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pÁt nl,Czttr 3 FERENC HoRuÁTH,l
umÁtvwREs,t Éul'swttcoR,l ISTrÁN rwÓt andLÁsztl nl'nrosnwlczz
ABSTRACT, Thc chief objcctivc of this papcr is to improve our understanding of the Neolithic in Eastern Hungary using
absolutc chronological data. To accomplish this we calibrated ncw mcasurements as wcll as previously publishcd dates. The
up-to-date, standardized evaluation of 261 calibrated measuremcnts showed temporal overlaps bctween archacological cul-
turcs defined on the basis of ceramic styles. The increasing number of dates suggest that the Neolithic period began at the tum
of the 6th and 7th millennia sc and lasted for ca. 1500 yr in the Present area of the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld). Further
research should bc aimed at complemcnting the current data set with dates from western Hungary and cstablishing additional
conelations among stratigraphic, typological and radiocarbon dates.

The internal chronological framework of the Hungarian Neolithic was first outlined by Tompa
(L927,7929,1937). Despite minor disputes, his system was accepted and used internationally until
the 1960s. By that time, data from numerous new excavations permitted the creation of a new cbro-
nological system, which had its roots in traditional stratigraphic and comparative typological meth-
ods. By the 1960s and 1970s, the spirit of this new concept was mirrored by review articles and
reports (Bognár-Kutzián 1966; Ka|icz L97a; Kalicz and Makkay 1977; Korek 1960, 1972,1989;
Makkay I969a,L974; Trogmayer L966167,1968). It is actually this cultural and ckonological struc-
twe upon which current Neolithic research rests in our region. The system fit within the interna-
tional trend hallmarked by Childe (1929,1957), Burkitt and Childe (L932) and Milojöió (19a9). This
diachronic model was dominated by a strictly sequential series of archaeological cultures within
narrowly defined geographical regions. Currently, emphasis has shifted to the clarification of inter-
national chronologies within individual cultural entities. In Hungary the study of absolute dates
played a secondary role for a long time. Great efforts were made to trace the chronological bound-
aries of the Hungarian Neolithic to absolute dates in the Near East. For almost two decades, parallels
drawn between Tordos-Tártária and Djamdat Nasr served exclusively as the chronologicalbaseline
(Massa 1963; Milojöió I965;Fa1kenstein 1965; Makkay L969b,1974175,1990; Kalicz and Makkay
1977). This system limited the range of the Middle and I-ate Neolithic to the first half of the third
millennium BC in the Carpathian Basin. The boundaries of this so-called short chronology came into
question by the 1980s (Kalicz 1985; Raczky 1983). Stratigraphic sequences at Late Neolithic settle-
ments on the Great Hungarian Plain, indicative of long-term occupations, represent only one type of
contradictory example (Makkay 1982; Kalicz 1986; Raczky 1987).

Descnrrrrvr BAcKGRoUND
Since the 1960s, an increasing number of radiocarbon dates have been published on the Hungarian
Neolithic, especially the dates from the Berlin I-aboratory (Kohl and Quitta 1964,1966; Quitta and
Kohl 1969). Th. first such dates, however, were in sharp contrast with absolute cfuonology esti-
mates based on the traditional comparative method, and Hungarian prehistorians began to question
the accuracy of these measurements. Consequently, laC dates were used merely as iliustrations in

llnstitutc of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, POB 51, H-4001 Debrecen, Hungary
2Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Scicnccs, Ú.i utca 49, H-1250 Budapest, Hungary
3Fótvös Ioránd University, Dcpartment of Archaeology' PoB 107,H-1364 Budapcst, Hungary
aMóra Fcrenc Múzeum, Roosevclt tér 1_3, H-6701 Szcgcd, Hungary

Proceedings of the 1Sth International taC Conference, edited by G. T. Coolc, D. D. Harlorcss,

B. F. Miller and E. M. Scott. RqDIocARBoN, VoL 37, No. 2, 1995, P, 239-244 239
240 E. Hertelendí et aI.

publications on the Neolithic in Hungary. In other cases, trends seen in absolute chronology were
used to support parallel tendencies in relative ckonology. The growth in 1aC measurements all over
Europe, however, made the revision of. traditional ot conventional laC dates necessary. The conse-
quences of calibration were twofold. On tthe one hand, absolute chronological dates became signif-
icantly older. On the other hand, the estimated duration of certain cultures lengthened drastically. As
a result of these research findings, tbe traditional absolute chronological system collapsed as was
convincingly demonstrated by Renfrew (7970,197I,1973) and Neustupnf (1968a, 1968b, L970).

New measurements for the Hungarian Neolithic led to similarly dramatic results; for example, food-
producing economies supposedly started 1500 yr earlier than previously assumed. The Alföld Lin-
ear Pottery (ALP) culture and the Tordos-Tártária complex were transposed to the turn of the 6th and
5th millennia. As a result, the famous Tártária tablets evidently lost their value as general chrono_
logical indicators of the Neolithic of southeastern Europe, especially in the Carpathian Basin (Ren-
frew 1966; Neustupnf 1968b; 7-anotti 1983; I{alicz 1985). Another surprising consequence of the
calibrated laC chronology was that the earlier, diachronic series of Neolithic cultures was replaced
by a system of temporally overlapping cultures (Szénászky 1983; Shenatt 1985; Petrasch L99I;
Gláser L99I; Horváth L99t; Hertelendi and Horváth 1992). Thus, the previous historical concept
had to be re-evaluated and the intenelations among Neolithic cultures revised. Establishment of a
new Neolithic chronology became inevitable. The first efforts in this directíon can be found in par_
tial studies from the 1980s (Bognár-Kutzián1985 Bognár-KutziánandCsongor L987).However, a
comprehensive, standardized system still must be created for the Neolithic as a whole. TWo note-
worthy international summaries (Breunig L987; Ehrich 1992) represent only tangentially the abso-
lute chronology of the Hungarian Neolithic. In addition, these publications minor the state of
research during the mid-1980s. This study is aimed at eliminating this paucity of absolute chrono-
logical data for the Carpathian Basin.

