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The Fight Against Political Corruption – A Timeline of Events

April 13, 2015: Kathleen Wynne announces that Ontario will become the fourth Canadian
province to have some sort of carbon tax. In Ontario’s case, the system is called “cap-and-trade.”
According to Wynne: “Call it carbon pricing, cap and trade, a market mechanism or — I believe
it’s misleading — but if you must, go ahead and call it a tax.”

May 9, 2015: Patrick Brown is elected PC Party leader with 60% of the vote. During his leadership
campaign, Brown vowed to “absolutely” repeal any carbon tax brought in by a Liberal government.

October 19, 2015: The Justin Trudeau Liberal Party sweeps to victory in the Canadian Federal
election, ending the almost 10 year run of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party.

March 5, 2016: In his first speech as PC leader at the party’s convention, Patrick Brown catches
party members by surprise by announcing “Climate change is a fact. It is man-made. We must do
something about it. And that something includes … putting a price on carbon!” At the same event,
the new PC Party Executive is formed, the majority of which is comprised of Brown-Dykstra
loyalists, who, like Dykstra himself, were acclaimed to their positions as a result of backroom
deals brokered by Brown, prior to the convention.

October 2, 2016: Five months after Brown’s announcement, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
announces his own carbon tax plan, declaring that if a province does not come up with a plan to
“price carbon” he would have the federal government impose it.

October 13, 2016: Patrick Brown writes a letter to PM Justin Trudeau, congratulating Trudeau
on announcing the federal carbon tax. Brown demands that Trudeau force Kathleen Wynne to
abandon her own plans for “cap-and-trade” and instead make Ontario adopt an even more
expensive Trudeau/Brown style carbon tax. Brown starts off his letter to Trudeau with these
words: “We both agree…”

October 18, 2016: Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall releases his own “White Paper on Climate
Change”, an alternative to the Trudeau/Brown approach. Wall declares his intentions to fight
Trudeau’s plan in court.

January 1, 2017: Wynne’s carbon tax, known as “cap-and-trade”, finally comes into force. It
proves to be very unpopular with voters in general, and especially unpopular with PC Party

February, 2017: Jim Karahalios decides not to seek the PC nomination in Cambridge because
of Brown’s flip-flop on carbon taxes. Karahalios starts the national campaign Axe the Carbon Tax.

Spring 2017: Karahalios participates in the PC party’s “policy process”, proposing and
successfully passing, policies in opposition to carbon taxes in a PC regional policy meeting in
Kitchener and a PC riding meeting in Cambridge.

May 27, 2017: The Conservative Party of Canada elects an outspoken opponent of carbon taxes,
Andrew Scheer, to be its new leader.

Early summer 2017: Reports surface that Brown, Dykstra and their hand-selected party staff
preside over numerous PC nomination meetings whose outcomes appear to have been
determined as a result of ballot box stuffing, improper voting by non-residents of ridings, and other
incidents of voter fraud.
June 5, 2017: The PC Executive refuses to consider several appeals of nomination meetings that
contained evidence of corruption, despite being obligated to do so pursuant to the party
constitution. Dykstra justifies the executive’s decision on a false claim that Brown, according to
Ontario election law, has the “legal responsibility and authority” to appoint local candidates of his
choosing - a power clearly prohibited by the party constitution. Brown announces that he will be
appointing 64 candidates for the next Ontario election. Brown and Dykstra announce that the
accounting firm PwC had been hired to “certify” all PC nominations going forward.

Summer 2017: Karahalios, working with party members from across the provinces, starts a
grassroots campaign called “Take Back Our PC Party.” Pursuant to the party constitution, the
campaign’s aim is to gather enough petitions to force a Special General Meeting (convention).

September, 2017: The PC Executive breaks its own rules by announcing a nomination in
Cambridge, without notice to the local riding association. Tanya Khattra, an Alberta resident, is
named as one of the nomination candidates by the party even though her residency makes her
ineligible to run in the next Ontario election. Karahalios receives authorization from the Cambridge
PC riding association to retain a lawyer and file an injunction against the party to stop the
nomination. The party cancels the nomination.

September, 2017: The PC executive deliberately violates the PC constitution by breaking the
requirement to hold a policy convention. Instead, it arranges an illegitimate online voting scheme
as a replacement. Brown declares that any policy in opposition to a carbon tax would be “off limits”
and at his urging, the PC Executive violates the PC constitution one more time by creating a rule
giving Brown a “veto” on any policy proposal he doesn’t agree with. Karahalios and Kara Johnson
write a letter to the PC Executive, pointing out their violations of the party constitution. PC
Campaign Chair and Bay Street lawyer, Walied Soliman, emails the party executive instructing
them to avoid all communication with Karahalios and adds that the concerns outlined in the letter
are “baseless.” The party executive obliges and never responds to the letter.

