic group, SEC and age 14 attainment

The important point you should notice is that the fitted regression lines for each
ethnic group have different intercepts but the same slope, i.e. the regression lines
are parallel. There are two equivalents ways of expressing the figure. We can say
that the effect of SEC on attainment is the same for all ethnic groups, or we can say

the effect of ethnicity on attainment is the same for all social classes. It‟s the same
thing (like two sides of a coin).

We will return to this type of line graph when we start to explore interaction effects on
Page 3.11 but for now let‟s discuss ways of refining our existing model further.

3.9 Refining the model – treating ordinal variables as a set of
dummy variables (Model 4)

Minimising the effect of missing data

So far we have treated SEC as a continuous variable or scale. What are the
implications of having done this? Treating a variable as a scale means that any case
with a missing value on the variable is lost from the analysis. The frequency table for
SEC was shown in Figure 3.4.2. A total of 2941 cases (18.6%) were missing a value
for SEC, which is a high level of data loss.

One way of coping with this is to recode SEC into dummy variables, as we did with
ethnic group (Page 3.7), and to explicitly include the „missing‟ values as an extra
category. This has several advantages, it:
Prevents the loss of data that would come from omitting all cases with missing
values, as happens when SEC is treated as a scale variable (excluding
missing data in this way is known as „Listwise‟ deletion)
Allows for the direct modelling of missing data rather than imputing missing
values, for example by mean substitution, which has its own interpretative
Allows for non-linearity in the relationship between the ordinal categories and
student attainment
Can simplify the interpretation of the relationship between the explanatory
variable and the outcome, since we can directly contrast against a reference
category (e.g. compare all SEC categories against long term unemployed)
Can ensure a consistent base in terms of the sample size across a range of
hierarchical regression models by retaining all cases (including those with
missing values) as new explanatory variables are added.

We used the following syntax to change SEC into a series of dummy variables. You
don‟t need to do this though as we have already prepared the dummy variables for
you in the LSYPE 15000 MLR file. Aren‟t we nice?

More syntax for your enjoyment! Are you beginning to see how it works?

RECODE sec (1=1)(else=0) into sc1.

RECODE sec (2=1)(else=0) into sc2.
RECODE sec (3=1)(else=0) into sc3.
RECODE sec (4=1)(else=0) into sc4.
RECODE sec (5=1)(else=0) into sc5.
RECODE sec (6=1)(else=0) into sc6.
RECODE sec (7=1)(else=0) into sc7.
RECODE sec (missing=1)(else=0) into sc0.

sc1 ' Higher managerial & professional'
sc2 ' Lower managerial & professional'
sc3 ' Intermediate occupations'
sc4 ' Small employers & own account workers'
sc5 „Lower supervisory & technical occupations'
sc6 ' Semi-routine occupations'
sc7 ' Routine occupations'
sc0 ' SEC missing'.

Note that the variable we have not created a dummy for (long-term unemployed) will
be our reference category in the analysis. Let us repeat our last model but replace
SEC with the eight terms sc0 to sc7. Repeat the regression we did on Page 3.7
using ks3stand as the Dependent variable and gender, e1 – e7 and sc0 – sc7 as the
independent variables. Rather than assessing the effect of SEC as a regression
coefficient we get a direct measure of how each category (including our „missing
cases‟ category) contrasts with the base category (long term unemployed).

Figure 3.9.1 presents the model summary and the ANOVA table. From the Model
Summary we see that the model r2 is 15.1%. This is lower than for model 3 where
the model accounted for 17.0% of the variance. However this reflects two factors: the
change from treating SEC as a scale variable to modelling it as a set of dummy
variables and the increase in sample size associated with including the previously
omitted 2,900 or so cases. We can see from the ANOVA table that we are including
14,518 cases in this analysis (the total df shows the number of cases - 1), rather
than the 12,100 cases included in model 3. We will not pursue the relative
contribution of these two factors here, since the increase in sample size is reason
enough for preferring the treatment of SEC as a set of dummy variables.

Figure 3.9.1: model summary and the ANOVA table
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .388 .151 .150 9.186


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 217347.017 16 13584.189 160.998 .000
Residual 1223522.937 14501 84.375
Total 1440869.954 14517

Figure 3.9.2 shows the regression coefficients from the model.

Figure 3.9.2: Regression coefficients for Model 4

Model Unstandardized Standard
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -5.507 .331 -16.636 .000
sc1 Higher managerial & professional 12.467 .399 .365 31.255 .000
sc2 Lower managerial & professional 9.036 .356 .359 25.402 .000
sc3 Intermediate 6.459 .438 .155 14.735 .000
sc4 small employers & own account 5.949 .384 .185 15.508 .000
sc5 Lower supervisory & technical 4.130 .395 .122 10.454 .000
sc6 semi-routine 2.751 .384 .085 7.157 .000
sc7 routine 1.328 .396 .039 3.356 .001
sc0 missing 3.813 .350 .147 10.901 .000
gender Gender 1.109 .153 .056 7.262 .000
e1 Mixed heritage -.378 .348 -.008 -1.085 .278
e2 Indian 1.518 .308 .038 4.927 .000
e3 Pakistani -2.864 .326 -.070 -8.789 .000
e4 Bangladeshi -1.056 .373 -.023 -2.835 .005
e5 Black Caribbean -3.939 .402 -.076 -9.808 .000
e6 Black African -2.956 .400 -.058 -7.398 .000
e7 Any other ethnic group .010 .390 .000 .025 .980

As we saw before, there is clearly a strong relationship between SEC and age 14
attainment, even after accounting for gender and ethnicity. Breaking the SEC
variable down into its individual categories and comparing them to the base category
of „long term unemployed‟ makes interpretation of the coefficients more intuitive. For
example, students from „Higher managerial and professional‟ homes are predicted to
obtain 12.5 more standard score marks than those from homes where the main
parent is long term unemployed. Students from „lower managerial and professional‟
homes achieve 9.0 more marks, those from intermediate homes 6.5 more marks and
so on. You can see the ordinality in the data from the decreasing B coefficients: as
the SEC of the home decreases there is a reduction in the extent of the „boost‟ to
age 14 standard score above the reference group of students from homes where the
head of the household is long term unemployed. Being able to interpret the
difference between categories in this way is very useful! We can see from the t
statistic and associated „sig‟ values that all SEC contrasts are highly statistically
significant, including for those students with missing values for SEC.
3.10 Comparing coefficients across models

A significant objective in multiple regression modelling, as we observed in the

introduction, is to assess the association of a variable with an outcome after
controlling for the influence of other variables. Figure 3.10.1 shows the relationship
between ethnicity and SEC and it is apparent that students from minority ethnic
backgrounds are less likely to be from the more affluent socio-economic classes
than those from a White British background. Regression can be used to ascertain
whether the ethnic gaps in attainment at age 14 result from these observed
differences in SEC between ethnic groups. We can undertake this analysis by
comparing the coefficients for our variable of interest (ethnic group) both before and
after including the other „control‟ variables in the multiple regression model (SEC and

Figure 3.10.1: % SEC breakdown by Ethnic group

Figure 3.10.3 shows the relationship between ethnic group and age 14 standard
score both before and after controlling for the influence of gender and the SEC of the
home. In both cases the reference category is White British students. The blue bars
represent the unadjusted difference in mean age 14 scores between ethnic groups
(the values for coefficients e1 to e7 when these are the only explanatory variables
included in the regression model). The red bars display the ethnic coefficients e1 to
e7 from model 4, after gender and SEC have been controlled (that is the variance in
age 14 score that is accounted for by gender and SEC has been removed using the
regression analysis). Indian students on average scored higher than White British
students, and this difference was even more pronounced when their greater level of
deprivation was taken into account, with an increase in the gap from 0.8 to 1.4
points. The gap for Bangladeshi students reduced from -3.9 points to around -1.0
point after adjustment, a reduction of 73%. There were smaller but still significant
reductions in the size of the gap for Pakistani students (from -4.7 points to -2.9

points) and for Black African students (from -4.1 to -3.0 points). However the
average gap between Black Caribbean and White British students hardly changed at
all, reducing only from -4.2 to -4.0 points.

