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Doc : OPR-1.0-BPL


Wayang Windu Integrated Management System (WWMS)


Comply to 7 standards:
ISO 14001: 2004
OHSAS 18001: 2007
ISO 9001: 2008
ISO 50001: 2011
ISO 55000 : 2014
PP 50/2012 SMK3
ISO 17025 : 2008
ISO 14001: 2015

Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited,

Desa Margamukti, Tromol Pos I, Pangalengan 40378, West Java – Indonesia
Tel: +62 22 597 9552
DOC : BPL Guideline
WIMS Policies, Planning & Guideline Manual
REV : 7 Tier: 1

Document Control
This WIMS document is held under Revision Control. The Version displayed on the WIMS-Drive in
the LAN is current.
When authorized users print this document the print date appears in the footer of all internal
pages. Printed documents are only valid on the day of printing. If the document is to be used at
a later date, the user must first check the revision status in the WIMS-Drive.
No controlled copies of WIMS Documents are issued externally. Occasionally there may be a
need to issue a WIMS document to an external party; in all instances these are issued, and
clearly marked, as “UNCONTROLLED COPY”. The revision status of Uncontrolled Copy
Documents is not maintained by SEG; such documents are current only on the day of issue.

Document Approval
This Policies, Planning and Guidelines Manual have been reviewed by Business Process MSS. It is
approved and issued for use by Field Manager and acknowledge by Vice President Geothermal
Operations. Evidence of review and approval is available from the Management Representative

Revision Control
Rev Date By Reviewed Approved Description
01 9 April 07 Cecep Paul Taylor Alex Smillie Transferred Procurement to a new
Gunawan KBP. Transferred Transportation
from SER to OSU.

02 8 Nov Cecep Paul Taylor Alex Smillie Define Top Management and MR’s
2007 Gunawan responsibility in OHS as per LRQA
Edit SHE Policy and add Policy
review mechanism

03 Sept 2009 Faiq Kautsar / Alex Smillie Bret Mattes Changes on company name, logo,
Heribertus & Major review of content,
Dwiyudha including changes to KBP Model

04 Feb Sandriana/ Rully WM Heribertus Developing manual to comply with

2014 Walda Dwiyudha ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007,
Haritanto ISO 50001: 2011, ISO 55000

05 August Sandriana Walda H Rully WM Developing manual to comply with

2014 H.Dwiyudha ISO 9001:2008
Change document name from
POP to BPL, Numbering structure

06 February Sandriana Walda H Rully WM Additional contents related with

2016 PP50/2012 SMK3

07 May 2016 Sandriana Walda H Rully WM Additional content refer to Asset

Revision at business model
Revision at 1.6.1 add “are strategic
process and business planning”,
and 1.6.8 “Risk Management”

Additional content refer to ISO

Additional content related with

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WIMS Policies, Planning & Guideline Manual
REV : 7 Tier: 1

ISO 17025:2005
1.6.2 adding Lab
2.1 Scope application
2.2 Scope Certification
4.7 ISO 17025:2005

Change 14001-2004 to 14001-2015

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1 GENERAL INFORMATION _______________________________________________ 7

1.1 Company profile ____________________________________________________________ 7
1.2 Corporate Value ____________________________________________________________ 8
1.3 Vision, mission & goals _______________________________________________________ 8
1.3.1 Star Energy Vision ______________________________________________________________ 8
1.3.2 Star Energy Mission _____________________________________________________________ 8
1.4 Policy _____________________________________________________________________ 9
1.4.1 Corporate policy ________________________________________________________________ 9
1.4.2 SEGWWL policy statement ______________________________________________________ 12
1.5 Responsibility & accountability _______________________________________________ 13
1.5.1 Vice President Geothermal ______________________________________________________ 13
1.5.2 Field Manager ________________________________________________________________ 14
1.5.3 The HSE Committee Meeting (Includes P2K3) _______________________________________ 15
1.5.4 Superintendent _______________________________________________________________ 15
1.5.5 HSE Superintendent ____________________________________________________________ 15
1.5.6 All Personnel _________________________________________________________________ 16
1.5.7 Management Representative ____________________________________________________ 16
1.5.8 Resources ____________________________________________________________________ 16
1.6 Business process ___________________________________________________________ 16
1.6.1 Policies and Planning ___________________________________________________________ 19
1.6.2 Product Planning ______________________________________________________________ 19
1.6.3 Delivery Product & Service ______________________________________________________ 19
1.6.4 Human Resources Development __________________________________________________ 20
1.6.5 Information Technology ________________________________________________________ 20
1.6.6 Finance & Accounting __________________________________________________________ 21
1.6.7 Asset Management ____________________________________________________________ 22
1.6.8 Health Safety Environment ______________________________________________________ 22
1.6.9 External Relation (ERS) _________________________________________________________ 22
1.6.10 Management System ___________________________________________________________ 23

2 Scope ______________________________________________________________ 23
2.1 Scope of Application ________________________________________________________ 23
2.2 Scope of Certification _______________________________________________________ 24
3 Term & definition ____________________________________________________ 25
3.1 Leadership, Commitment and Policy ___________________________________________ 25
3.1.1 Policy _______________________________________________________________________ 25
3.1.2 Leadership & Commitment ______________________________________________________ 25
3.1.3 WIMS Management Overview ___________________________________________________ 25
3.1.4 Organization Structure _________________________________________________________ 28
3.2 Planning __________________________________________________________________ 28
3.2.1 Hazard Identification & Risk Management including Asset Risk _________________________ 28
3.2.2 Customer Focus _______________________________________________________________ 30
3.2.3 Legislative Compliance _________________________________________________________ 30
3.2.4 QHSE Objectives, Targets and Performance Standards ________________________________ 30
3.2.5 Key Performance Indicators _____________________________________________________ 31
3.2.6 31

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3.3 Competency, Training & Awareness____________________________________________ 31

3.3.1 Employee Selection & Pre-placement Medicals ______________________________________ 31
3.3.2 Competence Training ___________________________________________________________ 31
3.3.3 Awareness programs ___________________________________________________________ 32
3.3.4 Inductions ____________________________________________________________________ 32
3.4 WIMS Communication ______________________________________________________ 32
3.4.1 Consultation, Communication & Reporting _________________________________________ 32
3.4.2 Issue Resolution _______________________________________________________________ 32
3.4.3 Community Contact & Consultation _______________________________________________ 32
3.5 Document, Data & Information Management ____________________________________ 32
3.5.1 Document Hierarchy ___________________________________________________________ 32
3.5.2 Document Control & Review _____________________________________________________ 33
3.5.3 Records & Records Management _________________________________________________ 33
3.5.4 References Procedure __________________________________________________________ 33
3.6 Materials Handling & Storage _________________________________________________ 34
3.7 Procurement of Materials & Services ___________________________________________ 34
3.8 Operational Controls ________________________________________________________ 34
3.9 Design Construction and Commissioning ________________________________________ 34
3.10 Maintenance and Repair _____________________________________________________ 34
3.11 Subcontractor Management __________________________________________________ 35
3.11.1 Subcontractor Accountability ____________________________________________________ 35
3.11.2 Subcontractor Compliance ______________________________________________________ 35
3.12 Emergency Preparedness & Response __________________________________________ 35
3.12.1 Emergency Response Plans ______________________________________________________ 35
3.12.2 First Aid & Medical Facilities _____________________________________________________ 35
3.12.3 Emergency Drills ______________________________________________________________ 35
3.12.4 Contingency Planning __________________________________________________________ 36
3.13 Measurement & Evaluation __________________________________________________ 36
3.13.1 Health and Hygiene Monitoring __________________________________________________ 36
3.13.2 Environmental Monitoring ______________________________________________________ 36
3.13.3 Inspection and Testing __________________________________________________________ 36
3.13.4 Evaluation of Compliance _______________________________________________________ 36
3.13.5 Work Environment _____________________________________________________________ 36
3.13.6 Health Surveillance ____________________________________________________________ 36
3.13.7 Fitness for Work Management ___________________________________________________ 37
3.14 Incident/Injury Management _________________________________________________ 37
3.14.1 Incident/Injury Reporting & Investigation __________________________________________ 37
3.14.2 Injury Management ____________________________________________________________ 37
3.14.3 Analysis of Trends _____________________________________________________________ 37
3.15 Audits, Reviews and System Improvement ______________________________________ 38
3.15.1 WIMS Audits__________________________________________________________________ 38
3.15.2 Non Conformity & Corrective Actions ______________________________________________ 38
3.15.3 Management Review ___________________________________________________________ 38
3.15.4 Customer Feedback ____________________________________________________________ 38

