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28 Days of Gratitude from Rhonda Byrne - The Magic

Today is Day 1 of the 28 Day Gratitude Journey, as we begin today spend sometime thinking about
your goals what do you want in every aspect of your life: health/body, career/work, money,
relationships, personal desires, other. Write your goals down, be clear on exactly what you want.

Day 1 Count Your Blessings

1) Make a list of 10 things you are truly grateful for.

2) State why you are grateful for each item.
3) Read your list, and at each thing say aloud or in your mind thank you, thank you, thank you and
feel the gratitude.

You can tell how much gratitude you feel by how good you feel.

Example: I am truly happy and grateful for________, because_______.

You can be grateful for anything, here's a list to assist you: Health and Body, Work and Success,
Money, Relationships, Passions, Happiness, Love, Life, Nature, Material Goods and Services,
Day 2: The Magic Rock

Today is magical day number two

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Look for a rock, or a gem today, that's small enough for you to hold. Before you go to sleep, with
your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today and say Thank you.
Place your rock in a safe place so you can find it every night.
Day 3: Magical Relationships

Today is magical day number three

1. Repeat steps one to three of Magical Day 1: Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for.
Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you and feel as grateful as you can for that

2. Choose three (3) of your closest relationships and collect a photograph of each person.

3. With the photo in front of you, write five (5) things you are most grateful for about each person in
your journal, or on your phone or computer.

4. Begin each photo with "Thank you (person's name) and what you are specifically grateful for".

5. Carry the three (3) photos with you today or place them in a place where you will see them during
the day. Look at them at least three (3) times during the day. Speak to the person's face in the
photograph and say "Thank you (and their name)"
6. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.
Day 4: Magical Health
Today is magical day number 4-Magical Health

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank
you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. On a piece of paper or card write the words: THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE.

3. Place the piece of paper with your written words where you know you will see it often today.

4. On at least four (4) occasions read the words slowly, and feel as grateful as you can for the precious
gift of health.

5. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened
today and say Thank you.
Day 5: Magic Money

Today is magical day number five

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Think back through your childhood of all the things you have received at no charge to you.

3. As you recall each memory where money was paid for you say and feel the magic words, thank
you, with all your heart for each instance.

4. Take a dollar bill or other small bill and write on a sicker that you place on bill in bold letters:

5. At least once in the morning and once in the evening, or as many times as you like, take out your
magical dollar bill and read the written words and be truly grateful for the abundance of money
you’ve been given.

6. After today place your dollar bill in a place where you will see it every day to remind you to
continue to be grateful for the abundance of money you have been.

7. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.

(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)

Day 6: Works Like Magic

Today is magical day number six

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. While at work today, imagine you have an invisible manager following you around taking notes
every time you find something to be grateful for. Your job today is to look for as many things as you
can be grateful for.

3. Have your manager make a note each time you find something you’re grateful for, by saying: I’m
so grateful for (what?), and feel as grateful as you can.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.
Day 7: The Magical Way Out of Negativity

Today is magical day number seven

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Choose one problem or negative situation in your life that you most want to resolve.

3. List ten (10) things that you are grateful for about the situation.

4. At the end of your list, write:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the perfect resolution.

5. Just for today see if you can get through one day without saying anything negative. If you notice
yourself thinking or saying something negative, use the magic lifeline. Stop immediately and say "But
I have to say I am really grateful for _______".

6. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.
Day 8: The Magic Ingredient

Today is magical day number eight

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Before you eat or drink anything today take a moment to look at what you are about to eat or
drink, and in your mind or out loud, say the magic words, thank you. You can also imagine yourself
sprinkling your food with magic dust.

3. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.
Day 9: The Money Magnet

Today is magical day number nine

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Take any current unpaid bills you have, use gratitude’s magical power, and write across each one:
Thank you for the money. Feel grateful for having the money to pay the, whether you have it or not.