Table 3.10.2: Regression coefficients for ethic groups before and after
controlling for gender and SEC of the home
Unadjusted Coefficients adjusted
coefficients for gender and SEC
Intercept .790 -5.507
Mixed heritage -.39 -.38
Indian .76 1.52
Pakistani -4.70 -2.86
Bangladeshi -3.87 -1.06
Black Caribbean -4.20 -3.94
Black African -4.13 -2.96
Any other ethnic group -.62 .01
Sample size 14831 14517
Note: The sample size reduction in the adjusted model reflects the exclusion of 314
cases where gender was not known.

Figure 3.10.3: Relationship between ethnic group and age 14 standard

score before and after controlling for gender and SEC of the home


Coefficent for ethnic group







Mixed heritage Pakistani Black Caribbean Any other ethnic

Un-adjusted Adjusted for gender and SEC

There are many other variables in our LSYPE dataset than just SEC, gender and
ethnicity, and it is likely that some of these may explain more of the ethnic gaps in
attainment. However at this stage it is sufficient to show how coefficients can be
compared across regression models to demonstrate the principle involved. One of
the strengths of multiple regression is being able to ascertain the relative importance
of an explanatory variable once others have been taken into account.
3.11 Exploring interactions between a dummy and a continuous
variable (Model 5)

So far we have considered only the main effects of each of our explanatory
variables (SEC, gender and ethnic group) on attainment at age 14. That is we have
evaluated the association of each factor with educational attainment while holding all
other factors constant. This involves a strong assumption that the effects of SEC,
gender and ethnic group are additive, that is there are no interactions between the
effect of these variables. For example we have assumed that the „effect‟ of SEC is
the same for all ethnic groups, or equivalently that the „effect‟ of ethnicity is the same
at all levels of SEC. However there is the possibility that SEC and ethnic group may
interact in terms of their effect on attainment, that the relationship between ethnicity
and attainment may be different at different levels of SEC (or put the other way
around that the relationship between SEC and attainment may vary for different
ethnic groups, it‟s the same thing). Is this assumption of additive effects valid, and
how can we test it?

In any multiple regression model there exists the possibility of interaction effects.
With only two explanatory variables there can of course be only one interaction,
between explanatory variable 1 and explanatory variable 2, but the greater the
number of variables in your model the higher the number of possible interactions.
For example if we have 10 explanatory variables then there are 45 possible pairs of
explanatory variables that may interact. It is unwieldy to test all possible
combinations of explanatory variables, and indeed such „blanket testing‟ may give
rise to spurious effects, simply because at the 5% significance level some of the
interactions might be significant by chance alone. Your search for possible
interactions should be guided by knowledge of the existing literature and theory in
your field of study. In relation to the literature of educational attainment, there is quite
strong emerging literature suggesting interactions between ethnicity and SEC (e.g.
Strand, 1999; 2008). Let‟s evaluate whether there is a statistically significant
interaction between ethnicity and SEC in the current data, returning to the variables
we used for model 3 (Page 3.7).

Step 1: Creating the interaction terms

Is it reasonable to assume that ethnic group differences in attainment are the same
at all levels of SEC? We mentioned above that there is an emerging literature that
suggests this may not be the case. One way to allow for different slopes in the
relationship between SEC and attainment for different ethnic groups is to include
extra variables in the model that represent the interactions between SEC and ethnic

For the purpose of this first example we treat SEC as a continuous variable, as we
did in Models 1-3 (Pages 3.4 to 3.8). We want to create additional explanatory

variables that will represent the effect of SEC within each ethnic group. We do this
simply by multiplying each of our ethnic group dummy variables by SEC. The table
below (Figure 3.11.1) shows the computed values for some selected cases. e1sec
will be a separate variable containing the SEC values only for cases where ethnicity
=1 (Mixed heritage students); e2sec will be a separate variable contain the SEC
values only for cases where ethnicity =2 (Indian students) and so on. Remember
there has to be an omitted category against which these dummy variables are
contrasted and this is White British students.

Figure 3.11.1: Table showing examples of new interaction variables

Ethnic group SEC e1sec e2sec e3sec

e1=1 (Mixed) 2 2 0 0
e1=1 (Mixed) 5 5 0 0
e1=1 (Mixed) 8 8 0 0
e2=1 (Indian) 1 0 1 0
e2=1 (Indian) 2 0 2 0
e2=1 (Indian) 5 0 5 0
e3=1 (Pakistani) 1 0 0 1
e3=1 (Pakistani) 5 0 0 5
e3=1 (Pakistani) 8 0 0 8

The inclusion of the terms e1sec to e7sec, called the interaction between ethnic
group and SEC, allows for the relationship between SEC and attainment to vary for
different ethnic groups. If these interaction terms are significant we say there is an
interaction effect.

We have created these variables for you in the LSYPE 15000 MLR but if you like
you can do it yourself using the compute menu (See Module 1) or by using the
following syntax:
COMPUTE e1sec= e1 * SEC.
COMPUTE e2sec= e2 * SEC.
COMPUTE e3sec= e3 * SEC.
COMPUTE e4sec= e4 * SEC.
COMPUTE e5sec= e5 * SEC.
COMPUTE e6sec= e6 * SEC.
COMPUTE e7sec= e7 * SEC.

NOTE: Unlike the SPSS multiple linear regression procedure, other SPSS statistical
procedures which we will use later (such as multiple logistic regression) allow you to
specify interactions between chosen explanatory variables without having to
explicitly calculate the interaction terms yourself. This can save you some time.
However it is no bad thing to calculate these terms yourself here because it should
help you to understand exactly what SPSS is doing when evaluating interactions.
Also whether you calculate these interactions terms yourself or the computer
calculates these terms for you, you still have to be able to interpret the interaction
coefficients in the regression output. So bear with it!

Step 2: Adding the interaction terms to the model

Now we add the seven variables e1sec to e7sec to our model. Go to the main
regression menu again and add e1sec, e2sec, e3sec, e4sec, e5sec, e6sec, e7sec,
sec, gender, and e1- e7. As always, ks3stand is our Dependent variable. Before
moving on select the SAVE submenu and place a tick in the unstandardised
residuals box. SPSS will save the predicted values for each case and, as this is the
second time we have requested predicted values, will name the new variable
PRE_2. These predicted values will be useful later in plotting the interaction effects.
Click OK to run the regression.

The coefficients table from the SPSS regression output is shown below.