4 INTEGRATED Management system requirement ___________________________ 40

4.1 ISO 14001: 2014 ____________________________________________________________ 40
4.2 OHSAS 18001: 2007 _________________________________________________________ 40
4.3 ISO 55000 _________________________________________________________________ 41
4.4 ISO 50001: 2011 ____________________________________________________________ 41

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4.5 ISO 9001:2008 _____________________________________________________________ 42

4.6 PP 50/2012 – SMK 3 ________________________________________________________ 42
5 Matrix Link & procedure ______________________________________________ 43
6 Attachment _________________________________________________________ 43
6.1 Organization Structure (HRD-5.0-FHR-OD-200) ___________________________________ 43
6.2 PCF ______________________________________________________________________ 43
6.3 Business Matrix, correspondence between WIMS - procedure ______________________ 43

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The SEGWWL Integrated Management System Manual (WIMS) establishes SEGWWL commitment
to achieve our vision of completing to prevent injury and ill health, damage to property and
workplace include prevention of pollution, avoid harm to all employees include people who is
working on behalf and or under control of company. Furthermore meeting customer satisfaction
is a must. Health, safety and environmental management which include managing of energy
performance, quality management system and asset management is subscribe to this manual
which intent to:
 Provide a framework for managing a successful WW Management System in
accordance with company standards, Indonesia standard, International Standard,
applicable legislation and codes of practice, including establish of a “Zero harm”
culture and meet of Customer requirements.
 Details of WIMS vision and mission is set out in the Health, Safety and Environmental
include Energy Management and Quality policy. Part of this policy is provided for Assets
Management Policy, and comply to PP 50/2012 SMK3
 Provides an overview of the key aspects of WIMS, which is reinforced by particular
practical and operational procedure(s) and planning documents.
 Provide a general guideline of managing asset to support sustainability of process.
 Presents information regarding the identification and manage the risks.
 Demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product and or service that meets
customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
 Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system,
including processes for continual improvement of the system and to assure of conformity
of customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

1.1 Company profile

Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Station is located 40 km south of Bandung near the
town of Pangalengan. It is owned and operated by Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang
Windu) Ltd (SEG) which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Star Energy and part of the Star
Energy Group of Companies.
The Power Station’s generation capacity is currently 2 x 110 MWe.
The license to develop and operate the Wayang Windu geothermal field is managed
through a Joint Operation Contract between Pertamina and SEG. This provides SEG the
exclusive right to geothermal development within a contract area of 12,960 Ha. The sale
of electricity is managed by an Energy Sales Contract between PLN, Pertamina & SEG.
The head office for SEG is located in Wisma Barito in Jakarta and shares services with Star
Energy such as Finance, Human Resources and Government Relations. In addition the
SEG VP Operations, and the Sub Surface Engineering, and Drilling Departments are
located in Jakarta.
Wayang Windu Power Station is located within tea plantation and forestry land on the
flanks of the dormant volcanoes Gunung Wayang, Gunung Windu, Gunung Bedil and
Gunung Malabar. The elevation of the power station building is 1710 m above sea level
while the elevation of the well sites ranges from 1500 m to 2500 m.
Geothermal steam and hot water (brine) is extracted from the reservoir via production
wells. Pipelines connect the wells to a central separation station where the steam is
separated from the brine. The brine is injected into injection wells while the steam flows
via a scrubber station directly to two 110 MWe Fuji geothermal steam turbines. The steam
turbines directly drive 137 MVA Fuji generators and the power is delivered to PLN at 150
KV at the high voltage terminals of the transformer.

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REV : 7 Tier: 1

1.2 Corporate Value

The corporate culture is Bright Star with detail meaning as below

1.3 Vision, mission & goals

1.3.1 Star Energy Vision

To be the fastest growing, most profitable energy company in Indonesia. We are
international in our outlook, but Indonesian at heart.

1.3.2 Star Energy Mission

The road to success lies in gaining the respect of and being the partner of choice for, all
of our stakeholders. Star Energy will work diligently to gain and retain the respect of
investors, employees, the country and the community.

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REV : 7 Tier: 1

1.4 Policy
At Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Station, Senior Management maintains the
following policies and ensures that they are appropriate to the nature and scale of the
organization’s risks. These policies are reviewed during the WIMS annual Management
Review to ensure that they remain relevant and appropriate to the Wayang Windu

1.4.1 Corporate policy

Corporate Policy: Safety, Health & Environment (SHE)

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Good Operation Policy

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Emergency Preparedness Policy

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1.4.2 SEGWWL policy statement

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REV : 7 Tier: 1

1.5 Responsibility & accountability

SEGWWL is operating one system to ensure that employees fulfill their WIMS line
responsibilities. Employees in line management and supervisory positions will be
appointed in writing.
Personnel performing work affecting conformity (directly or indirectly) to product
requirements shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills
and experience.

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for maintaining, implementing and reviewing the
WIMS is a key feature of the SEGWWL System. Basic WIMS responsibilities are known as
Duty of Care or WIMS obligations. SEGWWL requires that all employees make a personal
commitment to WIMS for several reasons:
The humanitarian reason. Failure to manage WIMS can result in injury, pain,
inefficiency of energy consumption, asset damage and suffering to company
employees as well as associated hardship to the injured person's family. Low
employee morale is another downstream result from serious injury/incident events.
The sustainability reason. Inadequate provision for waste management and pollution
resulting in environmental degradation (e.g. reduced biodiversity) occurs at the
expense of future generations.
The legal reason. Breach of a statute or regulation may expose the offender and the
Company to prosecution and the payment of penalties. A person injured or exposed
to a dangerous environment may also pursue a civil claim and seek financial
compensation against the employer or any other party contributing to an event.
The economic reason. Poor WIMS performance adds to production costs and erodes
profit margins. The costs of disregarding some health and environmental factors may
take some time to impact inefficiency energy consumption and asset damage. The
direct costs of incidents and injuries can be readily calculated, e.g. injury
compensation (or, alternatively, rehabilitation expenses), property damage,
remediation expenses, increased insurance premiums, legal expenses, recruiting and
training, replacement staff, time lost by the injured employee, time spent in
investigating and reporting the incident, loss of production. Furthermore, clients and
potential clients increasingly expect contractors and tender applicants to
demonstrate a high level of commitment to WIMS management.
The responsibilities and activities of key positions in the WIMS are outlined below.
Details regarding the roles and responsibilities of WIMS personnel at a business line
and project level are available in the Project WIMS Management Plans.

1.5.1 Vice President Geothermal

The VP Geothermal is ultimately responsible for the Operations at Wayang Windu Power
Station including responsibility, accountability and authority for Safety, Health,
Environment, Quality (SHEQ), Energy, Asset and, for the WIMS. He/She discharges this
responsibility in accordance with Star Energy and SEG Corporate Policy. He/She is
assisted by the Field Manager Wayang Windu in dealing with matters relating to the
WIMS clearly and expeditiously.
He communicates with the Wayang Windu Field Manager through management
meetings, informal meetings and field visits.

 Setting & Communicating Policies

The VP Geothermal, together with the Field Manager, set and communicate SEG
policy throughout the organisation.
They are LEADERS. They respond to specific situations at Wayang Windu to ensure
that shared values and corporate cultures are upheld.
The communication of policies and values is cascaded down from the VP
Geothermal and the Field Manager to the WW Management Team
(Superintendents and cascade down).

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 Leadership
The Managing Director/CEO is responsible for Leading SEG personnel. He is assisted
in this duty by the VP Geothermal and the WW Field Manager. Collectively, they are
directly responsible for leadership at the Wayang Windu facility. Superintendents are
delegated to provide leadership within their respective areas and, when required, to
provide leadership for wider areas for the Wayang Windu facility as specifically
delegated by the Field Manager.
All management staff has a responsibility to demonstrate leadership qualities at all
times in the manner in which they conduct their activities.
The VP Geothermal regularly assesses the need for training of key staff in leadership
processes and arranges for this to be undertaken.
Frequent Town Hall meetings are held at Wayang Windu. These meetings are the
primary method for formal communications with staff; they facilitate leadership and
provide a forum for feedback about problems.
Management Meetings are conducted on a frequent basis by senior field staff at
Wayang Windu to ensure good coordination. These meetings reinforce the
leadership structure.
The VP geothermal continually keeps in contact with Wayang Windu activities
through the Jakarta Management meetings. These meetings serve to reinforce his
commitment to delegate his authority to his staff. Executive managers attend field
management meetings periodically to demonstrate commitment and to maintain a
forum for detailed communication.

