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GR No. 171815, August 7, 2007 ISSUES:
1. Whether SEC has jurisdiction over respondent’s complaint and to
FACTS: require Cemco to make a tender offer for respondent’s UCC shares? YES
 Union Cement Corporation (UCC), a publicly-listed company, has two 2. Whether the rule on mandatory tender offer applies to the indirect
principal stockholders – UCHC, a non-listed company, with shares acquisition of shares in a listed company – the indirect acquisition
amounting to 60.51%, and petitioner Cemco with 17.03%. Majority by Cemco of 36% of UCC, a publicly-listed company, through its
of UCHC’s stocks were owned by BCI with 21.31% and ACC with purchase of the shares in UCHC, a non-listed company? YES
29.69%. Cemco, on the other hand, owned 9% of UCHC stocks. In a 3. Whether the questioned ruling of the SEC can be applied retroactively
disclosure letter, BCI informed the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) to Cemcos transaction which was consummated under the authority of
that it and its subsidiary ACC had passed resolutions to sell the SECs prior resolution as it relied in good faith on the letter dated 27
to Cemco BCI’sstocks in UCHC equivalent to 21.31% and ACC’s stocks July 2004 of the SEC which opined that the proposed acquisition of the
in UCHC equivalent to 29.69%. UCHC shares was not covered by the mandatory offer rule? YES
 As a consequence of this disclosure, the PSE inquired as to whether
the Tender Offer Rule under Rule 19 of the Implementing Rules of the HELD:
Securities Regulation Code is not applicable to the purchase by 1. YES. In taking cognizance of respondent’s complaint against petitioner and
petitioner of the majority of shares of UCC. The SEC en banc had eventually rendering a judgment which ordered the latter to make a tender
resolved that the Cemco transaction was not covered by the tender offer, the SEC was acting pursuant to Rule 19(13) of the Amended
offer rule. Feeling aggrieved by the transaction, respondent National Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Securities Regulation Code, to wit:
Life Insurance Company of the Philippines, Inc., a minority “13. Violation. If there shall be violation of this Rule by pursuing a purchase
stockholder of UCC, sent a letter toCemco demanding the latter to of equity shares of a public company at threshold amounts without the
comply with the rule on mandatory tender offer. Cemco, however, required tender offer, the Commission, upon complaint, may nullify the said
refused. acquisition and direct the holding of a tender offer. This shall be without
 Respondent National Life Insurance Company of the Philippines, Inc. prejudice to the imposition of other sanctions under the Code.” The foregoing
filed a complaint with the SEC asking it to reverse its 27 July rule emanates from the SEC’s power and authority to regulate, investigate or
2004 Resolution and to declare the purchase agreement supervise the activities of persons to ensure compliance with the Securities
of Cemco void and praying that the mandatory tender offer rule be Regulation Code, more specifically the provision on mandatory tender offer
applied to its UCC shares. The SEC ruled in favor of the respondent by under Section 19 thereof.
reversing and setting aside its 27 July 2004 Resolution and directed
petitioner Cemco to make a tender offer for UCC shares to Another provision of the statute, which provides the basis of Rule 19(13) of
respondent and other holders of UCC shares similar to the class held the Amended Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Securities
by UCHC in accordance with Section 9(E), Rule 19 of the Securities Regulation Code, is Section 5.1(n), viz: [T]he Commission shall have, among
Regulation Code. others, the following powers and functions: (n) Exercise such other powers as
 CA affirmed the ruling of the SEC. It ruled that the SEC has may be provided by law as well as those which may be implied from, or which
jurisdiction to render the questioned decision and, in any are necessary or incidental to the carrying out of, the express powers granted
event, Cemcowas barred by estoppel from questioning the SEC’s the Commission to achieve the objectives and purposes of these laws. The
jurisdiction. It, likewise, held that the tender offer requirement foregoing provision bestows upon the SEC the general adjudicative power
under the Securities Regulation Code and its Implementing Rules which is implied from the express powers of the Commission or which is
applies to Cemco’s purchase of UCHC stocks. Cemco’s motion for incidental to, or reasonably necessary to carry out, the performance of the
reconsideration was likewise denied. administrative duties entrusted to it. As a regulatory agency, it has the
incidental power to conduct hearings and render decisions fixing the rights The SEC and the Court of Appeals correctly ruled that the indirect
and obligations of the parties. acquisition by petitioner of 36% of UCC shares through the acquisition of
the non-listed UCHC shares is covered by the mandatory tender offer rule.