Figure 3.11.2: Coefficients for Model 5

Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 7.811 .226 34.526 .000
sec Socio-economic class of the -1.836 .048 -.415 -38.326 .000
gender Gender 1.220 .166 .062 7.366 .000
e1 Mixed heritage -.772 .759 -.017 -1.016 .309
e2 Indian -.159 .775 -.004 -.206 .837
e3 Pakistani -5.528 .918 -.131 -6.024 .000
e4 Bangladeshi -6.865 1.439 -.137 -4.771 .000
e5 Black Caribbean -6.560 .914 -.127 -7.177 .000
e6 Black African -5.332 .916 -.103 -5.819 .000
e7 Any other ethnic group -.642 .894 -.013 -.718 .473
e1sec Mixed heritage * SEC .104 .167 .011 .622 .534
e2sec Indian * SEC .372 .159 .046 2.344 .019
e3sec Pakistani * SEC .639 .161 .088 3.965 .000
e4sec Bangladeshi * SEC 1.079 .222 .142 4.865 .000
e5sec Black Caribbean * SEC .581 .200 .052 2.899 .004
e6sec Black African * SEC .452 .168 .049 2.688 .007
e7sec Any other * SEC .211 .179 .021 1.180 .238

How do we interpret the output? As before the intercept term (Constant) refers to the
predicted values for the reference or base category, which is where SEC=0,

gender=0 (boy) and ethnicity=0 (White British). However the coefficient for SEC now
represents the effect of SEC for the reference group only (White British students).
For White British students, attainment drops by 1.836 standard score points for every
unit increase in the value of SEC. To evaluate the effect of SEC for each ethnic
group, we adjust the overall SEC coefficient by combining it with the relevant
ethnic*sec interaction term. Thus the slope of SEC for Black Caribbean students is -
1.836 + .581= -1.26, significantly less steep than the slope for White British students.
This is indicated by the significant p value for the Black Caribbean * SEC interaction
term (p<.000).

A good way of interpreting this data is to calculate what the predicted age 14
standard scores are from the model:

Predicted age 14 score for male White British students when SEC=5 (Lower
Ŷ = intercept + (5 *SEC coefficient)
Ŷ = 7.81 + (5*-1.836) =-1.37
As gender=0 (male) and ethnic group=0 (White British) there is no contribution from
these terms.

Predicted age 14 score for male Black Caribbean students when SEC=5 (lower
Ŷ = intercept + (coeff. for Black Caribbean) + (5 * SEC coefficient) + (5 * Black
Caribbean by SEC interaction)
Ŷ = 7.81 + -6.56 + (5*-1.836) + (5 * .581) = - 5.02

As before we can get SPSS to plot the full set of predicted values for all ethnic group
and SEC combinations using the predicted values from the model that we created
earlier (by default the variable was named PRE_2). Again we will plot only the values
for boys since the pattern for girls is identical, except that all predicted values are
1.22 score points higher.

The syntax below temporarily filters girls out of the analysis AND draws a line graph:


The graph is shown in Panel (b) of Figure 3.11.3. For reference the regression lines
from the model without interactions is shown in Panel (a).

Figure 3.11.3: Regression lines between ethnic group, SEC and attainment
(a) without and (b) with interactions between ethnic group and SEC.

Figure (a) Figure (b)

These interaction effects between ethnic groups and SEC are highly statistically
significant, particularly for the Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Black Caribbean and Black
African groups. We can see this from the sig values for the interaction terms which
show p<.000 for Pakistani and Bangladeshi and p<.01 for the Black Caribbean and
Black African groups. They are also quite large as can be seen in Figure 3.11.3.
Note here that the lines are no longer parallel because we have allowed for different
slopes in our regression model. Thus the slope for White British students is
significantly steeper than for most ethnic minority groups, indicating the difference in
attainment between students from high SEC and low SEC homes is particularly
pronounced for White British students. Looking at the predicted values we see that
the differences between ethnic groups from lower SEC homes are much smaller
than the differences among high SEC homes. Rather than a constant difference
between White British and Black Caribbean students of 4.25 score points at every
SEC value, as indicated by model 3 without the interaction terms, the difference is
actually 6.0 points at SEC=1 (Higher managerial and professional homes) , 3.7
points at SEC=5 (lower supervisory) and only 1.9 points at SEC=8 (long term
unemployed). There are clear interaction effects.

Have we improved the fit of our model?

The inclusion of the interaction terms does not at first glance appear to have
substantially improved the overall fit of the model; the r2 has only risen from 17.0% to
17.3% (Figure 3.11.4). You might ask therefore whether the cost in added
complexity caused by adding seven new interaction variables to the model was
justified. While we do not appear to have explained a lot of additional variance in

age 14 standard score, we can test the significance of the increase in r2 by re-
running our regression analysis with a few changes.
(a) On the main regression menu add the explanatory variables in two „blocks‟.
The first (Block 1) is entered as normal and should include only SEC, gender
and the ethnic dummy variables (e1 – e7). This is the „main effects‟ model.
Click the Next button (shown below) to switch to a blank window and enter
the variables for the second block. In this second window (Block 2) add the
interaction terms which we created (e1sec – e7sec). This is the „interaction‟
model. Note that the variables you included in Block 1 are automatically
included in the interaction model. Including a second block simply means
adding new variables to the model specified in the first block.

(b) Before moving on go to the Statistics sub-menu (one of the buttons on the
right of the main regression menu) and check the box marked „R squared
change‟. This essentially asks SPSS to directly compare the predictive power
(r2) of each model and to test if the difference between the two is statistically
significant. This way we can directly test whether adding the interaction effect
terms improves our model.

When you are happy with the setup, click OK to run the analysis.

For an alternative method for re-running the analysis use the syntax below.

/METHOD=ENTER sec gender e1 to e7 /ENTER= e1sec to e7sec.

We get the following output under Model Summary.

Figure 3.11.4: Model summary and change statistics for Model 5

We are interested here in the columns headed „Change Statistics‟ and specifically in
the second row which compares Block 2 (the interaction model) against Block 1 (the
main effects model). We can see that the increase in r2 for the interaction model,
while small at 0.3%, is highly statistically significant („Sig. F Change‟, p<.000). So
while the increase in overall r2 is small the model with interactions gives a
significantly better fit to the data than we get if the interactions are not included. In
short our interaction model is a much more precise and accurate summary of the
pattern of mean scores across our different explanatory variables. However the
relatively low r2 at 17.3% indicates that there is considerable variation in attainment
between students within each category of the explanatory variables. Thus
predictions of the attainment of any individual student based simply on knowledge of
their SEC, ethnicity and gender, will have a large degree of imprecision. We will see
later how adding further explanatory variables (such as prior attainment at age 11,
Page 3.13) can substantially improve the r2 for the model.

3.12 Exploring interactions between two nominal variables
(Model 6)

The above process is relatively easy to compute (yes, I‟m afraid it will get a little
harder below!) but has the same problem of data loss we identified earlier. The 2941
cases that have no valid value for SEC are excluded from the model. As before we
can avoid this data loss if we transform SEC to a set of dummy variables and
explicitly include missing values as an additional dummy category. This has the
advantages outlined on Page 3.8. However if we keep the full eight SEC categories
this would lead to a very large number of interaction terms: 7 ethnic group dummies *
8 SEC dummies (including the dummy variable for missing cases) = 56 separate
interaction terms! This is substantially higher than the seven new variables we
included when we treated SEC as a continuous variable on page 3.11. Needless to
say this analysing this would be a painful experience... In the interest of a
parsimonious model it is unhelpful to add so many additional variables. One way to
make the interactions more manageable is to „collapse‟ the SEC variable into a
smaller number of values by combining some categories.

