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College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac

San Sebastian, Tarlac City

S.Y. 2017-2018
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading 2

I. Objectives
Within the Reading Period, the learner is able to:
 alphabetize the first and second letters of the given words.
 Given unfamiliar words, the learner is able to give the meaning through jumbled letters to form
the correct word.
 give a possible ending to a story.
 use personal experience to make predictions.
 express the value of being a humble child by not bragging their achievements in life.
 identify a sentence that will give ending to the sentence.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Story A Tale of Three Brothers
B. Reference: The Phoenix World of Reading 2 by: Cecilia B. Corsino pages 210-216
C. Materials: textbook, powerpoint, LCD

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Phonics
When we arrange words in alphabetical order,
we look at the word’s first letter and arrange
them according to the sequence of the letters in
the English alphabet. We set A first, B second,
then C third, and so on. If the words start with
the same letter, we take the second letters and
arrange them in alphabetical order.
Arrange the list of words in alphabetical order
and write 1-5 before the word.
___ great ___ string
___ pretty ___ tail
___ kite
Who wants to come to the board?
Okay! Number 2?
Good! Number 3?
Very Good! Number 4?
Lastly, Number 5?
Excellent! Now, let’s look on the next list of
They all start with the same letter.
words. What do you notice?
___ hang ___ head
___ horse ___ hut
___ hill
Yes, so we’re going to look on the second
letter. Who wants to try?
Good! Number 2? head
Okay! Number 3? hill
Yes! Number 4? horse
Lastly! Number 5? hut
Good job class!
What have you learned in our Phonics today? I have learned about alphabetizing words.
B. Motivation
Do you have brothers or sisters? Answers may vary.
How do you feel about them? Answers may vary.
Were there times when you did something Answers may vary.
special to them?
What did you do for them? I did something good.
How did you feel when you had done Answers may vary.
something good for them?
Is it important to love family members? Why? Yes teacher because they take good care of me.
Are you willing to help them at all times? Yes teacher.
C. Unlocking of Difficulties
Before we proceed to the lesson let’s be friends
to these words because you will meet these
words in the story and to understand it very
Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct
word with the given clues/definitions.
1. e o m d s t – simple.
2. b a r g g e d – boasted, became proud of.
3. l o o d b h s t o – red.
4. m a z d e a – surprised.
5. n e u r i o n – gathering.
6. g a r n g i – powerful
What is the word in Number 1? modest
Good! How about Number 2? bragged
Okay! Number 3? bloodshot
Next! Number 4? amazed
Very Good! Number 5? reunion
Last! Number 6? raging
D. Presentation
We are going to read a story about The Three
Brothers. Find out who bragged their
achievements with one another and know what
they are bragging about.
E. Setting of Standards for Reading
What are you going to do when you are
reading the story? We should keep quiet.
Alright! What else? We should not talk with our seatmates.
Correct! Another? We should listen and understand the story.
F. Oral reading of the story
The learners will read the story with inflection.
G. Comprehension Check-up
What were the accomplishments of Antonio Antonio earned much money and owned a huge
and Carlo? farm while Carlo painted a huge painting that
everyone admired.
What were Ignacio’s accomplishments? He owned a modest house and was a life guard.
Was Ignacio proud of his brothers? Yes, he was amazed.
What happened as they were sailing down the Their boat hit a huge rock and they were thrown
river? in the current.
What is the message of the story? The message of the story is to remain humble no
matter how successful you become.
Values Integration
Do you think Ignacio’s act of saving his Yes, because if he did not save his brothers they
brother is also a good accomplishment? Why will drown.
do you say so?
Is wealth always a good measure of success? No.
Do you think a hardworking janitor, a simple Answers may vary.
teacher, or a helpful barangay captain can also
be successful in life? Why?
H. Application
Sometimes people do say things that help us
think about what could happen next. Past
personal experiences also help us to know how
things are likely to turn out. When you do this
you are predicting an outcome or giving a
possible ending to a story or event. For
example, let’s try to look on the sentences.
Turn your book to page 214.
1. If the older brother had been more They would have appreciated the work he had
understanding of their younger brother, been doing.
what would might happen next?
2. If it did not rain hard, what would might Nothing would have happened to the brothers.
happen next?
3. If Ignacio was not in the boat, what would His two brothers would have drowned.
might happen?
4. If the two brothers knew how to swim, what They would have swim to safety.
would might happen?
5. Now that the youngest brother had saved Might understand that saving lives is important,
their lives, the two brothers might? if not more than important than having wealth.
I. Evaluation
Turn your book to page 215 and answer

IV. Assignment
On a short coupon bond, draw how Ignacio saved his two brothers.

Prepared by:
Mary Bernadette C. Ibañez

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