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BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Detenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: Philip M Serafini Date Prepared:08/03/2015 Report Dates:07/01/2015 to 07/31/2015 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 20 Felony 19 Misdemeanor 82 Misdemeanor 80 Violation 7 Violation 7 Traffic Misdemeanor 143 Traffic Misdemeanor 140 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property ‘Traffic Infraction 838 Traffic Infraction 838 Parking Tags 53 Parking Tags 50 City Ordinance 9 City Ordinance 9 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 4 4 Special concems addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above noted statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit, a total of 65 vehices were impounded, 63 of which were from in and around BMHA properties. The vehicles were impounded for a number of various reasons including but not limited to the following: suspended license! registration, DWI, narcotics posession, driver subject of a warrant, and weapons possession. ‘The Buffalo police Housing Unit did also seize a total of $568.00 from in and around the BMHA properties. ‘This money was seized in relation to narcotics possession sales and was obtained subsequent to arrest and by following the United States Government guidlines for asset forfeiture, During this reporting period newly transferred Captain Philip Serafini did meet briefly with BMHA Counsel David Rodriguez and Director Dawn Sanders-Garrett. Captain Serafini did also attend a community meeting along with CPO Wiliam Macey on July 6th at the Kenfield/ Langfield Projects, At this meeting Captain Serafini met BMHA security person Paul Kil and they discussed some of the Housing Projects erime issues, ‘The following are a daily list of some of the actions performed by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit: Please note that for the entire month of July the Buffalo Police Housing Unit has been predominately assigned to the Kenfield/Langfield and Schaeffer Village Projects, 7/1/15- received information of large amount of drug activity 2! iE between the EEE Also received info that I hones 0 IIMod keeps 2 guns in his room. Officers made 6 narcotics arrests. 7/2/15- officers recovered a .380 handgun and made an arrest for narcotics. 7/3/15- officers assisted the DA's office with locating and arresting 2 out of 3 persons wanted on material witness warrants relating to several gun cases, 7/4/15- Fourth of July. Busy night with our officers assisting on many calls for service and also making 2 narcotics arrest and recovering a sawed off shotgun, Additionally, | arrest in Schaeffer Village for felony aggravated unlicensed operation and 2 felony arrest warrants. 7/S/S-officers continued to focus iI issuing 23 traffic summonses. 7/6/15- Captain Serafini and CPO William Macy attended Community meeting at Kentield/ Langfield Projects. Received input from residents and advised them concerning certain departmental procedures. 7/7/15- conducted a traffic checkpoint in (ENN and issude 52 traffic summonses. An officer ‘was injured (broken hand) while arresting a violent suspect. 7/8/15- officers branched out to Donovan Drive, Lasalle, Jasper Parish and Douglas Towers Housing. Projects as well as the Perry Projects. Officers assisited the Strike Force and were involved in a foot chase and recovered a gun at Gennessee and May. 7/9/15-officers patrolled Schaeffer and Langfield and we employed a roamer car to the big six projects. 7 arrests were made, all for narcotics, 2 vehicles were impounded and 25 traffic summonses issued. 7NO/15- officers assisted Strike Force with the recovery of 2 handguns and | assault rifle from 2 different locations, with several arrests, CPO Macy attended meeting at AD Price Homes and addressed several issues including drug dealing, stealing utilities, and trespassing, TILA/15- officers assisted C District with shutting down a party at Broadway/ Reed at the request of "C" District Chief Young. Also assisited on shots fired calls at Jefferson/ Swan, Impounded 3 vehicles. ‘7/12/15- while delivering flyers for an upcoming tenant meeting, the windshield of H440's vehicle was shot out by unknown person using BB's or pellets. Vehicle was parked in front of Msgr. Geary Housing apartments, Officers canvassed area to locate possible witnesses and/or shooter, but to no avail. Captain and Chief were notified. We will attempt to contact BMHA for possible camera footage of incident. 7/13/15- officers followed up with Paul Kihl from BMHA regarding police vehicle windshield being shot ut the previous day. Paul is attempting to pull video from time period of incident. Assisted with several calls in D District regarding reckless motorcycle and ATV drivers 7/14/15- continuing the concentrated presence in]. officers conducted several suspicious person stops and traffic stops. Three arrests were made for narcotics possession. 7/15/15- officers assisted BPD Narcotics squad with search warrant at NN 3 shotguns and 208 bundles of Herion were confiscated. Housing officers also had a narcotics arrest in Schaeffer Village based on a information received from a previous arrest. 7/16/15-officers made 4 misdemeanor arrests for narcotics in Langfield. Additionally had 1 felony arrest, 2 impounds, and 44 traffic summonses issued, ‘7/1 7/15- officers patrolled Schaeffer Village predominately and also assisted with the Italian Festival on Hertel Ave. Several members of various gangs from all over the city were spotted at Festival. Gand member ‘was seen after his recent release from jail. 7/18/15- officers continued strong presence in Schaeffer Village due to Italian Festival on Hertel Ave. Additionally officers patrolled Jasper Parish. Arrested was an individual for DWI who submitted to and registered a .24% blood alcohol content. 32 summonses issued. 7/19/15- all Housing cars remained in Kenfield/ Langfield for the entire tour due to credible threats of a planned shooting in that area. No violence was reported . 7/20/15- 11420 remained in Kenfield/ Langfield due to previous days threats of a shooting, The other Housing cars conducted a traffic checkpoint in JME resulting in 2 arrests, 24 traffic summonses issued and 2 impounds. ‘7/21/15- officers did impound a motoreycle in the rear of Schaeffer Village in response tho residents complaints of reckless operation. Unfortunately suspect feld on the back of another motorcycle, but he won't be getting his bike back. 8 arrests were made. Housing officers also assisted Strike Force on a foot chase from Box St. 7/22/15- CPO Macy attended the all tenant council meeting at BPD headquarters. The meeting agenda covered numerous issues that pertain to BMHA residents, Schaeffer Village hosted a "stop the violence” cookout where all Housing officers attended and showed a security presence as well as community relations and information gathering, Three arrests were made. 7/23/15- information developed from a BMHA employee that [EE Housing property) is dealing a large amount of Herion. One impound, 3 arrests and 44 Traffic summonses were issued. 7/24/15- Quit tour for Housing officers as we had only one car on patrol which alternated their patrol between Langfield and Schaeffer Village. 7/25/15- enough officers to expand patrols to AD Price, Msgr Geary and 245 Elmwood. Officers also conducted the Park and Walk in these three Housing properties. 7/26/15- CPO Macy attended BMHA tenant council meeting in Schaeffer Village prior to his tour. Officers conducted traffic checkpoint in I. Six impounds, 70 traffic summons issued and three arrests, 7/27/15- Quiet tour with normal patrols in Kenfield/L angfield and Schaeffer Village Housing Projects. Emphasis was on V & T and quality of life issues. Three arrests were made. CPO Macy addressed some eviction concems. 7/28/15- officers assisted in the Perry projects where Mayor Brown, Police representatives and BMHA representatives were conducting a walk through. Conducted a traffic checkpoint in the| and assisted District cars with several violent shots fired calls. H420 recovered a loaded .380 semi automatic. 7/29/15- officers received information from a Cl about a drug deal 0 TE Three arrests were made due to this information. Housing officers recovered a gun outside of 367 Langficld. Also assisted E District with shooting in Central Park. 7/30/15- officers conducted routine patrol in Housing property with focus on Langfield and Schaeffer ‘Village. Two arrests were made and 37 traffic summonses were issued. 