Step 1: Collapse SEC to three levels

The Office for National Statistics socio-economic class (NS-SEC) coding system was
used in this study. The system includes criteria for identifying 8, 5 or 3 class versions
of SEC (see Resources page). To simplify the structure we recode SEC from the
eight to the three class version, which combines higher and lower managerial and
professional (class 1 and 2), intermediate, small employers and lower supervisory
(classes 3 to 5) and semi-routine, routine and unemployed groups (classes 6 to 8).
We will also create a new category for those with missing values for SEC.

All of the variables and interaction terms over the rest of this page have already been
created for you in the LSYPE 15000 MLR , so you do not need to create them
yourself. However, if you would like to follow the process exactly then feel free! You
can either use the Recode menu (see Module 1) or you can run the syntax below
(which will also produce a frequency table for the new variables) to create the
required 3 item SEC variable:

RECODE SEC (0=0)(1 thru 2=1)(3 thru 5=2)(6 thru 8=3) INTO SECshort.
VALUE labels SECshort 0'missing' 1'Managerial & professional' 2 'Intermediate'
3'Routine, semi-routine or unemployed'.
FORMATS secshort (F1.0).
FREQ SECshort.

The new variable looks like this:

Figure 3.12.1: Frequencies for collapsed SEC variable
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 0 missing 2941 18.6 18.6 18.6
1 Managerial & professional 4650 29.5 29.5 48.1
2 Intermediate 4058 25.7 25.7 73.9
3 Routine, semi-routine or unemployed 4121 26.1 26.1 100.0
Total 15770 100.0 100.0

We can then calculate dummy variables for the collapsed variable, taking category 3
(low SEC) as the base or reference category.

RECODE secshort (1=1)(else=0) into SEChigh.
RECODE secshort (2=1)(else=0) into SECmed.
RECODE secshort (0=1)(else=0) into SECmiss.
FORMATS sechigh SECmed SECmiss (F1.0).

We should note that collapsing a variable is not only useful if we want to test
interactions, it is most often necessary where the number of cases in a cell is
particularly low. Figure 3.12.2 shows the Crosstab of SEC and ethnic group. We can
see there were only three Bangladeshi students in SEC class 1. By combining SEC
classes 1 and 2 we increase the number of Bangladeshi students in the high SEC
cell to 35. This is still relatively low compared to other ethnic groups, but will provide
a more robust estimate than previously.

Figure 3.12.2: Crosstabulation of SEC by ethnic group

Step 2: Create the interaction terms

As before to create the interaction terms we simply multiply each ethnic dummy
variable by the relevant SEC dummy variable. Again, we have done this for you in
the LSYPE 15000 MLR dataset but if you want to do it yourself you can use the
Compute option (see Module 1) or the syntax below.

COMPUTE e1high = e1*sechigh.
COMPUTE e1med = e1*secmed.
COMPUTE e1miss = e1*secmiss.
COMPUTE e2high = e2*sechigh.
COMPUTE e2med = e2*secmed.
COMPUTE e2miss = e2*secmiss.
COMPUTE e3high = e3*sechigh.
COMPUTE e3med = e3*secmed.
COMPUTE e3miss = e3*secmiss.
COMPUTE e4high = e4*sechigh.
COMPUTE e4med = e4*secmed.
COMPUTE e4miss = e4*secmiss.
COMPUTE e5high = e5*sechigh.
COMPUTE e5med = e5*secmed.
COMPUTE e5miss = e5*secmiss.
COMPUTE e6high = e6*sechigh.
COMPUTE e6med = e6*secmed.
COMPUTE e6miss = e6*secmiss.
COMPUTE e7high = e7*sechigh.
COMPUTE e7med = e7*secmed.
COMPUTE e7miss = e7*secmiss.
FORMATS e1high to e7miss (F1.0).
/e1high 'Mixed heritage * high' e1med 'Mixed heritage * medium' e1miss 'Mixed
heritage * missing'
/e2high 'Indian * high' e2med 'Indian * medium' e2miss 'Indian * missing'
/e3high 'Pakistani * high' e3med 'Pakistani * medium' e3miss 'Pakistani * missing'
/e4high 'Bangladeshi * high' e4med 'Bangladeshi * medium' e4miss 'Bangladeshi *
/e5high 'Black Caribbean*high' e5med 'Black Caribbean*med' e5miss 'Black
/e6high 'Black African*high' e6med 'Black African * medium' e6miss 'Black African *
/e7high 'Any other * high' e7med 'Any Other * medium' e7miss 'Any Other *

Step 3: Add the interaction terms to the model

Now we can see the relationship between ethnic group, SEC and attainment using
the full sample of students. Run the regression analysis including all main and
interaction variables: ks3stand (Dependent), SEChigh, SECmed, SECmiss, gender,
e1-e7 and all interaction terms (e.g. e1high, e1med, e1miss, e2high, e2med, e2miss,

etc. Twenty-one terms in total). Remember to request predicted values from the
SAVE submenu (which will be saved by default to the variable PRE_3 because this
is the third time we have asked SPSS to save predicted values). Figure 3.12.3
shows the coefficient output.

Figure 3.12.3: Regression coefficients output for Model 6

Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -4.142 .211 -19.630 .000
SEChigh 9.056 .258 .412 35.057 .000
SECmed 4.147 .268 .184 15.480 .000
SECmiss 2.500 .311 .096 8.040 .000
gender Gender 1.073 .154 .054 6.973 .000
e1 Mixed heritage -.437 .687 -.010 -.637 .524
e2 Indian 1.883 .580 .048 3.247 .001
e3 Pakistani -1.802 .529 -.044 -3.407 .001
e4 Bangladeshi -.452 .546 -.010 -.827 .408
e5 Black Caribbean -2.668 .804 -.051 -3.319 .001
e6 Black African -3.388 .643 -.066 -5.273 .000
e7 Any other ethnic group .361 .739 .007 .489 .625
e1high Mixed heritage * high -.353 .912 -.005 -.387 .699
e1med Mixed heritage * medium .494 1.004 .005 .492 .623
e1miss Mixed heritage * missing -.046 1.092 .000 -.042 .966
e2high Indian * high -1.650 .883 -.020 -1.870 .062
e2med Indian * medium -.054 .812 -.001 -.066 .947
e2miss Indian * missing .130 .905 .002 .144 .885
e3high Pakistani * high -1.259 1.070 -.011 -1.176 .240
e3med Pakistani * medium -1.979 .815 -.025 -2.428 .015
e3miss Pakistani * missing -2.278 .855 -.028 -2.664 .008
e4high Bangladeshi * high -1.861 1.685 -.009 -1.104 .270
e4med Bangladeshi * medium -2.733 1.016 -.025 -2.690 .007
e4miss Bangladeshi * missing -1.443 .867 -.018 -1.665 .096
e5high Black Caribbean * high -3.167 1.086 -.034 -2.916 .004
e5med Black Caribbean * medium -1.304 1.128 -.013 -1.156 .248
e5miss Black Caribbean * missing -.680 1.235 -.006 -.551 .582
e6high Black African*high -1.473 1.015 -.015 -1.451 .147
e6med Black African * medium 1.053 1.220 .008 .863 .388
e6miss Black African * missing 2.244 1.085 .020 2.069 .039
e7high Any other * high -.402 1.069 -.004 -.376 .707
e7med Any Other * medium -.857 1.083 -.009 -.792 .429
e7miss Any Other * missing -.441 1.114 -.004 -.396 .692

The output initially might look a little overwhelming as there are a considerable
number of variables included, but this is still small compared to many models! We‟re
not sure if that is reassuring or not... The good thing is that the interpretation of the
output is substantially the same as we saw on Page 3.11.

