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Process Information Model for Sheet Metal Operations

Ravi Kumar Gupta1 , Pothala Sreenu2 , Alain Bernard3 , Florent Laroche4 ,

1, 2
Mechanical Engineering Deptt., National Institute of Technology, Silchar-788010, India
1, 3, 4
IRCCyN, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 1 Rue Noë, Nantes 44300, France
[email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]

Abstract. The paper extracts the process parameters from a sheet metal part
model (B-Rep). These process parameters can be used in sheet metal
manufacturing to control the manufacturing operations. By extracting these
process parameters required for manufacturing, CAM program can be generated
automatically using the part model and resource information. A Product model
is generated in modeling software and converted into STEP file which is used
for extracting B-Rep which interned is used to classify and extract feature by
using sheet metal feature recognition module. The feature edges are classified
as CEEs, IEEs, CIEs and IIEs based on topological properties. Database is
created for material properties of the sheet metal and machine tools required to
manufacture features in a part model. The extracted feature, feature’s edge
information and resource information are then used to compute process
parameters and values required to control manufacturing operations. The
extracted feature, feature’s edge information, resource information and process
parameters are the integral components of the proposed process information
model for sheet metal operations.

Keywords: Process Information Model, Process Parameters, Sheet metal


1 Introduction

Manufacturing planning plays a vital role in determining the effective use of

resources and smooth production flow. As a consequence, both the scientific insight
into and manufacturing procedures of various sheet metal forming processes have
been rapidly developing. Particularly fast progress could be observed in the area of
computer simulation methods for the forming operations. A number of specific
techniques and simulation programs are now widely in use. Sheet metal forming
operations are standard manufacturing processes, which enable to obtain different
types of draw pieces. The complexity of these processes leads to numerous techniques
to predict or evaluate the formability of the raw materials.
CAD/CAM systems provide flexibility and automation. Even so there is interaction
gap between CAD and CAM. The void between CAD and CAM can only be filled by
automatic manufacturing and process planning activities. For a given sheet metal
component, this involves determination of operations and parameters required to

Yokohama, Japan, 7th – 9th July 2014

The IFIP WG5.1 11th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management – PLM14

obtain a component from a flat sheet metal. Sheet metal forming processes are those
in which force is applied to a piece of sheet metal to modify its geometry rather than
removing material.
Sheet metal forming depends on numerous interactive variables like geometric
parameters, process parameters and material properties. The extraction of process
parameters follows extraction of feature information from a sheet metal part model
(STEP Format) using feature recognition module and then utilizing extracted feature
information, material properties of sheet metal and tool information for extracting
process parameters.
The feature reasoning deals with manufacturing information required to produce
feature like blank size, location of various features, internal cuts, types of tools
required and operation sequence. The work presented in the current paper is for
development of process information model for sheet metal operation. The aim of the
paper is to explain the extraction of process parameters and their values for sheet
metal operation which is the main component of the process information model and is
required for automation of the manufacturing process.

2 Literature Review

A survey of literature shows that different sheet metal feature recognition systems
have been developed that takes 3D models as input. Review of such methods can be
found in papers [1], [2].
Jae-Jun and Gyung-Jin [3] proposed optimization of process parameters (blank
holding force and draw bead restraining force) for a sheet metal operation using
response surface method, where process parameters are specified manually. Liu and
Tai [4] proposed optimal design for flat pattern development by enumerating face
adjacency graphs and potential topological unfolding of the structure.
Kannan and Shunmugan [5] proposed feature reasoning method to extract
manufacturing information like blank size, types of tools required and operation
sequence by using the extracted feature information and topological properties [1].
The flat pattern development is achieved by flattening each feature of sheet metal part
model. The tool selection is based on single blow features and multi blow features.
The extraction of actual process parameters required for feature operation is not
discussed in the paper.
Gupta et al. [6] proposed automated process planning activates for sheet metal
bending operations, flat pattern development for sheet metal part and tool geometry
for the desired feature. A search formulation and algorithm is developed to optimize
operation bending sequence for a sheet metal component. Qiang et al. [7] proposed
optimization of sheet metal forming parameters by sequential optimization
algorithms. The parameters required for operations are specified interactively. SceToh
et al. [8] proposed a feature based flat pattern development system for sheet metal
parts by classifying the sheet metal part as plate, wall, bend, design feature and co-
feature. By getting the feature and co- feature entities, these features are unfolded in
sequential way to obtain flat pattern for sheet metal component.

Yokohama, Japan 7th-9th, July, 2014

Papers [1], [2], [9], [10], [11] proposed feature recognition methods for
recognizing and extracting sheet metal features from sheet metal part models to
extract feature type, size and thickness of sheet metal. Feature recognition methods
are well established and are used in commercial feature based modeling software like
Geometric Solution [12], CATIA, Pro-E. Available feature recognition methods [1, 2,
9] can extract type and shape of the sheet metal features. But feature reasoning and
identification of process parameters for a sheet metal operation from a part model is
still an open issue. The extraction of actual process parameters required for
manufacturing a sheet metal feature in a manufacturing set up is not addressed in the
available literatures.