7131/15- officers assisted BPD Narcotics squad in Perry Housing Projects, and then focused on Langfield due to threats of violence from previous tour, * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: Philip M Serafini Date Prepared:08/31/2015 Report Dates:08/01/2015 to 08/31/2015 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M,H.A Locations Felony 18 Felony 18 Misdemeanor 6 Misdemeanor 6 Violation 1 Violation 1 Traffic Misdemeanor 143 Traffic Misdemeanor 143 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on BIM.HA Property Traffic Infraction 997 ‘Traffic Infiaction 997 Parking Tags 90 Parking Tags 90 City Ordinance 8 City Ordinance 8 “Total Weapons Recovered ‘Total Weapons Recovered on B.MLHLA. Property 2 re Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above noted statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit, a total of 67 vehicies were impounded, 67 of which were from in and around BMHA properties. These vehicles were impounded for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the following: suspended license/ registration, DWI, narcotics possession, driver wanted on warrant, and weapons possession. The Buffalo Police Housing Unit did also seize a total of $390.00 from in and around the BMHA properties. ‘This money was seized in relation to narcotics possession/ sales and was obtained subsequent to arrest and by following the United States Government guidelines for asset forfeiture. The following are a daily list of some of the actions performed by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit: Please note that for the entire month of August, Housing officers have been predominately assigned to the Kenfield/ Langfield and Shafier Village properties. 8-1-15- Housing officer was injured as a result of pursuing wanted suspects from Langficld area. Officer suffered a broken nose and facial injuries. Three arrests were made as a result; assault on a Police Officer, Robbery and drug possession. Officers also issued 43 traffic summonses, 8-2-15- Quite tour of duty. Arrested Langfield man for two outstanding warrants. 8-3-15- Housing cars assisted NYS Parole officers with apprehending wanted man in Shaffer Village. CPO Macey attended to Community Police matters and made a Robbery arrest in Langfield. A narcotics arrest was also made in Langfield area. 8-4-15- This was National Night Out, A large event was held in the Kenfield/ Langfield area. Housing officers, Lieutenants, the Capiain and Chief Brinkworth attended. We also ran bike patrols in the Langfield area prior to the start of our regular tour of duty, During and after the National Night Out events concluded ‘we continued to patrol the BMHA properties. 15- We ran a detail in the Fery/ Grider Housing area and assisted the Mayor and his administration with a walk through of this location, We also recieved follow up information regarding an Arson suspect wanted in the Jasper Parish Donovan Drive area. Arrest was made for attempted Arson in Donovan Drive. ‘Two other arrests were made including trespass in Shaffer Village and false impersonation in Langfield. 8-6-15- This was full platoon day and with the extra manpower we patrolled all of the major BMHA. properties in C, D and E Districts, Housing officers also assisted with a large warehouse fire near Shaffer ‘Village. Officers made 5 arrests including two for narcotics, and issued 51 traffic summonses. 8-7-15- Housing continued t» focus on| locations. Officers also assisted Strike Force officers with a gun arrest at fe also sent officers f0 patrol Donovan Drive and other BMHA properties. Two arrests were made and three vehicles were impounded. 8-8-15- We assisted District cars on calls in and around BMHA properties. We also followed up on resident complaints from the BMHA Tip Line. Towards the end of the tour we conducted walk ups of the Perry high rises. We made 2 warrant arrests. 8-9-15-We had extra manpower today so we focused the extra officers on the Donovan Drive, Douglas Towers and Perry properties. Officers ended up making 4 arrests and issuing 31 traffic summonses. 8-10-15- Rain all night slowed offeiers activity. CPO Craig Macey attended two BMHA meetings, discussing and answering residents questions, problems and concems. Officers made one arrest for narcotics in Langfield and two arrests for Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle. 8-11-I5- We experienced a power outage tonight so a Housing report was not sent. Officers continued to patrol BMHA properties and issued 40 traffic summonses including six misdemeanor vehicle and traffic summonses. 8-12-15- Officers walked through high rise at Msgr. Geary and found suspects smoking crack cocaine. They advised a drunk man on the Sth floor of High rise. Officers also walked through Stuyvesant and patrolled ‘Marine Drive and Sedita properties. 8-13-15- Very slow tour. Patrols were confined to Shaffer Village and Kenfield/ Langfield areas. Officers Developed information for CPO Macy involving an eviction and assisted on numerous calls within the BMHA properties, 8-14-15- BMHA officers issued 40 traffic summonse and made arrest for criminal use of public benefit card, 2nd degree. 8-15-15- BMITA officers assisted Strike Force officers in the McCarley Garden private housing unit, Officers made four arrests and recovered a gun after a foot chase 8-16-15- Officers patrolled BMHA properties and made four arrests, had two impounds, end issued 32 traffic summonses. One arrest was for possession of Herion and Marihuana. 8-17-15- Afier two people were shot in the Perry Projects early Sunday moming after our shift ended, officers concentrated their efforts there. Suspect did run into house in Perry's and slammed door on BMHA. officer injuring him. Suspect was arrested and we think he had a gun and ran into house to hand it off to another person. Seven arrests were made during this tour, one being a felony. 8-18-15- Multiple shootings ovcurred in B, D, and E Districts this evening so our officers strayed from their posts and assisted them. Four arrests were made. CPO Macey attended to CPO duties. 8-19-15- H450 assisted with overdose in Lakeview Pojects at Lakeview and Tauriello St.'s. H410 attended a BMHA Council vote in the Pesry Projects due to threats of voter intimidation. 37 traffic summonses were issued, 8-20-15- H410 attended a tenant council meeting in Langfield. The second half of tour we received information from several sourves regarding a man with a gun in Shaffer Village and investigated. H430 identified the suspect and H410 worked with Buffalo Police Detective Earl Perrin for a future search warrant. BMHA officers remained parked in the Shaffer Village area due to the shooting threats. 8-21-15- We patticipated in a ‘clean sweep" of the Langfield property prior fo the start of our regular tour of duty. Two car crews were assigned to the Fredrick Douglas Towers for a large block party that was attended by DPC Lockwood. Captain Serafini and Lt. Russo also stopped by block party and mingled with tenants. HA11 recovered a gun ftom suspect in Shaffer Village and tuned suspect over to narcotics detective for future intelligence gathering. 8-22-15- Housing officers assisted with a stabbing in Jasper Parish at 160 Lawn St. Officers also assisted D District officers with reviewing the video of the minutes before and after the fight and assault. Officers also covered on stabbing callin Langfield arca and made an arrest. Officers also assisted Strike Force with a foot chase and recovered a gun in the Perry Projects. 8.23-15- Officer assisted with a missing 6 year old from California St, H430 did find the child in a house a few blocks away. A traffic sop did result in some intelligence information regarding a drug house with loaded firearms. BMHA officers contacted Buffalo Police Intelligence Detective Berl Perrin and were working with him on securing a search warrant, 8-24-15- Patrolled Shaffer and Langfield areas and assisted with another missing child, a 10 year old missing from [IEE Officers made one arrest for Herion, served a material witness warrant, and assisted Intelligence Detectives with obtaining a search warrant for [INEM s believed to contain drugs and handguns, 8-25-15- Slow night. We had very limited manpower and remained predominately in the aformentioned areas. At the start of the tour we conducted a traffic checkpoint in the Shaffer Village area. BMHA officer Hassett was assigned to our BMHA cameras and monitored the locations throughout the four. H420 made an arrest and recovered a 45 loaded handgun in Langfield. BMHA officer was injured while making this arrest and was treated and released from ECMC. 8-26-15- Prior to this tour 2 housing officers assisted with FBI raids in the early morning hours. With limited manpower yet again we remained in the Langfield area due to this tours and the previous tours violent activity and gun calls. We also assisted E District officers on calls including 2 more gun calls in the projects resulting in 2 arrests. 