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Level Definitions BASIC

(16 TO 17)
Description of knowledge and abilities at the Basic
Competencies Description of Competency

• Knows chartering, vetting, taxation and demurrage

supply/demand fundamentals
well enough to understand nature of costs
of physical market •
• Basic understanding of fundamentals of marketing,
refining, logistics, & commercial aspects of the
grades and quality specs •
petroleum business
Industry Knowledge

refining systems •
• Understands industry terms found in most petroleum
transportation and pipeline
business trade magazines & low level technical articles
infrastructure and products
• Knows the high level operating structure, objectives
carried • competitors • marine
and locations of global energy companies such as
ops • standard terms and
Shell, ExxonMobil, BP in their region
conditions of contracts •
• Can identify top 10 regional customers and
displays knowledge of the
competitors and can describe their typical demand
global energy business •
level, asset types, locations, & imbalances
refinery economics/drivers •
• Familiar with all the internal data sources and
understands the value of
subscribed sources. Can gather data from them
variations in specification,
• Knowledge of day-to-day business transactions in
timing, and volume
trading, marketing, transportation and/or processing
Commodities Trading Knowledge

• Is aware of characteristics of commodities handled by

market direction • trading • Understands credit controls, including credit

strategies • trading clearance requirements

fundamentals • global markets • Understands basics of operations, logistics and
• arbitrage • keeps abreast of vetting
international events • Basic understanding of industry terminology
• Knows the locations of company's assets, such as

Chevron Specific Knowledge

refineries, pipelines and terminals
customer needs • risk process
• Understands how one's job function supports
and procedures • internal
business objectives of their BU
controls • corporate strategy
• Has basic understanding of business functions such
and values • strategy for
as technology, marketing, sales, product management
upstream, downstream, and
and production
GS&T • drivers of refining,
• Understands concepts of CVX tools/systems
marketing, and shipping •
(CPDEP, IIR, ICTS, etc.)
system parameters •
• Understands CVX internal controls, policies and
operational knowledge of
physical assets

• Basic understanding of financial trading terminology

• Understands how financial trading supports or
hedging/speculative/ price
Financial Trading

complements physical trading

forecasting methods such as
• Has basic understanding of the different financial

derivatives, futures, options,

trading instruments and how they work
OTC, and various credit
instruments • understands
concepts such as NPV, value
creation, spread trading,
volatility, and option value

• Generally good public speaking skills

• Able to outline reasoning process in clear steps that
are easy to follow and checks validity of information
before sharing
• Is respectful and attentive to speakers, both in group
and one-to-one situations
• Has learned basic vocabulary in language of country
of operations in order to further develop relationship
with counterparts
• Can appreciate and accept cultural differences and
various communication needs and styles within the
persuasive and organized • region

clear when delivering oral and

written presentations • shares
• articulates the rationale of
the position • ensures
• Maintains a positive attitude toward peers and
• Accepts responsibility and puts additional effort when
necessary to help team reach goals
• Able to speak as a team member rather than an
• Looks for additional ways to help out team, seeks out
other initiatives
aligns actions to promote • Able to establish and maintain cooperative working
achievement of team goals • relationships with peers and coworkers
influences others’ activities • Able to work across workgroups and can work with all

toward group goals • inspires groups equally

self-confidence in others • • Respectful and responsive to others’ ideas and
places high priority on team opinions
performance • helps others be
successful • resolves conflict
and removes obstacles

• Can handle new developments or assignments with

• Able to adapt to changing priorities
• Can effectively shift attention between competing

manages multiple players,

trades, problems, tasks

• Can apply technical skills in job responsibilities

• Is able to acquire necessary technical skills to
perform work
• Knows how and where to find necessary information
Leveraging Technology

• Can organize data to generate required reports

• Knows how to check input data
adapts to new data
gathering/management tools
and analysis/communication
systems • understands and
uses available market tools
• Knows how to collect and organize data using
analytical concepts, spreadsheets and mathematics
• Able to apply basic analytical skills to effectively and
efficiently solve problems

Solving Analytical Problems

• Can gather data and perform simple analysis to
calculate trading profit and/or losses independently
• Knows how to apply good teamwork and
collects and organizes data
interpersonal skills to assist solving basic analytical
using analytical concepts and
relationships • adjust to
• Is aware of different problem solving techniques
perceived or forecasted
changes in market • uses
analytical tools effectively
(17 TO 18) (16 TO 17)
Description of knowledge and abilities at the Description of knowledge and abilities at the Basic
Skilled level level

• Has some knowledge of current and market

trends in different petroleum sectors with a good
understanding of the major suppliers, shippers and
• Understands the potential impact of international
events and changing geo-political environment
• Has some knowledge of market/regulatory
dynamics and the relationship to pricing
• Has extensive knowledge of all internal data
sources including data sources and subscribed

• Understands characteristics of commodities

handled by GS&T
• Fluent in industry terminology
• Aware of the principles and drivers that cause
area imbalances and the needed commercial
• Understands the value of and alternatives for
variations in product quality specifications as an
opportunity for improving margins • Understands futures markets, cash markets, swaps
• Understands refining processes and economics
and able to interpret commercial impact on refining
• Aware of political/economic linkages in world
and industry
• Familiar with market and industry information that
affects oil and gas opportunities
• Has understanding of business functions such as
technology, marketing, sales, product
management and production
• Understands regional differences in work
processes and interpersonal relationships with
various cultures

• Understands characteristics of the different

financial instruments
• Is aware of risk vs. reward
• Understands how financial instruments can
manage/mitigate risk exposure of system positions