The constant coefficient gives the intercept for our reference group, which is
White British, boys from low SEC homes.

The SEChigh and SECmedium coefficients are directly interpretable as the
„boost‟ to attainment for White British pupils associated with residing in medium
and high SEC homes. There is a strong boost for Medium SEC (4.2 score
points) and particularly for high SEC homes (9.1 score points).

The ethnic coefficients represent the difference in attainment between each

ethnic group and White British students in the reference group (low SEC homes).
We see for example that Black Caribbean low SEC students on average score
about 2.7 points lower than their White British low SEC peers. In contrast Indian
students score about 1.9 points higher than their low SEC White British peers.
Both effects are highly statistically significant (p<.001).

The ethnic * SEC interaction terms show how the boosts associated with medium
and high SEC homes vary by ethnic group. Take for example Black Caribbean
students from high SEC homes. The boost associated with high SEC homes for
White British students is about 9.1 points, but for Black Caribbean students it is
lower, 9.056 + (-3.167) = 5.9 score points.

As before a good way of interpreting this data is to calculate what the predicted age
14 standard scores are from the model.

Predicted age 14 score for White British boys from high SEC homes:
As White British boys are the reference group this value will be calculated from just
two terms: intercept + high SEC coeff.
Ŷ = -4.142 + 9.056 = 4.914

Predicted age 14 score for Black Caribbean boys from high SEC homes:
This will be calculated from: intercept + Black Caribbean coeff. + high SEC
coefficient + Black Caribbean*High interaction coeff.
Ŷ = -4.142 + -2.668 + 9.056 + -3.167 = -.921

Note that gender is just modelled as a main effect (it has not been allowed to interact
with SEC or ethnic group), so you would just add 1.073 to get the predicted values
for girls from any ethnic or SEC group. Again we can plot the predicted value that we
saved earlier when we specified the regression model (the values were saved as the
variable PRE_3).

NOTE: For the purpose of plotting this graph we have excluded the cases where
SEC was missing by first setting the missing values code for SECshort to 0
(remember 0 indicated missing values). If you want to know how we did this, view
the syntax below:

MISSING VALUES secshort(0).
GRAPH /LINE(MULTIPLE)MEAN(pre_3) BY secshort by Ethnic.

If you prefer, you can use the Select Cases option.

Figure 3.12.4: Predicted values for attainment at age 14 including

interactions between ethnic group and SEC
(Both coded as dummy variables)

There are significant interactions between the Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups and
medium SEC (p=.015 and p=.007 respectively) and between Black Caribbean and
high SEC (p=.004). The effects are not only statistically significant they are also quite
large, as can be seen in Figure 3.12.3. Note here that the regression lines are no
longer parallel because we have allowed for different slopes in our regression model.
The slope for White British students is significantly steeper than for most ethnic
minority groups indicating the differences between high SEC and low SEC homes is
particularly pronounced for White British students. Looking at the coefficients in
Figure 3.12.3 we see that the differences between ethnic groups from lower SEC
homes are much smaller than the differences among high SEC homes. Note that the
significance tests for the ethnic group coefficients in the SPSS output are for ethnic
differences in the reference group of low SEC homes. If we want to test the
significance of the ethnic group differences in high SEC homes we can just change

our reference group to high SEC. Similarly if we want to test the significance of the
ethnic difference at medium SEC we could change reference group to Medium SEC.

Have we improved the fit of our model?

Again we can test whether we have significantly improved the r2 by entering the
variables in two blocks and calculating the r2 change (see Page 3.11). Block 1 should
include SEC, gender and ethnic group (the „main effects‟ model), while the
interaction terms should be added in Block 2 (the „interaction‟ model).

Figure 3.12.5: Model summary and change statistics for Model 6

In Figure 3.12.5, which we received as part of our regression output, we are

interested here in the columns headed „Change Statistics‟ and specifically in the
second row which compares Block 2 (the interaction model) against Block 1 (the
main effects model). We can see that the increase in r2 for the interaction model,
while small at 0.3%, is highly statistically significant (p<.003). So while the increase
in overall r2 is small, the model with interactions gives a significantly better fit to the
data than we get if the interactions are not included.

3.13: A value added model (Model 7)

In all the models we have computed so far we have not included the variable which
we saw in the SLR module had the biggest impact on age 14 score, namely test
score at age 11. We now will include age 11 test score in our model. We should note
that adding this variable changes the conceptual nature of our outcome. By
evaluating attainment at age 14, after the variance associated with attainment at age
11 has been taken into account, we are effectively evaluating progress between age
11 and age 14. Positive residuals will indicate students making greater than average
progress age 11 to age 14, while negative residuals will indicate pupil making less
than the average progress between age 11 and 14.

So let‟s run Model 6 again, but this time also include age 11 score as a explanatory
variable. Additionally, so that we can test whether our interaction terms give a
statistically significant increase in r2 or not, we will enter the variables in two separate
blocks and calculate the r2 change, as we did on Page 3.11. First, put ks3stand in
the Dependent box. Next add ks2stand, SEChigh, SECmed, SECmiss, gender, and
e1-e7 as explanatory variables in Block 1. Finally add all the interaction terms (e.g.
e1high, e1med, e1miss, e2high, e2med, e2miss, etc.) as explanatory variables in
Block 2. If you want to save the predicted variables they will be called PRE_4 but
you do not need them this time so you may prefer to uncheck the unstandardized
Predictors box in the SAVE menu.

The figure below shows the model summary (Figure 3.13.1). The r2 increase
massively from 17.0% in Model 6 up to 79.6% in this model. This testifies to the
power of prior attainment as a predictive factor. By knowing how well a student was
achieving at age 11, we can explain nearly 80% of the variance in how well they
achieve at age 14. It is notable though that the ethnic by SEC interaction terms do
not Increase r2 significantly. Comparing the main effects model with the interaction
model we see that there is no evidence that the inclusion of the interaction terms
raises the r2 of the model („Sig. F Change‟, p = .127). The model explains 79.6% of
the variance in age 14 scores with or without the interaction effects.

Figure 3.13.1: Model summary when including prior attainment

Figure 3.13.2 presents the regression output. While age 11 score is the most
powerful predictor in the model (look at the Beta values to get a relative idea) it is not
the only significant explanatory variable in the model. SEC still has a significant
association with student progress. White British students from medium SEC homes

make 1.2 points greater progress than students of the same prior attainment from
low SEC homes, and White British students from high SEC homes make 2.5 points
more progress than students with the same age 11 scores from low SEC homes.
Gender is also still highly significant, with girls making 0.54 points more progress
than boys after control for prior attainment and SEC. Remember that these are
effects on student progress. They therefore indicate that social class and gender
gaps increase between age 11 and age 14, that is the gaps get wider.