3. Take ten (10) bills you’ve paid in the past, and write across the front of each one of them the
magic words: “Thank you – Paid” Feel truly grateful that you had the money to pay the bill.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.
Day 10: Magic Dust Everyone

Today is magical day number ten

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Today, sprinkle magic dust on ten (10) people who perform services that you benefit from, by
thanking them directly or otherwise by mentally acknowledging and thanking them. Feel grateful to
them for the service they perform.

3. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.
Day 11: A Magic Morning

Today is magical day number eleven

1. When you wake up this morning before you do anything, say the magical words “thank you”.

2. From the moment you open your eyes until you are finished getting ready say ‘thank you” in your
mind for everything you touch and use.

3. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.

(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)

Day 12: Magical People Who Made a Difference
Today is magical day number twelve
1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Find a quiet place sometime during the today, and make a list of three (3) people who made a difference in
your life.

3. Work through the list one person at a time, and while talking out loud (or if you can’t in your mind) tell the
person the reason why you are grateful for them, and exactly how they affected the course of your life.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.

(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)

Day 13: Make Your Wishes Come True

Today is magical day number thirteen

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you,
thank you and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Sit down with your computer or pen and paper and list your top ten (10) desires. Write down thank
you three times before each one, as though you have already received it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for ______.

3. Using your imagination answer the following questions in your mind, as though you've received
each of your ten desires:
i. What emotions did you feel when you received your desire?
ii. Who was the first person you told when you received your desire, and how did you tell them?
iii. What is the first great thing you did when you received your desire? Include as much detail as you
can in your mind.

4. Finally, reread the sentence listing your desire and really emphasize the magic words, thank you,
so that you feel them as much as you can.

5. If you like, you can create a Treasure board. Cut out pictures and attach them to your Treasure
board, and put it in a place you see often. Title the board with THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK
YOU in bold letters across the top.
6. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that
happened today and say Thank you.
Day 14: Have a Magical Day

Today is magical day number fourteen

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. In the morning work your way in your mind through the plans you have for your entire day. With each plan
or event say the magic words, Thank you, for it having gone well. Imagine yourself saying Thank you at the
end of the day and you are immensely grateful because it went perfectly.

3. After being grateful for all your plans in your day going brilliantly well end this magical practice by saying:
And Thank you for the great news coming to me today!

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 15: Magically Heal Your Relationships

Today is magical day number fifteen

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Choose one difficult, problematic, or broken relationship that you want to improve.

3. Sit down and make a written list of ten(10) things you're grateful for about the person you've chosen. Write
it down in the following way:

(Person's name), I'm grateful for (State what you are grateful for).

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 16: Magic and Miracles in Health
Today is magical day number sixteen
1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Think about three (3) separate times throughout your life when you felt on top of the world, and give sincere
thanks for those times.

3. Think about five (5) functions of your body that are well, and one by one give thanks for each one.

4. Choose one (1) thing about your body or health you want to improve, and spend one minute visualising
yourself with the ideal state of your body or health. Then give thanks for this ideal state.

5. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 17: The Magic Cheque

Today is magical day number seventeen

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Fill in your Magic Cheque with the amount of money you want to receive, along with your name and today's

3. Hold your Magic Cheque in your hands and imagine purchasing the specific thing you want the money for.
Feel as happy and grateful as you can that you have received it.

4. Take the Magic Cheque with you today, or put it in a place where you will see it often. On at least two (2) or
more occasions, take the cheque in your hands, picture yourself using the money for what you want, and feel
as grateful as though you were really doing it.

5. At the end of today, keep your Magic Cheque in a prominent place where you will see it everyday. When
you have received the money on your cheque, or if you receive the item you wanted to spend the money on,
replace the cheque with a new amount for something else you want, and repeat steps 2-4.

6. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 18: The Magical To-Do List

Today is magical day number eighteen

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Create a written list of the most important things or problems you need done or solved. Title your list The
Magical To-Do List.

3. Choose three (3) of the most important things from your list, and one at a time, imagine that each thing has
been done for you.

4. Spend at least one (1) minute on each thing, believing it is done, and feeling enormous gratitude in return.

5. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 19: Magic Footsteps

Today is magical day number nineteen

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Take one hundred (100) Magic Footsteps (for ninety seconds) in gratitude any time during the day.

