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Groundwater Hydrology

Rain: Falls on and enters land surface.

• Some will flow over land surface as
runoff- relatively common-
important when the ground is
• Some will enter as interflow- just
below the surface of the land- a
very porous horizon (shallow flow
• The rest percolates into the soil
Æ A high percentage of that is
transferred back into the vapor
phase through evaporation and
transpiration (in temperate
• When it rains, the water table can change dramatically.
• The flow of a stream will increase during/after a storm even though there
is little runoff.
–In this model, the stream represents area
where the land is below the water table.

–Increased stream discharge- should be

intuitively obvious why...

•Rain percolates down and raises the

level of the water table.

•2 cm rainfall may percolate quickly

and dramatically change the level of
the water table by about 50 cm! This
is because the zone above the
saturated zone is not totally devoid of
water- only some of the void spaces
have to be filled in (ie capillary fringe
may be 90% full).
Change in the water table Æ increase in the flow of the stream.

•Therefore, the slope of the water table has a direct effect on flow
of water.

– In a flat water table the water wouldn’t flow, so must have

some gradient to drive the flow therefore need slope.

Drever, The Geochemistry of Natural Waters

Water ‘box’(Weir) constructed to monitor flow.
• During rain events, the flow increases.
• But the water transported is not just the water from the precipitation
event but rather water in the subsurface.
Æ How does the water flow through the subsurface?
* Need to look at tools to measure flow and factors
controlling flow.
• Flow is driven by gradient : height /length (Δh/Δl) of the water table
• The medium the water flows through also has an effect on the flow.

Î The implications of these observations lead to…

In 1856, Darcy was the 1st to do experiments
with water flow through a tube to see how
rapidly it flowed & what the controlling factors

Question of interest: What determines the

rate of discharge?

Henry Darcy (1803-1858)
Experimental Apparatus for illustrating Darcy’s Law

Q = -KA((h1-h2)/L),where: Q = volumetric discharge rate (L3/T)

K = proportionality constant = hydraulic conductivity (L/T)
A = cross sectional area through which flow occurs (L2)
h1-h2 = difference in hydraulic head over the flow distance (L)
L = distance through which flow occurs (L)
Darcy’s Findings
A. rate of discharge (Q) was:

1. proportional to change in height Δh and change in length Δl.

Æ therefore, Q is proportional to the gradient Δh/ Δl
2. a function of the cross-sectional area (A).
3. a function of the constant hydraulic conductivity (K) which varied with the

Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Darcy’s Law
B. Formula:
Q (flux) = -KiA(dh/dl) = K*A*(l1-l0)/x for a pipe

1. Q is negative because
we’re going from a higher
to lower potential Æ (dh is
negative ∴ Q is negative).

Figure 3.13 Original data from

Darcy’s 1856 experiments that
show a linear relationship
between specific discharge and
hydraulic gradient for two different

Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

2. K typically equals the hydraulic
conductivity of the
medium(cm/sec), as given in Fetter
for sand, silt, & clay

ÆThere is a huge range in how

rapidly a certain medium will conduct
water – by ≈ 5 orders of magnitude!>PERMSTRAT
Flow in Aquifer Systems
Basic Terminology: Subsurface features in permeable rock

B.Water table:
determined line below which
you could put a well and
receive water.

C.Saturated zone:
Water percolates down
through the unsaturated
zone and is composed of
sand particles, air space and
water. The saturated zone is
where all the pore spaces
are full of water.

Drever, The Geochemistry of Natural Waters, Figure 1-8

Flow in Aquifer Systems
Basic Terminology

D. Capillary fringe ( the boundary between the water table and the
unsaturated zone): has all the pore spaces full of water, but you could
not draw water from a well at that depth .

Reason: the surface tension associated with the grain

boundary holds the water by the grain, at less than
atmospheric pressure

– This zone can be about 5 cm in sand and about 1 meter in silt

(higher surface tension effects)
Groundwater conditions near the ground surface

Saturated and Profile of moisture

unsaturated zones content vs. depth
Figure 2.12. Freeze and Cherry, Groundwater, Ch. 2
Confined aquifer system characteristics:
* Often get freely flowing well (Artesian) where water flows to surface,
because the water is held “prisoner” (i.e. CONFINED) at a point
below the water table and the water pressure will drive the water in
the well above the water table level.