8-27-15- CPO Macey patrolied through the Perry, Stuyvesant, Shaffer, Ferry Grider and Jasper Projects. Other BMHA officers continued to focus 07 |} iT cations. Officers wrote 10 tags, 25 traffic summonses and had 1 felony arrest. 8-28-15- In additon to our normal patrols we assisted at an overnight youth function in the Langfield Projects. We also assisted D District officers on gun calls, and CPO Macey addressed a couple of BMHA eviction issues. 8-29-15- Officers were detailed to Perry Days event before and during our regular tour. Assisted B District with a double shooting at Hickory and South Division Sts, which is adjacent to Douglas Towers. Provided added police presence after shooting to assist with crowd control and to deter further violence. Checked suspicious activity on BMHA property and dispersed persons loitering, drinking and gambling, 8-30-15- Quiet night with minimal manpower but BMHA offciers still managed to issue 18 traffic summonses and make three arrests. 8.31-15- BMHA officers did continue to focus on [Ind the surrounding area and (I SBE e225. Officers covered in on shots fired call in Jasper Parish and assisted D District with a welfare check on Deardomn Ave. Four separate arrests were made for drug possession and V & T law violations, * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.MH.A. property BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: Philip M Serafini Date Prepared: 10/01/2015 Report Dates:09/01/2015 to 09/30/2015 ‘Total Arrests for Period Felony 15 Misdemeanor 67 Violation il Traffic Misdemeanor 171 Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 3 Misdemeanor 65 Violation u Traffic Misdemeanor 168 Total Tickets Issued For Period Traffic Infraction 1035 Parking Tags 90 City Ordinance 2 Total Tickets Issued on BMH.A Property Traffic Infraction 1024 Parking Tags 88 City Ordinance 2 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on BMLHLA. Property 1 Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above noted statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit, a total of 60 vehicles ‘were impounded, 58 of which were from in and around BMHA properties. These vehicles were impounded for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the following: suspended license/ registration, DWI, narcoties possession, driver wanted on warrant, and weapons possession, ‘The Buffalo Police Housing Unit did also seize a total of $3,735.00 from in and around the BMHA properties. This money was seized in relation to nareoties possession/ sales and was obtained subsequent to arrest and by following the United States Government guidelines for asset forfeiture, ‘The following are a daily list of some of the actions performed by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit: Please note that for this reporting period the Housing Unit has been predominately assigned to the Kenfield/ Langfield and Shatter Village properties. 9-1-15- officers did assist on various violent calls for service in and around BMHA properties. Manpower permited us to also patrol the Big 6 BMHA properties resulting in 30 traffic summonses issued and | arrest for drug possession. 9-2-15- at beginning of tour Housing officers conducted a traffic check point near, End issued 38 traffic summonses. CPO Macy addressed complaints in the Stuyvesant property which led to an arrest for threats. 9.3-15- conducted traffic check point along with the Strike Foree before resuming our regular patrols which resulted in 3 felony arrests and 1 misdemeanor arrest. Six vehicles were impounded and 38 traffic summonses issued. Arrests were for narcotics possession and aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle. 9-4-15- conducted traffic check point in the EEN and then assisted Delta and Edward Districts ona high volume of calls. We were also called to help Bravo District search for a missing 7 year old. 9-5-15- with limited manpower we continued our presence in Langfield and Shaffer Village properties. CPO Macy and his partner did patrol the Langficlds and arrested brothers oc trespassing. The two brothers have been a great source of problems in and around Mand have been evicted from the Langfields and should not be on site anywhere within this BMHA property. Other Housing officers did have two other arrests for narcotics possession. 9-6-15- Housing officers did assist on several calls including man walking on Rt. 33 outbound. Officers also assisted B District with a transport to ECMC for a mental evaluation, since there were no available ambulances. Several suspicious person checks were comducted on the lower west side resulting in three arrests, The arrests were for disorderly conduct and drug possession. 9-7-15- main focus was on Shaffer, Lasalle/ Langfield and lower west side. Information developed by officers revealed that Herion sales and use is widespread in the 300 block area of Niagara St. near Tops and McDonalds. Officers made 10 misdemeanor arrests for various charges including criminal impersonation, harassment, drug possession, and obstructing governmental administration. 9-8-15- officers did assist the Strike Force with a gun arrest on High St. in the fruit belt area of the city. Also assisted on vehicle striking house on Suffolk. Officers helped with searching for the driver of the vehicle who fled the scene. CPO Macy did attend a community meeting at the Sedita Apartments. Officers made 7 arrests, had 5 impounds and confiscated $519.00. 9-9-15- We conducted a traffic check point along with Strike Force on the 33 on-ramp. CPO Macy attended to resident matters at the Douglass Towers and we investigated some BMHA vacants being used for drug activity. Officers made 8 misdemeanor and 1 felony arrest, Arrests were for narcotics and marihuana possession and outstanding warrants. 9-10-15- this tour our manpower was severly limited due to officers attending mandatory ERT training. Therefore patrols were kept strictly in the Kenfield/ Langfield area. Despite this, officers confiscated $292.00 and 1 felony arrest was made. 9-11-15- due to recent violence we remained in the D District projects for the entire tour. We also conducted traffic check points in the Shaffer Village and assisted on several 911 calls in D District. 51 traffic summonses were issude and one arrest was made for DWI. 9-12-15- heavy rain and cold temperatures all tour slowed most activity throughout the BMHA properties. ‘We patrolled the BMHA locations and investigated drug activities in an abandoned Shaffer Village apartment. 9-13-15- patrolled all major BMHA properties. Conducted a walk through of several Perry Towers. One arrest for narcotics and 20 traffic summonses issued. 9-14-15- officers continued to focus on Shaffer Village and Langfield. Covered a shooting call on Amherst St. where victim was shot in the back. Developed information on several drug dealers on the west side and forwarded it to our Narcotics Unit. Housing officers also took call from complainant in Atlanta, GA concerning checking the welfare of her mother who resides «1 NNN A fter numerous attempts to locate the mother, BMHA officers finally found her. Woman was fine and H450 then called complainant in GA to notify her. Complainant was very happy with our actions. BMHA officers also assisted D District with a lockout at the Douglas Towers property. 9-15-15- BMHA officers covered on several 911 calls in and around housing properties. Officers confiscated $392.00 and issued 27 traffic summonses. four arrests were made for marihuana and narcotic possession. 9-16-15- per Chief Brinkworth, in addition to our regular patrols two- two officer cars were detailed to the Kenfield/ Langfield property from 1800hrs-0000hrs due to the recent violence and threats. Four arrests were made for various charges and 31 traffic summonses were issued. 