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Research Report
Effects of Distally Fixated Versus
Nondistally Fixated Leg Extensor
Resistance Training on Knee Pain in
the Early Period After Anterior
Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Background and Purpose. Nondistally fixated (ie, what is often referred

to as “open kinetic chain” [OKC]) knee extensor resistance training

appears to have lost favor for some forms of rehabilitation due partly
to concerns that this exercise will irritate the extensor mechanism. In
this randomized, single-blind clinical trial, nondistally fixated versus
distally fixated (ie, often called “closed kinetic chain” [CKC]) leg
extensor training were compared for their effects on knee pain.
Subjects. Forty-three patients recovering from anterior cruciate liga-
ment (ACL) reconstruction surgery (34 male, 9 female; mean age⫽29
years, SD⫽7.9, range⫽16 –54). Methods. Knee pain was measured at 2
and 6 weeks after ACL reconstruction surgery using visual analog scales
in a self-assessment questionnaire and during maximal isometric
contractions of the knee extensors. Between test sessions, subjects
trained 3 times per week using either OKC or CKC resistance of their
knee and hip extensors as part of their physical therapy. Results. No
differences in knee pain were found between the treatment groups.
Discussion and Conclusion. Open kinetic chain and CKC leg extensor
training in the early period after ACL reconstruction surgery do not
differ in their immediate effects on anterior knee pain. Based on these
findings, further studies are needed using different exercise dosages
APTA is a sponsor of the
Decade, an international, and patient groups. [Morrissey MC, Drechsler WI, Morrissey D, et al.
multidisciplinary initiative Effects of distally fixated versus nondistally fixated leg extensor resis-
to improve health-related
quality of life for people with
tance training on knee pain in the early period after anterior cruciate
musculoskeletal disorders. ligament reconstruction. Phys Ther. 2002;82:35– 43.]

Key Words: Anterior knee pain, Patellofemoral joint, Resistance training.

Matthew C Morrissey, Wendy I Drechsler, Dylan Morrissey, Philippa R Knight, Paul W Armstrong,
Thomas B McAuliffe

Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002 35

e believe that since the early 1990s, there exercise will lead to anterior knee pain and even to
has been a shift among clinicians regard- damage of the articular cartilage. Only the issue of pain
ing the type of resistance exercise used has been studied when two exercise routines were exam-
for the knee extensors in knee rehabili- ined for their effects on knee pain after ACL reconstruc-
tation. The shift, in our view, has been from exercise tion.10 Although the method for measuring knee pain
where the resistance to the knee extensors occurs with was unclear, the authors found in one instance that
the distal segment of the limb not fixated to exercise patellofemoral pain severe enough to restrict activities
where the distal segment is fixated (for example, the leg was less in the group using CKC exercise at 9 months
squat exercise). These 2 forms of exercises are com- after ACL reconstruction versus the OKC training group
monly referred to as “open kinetic chain” (OKC) and (15% versus 38%). In another part of the article, the
“closed kinetic chain” (CKC) exercises, respectively. The authors reported no differences in the prevalence of
shift appears to have been most widespread in rehabili- patients with patellofemoral pain in their follow-up
tation of patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) testing, with 24% (n⫽10) of the OKC group and 18%
injury, with or without surgical reconstruction. The (n⫽8) of the CKC group having pain. The ability to
support for exercises with distal fixation has been due to select CKC versus OKC knee extensor training due to
the early laboratory findings indicating that ACL strain is possible pain effects is limited from these data for several
greater with nonfixated as compared with distal reasons. The method used to determine whether a
segment-fixated exercise.1–3 Knee extensor exercises patient’s patellofemoral pain was severe enough to
with distal fixation have also been adopted because of restrict activities was unclear. Whether the treatment
the suspicion that this type of exercise will result in groups differed in their prerehabilitation patellofemoral
greater enhancement of function4 – 6 and is safer for the pain also was unclear. In addition, it is possible that a
patellofemoral joint7 than nondistally fixated resistance type I error occurred due to the lack of alpha level
of the knee extensors. adjustment in this multiple-comparison study.

