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Case 6:18-cv-00009 Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 02/13/18 Page 1 of 6




Plaintiffs, §
§ 6:18-cv-00009
v. §
Defendants. §


Plaintiffs, by their undersigned attorneys, allege:

1. This is a suit for copyright infringement under Title 17 of the United States Code.

2. This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1338(a), and venue in this

District is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1400(a).

3. Plaintiffs allege three (3) causes of action for copyright infringement based on the

Defendants’ public performances of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted musical compositions. SCHEDULE

A, annexed to the Complaint, sets forth in summary form the allegations hereinafter made with

respect to the Plaintiffs, their copyrighted musical compositions, and Defendants’ acts of

Case 6:18-cv-00009 Document 1 Filed in TXSD on 02/13/18 Page 2 of 6


4. The Plaintiffs named in Column 2* are the owners of the copyrights in the

original musical compositions listed in Column 3, and are properly joined in this complaint

under Rule 20 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

5. On information and belief, Defendant Dlugosch II, L.L.C. (“DII”) is a limited

liability company organized under the laws of the state of Texas with offices at 1800 FM 237

Yorktown, Texas 78164.

6. At all times hereinafter mentioned, DII did, and still does, own, control, manage,

operate, and maintain a place of business for public entertainment, accommodation, amusement,

and refreshment known as 5-D Steakhouse, located at 632 W. Main Street, Yorktown, Texas


7. Musical compositions were and are publicly performed at 5-D Steakhouse.

8. Defendant Patricia Dlugosch (“Ms. Dlugosch” and, together with DII,

“Defendants”) is an individual who resides and/or does business in this District.

9. At all times hereinafter mentioned, Ms. Dlugosch was, and still is, a managing

member, officer, director, and/or owner of DII.

10. Defendant Pete Dlugosch (“Mr. Dlugosch” and, together with Ms. Dlugosch and

DII, “Defendants”) is an individual who resides and/or does business in this District.

11. At all times hereinafter mentioned, Mr. Dlugosch was, and still is, a managing

member, officer, director, and/or owner of DII.

12. At all times hereinafter mentioned, Mr. and Ms. Dlugosch were, and still are,

responsible for the control, management, operation and maintenance of the affairs of DII.

* All references to “columns” herein refer to the numbered columns set forth in SCHEDULE A.

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13. At all times hereinafter mentioned, Defendants jointly had, and still have, the

right and ability to supervise and control the activities that take place at 5-D Steakhouse,

including the right and ability to supervise and control the public performance of musical

compositions at the establishment.

14. Each Defendant derives a direct financial benefit from the public performance of

musical compositions at 5-D Steakhouse.



15. The Plaintiffs are all members of the American Society of Composers, Authors,

and Publishers (“ASCAP”), a membership association that represents, licenses, and protects the

public performance rights of its more than 625,000 songwriter, composer, and music publisher


16. Each ASCAP member grants to ASCAP a non-exclusive right to license the

performing rights in that member’s copyrighted musical compositions. On behalf of its

members, ASCAP licenses public performances of its members’ musical works, collects license

fees associated with those performances, and distributes royalties to its members, less ASCAP’s

operating expenses.

17. Since January 2016, ASCAP representatives have made more than 50 attempts to

contact the Defendants, or Defendants’ representatives, agents, or employees, to offer an ASCAP

license for 5-D Steakhouse. ASCAP has contacted and/or attempted to contact Defendants by

phone, by mail, and by e-mail.

18. Defendants have refused all of ASCAP’s license offers for 5-D Steakhouse.

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19. ASCAP’s various communications gave Defendants notice that unlicensed

performances of ASCAP’s members’ musical compositions at 5-D Steakhouse constitute

infringement of ASCAP’s members’ copyrights in their musical works.

20. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Defendants have continued to present public

performances of the copyrighted musical compositions of ASCAP members at 5-D Steakhouse,

including the copyrighted works involved in this action, without permission, during the hours

that the establishment is open to the public for business and presenting musical entertainment.

19. The original musical compositions listed in Column 3 were created and written by

the persons named in Column 4.

20. The original musical compositions listed in Column 3 were published on the dates

stated in Column 5, and since the date of publication have been printed and published in strict

conformity with Title 17 of the United States Code.

21. The Plaintiffs named in each cause of action, including their predecessors in

interest, if any, complied in all respects with Title 17 of the United States Code, secured the

exclusive rights and privileges in and to the copyright of each composition listed in Column 3,

and received from the Register of Copyrights a Certificate of Registration, identified as set forth

in Column 6.

22. Defendants on the dates specified in Column 7, and upon information and belief,

at other times prior and subsequent thereto, infringed the copyright in each composition named

in Column 3 by giving public performances of the compositions at 5-D Steakhouse, for the

entertainment and amusement of the patrons attending said premises, and Defendants threaten to

continue such infringing performances.

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23. The public performances on Defendants’ premises of the Plaintiffs’ copyrighted

musical compositions on the dates specified in Column 7 were unauthorized: neither

Defendants, nor any of the Defendants’ agents, servants or employees, nor any performer, was

licensed by, or otherwise received permission from any Plaintiff, or any agent, servant, or

employee of any Plaintiff, to give such performances.

24. In undertaking the conduct complained of in this action, Defendants knowingly

and intentionally violated Plaintiffs' rights.

25. The many unauthorized performances at 5-D Steakhouse include the

performances of the three copyrighted musical compositions upon which this action is based.

26. At the times of the acts of infringement complained of, the Plaintiff named in

each cause of action was the owner of the copyright in the composition therein named.

27. The said wrongful acts of the Defendants have caused and are causing great injury

to the Plaintiffs, which damage cannot be accurately computed, and unless this Court restrains

the Defendants from the further commission of said acts, said Plaintiffs will suffer irreparable

injury, for all of which the said Plaintiffs are without any adequate remedy at law.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray:

I. That Defendants and all persons acting under the direction, control, permission, or

authority of Defendants be enjoined and restrained permanently from publicly performing the

aforementioned compositions -- or any of them -- and from causing or permitting the said

compositions to be publicly performed at 5-D Steakhouse, or in any place owned, controlled,

managed, or operated by Defendants, and from aiding or abetting the public performance of such

compositions in any such place or otherwise.

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II. That Defendants be decreed to pay such statutory damages as to the Court shall

appear just, as specified in 17 U.S.C. § 504(c)(1), namely, not more than Thirty Thousand

Dollars ($30,000) nor less than Seven Hundred And Fifty Dollars ($750) in each cause of action


III. That Defendants be decreed to pay the costs of this action and that a reasonable

attorney’s fee be allowed as part of the costs.

Dated: February 13, 2018 Respectfully submitted,

s/Jeff A. McDaniel
Jeff A. McDaniel
So. Dist. No. 17,447
State Bar No. 13518020

P.O. Box 162075

Austin, Texas 78716
Phone: (512) 547-7676
E-mail: [email protected]


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