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A Simple Guide to Duck


Partners in Sustainable Community Development

The Ministry of Food Production,

Land and Marine Affairs
Table of Contents
1 Preface 2

2 Introduction to Duck rearing 3

3 Types of Ducks 4

4 Advantages of Duck Farming 5

5 How many ducks should you raise? 6

6 Choosing a place to raise ducks 7

7 How to choose good ducks 8

8 How to handle your ducks 8

9 How to keep ducks safe and well 10

10 After you get your ducks 11

11 Nests 14

12 Raising Baby Ducks 15

13 Water 17

14 Feeding 18

15 Duck Health 19

This manual is designed as a resource guide to the participants of the Turtle Village Trust
Agricultural Training Programmes. It is intended to give an intermediate approach to
guide the reader/farmer in the basics of duck rearing with the intention of establishing a
sustainable enterprise.

Turtle Village Trust would like to acknowledge our partners in sustainable community
development BHP Billiton, JB Fernandes Memorial Trust and Atlantic LNG without
whom this valuable resource would not be possible. Turtle Village Trust would also like
to thank the Ministry of Food Production for their support in this project and all others
who contributed in making this endeavor possible.

Dr. Allan Bachan

Partners in Sustainable
Community Development

The Ministry of Food Production,

Land and Marine Affairs

2. Introduction to duck raising
Duck raising in Trinidad and Tobago, like raising chickens for meat,
can be a full-time specialized business requiring efficiency. The
growing commercial market for duck meat is linked with the increasing
population. Duck meat generally commands a good price, well above
the prices received for chicken. The meat is marketed as fresh, frozen
and chilled products, either whole or in parts.

There are problems associated with keeping ducks for egg production on a large scale
because of low egg numbers, high feed consumption and the need to house ducks in small
numbers. The main egg-laying breeds of ducks can lay more and larger eggs than can
hens, but ducks eat about 75% more feed.

For these reasons, most farmers concentrate on meat production. Ducks rearing is being
promoted to small community farmers as a means of sustainable livelihood development.
There are also a few smaller family farms that have ducks grown for them on contract
farms, as well as operators who are involved in all aspects of production, plucking and
including direct sales.

Basic Duck Care

Ducks are raised under a wide variety of conditions, ranging from a
backyard coop for a few ducks to housing for large flocks on a
commercial duck farm. Regardless of the category of duck keeping,
there are certain basic requirements that must be met if ducks are to
remain healthy. This booklet is intended to educate duck farmer with
regard to meeting these basic requirements.

Ducks adapt well to a wide range of systems of care provided they receive essential basic
care. Except for the early brooding stage, when ducklings require a higher temperature
and special attention by the farmer, the basic requirements of ducks are outlined in this

Duck Care Standards

The environment that ducks are kept in must be designed to promote duck well-being and
protect ducks from discomfort and distress.

Ducks are known to be strong birds. They are not affected easily by some bird diseases
not like turkeys and chickens. However, you still need to practice proper care.

Choosing what breed you want to keep is important. There are duck breeds that are more
suited for particular purposes like providing meat or giving eggs. Hope this simple duck
farming guide gave a head start in your new venture.

3. Types of Ducks
The Muscovy duck belongs to the genus
Cairina and originated in South America.
It is a good multipurpose breed and has
good flavour meat. It is a medium egg
producer. The young are hardy and easy
to rear. It is a good grazer and thus ideal
for back-yard operations. The male
Muscovy can become very large (4.5 to
5.5 kg) while the female is smaller (2.3 to
2.8 kg). Market Age 12weeks.

Muscovy differs from other breeds in the following ways:

• It goes broody and will sit on and hatch eggs of other breeds as well as its own.
• It flies, and perches on roosts and trees.
• If already mated with members of its own breed, it will not mate with members of other breeds.
• Where cross-matings are successful, the crossbred progeny are infertile and are known as ‘mules’.
• The drake, unlike in other breeds, has no curl feathers in his tail.
• Both male and female Muscovies ‘hiss’ rather than ‘quack’.
• Muscovies are poor egg producers, and lay their eggs in clutches; that is, they may lay 20 or so
eggs and go broody or pause before producing again.
• Its eggs take 35 days to hatch, whereas eggs of other breeds take only 28 days.
• Its meat has a lower fat content than that of other ducks.

The Pekin duck is ideal for commercial production due to

its good egg producing capabilities and hatchability. It
adapts well to confinement and is a good egg producer.
The pekin duck has a good meat yield and flavour.
Market Age 7weeks.

The Mule is the result of a cross between the Muscovy

male and the Pekin female. It is faster growing than the
Muscovy and produces a good lean meat yield with
succulent flavour. This breed is however sterile. Market
Age 8 weeks.