The power conferred upon the SEC to promulgate rules and regulations is a
legislative recognition of the complexity and the constantly-fluctuating The legislative intent* of Section 19 of the Code is to regulate activities
nature of the market and the impossibility of foreseeing all the possible relating to acquisition of control of the listed company and for the purpose of
contingencies that cannot be addressed in advance. As enunciated in protecting the minority stockholders of a listed corporation. Whatever may
Victorias Milling Co., Inc. v. Social Security Commission: Rules and regulations be the method by which control of a public company is obtained, either
when promulgated in pursuance of the procedure or authority conferred upon the through the direct purchase of its stocks or through an indirect means,
administrative agency by law, partake of the nature of a statute, and compliance mandatory tender offer applies. As appropriately held by the Court of
therewith may be enforced by a penal sanction provided in the law. This is so because Appeals: “What is decisive is the determination of the power of control. The
statutes are usually couched in general terms, after expressing the policy, purposes, legislative intent behind the tender offer rule makes clear that the type of
objectives, remedies and sanctions intended by the legislature. The details and the
activity intended to be regulated is the acquisition of control of the listed
manner of carrying out the law are often times left to the administrative agency
entrusted with its enforcement. In this sense, it has been said that rules and
company through the purchase of shares. Control may [be] effected through
regulations are the product of a delegated power to create new or additional legal a direct and indirect acquisition of stock, and when this takes place,
provisions that have the effect of law. irrespective of the means, a tender offer must occur. The bottomline of the
law is to give the shareholder of the listed company the opportunity to decide
Moreover, petitioner is barred from questioning the jurisdiction of the SEC. It whether or not to sell in connection with a transfer of”
must be pointed out that petitioner had participated in all the proceedings *Bicameral Conference Committee on the Securities Act of 2000, REP.
before the SEC and had prayed for affirmative relief. Petitioner did not TEODORO: As long as it reaches 30, ayan na. Any type of acquisition just as
question the jurisdiction of the SEC when it rendered an opinion favorable to long as it will result in 30 (p.50) reaches 30, ayan na. Any type of acquisition
it, such as the 27 July 2004 Resolution, where the SEC opined that the Cemco just as long as it will result in 30, general tender, pro-rata.
transaction was not covered by the mandatory tender offer rule. It was only
when the case was before the CA and after the SEC rendered an unfavorable 3. YES. The action of the SEC on the PSE request for opinion on the Cemco
judgment against it that petitioner challenged the SECs competence. transaction cannot be construed as passing merits or giving approval to the
questioned transaction. The letter dated 27 July 2004 of the SEC was nothing
2. YES. Tender offer is a publicly announced intention by a person acting alone but an approval of the draft letter prepared by Director Callanga. There was
or in concert with other persons to acquire equity securities of a public no public hearing where interested parties could have been heard. Said letter
company. A public company is defined as a corporation which is listed on an was merely advisory. Jurisprudence has it that an advisory opinion of an
exchange, or a corporation with assets exceeding P50MILLION and with 200 agency may be stricken down if it deviates from the provision of the statute.
or more stockholders, at least 200 of them holding not less than 100 shares Since the letter dated 27 July 2004 runs counter to the Securities Regulation
of such company. Stated differently, a tender offer is an offer by the acquiring Code, the same may be disregarded as what the SEC has done in its decision
person to stockholders of a public company for them to tender their shares dated 14 February 2005. Assuming arguendo that the letter dated 27 July
therein on the terms specified in the offer. Tender offer is in place to protect 2004 constitutes a ruling, the same cannot be utilized to determine the rights
minority shareholders against any scheme that dilutes the share value of their of the parties. What is to be applied in the present case is the subsequent
investments. It gives the minority shareholders the chance to exit the ruling of the SEC dated 14 February 2005 abandoning the opinion embodied
company under reasonable terms, giving them the opportunity to sell their in the letter dated 27 July 2004. CA AND SEC EN BANC DECISIONS AFFIRMED.
shares at the same price as those of the majority shareholders.

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