10-17-15- this tour a number of our officers were detailed to mandatory ERT training. Deputy ‘Commissioner Beatty ordered us to establish a detail in the EINE. This detail is to operate until further notice from the DPC or Chief. Two vehicles were impounded and one arrest was made for an outstanding warrant. 9-18+15- patroled predominately in Langfields. Conducted suspicious person and vevicle stops. One arrest for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and one for marihuana possession. Four vehicles were impounded and 17 traffic summonses were issued. 9-19-15- continued our focus in JIB due to recent threats and issued 27 traffic summonses. 9-20-15- officers assisted on 911 calls in and around Langfield area. Three arrests were made; two for outstanding warrants and one for Herion possession. 9-21-15- H410 had a traffic stop and did recover a stolen, loaded handgun and a small amount of marihuana. Officers also maintained the detail in the Langfield property for entire tour. Also patrolled Shaffer Village, Schwab Terrace, Jasper Parish areas. Assisted manager with a trespasser 31 ae ‘officers met with the manager, the suspect was not found to be on location. Eight arrests re made, including three felonies. 9-22-15- officers focused on Langfield and Shaffer Village properties. Officers covered on a foot chase in the Central Park area and did assist Strike Force. Two arrests were made, 2 vehicles impounded, and 51 traffic summonses were issued. 9-23-15- Manpower permitted us to patrol all ofthe six major MHA properties. Officer assisted in attempting to locate a robbery suspect wanted by Hamburg PD. Assisted on a violent domestic in B District resulting in an arrest, Three arrests were made for marihuana nd narcotics possession. 9-24-15- BMHA officers located a suspect from an acciclent and gun case from several weeks ago. Suspect ‘was taken to the Intelligence Unit and interviewed by Detectives regarding this case and other shooting, cases including a homicide on Memorial St. in C District. 1421 confiscated $2,532.00 in cash. two arrests were made and 33 traffic summonses issued. 9-25-15- 430 was flagged down by the mother of a 12 year old who stated that her 12 year old was being abused by an older male. Our Sex Offense Squad was notified and the suspect, victim and mother wer taken to HQ for statements, SOS Detective Constantino took the statemnets and no arrest was made at this time. 9-26-15- our manpower was limited because of officers attending mandatory ERT training. One arrest was ‘made resulting from a vehicle stop at Bailey and Oakmont. 9-27-15- somewhat of a quiet night as BMHA officers patrolled all the major properties but focused predominately on Langfield and Shaffer Village. Fourty traffic Summonses were issued but no arrests were made. 9-28-15- while focusing our attention on thE officers made several traffic and suspicious person stops. One stop resulted in a felony arrest for drug possession and a warrant arrest. A total of 53 ‘affic summonses were issued. 9-29-15- BMHA officers enforced the Vehicle and Traffic Law diligently issuing 64 traffic summonses. Officers continued to patrol all of the major BMHA properties and impounded one vehicle. 9-30-15- Housing officers assisted Strike Force officers on a "man with a gun call with drug dealing", on May St. One arrest was made, one gun recovered and drugs were confiscated. Also assisted manager at Ferry/ Grider Homes at (EEE? cople were trespassing in an apartment where the tenant was confined to the hospital. Officers did assist the manager with the tenant. Additionally, officers assisted with traffic control at an accident scene where a Strike Force officer was injured. Three arrests were made, one of them for an outstanding warrant. * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.MLH.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: Philip M Serafini Date Prepared: 10/28/2015 Report Dates:06/01/2015 to 06/30/2015 ‘Total Arrests for Period Traffic Misdemeanor 111 Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony au Felony 21 Misdemeanor 1 Misdemeanor 1 Violation 10 Violation 10 Traffic Misdemeanor 111 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.MLELA Property Traffic Infraction 840 Trafiic Infraction 840 Parking Tags 49 Parking Tags 45 City Ordinance 6 City Ordinance 6 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.MH.A. Property 6 6 based on the best information I could comy Special concems addressed/individuals contacted: This report is for the month of June. There was never a report done for June due to Captain Roberts reiterment, [This report is addition to the above noted statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit, a total of 61 vehicles ‘were impounded, all of which were from in and around BMHA properties. These vehicles were impounded for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the following: suspended license/ registration, DWI, narcoties possession, driver wanted on warrant, and weapons possession. ‘The Buffalo Police Housing Unit did also seize a total of $6,134.00 from in and around the BMHA. properties. This money was seized in relation to narcotics possession/ sales and was obtained subsequent to arrest and by following the United States Goverment guidelines for asset forfeiture. ‘The following are a daily list of some of the actions performed by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit: Please note that for the entire month of June, Housing officers have been predominately assigned to the Kenfield/ Langfield and Shaffer Village properties. 6-1-15- officers issued 19 traffic summonses and made three felony arrests and 1 misdemeanor arrest for drug possession and other charges. Officers also seized $2,468.00. 6-2-15- officers checked on Ferry Grider Homes after receiving complaints of drug dealing in front of this Housing location. Officers also were involved in a foot chase after spotting a group of males at Femry/Zennet and ended up recovering a loaded handgun. Officers also had an arrest at Shaffer Village and did gather intel about drug dealing at a house on Niagara St. This resulted in officers assisting Narcotics squad with acquiring a warrant for said address. 6-3-15-H420 operated police bike patrol around Langfield and Perry properties for the first half of the tour. Due to receiving complaints of drug sales in and around Ferry/ Grider Homes; officers stepped up enforcement and patrol efforts in and around this property. 6-4-15- Officers did chase drug dealers from Ferry/ Grider area. Intel gathered revealed is possibly dealing drugs in the front area of this Housing property. Officers assisted with a missing 13 year old female. 6-5-15- Slow tour. We remained predominately in Langfield and Shaffer properties and operated a bike detail as well. H410 attended to his CPO duties and attended a BMHA project tenant meeting. 6-6-15- We patrolled projects and conducted a walk- through of the courtyards. H410 met with representatives of the Langfield projects regarding a planned Fathers Day celebration. Officers issued 31 ‘traffic summonses. 6-7-15- Officers conducted a traffic checkpoint in the EEE eround routine patrols of that area. During second half of tour we shifted to BMHA properties in Charlie District after incident of a homicide and several people shot. Officers made seven arrests this evening. 6-8-15- officers assisted Narcotics unit with search warrant in Kenmore from incident that originated in Langfield property. Five pounds of Marihuana and ¥4 ounce of Cocaine were recovered. H431 arrested trespasser in Shaffer Village. Officers also impounded 4 vehicles. 6-9-15- due to recent homicides and shootings, officers concentrated on BMHA properties within Charlie District, H430 made a gun arrest in the Lasalle property. Officers assisted Charlie District on yet another shooting in Moselle St. area. H1410 also made a gun arrest in the Langfield area, resulting in two loaded ‘guns recovered: a semi automatic pistol and a 357 revolver. Total of 3 felony arrests and 47 traffic summonses issued. 6-10-15- rain slowed activity throughout the tour. Late in the tour H410 made another gun arrest and recovered a loaded revolver. 43 traffic summonses were issued and 6 parking tags. 6-11-15- officers continued to concentrate on [MME properties. 28 traffic summonses were issued and 2 impounds. 