4. Advantages of Duck Farming
Duck farming has following advantages:-
1. Ducks lay more egg per bird per year than chicken.
2. The size of the duck egg is larger than
hen egg by about 15 to 20 g.
3. Ducks require lesser attention and thrive

well in scavenging conditions. With very little time and work you can raise a small flock
of ducks.
4. Ducks supplements their feed by foraging. They eat grass, insects, snails, earthworms,
small fishes and other aquatic materials.
5. From commercial point of view, ducks have a longer profitable life. They lay well
even in second year.
6. Ducks do not require any elaborate houses like chicken
7. Ducks are quite hardy, more easily brooded and more resistant to common avian
8. Marshy river side, wet land and water logged areas upon which chicken or no other type of
stock will flourish, are excellent quarters for duck farming.
9. Ducks lay 95 – 98% of their eggs in the morning before 9.00 AM thus saving lot of time
and labour.
10. Ducks are suitable for integrated farming systems such as duck-cum-fish farming. In
duck-cum-fish farming the droppings of ducks serve as feed for the fishes and no other
feed or manuring of the pond is necessary for fishes (200-300 ducks per hectare of waste
area). Under integrated duck farming with rice cultivation, the ducks perform four
essential functions viz., intertillage as they search for food, their bills loosen up the soil
around the rice plants-weeding, insect control and manuring.
11. Ducks are good exterminators of potato beetles, grasshoppers, snails and slugs. In areas
plagued liver flukes, ducks can help correct the problem (2 to 6 ducks per 0.405 hectare
of land). Ducks can be used to free the bodies of water from mosquito pupae and larvae
(6 to 10 ducks per 0.405 hectare of water surface)
12. Ducks are quite intelligent, can be tamed easily, and trained to go to ponds and come
back in the evening of their own.

5. How many ducks should you raise?
If you are going to raise ducks that live
by themselves and find their own food,
with very little help from you, you can
raise up to 24 ducks.

However, until you know more about

ducks and how to take care of them, it is
best to start with a small flock. Start
with a flock of 6 ducks, 5 female ducks,
and 1 male duck.

With a flock of 6 ducks you will get 5 to

10 eggs each week.

In addition, with a male in your flock the eggs you get will be fertile. This means that you
can raise your own baby ducks.

After you have raised a small flock, you may find that you could use more eggs and more
meat. Later you can use some of your eggs to raise baby ducks to make your flock

If you are starting with ducklings then

you should purchase at least 20 ducklings.
This is due to the higher mortality of

6. Choosing a place to raise ducks

The first thing that you must do is to choose a place on your land that is good to raise

It is best to keep your ducks where you

can watch them easily. So, the place that
you choose should be as close as
possible to where you live.

Look for a place that has shade for your

ducks on hot days. There should also be
a place for them to go for protection
from wind or on days when it is cold or

If possible look for a place on your land that

has enough of the kinds of food that ducks like
to eat.

A good place is one near to water where your

ducks can easily get to water and where they
can swim.

Raising a flock of ducks is only one use for

your land, so be careful not to choose a place
for them that could be better used for
something else, such as planting crops or
growing a vegetable garden.

Remember, that ducks can live just about anywhere outside as long as they can find
enough to eat and drink.

7. How to choose good ducks
It is best to choose your
ducks from a place where
you can see them before you
buy them. If you watch them
carefully you will be able to
see the difference between
healthy, strong ducks and
sick, weak ducks.

If a duck looks well, has

well- shaped legs, feet,
wings, back and head, and if
it moves about well, it is
probably a good duck to buy.

8. How to handle your ducks

The legs or wings of a duck can easily
be hurt or even broken. So, never grab a
duck by the legs or the wings.

To catch a duck, grasp it firmly but gently at the base of the


You can also catch a duck by holding its wings against its sides
with one hand on each side of its body and a thumb over each

After you have caught a

duck, slide one hand under its body and hold its legs
firmly. Then you can rest the body of the duck on the
lower part of your arm and carry it easily.

If you have to move a duck from place to

place, you can carry it in a box or a crate
with a cover.

First, tie the legs of the duck together. Then

put it gently inside and put on the cover to
keep the duck from getting out.

9. How to keep ducks safe and well
Although ducks can live outside by
themselves, they will live much better if they
have a shelter.

The main reason for building a shelter for your

ducks is to keep them safe from enemies at
night when they are sleeping.

Ducks, especially young ducks, have many

enemies. You must be careful to protect them

• dogs, cats, mongoose,

• rats, snakes
• thieves

There are also other reasons for building a shelter. Here are a few.

1. Ducks sleep on the ground. If the ground is cold or wet or dirty, they may get sick.

2. If you build them a shelter, you can

keep it dry and clean so your ducks
will not get sick.

