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Luis Rey Lira

[email protected]
(562) 477-7595

February, 2018

Dear Hiring Chair,

My name is Luis Rey Lira and I am writing with the sincerest interest in pursuing the
open English Language Arts position at your school. I was referred to this opportunity via
LAUSD’s Talent Management. As a first year Masters in Education candidate in UCLA’s
Teacher Education Program with an emphasis in Ethnic Studies, I am equipped with invaluable
skills that I am confident will propel your school’s objectives in maximizing all student potential.
Teaching has been a lifelong passion of mine and I am eager to join a community of educators
who genuinely believe in the capital our students bring to the classroom.

In regards to my qualifications for this position, I am currently in the process of obtaining

my preliminary teaching credential in English Language Arts. Over the course of this year I have
taken several courses that developed my theoretical understandings of education through a social
justice lens, while preparing me for the rigor of Language Arts methodology in the classroom.
Reflecting on teachings of scholars like Paulo Freire and Melissa Gresalfi, I vow to challenge my
backwards planning by including student narratives and encouraging self-determination. In being
upfront with my teaching philosophy, I know that I will be an asset to your school. Coupled with
my thousands of hours of experience within educational settings, my positionality as an educator
from similar communities as your current student population distinguishes me as an outstanding
candidate for this opportunity. I have extensive experience with access initiatives in historically
marginalized communities dating from my first undergraduate year at UCLA. My experiences
inside and outside the classroom demonstrate my innovative perspective on student development
and community engagement.

I sincerely thank you for your time and consideration for this position. Please notify me
with any questions or concerns at my aforementioned contact information. I am glad to provide
you with any supplemental documents and am looking forward to your response.

Respectfully yours,
Luis Rey Lira

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