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Homas/Havans are powerful ancient fire rituals that have been performed in India by the Vedic sages for
over 5000 years.

Everyone of us face troubles at one or the other time in our life. At times, we
are able to deal with them by utilizing our Intellect, Hard work and
Dedication. But sometimes, in spite of our best and maximum efforts, we
are not able to solve our problems which may be negatively affecting our
entire life and at times, even the lives of all those who are most near and
dear to us. At such times, we should approach for help of Divine Intervention
so that we can lead a Happier, Healthier and Wealthier life full of peace.

A Chandi Homam is an ultimate prayer and completely dedicated to Maa

Durga (also known as Maa Chandi) which can be extraordinarily beneficial to
us for removing all kinds of Obstacles and help us achieve our goal in life by
clearing all our problems in life as per Ancient Vedic Texts. She is the primitive energy
that is responsible for the making and abolition of this entire universe. She is the total energies of this whole universe.

Hence, if you have a question in mind about "How to solve your problems in
life", then a Chandi Homam is an ultimate answer.

A Chandi Homam is a prominent Homam and one of the most powerful one
for getting overall Success in all undertakings and also for removal of all
kinds of Doshas and Obstacles in one’s life..

A Chandi Homam is the great and one of the most powerful homam for a person getting Success in their life

Goddess Durga is invoked for protection on all levels. Her speciality is to destroy energies that are
blocking joy.

Why perform Chandi homam ?

 To stop getting loss in Business & Profession

 To Remove scarcity of money
 To Bring Success, Abundance, Financial stability
 To bring peace at home (griha shanti) and Workplace
 For protection from evil forces, Black Magic and Miseries
 For getting progeny (own child)
 For speedy recovery from Illness
 For better education and Result.
 For Fulfilling your Desires
 To get married early.
 To improve family relations and Peace and harmony in the family
 Relief from Depression and Low Energy
 It overcomes all suffering
 It fulfills all desires
 It gives strength and removes all danger.
 It minimizes troubles and planetary influence
 It give relief from all kinds of dhosa
 To remove blockage on the path of your success
 This Homam also supports a person in getting victory over Enemies
and in Court Cases

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Wec ordially invite you to participate in this homam and
benefit from this maha yagyam
Har samasya ka samadhan hai chandi havan

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