 Management Review of the WIMS

VP Geothermal operations assist by WW Field Manager, periodically review the
effectiveness of WIMS. This Management Review is conducted at appropriate
intervals, ensuring the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the WIMS. (The
interval between Management Reviews is not to exceed 12 months).
The Management Review process is described in SHE-10-MSS-MI-102 Refer also to
Management Review of this manual.
The results of the Management Review are recorded and action is taken to improve
performance when the review identifies problems and/or potential problems

1.5.2 Field Manager

The Field Manager has the ultimate responsibility over the implementation of the WIMS.
The Field Manager is responsible for approving SEGWWL Policy statements and objectives
and assisted by HSE Department providing the impetus for achieving the policy
The Field Manager is responsible for overall management of the WIMS including ongoing
development and improvement, auditing, training and support to Superintendent for
system and procedural improvements
The Field Manager will maintain a fit for purpose management system that include
linkage of policy, standard, and appropriate procedures to ensure induction, training
communication monitoring (Audit) and maintenance of the system.
Key functions of the Field Manager include the strategic planning of WIMS actions to
achieve targets and objectives and support for implementation of these initiatives at a
Business Line and project level. The Field Manager also provides a communications link
for personnel at a Business Line and project level to raise WIMS concerns.

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WIMS Policies, Planning & Guideline Manual
REV : 7 Tier: 1

1.5.3 The HSE Committee Meeting (Includes P2K3)

The role of the committee is to provide top-level commitment and to continuously
monitor and review the management of WIMS. This includes:
 Provide leadership & resources
 Management are responsible for ensuring that line managers and supervisors; are
aware of their WIMS responsibilities and competent to hold appointment
 Management are accountable for supporting the SEGWWL Policy and Management
may delegate responsibility but not their accountability
 Assessing needs;
 Setting goals and objectives, based on the needs assessment;
 Selecting strategies and actions aimed at achieving those goals and objectives;
 Participating in the annual review of SEGWWL policies, procedures and this manual;
 Providing appropriate recognition to functions achieving excellent WIMS
 Endorsing programs designed to maintain the “SEGWWL One Safety Culture”.

1.5.4 Superintendent
Superintendents are responsible under duty of care legislation and Quality as well as
SEGWWL Systems to consider the potential effects of their designs on the health, safety,
energy, asset and environment of those who will be carrying out the construction,
operation and future maintenance work. Engineers shall complete an assessment of all
the risks of their design and ensure these are documented and distributed to the
Operation Teams.
This includes making an assessment of the risks associated with performing maintenance
and repairs; as well as considering what affect the work may have on the capacity of
people to carry out their regular activities (e.g. the general public, other workers and

Superintendent is responsible for the implementation of SEGWWL policies and the

implementation of WIMS Management Plans on their projects. Superintendent is also
responsible for:
 Superintendent is accountable for the implementation and compliance with the
policy, standard and procedures.
 Superintendents and supervisors must be appointed by their senior manager and
may not fulfill their duties without current appointment. A process for appointment
of alternates will be maintained by business line managers.
 Ensuring responsibility is effectively delegated and resources provided for the
implementation of the WIMS to operations.
 Planning and implementing Business Line activities to ensure SEGWWL Policy,
objectives, performance targets and an injury free culture is achieved.
 Reviewing Business Line and WIMS performance.
 Providing the Business Line workforce with the knowledge, skills, systems and
resources to mitigate exposure to hazards.
 Participating in the monthly Executive WIMS Committee meetings.
 Chairing Functional WIMS Committee meetings.

1.5.5 HSE Superintendent

The HSE Superintendent is responsible for the implementation, maintenance, operation
and control of the WIMS and Plans in each business line. Key responsibilities and actions
of this position include but are not limited to:
 Development and implementation of WIMS documentation.
 Preparation of induction and training modules.
 Development and scheduling of WIMS audits.
 Improving measures for risk assessment and hazard management.
 Participation in incident/injury investigations.
 Development and preparation of WIMS tender documentation.

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 Reporting WIMS issues to the Field Manager.

 Briefing project managers on WIMS issues.
 Facilitate risk assessments
 Collation of WIMS statistics.
 Compilation of Client and project reports.
 Liaison with project and injury management coordinator regarding workers
compensation and rehabilitation claims and activities.
 Liaison with government bodies and client representatives

1.5.6 All Personnel

All personnel (including subcontractors) have a responsibility for their own health and
safety, and the health and safety of others. Individuals are also responsible for preventing
pollution of the environment. It is expected that individuals shall be involved in promoting
WIMS and proactively upholding the Project’s WIMS objectives.
An individual’s responsibilities within a Project and Operations include:
 Reporting hazards and defects.
 Reporting asset damage.
 Reporting environment hazards
 Reporting incidents and injuries.
 Participating in and adhering to all SEGWWL policies, procedures and activities.

The resources required to the responsibilities and activities of key positions in the QHSE

1.5.7 Management Representative

Top management shall appoint a member of the organization’s management who,
irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have responsibility and authority that includes:
 ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are
established, implemented and maintained;
 reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management
system and any need for improvement, and
 Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the

1.5.8 Resources
Financial, physical, (e.g. fit-for-purpose equipment), and human or intellectual resources
(e.g. specialized skills and knowledge) are required to meet the WIMS Manual

1.6 Business process

The WIMS defines, controls and continually improves Safety, Health, Environmental and
Quality (SHEQ) performance standards to comply with International Standard, OHSAS
18001:2007, ISO 50001:2011, PAS 55:2008, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO14001:2015, PP 50/2012
The Business process model is necessary for sustaining SEG’s business operations.

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Process Classification Framework of Business Process

WIMS is using Process Classification Framework (PCF) as one of tools from Business Process
Management (BPM) that focus on process not on hierarchy.

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REV : 7 Tier: 1

Business Process Model

Operating Processes

1.0 Strategic Process


3.0 Power Generation

2.0 Steam Delivery 4.0 Life Cycle Delivery

SSU, Drilling Production Maintenance, FAC, SCM, FOS

Enabling Processes

6.0 Information
5.0 Human Resources 7.0 Finance


8.0 Health, Safety, & 10.0 Management System

9.0 External Relation
Environment Structure


Rev. 2-May 2016

The approaching of this method according to combining the whole process with the
structural function on organization to achieve the mutual understanding and increasing
team work among the function itself.

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1.6.1 Policies and Planning

Policies and planning consist of defining business concept and long term vision and develop
business strategy. Define the business concept and long-term vision the organization assesses the
external environment, which provides insight into the operating framework
The Develop business strategy process group encompasses the development of an
organization’s mission statement, strategy, and business design.
The most suitable position that can implement this business process are Strategic Process &
Business Planning.
This policies and planning are refer to regulation EMS, SMS, QMS, Pas 55, ISO 5001 and PP 50/2012

1.6.2 Product Planning

This process group encompasses all processes associated with product and service portfolio
management, including the analysis of the current portfolio compared to customer requirement
and the definition of requirements for new/evolved products and services using that analysis.
Process group shall plan and develop the processes needed for product realization. Planning of
product realization shall be consistent with the requirements of the other processes of the quality
management system
This process group relates to the design, development, and in-service configuration control of
products and services. It encompasses traditional design, build, and evaluation processes;
configuration and change management; manufacturing and production process planning; and
final product validation and verification. This process is where most of the product or service risk is
identified, controlled, and mitigated. The most suitable department that can implement this
business process is department Subsurface & Drilling

1.6.3 Delivery Product & Service

This category includes all processes that are involved in planning, including managing the
demand for products and services, creating a materials plan, and scheduling production to
meet actual demand. The most suitable department that can implement this business process is
department production