6-12-15- officers conducted walk throughs of Ferry! Grider and Jasper Parish in addition to patrolling the big six BMHA properties. Arrests were made for trespassing and marihuana possession in Shaffer Village. 6-13-15- officers investigated an illegally parked vehicle in Shaffer Village area (130 Philadelphia) and discovered a man smoking marihuana who had in his possession a loaded handgun. An arrest was made for both crimes, 6-14-15- manpower shortage curtailed some of our usual activity, but 2 impounds and 26 traffic summonses were still issued. 6-15-15- rained all tour, slowing most activity, 1 misdemeanor arrest, 4 Vehicle and ‘Traffic Law misdemeanors, | parking tag and 4 vehicles were impounded. 6-16-15- officers arrested another trespasser in Shaffer Village who was in possession of a switchblade knife, Made a maribuana arrest in Langfield, and another trespass arrest in Shaffer Village. 28 traffic summonses were issued, 5 parking tags and 3 vehicles were impounded. 6-17-15-met with Chief Kevin Brinkworth at Shaffer Village to discuss several issues relating specifically to this Housing property, While on location several dirt bike riders and ATV vehicles did drive illegally through the property and up and down city streets. These actions placed several pedestrians at risk of injury. This incident resulted in Housing officers arresting this individual on CSX (railroad) property and his ATV was subsequently impounded. 6-18-15- officers continued presence in Langfield and Shaffer properties and made a gun arrest of a loaded revolver. Arrest was made in the Langficld Housing location, Housing Lt. Strobele talked with a Captain from the Sheriffs Dept. about assisting us with the large amount of ATV and dirt bike traffic in and throughout CSX property and Shaffer Village area, 6-19-15- officers wrote 41 traffic summonses, impounded 2 vehicles, and made 8 total arrests. Arrests were for possession of drugs and marihuana, obstructing, resisting arrest, and warrants. 6-20-15- low manpower and slow tour but still managed to write 24 traffic summonses and had 2 impounds. Officers also made 2 arrests in Langfield property for marihuana and a warrant. 6-21-15- officers made arrest in Shaffer for matihuana possession, issued 30 traffic summonses and had 4 misdemeanor arrests and one felony. 6-22-15- Chief, Lt. and Captain and CPO Macy attended Fathers Day activities in Langfield property, interacting with many residents and children, Officers made 2 warrant arrests in Shaffer Village and arrested man in Langfield area wanted on 2 warrants who was stopped for Vehicle and Traffic Law violation. Man ‘was issued summons for driving with a suspended license. 6-23-15- this was training day and we had a large amount of manpower so the officers qualified at the BPD firearms range and updated TRACS. $713.00 was confiscated from a narcotics arrest in the Langfield property. Total of 43 traffic summonses were issued along with 2 impounds, 3 misdemeanor arrests and one felony arrest, 6-24-15- officers conducted walk- throughs of Shaffer and Fredrick Douglas Housing properties. 43 traffic summonses were issued and three misdemeanor arrests were made. 6-25-15- continued focus (7: TI Chicf requested we also focus on Douglass ‘Tower property due to information received from Deputy Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood. Officers did seize $1,838.00 from a narcotics arrest. Total of 12 arrests were made; 6 V & T misdemeanors, 5 PL. misdemeanors and one felony. Four vehicles were also impounded, 6-26-15- a vehicle did flee from officers conducting a traffic stop at NINN Officers gave chase ‘when 3 suspects fled from the vehicle while it was still in drive and moving. Two suspects were caught and arrested, Strike Force and Cheektowaga PD assisted our officers. 6-27-15- officers conducted several traffic stops and suspicious person checks in and around Housing locations resulting in 19 traffic summonses and 7 misdemeanor arrests being made. 6-28-15- officers noticed several shots fired calls in the Ferry/ Grider Homes location during our off hours of 0130- 0700hrs. As a result of this we have started to step up patrols of this BMHA property and made all officers aware of this increased violent activity. We have also discovered several males dealing drugs in the main entrance of Ferry/ Grider units. CPO Macy started his new 1000-2000hrs shift this date and he attended a fishing event and reception at LBJ. 6-29-15- H410 went to several BMHA functions with Lt. Nichols. Arrests were made for false impersonation, marihuana possession and warrants. Officers issued 26 traffic summonses along with 3 impounds and 9 parking tags. 6-30-15-received intel that large amount of drug dealing is taking place (a Other intel is that 2 has 2 40 and 30 calibre gun on person, Officers were apprised of this information. Officers seized $1,115.00 from a narcotics arrest. Two misdemeanor arrests and two felony arrests were made in Shaffer Village location area. * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within ‘one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Atin: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: Philip M Serafini Date Prepared: 11/02/2015 Report Dates:10/01/2015 to 10/31/2015 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 2 Felony 20 Misdemeanor 83 Misdemeanor 83 Violation 4 Violation 4 ‘Traffic Misdemeanor 188 Traffic Misdemeanor 187 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.M.H.A Property Traffic Infraction 1247 ‘Traffic Infraction 1239 Parking Tags 26 Parking Tags 26 City Ordinance 8 City Ordinance 8 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.HLA. Property 1 1 Special concems addressed individuals contacted: addition to the above noted statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit, a total of 81 vehicles ‘were impounded, 80 of which were from in and around BMHA properties, These vehicles were impounded for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the following: suspended license/ registration, DWI, nareoties possession, driver wanted on warrant, and weapons possession. ‘The Buffalo Police Housing Unit did also seize a total of $2,535.00 from in and around the BMHA properties. This money was seized in relation to narcoties possession/ sales and was obtained subsequent to arrest and by following the United States Govemment guidelines for asset forfeiture. The following is a daily list of some of the actions performed by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit: Please note that for the entire month of October, Housing officers have been predominately assigned to the Kenfield/ Langficld and Shaffer Village properties. 10-1-15- we had an increased Vehicle and Traffic Law enforcement in the Kenfield/ Langfield property resulting in numerous traffic stops, summonses and impounds, 50 traffic summonses were issued along with 3 impounds. Four misdemeanor and 2 felony arrests were made. Arrests included Driving under the influence, possession of stolen property, stolen vehicle and marihuana possession. 10-2-15- Lt, Strobele met with Chief Brinkworth tonight and discussed several issues relating to the Sedita Apartments and other Housing locations. Complaints of drug sales in Sedita Apts, Officers investigated and found juveniles staying in apartment that is believed to be selling drugs. Officers advised and identified the juveniles. Officers stopped a vehicle for traffic violations and vehicle fled from them at high rate of speed. Suspect vehicle then crashed into house and broke a gas main. Officers chased suspect on foot and apprehended him and arrested him for DWI. 10-3-15- limited manpower tonight. Officers focused on Marine Drive, Sedita and Langfield properties for abandoned vehicles on BMHA property. Conducted several walk throughs of Sedita Apts and issued parking tags and impounds there, 22 parking tags issued in all. 10-4-15- Officers patrolled Langfield property conducting traffic stops and checking on citizens. Officers also checked on 245 Elmwood and 335 Summer. One arrest made for DWI. 10-5-15- Officers arrested man wanted by BPD Sex Offense Squad and DA‘s office. The man threatened a ‘witness in a criminal case and menaced her and her child, threatening them by displaying a gun. Five felony arrests were made tonight, charges include: possession of Heroin, hypodermic needle, possession of Cocaine, and warrant arrest. 