The belief that knee extensor CKC resistance exercise is There is little evidence that knee extensor CKC and
safer than OKC exercise for the patellofemoral joint is OKC training differ in their effects on knee pain, at least
based on the finding of decreased joint pressure with the in ACL rehabilitation. Despite this lack of evidence, we
CKC method during resistance of the knee extensors in believe clinicians continue to prefer CKC exercise partly
the more extended range of motion (ROM).7–9 There due to their belief that it is less harmful to the extensor
appears to be a concern that the increased patello- mechanism than OKC exercise. The purpose of our
femoral joint pressure in OKC knee extensor resistance study was to evaluate the immediate changes in knee

MC Morrissey, PT, ScD, is Senior Lecturer, Physiotherapy Division, GKT School of Biomedical Sciences, King’s College London, Shepherd’s
House, Guy’s Campus, London SE1 1UL, United Kingdom ([email protected]). Address all correspondence to Dr Morrissey.

WI Drechsler, MCSP, is Research Assistant, Department of Health Sciences, University of East London, United Kingdom.

D Morrissey, MSc, MCSP is Senior I Physiotherapist, Mile End Hospital, London, UK.

PR Knight, MCSP, is Principal Physiotherapist, Forest Healthcare Trust, London, United Kingdom.

PW Armstrong, MBBS, MSc, Dip Epid, is Senior Lecturer, Department of Health Sciences, University of East London.

TB McAuliffe, FRCS, is Orthopaedic Consultant, Forest Healthcare Trust.

Dr Morrissey provided concept/research design. Dr Morrissey, Ms Dreschsler, Mr Morrissey, and Ms Knight provided writing and data collection.
Dr Morrissey, Ms Dreschsler, Mr Morrissey, Ms Knight, and Mr Armstrong provided data analysis. Dr Morrissey and Ms Dreschler provided project
management, and Dr Morrissey and Mr Morrissey provided fund procurement. Mr Morrissey, Ms Knight, and Mr McAuliffe provided subjects and
institutional liaisons, and Mr Morrissey and Ms Knight provided facilities/equipment. Mr Dreschsler provided clerical support. Ms Dreschsler, Mr
Morrissey, Ms Knight, Mr Armstrong, and Mr McAuliffe provided consultation (including review of manuscript before submission). The authors
thank David Hooper, PhD, Laura Hanna, MCSP, John B King, FRCS, Thomas Bucknill, FRCS, and Jane Dredge, MCSP, for their support of this

This study was supported by grants from the NHS Executive, London Regional Office, Responsive Funding Programme, and the Special Trustees
of the Royal London Hospitals Trust.

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of East London.

This article was submitted March 20, 2000, and was accepted July 11, 2001.

