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Institute of Computer Engineers

of the Philippines – Student Edition Region 4A

SEC Reg. No. 201120675

CpElympics 2018
Region IV-A Officers Men’s Basketball
A.Y. 2017 - 2018 General Rules and Mechanics

Kenneth C. Karamihan
President 1. Participants
UPHS-Biñan  10 affiliate schools
Eimer John B. Bernardino
Vice-President Internal 2. Eligibility
 All players must be bona fide ICpEP.SE-R4A members.
Anne Mayne Faith R. Saliba  Only players who have passed the official screening by the official
Vice- President External committee shall be allowed to participate.
 A team substitute or replacement of players will be allowed after the
Irish Joyce Calderon official line-up has been finalized and approved the official
Director for Finance
Trimex Colleges committee.
 Each team is required to pay an entry fee of P 3200.00 to finance the
Exekiel Anthony M. Vergara
Director for Developmental Program
LPU-Batangas  No entry fee, no play
 First come, first serve.
Nicole A. Lumagui
Director for Membership
LPU-Cavite 3. Rules
Louise Guerrero The tournament shall apply the Amateur- FIBA rules as adopted by the
Director for International Linkage BAP. Ties should be resolved in the following manner:
 Two- way tie, knock-out (expenses shouldered by both teams)
Angelu J. Doloroso  Three/four-way tie, point system
Director for Information and
 If not resolved by the above, points for and points against of
MSEUF Lucena all games played by both teams involved shall be considered.

Engr. Evelyn L. De Castro 4. Unsportman-Like Conduct

Adviser, R-IVA  Any untoward incidents, unsavory remarks and/ or indecent sign
Chapter VP for Education
made by a player or team official against any other and officials
shall be subject of suspension from any other number of games
or complete disqualification from the tournament, depending on
Dr. Corazon B. Rebong
Chapter President the gravity of the offense as may be determined by the
Tournament Official Committee; provided however, that in case
of a player or team official who is officially thrown out of the
game by referees, said player or team official shall be
automatically be suspended from playing in the next game of
their team.
 Any player or team official who threw a punch to any players or
official will be disqualified automatically from the tournament.

Website: Like us on Facebook: ICpEPOfficial

Email: [email protected]
Institute of Computer Engineers
of the Philippines – Student Edition Region 4A
SEC Reg. No. 201120675

 Any player or team official who is under the influence of liquor

Region IV-A Officers and/or under prohibited drugs shall not be allowed to play.
A.Y. 2017 - 2018  No walk-outs by any team player or its team official as a sign of
protest will be allowed. Any walk-out staged by any team
Kenneth C. Karamihan member or official of the team shall disqualify the said team
UPHS-Biñan from further participation in the tournament and will mean
forfeiture of all games won in favor of their opposing teams.
Eimer John B. Bernardino
Vice-President Internal
 A team that fails to field in five (5) players to officially start a
Letran-Calamba scheduled game shall be given a grace period of thirty (30)
minutes before it can be declared as default.
Anne Mayne Faith R. Saliba
Vice- President External
STI-Calamba 5. Protest
Irish Joyce Calderon  The official committee shall have the sole authority to determine
Director for Finance the validity of any protest.
Trimex Colleges
 The captain ball of the team must sign the scorebook and advise
Exekiel Anthony M. Vergara the referees of the game to indicate therein that the said game
Director for Developmental Program
is being placed under protest.
 The protest must be formally submitted in writing duly signed by
Nicole A. Lumagui the captain ball within 24 hours after the conclusion of the
Director for Membership
LPU-Cavite protested game to the official committee.
 Protest shall not be entertained or considered if they are based
Louise Guerrero
Director for International Linkage solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgment on the
STI-Lucena part of the referees.
Angelu J. Doloroso
Director for Information and
Communication 6. Default
MSEUF Lucena  Any team defaulting a game will be penalized the amount cost
of all officials.

Engr. Evelyn L. De Castro

Adviser, R-IVA
7. Waiver
Chapter VP for Education

That the officials will not be held liable which a player
Dr. Corazon B. Rebong may incur in case of injury.
Chapter President
We, serving as the team representative as well as member of the official
committee, who hereby solemnly commit, in behalf of our respective
teams, to abide wholly by the rules and regulations of
CpElympics 2018.

Website: Like us on Facebook: ICpEPOfficial

Email: [email protected]

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