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Form: 7th
Level: Intermediate
Textbook: Snapshot Pre-intermediate
Lesson: They were delivered today.
Type of lesson: Mixed
Time: 50 minutes
MONTH/YEAR: February 2018


At the end of the lesson the students will be able:

- to read properly a text;
- to show comprehension of a text;
- to deal with new vocabulary (adjectives to describe behavior);
- to make conversation on a given topic ( complaining, requesting and apologizing );

Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing

Methods of teaching:

Direct Method
Role play Method
Communicative Method

Teacching techniques: group work, pair work, repetition and coral practice, pronunciation, questioning
patterns, oral correction.

This lesson plan is designed to make the students understand a new text, dealing with new
vocabulary and making conversation on a given topic.There are eight stages in this plan: warm up,
pre-listening, while-listening and reading, comprehension, post-listening, teaching vocabulary,
communication and the homework.

Preliminary lesson planning:

- textbook
- class CDs
- MP3 player
- Appendix 6 ( pages 70 and 71 from Snapshot Pre-intermediate )

Teacher preparation:
Vocabulary – anticipate or prepare to teach key words:
 to deliver: a livra
 free – range eggs: oua organice
 kind: dragut, amabil
 rude: răutăcios
 sensible: rational, inteligent
 sensitive: sensibil
Supervise the students’ activity during the lesson.

I. Warm up activity(5 minutes):

To create an appropriate atmosphere for the lesson
T. greets the students and checks attendance.
Then she asks them to open the books at page 70 and to answer some questions:
o Who is in the picture?
o What are they doing?
After that, T. asks Ss to tell what they have for breakfast. Next, Ss brainstorm as many words
as they can relate to tableware.

II. Pre-listening activity (3 minutes):

To prepare Ss for the given topic.
T. writes the title of the new lesson on the blackboard and asks the students to have a quick look at
the text and to think of what the title refers to.
Then T. asks Ss “How many customers does Nicola speak to?” (Two).

III. While-listening and reading (10 minutes):

To get hold of the proper pronunciation.
With the books closed, Ss listen to the dialogue and then read it using the role play method.
T. offers feedback, encouraging all the students to ask for the next stages.

IV. Checking Comprehension (5 minutes):

To see if Ss understood the text.
Ss read the questions from the ex. 2, page 71, and then read the dialogue in ex. 1 again to find
the answers. They check their answers in pairs.
The answer key is:
1. Because she has waited half an hour to order.
2. She wants to know if the eggs are free-range.
3. Because he’s got an early train to catch.
4. She can’t give him breakfast because they don’t start serving breakfast before seven o’clock.
5. He thinks she should be more helpful and polite.

V. Post-listening (5 minutes):

To fix better the pronunciation.
T. asks Ss “Can you remember who said these phrases?”
Then she plays the CD again for ex 1 so that Ss can hear the phrases in context. Next she plays ex 3
and pauses at each phrase for Ss to repeat.
Ss will answer and then repeat.
T. offers feedback, appreciating all the good answers.

VI. Teaching Vocabulary (10 minutes):

To introduce new vocabulary
T. writes on the blackboard and Ss copy in their notebooks the adjectives and tell their
meanings. Where they don’t know T. gives the explanations. In pairs, they match the vocabulary to
T. checks the answers with the whole class.
The answer key is:
1. polite
2. unfriendly
3. unhelpful
4. sensible
5. critical
6. stupid
7. unkind
8. rude

VII. Communication (10 minutes):

To imply Ss taking part in a conversation
With the books closed, T. gives Ss slips of paper with the sentences from the ex. 5, page 71,
and asks them to match the sentences into three pairs: for complaining, requesting and apologizing.
Then, with the books open, Ss read the sentences across the class, to check if they matched them
In the next stage, Ss look at the pictures on page 71 and identify possible unknown words. T.
asks them what the problem in each picture is. After that, in pairs, Ss use the pictures to make their
conversations. T. monitors and helps and corrects Ss as necessary.
Finally, with the whole class, T. asks different pairs to repeat their conversations.
Here are some possible solutions:
1) A: Excuse me. I’m afraid this sweater has shrunk. It was the first time I washed it and I didn’t use
hot water. Can you do something about it?
B: I’m sorry about that. I’ll refund you the money.
2) A: Hello. I’m afraid my car has broken down again. Could you come to repair it?
B: Yes, of course. I’ll send someone to look at it.
3) A: Excuse me. This slice of toast is burnt. Could you bring me some more?
B: Sorry about that. I’ll get you some immediately.
4) A: Excuse me. You are making a lot of noise. Could you be quiet, please?
B: OK. We’ll go somewhere else.
T. offers feedback, appreciating all the good answers.

VIII. Setting Homework (2 minutes):

To see if the Ss understood the lesson.

Students will write their own sentences to illustrate the adjectives not used in exercise 4.

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