36 . Morrissey et al Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002

Table 1. were assigned to treatment groups in blocks of 4 assign-
Subject Characteristicsa ments, with each block containing equal numbers of
CKC and OKC assignments. This was done to keep a
Variable Group C Group O balance of subjects in each group throughout the study
Sex to ensure interim analysis could be performed with
Female 6 3 nearly equal numbers of subjects in the groups. Of the
Male 15 19 21 subjects in group C (CKC training), 17 subjects had
Body weight (kg, posttest) knee surgery prior to the ACL reconstruction surgery
X 76 78 and 4 subjects had additional procedures (eg, partial
SD 12 15 meniscectomy) at the time of the ACL reconstruction
Range 56–95 55–117
surgery. Of the 22 subjects in group O (OKC training),
Height (cm, pretest) 18 subjects had knee surgery prior to the ACL recon-
X 176 178
SD 12 7
struction surgery and 6 subjects had additional proce-
Range 154–193 158–188 dures at the time of the ACL reconstruction surgery. The
Age (y)
mean period between original knee injury and ACL
X 29 28 reconstruction surgery was 43 months (SD⫽57,
SD 8 8 range⫽4 –204) for group C and 36 months (SD⫽30,
Range 16–54 18–51 range⫽3–91) for group O. There appeared to be no
No. of subjects having therapy obvious differences between the 2 groups in the clinical
at site MEH 14 8 course prior to participation in the study.
No. of subjects having therapy
at site WCH 7 14 Surgical Procedures
No. of subjects having LAD surgery 7 9 Three orthopedic surgeons participated in the study.
Surgeon A performed ACL reconstruction surgery using
Group C⫽subjects who received closed kinetic chain training, group
O⫽subjects who received open kinetic chain training. the technique described by Kennedy et al.11 This tech-
LAD⫽ligament augmentation device, MEH⫽Mile End Hospital, nique consists of use of a ligament augmentation device*
WCH⫽Whipps Cross Hospital.
with a small film of the patellar tendon. The tendon
graft remains anchored at the tip of the tibial tuberosity.
It is threaded through a tibial bone tunnel and then
pain resulting from knee extensor CKC and OKC train- passed through the joint with an over-the-top technique
ing in the early period after ACL reconstruction in an and fixed with a lateral screw. Surgeons B and C per-
effort to increase our understanding of possible differ- formed arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction sur-
ences in the effects of these exercise methods. gery after harvesting a bone-patellar tendon-bone graft
from the central third of the extensor mechanism via an
Materials and Methods anterior midline incision. The free graft was then
inserted through tunnels in the tibia and femur with
Subjects fixation using interference screws or staples.
Potential subjects were identified for this study from
inpatients recovering from ACL reconstruction at 5 Testing
National Health Service and private hospitals in the East The target date for test initiation was 2 weeks post-ACL
London area. Subjects were deemed suitable for inclu- reconstruction surgery. Subjects were allowed to partic-
sion in the study if they had no prior history of pathology ipate in the study if passive flexion of their injured knee
requiring medical attention in the contralateral lower was near 90 degrees and they were able to walk without
extremity. Within the first 2 weeks following surgery, a walking aid. These criteria were used to avoid having
these subjects were given a written and verbal explana- subjects enter the study before their walking and stair
tion of the study and were invited to participate in the climbing could be tested. After subjects read and signed
study. Subjects were included in the study if all of the an informed consent form, they participated in the
following criteria were met: (1) number of days between following tests: knee laxity using a ligament arthrometer,
surgery and pretest was less than 20, (2) number of days knee status self-assessment questionnaire, knee girth
between the pretest and the posttest was less than 35, using a cloth tape; passive ROM in knee flexion and
and (3) there were 8 to 13 treatment sessions between extension using a standard goniometer, isotonic knee
the pretest and the posttest. Forty-three out of 53 extensor muscle performance in the OKC (1 repetition
patients satisfied these criteria and are described in maximum [RM] on a knee extensor machine with
Table 1. movement from 90° to 0° of knee flexion), isotonic knee

After initial testing, subjects were assigned to 1 of 2

treatment groups using block randomization. Subjects * 3M Health Care, 3M Center, St Paul, MN 55144.

Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002 Morrissey et al . 37

and hip extensor muscle performance in the CKC (1 RM Table 2.
Pain Site Descriptors Used by Examiner to Describe Location of Pain
on a leg press machine), biomechanical analysis of knee
Pointed to by Subjects During Isometric Testing of Knee Muscles
function during walking and stair use, isokinetic perfor-
mance of the hip extensors in the OKC (with movement
Extensor Mechanism Knee Joint Areas
from 90° to 0° of hip flexion at 210°/s), and isometric
(60° of flexion) and isokinetic performance of the knee Inferior patellar pole Anterior knee
flexors and extensors in the OKC (with movement from Lateral patellar border Gerdy’s tubercle
90° to 0° of knee flexion at 60° and 210°/s). Lateral patellar fat pad Lateral femoral condyle
Lateral patellar retinaculum Lateral joint line
Medial patellar border Medial femoral condyle
The Hughston Clinic Questionnaire12 was used to eval- Medial patellar fat pad Medial joint line
uate the subjects’ self-assessment of their knee condi- Medial patellar retinaculum Medial tibial plateau
tion. This questionnaire consists of 28 questions in which Patellar ligament Vastus medialis oblique muscle
people are asked to respond by marking a horizontally Patellar tendon
Retropatellar Posterior knee
orientated 10-cm-long visual analog scale (VAS). The Superior patellar border
validity and reliability of VAS measurements have been Tibial tubercle Deep in knee
reported.13,14 Only the first 2 questions and question 25 Other knee areas (describe)
of this questionnaire (ie, those that concerned knee Pain not in knee area (describe)
pain) were used in the analysis for this report. These
questions (and descriptors at each end of the scale)
were: (1) How often does your knee hurt? (never; daily,
Prior to the start of each subject’s efforts, the machine
even at rest), (2) How bad is the pain at its worst?
weighed the leg by moving the subject’s leg passively
(none; severe, requiring pain pills every few hours), and
through the ROM, in order to account for the torque
(3) Does your knee ache while you are sitting? (never;
caused by the weight of the lower leg and fixation
always). The last question was included because it con-
assembly. Prior to each isometric contraction, the sub-
cerns the “cinema sign” commonly used to evaluate the
ject was instructed to “push (for knee extensors, or ‘pull’
patellofemoral joint by the assessment of pain during
for knee flexors) as hard as you can until I tell you to
prolonged knee flexion.15 Marks on the horizontal line
stop.” No further verbal encouragement was given. No
separating the 2 descriptors were converted to a number
warm-up contractions were included, and each subject
by measuring the distance, to the nearest 0.5 cm, from
performed a 5-second maximal contraction of the knee
the left end of the scale. When values were between 0
extensors followed by 10 seconds of rest and then a
and 0.5, the values were always rounded up. Rounding
5-second maximal contraction of the knee flexors fol-
was done in this fashion to ensure consistency of the data
lowed by 10 seconds of rest. This was repeated 3 times.
among examiners. No attempt was made to determine
After each contraction, the subjects completed a pain
the location of the knee pain for the subjects’ responses
VAS with descriptors ranging from “no pain” to “worst
to these questions.
pain ever experienced” at the left and right ends of the
VAS, respectively. The subjects were masked to previous
Visual analog scales were also used in the isometric and
marks on the VAS form. Once the subjects marked the
isokinetic knee testing. Pain amount (VAS score) and
VAS for each repetition, they were asked to tell the
location were assessed after each contraction during this
examiner the location of their pain by pointing at their
test series. We have chosen to include only the data from
most painful area. For the first 17 subjects in the study,
the knee extensor tests in order to focus analysis on
the examiner selected 1 of the 8 major quadrants of the
anterior knee pain. The pain during isometric testing
knee for describing the site of greatest pain. For the
was chosen because it was the highest during testing.
anterior aspect of the knee, the quadrants’ (infero-
Isometric testing was performed using the Lido Multi-
medial, inferolateral, superomedial, and superolateral)
Joint II isokinetic system.† Testing was performed with
center point was the midpoint of the patella. For the
the subjects sitting with their hips flexed to approxi-
posterior aspect of the knee, the quadrants’ center point
mately 80 degrees and the knee held by the actuator arm
was the midpoint of the popliteal space. This system was
at 60 degrees of flexion, as indicated on the Lido
replaced because of our dissatisfaction with the subjects’
system’s computer screen and verified with observation
inability to more precisely describe the pain site and the
by the examiner. Stabilization straps were placed across
difficulties it presented for structures that crossed quad-
the subjects’ hips and chest, and the subjects gained
rant borders, such as the patellar ligament. For the last
further stabilization by gripping 2 metal bars positioned
26 subjects in the study, the examiner selected one of the
at both sides of the test chair near their hip joints. The
descriptors in Table 2 to describe the structure that the
injured leg was tested first.
subjects were pointing at when asked for the location of
their greatest pain.

Loredan Biomedical Inc, 3650 Industrial Blvd, West Sacramento, CA 95651.