3. With each footstep, say and feel the magic words, THANK YOU.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 20: Heart Magic

Today is magical day number twenty

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Focus your attention on the area of your heart.

3. Close your eyes, and while keeping your mind focused on your heart, mentally say the magic words,

4. Take your Top Ten Desire List and practice Heart Magic by reading each desire, then closing your eyes,
focusing your mind on the area around your heart, and slowly saying THANK YOU, again.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 21: Magnificent Outcomes

Today is magical day number twenty one

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. At the beginning of the day, choose three (3) things or situations that are important to you, where you want
Magnificent Outcomes.

3. List your three (3) things and write each one as though you are writing after it has happened:
Thank you for the magnificent outcome to ______!

4. As you go through your day, choose three (3) unexpected events that come up in your day where you can be
grateful for a magnificent outcome. Each time, close your eyes and mentally say and feel:
Thank you for the magnificent outcome to ______!

5. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 22: Before Your Very Eyes

Today is magical day number twenty two

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. At the start of the day, take your Top Ten Desire List that you created.

3. Read through each sentence and desire on your list, and for one minute imagine or visualise that you have
received your desire. Feel as much gratitude as you can.

4. Carry your desire list with you today in your pocket. On at least two (2) occasions during the day, take out
your list, read through it, and feel as much gratitude as you can.

5. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 23: The Magical Air That You Breathe

Today is magical day number twenty three

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Five (5) times today, stop and think about the glorious air that you breathe. Take five (5) deliberate breaths,
and feel the feeling of the air moving inside your body, and feel the joy of breathing it out.

3. After you have taken the five (5) breaths, say the magic words: Thank you for the magical air that I breathe.
Be as grateful as you can for the precious, life-giving air that you breathe.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 24: The Magic Wand

Today is magical day number twenty four

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Choose three (3) people who you care about and who you would like to help with more health, wealth,
happiness or all three.

3. If you have them, collect a photograph of each of the three persons, and keep it in front of you while doing
the Magic Wand practice.

4. Take one person at a time, and hold their photograph in your hand. Close your eyes and for one minute
visualise the person's health, wealth or happiness has been fully restored, and you're receiving the news.

5. Open your eyes, and with the photograph still in your hand, say the magic words slowly: Thank you, thank
you, thank you for (person's name) health, wealth or happiness.

6. As you finish with one person, move on to the next person, and follow the same two steps until you have
finished the Magic Wand practice for all three people.

7. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 25: Cue the Magic

Today is magical day number twenty five

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Today, be alert to what's around you, and take seven (7) gratitude cues from the events in your day. For
example, if you see someone with your perfect weight, say, Thank you for my perfect weight!

3. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 26: Magically Transform Mistakes into Blessings

Today is magical day number twenty six

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Choose one (1) mistake you made in your life.

3. Find a total of ten (10) blessings you're grateful for as a result of making that mistake, and write them down.

4. To help you find blessings you can ask yourself the questions:

What did I learn from this mistake?

What are the good things that came out of this mistake?

5. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 27: The Magic Mirror

Today is magical day number twenty seven

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Each time you look at yourself in a mirror today, say thank you, and mean it more than you ever had before.

3. If you're really brave, while looking in the mirror say three (3) things you're grateful for about yourself.

4. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)
Day 28: Remember The Magic

Today is magical day number twenty eight

1. Make a list of ten (10) things you are grateful for. Reread your list and say thank you, thank you, thank you
and feel as grateful as you can for each blessing.

2. Remember the magic by counting the blessings of yesterday, and writing them down. Ask yourself the
question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel
satisfied that you've remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

3. As you remember each one, simply say the magic words, thank you, for it in your mind.

4. After today you can do this practice as a written list, or out loud or in your mind. You can make a quick list
of the things you're grateful for about yesterday, or make a shorter and more detailed list and say why you're
grateful for them.

5. Before you go to sleep, with your magic rock in your hand, think about the best thing that happened today
and say Thank you.
(Rhonda Byrne - The Magic)

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