Figure 3.13.2: Coefficients output (Model 7)

Model Standardi
Unstandardized Coefficie
Coefficients nts
B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -1.272 .103 -12.377 .000
SEChigh 2.408 .128 .112 18.748 .000
SECmed 1.199 .130 .055 9.236 .000
SECmiss .722 .151 .028 4.795 .000
gender Gender .539 .075 .028 7.169 .000
e1 Mixed heritage -.616 .334 -.014 -1.846 .065
e2 Indian 1.420 .281 .037 5.059 .000
e3 Pakistani .569 .257 .014 2.213 .027
e4 Bangladeshi .322 .269 .007 1.197 .231
e5 Black Caribbean -.698 .404 -.014 -1.727 .084
e6 Black African .610 .367 .011 1.663 .096
e7 Any other ethnic group 1.748 .381 .034 4.590 .000
e1high Mixed heritage * high .549 .445 .007 1.234 .217
e1med Mixed heritage * medium .949 .487 .011 1.949 .051
e1miss Mixed heritage * missing .949 .533 .009 1.781 .075
e2high Indian * high -.339 .429 -.004 -.790 .429
e2med Indian * medium .069 .393 .001 .177 .860
e2miss Indian * missing .334 .440 .004 .760 .447
e3high Pakistani * high .844 .539 .007 1.566 .117
e3med Pakistani * medium -.358 .396 -.005 -.904 .366
e3miss Pakistani * missing -.655 .419 -.008 -1.562 .118
e4high Bangladeshi * high .558 .828 .003 .673 .501
e4med Bangladeshi * medium -1.078 .499 -.010 -2.161 .031
e4miss Bangladeshi * missing .023 .429 .000 .054 .957
e5high Black Caribbean * high -.454 .539 -.005 -.842 .400
e5med Black Caribbean * medium -.609 .560 -.006 -1.087 .277
e5miss Black Caribbean * missing -.044 .616 .000 -.072 .943
e6high Black African*high -.365 .558 -.003 -.654 .513
e6med Black African * medium .287 .667 .002 .431 .667
e6miss Black African * missing -.090 .603 -.001 -.149 .881
e7high Any other * high -.958 .554 -.009 -1.730 .084
e7med Any Other * medium -.846 .553 -.008 -1.529 .126
e7miss Any Other * missing -.768 .575 -.007 -1.335 .182
ks2stand Age 11 standard marks .845 .004 .858 211.393 .000

Why are the interaction terms no longer significant? The results indicate that some of
the ethnic by SEC interactions at age 14 reflect differences in prior attainment at age
11 (not included in earlier models). For example Black Caribbean high SEC students

tend to have lower scores at age 11 than White British high SEC students, and this is
one reason the age 14 attainment of Black Caribbean high SEC students may have
been lower than their White British high SEC peers. Once we take this factor into
account the interaction terms are no longer significant. The only exception is
Bangladeshi * Medium SEC (p=.031). This may have emerged as statistically
significant at the .05 confidence level due to the fact that multiple pairwise
comparisons (t-tests) were made. At the .05 level you can expect 1 in 20 pairwise
comparisons to emerge as statistically significance by chance alone!

We have arrived at the final model for our regression analysis. HOORAY! Given the
interaction terms are not significant, we revert to the eight class SEC variable we
used earlier, treated as a set of dummy variables. Our final model (Model 7) is:
ks3stand (Dependent), sc0-sc7, gender, e1-e7 and ks2stand.

The r2 value of this model is 79.6%, and the coefficients table is presented below.

Figure 3.13.3: Final regression model

Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coeffs
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
(Constant) -1.621 .166 -9.752 .000
sc1 Higher managerial & professional 3.478 .203 .104 17.166 .000
sc2 Lower managerial & professional 2.388 .180 .097 13.266 .000
sc3 Intermediate 1.494 .218 .037 6.868 .000
sc4 small employers & own account 2.006 .191 .064 10.491 .000
sc5 Lower supervisory & technical .954 .196 .029 4.864 .000
sc6 semi-routine .593 .192 .019 3.093 .002
sc7 routine .339 .196 .010 1.723 .085
sc0 missing 1.070 .175 .042 6.104 .000
gender Gender .556 .075 .029 7.429 .000
e1 Mixed heritage -.027 .170 -.001 -.160 .873
e2 Indian 1.413 .150 .037 9.420 .000
e3 Pakistani .370 .161 .009 2.299 .021
e4 Bangladeshi .265 .185 .006 1.430 .153
e5 Black Caribbean -.926 .199 -.018 -4.647 .000
e6 Black African .571 .221 .010 2.586 .010
e7 Any other ethnic group 1.117 .201 .022 5.556 .000
ks2stand Age 11 standard marks .842 .004 .855 210.50 .000

The next step is to test the adequacy of the model specification and whether the
assumptions of multiple regression analysis, as outlined on Page 3.3, have been
successfully met.

3.14 Model diagnostics and checking your assumptions

So far we have looked at building a multiple regression model in a very simple way.
We have not yet engaged with the assumptions and issues which are so important to
achieving valid and reliable results. In order to obtain the relevant diagnostic
statistics you will need to run the analysis again, this time altering the various SPSS
option menus along the way.

Let‟s use this opportunity to build model 7 from the beginning. Take the following
route through SPSS: Analyse> Regression > Linear and set up the regression. We
will use model 7 which is: ks3stand as the outcome variable, with the explanatory
variables as ks2stand, gender, e1-e7 (ethnicity) and sc0-sc7 (Socio-economic class).
Don‟t click ok yet!

We will need to make changes in the submenus in order to get access to the
necessary information for checking the assumptions and issues. Let‟s start with the
Statistics and Plots submenus.

Many of these options should be familiar to you from the previous module.

We will request the Estimates, Descriptives and Model fit from the Statistics
submenu. We also recommend that you get the Confidence Intervals this time as

they provide the range of possible values for each of your explanatory variable‟s b
coefficients within which you can be 95% sure that the true value lies. In addition we
now have the potential issue of our explanatory variables being too highly correlated,
so we should also get hold of the Multicollinearity Diagnostics.

It is worth also collecting the Casewise Diagnostics. These will tell us which cases
have residuals that are three or more standard deviations away from the mean.
These are the cases with the largest errors and may well be outliers (note that you
can change the number of standard deviations from 3 if you wish to be more or less

You should exercise the same options as before in the Plots menu. Create a
scatterplot which plots the standardized predicted value (ZPRED) on the x-axis and
the standardized residual on the y-axis (ZRESID) so that you can check the
assumption of homoscedasticity. As before we should also request the Histogram
and Normal Probability Plot (P-P plot) in order to check that our residuals are
normally distributed. Head back to Page 2.7 of our previous module if you need to
jog your memory about how to do all of this on SPSS.

We should also obtain some useful new variables from the Save menu.

From the Residuals section it is worth requesting the Standardized residuals as

these can be useful for additional analysis. It is also worth getting the Cook’s
distance from the Distances section. The Cook‟s distance statistic is a good way of
identifying cases which may be having an undue influence on the overall model.
Cases where the Cook‟s distance is greater than 1 may be problematic. Once you
have obtained them as a separate variable you can search for any cases which may
be unduly influencing your model. We don‟t need the Unstandardized Predicted
values for our purposes here.

Now that we have selected our outcome and explanatory variables and altered all of
the relevant submenus it is time to run the analysis... click OK.

SPSS seems to have had a great time and has spat out a vast array of tables and
plots, some of which are so alarmingly large that they do not even fit on the screen!
We hope that, by now, you are getting used to SPSS being overenthusiastic and do
not find this too disconcerting! Rather than reproduce all of that extraneous
information here we will discuss only the important bits.