The group of processes also used to procure materials and services includes the business
activities of procurement planning, purchasing, and sourcing. This process can be further broken
down into sourcing strategies, selecting suppliers and developing contracts, ordering materials
and services, and appraising and developing suppliers.
The group of processes shall ensure that purchased product conforms to specified purchase
requirements. The type and extent of control applied to the supplier and the purchased product
shall be dependent upon the effect of the purchased product on subsequent product
realization or the final product. The most suitable department that can implement this business
process is department SCM

The process group deliver product comprises four main high-level processes: scheduling
production, producing the product, performing quality testing, and maintaining production
records to manage lot traceability. The most suitable department that can implement this
business process is department production

This process group includes processes that are involved in delivering quality services to
customers. These processes include confirming the specific service requirements, identifying and
scheduling resources to meet service delivery requirements, providing the specific service, and
ensuring that the quality of the service is acceptable to the customer
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department

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1.6.4 Human Resources Development

The process group Develop and manage human resources (HR) consist all process related with:
 planning, policies, and strategies includes developing and implementing HR plans and
monitoring and updating HR plans at regular intervals
 Recruit, source, and select employees includes creating and developing employee
requisitions, recruiting and sourcing candidates, screening and selecting candidates,
managing pre-placement verification, managing new hires/re-hires, and tracking
 determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting
conformity to product requirement, where applicable, provide training or take other
actions to achieve the necessary competence, evaluate the effectiveness of the action
 Ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities
and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives.
 The Develop and counsel employee process group consists of managing employee
orientation and deployment, managing employee performance, managing employee
relations, and managing and implementing employee training and development.
 The Reward and retain employees process group consists of developing and managing
reward, recognition, and motivation programs; managing employee assistance and
retention; managing and administering benefits; and administering payroll.
 The Redeploy and retire employees process group includes managing promotions and
demotions; managing separations, retirements, and leaves of absence; developing and
implementing employee outplacement services; managing deployment of personnel;
relocating employees and managing assignments; and managing expatriates and
employee relocations.
 The Manage employee information process group consists of managing HR reporting
capabilities; managing employee inquiry processes; managing and maintaining
employee data; managing human resource information systems; developing and
managing employee metrics; developing and managing time and attendance; and
managing employee communications.

1.6.5 Information Technology

The process group Manage the business of information technology involves consist all process
related with:
 Defining and maintaining the relevance of IT to the enterprise and its mission,
communicating the strategy and role of IT within the enterprise, establishing the
enterprise architecture and guiding principles, defining the IT management system and
governance model, and managing the strategic activities that help ensure attainment of
IT value.
 Develop and manage IT customer relationships involves managing communication and
interactions between IT customers and the providers of IT services and solutions;
gathering business requirements; helping customers develop justifications for IT services
and solutions; providing the initial interface to IT architects responsible for designing
services and solutions; and monitoring satisfaction with the development, deployment,
and ongoing support of services and solutions.
 Develop and implement security, privacy, and data protection controls involves
protecting an organization’s core electronic assets through the implementation of
information security controls and governance. The goal is to implement policies and
controls that proactively prevent security intrusions externally, define and control data
permissions internally, and plan for data security breaches should they arise.
 Manage enterprise information is defined as understanding what information is important
to the enterprise; determining how, when and from where that information is collected;
defining how that information is structured and organized; and establishing the policies
and controls needed to guide the collection and use of that information.
 Develop and manage information technology solutions involves producing, developing,
and testing new, enhanced solutions; enabling services that meet all confirmed
requirements; maintaining and managing solutions; supporting services to continue

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meeting all confirmed requirements; and setting solutions/discontinuing services no

longer needed.
 Deploy information technology solutions involves introducing new, enhanced, or
improved functionality into the environment with minimal or no disruption to the services
schedules; ensuring consideration of appropriate security and contractual constraints;
and properly balancing business benefit with technical and business risk.
 Deliver and support information technology services involves delivering IT services and
solutions within the budget provided, meeting service commitments as measured by
customer-defined service criteria, and achieving customer satisfaction targets.

1.6.6 Finance & Accounting

The process group Finance & Accounting involves consists all process of managing finance
which is conducted at Head Office Jakarta:
 The category Manage financial resources encompass the processes associated with an
organization’s financial management practices. It includes the process groups Perform
planning and management accounting, Perform revenue accounting, Perform general
accounting and reporting, Manage fixed-asset project accounting, Process payroll,
Process accounts payable and expense reimbursements, Manage treasury operations,
Manage internal controls, Manage taxes, and Manage international funds/
 This process group encompasses financial planning processes, including preparing
quarterly and annual projections of revenue, expenses, operating profit, net income, and
capital investments. The processes in this group support decision making through an
analysis of the organization’s historical effectiveness and by recommending the most
effective ways to allocate scarce resources to ensure that economic value is created for
 This process group encompasses financial planning processes, including preparing
quarterly and annual projections of revenue, expenses, operating profit, net income, and
capital investments. The processes in this group support decision making through an
analysis of the organization’s historical effectiveness and by recommending the most
effective ways to allocate scarce resources to ensure that economic value is created for
 This process group contains processes related to managing an organization’s ongoing
financial records, including maintaining the chart of accounts, processing journal entries,
and adjusting the organization’s general ledger accounts. This group encompasses
operational activities performed to close the books on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly
basis as well as the recording, tracking, and depreciation of fixed assets.
 This process group encompasses the financial planning and supervising of projects
involving fixed assets (capital projects), including additions, retires, transfers, adjustments,
and depreciation expenses. This group typically relates to the acquisition or disposal of
fixed assets.
 This process group consists of reporting time, managing pay, and processing taxes.
 This process consists of processing payments for operating expenses and other supplier
charges, which includes verifying of accounts payable with vendor records, maintaining
and managing electronic commerce, auditing invoices and approving payments,
processing financial accruals and reversals, processing payments and taxes, researching
and resolving exceptions, and adjusting accounting records. It also develops policies and
procedures around processing of accounts payable and all related operations.
Technology is typically key to achieving top performance in this process
 This process group includes management of treasury policies and procedures, cash, in-
house bank accounts, debts, investments, and financial risks.
 This process group consists of operating controls, monitoring compliance with internal
controls policies and procedures, and reporting on internal controls compliance.

Process accounting on Field is managing the petty cash and invoicing at site. The process of
field accounting are:

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 Managing the site invoice to control the validity of invoice, verification with the end user
related with actual service or material delivered, verification to the contract and
 Maintaining Petty Cash activities which is used for an Employee who needs petty cash to
continually pay for services eg Dispatcher Transportation, Duty Manager

1.6.7 Asset Management

The process group Asset Management consist all process related with:
 Design and construct/acquire nonproductive assets creates a plan to construct or
acquire fixed assets that represent economic value that is expected to provide benefit
that is beyond a single accounting period. It includes developing a property/equipment
strategy and long-term vision; developing, constructing, and modifying sites; planning a
facility; providing workspace and assets, and securing the asset.
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department
FAD, Sec & Facilities
 Plan maintenance work prepares for the upkeep of assets. It includes performing routine
maintenance, quality maintenance, executing corrective maintenance, overhauling
equipment, and managing facilities operations. It also involves record changes in the
economic value of fixed assets in the fixed-asset accounting system.
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department
Maintenance, Facilities, SSU (Well testing & Laboratory).
 Obtain and install assets, equipment, and tools refer to ongoing acquisition and
maintenance policies for productive assets. It obtains and installs equipment, designs
engineering solutions for power station processes, and installs and tests equipment.
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department
 Dispose of productive and nonproductive assets is the process for planning how to
discontinue the use of an asset at the end of its life cycle. This process group includes
developing an exit strategy, performing a sale or trade of assets, and performing asset
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department

1.6.8 Health Safety Environment

Manage environmental health and safety concerns the management of environmental, health,
and safety risks, including: environment, occupational health and safety, community health and
safety, and construction/decommissioning.
This process group includes determining the environmental, health, and safety impacts of an
organization’s products, services, and operations; developing and executing business
unit/functional SHE programs; and training and educating employees. It also covers monitoring
and managing business unit/functional SHE management programs, ensuring compliance with
regulations, and managing remediation efforts.

Risk Management at Wayang Windu has been split as flows:

 For strategic process is refer to 5x5 matrix (see attachment)
 For implementation at Power Station is refer to 4x4 matrix
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department SHE

1.6.9 External Relation (ERS)

The process group Manage External Relation consist all process related with:
 Build investor relationships encompass processes Plan, build, and manage lender
relations, Plan, build, and manage analyst relations, and Communicate with
shareholders. This process group focuses on establishing lines of credit and loan portfolios;
building informed, supportive, and loyal relationships with institutional investors/brokers;
and providing shareholders information about the financial health of the organization.

