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A Research Presented to the Faculty of


Senior High School Department

Poblacion, Liloan, Cebu


Group Members:
Gevechan B. Mata
Icy Marikit
John Carlo Pilapil
Michael Abucay

According to solar solar energy is broadly defined as the total
energy that the sun radiates through visible light and other unseen
electromagnetic waves. Solar energy include passive solar systems, solar thermal
system for water or space heating and solar power.
Solar power is a subset of solar energy more narrow term that typically
refers to the conversion of the sun’s rays to electricity. The two main kinds of solar
power system are photovoltaic (PV) system, which convert sunlight to electricity
directly with a semiconductor material, and concentrated solar power (CSP)
system that first convert sunlight to heat before using the heat to generate
The purpose of these research is to know how careful and ecofriendly
equipments and gadgets and how affects to our mother earth, but more expensive
than the common electricity. This study is focus on how many solar powered
equipment/gadget in Lilo-an National High School residence and how it affect to
their daily life.
Solar is a safe alternative which can replace current fossil fuels like coal
and gas for generation of electricity that produce air, water and land pollution
world wildlife fund (WWF), noted that electricity generation from fossil fuels
causes pollution of air leading to acid rain, damaged forest areas, and affected
agriculture production leading to loss of billions of dollars worldwide.
Statement of the Problem
This study focused in identify the Advantage and Disadvantages of Solar
Powered equipment as perceived by Faculty and Staff of Lilo-an National High
School Year 2017.
Specifically, It attempted to answer the ff questions.
1. What is the Profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Gender;
1.2 Age;
1.3 Position;
1.4 Monthly Salary;
1.5 Number of solar gadget or equipment;
2. Why you have solar powered equipment?
3. Why do we need solar power equipment in our social life?
4. What are the advantages in using solar powered equipments?
5. What are the effect of using solar powered equipment?
Theoretical framework
The study will look closely on the available solar powered equipment and
their specific advantage and disadvantages in the use of everyday activities. As
defined, solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity,
either directly using photovoltaics, indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a
combination. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and
tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. Photovoltaic
cells convert light into an electric current using the photovoltaic effect.
Many industrialized nation have installed significant solar power capacity
into their grids to supplement or provide an alternative to conventional energy
sources while an increasing number of less development nations have turned to
solar to reduce dependence on expensive imported fuels. Long distance
transmission allows remote renewable energy resources to displace fossil fuel
There is a reason why solar energy has become a trending topic when
talking about renewables. While it has been popularly criticized for being
expensive or not very efficient, solar energy has now proved to be very beneficial
not only for the environment but also financially speaking. Additionally, due to the
higher demand, the technology has been improved considerably, turning into a
very efficient source of clean energy.
Scope and Limitation
The study convers both the advantage and disadvantages of solar
powered equipments. The researchers will use available resources to gather data
on solar powered equipments specifically on documents available on the internet.
The researchers will also try to check on news articles regarding the use of such
equipments. Furthermore, the researchers will look on the availability of the
equipments in a smaller scale specifically on households.
The study will only cover solar powered equipments and their
advantages and disadvantages. The researchers will not therefore extend the
study regarding equipment’s cost, return of investment, economics, and ethical
dilemma if there is any.

Significance of the study

Solar energy is a renewable free source of energy that is sustainable
and totally inexhaustible, unlike fossil fuels which are finite. It is also a non-
polluting source of energy and it does not emit any greenhouse gases when
producing electricity. The solar electricity that is produced can supply our entire or
partial energy consumption. Thus, the study of the advantages and disadvantages
of solar powered equipments will help us in determining what equipment is readily
available to us and how it can help us as an individual and as a whole.
SPE- Solar Powered Equipments
Solar Power (SP) / Solar Energy (SE)- conversion of energy from sunlight into
electricity, either directly using photovoltaics, indirectly using concentrated solar
power, or a combination
Concentrated solar power plants-use solar thermal energy to make steam, that
is thereafter converted into electricity by a turbine
Hybrid systems- a hybrid system combines (C) PV and CSP with one another or
with other forms of generation such as diesel, wind and biogas.
CPV/CSP system-combining concentrator photovoltaics with the non-PV
technology of concentrated solar power, or also known as concentrated solar
PVT system-Convert solar radiation into thermal an electrical energy. Such a
system combines a solar (PV) module with a solar thermal collector in a
complementary way.
CPVT system-It uses concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) instead of convention PV
technology, and combines it with a solar thermal collector.
PV diesel system-It combines a photovoltaic system with a diesel generator.
Combinations with other renewables are possible and include wind turbines.
PV thermoelectric system-Thermoelectric devices convert a temperature
difference between dissimilar materials into an electric current.


Locally, there are still no available books for the specific topic on the
advantages and Disadvantages of solar powered equipment; hence, the
researchers will base the foundation of their study thru a number of particular
journals and pages from the world wide web or basically known as the internet.
Most of the sources that will include the conclusion of this study will be the
conducted interviews of our subjects who are using solar powered equipment and
those who are wanting to use one.