38 . Morrissey et al Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002

For each session, the following were recorded for the Table 3.
Exercises Excluded in the Training Groupsa
isometric contraction that produced the greatest torque:
(1) pain amount, (2) pain location, and (3) torque
output. The examiners were masked to subject group Group C Group O
Exercise Exclusions Exclusions
OKC knee extensor exercise X
Training OKC hip extensor exercise X
Subjects were asked to attend physical therapy sessions 3 Step-ups X X
Squats X X
times per week for the 4-week training period of the Leg press X
study. Sessions were conducted in the outpatient physi- Plantar-flexor exercise X X
cal therapy departments at 1 of 2 National Health a
Group C⫽subjects who received closed kinetic chain (CKC) training
Service hospitals in the East London area (Mile End (n⫽21), group O⫽subjects who received open kinetic chain (OKC) training
Hospital or Whipps Cross Hospital). Because block (n⫽22).
randomization (4 assignments per block) was initiated
prior to the inclusion of both sites, subjects were ran- types were allowed. The training ROM for both hip and
domly assigned to treatment groups without respect to knee extensors in both groups was 90 to 0 degrees. To
treatment site. control speed, subjects used Right Weigh exercise timing
feedback devices.§ These machines gave immediate feed-
The 2 treatment groups differed in the type of isotonic back to the subjects about the speed of their movements
resistance training used for their hip and knee exten- as they trained relative to a target speed. The target
sors. Subjects in group C performed unilateral CKC speed settings used were 1.5 seconds for the concentric
resistance training of the hip and knee extensors on a phase and 3.0 seconds for the eccentric phase of a
leg press machine (Horizontal Leg Press‡), with all training repetition, with a 1.0-second interval between
subjects in this group using the same device for this phases. These settings represent average angular veloci-
exercise regardless of treatment site. The leg press ties of 60°/s for the concentric phase and 30°/s for the
machine was set so that the subjects were positioned eccentric phase.
supine with the hip and knee in approximately 90
degrees of flexion at the beginning of each lift and the The resistance training exercises excluded in each group
trunk slightly inclined from a parallel-to-floor position. A are summarized in Table 3. Resistance training of other
small block of wood was placed under the heel of the leg muscles was not controlled. For the most part, these
being exercised, and the subjects were instructed to additional exercises were of the hip adductors and
perform the exercise without making contact between abductors and knee flexors. Endurance training of the
the forefoot and the leg press platform. This was done in leg muscles was allowed in both groups using a stationary
an effort to prevent the subjects from using their plantar cycle. The decision as to the use of cycling and the
flexors during the exercise. intensity, frequency, and duration of this exercise was
left to the discretion of the therapist. The duration of
Subjects in group O exercised the same leg muscle this training was noted for each treatment session.
groups (hip and knee extensors) in the OKC using Neuromuscular electrical stimulation and electromyo-
either ankle weights or machines designed for isolated graphic biofeedback of the hip extensors, knee flexors
resistance of those muscle groups (ie, knee and hip and extensors, and ankle plantar flexors was not allowed
extension machines). The equipment used was not during the training period.
standardized for the different training sites. The thera-
pist managing the subjects was urged to use the No controls were placed on methods used to manage
machines (as compared with the ankle weights) as early pain, swelling, and hypomobility, although recordings of
as possible in the subjects’ rehabilitation in order to the methods used were kept by the attending therapist
allow greater standardization of the resistance loads and for possible later analysis. In addition, training designed
training speeds. Subjects who were not able to use the to enhance lower-extremity balance and position sense,
minimum weight on the knee extensor machine (due to which consisted of resistance applied to the lower-
pain or weakness) trained with the ankle weights instead. extremity muscles, was neither restricted nor controlled.
Guidance, however, was offered so that the 2 training
For the hip and knee extensor muscle resistance exer- sites were using roughly the same exercise types, fre-
cises, regardless of training type (eg, distal fixation or quencies, and durations. No treatment restrictions were
nondistal fixation), 3 sets of 20 RM were done in each imposed before or after the study training period.
session. No other resistance training exercises of these

Baltimore Therapeutic Equipment Co, 7455-L New Ridge Rd, Hanover, MD

Technogym UK, Bracknell, United Kingdom. 21076.

Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002 Morrissey et al . 39

Table 4.
Variables Describing the Non-Resistance Training Components of Physical Therapy Offered to the Treatment Groupsa

Group C Group O
Variable X SD Range X SD Range

Total cycling time (min) during training period for each subject 84 36 0–132 68 26 15–130
No. of treatment sessions where subjects were treated for pain/swelling 5 4 0–12 6 3 0–11
No. of treatment sessions where subjects were treated for hypomobility 6 4 0–12 8 4 0–13
No. of treatment sessions where subjects were treated for poor
balance/position sense 10 3 1–13 9 2 3–13
Group C⫽subjects who received closed kinetic chain training (n⫽21), group O⫽subjects who received open kinetic chain training (n⫽22).