• Willing to speak out and express one's opinion

• Communications/presentations are clear, concise
and understandable
• Can communicate effectively with subordinates,
peers, counterparts and management
• Able to provide colleagues with regular and
reliable information, including updates on activities
and projects
• Able and willing to learn basic vocabulary and
phrases to relate to peers in a global business
• Able to use body language (eye contact,
gestures, etc.) that is consistent with verbal
communication and aids understanding
• Able to present basic technical analysis of
financial instruments and other complex principles
• Can calibrate level of detail and timing of
communications and design a presentation
depending on the audience
• Able to use current presentation tools/technology
for developing formal presentations
• Able and knows when to be a leader within a
group, and take a back seat and follow as
• Can share information as appropriate, fills in for
teammates and takes ownership as if tasks were
their own
• Puts the needs and goals of the group ahead of
individual goals
• Builds on the suggestions of team members

• Can take on additional challenging jobs

• Able to handle high-priority issues quickly
• Can flex schedule and work patterns to meet
changing needs
• Able to adapt behaviors needed to fit different
situations and remain open to change
• Able to adapt and act on competing tasks in short
time frame
• Able to prioritize depending on deadlines and
value to Chevron
• Can deal with stress by applying good
management techniques (such as 80-20, etc.)

• Can demonstrate more than basic technical

competence when using tools required for the job
• Can effectively organize program capabilities to
customize reports
• Can efficiently use the Microsoft Office Suite
• Able to maintain and investigate innovative
methods for specific tasks
• Aware of new technical developments and
capabilities of tools
• Can explain the interaction and interfaces
between different tools
• Ability to effectively operate within trade capture
and/or operations scheduling system, such as
• Can routinely solve basic operational/logistical
• Able to think outside the box to develop solutions
and alternative ideas
• Able to work with teams to solve advanced
analytical problems
• Can lead teams for basic problem solving
• Able to anticipate problems and effectively work
toward solutions
• Can use different problem solving techniques to
solve problems
• Can participate in various region-specific
methods of problem solving
(17 TO 18) (18 TO 20)
Description of knowledge and abilities at Description of knowledge and abilities at the
the Skilled level Advanced level
• Has understanding of the fundamentals of
logistics, refining, marketing of petroleum
business that allows for anticipation in
addressing issues/challenges
• Has understanding of competitor’s position
by determining operating costs & likely
strategic position
• Knowledgeable about market perspective
and relevant scenarios for sensitivity analysis
• Understands the impact of non-traditional
fuels on the traditional market

• Understand the important components of

commercial contract review and when
changes are appropriate
• Can understand market intelligence,
knowledge of marketing/pipeline and refinery
operations, transportation economics and
principles/drivers of area imbalances to
enhance profitability of commercial activity
• Aware of the impact of market trends on and supply chain economics
competitor strategies
• Aware of fundamental market drivers,
economics and end-uses of petroleum and
its derived products
• Understand the CVX process improvement
tools and systems
• Able to perform "learning lookbacks" and
utilize results to institute process
• Has credible understanding of business
functions such as technology, marketing,
sales, product management and production

• Understands how to hedge and how to

structure a hedging position
• Understands the basics of risk analysis and
economic evaluation
• Understand the building blocks of risk
(fixed price, basis, index, etc)
• Understands the different uses of

• Encourages open expression of ideas and

• Able to formulate strategic discussion of
• Can communicate commercial opportunities
in context of strategic initiatives
• Able to vary presentation style depending on
• Is easily approachable and makes time
available to share relevant information with
team members
• Able to mentor individuals regarding good
presentation and clear/concise communication
• Is a compelling speaker; is enthusiastic and
clearly gets the message across, keeping the
audience involved
• Encourages the exchange of productive
ideas; listens and takes an objective view of
situations; adjusts own actions and approach
as necessary to help the group achieve its
• Able to transfer knowledge to teammates,
mentor teammates, and help others meet
team goals
• Able to continuously measure effectiveness
of self and team
• Can build an environment in which people
take actions based on how team members will
be affected
• Able to resolve team conflicts and make sure
all sides are heard
• Can rearrange one's workload and physically
move from desk to desk to help train
coworkers and other employees
• Can actively participate and add value to
cross-functional teams and partner with other
business units and departments

• Can use judgment and experience to help

team handle multiple requests and demands
• Able to change overall team plans to meet
needs for project changes or additional
• Can remain open to new or different ideas
from others on how to accomplish multiple
• Can use experience to help others learn how
to handle multiple demands
• Knows when and how to effectively delegate
tasks and authority
• Can achieve business objectives while
managing limited people resources

• Uses applications in innovative ways to

accomplish work
• Requests upgrades to reports to make tool
more effective for team
• Can identify areas for technical
innovation\advancement based on knowledge
of systems and work processes
• Can develop alternative approaches and
• Ability to effectively operate within action plans that translate technical
operations scheduling system Right Angle. advancement into improved business
• Able to lead the analysis of volumetric, price,
P&L and other forms of data for efficiencies
• Can create alternative solutions to
basic\complex problems
• Can effectively communicate critical issues
and possible solutions
• Can decipher and communicate issues and
solutions to complex\advanced analytical
• Can critically challenge validity of the data
• Able to train others in analytics related to risk
• Able to understand implications when
quantitative data conflicts with fundamental
market factors

• ST&CI - Shipping 101

• ST&CI - Refining 101
• ST&CI - Gasoline & Diesel Blending
• Batangas Terminal (BT) Tour
• Refining and Product Specifications (IHRDC)
• ST&CI - Price Forecasting: Price Forecasting
for Pricing Analysts
• ST&CI - Price Forecasting: Price Forecasting
for Traders and Shipping Analysts
• Building a Successful Team - QuicKnowledge
• Achieving Consensus - QuicKnowledge

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