Primary Sources

Primary Power and PVs- According to This journal takes us
into the basics of solar power and photovoltaic in creating the necessary
background for how advantageous or disadvantageous solar powered equipment.
Solar Energy Electrocity- According to This journal
explains the different types of solar energy available today and how it can be
applied to household or commercial equipment.

Secondary Sources

Advantages and Disadvantages of solar energy- According to
This website tell us firsthand solar energy’s effects to everyday life.
Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages- According to IDC
Technologies in the point of view of commercial uses, this website systematically
classifies energy and its benefits to society as a whole.
Solar Power 101: Advantages and Disadvantages- Environment Science-
According to the article on this
website connects solar power to its effects to the environment; this is also helpful
in maintaining an objective stand on solar power.




Directions: Read and Understand the question carefully. Choose the right
answer. Put a check (✓) in the box provided.


Male Female



Faculty Staff Student

For Faculty or Staff Monthly Income:

₱31.000.00 and above ₱15,000.00-₱24,000.00

₱25,000.00- ₱30,000.00 ₱14,000.00 and below

For Student Monthly Allowance:

₱150.00- ₱200.00 ₱101.00- ₱199.00

₱120.00-₱140.00 ₱100 and below

Number of solar gadget:

1 2 3 4

Check as many as you have a gadget which is solar power:

Watch Radio Calculator

Flashlight Other specify

Usage Advantage DisAdvantages

Electricity use

Usage of the equipment

Easy to use


More expensive

Rainy season



Directions: Read and Understand the question carefully. Choose the right
answer. Put a check (✓) in the box provided.
28 42

Male Female

28 0 42

Faculty Staff Student

1 24
For Faculty or Staff Monthly Income:
3 0
₱31.000.00 and above ₱15,000.00-₱24,000.00

₱25,000.00- ₱30,000.00 ₱14,000.00 and below

16 0
For Student Monthly Allowance:
5 21
₱150.00- ₱200.00 ₱101.00- ₱199.00

₱120.00-₱140.00 ₱100 and below

24 26 10 10
Number of solar gadget:

1 2 3 4
21 24 42
Check as many as you have a gadget which is solar power:
Watch Radio Calculator
Flashlight Other specify

Usage Advantage DisAdvantages

Electricity use 69 1

Usage of the equipment 62 8

Easy to use 60 10

Durability 41 19

More expensive 45 15



TABLE 1: Gender


Gender Frequency Percentage %

Male 28 40
Female 42 60


In table 1, which is the respondents gender 40% belongs to male respondents

and 60% belongs to the female respondents.

TABLE 2:Position in Lilo-an National High School


Position Frequency Percentage %

Faculty 28 40%
Student 42 60%

In table 2, Which is the respondents position 40% are in faculty and 60% belongs
to the students.

TABLE 3: For Faculty and Staff Monthly Income


Monthly income Frequency Percentage %

₱15,000.00-₱24,000.00 24 86%

₱25,000.00-₱30,000.00 3 11%

₱31,000.00 and above 1 3%


The highest prevent is 86% when ₱15,000.00 to ₱24,000.00 Monthly followed by

11% which ₱25,000.00 to ₱30,000.00 and the lowest percent was ₱31,000.00

and above which have 3%.

TABLE 3:For Student Weekly Allowance

Monthly Allowance Frequency Percentage

₱150.00-₱200.00 16 38%

₱120.00-₱140.00 5 12%
₱100.00 and below 21 50%

Therefore 50% of the student have ₱100.00 and below weekly and the 38% for ₱

150.00 to ₱200.00 A week and the last was 12% which have the allowance of ₱

120.00 to ₱ 140.00

TABLE 4: Number of Gadget

Number of Gadget Frequency Percentage
1 24 35%
2 26 37%
3 10 14%
4 10 14%

So therefore the highest number of gadget is 2 have the percentage of 37%

followed by 1 have 35% then the last are both have 14% which is 3 and 4.

TABLE 5: Solar Gadgets

Gadget Frequency Percentage
Watch 21 15.5%
Radio 24 17.7%
Calculator 42 31%
Flashlight 41 30%
Other Specify 7 5%

The highest percentage which is calculator and have the percent of 31% it tells
us that it is very practical followed by flashlight have the percentage of 30%
closely to calculator and the other are radio have 17.7% watch have 15.5% and
lastly 5% for other gadget.
TABLE 6: The Advantage and Disadvantages
Usage Frequency Advantage Disadvantage
Electricity 69 98.5% 1.4%
Functionality 62 88.5% 11%
Durability 60 85.7% 14%
Price 91 58.5% 27%
Connectivity 45 64.2% 21%
During Raining

The table shows that electricity have 98.5% advantage and 88.5% for
functionality then the durability have the percent of 85.7% follow by price which
have 58.5% advantage and lastly connectivity during raining season have the
present of 64.2%.

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