Root zone

Capillary fringe
Water table

Confined (artesian aquifer)
Deep confined system:
* The water in wells from the confined aquifer doesn’t reach up quite as
high as the water from the unconfined aquifer.

Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Confined and Unconfined Aquifers

Freeze and Cherry, Groundwater, Ch. 2

Drever, The Geochemistry of Natural Waters
Steady flow through an unconfined
aquifer resting on a horizontal Steady flow through a confined
impervious surface aquifer of uniform thickness

Figure 4.17. Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition Figure 4.16. Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition
Determination of hydraulic gradients
from piezometer installations.

Freeze and Cherry, Figure 2.6

In the ground:
Vx = Q = ( k/η) dh
A*R dl
–where η = porosity
–k/ η is the conductivity gradient
–gradients (dh/dl) are typically .001Æ.01
Measurement of hydraulic conductivity: (3 ways)
1. * Apply a hydraulic head and watch how the water flows through the
sediments in the lab. One has a continuous supply of water and the
other one drains in.

* Large range of potentials (log K).; i.e. 2 orders of magnitude with

peak at 10-5. This is a log normal distribution-- Where graph peaks
equals the average conductivity.

permeameter apparatus.
This is similar to Darcy’s
original test apparatus.

Figure 3.16. Fetter. Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Falling-head permeameter apparatus

Figure 3.17. Fetter. Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Measurement of hydraulic conductivity: (3 ways)
2) Pump testing: Water is removed from the well and the rate at which it fills is
measured. If the sediment is a clay, it will slowly return to equilibrium; if it is sand, it
will return more quickly to equilibrium.

Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Measurement of hydraulic conductivity: (3 ways)
3. Slug test:
Hvorslov constructed
an algorithm:

K= r2ln(L/R)
r = well radius
L = length
•Can calculate standard K for a

•Can also use a slug test where

you drop a slug in to raise the
surface of the water and watch the
time it takes for the water to sink
back down. Figure 5.21. Piezometer geometry for Hvorslev method. Note
that for a piezometer installed in a low-permeability unit the
value R is the radius of the highest permeable zone that
includes the gravel pack zone and L is the length of the gravel
pack zone.
Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition
Figure 5.18
Well into which a
volume, V, of water
is suddenly injected
for a slug test of a
confined aquifer.

Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Multilevel ground-water
sampling device for
use in sandy soil.

Source: J.F. Pickens and others. Ground Water

Monitoring Review, 1, no.1 (1981):48-51.
Multilevel ground-
water sampling
device for use in
fractured rock.

Source: J.A. Cherry and P.E. Johnson, Ground

Water Review, 2, no.1 (1982): 41-44
ÎAll of these methods measure the horizontal
conductivity Æ how fast it comes from the
sides to recover.

– vertical conductivity is often quite different; hard to

get at by the way these pump tests are done.

– Vertical is different because of anisotropy Æ related to

layering which can impede flow vertically but less so

KV= 1/10 (Kh) generally.

( h = horizontal).
II. Controlling factors of the medium:
1. Size and porosity of the grains

A. Porosity = Solid material / Pore Space Æ a ratio, often

given as a %

1) Sedimentary rocks:
-generally a high primary porosity
Controlling factors of the medium:
2. Packing of grains:

• Cubic packing - all grains the same

size and packed with edges touching
Æ 48% porosity.

• Rhombohedral - the 2nd layer of

grains lays on top of the large pore
spaces of the first layer Æ 26%

• Poorly sorted - i.e. Glacial till; very

low porosity - much less than 15-20%.

Î Most systems have about 30-35%.
Range of Values of Porosity
Porosity (%)
Unconsolidated deposits
Gravel 25-40
Sand 25-50
Silt 35-50
Clay 40-70
Fractured basalt 5-50
Karst limestone 5-50
Sandstone 5-30
Limestone, dolomite 0-20
Shale 0-10
Fractured crystalline rock 0-10
Dense crystalline rock 0-5
Freeze and Cherry, Groundwater, Ch. 2, Table 2.4
Porosity, specific yield and hydraulic
conductivity of granular materials
(Modified from Davis and De Wiest, 1966)
Controlling factors of the medium:
B. Features of natural systems:
1) grains are usually sorted by size
2) there is typically a large size distribution of grains present, although some may
be more concentrated in a single size fraction.
Grain Size of Sediments
sizes of

Figure 3.3
Standard sizes of
sediments with limiting
particle diameters and
the Φ scale of sediment
size in which Φ is equal
to log2s (the particle
Relation between texture and porosity
Well-sorted sedimentary
deposit consisting of pebbles
Well-sorted sedimentary Poorly sorted sedimentary
that are themselves porous;
Deposit with high porosity. deposit with low porosity.
deposit has high porosity.

