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Teacher Support Programme Activity worksheet   EASYSTARTS

Newspaper Chase Photocopiable

While reading 7 Look at the cover of the book again.
Pages 1–7 a Who’s the man in the picture?
1 Answer the questions. b Why is the newspaper important?
a Does Harry go to the art gallery at breakfast After reading
time? 8 Who’s who? Write Harry (H), Janey (J),
…………………………………………… Janey’s mother (M).
…………………………………………… a …… is a thief.
b How can Harry see the painting in the dark? b …… has a rooming house.
…………………………………………… c …… has a room in a rooming house.
c Is the painting expensive? d …… breaks a glass vase.
…………………………………………… e …… recycles.
…………………………………………… f ……’s last name is Black.
d Does Harry think the painting is very good? g …… talks to the truck men.
…………………………………………… h …… is very young.
e Harry leaves the art gallery. Where does he 9 With a friend, make a new cover for the book.
take the painting? Make a list of things. Then draw or paint the
…………………………………………… cover.
f Where in the house does he put the painting? 10 Choose a new name for the story.
…………………………………………… …………………………………………………
g How much does Harry want for the painting? 11 Work with a friend.
…………………………………………… Choose one of the pictures in the book and talk
2 Talk with a friend. about it to your friend. Don’t show the picture.
Is the blue glass vase important in the story? Can your friend find the picture?
Why (not)? 12 Can you remember the story?
Pages 10 –13 Look at the pictures and tell the story to a
3 Think about your answer to Activity 2. friend. Make mistakes. Your friend must say it
Were you right? right.
4 These sentences are wrong. Write them again 13 Work with a friend. Answer these questions.
and make them right. You get a one thousand pounds reward.
a Janey recycles newspapers every day. a How much is that in your money?
b Janey sees a newspaper under Harry’s chair. b What do you want to buy?
c Janey puts old newspapers into a black box. c Who can you help?
d Harry doesn’t see the truck. 14 Work with a friend. Look at all the pictures in
e There aren’t many newspapers in the truck. the book.
f Harry’s newspaper is very old. What are Harry, Janey, Mrs Allen, the truck men
5 Talk with a friend. and the policemen saying?
a Can Harry find his newspaper? 15 Work with a friend. Write 8 sentences about
b Does Janey know Harry is a thief? Janey and Harry.
Then give them to your friend. Are they right?
Pages 16 –19
Your friend must write the right sentences.
6 These sentences are wrong. Write them again
and make them right.
a Janey sees a piece of glass in the truck.
b Janey phones her mother.
c The men in the recycling truck are happy.
d The policemen arrive late.
e Janey can buy a house with the reward.

c Pearson Education Limited 2007 Newspaper Chase - Activity worksheet  of 1

Teacher Support Programme Progress test   EASYSTARTS

Newspaper Chase Photocopiable

Pages 1–7 6 Are these right (3) or wrong (7)?
1 Write the right word(s) in the sentences. There is a c Janey recycles every day.
one extra word. b c Janey sees Harry’s newspaper in her bedroom.
frame  art gallery  thief  vase  c c Janey’s box is black.
dollar  million  painting d c There are a lot of newspapers in the truck.
a Harry goes to an ………………… . e c Harry’s newspaper is a week old.
b He is a ………………… . Pages 16–19
c He wants a ………………… . 7 Complete with the right words: Janey, The police,
d It’s very expensive. It’s a ………………… dollars. The truck men.
e He doesn’t want the ………………… . a …………… sees the glass in Harry’s shoe.
f He breaks a glass ………………… . b …………… are angry.
2 Are these right (3) or wrong (7)? c …………… phones the police.
a c  Harry works for a newspaper. d …………… find the painting in the truck.
b c  Harry goes to an art gallery in the afternoon. e …………… receives a reward.
c c  Harry wants the glass vase. 8 What happens first? Number the sentences, 1–5.
d c  The glass vase is one million dollars. a c  Janey goes into the house.
e c  Harry takes the vase to his room. b c  Janey asks Harry about the glass in his shoe.
f c  Harry reads the newspaper at home. c c  The truck men watch Harry.
g c  Harry puts the newspaper under his bed. d c  The police arrive.
h c  Janey’s mother recycles. e c  Janey remembers the photo of the vase.
i c  Janey sees the photo of the painting.
j c  Harry phones a friend.
3 Circle the correct word.
a The painting is in a vase / frame / box.
b Harry lives in a rooming house / an apartment / a
small room.
c Janey’s bottles are in a box / in a newspaper / under a
d Recycling men drive a car / truck / bus.
Pages 10 –13
4 What happens first? Number the sentences.
a c Janey puts old newspapers into a black recycling
b c Harry sees the truck.
c c Janey looks for newspapers.
d c The recycling truck arrives.
e c Harry looks for his newspaper.
5 Complete with the right verb. There is one extra
chases  jumps  looks for  finds  puts
a Janey ………… the newspapers in a box.
b Janey ………… newspapers on Fridays.
c Harry ………… into the truck.
d Harry ………… after the recycling truck.

c Pearson Education Limited 2007 Newspaper Chase - Progress test  of 1

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