Present Simple or Present Continuous

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Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the verbs in brackets.

1..- Who is that man? What __________ he __________ ?(want)

2.- Who is that man? Why _________ he __________ at us? (look)

3.- _________ you __________ in God? (believe)

4.- Joseanis says he is 54, but nobody ____________ him (believe)

5.- Every Monday Susana ___________ (drive) her kids to handball practice.

6.- Be quiet, John ___________ (sleep)

7.- Don’t forget to take your umbrella. It ___________ (rain)

8..- I don’t like living in England. It always __________ (rain)

9.- Look! It ___________ (snow). We are going to have a white Christmas.

10.- Esther __________ (watch) TV every morning.

11.- I have to go now. It ___________ (get) dark.

12..- Right now I ___________ (spend) time with my father.

13.- We usually ____________ (go) to the gym on Mondays.

14.- She ____________ (talk) to Pete at the moment.

15.- He ___________ (look) good in jeans.

16.- She __________ (wear) a dress today.

17.- We ___________ (drive) on the left in England.

18.- I ___________ (not want) to go to the cinema.

19.- We __________ (go) dancing every weekend.

20.- I ___________ (take) two pills every day.

21.- My aunt __________ (speak) Russian and French.

22.- We always ___________ (stay) at the village.

23.- My cousin ___________ (need) to see the doctor.

24.- Rachel __________ (drink) a lot of coffee.

25.- The children ___________ (play) cricket right now.

26.- I __________ (play) cricket at the weekends.

27.- My grandmother ___________ (cook) in the kitchen now.

28.- Silvia __________ (cook) for her father on Sundays.

29.- Keep silent, Oscar __________ (read) a book.

30.- Cristina _________ (like) Chinese food.

31.- Marta _________ (love) Marcos.

32..-Adrian __________ (jog) in the park today.

33.- George __________ (want) to hang out with his Friends.

34.- Barbara __________ (eat) chicken wings at the moment.

35.- What __________ your brother _________ (do)? He is sleeping.

36.- How many languages ________ your teacher ________ (speak)?

37.- My mother _________ (not like) politics.

38.- What _________ you __________ (do) at the moment?

39.- Where ________ your cousins ________ (live)?

40.- Hector ____________ (wear) jeans today.

41.- Aitor is in Edimburg this week. He ____________ (stay) at the Travelodge.

42.- Look! Sandra ____________ (jump) into the water.

43..- Jose Angel is rich. He ___________ (drive) a Mercedes.

44.- Twice a week, I __________ (go) to my karate lessons.

45.- I __________ (think) you’re cool.

46.- My nephew never ____________ (watch) TV in the morning.

47.- Listen! Sarah ____________ (sing) in the shower.

48.- My grandfather sometimes ___________ (read) comics.

49.- My neighbour ___________ (work) for a TV station.

50.- Daniel ___________ (love) wild animals.

51.- My parents _____________ (not visit) New York at the moment.

52.- I usually ____________ (cook) dinner.

53..- My grandparents ___________ (go) to Italy every year.

54..- My daughter __________ (walk) to school every day.

55.- We _____________ (have) lunch now.

56.- Paula never ____________ (stay) in on Saturday evening.

57.- John and Diana ____________ (go9 to the cinema now.

58.- Peter ___________ (not like) rap music.

59.- Peter ___________ (listen) to the radio at the moment.

60.- My parents usually ___________ (go) shopping on Saturday afternoon.

61.- Let’s go out! It ___________ (not rain).

62..- Hurry up! Everybody ___________(wait) for you.

63.- The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.

64.-. Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.

65.- The wáter ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?

66.- I must go now. It_____________ (get) late.

67.- Angela usually ___________ (go) to work by car.

68.- It ___________ (not rain) very much in the summer.

69.- The moon ___________ (go) round the earth.

70.- Someone ____________ (wait) for you outside. Who is it?

71.- Hurry up! The bus __________ (wait) for us!

72.- This bike ____________ (cost) a lot of money.

73.- I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you. You ____________ (talk) very quietly.

74.- Please be quiet! I ___________ (read) a very interesting book.

75.- ____________ Susan __________ (like) horror films?

76.- Richard always _________ (get up) before 7.00.

77.- What’s your job exactly? What ________ you ________ (do)?

78.- There is a lot of noise in the street. What ________________ (happen)?

79.- We _____________ (have) a great time at the moment.

80.- Sorry, I can’t speak to you now. I ___________ (have) a bath.

81.- What __________ you __________ (eat)? Is it an orange?

82.- Inés feels ill, so she _____________ (not play) basketball.

83.- I ____________ (not get up) early on Sundays.

84.- What __________ you usually _________ (have) for lunch?

85.- Pay attention, Daniel! ___________ you __________ (listen)?

86.- George ___________ (watch) televisión every night.

87.- Stop it! I ____________ (not like) it.

88.- This book is difficult. I _____________ (not understand) it.

89.- Excuse me. ___________ you _________ (know) the way to the museum?

90.- When _________ the lesson _________ (begin)?

91.- It’s 9.30 and the children ___________ (sit) at their desks.

92.- Helen never __________ (eat) meat.

93.- Tina ___________ (not like) computer games.

94.- ______ you ________ (wait) for the school bus? You are in the wrong place.

95.- Look outside! It ___________ (snow)

96.- I can’t come now. I ____________ (write) a letter.

97.- Jim is here. He ___________ (watch) TV.

98.- You ____________ (sit) in my place!

99.- Jack ___________ (not wear) a school uniform.

100.- Susan can’t talk now. She ____________ (wash) her hair.

101.- _______ you ________ (play) football after school?

102.- My friends ____________ (not live) near my house.

103.- We ______________ (not study) French at school this year.

104.- My sister _____________ (walk) on the beach now.

105.- Why __________ those people ___________? (laugh)

106.- “What __________ you __________ (eat)?” “A cheese sándwich”

107.- “Bonjour.” “Sorry I _____________ (not speak) French.

108.- The sun _____________ (not shine) today.

109.- What _________ Paul _________ (want) for his birthday?

110.- “Why aren’t you at the office?” I ___________ (not work) today.

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