Well-sorted sedimentary deposit

whose porosity has been
diminished by the deposition of Rock rendered porous by Rock rendered porous
mineral matter in the interstices. solution by fracturing.

Freeze and Cherry, Groundwater, Ch. 2, Figure 2.11

Controlling factors of the medium:
3) Note: Well sorted sand with initial high
primary porosity can be filled with
mineral deposits (such as CaCO3
cements) leaving a lower porosity.

Æ Aside: This is a big problem is golf

course where they use CaCO3 sand as
opposed to quartz sand. Caretakers add
acidic fertilizer so grass will grow well
and water the lawns, which dissolves
the calcium carbonate and it re-
crystallizes between the grains. Now the
green will not drain properly when they
try to water again- the grass dies.
Metamorphic Igneous
2) Igneous and Metamorphic
rocks have a low primary
porosity because the grains are
in fairly intimate contact.
However, fractures can control
the water flow in these rocks.

Æ This also occurs in shales (a

sedimentary rock with low primary
porosity) but higher secondary

Black Shale
d Limestone)

Controlling factors of the medium:
4) Also, CaCO3 (limestone) can dissolve Æ large secondary porosity
Æ This is the cause of the large karst formation in limestone in Florida
Process and
Karst Formation
Solution and collapse features of
karst and karren topography
Transport mechanisms:

* Diffusion
• Advection

• Dispersion Æ same units as diffusion but is

mechanical (H2O follows a twisted & tortuous path—
not straight)

• ALSO, Chemical retardationÆ

1. Physical adsorption 2. Retardation
A. Dispersion: spreading of plumes
*water flowing through a porous medium
takes different routes
*important components: longitudinal &
transverse dispersion
Æ velocity dependent, so equivalent
only for very slow flow

•D* = 10-5 m2/day. (D* = diffusion constant)

• αL = .1m/day (dispersion constant, longitudinal).
• αr = .001m/day (dispersion constant, transverse).
•( αL)(Vx) + D* = DL Æ longitudinal
•( αT)(Vz) + D* = DT Æ transverse
Factors causing pore-scale longitudinal dispersion

Figure 10.8 Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

B. Advection: horizontal velocity

Advective transport and the influence of dispersion and diffusion on

“breakthrough” of a solute

Figure 10.10 Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Transport and spreading of a solute slug with time due to advection
and dispersion. A slug of solute was injected at x = 0 + α at time t0
with a resulting concentration of C0. The ground-water flow is to the

Figure 2.6. Fetter, Contaminant Hydrogeology 3rd Edition

C. Diffusion: function of concentration & diffusion coefficient
Spreading of a solute slug with time due to diffusion. A slug of solute
was injected into the aquifer at time t0 with a resulting initial
concentration of C0.

Figure 2.1. Fetter,

Contaminant Hydrogeology
3rd Edition
Diffusion Coefficients in water at 25oC

Table2.1 Fetter,
Hydrogeology 3rd
D. Retardation:

KD = concentration absorbed/ concentration dissolved in water = ml/g

• metals attach onto clays.
• contaminants attach onto organic carbons.
• the higher the KD, the slower things will move in water.
Æ equations in Fetter

Influence of retardation on movement of a solute front in a one-dimensional


Figure 10.14 Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Lead adsorption by Cecil
clay loam at pH 4.5 and at
25oC described by a linear
Freundlich equation through
the origin.

Figure 10.13 Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

Vx = VH2O/ [1 + KD ( ρ/η)] Solubility of organics in H2O
•KD is proportional to Koc ( octonal and water).
•KD is proportional to the organic carbon content -- the higher the KD, the more
things attach onto organic carbon, and it moves slower.
Vertical migration, in
feet per 100 y, of
various synthetic
organic compounds
through a soil with
conductivity of 1.6 x
10–8 cm/s, hydraulic
gradient of 0.222,
bulk density of 2.00
g/cm3, particle
density of 2.65,
effective porosity of
0.22, and soil
organic carbon
content of 0.5%.

Figure 10.16. Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition

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