10-6-15- CPO Macy gathered intel regarding Sedita Apts. Lease violations were discovered and drug use. Officers utilized BMHA cameras at start of tour for a man dealing at EEN Officers did then make an arrest for narcotics at that location. 34 traffic summonses issued and four impounds. One felony drug arrest, 10-7-15- Officers used BMHA cameras to monitor possible drug activity in the | after yesterdays felony drug arrest. CPO Macy attended a community event at Langfield Housing property dealing with juvenile problems. A shots fired call came out at 0030hrs in the Perry's and our officers responded and checked the BMHA cameras, but nothing was revealed, 10-8-15- Patrolled Marine Drive and tagged several illegally parked vehicles in area. CPO Macy attended another BMHA meeting. Housing officer Agee assisted B District at the beginning of the tour as a DRE for an accident injury in B District. Two arrests were made for drug possession, 21 parking tags issued, and 29 traffic summonses issued, 10-9-15- after a traffic stop a vehicle did take off on H421 at ahigh rate of speed. Vehicle was lost but plate came back to a Langfield address. Officers will further investigate and attempt to impound vehicle tomorrow. 34 Traffic summonses issued and one misdemeanor arrest. 10-10-15- Perry property is continually damaged due to large amount of vacant buildings, We talked to ‘maintenance and they are having trouble keeping up with materials to keep the 3 story walk ups secure. Several open doors and broken windows. Unknown person (s) are dumping illegally in Alabama St. area, Due to the above, our officers are stepping up patrols in and around this BMHA property. The detail in Langfield property resulted in an arrest and several traffic summonses, A call in the Sedita Apt's of an unwelcome guest resulted in our Housing officers making an arrest, 10-11-15- received complaint of several vehicles, including 2 BMHA vehicles getting tires slashed in Marine Drive Apt.'s. No overnight private security, Arrest in Jasper Parish for violating Order of Protection, Officers assisted E District on an accident injury call where vehicle struck a house and building. 53 traffic summonses issued. 10-12-15- Langfield and Shaffer Village still a priority. Marine Drive has also become a focus after recent tire slashings. Officers wrote several parking tags and made 3 arrests in and around Marine Drive property. five misdemeanor arrests were made including, marihuana possession, herion possession and warrants. 10-13-15- officers assisted D District with a "man with the gun call" and apprehended two suspects in Jasper Parish property. 32 traffic summonses were issued, 24 parking tags, and three arrests, one of them a felony. 10-14-15-continued patrols in Marine Drive, Langfield and Shaffer Village. Also patrolled Lakeview property and area due to recent drug arrests in that area. 48 traffic summonses issued. 10-15-15- officers covered on several calls for service in and around BMHA properties. While officers were patrolling Marine Drive Apts, they arrested 2 people on Pearl St. for narcotics. BMHA officers assisted BPD Sex Offense Squad by locating and arresting aN -ho was wanted on a sex offense ‘warrant, 31 traffic summonses were issued, and 9 arrests were made, 4 of them felonies. 10-16-15- officers wrote a large amount of traffic summonses; 63 total, and made 4 arrests, Arrests were for possession of marihuana, cocaine, and warrants. Two vehicles were impounded, 3 parking tags written and 3 VT misdemeanors. 10-17-15: officers covered on a robbery call on Bolton St, in A District. Officers assisted in locating the get away vehicle on Fulton St., and did get permission to search. Several suspects were located in connection to the robbery. A total of 52 traffic summonses were issued and 2 impounds, 10-18-15- BMHA officers dispersed gangs congregating in and around the Kenfield/ Langficld property. They also dispersed gangs at the store on Edison/ Weston, who are believed to be dealing drugs to some of the residents of Langfield. The also assisted on District calls, one of them involving a BMHA resident. A total of 49 traffic summonses were issued. 10-19-15- in addition to patrolling Langfield, Shaffer Village and Sedita properties, officers went to i ME We have received numerous complaints concerning this address and it has continued to be a problem spot. The unit is vacant and it is being entered by several unknown persons, Shaffer Village ‘cameras are down at this time. Covered on a gun call on Hempstead. Our officers did make one arrest resulting from this call, but a gun was not recovered, 10-20-15- while patrolling Marine Drive property, officers did arrest a male at [for possession of marihuana, heroin and cocaine. Officers detected a strong odor of marihuana emanating from his vehicle while on patrol in this BMHA property. The man was also wanted on a City of Buffalo warrant. Five city ordinances and 8 parking tags were also issued. 10-21-15- officers assisted E District on several "shots fired” calls at Edison” Gail, on the border of the Kenfield/ Langfield housing properties. Officers located possible suspects, but no one could be positively identified. A suspicious person stop at Busti/ Hudson resulted in 1 loaded .38 handgun being recovered and 2 arrests. $703.00 was also confiscated. 10-22-15- officers assisted with a person shot at {EEE Victim was deceased at scene and officers assisted the store owner in retrieving the important video of the shooting. Lt. Strobele was vital to locating and identifying this crime on the video. 10-23-15- Housing Unit including CPO Macy did attend a community event in the Langfield property. 16 Kenfield Ct, was designtaed and dedicated as @ community/ youth room. The community center on Tower St. also had an informational event. Additionally, Housing officers assisted on a robbery at 438 Park (Dollar General), determining the suspects description and direction of flight. 10-24-15- officer Whiteford had 2 arrests for drug possession, Defendant did offer information on a homicide and he was taken to the Homicide office to talk with Detectives. Other arrests were made for drugs and warrants. 40 traffic summonses were issued, and 7 arrests total. 10-25-15- CPO Macy worked with HQ on police recruiting detail. CPO Macy went throughout BMHA properties handing out flyers and talking and encouraging young adults to apply. Total of 62 traffic summonses were issued, 6 parking tags and 2 vehicles impounded. 10-26-15- BMHA officers concentrated on the big 6 properties, Langfield, Shaffer, Jasper Parish, Ferry/ Grider, Marine Drive and Douglas Towers. Six arrests were made and 63 traffic summonses ied. 10-27-15- H410 attended another recruiting event with the Dept. of Labor and served 2 subpoena's for the District Attomey’s office. Officers made 2 warrant arrests, towed 2 vehicles, and had three additional arrests, 10-28-15- officers made vehicle stops and suspicious person checks throughout their tour within and around BMHA properties. H410 located a wanted vehicle in connection to a homicide «| Occupants were taken to the Homicide office and interviewed. 1430 made a narcotics arrest at near the BMHA Lakeview property. Officers also made an arrest for a stolen motorcycle. 10-29-15-[MM)located a criminal informant and brought him to the Intelligence Unit with information on an individual who is currently on the BPD's 10 most wanted list. The subject is staying in IEE and ‘warrant is being sought. H440 had two arrests for possession of a knife and trespassing. Two other arrests ‘were made by other Housing officers for drug possession. $1,832.00 was confiscated as a result of the drug arrests, 10-30-15- we only had a minimal amount of manpower tonight but still officers issued 37 traffic summonses and recovered a gun. Officers also assisted with a Halloween party at the community center attached to E District. H410 assisted on a shooting at Delevan/ Courtland. I took an informant to the BPD Intelligence Unit to talk with detectives in relation to a gun case currently being handled by the DA's office. 