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 Manage government and industry relationships includes the processes that manage
government, quasi-government, and industry/ trade relationships, including lobbying
activities. Specific processes in this group include Manage government relations,
Manage relations with quasi-government bodies, Manage relations with trade or industry
groups, and ,Manage lobby activities
 Manage relations with board of directors encompasses the processes required to select,
appoint, govern, and communicate with the organization’s board of directors while
complying with the organization’s bylaws.
 Manage legal and ethical issues include a variety of processes that address the legal
and moral direction of the organization. Additional processes include determining how
the organization will address the following processes:
 Manage public relations includes processes related to the flow of information from an
organization to the public
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department
External Relation

1.6.10 Management System

The process group Maintaining the Management System consist all process related with:
 The process group Manage business processes encompasses process management
activities. Key elements include defining governance, selecting and adapting a
framework, defining processes, managing performance, and improving processes. This
group offers guidance on defining, managing, measuring, deploying, and supporting
 The Manage portfolio, program, and project process group focuses on identifying
projects and initiatives; initiating, executing, and closing projects; monitoring the overall
project performance and status; and making projects visible to organizational decision-
 The Manage quality process group creates a quality strategy, plans and supports the
staff that oversee quality work force, and conducts quality assessments. Potential key
performance indicators (KPIs) may include: customer satisfaction, reliability (e.g., FMEA—
failure measurement), defects per million, rework rate, and total cost of quality (warranty
costs or scrap and rework costs as a percentage of sales).
 The Manage change process group includes all processes involved in implementing and
facilitating major changes throughout an organization or in a selected unit, department,
division, etc
 The Develop and manage enterprise-wide knowledge management (KM) capability
process group comprises processes associated with knowledge flow within an
organization (e.g., create, identify, collect, review, share, access, and use knowledge).
At its heart, knowledge is information in action
 Measure and benchmark encompasses the processes required to develop a strategy for
monitoring and improving the performance of an organization including creating and
managing organizational performance strategy and benchmarking performance.
The most suitable department that can implement this business process is department
Management System


2.1 Scope of Application

SEGWWL has a management system for its activities called the SEGWWL Integrated
Management System Manual (WIMS).
The WIMS applies to all operational and associated activities of Star Energy Geothermal
(Wayang Windu) Ltd. at the Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Station.

The Manual is consisting of:

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 Provides an overview and framework for the IMS component of the SEGWWL Integrated
Management System;
 Stipulates IMS requirements for operations; and
 Provides the key requirements to comply with International Standard, QMS ISO 9001:2008,
OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 50001:2011, PAS 55:2008, ISO14001:2015 and PP50/2012 SMK3.

This WIMS manual is designed to be reference and guide to the company’s policies and
procedures for achieving the highest standard of Energy Performance, Asset Management
Performance, Quality, Health, Safety and Environments conformance throughout all SEGWWL
operation or sites. Operating procedures, plans, policies and standard developed by different
functions of the company or other recognized bodies may supplement this manual as

Delegation of Management Responsibility

The Managing Director/CEO, Star Energy, delegates responsibility and grants authority to the
VP Geothermal Operations (VP Geothermal) to define management policies and adopt the
Wayang Windu Integrated Management System (WIMS) as the operational Management
System at Wayang Windu. The Field Manager is responsible to the implementation of WIMS.

2.2 Scope of Certification

 ISO 14001:2015
The scope of certification is applicable to Operational of Wayang Windu Geothermal
Power Station including well production and well injection process.
Scope of audit is 17 clause of ISO 14001:2015

 OHSAS18001:2007
The scope of certification is applicable to Operational of Wayang Windu Geothermal
Power Station including well production and well injection process.
Scope of audit is 17 clause of OHSAS18001:2007

 ISO 9001: 2008

The scope of certification is applicable to Operational of Wayang Windu Geothermal
Power Station including well production and well injection process.
Scope of audit is 5 clause of ISO 9001:2008

Refer to the scope of certification, the exclusion clause in the Quality Management
System is:
 7.3 Design and development
 7.5.2 Validation of processes for production and service provision
 7.5.4 Customer property

 PP 50/2012 SMK 3
The scope of certification is applicable to Operational of Wayang Windu Geothermal
Power Station including well production and well injection process.

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3.1 Leadership, Commitment and Policy

3.1.1 Policy
WIMS policies apply to employees, subcontractors and visitors to SEGWWL projects and
all of which are available via SEGWWL website, intranet and are on display throughout
workplaces. The relevant policies listed below are included in Appendix A.
This policy will be review regularly every 3 year as a maximum or if there is any revision.
The Key Policy is the Policy for Quality, Safety, Health, Environment, Energy and Asset
management system with related policies being in SEGWWL Policy which include
commitment to SHE /Sustainability performance, Energy Performance and Asset
management Performance across the STAR ENERGY organization.

3.1.2 Leadership & Commitment

The WIMS Policy defines that leadership will be demonstrated by actively fostering the
principles of:
 Personal responsibility;
 Accountability;
 Risk management;
 Learning culture; and
 One consistent approach.
The Field Manager of SEGWWL is accountable to the board of directors for ensuring that
the WIMS Policy is implemented throughout SEGWWL operations.

3.1.3 WIMS Management Overview

The WIMS component of the WIMS is The Policy sets the overall guidelines and
structured as follows: SEGWWL Policy direction of the approach to Quality,
Safety, Health, Environment, Energy, Asset
Management, and represents the
commitment of management to the
achievement of its aims.
WIMS Management Manual Provides a framework for the WIMS
component of the WIMS, an overview of
the key elements and reference
documents and details the WIMS strategy.
There are eleven key elements to the WIMS
Manual to reflect the Government
Regulation, International Standard &
OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 50001:2011, ISO
55000:2014, ISO 9001:2008 and
ISO14001:2015 and PP50/2012 (SMK3) or as
specified by other stake holder.
WIMS Procedures documents and registers. Procedures or work practices, which
provide the detailed steps to be taken to
identify quality product, risks, work safely,
protect the environment, asset risk, energy
performance, K3L PP 50/2012, investigate
incidents and achieve continual
Project Specific Procedures, Work Project and activity specific procedures
Instructions, & JHA’s and risk assessments prepared by project
personnel prior to commencing activities.

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ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable.

Company Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu

organization company, corporation, firm, enterprise,
authority or institution, or part or
combination thereof, whether
incorporated or not, public or private, that
has its own functions and administration
NOTE: For organizations with more than one
operating unit, a single operating unit may
be defined as an organization.
Procedure Specified way to carry out an activity or a
Ill health Identifiable, adverse physical or mental
condition arising from and/or made worse
by a work activity and/or work related
IS/ISO Indonesia Standard/International Standard.

Audit A systematic and independent

examination or review of all or part of a
project or operation to determine whether
activities and related results comply with
Company established systems, and
whether these systems have been
implemented effectively and are suitable
to achieve the SEGWWL HSE objectives.
Business Unit SEGWWL Business Units – Electricity Producer

Competent Person A person who has acquired through

training, qualification, or experience, or a
combination of these, the knowledge and
skills, qualifying that person to perform
specified tasks.
Objective & target detailed performance requirement,
applicable to the organization or parts
thereof, that arises from the objectives and
that needs to be set and met in order to
achieve those objectives
EMS Context of the Organization Is high-level, conceptual understanding of
the important issues that can affect, either
positively or negatively.
In general comprehension of internal issues
can expect related air quality, water and
waste water, land use, energy usage,
depletion of natural resources etc. More
detail identification is submitted in Risk
Management registration.
External issues shall determine related with
external communication process from
interest parties which related with SEGWWL
operation activities that associate to
environmental issues. Detail identification of
environmental issues is part of risk
management process and continue with
environmental programs which apply to

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community relation

Interest Parties Identify and assess of person or

organization that can affect, be affected
by SEGWLL activities in general. The interest
parties are regarding with community,
regulator, surrounding company-PERHUTANI
& PTPN, Top level/share-holders). Add.
Regulator shall reference to EBTKE-ESDM,
KLHK, BPLHD, BPLH include others specific
requirements such as Safeguard ADB-
standard and or others.
Duty of Care A statutory legal obligation that places a
clear responsibility on organizations to
ensure the health and safety of their
employees and to prevent harm to the
WIMS WW Integrated Management System which
integrated of 6 policies:
EMS : Environment Management System
SHS: Safety& occupational health
Management System
QMS : Quality Management System
AMS: Asset Management System
EnMS: Energy Management System
SMK3 : Sistim Manajemen K3 (PP50/2012)
Surroundings in which an organization
Environment operates, including air, water, land and
natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and
their interrelation.
Hazard: Any agent, source or situation with the
potential to cause injury, damage, loss or
adverse environmental impact.
HAZOB Hazard Observation.

