Mental Status Exam

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Mental Status Exam Appearance/Behavior

1. Appearance/Behavior: apparent age, attitude and  Physical appearance: Gender, age (looks
older/younger than stated age), type of clothing,
cooperativeness, eye contact, posture, dress and
hygiene (including smelling of alcohol, urine, feces),
hygiene, psychomotor status posture, grooming, physical abnormalities, tattoos,
2. Speech: rate, rhythm, volume, tone, articulation body piercings. Take specific notice of the following,
3. Mood: patient’s subjective emotional state— which may be clues for possible diagnoses:
■■ Pupil size: Drug intoxication/withdrawal.
depressed, anxious, sad, angry, etc.
4. Affect: objective emotional expression— ■■ Bruises in hidden areas: ↑ suspicion for abuse.
euthymic, dysphoric, euphoric, appropriate (to ■■ Needle marks/tracks: Drug use.

■■ Eroding of tooth enamel: Eating disorders (from

stated mood), labile, full, constricted, flat, etc.
5. Thought process: logical/linear, circumstantial, ■■ Superficial cuts on arms: Self-harm.
tangential, flight of ideas, looseness of ■■ Behavior and psychomotor activity: Attitude

association, thought blocking (cooperative, seductive, flattering, charming, eager to

6. Thought content: suicidal/homicidal ideation, please, entitled, controlling, uncooperative, hostile,
guarded, critical, antagonistic, childish), mannerisms,
delusions, preoccupations,hyperreligiosity
tics, eye contact, activity level, psychomotor
7. Perceptual disturbances: hallucinations, illusions, retardation/activation, akathisia, automatisms,
derealization, depersonalization catatonia, choreoathetoid movements, compulsions,
dystonias, tremor.
 Cognition:
1. Level of consciousness: alert, sleepy, lethargic Rate (pressured, slowed, regular), rhythm (i.e.,
2. Orientation: person, place, date prosody), articulation (dysarthria, stuttering),
3. Attention/concentration: serial 7s, spell “world” accent/dialect, volume/modulation (loudness or
backwards softness), tone, long or short latency of speech.

 Memory: Mood is the emotion that the patient tells you he feels,
1. Registration: immediate recall of three objects often in quotations.
2. Short term: recall of objects after 5 minutes
3. Long term: ask about verifiable personal Affect is an assessment of how the patient’s mood
information appears to the examiner, including the amount and
4. Fund of knowledge: current events range of emotional expression. It is described with
5. Abstract thought: interpretation of proverbs, the following dimensions:
■■ Type of affect: Euthymic, euphoric, neutral,
analogies dysphoric.
6. Insight: patient’s awareness of his/her illness and ■■ Quality/Range describes the depth and range of the

need for treatment feelings shown.

7. Judgment: patient’s ability to approach his/her Parameters: flat (none)—blunted (shallow)—
problems in an appropriate manner constricted (limited)—full
(average)—intense (more than normal).
■■ Motility describes how quickly a person appears to

shift emotional states.

Parameters: sluggish—supple—labile.
Delirium Mania (“DIG FAST”)
1. Characteristics: acute onset, waxing/waning Distractibility
sensorium (worse at night), disorientation, Irritable mood/insomnia
inattention, impaired cognition, disorganized Grandiosity
thinking, altered sleep-wake cycle, perceptual Flight of ideas
disorders (hallucinations, illusions) Agitation/increase in goal-directed activity
2. Etiology: drugs (narcotics, benzodiazepines, Speedy thoughts/speech
anticholinergics, TCAs, steroids, Thoughtlessness: seek pleasure without regard to
diphenhydramine, etc.), EtOH withdrawal, consequences
metabolic (cardiac,respiratory, renal, hepatic,
endocrine), infection, neurological causes Suicide Risk (“SAD PERSONS”)
(increased ICP, encephalitis, postictal, stroke) Sex—male
3. Investigations: Age >60 years
Routine: CBC, electrolytes, glucose, renal Depression
panel, LFTs, TFTs, UA, urine toxicology, Previous attempt
CXR, O2 sat, HIV Ethanol/drug abuse
Medium-yield: ABG, ECG (silent MI), ionized Rational thinking loss
Ca2+ Suicide in family
If above inconclusive: Head CT/MRI, EEG, Organized plan/access
LP No support
4. Management: identify/correct underlying cause, Sickness
simplify Rx regimen, d/c potentially offensive
medications if possible, avoid benzodiazepines Depression (“SIG E. CAPS”)
(except in EtOH withdrawal), create safe Sleep
environment, provide reassurance/education, Interest
judiciously use antipsychotics for acute agitation. Guilt
Psychomotor Ds
Suicidal ideation

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