Strong sunlight is bad for ducks. They need protection
from the sun in very hot weather. Strong sunlight is
bad for ducks.

4. If you build a shelter for your ducks, they can go

inside when it is very hot.

5. Ducks lay eggs mostly at night or early in

the morning.

6. If you build a shelter with nests and keep

your ducks inside at night, you will be able to
collect the eggs more easily.

10. After you get your ducks
When you bring your ducks home, put them in their shelter, close the door and go away.
That way they can settle down, become calm and get used to their new home.

Later the same day, just before the sun goes down, give them some food to eat and some
water to drink. However, give them the food and water inside the shelter.

If you see that your ducks eat all the food that you give them, give them a little more.

Keep your ducks in their shelter for the first 2 or 3 days. However, be sure to give them
some food and chopped greens each night just before dark and make sure that they have

When you see that your ducks are calm and used to their new home, you can let them out
for the day.

Let your ducks out a few hours after the sun is up. That way they will lay their eggs
inside so that you can collect them easily.

During the day your ducks will wander about looking for insects and worms and grass
and roots and other things that they like to eat. Then, each night just before dark give
them food.

However, this time give them food in front of the shelter, not inside. That way is will stay
clean inside.

By giving your ducks food in front of their shelter each night, they will become used to
coming back to eat at that time.

When your ducks have eaten, you can close them safely inside until the next morning.

During the first few weeks, check on your ducks from time to time during the day to see
where they are.

However, soon they will learn to go out in the morning and come back by themselves at
night. You will have to do very little for your ducks.

11. Nests

Encourage ducks to use nests because cleaner eggs

result and fewer breakages occur. Furthermore,
eggs laid in nests are not exposed to sun or damp.
This may be difficult with breeds other than

Building nests

You have already learned that ducks mostly lay

their eggs either at night or very early in the

If you keep your ducks inside at night and give them nests to use, there will be fewer
broken eggs and you can collect them more easily. As soon as you have finished
building a pen or a house you are ready
to build the nests.

You will need 1 nest for every 3 female

ducks. So, when you first begin with a
flock of 6 ducks (5 females and 1 male
ducks you will need 2 nests.

With 5 female ducks you need 2 nests

Nests should be clean, dry, comfortable and

only large enough to be used by one duck at a
time. Build them from timber and place them
in rows along the walls. Ducks like small
nests with just enough room to get in, turn
around and sit down. So, give your female
ducks a cosy nest of just the right size. A
good duck nest is about 30 centimeters wide,
38 centimeters deep and, if it has a roof, from
20 to 35 centimeters high. Nesting material should be placed in the nest to a depth of
about 7cm. Use shavings, sawdust, or sand. Broody ducks will further line their nests
with their own body feathers. Be sure to change the grass in each nest as soon as it gets

note: nests rest on the ground and do not need a bottom

12. Raising Baby Ducks: Brooding Baby Ducks
Start your ducklings off in a safe and warm environment:a duck brooder! For the best
environment use a heat lamp with between a 40 and 100 watt light bulb. You can adjust
the bulb wattage according to the way the ducklings react. If the baby ducks are huddling
under the heatlamp, you probably should raise the wattage on the bulb. If the baby ducks
are scattered and seem to be panting, you should lower the wattage. Be sure that they
can get away from the heat source if they get too warm.

The ideal brooder when

raising baby ducks for the
first few weeks is a plastic
crate or box. Once the
ducklings you're raising are
larger and beginning to
outgrow the box, you can
build an outdoors coop like
you would have for chicken
coops. Just make sure the
duck coop is predator
resistant. Remember, rats,
cats and mongoose will eat
your ducklings until they are
bigger and can fly away from

When raising baby ducks, make sure you provide the ducklings with fresh, clean drinking
water. You can use a shallow dish that you have added some clean pebbles to. The
pebbles will prevent the ducklings from submerging their head and drowning. They need
to submerge their head in order to clear their sinuses but any deeper than the nostrils can
drown them. Ducklings can die if they are without water for even short periods.
Ducklings make quite a mess when
eating, and their droppings are prolific
and wet.Feeders must be constructed
and maintained so ducks have easy
access to feed at all times. Feeders must
be kept clean and free from
litter/manure. Moldy feeds must not be
fed. Stale or contaminated feed must not
be allowed to accumulate and must be
replaced immediately with fresh feed.

Place feeders on an elevated platform to prevent them from becoming contaminated with
droppings. Both feeders and drinkers must be easily accessible. For each duckling up to 3
weeks of age, provide 1.5 cm of drinking space and 4 cm of feeding space.
Your duckling should be fully feathered before allowing them to swim.