LTI Lost Time Injury

HIRA Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

HSE committee Meeting (P2K3) Health Safety and Environment.

Meeting with FM, GMs and HSE team
IMP Health, Safety , Environment, Energy and
Asset Management Planning (Integrated
Management Planning)
Impact: Any adverse change to a procedure,
process, operation or the environment
wholly or partially resulting from the
activities, products or services of the
Company or others.
Incident: An event or situation which results in
damage or has the potential to cause
injury or illness, financial loss or liability or
environmental impact.
Injury: Means any injury or medical condition
sustained by any person in the workplace
that requires or may require first aid or
medical treatment.
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA): An analysis of the tasks or activities
undertaken in a job or process to ensure

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any risk associated are identified and

KPI: Key Performance Indicator.

Monitor: To check, supervise, observe, or record the

progress of an activity, action or system in
such a manner to assess compliance or
identify change.
MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet (If required,
available through Corporate HSE
Department) via producer
PPE Personal Protective Equipment.

Recordable Injuries Includes following injury classifications: lost

time, restricted duties and medical
treatment injuries.
Risk An evaluation of the potential of something
happening during a work process that shall
have an impact upon objectives. It is
measured in terms of consequences and
Risk Management The systematic application of management
policies, procedures and practices to the
tasks of identifying associated risk through
analyzing, assessing, treating and
monitoring work processes or activities.
Safety A state in which the risk of harm (to persons)
or damage is limited to an acceptable
Subcontractor An individual, company or other legal
entity that carries out work or performs
services pursuant to a contract for service.
Top Management Person or group of people who directs and
controls an organization at the highest level
Customer satisfaction Customer’s perception of the degree to
which the customer’s requirement have
been fulfilled

3.1.4 Organization Structure

The organizational structure of SEGWWL demonstrates the functional reporting structure
of the management team including WIMS Reference Organization Chart listed below in
Appendix B

3.2 Planning

3.2.1 Hazard Identification & Risk Management including Asset Risk

In the planning stage, there are several steps, which are the identification of hazards and
environmental aspect for activity, product and service of Star Energy Geothermal Wayang
Windu Limited of Companies operations; the identification of relevant WIMS legal and other
requirements and setting of WIMS objective, targets and management program(s). It is the
responsibility of the HSE Superintendent to establish, implement review, revise as necessary,
and reissue the SEGWWL Integrated Management System and Implementation Program and
Communicate to related personnel.
Hazards and Environmental Aspects shall be properly identified. Environment risks shall
be assessed and managed through the principle of reduction, reuse, recycle, and recovery to

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protect the environment. Hazards shall be managed by elimination, substitution, engineering

control, administrative control and personal protective protection to achieve an acceptable
level. Assessed risks are addressed by levels of management appropriate to the nature and
magnitude of the risk including asset risk management. Decisions are clearly documented and
resulting actions implemented through local procedure.

Process of controlling hazards and environmental aspects is started from the beginning of the
project, throughout project life cycle until decommissioning of the plant/facilities.
Environmental, health & safety and asset aspects shall be considered during the initiation of a
project as well as economic value.

It is our practice to identify the OHS hazards and environmental aspects of our
activities, products and services that can be controlled and over which control can be
expected and influenced. Determination will be made for those OHS hazards and
environmental aspects, which have or can have significant risk / impacts on the employee
health & safety and on the environment. Identified significant hazards and environmental
aspects, also asset risk / impacts will be communicated to management.

Identified significant hazard / environmental aspects and risk/impacts are considered when
setting WIMS objectives and targets. The identification of the hazard and environmental
aspects is an ongoing process that determines the past, current and future hazard / aspect
and risk / impact of the activities to the employee health & safety and to the environment.

Significant aspects and impacts will be reviewed when new processes or technology are
installed at the site. Records of these activities will be maintained.
The aim of this process is to consider all hazard and environmental aspects assess the risk and
impacts of Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu Limited operations as a basis for
establishing our SEGWWL Integrated Management System.

The identification of hazard and environmental aspect is based on the following considerations
specific to each site:
 Any applicable Legal and other requirements obligation, relating to risk assessment and
implementation of necessary control.
 the degree of practical control that we have over the hazard / environmental aspects
being considered,
 the inputs and outputs associated with our relevant past , current and future activities,
products, and/or services
 Normal and abnormal, routine and non-routine operations within Star Energy Group of
 Shut down and start up conditions,
 Activities of all person having access to the workplace, including employees,
contractors and visitors,
 Human behavior, capabilities, and other human factors,
 Identified hazard originating outside the workplace,
 Hazard created in the vicinity of the workplace by work-related activities under the
control the organization,
 Infrastructure, equipment and material at the workplace whether provide by the
organization or others,
 Changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities, or materials,
 Modification to the SEGWWL Integrated Management System including temporary
changes, and the impact on the operations, processes, and activities,
 The design of work areas, processes, installation, machinery/equipment, operating
procedure and work organization including their adaptation to human capabilities,
 For the management of change, the organization shall identify the WIMS hazard and
risk associated with the changes in the organization, SEGWWL Integrated Management
System of activities, prior to the introduction of the changes,
 potential significant risk / impacts associated with foreseeable or emergency

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 emissions to the air, releases to water, and waste management, use of natural
resources, global impact, and
 Other local and community HSE issues.

Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu Limited assures that the hazard and aspects
related to these significant risk / impacts are considered in setting its WIMS objectives and
targets. Each site maintains up-to-date information in an Environmental Aspect Matrix, Hazard
Identification Risk Assessment and Determining Control (HIRADC) & Job Hazard Analysis (JSA)
matrices that address the significant WIMS hazards & aspects.
Significant hazard / environmental aspects are hazard / aspects which have a significant
environmental impact, and it is defined as follow:
 All hazard / environmental aspect that have a risk / environmental impact regulated by
local or national regulation will automatically defined as significant.
 All risk / impact (despite regulatory relation) will be evaluated with criteria. If the
score(s) is/are above the average or medium risk, the associated hazard/aspect and
risk/impacts will be defined as significant ones.

3.2.2 Customer Focus

Top management shall ensure that customer requirements are determined and fulfilled
with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction is requirements not stated by the customer
but necessary for specified or intended use, where known. This is in line with eight (8) Principle
of Quality Management System.

3.2.3 Legislative Compliance

SEGWWL personnel and subcontractors are required to comply with applicable legislation,
regulations and standards as well as client’s WIMS requirements in every work function or activity.
The Control of Legal and Other Requirements Procedure details the process used to identify
legislative compliance.

The SMS Manual and WIMS have been Safety and Asset
developed to meet the requirements of the
following standards: ACT No.1 year 1970
The SMS Manual and WIMS have been Environmental and Energy
developed to meet the requirements of the
following standards: ACT No.32 year 2009
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems –
Specification with Guidance for Use
OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems – Requirements
ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management Systems
PAS 55:2008 Publicly Available Specification
PP 50/2012 SMK 3 (Sistim Manajemen K3)

3.2.4 QHSE Objectives, Targets and Performance Standards

WIMS Objectives and Targets are developed in conjunction with Executive WIMS Committee to
achieve the SEGWWL Policy. Quality objective target as part of WIMS Objective Target which
meet requirements for product to fulfill customer requirements, are established at relevant
functions and levels within the organization.
Aim of enhancing customer satisfaction is requirements not stated by the customer but
necessary for specified or intended use, where known. This is in line with eight (8) Principle of
Quality Management System

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Objectives and Targets are developed from the following:

 Meet requirements for product, are established at relevant functions and levels within the
 Contractual Requirements;
 Legislative Compliance;
 Risk assessment; Environment aspects and Energy performance
 Incident and audit findings.