The Descriptive Statistics table is always worth glancing over as it allows you to
understand the basic spread of your data. Note that the dummy variables for
ethnicity and SEC can only vary between 0 and 1. Next we have a truly monstrous
Correlations table. We have not included it because it would probably crash the
internet... or at least make this page harder to read! However, it is very useful to
know the correlations between the variables and whether they are statistically
significant. The Correlations table is also useful for looking for multicollinearity. If
any two explanatory variables have a Pearson‟s coefficient of 0.80 or greater there
may be cause for concern – they may actually be measures of the same underlying
factor. We have also ignored the Variables Entered/Removed table as it merely
provides a summary of all of the variables we have included in our current model.

The model summary (Figure 3.14.1) provides us with a new value for r2 for our
expanded model, r2 =.797. The model explains about 80% of the variance in age 14
score. From the ANOVA table we can see that F = 3198.072, df =17, p < .0005. This
means that, as hoped, the regression model we have constructed is better at
predicting the outcome variable than using the mean outcome (it generates a
significantly smaller sum of residuals).

Figure 3.14.1: r and r2 for expanded model

Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .893a .797 .797 4.392

The Coefficients table (Figure 3.14.2) is frighteningly massive to account for the
large number of variables it now encompasses. However, aside from a few small
additions, it is interpreted in the exact same way as in the previous example so don‟t
let it see your fear! We won‟t go through each variable in turn (we think you‟re
probably ready to have a go at interpreting this yourself now) but let‟s look at the key
points for diagnostics. Note we‟ve had to shrink our table down to fit it on the screen!

Figure 3.14.2: Coefficients table for full model
Unstandardized Stand. Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients Coeff Interval for B Statistics
Std. Lower Upper
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound Tol VIF
(Constant) -1.621 .166 -9.75 .000 -1.946 -1.295
Age 11 standard marks .842 .004 .855 210.50 .000 .834 .849 .888 1.13
Gender .556 .075 .029 7.43 .000 .409 .703 .996 1.00
Mixed heritage -.027 .170 -.001 -.16 .873 -.361 .307 .975 1.03
Indian 1.413 .150 .037 9.42 .000 1.119 1.707 .966 1.04
Pakistani .370 .161 .009 2.30 .021 .055 .686 .916 1.09
Bangladeshi .265 .185 .006 1.43 .153 -.098 .627 .905 1.10
Black Caribbean -.926 .199 -.018 -4.65 .000 -1.317 -.536 .972 1.03
Black African .571 .221 .010 2.59 .010 .138 1.003 .966 1.04
Any other ethnic group 1.117 .201 .022 5.57 .000 .723 1.511 .975 1.03
SEC missing 1.070 .175 .042 6.10 .000 .726 1.413 .311 3.22
Higher managerial and 3.478 .203 .104 17.17 .000 3.081 3.875 .398 2.52
professional occupations
Lower managerial and 2.388 .180 .097 13.27 .000 2.035 2.741 .273 3.66
professional occupations
Intermediate occupations 1.494 .218 .037 6.87 .000 1.068 1.921 .506 1.97
Small employers and own 2.006 .191 .064 10.49 .000 1.631 2.380 .394 2.54
account workers
Lower supervisory and .954 .196 .029 4.86 .000 .569 1.338 .412 2.43
technical occupations
Semi-routine occupations .593 .192 .019 3.09 .002 .217 .969 .399 2.51
Routine occupations .339 .196 .010 1.72 .085 -.046 .724 .429 2.33

Because we requested multicollinearity statistics and confidence intervals from

SPSS you will notice that we have four more columns at the end of the coefficients
table. The 95% confidence interval tells us the upper and lower bounds for which we
can be confident that the true value of b coefficient lies. Examining this is a good way
of ascertaining how much error there is in our model and therefore how confident we
can be in the conclusions that we draw from it. Finally the Collinearity Statistics tell
us the extent to which there is multicollinearity between our variables. If the value for
the Tolerance is less than 10 and the value of the VIF is close to 1 for each
explanatory variable then there is probably no cause for concern. The VIF for some
of the SEC variables suggests we may have some issues with multicollinearity which
require further investigation. However looking at the correlations table reveals that
correlations between variables are weak despite often being statistically significant
which allays our concerns about multicollinearity.

Collinearity Diagnostics emerge from our output next. We will not discuss this here
because understanding the exact nature of this table is beyond the scope of this
website. The table is part of the calculation of the collinearity statistics. The
Casewise Diagnostics table is a list of all cases for which the residual‟s size
exceeds 3. We haven‟t included it here because as you can see there are over 100
cases with residuals of this size! There are several ways of dealing with these
outliers. If it looks as though they are the result of a mistake during data entry the
case could be removed from analysis. Close to one hundred cases seems like a lot
but is actually not too unexpected given the size of our sample – it is less than 1% of
the total participants. The outliers will have a relatively small impact on the model but
keeping them means our sample may better represent the diversity of the population.

We created a variable which provides us with the Cook’s Distance for each case
which is labelled as COO_1 in your dataset. If a case has a Cook‟s distance of
greater than 1 it may be an overly influential case that warrants exclusion from the
analysis. You can look at the descriptive statistics for Cook‟s distance to ascertain if
any cases are overly influential. If you have forgotten how to calculate the descriptive
statistics, all you need to do is take the following route through SPSS: Analyze >
Descriptive Statistics > Descriptives (see Module 1 if you require a reminder).
Figure 3.14.3 shows the output. As you can see the maximum value of Cook‟s
distance in our sample is .00425 which far less than the value of 1 which may be a
cause for concern. We do not appear to have any problematic cases in our sample.

Figure 3.14.3: Descriptive statistics for Cook’s distance Model 7

The Residuals Statistics (Figure 3.14.4) summarize the nature of the residuals and
predicted values in the model (big surprise!). It is worth glancing at so you can get a
better understanding of the spread of values that the model predicts and the range of
error within the model.

Figure 3.14.4: Residual statistics for model

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted Value -22.75 35.24 .41 8.704 13845
Residual -29.355 20.986 .000 4.390 13845
Std. Predicted Value -2.660 4.002 .000 1.000 13845
Std. Residual -6.683 4.778 .000 .999 13845

Next we have the plots and graphs that we requested. A Histogram of the residuals
(Figure 3.14.5) suggests that they are close to being normally distributed but there
are more residuals close to zero than perhaps you would expect.

Figure 3.14.5: Histogram of standardized model residuals

The P-P plot (Figure 3.14.6) is a little more reassuring. There does seem to be
some deviation from normality between the observed cumulative probabilities of 0.2
and 0.6 but it appears to be minor. Overall there does not appear to be a severe
problem with non-normality of residuals.

Figure 3.14.6: P-P plot of standardized model residuals

This Scatterplot (which we have altered with binning in Figure 3.14.7 to clarify)
shows that the residuals are not distributed in any pattern with the predicted values.
This suggests that our model does not violate the assumption of homoscedasticity.

Figure 3.14.7: Scatterplot of standardized residuals against standardized
predicted values

Finally, we created a variable for the Standardized Residuals of the model which
has appeared in your data file labelled as ZRE_1. If you wanted to perform certain
analyses regarding which groups or cases the model is more accurate for (e.g. do
certain ethnic groups have a smaller mean residual than others?) than creating this
variable is very useful.

Now we have run our multiple regression with all of the explanatory variables let‟s
have a look at how to report the results...