Give five equally spaced feedings throughout the day and make sure they do not have
more than they can eat at one feeding.

You may not believe this but…

Ducklings are fully grown in 30 days

13. Water
Though duck is a water fowl and very
fond of water, WATER FOR
However, water in drinkers should be
sufficiently deep to allow the immersion
of their heads and not themselves. If
they cannot do this, their eyes seem to
get scaly and crusty and in extreme
cases, blindness may follow. In
addition, they also like to clean their
bills periodically and wash them to clear
off the feed. Keep drinking containers
shaded at all times.

Swimming facilities are not essential. However, pools can be made available where
outside runs are provided. Concrete ponds 1 m wide by 0.25m deep are satisfactory. To
keep litter in the shed dry, place the ponds away from the house. Alternatively, saucer-
shaped pools 0.25m deep and 2 m wide may be used. In both cases, good drainage is
essential. To limit wastage of eggs, it is advisable to prevent outside swimming until
about 10.00 am, when most eggs will have been laid (most ducks lay their eggs in the
evening and early morning).

14. Feeding
Ducks may be grown on pellets. The
pellet feeding, though slightly costly, has
distinct advantages such as saving in
amount of feed, minimum wastages,
saving in labor, convenience and
improvement in sanitary conditions.
"Starter and Grower" available at
your local feed store, until they are
feathered out and “Layer and
Finisher” for adults. Never feed them
medicated poultry feeds. Ducks are
good foragers. The use of the yard, drain
or supplementary green feed (grass),
reduces the feed cost.


the first eight weeks, birds should always have access to feed, but later on they may be
fed twice a day i.e. first in the morning and then late afternoon. Ducks consumes on
average about 12.5 gs. of feed up to 20 weeks of age. Afterwards the consumption varies
from 120 gms and above per bird per day and depending upon the rate of production and
availability of greens.

Feed consumption
Table 1 serves only as a guide to expected feed consumption. The actual amount of feed
eaten will depend upon factors such as quality of feed, strain of ducks and method of
Table 1. Average feed consumption of Muscovies ducks (mixed sexes)
Age (weeks) Feed for week (kg) Cumulative feed (kg)
0-1 0.15 0.15
1 0.40 0.55
2 0.75 1.30
3 0.95 2.25
4 1.00 3.25
5 1.30 4.55
6 1.65 6.20
7 1.80 8.00
8 1.60 9.60
Feed conversion ratios
The feed conversion ratios for Muscovies ducks are around 2.5:1 when ducklings are
marketed at 6 weeks of age with a liveweight of nearly 3 kg.

15. Duck Health
The normal behaviour of a duck is to be alert with a level carriage. They often waddle
around and peck as they investigate the surroundings. Ducks will emit characteristic
quacking or honking noises when their territories are entered.

Ducks are resistant to common avian diseases and internal parasites. The infestation of
internal parasites is prevalent only among those ducks which have access to stagnant
water and over-crowded pond. The parasites include flukes, tape worms and round

The external parasites are an infliction rather than an ailment. These include lice mites, fleas
and ticks. These cause irritation and annoyance leading to loss in egg production.

Ducks should appear healthy and show normal behaviors. Signs of good duck health
depend on age, sex, and breed. Important indications of good health are as follows:
o Good posture
o Vigorous movements if disturbed
o Clean and healthy skin
o Good plumage
o Well-formed shanks and feet
o Effective walking
o Preening
o Active feeding and drinking
o Clear, bright eyes

The early symptoms of stress or ill health can be the following:

o Head pulled into the body
o Huddling, appearing chilled
o Changes in feed and water intake
o Lack of preening, general inactivity
o Diarrhea
o Problems with coordination (walking/sitting)
o Drooping of the eyelids, reduced or squinted eyes
o Puffy head and lower live weight


A. Means of disease B. General Principles for Prevention C. What to be

spread through: of Diseases. done at the time
of an out break

1. Wet litter. 1. Procure day old ducklings from 1. Restrict the

2. Feed and water. disease free flock. movement of
3. Close contact. 2. Maintain proper hygienic ducks ( selling and
4. Contaminated conditions. buying)
equipment. 3. Provide adequate feed, water and 2. Follow strict
5. Attendants and floor space etc. hygienic measures.
visitors. 4. Rodents and wild birds etc should 3. Take help of
6. Air. be prevented to enter the houses. Veterinarians.
7. External parasites. 5. Follow regular vaccination
8. Free moving birds. schedule.
9. Rodents and flies. 6. Proper disposal of dead birds.
7. Footbaths should be provided at the
entrance of each shed.
8. Reduce stress effect.
9. Ensure clean and adequate water
10. Use of suitable litter material and
periodical turning is essential to keep
it dry.


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