October 26, 2017: The Waterloo Record and QP Briefing reveal that PwC was not hired to
“validate” election results in PC nominations, and in fact are merely observing the process.

October, 2017: Karahalios and Kara Johnson write a column that appears on and in the Hamilton Spectator. The authors expose Brown’s claim that
he has the “legal responsibility and authority” to appoint PC candidates as a deliberate misreading
of Ontario election law and a falsification of the PC constitution. Karahalios sends the column to
the PC Executive. Again, they choose to ignore him.

Early November, 2017: On behalf of “Axe the Carbon Tax” and “Take Back Our PC Party,”
Karahalios sends several thousand letters to his own carefully constructed list of PC Party
activists and donors. He exposes Brown and Dykstra’s corrupt practices and asks recipients to
join “Take Back Our PC Party.”

November 16, 2017: The Hamilton police announce that they are conducting a criminal probe
into allegations of fraud in the PC nomination that took place in the riding of Hamilton West-

November 17, 2017: In swift retaliation to Karahalios’s letters, the PC Executive commences a
lawsuit against him, attempting to use the legal process to silence his criticism of the
Brown/Dykstra corruption.
November 25, 2017: The PC Party holds a rally that Brown calls a “convention.” Brown releases
his new platform, the “People’s Guarantee”, a left wing, big government tax-and-spend scheme
that has, at its heart, a Trudeau/Brown carbon tax. The platform is dependent on Brown’s carbon
tax to bring in over $3 billion more in government revenue. At the event, PC Party Executive
Director Bob Stanley informs Karahalios that his membership had been revoked. When asked the
reason for the revocation, Stanley simply answers: “because”. Karahalios is also denied entry as
a “non-member observer” even after offering to pay the $1,000.00. Karahalios is then told that he
must leave or he would be deemed to be “trespassing.”

December 22, 2017: After several grueling weeks of fighting the lawsuit in court, Karahalios wins.
Ontario Superior Court Justice, Paul Perell, dismisses the lawsuit as a “SLAPP” – strategic
litigation against public participation - that was meant to try to silence Karahalios and his
campaigns. In his decision, Perell writes that it is presumed that Karahalios will receive his full
legal costs and possibly damages (over $143,000).

January 12, 2018: Brown announces there are 200,000 current members in the PC Party, up
from 120,000 in October of 2017.

January 19, 2018: The PC Party files an appeal to their defeated lawsuit against Karahalios.

January 24 - 29, 2018: Facing allegations of sexual misconduct during his time as a federal MP,
Patrick Brown resigns as PC leader in disgrace. Karahalios writes an open letter calling for
Brown’s removal from the PC caucus and for Rick Dykstra’s resignation as PC president. PC
MPP Vic Fedeli is selected as interim leader of the party by the PC caucus and asks Brown to
take a leave of absence from caucus. The PC Executive calls for a leadership election to be held
prior to the next Ontario general election. Karahalios writes an open letter to Fedeli, informing him
that Brown’s claim of party memberships being 200,000 members is a lie. He calls for Fedeli to
gain access to the party’s membership database and reveal the true figure. Facing allegations of
sexual assault dating back to his time as a federal MP, Rick Dykstra resigns as party president.

January 29, 2018: Doug Ford declares his candidacy for PC leader. PC Party Executive Director
Bob Stanley is fired. Also gone are PC campaign manager Andrew Boddington, Communications
Strategist Dan Robertson, Brown’s Director of Communications Rebecca Thompson, and staffer
Tamara McGregor.

February 1, 2018: Christine Elliott declares her candidacy for PC leader. The law firm Zuber LLP
– the same firm that was hired to file the lawsuit against Karahalios - is fired by the PC Party. A
few days later, Brown’s friend, Mike Richmond, a Bay Street lawyer, resigns as PC Party legal

February 4, 2018: Caroline Mulroney declares her candidacy for PC leader. Karahalios writes an
open-memo to each of the leadership candidates declaring Brown’s carbon tax election campaign
platform, the “People’s Guarantee”, dead. The memo outlines that, as per the PC constitution, the
new leader shall be responsible for devising a new platform to be ratified by the PC caucus.

February 5, 2018: Multiple news outlets report that Brown lied about the PC Party having 200,000
current members. Fedeli announces that the party database shows current members to be
127,000. Party sources say the real figure is somewhere around 70,000 current members.

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