10-31-15- tonight was Halloween and officers and CPO Macy assisted with the respective events throughout the BMHA properties. Patrols were throughout the six major properties with the focus predominately on the Langfield/ Kenfield and Shaffer Village Housing units. * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: Philip M Serafini Date Prepared: 12/01/2015 Report Dates:1 1/01/2015 to 11/30/2015 Traffic Misdemeanor 137 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.M.H.A Locations Felony 16 Felony 15 Misdemeanor 80 Misdemeanor 1 Violation 3 Violation 3 Traffic Misdemeanor 137 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.MLH.A Property Traflic Infraction 1,485 Traffic Infraction 143 Parking Tags 203 Parking Tags 203, City Ordinance 34 City Ordinance 2» Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.MLELA. Property 2 vi ‘Special concerns addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above noted statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit, a total of 58 vehicles were impounded, 57 of which were from in and around BMHA properties. These vehicles were impounded for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the following: suspended license/ registration, DWI, narcoties possession, driver wanted on warrant, and weapons possession. The Buffalo Police Housing Unit did also seize a total of $$9,259.00 from in and around the BMHA. properties. This money was seized in relation to narcotics possession/ sales and was obtained subsequent to arrest and by following the United States Government guidelines for asset forfeiture. ‘The following is a daily list of some of the actions performed by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit: Please note that for the entire month of Novenber, Housing officers have been predominately assigned to the Kenfield/ Langfield and Shaffer Village properties. 11-1-15- officers concentrated on Shaffer Village and Langfield properties. H410 and H421 were detailed to the Langfield area exclusively. Housing officers assisted District cars with calls within area. 66 traffic summonses were issued and 10 City Ordinaces. 11-2-15- officers assisted Strike Force Unit with a traffic checkpoint at NEE vehicles were impounded, and 5 misdemeanor arrests were made, mostly for possession of drugs and Marihuana, 11-3-15- a shooting occurred in the Langfield Housing property at 12:40 in the aftemoon. Suspects were ‘unknown and the victim was grazed in the neck by the gunfire, 37 traffic summonses were issued. 11-4-15- officers had an extra strong presence in and around Langfield due to yesterdays shooting incident. Officers developed information —— dealing drugs during the day. Several black males with white t-shirts are selling from the poreh, Suspect has been wamed in past and his grandmother resides in BMHA property. Total of 11 arrests were made and 65 traffic summonses issued. 11-5-15- in addition to patrolling Langfield property, officers spread out to the west side and the Lakeview BMHA area, Officers made several drug arrests on west side. CPO Macy did spend time in Shaffer Village property recruiting for the Police Academy. Housing officers also patrolled Marine Drive property. 11-6-15- Officers stopped aff ho was on parole for weapons charges and is a known Cripts ‘gang member. He is also dealing Herion/ Crack on the west side. Officers made 9 arrests for various charges including marihuana possession and narcotics possession. 5 vehicles were also impounded. 11-7-15- H430 stopped vehicle when alerted by plate reader and found operator to be in possession of controlled substances. H440 arrested individual for possession of narcotics after a traffic stop. BMHA officers wrote a total of 52 traffic summonses this day and had one vehicle impounded. 11-8-15- while patrolling Shaffer, Langfield and Jasper Parish properties, officers conducted numerous traffic stops in those areas. One arrest for drug possession was made due to a traffic stop. 49 Traffic summonses were issued by entire unit on this night. 11-9-15- large amount of manpower today and officers patrolled around all of the big 6 BMHA properties. ‘They also assisted with a man with a gun call on Genesee St. and did apprehend the suspect and made 3 arrests. A BB gun was recovered. A total of 73 traffic summonses were issued. 11-10-15: officers had several traffic checks and suspicious person stops, but overall a slow night. A total of 40 traffic summonses were issued, 6 parking tags and one vehicle impounded. 11-11-15-officers dispersed several gangs at Ontario/ Philadelphia (Shaffer Village) and patrolled Shaffer and Langfield properties. Officers also dispersed gangs at Edison/ Weston. We received complaints of drug activity at 305 Perry which our officers checked out. No illegal activity showing at this time, 11-12-15- Officers assisted with a vehicle pursuit in the Perry Housing property. Suspect was taken into custody by officers behind 350 Fulton. Officers also patrolled Marine Drive, Shaffer Village and Jasper Parish along with the usual patrols in Kenfield/ Langfield, 11-13-15- we did utilize the BMHA camera system at the] location in an attempt to gather information regardin Ts CPO Macy did assist with the Police Exam recruiting. Captain Serafini and CPO Macy attended a safety meeting in the Langfield Community Center hosted by Paul Kihl. Safety issues in relation to the Langfield BMHA employees were discussed. A Total of 60 traffic summonses and 3 arrests were made, 11-14-15- H440 and C District officers apprehended a wanted individual. BMHA officers covered and assisted on several calls for service in and around BMHA properties. A total of 65 traffic summonses were issued and 4 arrests were made, one of them a felony. 1 Officers assisted B District oI [EES Officers did also recover a silver handgun, BMA officers continued presence in Langfield, Sedita Apartments, Jasper Parish, Shaffer Village and Ferry/ Grider homes. A remarkable total of 78 traffic summonses were also issued, 11-16-15- CPO Macy met with several BMHA managers and did a site security assessment at the Shaffer Village property. CPO Macy found 24 exterior lights in Shaffer Village that were not working, He also did an extensive walk through of Shaffer Village detailing several other concerns regarding this location. Officers made 3 arrests for various drug possession charges and 59 total traffic summonses were issued. 11-17-15- BMHA officers received information concerning a shooting on the day shift which happened outside of the Fery/ Grider Homes BMHA property. Three people were shot with the possible suspect being a [IEEEEENIS uspect fled in a green 4 door vehicle and [EEMFs well known to Housing and Strike Force officers. Officers assisted with a gun call on Hastings where a white sedan was seen fleeing the area. A total of 62 traffic summonses and 10 arrests were made, two of them being felonies. 11-18-15- Housing officers did work with BPD Narcotics Unit to gather intelligence for future raids, and also served 2 subpoenas. Conducted a traffic checkpoint at {IEEE making one arrest for DWI where blood alcohol content of driver was .33, over four times the legal limit. Several summonses were issued as a result of the traffic checkpoint and two vehicles were impounded, 11-19-15- Housing officers attended a mandatory training session at BPD headquarters training Academy on the subjects of Police ethics, sexual harassment and discrimination. CPO Macy attended a clean s\ meeting. Officers conducted a foot patrol in the Perry property and assisted with a person shot at MEE 00" officers made 2 arrests at thi location just last week. Officers also assisted with a violent domestic at fresulting in | arrest. 11-20-15- Quiet night with limited manpower. Officers conducted walk throughs in Langfield and developed information concerning an assault which occurred on BMHA property. 11-21-15- Officers notice 2 juveniles ot I ctine to buy marihuana, Officers did receive permission to search apartment from the tenant. Recovered was 3 oz. of Marihuana, and 2 arrests were made. Several BMHA officers attended BPD departmental Emergency Response Team training. A total of 2 arrests were made and 30 traffic summonses issued. 11-22-15-| ued to be our main focus, with additional patrols in and aroun Pry, Lakeview, Donovan Drive, and Lasalle Couns Offer nooed ot of et MB where BMHA officers made 2 arrests for marihuana sales yesterday. Several live rounds and a small amount of marihuana were found at this address. A total of 5 misdemeanor arrests were made today by our officers. 