3 Process Information Model

Process information model for a sheet metal operation requires (i) shape to be
produced, (ii) raw material used, (iii) manufacturing operation, (iv) tooling, and (v)
parameters and their values for the operation. The information of the shape to be
produced can be constructed in the process information model using available feature
recognition techniques. Manufacturing and tooling information can be constructed
based on the industrial setup and the feature information. The present paper utilizes
feature recognition method [2] for extraction of features from a part model. The
extracted feature information along with the material and resource information are
used for extraction of process parameters. Thus the proposed process information
model for sheet metal operations is based on the extracted feature information along
with material properties, manufacturing tool used, and manufacturing process
parameters and their values. Following sub-section is explaining the terminologies
used for reasoning for extracting process parameters.

3.1 Terminology

Thickness (t). It is the minimum of the shortest distance between pairs of faces that
lie on the same type of surface having anti–parallel normal (same direction and
opposite sense) [2]. The thickness is constant for a sheet metal part [2], [9], [12], [13].
The thickness of a sheet metal part model is shown in Fig.1.
Reference Face (RF). RF is a planar face with maximum surface area among surface
area of other faces in the part model. There are two such faces in the part model. Any
one of these Faces is considered as reference face (RF). Example of RF in a part
model is shown in Fig. 1.
Basic Deformation Features (BDFs). Deformation of the base-sheet or forming of
material creates Bends and Walls with respect to a base-sheet or a reference face.
These Bends and Walls are referred to as Basic Deformation Features (BDFs) [2].
The BDFs are similar to the Wall and Bend features proposed by Liu et al. [9]. Each
pair of planar end faces forms a Wall; each pair of non-planar end faces forms a Bend.
Wall and Bend features are shown in Fig. 2.
Exterior Edge (EE). An edge of the reference face is classified as exterior edge if it is
outer edge-bound of the face. If an exterior edge is shared with other BDF then it is

Yokohama, Japan, 7th – 9th July 2014

The IFIP WG5.1 11th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management – PLM14

termed as common exterior edge (CEE) else it is termed as isolated exterior edge
(IEE). The types of CEE and IEE in a part model are shown in Fig. 3.
Interior Edge (IE). An edge of the reference face is classified as interior edge if it is
inner edge-bound of the face. If an interior edge is shared with other BDF then it is
termed as common interior edge (CIE) else it is isolated interior edge (IIE). These
types of faces are shown in Fig. 3.

Reference Face (RF)

Thickness (t)

Fig. 1. Reference face and thickness of sheet metal part model

Fig. 2. BDFs (Wall and Bend) in a sheet metal part model

CIE Reference Face (RF)

Feature Height (h)



Yokohama, Japan 7th-9th, July, 2014

Fig. 3. Type of edges in reference face of a sheet metal part model

Feature Height (h). It is the maximum of perpendicular distances between reference

face and feature faces facing in the same direction as RF. Feature height of a feature
in part model is shown in Fig. 3.
Force. The amount of force applied to produce the desired feature. This force is
classified as shearing force (Fs) and deformation force (Fd) based operation required.
Shearing force is the force required to cut the material whereas the deforming force is
the force required to deform the material plastically to the desired shape.
Blank Holding Force (Fh). This is the force required to hold the sheet metal during
the feature operation and depends on the force required to generate the feature.
Force Coefficient (Kd). It depends on the design of tool (punch/die) and complexity
of the feature geometry. The Force coefficient is used for calculation of blank holding
Primary Distance Moved by Tool (H1). This is the distance moved by tool through
the sheet metal with the required shearing force. It is considered as 1/3 of thickness of
the sheet metal [7].
Secondary Distance Moved by Tool (H2). This is the distance moved by tool through
the sheet metal with the required deformation force.

3.2 Classification and Extraction of Edges

Edges of the reference face in a part model are classified as CEE, IEE, CIE and IIE as
explained in sub-section 3.1. For the given part model (B-Rep), a planar face with
maximum surface area is extracted and named as reference face. The edges in the
extracted reference face is grouped under exterior edges or interior edges depending
upon whether the edge is outer edge-bound of the face or inner edge-bound of the face
respectively. These edges are further categorized as common or isolated depending
upon whether the edge is shared with other BDF or not shared with other BDF
respectively. Finally edges in the reference face are categorized into four groups as
CEEs, IEEs, CIEs and IIEs.
The process parameters required for manufacturing a sheet metal operation are
obtained from experimental setup. The process parameters with required values for
manufacturing sheet metal features are extracted from a sheet metal part model as
illustrated in the following sub-section.