3.2.5 Key Performance Indicators

WIMS Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to gauge WIMS development, implementation
and adherence. Negative (lag) and positive (leading) KPIs are set annually for SEGWWL, the
business line and projects.
WIMS Management Program are established, documented and maintained for each
objective and target which consist of Designated person / department to take responsible for
achieving, The means (planning and action required) by which they shall be achieved and
Time-frame for achievement
Progress of WIMS Management Program is monitored by each department regularly and
reviewed periodically by Management Representative in Management Review Meetings

3.3 Competency, Training & Awareness

Personnel are provided awareness, training and competency building appropriate to their role.
Personnel, including sub-contractors, are required to be competent for assigned work tasks.

3.3.1 Employee Selection & Pre-placement Medicals

Employees are selected on the basis of their qualifications, skills, experience and fitness for work.
Personnel, including subcontractors, are required to undergo a pre-employment medical. The
evaluation is conducted by an approved Medical Practitioner or Medical Clinic. Physical
performance capabilities are measured against a predetermined function pro-forma by a
qualified physiotherapist as part of the pre-employment medical. On completion, the medical
report is forwarded to the Recruitment Officer. Medical reports are treated confidentially at all

3.3.2 Competence Training

Personnel, including subcontractors, must have adequate qualifications and work experience to
perform the tasks for which they are employed. Where licenses or certificates of competency
are required, a current copy of all the relevant license or certificate must be provided to
SEGWWL personnel prior to commencement of work. Licenses and qualifications must be
maintained in a register which is regularly reviewed and updated.
WIMS training matrix and training need analysis are developed for each project in conjunction
with corporate training program and training matrix to identify individual and operational
competency gaps.

 Management & Supervisor Training

Managers and supervisors participate in training and development based on individual
needs and organizational requirements in areas such as Front Line Management and
project management training.

 Training Records & Training matrix plan

Training records are maintained in a project HR database/WIMS Database to assist with
identification and mobilization of appropriately inducted & trained personnel.

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3.3.3 Awareness programs

Awareness programs are conducted monthly by WIMS personnel.
Awareness program is inclusive to communication such as meeting, notice board and HSE alert.

3.3.4 Inductions
All SEGWWL and subcontractor employees and all visitors receive an induction prior to
commencing work. The induction are based on SEGWWL key elements

3.4 WIMS Communication

3.4.1 Consultation, Communication & Reporting

Internal Communication
Communication, consultation and reporting are considered to be essential elements of an
effective WIMS Management. Communication mechanisms at SEGWWL provide effective
transfer of information and instructions between personnel at all levels of the organization.
Communication mechanisms include:
 Hazard and Incident reports;
 WIMS Inductions/Training Sessions;
 Internal Correspondence;
 Toolbox / Pre-Start Briefings;
 Regularly WIMS reports;
 Audit and Inspection reports;
 Notice boards;
 WIMS Alerts; and
 Corporate and Project WIMS Committee Meetings.

External Communication
 Client Meetings & Contract;
 Notification/Liaising with government and statutory authorities;
 Company liaising with local communities;
 Annual Company Report;
 SEGWWL Internet site at ; and
 Public and Industry Exhibitions/ Presentations.

3.4.2 Issue Resolution

All the WIMS issues, complaint and resolutions are managed under Top Management.

3.4.3 Community Contact & Consultation

All media relation queries shall be managed by human relation.

3.5 Document, Data & Information Management

3.5.1 Document Hierarchy

The WIMS component of the SMS Manual is contained within the following Document hierarchy:

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The key elements of the SEGWWL Integrated Management System Manual are:
1. SEGWWL Commitment & Policy
2. WIMS Procedure
3. WIMS Working Instruction
4. WIMS Data Record & Information Management

3.5.2 Document Control & Review

Documentation system are established and maintained the information to provide a
direction to integrate SEGWWL Integrated Management System and related procedures with
the overall system and other documentation through the four level of documentation.
Document control and reviews to all WIMS documents will be conducted maximum 3 years or
if there any revision on it.
It is the practice of the Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu Limited to establish and
maintain information describing the major elements of the WIMS and the interactions required
by the various functions at the site. The elements described in this SMS manual define the limits
of the WIMS.
Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu Limited has defined the hierarchy of document
requirement and a documentation system for compliance with management system
components. The WIMS documentation system consists of four level of documentation.
Documents of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning
and operation of the quality management system are identified and their distribution

3.5.3 Records & Records Management

WIMS records shall be collected, indexed, filed, maintained and archived in accordance with
the appropriate procedures. WIMS has a database system to record data related to quality
record, incident, Injury, Inspection and Audit. Record can be generated into spread sheet to
enable all users view the records”. All activities been conducted shall be kept maintained in the
WIMS records.

3.5.4 References Procedure

Policies and procedures developed as references of the business process, to be used to meet
the requirements of the standard which has been used as references of this manual guideline.
The policies and procedures is shown at attachment

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3.6 Materials Handling & Storage

Hazardous substances and dangerous goods shall be handled in accordance with the relevant
standards and guidelines.
Materials used on site should have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and a register should be
kept of these MSDS. These MSDS and MSDS register shall be reviewed and updated regularly.

3.7 Procurement of Materials & Services

Procurement should assess materials suppliers and subcontractors on the basis of this SMS
Manual. Subcontractor assessment should include:
 Are they certified to ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO14001, Asset Management, Energy
management and PP 50/2012 and/or other international/national standard;
 Have they a management system in place;
 Will they prepare an Quality Objective, OTP or EMP for works proposed;
 Will they complete and/or participate in a risk identification, assessment and control
process prior to access to site and during onsite activities.

Subcontractor assessment should include:

 Purchased product conforms to specified purchase requirements
 Materials supplied come with up to date MSDS;
 Packaged appropriately including labeling;
 Emergency/Spill plans available and personnel trained in implementation; and
 Appropriate transportation provided including licenses as required.

3.8 Operational Controls

SEGWWL will identify and plan operations that are identified with significant environmental
aspects consistent with the Environmental Policy, objectives and targets by;
 Establishing, implementing and maintaining procedures to control the situation
 Stipulating the operations criteria in the procedures
 Establishing, implementing and maintaining procedures relating to goods and services
used by SEGWWL and communicating the procedures and requirements to suppliers and

3.9 Design Construction and Commissioning

The results of the risk assessments are incorporated into the design of the plant/site and
the design specifications refer to appropriate safety performance and safe design criteria.
A formal design review is conducted at major design phases of the project with all relevant
functional groups involved including WIMS aspect and risk.

3.10 Maintenance and Repair

All plant and equipment requiring registration with external authorities is identified upon receive.
A register of all plant and equipment is maintained on-site. The register includes
registration/certification, maintenance schedule, and review dates of action against
maintenance schedule. Provide and maintain the infrastructure needed to achieve the
conformity to product requirements. Infrastructure includes, for example: building, workspace
and associated utilities, process equipment, both hardware and software, and supporting
services (such as transport, communication or information systems). Maintenance
Personnel/Servicemen are included in the review process and will also have the opportunity for
feedback in Site WIMS meetings.

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3.11 Subcontractor Management

3.11.1 Subcontractor Accountability

Subcontractors are expected to comply with and will be held accountable for adherence to
WIMS procedures, general rules of conduct and all applicable laws and regulations related to
project or operations activities.

3.11.2 Subcontractor Compliance

Subcontractors are required to comply with and participate in the all relevant WIMS
Procedures. The following activities shall be conducted as a routine component of ensuring
Subcontractor compliance:
 Documentation reviews e.g. meeting minutes, JHAs, incident/injury reports, workplace
inspection records, asset risk, energy performance;
 Examination of incident and injury occurrences;
 Subcontractor audits; and
 Maintain hazard register/database.

3.12 Emergency Preparedness & Response

3.12.1 Emergency Response Plans

Emergency planning includes the following elements:
 Crisis management plan
 Potential Emergency Threat Analysis
 Procedures to identify potential accidents and emergency situations;
 Design of detailed emergency response plans;
 Delegation of competent persons to emergency response teams;
 Training programs, drills (periodic testing) and inclusion of emergency response information
at induction sessions in proportion to the risks posed by emergency events and, a critical
review process that will result in refinements to response plans following drills and
emergency events.
 Spill, chemical and damage property (asset).
 Detailed Emergency Response Procedures are developed for all Operations per procedure

3.12.2 First Aid & Medical Facilities

Medical Treatment and the appropriate Medical Facility are provided in conjunction with
appropriate procedure.
At the start of the project or operations, contact is made with suitable medical facilities and
providers to:
 Establish contact names and phone numbers;
 Determine medical provider’s treatment and invoicing procedures; and
 Inform those providers of:
o Project hazards and potential injuries; and
o Project emergency response procedures and access points.
The Field Manager and HSE Superintendent shall coordinate further medical treatment with the
employee and the treating medical officer.

