Geophysical Exploration For Gold

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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 55, NO.2 (FEBRUARY 1990); P. 134-146, 9 FIGS.

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Geophysical exploration for gold-A review**

Hugh A. Doyle*

ABSTRACT also valuable (e.g., by magnetic, EM surveys, etc).

Magnetite depletion is characteristic of some deposits,
It is almost impossible to get a direct geophysical resulting in zones of low anomalies; for example,
response from gold because of the low grades in ferromagnetic minerals in mafic volcanics are de-
deposits, except when electromagnetic detectors are stroyed by carbonatization. Resistivity patterns may
used for individual shallow nuggets. However, indirect indicate altered rocks which contain mineralization,
geophysical indications may occur through association thus the use ofVLF-EM methods in Canada and MMR
of gold with particular host rocks, marker beds, or in Australia. Geophysical methods have been impor-
structures which are, for example, of unusual magne- tant in the search for gold in the Witwatersrand Basin
tization, density, electric polarization, or conductivity/ of South Africa (magnetic, gravity, and even seismic
resistivity. Useful markers may be magnetic dolerites, reflection methods), various areas of Canada, e.g., the
banded iron formations, shales with magnetite, con- Abitibi greenstone belt (magnetic, EM, and IP sur-
ductive and/or polarizable pyrites, or other sulfide veys), and to a smaller extent in Australia (e.g.,
(detectable by IP methods) and silicified zones more Tennant Creek, NT and Water Tank Hill, WA). How-
resistive than surrounding rocks. Mapping of faults ever, the value of geophysical methods should not be
and shear zones, with which gold may be associated, is exaggerated since physical contrasts are often low.

INTRODUCTION methods of mining shallow deposits, and the recovery of

low-grade gold by carbon-in-pulp technology (Louthean,
The main sources of the world's gold are in the Precam- 1985). Such methods have allowed mining of many deposits
brian shields of South Africa, the USSR, Canada, Brazil, which would have been considered uneconomic previously.
and Australia; the Paleozoic fold belts of a number of Previous booms in gold in Australia occurred in the
countries and in Mesozoic to Quaternary volcanic arcs, mid-1850s and early 1900s (Blainey, 1969). In the 1930s, the
particularly of the Pacific rim. In the case of Australia, rise in the price of gold encouraged the formation of the
Archaean, Paleozoic, and Tertiary/Recent regions have, in Western Mining Corporation in London expressly to dis-
the past, been of approximately equal importance in produc- cover gold in Western Australia (Finucane, 1979). Air pho-
ing gold (Woodall, 1979), whereas the Proterozoic regions tography and geophysics were among the techniques used by
have had low productivity. the company.
At present, the Western Australian shield produces most Much of the early geophysical work in Australia was
of Australia's gold and, in turn, most of this is from the magnetic surveying for gold, such as Rayner's (1931, 1940)
Norseman-Wiluna belt, 700 km long, which includes the surveys at Gulgong, NSW, for the NSW Geological Survey,
Kalgoorlie Golden Mile. However, the Kidston mine in and the work of the Aerial Geological and Geophysical
Queensland is at present (1986) the biggest single producer. Survey of Northern Australia at Tennant Creek (Rayner and
The total world production throughout history was esti- Nye, 1936; Daly, 1957) and Wiluna, Western Australia
mated to be about 90 000 t (Woodall, 1979) and may now be (Richardson et al., 1942). The magnetic surveys at Tennant
approaching 100 000 1. Australian annual production has Creek provided the first important success for such explora-
risen to about 57 t (Bureau of Mineral Resources announce- tion in Australia.
ment) with the opening of many new projects (thanks to the There have been comparatively few papers published on
rise in the price of gold), the development of open-cut the use of geophysics for gold exploration, although in 1984

*Department of Geology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Perth, W.A. 6009, Australia.
**Reprinted from Exploration Geophysics (December 1986), 17, 169-180.

Geophysical Exploration for Gold-A Review 135

there were two symposia on the subject; one in Val d'Or, tools, aeromagnetic and ground magnetic surveys being the
Quebec and one in Perth, WA (Doyle, 1984). most common, with gravity less so. Remote sensing from
Despite the high density (19.3 g/cm') and electrical con- satellites may precede these. Other methods are induced
ductivity (5 x 107 S/m) of gold, it is almost impossible to get polarization (IP), magnetic IP (MIP), magnetometric resis-
a direct response, apart from very shallow nuggets when tivity (MMR), or electromagnetic (EM) methods such as
using metal detectors. The small direct responses are a result ground transient EM (TEM) in Australia or airborne EM
of the low grades involved today (usually only a few grams (such as VLF) in Canada.
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per ton) because of the high value of gold. However, indirect Examples of marker beds which may be useful are mag-
geophysical indications may occur through some association netic dolerites, banded iron formations (magnetic quartz-
with particular host rocks, marker beds, or structures which ites), shales with magnetite, conductive and/or polarizable
are unusually magnetic, electrically polarizable, or conduc- pyrites, or other sulfides (detectable by IP or MIP), and, at
tive/resistive, etc. Association of deposits with faults and
shear zones is also common (see Groves et al., 1984), so that
mapping of faults and shear zones by magnetic and electrical s N

methods is valuable.
Thus, geophysical surveys are often used as mapping 50 0


zoo 5 km - -

FIG. 2. A ground magnetic profile observed by Krahmann

showing the three magnetic markers in the Lower Witwa-
tersrand, with Upper Witwatersrand above and granitic
m basement below. The horizontal separation of the anomalies
allowed the dip of the Lower Wits beds to be calculated and
thus their position beneath overlying dolomite, since the
thickness of the geologic section was already known (after
van Zijl, 1986).



