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High Voltage

Ton Giesberts
D1 LR12
The LR12 made by Supertex Inc. is a Element

good choice for applications where a IC1

supply voltage of more than 35 to 40 V +17V...+100V

LR12 U OUT = +5,0V Overtemp

needs to be stabilised. This small regulator

& 1kΩ
1V2 10µA
can cope with input voltages of up to ADJ R1

100 V, when the output voltage can be

adjusted between 1.2 and 88 V. A small C1 1% C2 (TO-92)

disadvantage is that the input voltage 100n

needs to be at least 12 V more than the RLOAD

output voltage. ≤ 16k5
The regulator keeps the voltage between 1%
the output and adjust pin constant at 054032 - 11

1.2 V. With a potential divider the output

voltage can be set using the following
equation: keep the LR12 stable. In cases where the higher, the total output current drops
voltage at the input may be smaller than below the required value of 0.5 mA.
Vout = 1.2 × (R2 / R1 + 1) + Iadj × R2. at the output an extra protection diode is The output current of the LR12, with a
required, for example a 1N4004. 12 V difference between input and out-
The circuit shows a standard application The output current of the IC needs to be put, is limited to 100 mA (max. dissipa-
where the LR12 is used as a 5 V regula- at least 0.5 mA. In the circuit shown here tion of a TO92 package: 0.6 W at
tor. C1 decouples the input voltage. Its the potential divider made by R1/R2 25 °C). The ripple suppression is at least
value and working voltage depend on the already draws 0.2 mA. This means that 50 dB. The current consumption of the IC
input voltage and the current consumption. with a 5 V output the load resistor needs itself is very low at only 5 to 15 µA.
The bypass capacitor (C2) is required to to be less than 16k5. If the resistance is (054032-1)

2 elektor electronics - 7-8/2005

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