We collected all relevant 1aC dates of the Great Hungarian Plain from the literature and made new
measurements. We tabulated the dates by cultural entities, and calibrated them using tbe computer
programs of Stuiver and Pearson (1993) and Stuiver and Reimer (1993). We calibrated the laC dates
from the same culture as a set of related dates and calculated the cumulative probability density
functions with selected quartiles and interquartile ranges (Aitchison et aI. L99L, Lgg4). We plotted
the composite probability distribution of calendric ages of related dates from each culture and esti-
mated the durations of cultures using 68.3Vo confidence intervals. Probability distributions of dates
for different cultures have different shapes, depending mostly on the numbers of archaeological sites
and the dates from each site.

We divided the Neolithic cultures from Eastern Hungary into nine general groups. 14C dates avail-
able for this study were classified within their respective groups in Thble 1. Using 26l ca\ibrated 14C
dates from the Great Hungarian Plain, we constructed a series of cumulative probability density
functions (Fig. 1). These show the absolute chronological boundaries and durations of the nine cul-
tural groups.
Re-Evaluating the Neolithic ín Hungary 241

EarlyK6rös Late Körös (Protovinöa)

5950-5400 s770-s230

\tnéa_Tordoq Mddle AlÍöld Lin€r Poü€r7

5390-4960 s330-4940

I-ateAlffid UnearPoSerY Srakiühát_Eszta r-BÍikk



cal BC [Year]

Fig. 1' Smoothed cumulative probability density functions of Neolithíc cultures in Hungaqy.
Vertical distance bctween dotted lines indicates 1 o confidence interval.
242 E. Hertelendi et al.

ThsLE 1. Chronology of Neolithic Cultures in Hungary

Phase No. of Confidence interval
(1 o) cal nc Culture or cultural Soup samples (1o) cal ac
Early Körös L4 5950-5400
(58615310) I^ateKörös(Protovinéa) L4 5770-52s0
Middle Vinöa-Tordo 6 53H960
(533H940) Middle Alföld linear pottery (classical) 5 5330-4940
Late Alföld linear pottery (Tiszadob) 6 53315000
Szakálhát-Esztár- Bükk 30 s26r4880
Late Tisza culture transitional formation 46 5L2M7LO
(4970-4380) Tisza-Herpály-Csőszhalom 134 4860-4.490
Prototiszapolgár 5 457H270
Early Copper Age 8 44t0-s760
our investigations shed light on several archaeological events:
1. The Neolithic period in Hungary began at the turn of the 7th-6th millennia Bc, and ended at the
end of the 5th millennium BC. We estimate the entire range of the Neolithic in Hungary
to be
1500 yr. However, no 1aC dates are known for the earliest Neolithic in Hungary; this period
may date as early as the 7th millennium Bc, and may have persisted for 2 ka.
2. Present data suggest that Neolithic cultures, previously regarded as sequential, often
This is clearly expressed in the Middle Neolithic ALP cultures and its groups. These findings
agree with archaeological studies, which also suggest overlapping groups on the
basis óf
ceramic material from the Middle Neolithic.
3. The most probable time scale for the Early Neolithic ranges between 5860 and
5330 sc. The
Middle Neolithic most probably occurred between 5330 and 4970 zc, and the Iate Neolithic
between 4970 and 4410 nc (Fig. 2). The estimated 40L500-yr duration of l-ate Neolithic
settlements obtained by typological comparisons is also confirmed by our new 1aC
data. The
newly measured 1aC dates representing the end of the Late Neolithic agree with the previously
established dates of the Early CopPer Age (Bognár-Kutzián 1985).

Relrdve Neolithic Cultures


6600 6000 5400 4BOO 42OA

cal BC (year)

Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of the three phases of the Neolithie period

Re-Evaluating the Neolithíc in Hungary 243

This analysis minors only the main chronological trends among Neolithic cultures. It also shows
where it will be necessary to gather more dates and refine or complement our current knowledge.
Possible improvements include more accurate identification of archaeological contexts, as well as a
more detailed distinction between phases within the internal chronology of certain cultures. Special
care must be taken to guarantee the physical and chemical purity of samples. Asymmetries in the
geographical distribution of 1aC samples must also be brought into balance.

Unfortunately, the geographical distribution of 1aC measurements in Transdanubia (western Hun-

gary) and the Great Hungarian Plain (eastern Hungary) is asymmetrical. Only 27 L4C dates derive
14C dates
from western Hungary whereas 261- are available for eastern Hungary. Further, 70Vo of.all
represent the l:te Neolithic period for eastern Hungary.

We have illustrated here that our work aims at laying the foundations of further refinement of
already-existing results. This may look like a simple task of technical nature. Absolute dates, how-
ever, disguise profound processes that have affected fundamentally the history of research on
Neolithic cultures in Hungary.

This work was supported by the National Scientific Research Foundation of Hungary (OTKA Grant
No. 1212). We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance provided by Ms. Magdolna Mogy-

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