Data Analysis icant differences in the non-resistance training treat-

The data were processed to yield the following variables ment rendered in the 2 groups.
for the pretest and posttest for each subject: (1) VAS
scores for questions 1, 2, and 25 of the Hughston Clinic The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to confirm that
Questionnaire, (2) maximum isometric torque of the the values for each of the outcome variables were
knee extensors in the injured and uninjured legs, and normally distributed (Pⱖ.05). We assessed normality
(3) VAS scores for pain during the maximum isometric because it is an underlying assumption that needs to be
torque repetition of the knee extensors. For statistical met when using parametric analysis. The descriptive
analysis, the posttest pain values were subtracted from statistics for each of these variables are presented in
the pretest pain values, and the change scores were Table 5. A paired t test was used for whole group analysis,
compared for the training groups. and a statistically significant decrease in reported pain
between the pretest and posttest administration of the
Analysis was also performed to evaluate whether the Hughston Clinic Questionnaire was found (P⬍.01,
non-resistance training portion of the physical therapy P⬍.001, and P⬍.001 for questions 1, 2, and 25, respec-
differed in the two groups. This analysis first consisted of tively). A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used
one of the authors reviewing all of the physical therapy to compare the pain reduction in OKC versus CKC
notes and removing, with correction fluid, any informa- training. No significant difference in pain reduction was
tion that would indicate treatment group. A team of demonstrated (P⫽.66, P⫽.94, and P⫽.49, respectively,
three other authors then reviewed the notes and docu- for questions 1, 2, and 25, respectively).
mented the following: (1) total duration of stationary
cycling used during the 4-week training period, (2) num- For the analysis of pain during maximum isometric
ber of treatment sessions where methods were applied to contractions of the knee extensors, the torque data was
manage pain and swelling, (3) number of treatment first analyzed to determine whether one group was
sessions where methods were applied to manage hypo- applying greater loads (ie, greater injured/uninjured
mobility, and (4) number of treatment sessions where ratios for maximum peak torque) to the knee than the
methods were applied to manage poor balance or posi- other group during this testing. The injured/uninjured
tion sense. In addition, a list of the methods used for ratios were used instead of analyzing the torque in the
these interventions was compiled. injured leg alone. This was done to avoid problems that
can occur when torque levels are influenced by factors
Results other than the status of the injured knee (eg, lean body
The results of the analysis comparing the treatment mass of the subject). That is, we wanted to compare the
groups for the non-resistance training aspects of their 2 groups for knee pain during knee physical stress, and
physical therapy are presented in Table 4. For both we believed that this comparison required approximat-
groups, the treatment for pain or swelling consisted of ing the stress to tissue size (eg, of the patellar ligament).
one or more of the following: pulsed shortwave dia- Thus, we standardized the torque of the injured knee to
thermy, electrical stimulation using interferential cur- the torque of the uninjured knee torque. The one-way
rent, ultrasound, and ice. The hypomobility treatment ANOVA yielded probability values of .47 and .56 for the
consisted of one or more of the following: massage, difference between groups in pretest and posttest muscle
manual stretches and self-stretches of leg muscles, and performance, respectively. There was no difference
tibiofemoral and patellar mobilization. The treatment between treatment groups in muscle performance at
for poor balance or position sense for both groups pretest and posttest. Therefore, the force applied to the
consisted of unilateral standing on a wobble board. knee during isometric knee extensor contractions was
None of the variables appear to indicate clinically signif-

40 . Morrissey et al Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002

Table 5.
Knee Pain and Muscle Performance in the Treatment Groups Before and After Traininga

Pretest Posttest
Group C Group O Group C Group O
Variable X SD Range X SD Range X SD Range X SD Range