3.12.3 Emergency Drills

An emergency drill, either desk top or field based, should be conducted. The frequency of these
drills should be stipulated in the project HSMP and EMP.

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Portable Fire Extinguishers shall be readily available at offices and on Site. Fire Extinguishers are to
be serviced in accordance with Indonesia Standard or International Standard and details of the
service are to be recorded.

3.12.4 Contingency Planning

A crisis is any situation that could affect SEGWWL business continuity, reputation or liability thus
potentially threatening the commercial position or survivability. A crisis will typically involve media
interest on a state or national level and are frequently driven by perception rather than facts.

3.13 Measurement & Evaluation

3.13.1 Health and Hygiene Monitoring

The measurement of each hazard requires the use of specialist instruments and competent
personnel. Some external specialists maybe required for some studies.
In the case of physical hazards, specially designed instruments are used for assessing exposure,
e.g. sound level meters to assess exposure to noise, or light meters to assess lighting conditions.

3.13.2 Environmental Monitoring

Environmental assessment monitoring is mandatory for all projects. Reviews include
consideration of the number and type of environmental incidents and hazards. Physical
monitoring is conducted in accordance with company requirements and legal responsibilities.
This may include monitoring of: water quality, noise, vibration, dust and flora and fauna. Where
monitoring equipment and/or chemical analysis are required, calibration and analytical
standards are documented and checked. Procedures are established specific to projects which
identify monitoring requirements, targets, reporting and the steps to be taken to correct
detrimental effects identified by monitoring.

3.13.3 Inspection and Testing

Equipment used for testing, measuring or monitoring activities if required (e.g.
environmental - dust, noise or turbidity meters) are controlled and calibrated. Testing, verification
or calibration shall be conducted as required by the certifying authority.

3.13.4 Evaluation of Compliance

Audit protocols are contained within the WIMS Audits Procedure that ensures compliance with
applicable legal requirements.

3.13.5 Work Environment

Active self-monitoring through work place inspections indicates the effectiveness of the
management system and is measured against the agreed standards to indicate if improvement
is required.

3.13.6 Health Surveillance

When the hazard is unable to be eliminated, health surveillance equipment shall be determined
and implemented.

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3.13.7 Fitness for Work Management

Employees must present themselves for work in a fit state to perform their duties. Persons
suffering from any condition that may reduce or inhibit their capability to perform their work
safely including fatigue, stress, being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or other
prohibited substances are in breach of the SEGWWL Policy. Education and training may be
provided to outline the physical, psychology and social implications of issues affecting fitness of
mind & body.

3.14 Incident/Injury Management

3.14.1 Incident/Injury Reporting & Investigation

The primary purpose of any incident/injury investigation is to identify and priorities
corrective and preventative actions to ensure the incident/injury does not reoccur.
It is SEGWWL policy to identify, investigate, report and review all reported incidents. However, the
extent of an investigation, report and review process should reflect the potential risk ranking of
the incident/injury. The investigation level of any reported incident depends on its potential risk
The steps in carrying out an investigation are:
 Management selects the Investigation Team Leader who must be trained in Incident/Injury
investigation and approved by the Field Manager to lead any investigation.
 Team Leader briefs the team and assigns tasks
 Team members gather data
 Team determines the chronological sequence of events
 Team identifies contributing factors to the event
 Team determines Root Causes from Cause Analysis Result
 Team determine corrective actions and assign responsibility and time frames
 Team leader confirms corrective actions are understood and achievable with assigned
Supervisors or Managers
 Team leader completes and circulates draft report for comment
 Team Management approves and acts on report and team leader issues final report.
 Injuries and incidents are reported, investigated, actions assigned and closed out

3.14.2 Injury Management

The WIMS personnel inform all treating medical officers near the work site of:
 Project rehabilitation and worker’s compensation procedures;
 Site contacts; and
 A range of possible suitable duties available on site.

A member of the WIMS team :

 Accompanies the injured worker to the treating medical officer; and
 Liaises with the treating medical officer to determine the most suitable rehabilitation
treatment, including when it is appropriate, early return to work performing suitable duties.
Worker’s Compensation claim forms and information shall be completed and compiled by the
HSE personnel on-site and reviewed by the HSE Superintendent, before being forwarded onto
the Human Resources Department for processing.

3.14.3 Analysis of Trends

WIMS Performance is reviewed and analyzed regularly as part of continual improvement by
determining, collecting and analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and
effectiveness of the quality, environment, Occupational Health & Safety, Energy and Asset
management system and to evaluate where continual improvement of the effectiveness of the

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quality, environment, Occupational Health & Safety, Energy and Asset management system also
SMK3 can be made.

3.15 Audits, Reviews and System Improvement

3.15.1 WIMS Audits

Systematic audits of the SMS Manual and project HSMP, QMS, EMP, Energy Management
Planning, Asset management Planning and SMK 3 PP 501/2012 are scheduled to ensure any non-
compliance with established standards is identified and control measures employed. WIMS
audits include reviewing documentation, visually inspecting the workplace and conducting
interviews with employees. Primary objectives of auditing are to offer a means of continual
review and improvement and to prevent WIMS related incidents at work sites. Audits can be
carried out internally by HSE personnel, or with the assistance of independent external agencies.
It is typical for a client representative to participate in the audit as an integral member of the
audit team.

3.15.2 Non Conformity & Corrective Actions

Deficiencies may be identified as a result of an audit, incident/injury investigation, quality
objective target, site inspection report, internal or external communication, review or some other
risk management process, non-conformity of product. These system deficiencies should be:
 Documented;
 Follow-up action(s) nominated;
 Review the effectiveness of the corrective action taken;
 Follow-up action(s) monitored until closed out effectively;
 Risk management processes/control measures and/or safe operating procedures reviewed
and updated as required; and
 All appropriate persons advised of relevant outcomes and/or any changes.

3.15.3 Management Review

SEGWWL will review its policies every year refer to the Company Policy. The all Integrated
Management System Manual and procedures that refer to the five (6) standards will be
reviewed regularly maximum is 3 years or if there any revision on it. For currency, content and
completeness. QMP, HSMP’s, EnMP, AMP, EMP’s and SMK 3will be reviewed regularly as
stipulated in these plans to ascertain the sufficiency of these plans and their implementation.
Management reviews consider the following:
 Changing legislation;
 Audit reports;
 Changes in SEGWWL activities or business thrust;
 Changes in the Project organizational structure;
 Advances in science, technology and new processes;
 Reviews of incidents and injuries; status of preventive and corrective actions
 Reporting and communication; participation and consultation;
 Client/ employee feedback/Internal Customer Satisfaction and;
 follow-up actions from previous management reviews

The outputs from the management review shall include any decisions and actions related to
improvement of the effectiveness of the management system

3.15.4 Customer Feedback

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Satisfying customers is always the ultimate goal of Company. Delivering product that meet
customers’ requirement is not enough. Customers’ feedbacks are very essential in improving
Company’s products.

To ensure that feedback or complaints from Customers are addressed appropriately, preliminary
actions are taken to respond then reported using Corrective & Preventive Action Request to
Operation superintendent. He / she will monitor, review and verify the actions done by
responsible people in Company to ensure they are effective.

Customer Satisfaction is measured periodically by survey and or other action which appropriate
and relevant to see the Gap between Expectation and Perception to our product. The survey
data and or other action analyzed and the results are brought to Management Review.
Operation Superintendent is responsible in Measuring Customer Satisfaction.

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4.1 ISO 14001: 2015

4.2 OHSAS 18001: 2007

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4.3 ISO 55000

4.4 ISO 50001: 2011

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4.5 ISO 9001:2008

4.6 PP 50/2012 – SMK 3

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6.1 Organization Structure (HRD-5.0-FHR-OD-200)

6.2 PCF
6.3 Business Matrix, correspondence between WIMS - procedure

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