3.15 Reporting your results

As we said before, you should check the style guide for your university or target
audience before writing up and avoid cutting and pasting SPSS output into your
report! That said, we could report our multiple regression in the following way:

A multiple linear regression was carried out to ascertain the extent to which age 11
test scores, socio-economic class, gender and ethnicity can predict age 14 test
scores. The regression model predicted 79.7% of the variance. The model was
suitable for predicting the outcome (F = 3198.1, df = 17, p < .000). The coefficients
for the explanatory variables are tabulated below:
B SE t Sig.
Constant -1.62 .166 -9.9 .000
Age 11 (KS2) score .842 .004 210.5 .000
Gender (Girls versus boys) .566 .075 7.4 .000
Mixed heritage -.027 .170 -.16 .873
Indian 1.41 .150 9.4 .000
Pakistani .37 .161 2.3 .021
Bangladeshi .27 .185 1.4 .153
Black Caribbean -.93 .199 -4.7 .000
Black African .57 .221 2.6 .010
Any other ethnic group 1.12 .201 5.6 .000
White British (reference) 0
Higher managerial & professional 3.48 .203 17.2 .000
Lower managerial & professional 2.39 .180 13.3 .000
Intermediate occupations 1.49 .218 6.9 .000
Small employers and own account workers 2.01 .191 10.5 .000
Lower supervisory & technical occupations .95 .196 4.9 .000
Semi-routine occupations .59 .192 3.1 .002
Routine occupations .34 .196 1.7 .085
SEC missing data 1.07 .175 6.1 .000
Never worked/Unemployed (reference) 0

Age 11 score was the strongest predictor of age 14 score. However gender, ethnicity
and socio-economic class still accounted for a statistically significant amount of the

variance. Students from higher managerial and professional homes obtained on
average a score 3.5 points higher than the lowest social class (long-term
unemployed) even when prior attainment at age 11, gender and ethnicity were
controlled. In relation to ethnicity, Black Caribbean students scored approximately
1.0 point lower at age 14, and Indian students scored 1.4 points higher, than White
British students. Both results were highly statistically significant (p<.000). Gender
differences were also statistically significant with girls scoring 0.6 of a mark higher
than boys, again after control for prior attainment, ethnicity and social class.

We think you should take our quiz and work through our exercises before moving on
to the next module. Go on – it will be FUN! Well, sort of...


The following questions are slightly different in style to the ones you encountered in
the previous module. We asked you to run a full analysis last time but we are now
dealing with far more complex models and a single worked example would be way
too big! Instead we have broken the process down into smaller questions which are
easier to digest and more pleasant for your statistical palette. Don‟t worry; we will still
be testing you! You will still need to perform a full multiple linear regression analysis.
Note that you will also need to use the skills you learnt in previous modules.

Use the LSYPE 15,000 dataset to work through each question. As before we
recommend that you answer them in full sentences with supporting tables or graphs
where appropriate as this will help when you come to report your own research. The
answers are on the next page.

Note: The variable names as they appear in SPSS dataset are listed in brackets.

Question 1

There is a variable in the LSYPE data (singlepar) which indicates whether the pupil
lives in a single parent family (value=1) or not (value=0). What percentage of pupils
in the sample live in single parent families (singlepar)?

Use Frequencies to answer this question.

Question 2

Does the percentage of pupils with single parents (singlepar) vary across different
ethnic groups (ethnicity) and is the association statistically significant?

Use chi-square for this analysis.

Question 3

Is living in a single parent family (singlepar) related to educational attainment at age

14 (ks3stand), our outcome variable? Graphically display the relationship.

Use a bar chart.

Question 4

Is the relationship between age 14 attainment (ks3stand) and single parent family
(singlepar) statistically significant if you add singlepar to model 7 as an explanatory
variable? What is the importance of the single parent family variable relative to the
other explanatory variables in the model?

Run model 7 (Page 3.13) adding ‘single parent family’ (singlepar) as an explanatory

Question 5

Does adding the single parent family variable improve the predictive power of model
7 by a statistically significant increment?

Calculate R2 change using two blocks for your regression analysis.

Question 6

Does adding the single parent family (singlepar) variable cause any issues for the
assumption of homoscedasticity of variance?

Check the scatterplot of predicted score and standardized residual.


Question 1

This question can be answered by creating a frequency table (head to the

Foundation Module if you have forgotten how to do this).

As you can see just over 25% of the students in the sample come from a single
parent home.

Question 2

This question requires a crosstabulation with chi-square analysis. If you are rusty on
this, head over to Page 2.2.

The table shows that the percentage of those from a single parent family does
indeed vary between ethnic groups. For example, about 23% of the students from
White British backgrounds are from single parent households compared to nearly
56% of those from Black Caribbean backgrounds. We can test the statistical
significance of this association using chi-square.

As the test shows, the chi-square value of 756.6 is statistically significant (p < .005)
so it is unlikely that an association of this strength could have occurred in our sample
if there was no such association in the overall population.

Question 3

A bar chart which uses the mean of the age 14 exam scores (ks2stand) on the y-axis
is best for answering this question. If you can‟t quite recall how to do this the process
is described in the Foundation Module.

As you can see, the mean age 14 score for students from a single parent families is
substantially lower than average while those from backgrounds with two parents
score slightly higher than average.

Question 4

You will need to re-run model 7 (on Page 3.13) but add the single parent family
(singlepar) variable as a predictor. The basic procedures for running a regression
module start on Page 3.4. The table required for answering this question is the
coefficients table:

We have highlighted the single parent family variable. The columns marked t and sig
test tell us that the variable is contributing to the model to a statistically significant
degree (p < .005). The B-coefficient in the first column suggests that, even after all
the other variables in the model are held constant, those students from single parent
families score an average of -.854 less standard marks at age 14 than their peers
from families with two parents. Though this is significant, the Beta column puts this in

perspective by providing a standardized coefficient for all variables. The Beta value
of -.038 is much smaller than the one for age 11 exam score (.852) which shows that
prior attainment is a more powerful predictor of exam score by far.

Question 5

Answering this question requires you to break the model down in to two blocks, with
the first block being the original model 7 and the second block being model 7 plus
the single parent family variable. You will also need to request [glossary term='R
Squared' page='/fac/soc/wie/research-new/srme/glossary']R-square[/glossary]
change statistics from SPSS. The process for doing both of these things is explained
at the end of Page 3.11. The Model Summary is shown below, complete with R-
Square Change statistics.

The highlighted R square Change column for „model 2‟ (where singlepar was added)
shows that r2 only increases by .001 compared to the original model 7 (labelled „1‟
here – just to confuse you!). This means that only an additional 0.1% of the variance
in age 14 exam score was explained by the new model. This is a small amount but
that does not mean it is not a significant amount. The Sig. F Change indicates that
the enhanced model („2‟) is better at predicting the outcome to its predecessor („1‟) to
statistically significant level (p < .005).

Question 6

To check this assumption you will need to examine a scatterplot which has the
standardized predicted values for each participant on the x-axis and the
standardized residual for each participant on the y-axis. This is achieved using the
Plots submenu on the right hand side of the main regression window. Pages 3.3 and
3.14 discuss assumptions and how to test them if you are unsure how to do this.

The plot looks relatively unchanged from the one we saw when running diagnostics
on model 7 (Page 3.14). The points are spread out in a fairly random manner which
suggests that our assumption of homoscedasticity is likely to be safe!


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