3.3 Extraction of Process Parameters

Sheet metal forming is an industrial process that strongly depends on numerous

interactive variables like geometric parameters, process parameters, material
properties. These process parameters are required for controlling operation and to
obtain the desired shape. The process parameters for a sheet metal operation depend
on shape feature, material used for sheet metal and operation itself.
The extraction of process parameters for sheet metal feature operation from a sheet
metal part model is explained in the following steps using flow chart shown in Fig. 4.

Yokohama, Japan, 7th – 9th July 2014

The IFIP WG5.1 11th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management – PLM14

Step 1. STEP file of a sheet metal part model is read to extract B-Rep. Feature
recognition framework [2], [14] is used to classify, represent, and extract sheet metal
features in the part model. The feature information such as reference face (RF),
thickness (t), feature type and feature height (h) are extracted.
Step 2. Edges in the reference face are categorized as CEEs, IEEs, CIEs and IIEs as
explained in sub-sections 3.1 and 3.2.

Sheet metal part model (B-Rep)

Feature Recognition Module [2], [14]

RF, t, h

Classify Edge in the reference face as

CEEs, IEEs, CIEs or IIEs

Machine Tool Material

Material properties (Ʈ, Ys),
Database Database
Machine Tool Information

Yes if IIEs >0 No

Compute TLIIEs, TLCIEs, TLCEEs, H1, H2 Compute TLCIEs, TLCEEs, H2

Compute Fs, Fd, Fh

Fs, Fd, Fh, H1, H2

Fig. 4. Flowchart for extraction of process parameters from sheet metal part model

Yokohama, Japan 7th-9th, July, 2014

Step 3. Database for material properties can be created [15] and used for selecting the
required material’s properties such as shear stress (Ʈ) and yield stress (Ys). Low
carbon steel (Ʈ = 100N/mm2, Ys = 210N/mm2) is used as sheet material for
calculations in this paper.
Step 4. Database of machine tool can be created based on the resources available in a
manufacturing setup or enterprise and used for selecting machine tool for
manufacturing the feature in the part model. Punching press as machine tool is used
for calculations for the example presented in this paper.
Step 5. Parameters required for manufacturing are computed using information
extracted in previous steps and are given below:
if number of IIEs for the feature is greater than zero
then Calculate the following
Total length of IIEs (TLIIEs) = Sum of length’s of IIEs on the feature
Total length of CIEs (TLCIEs) = Sum of length’s of CIEs on the feature
Total length of CEEs (TLCEEs) = Sum of length’s of CEEs on the feature
Primary distance moved by tool (H1) = t/3
Secondary distance moved by tool (H2) = h-H1
Calculate the following
Total length of CIEs (TLCIEs) = Sum of length’s of CIEs on the feature
Total length of CEEs (TLCEEs) = Sum of length’s of CEEs on the feature
Secondary distance moved by tool (H2) = h
Shearing force (Fs) = Ʈ*t*TLIIEs
Deformation force (Fd) = Kd*Ys*t*( TLCIEs + TLCEEs)
Blank holding force (Fh) = 0.2*(max(Fs,Fd))

The output “Fs, Fd, Fh, H1, H2” with their values are used for generating computer
program to run the machine tool. Case studies for extraction of process parameters
from part model are presented in the following section.

4 Case Studies

Examples for extraction of process parameter from sheet metal part model are shown
in Table 1. Images of the part model are shown in first column of the table. The
extracted information from B-Rep is shown in second column (under 8 sub-columns).
The process parameters computed using extracted information and material properties
(Ʈ = 100N/mm2, Ys = 210N/mm2 for low carbon steel) are shown in third column
(under 5 sub-columns).

Yokohama, Japan, 7th – 9th July 2014

The IFIP WG5.1 11th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management – PLM14

Table 1. Extraction of process parameter from the sheet metal part model

Information extracted from the part model Process Parameters

Sheet Metal Part
Model t h Fs Fd Fh H1 H2

2 0 1 3 130 30 0 10 26000 4200 5200 0.667 9.334

2 0 2 0 0 62.83 0 10 0 8800 1760 0 10

2 0 3 1 50 71 0 10 10000 9940 2000 0.667 9.334

2 0 2 2 100 60 0 10 20000 8400 4000 0.667 9.334

In the above table 1: t, TLIIEs, TLCIEs, TLCEEs, h, H1 and H2 are in millimeter

and Fs, Fd, and Fh are in Newton.

Yokohama, Japan 7th-9th, July, 2014


Process information model for sheet metal operations has been proposed which
includes feature information, resource information, sheet material information and
process parameters required for manufacturing the features in the part model. These
process parameters are seen as to provide integration of manufacturing operation with
the design stage. The automatic extraction of process parameters from a sheet metal
part model has been demonstrated.
The process parameters can be optimized in actual manufacturing environment.
The extracted process parameters can be formulated further for providing signals
(electrical or other) to the manufacturing machine tool. So that an integrated design
and manufacturing of sheet metal parts can be achieved computationally.


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The IFIP WG5.1 11th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management – PLM14

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Yokohama, Japan 7th-9th, July, 2014

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