Hughston Clinic Questionnaire

question 1 5.1 3.3 0–10 4.5 3.3 0–10 4.0 3.9 0–10 2.9 3.0 0–9.5
Hughston Clinic Questionnaire
question 2 6.0 2.9 0.5–10 4.6 3.3 0–10 4.0 3.1 0–10 2.7 2.3 0–7.0
Hughston Clinic Questionnaire
question 25 4.8 3.4 0–10 4.7 3.5 0–10 3.4 3.0 0–10 2.9 3.1 0–10
Knee extensor isometric
maximum peak torque
injured/uninjured ratio 0.31 0.21 0.06–0.72 0.26 0.15 0.04–0.63 0.50 0.22 0.11–0.95 0.47 0.19 0.16–0.95
Knee pain during knee
extensor isometric maximum
peak torque 4.5 2.3 0–9.0 3.9 2.8 0–8.5 3.0 2.5 0–9.0 2.5 2.8 0–8.5
Group C⫽subjects who received closed kinetic chain (CKC) training (n⫽21), group O⫽subjects who received open kinetic chain (OKC) training (n⫽22).

not a potential confounder of the pain data collected in Table 6.

these tests. Frequency for Pain Site Location in Knee Extensor Isometric (60° of
Flexion) Muscle Performance Testing
A paired t test was applied to the pain change (pretraining–
posttraining) data for the whole group during the Site Frequency %
isometric knee extensor contractions, and a decrease was
Patellar ligament 18 39
noted with pretest and posttest means of 4.2 (SD⫽2.6) Patellar tendon 7 15
and 2.7 (SD⫽2.7), respectively. The one-way ANOVA of Retropatellar 6 13
the pain change in OKC versus CKC training indicated Medial patellar border 5 11
no difference (P⫽.67) in pain reduction between the Medial femoral condyle 1 2
Lateral patellar fat pad 1 2
treatment groups.
Lateral patellar border 2 4
Lateral patellar retinaculum 1 2
For the last 26 subjects who entered this study where Medial patellar
anatomic-specific pain location was assessed, there were retinaculum 2 4
reports of pain in 46 of their 52 knee extensor isometric Posterior knee 1 2
General anterior knee 1 2
tests (26 subjects tested twice, pretraining and posttrain-
Superior patellar border 1 2
ing). The frequency distributions for pain site location
46 100
are described in Table 6. These data indicate that only 2
of the 46 pain sites did not consist of the extensor
mechanism. The patellar ligament was sited at least twice
as often as any of the other sites. Most discussions of the source of anterior knee pain
focus on patellofemoral joint contact stresses.16,17
Discussion Although contact stress may be an important factor in
The results of our study indicate that the changes in the development of articular cartilage and bone damage,
knee pain observed from week 2 to week 6 after ACL we suspect that the patellar ligament graft site is the
reconstruction surgery did not differ in groups trained primary site of anterior knee pain in patients during
using leg extension with the lower extremity distally early recovery from the type of ACL reconstruction
fixated versus nondistally fixated (CKC versus OKC surgery used in our study. This supposition is based on
training). This finding contradicts what appears to be a the great degree of trauma that occurs at this site during
widely accepted clinical belief that knee extensor OKC surgery, our clinical experience with these patients, and
training is more irritating to the extensor mechanism the great frequency with which our subjects pointed at
and will lead to more anterior knee pain than CKC their patellar ligament when asked to identify the site of
training. There are a number of possible reasons for our pain. For the purposes of this discussion, we will consider
results. It is important to first consider the possible strain in the extensor mechanism (especially in the
sources of knee pain during this period of rehabilitation patellar ligament), not patellofemoral contact stress, to
following ACL reconstruction surgery. be the most important source of anterior knee pain.

Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002 Morrissey et al . 41

The most obvious reason for finding no differences in longer training periods applied at earlier and later
knee pain between groups despite the type of exercise phases of rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction
used for knee extensor training after ACL reconstruc- surgery.
tion surgery is that distal fixation has no differential
effect on knee pain. Despite the belief that knee exten- The method of measuring the effects of the 2 training
sor OKC training will result in more anterior knee pain regimens on the knee extensor mechanism may have
compared with CKC training, there are no previous been inadequate for detecting any difference. For exam-
studies in which this has been clearly found.10 If the ple, it is possible that the 2 forms of training of the knee
development of pain is dependant on patellar ligament extensors differ in the amount of damage caused to the
strain, the finding of no differences between CKC and articular cartilage of the patellofemoral joint but that
OKC effects on anterior knee pain is expected. This is this difference is not detectable by assessing immediate
because the strain in the patellar ligament probably does changes in anterior knee pain. In this light, long-term
not differ greatly between OKC and CKC isotonic knee follow-up testing is planned for the subjects in our study.
extensor exercise and is, if anything, greater in CKC
exercise than in OKC exercise. A more appropriate physical stress test of the extensor
mechanism may exist than the test we used in our study
We draw this conclusion from a close review of the (maximum knee extensor isometric contraction at 60° of
cadaveric study by Huberti et al.18 They noted that the flexion). We believe the test we chose is good, however,
patellar ligament force during simulated quadriceps because it allows for great strain to be placed on the
femoris muscle contraction (equivalent to 17% of max- patellar ligament.18 One of the failings of this test is that
imum force output) was 309 N (SD⫽81) at 30 degrees of it does not offer maximum stress to all portions of the
flexion and 356 N (SD⫽105) at 90 degrees of flexion. In extensor mechanism. Specifically, not all portions of the
isotonic OKC exercise as used in our study, maximum patellar articular surface are in contact with the femur in
resistance relative to the torque production capability of this single joint angle test.19 Thus, it is possible that one
the quadriceps femoris muscle (and thus maximum portion of the patella articular surface became damaged
force output) occurs as the knee approaches full exten- from one of the exercise regimens but that this damage
sion. Thus, the patellar ligament force value at 30 remained undetected due to lack of contact of this
degrees in the study by Huberti et al18 (X⫽309 N) is the patellar portion during the testing at 60 degrees of
best representation of maximum patellar ligament ten- flexion.
sion in OKC training. Conversely, for isotonic CKC
exercise as used in our study, maximum resistance The angle of maximum patellofemoral joint pressure for
relative to the torque production capability of the quad- the 2 exercises, as used in our study (ie, from 90° to 0° of
riceps femoris muscle occurred at 90 degrees. Thus, the flexion), is 90 degrees for the CKC exercises and at the
patellar ligament force value at 90 degrees in the study point of first contact between the patella and femoral
by Huberti et al18 (X⫽356 N) is the best representation trochlea for the OKC exercises.9 The joint angle at which
of maximum patellar ligament tension in CKC training. contact first occurs is controversial and differs among
individuals8 but occurs between 0 and 30 degrees of
There may be differences between the 2 training meth- knee flexion. Contact first occurs in the distal patellar
ods in their deleterious effects (eg, articular cartilage articular surface, and with increasing flexion, the contact
damage) on the knee extensor mechanism, but these region proceeds proximally until at 90 degrees the
differences were not detectable in our study. These contact is primarily of the proximal patellar articular
possible undetected differences may be due to: (1) low surface. The 60-degree angle used in our study is
training dosage (frequency, intensity, and duration), unlikely to favor (ie, hide the detection of patellar
such as that used in our study, (2) the emphasis on articular damage in) one training method over the
interventions designed to decrease pain, swelling, and other, as the patellar contact location and patello-
immobility during early rehabilitation following ACL femoral joint pressure are roughly halfway between these
reconstruction surgery, and (3) the type of testing used. values for the 2 exercises. This potential problem may be
Four weeks of training 3 times per week with exercise avoided in the future by testing reported pain during
loads that are largely governed by knee pain may not resistance applied to the knee extensors at a number of
have been sufficient for the manifestation of any real points in the ROM.
differences in anterior knee pain between distally fixated
versus nondistally fixated training. In contrast, we would Conclusion
expect that the knee extensor mechanism would be The results of our study indicate that knee pain, espe-
acutely susceptible to training differences during the cially in the anterior portion of the knee, is not affected
early recovery phase after graft harvesting from the differently by exercises of the leg extensors with the
patellar ligament. Future studies are needed that include lower extremity distally fixated or not fixated in the early

42 . Morrissey et al Physical Therapy . Volume 82 . Number 1 . January 2002

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