11-23-15- Officers heard several shots fired in area of Ontario/ Condon. H410 did chase a suspect that was running from the area. The suspect turned out to be the victim that was shot several times. Officers did D District and did locate several shell casings, 5 suspects, and an unloaded handgun relating to the shooting. The Marine Drive apartments were patrolled due to the Buffalo Sabres game and much illegal parking, Several parking tags were issued along with 63 traffic summonses. 11-24-15- H440 confiscated $1,295.00 from a narcotics arrest. CPO Macy met with council president of 245 Elmwood (Stuyvesant). There was a vehicle broken into in the rear lot and a larceny of money from the vehicle. CPO Macy also received information that a lot of drug dealing is occurring at LBJ apartments, BMHA officers did operate a traffic checkpoint at MINI making three arrests. One arrest was for a large amount of Cocaine and Crack. BPD Intelligence Detective Ear! Perrin was notified and apprised of the arrest. 11-25-15- CPO Macy met with the tenants of Langfield/ Kenfield Housing property and followed up on a burglary which occurred there. CPO Macy did P-10 recovered evidence from the burglary and forwarded it to headquarters. Officers assisted E District with a man with a gun call on Hempstead, Two arrests were made, 3 vehicles impounded, and 9 City Ordinances issued. 11-26-15- Quiet night due to it being ‘Thanksgiving and a small amount of manpower working. Officers conducted several foot patrols throughout their tour of duty within the Perry and Marine Drive properties. A total of 19 parking tags were issued by BMHA officers. 11-27-15- Slow night due to constant rain all evening. Chief Menza did inform Housing Captain Serafini of a large high school age party at the community center next to the E District station house, and asked for our assistance with crowd control. We responded and assisted with the gathering which was small. The party ‘was well supervised and no problems were reported. A total of 56 traffic summonses were issued. 11-28-15- BMHA officers 1440 confiscated $1,331.00 due to a narcotics arrest. Five arrests were made and 49 traffic summons issu id a meeting with a tenant that may have had contact with a member of ISIS. The information was received and forwarded to the FBI. Officers wrote 15 parking tags in the rear lot of the Stuyvesant Housing property at 245 Elmwood. Officers were confronted by a hostile 20 year old that refused to answer their questions concerning residency. Officers then located the apartment he was staying in and had a conversation with his mother, who was also uncooperative towards the officers. It was determined that the BMHIA tenant was allegedly in the hospital and this mother and son were staying in his apartment, Officer will notify BMHA management on Monday that 2 persons are illegally living in someone else's apartment, 11-29-15- BMHA officers H1410 confiscated $806.00 due to a narcotics arrest. Housing offivers also assisted with an accident on the 33 westbound which may be linked to the shooting at II H410 was involved in a minor accident when an ATV moved in front of them and slowed down. Driver of ATV had 21 drivers license suspensions, no insurance, unregistered and vehicle was possibly stolen, Numerous traffic summonses were issued to ATV driver and the ATV was impounded. 11-30-15- Officers seized $5,827.00 subsequent to a narcotics arrest. 2 vehicles were impounded and 31 traffic summonses issued. Housing officers assisted West Seneca PD with person wanted for kidnapping. Suspect driving a white Nissan was apprehended by officers and Housing Lt. Strobele after going through numerous traffic checkpoints without stopping over the last few weeks. Suspect fled checkpoint again today and left his vehicle at South Park and Louisiana St's. His brother picked him up and then drove him to address on Weaver. Officers encountered him on Weaver and suspect led them on a foot chase. Suspect was caught and arrested after short chase. He was charged with multiple Vehicle and Traffic Law and Penal law charges. * For statistical purposes numbers attributed to B.M.H.A. property are to be considered within ‘one half of one mile of B.M.H.A. property BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT HOUSING STATISTICS REPORT Attn: Daniel Derenda, Police Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Brinkoworth, Housing Chief Prepared By: Philip M Serafini Date Prepared:01/01/2016 Report Dates:12/01/2015 to 12/31/2015 Total Arrests for Period Total Arrests in B.MLH.A Locations Felony 2B Felony 2B Misdemeanor B Misdemeanor B Violation 4 Violation 4 Traffic Misdemeanor 204 Traffic Misdemeanor 206 Total Tickets Issued For Period Total Tickets Issued on B.MLELA Property Traffic Infraction 1493 Traffic Infraction 1491 Parking Tags 153 Parking Tags 133 City Ordinance u City Ordinance 18 Total Weapons Recovered Total Weapons Recovered on B.M.H.A. Property 1 1 ‘Special concems addressed/individuals contacted: In addition to the above noted statistics generated by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit, a total of 58 vehicles ‘were impounded, all of which were from in and around BMHA properties. These vehicles were impounded {for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the following: suspended license/ registration, DWI, narcotics possession, driver wanted on warrant, and weapons possession. ‘The Buffalo Police Housing Unit did also seize a total of $19,328.00 from in and around the BMHA properties. This money was seized in relation to narcotics possession/ sales and was obtained subsequent to arrest and by following the United States Government guidelines for asset forfeiture. The following is a daily list of some of the actions performed by the Buffalo Police Housing Unit: Please note that for the entire month of December, Housing officers have been predominately assigned to the Kenfield/ Langfield and Shaffer Village properties. 12-1-15- we added some patrols in the Stuyvesant apartments and did assist the manager with serving a notice on a tenant, We also did a walk through of this BMHTA property. Officers covered on shots fired call at Perry/ Louisianna. Talked to several women that heard shots but did not see anything. Covered on large unruly group at rear of 261 Oakmont and assisted E District in dispersing the group. 12-2-15- Assisted the manager with a woman and her son squatting in her fathers apartment on the of NNN The tenant is in a nursing home. Manager is changing locks on apartment. This was the same couple that gave CPO Macey a hard time last week. 12-3-15- officers conducted a traffic checkpoint at [INEIEEWhich resulted in several traffic summonses and a warrant arrest. Checked Stuyvesant property apartment [IMM which has been causing ‘numerous complaints in the building. Manager is initiating evietion. 12-4-15- officers had a three hour trainng course with proffesor William Dunford concerning use of force, Article 35 (justification) and ongoing law enforcement events throughout the nation. Officers then conducted traffic checkpoint and wrote 82 traffic summonses and had 7 vehicles impounded. Information received that a Dodge Durango with a Buffalo Bills logo on it's side is dealing drugs in the Langeficld area. 12-5-15- several males congregating «iff shooting dice and possibly dealing drugs. We added some patrols in LaSalle, Sedita and Perrys. 49 traffic summonses were issued and 4 arrests were made, one of them a felony, 12-6-15- one arrest made at Donovan Drive for possession of marihuana after officer discovered suspicious activity coming from inside a vehicle. 3 vehicles were impounded and 2 misdemeanor arrests were made. 12-7-15- added patrols in Marine Drive, Lakeview, Donovan Drive. ee the Perry property for large group of males loitering in hallway. No criminal activity was lound. 8 Misdemeanor arrests were made for possession of narcotics and marihuana, 12-8-15- officers assisted the US Marshalls in an attempt to locate a rape suspect [Suspect has indictment warrant and officers checked EES and several other east side locations. Officers found a victim of an assault while at location on Vermont St,, but victim was ‘uncooperative. Victim had head wounds and it appeared he was burglarized. 12-9-15- manager on call needed assistance 2t [i's for a welfare check, Tenant checked OK. CPO Macey did work with BPD Narcotics unit to do undercover buys at several BMHA locations that are the focus of numerous complaints. 2 arrests were made, one for a warrant and the

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