800 800
m m

1000 1000

o Karroo cover ~ Ventersdorp lava ~ Upper Wits with

',0 1Z00-
m .

DLower Wits,with D
Ld Basal Reef

Granitic basement
DEPTH .. ;~ three magnetic markers

L~.!_~ __ J
FIG. 3. Ground magnetic and gravity profiles over the St.
Helena area in the Orange Free State showing a gravity low
FIG. 1. The smoothed magnetic susceptibility is plotted and associated magnetic anomalies. The gravity low is
against bore core lengths for two boreholes in an Archaean related to the gold-bearing Upper Witwatersrand rocks and
granitic pluton near Atikokan, Ontario. Four levels of alter- the magnetic anomalies to the Lower Witwatersrand. Grav-
ation in the cores are indicated (after Lapointe et al., 1986). ity units equal 0.1 mGal (after van Zijl, 1986).
136 Doyle
least in North America, silicified zones made more resistive Canada, Brazil, Zimbabwe, South Africa, the Baltic
than the surrounding rocks. Resistivity patterns may indi- Shield, and in India.
cate altered rocks which could contain mineralization; (2) Deposits in Archean-Proterozoic continental ba-
hence, the use of VLF methods in Canada, often from sins, such as the Witwatersrand basin of South Africa,
aircraft (Limion and Downing 1984). Measurements of mag- Blind River basin of Canada, and at Jacobina, Brazil.
netic susceptibility of core samples have also been used to (3) Proterozoic deposits of variable type such as
define levels of alteration (Figure 1) (Lapointe et al., 1986). those in Australia at Tennant Creek, Northern Terri-
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Where gold is directly associated with pyrrhotite, magne- tory; Olympic Dam, South Australia; and Telfer, WA.
tite skarns, or massive sulfides, magnetic or EM surveys are (4) Palaeozoic turbidite-hosted deposits; for exam-
specific (Jones, 1983). The association of gold mineralization ple, Ballarat and Bendigo, Victoria, Australia.
with iron sulfides, which is often the case (Seigel et al., (5) Paleozoic-Tertiary volcanic-subvolcanic grani-
1984), is important in making IP and EM methods useful. toid-related deposits; as at Kidston, Charters Towers
According to Dowsett and Krause (1984), airborne EM and and Mt Morgan, Queensland, Australia.
magnetic surveys initially led to the Casa Berardi Area, NW (6) Mesozoic-Quaternary epithermal deposits such
Quebec. Ground EM work was a great help in mapping as those of the western USA (e.g., Round Mountain,
lithology, and IP results helped indicate where gold may Nevada), eastern USSR, and the Pacific rim (e.g.,
occur within the prospective geologic units. A good example Mount Mum, Kalimanton, Indonesia, and Waiotapu,
of a purely geophysical discovery using similar methods is New Zealand).
that of the Detour Lakes gold deposit in NE Ontario (Jack- (7) Tertiary-Quaternary alluvial-deep leads; as in
son, A., 1984, Amoco Pet. Canada Report). Victoria and NSW, Australia, and California, Alaska,
Otherwise geophysical methods may provide structural New Zealand, and Indonesia.
and general mapping information or outline the limits of a
hydrothermal system. In South Africa, for example, mag- Most of the examples given in this paper are from the
netic and gravity surveys have played major roles in the Archean greenstones of Australia and Canada. A large
study of the structure of the Witwatersrand Basin (Roux, variety of lithologies host gold deposits in Australian
1970; Comer et al., 1986a, b; van Zijl, 1986) and in the Archean areas (Groves et al., 1984), but gold lodes occur
discovery of new gold fields and the extension of known mostly in mafic volcanics and intrusives (e.g., dolerite) and
fields (Figures 2 and 3). The ferruginous shales of the West BIF. Production from deposits hosted in sediments other
Rand group produce substantial magnetic anomalies. Seis- than ElF is generally low.
mic reflection and magnetotelluric surveys have also been Archean gold deposits provide potentially difficult targets
used in structural studies (Comer, 1985). In Russia, as for geophysical exploration (Groves et al., 1984), since they
elsewhere, areas which are promising for gold are located have a wide diversity in size and shape of oreshoots; extent
with the help of regional geophysical surveys (Fedynsky et and homogeneity of iron-sulfide alteration; concentrations of
al., 1970). In Kazakhstan electrical and gravity methods sulfides; sulfide mineralogy; extent of carbonate alteration;
were also used to help map small diorite intrusions and faults and extent of magnetite and ilmenite consumption in altera-
which control quartz bodies. tion reactions. Thus, generalizations that cover all deposit
However, the value of geophysical methods should not be types are invalid (Groves et al., 1984).
exaggerated. For example, Seigel et a1. (1984) state that the
magnetic and EM properties of the traditional Canadian GEOPHYSICAL TECHNIQUES
lode-gold deposits are not significantly different from many Magnetic surveys
normal, unmineralized rock types. The small dimensions of
the structures also result in responses of low amplitude and The magnetic survey is the most commonly used geophys-
width, requiring more detail and care than in surveys for ical tool in gold exploration, as it is in exploration for other
base-metal deposits. Short station and electrode spacings are metals. Aeromagnetic surveys are particularly useful in the
required, encouraging the use of microprocessor-based early stages of exploration, providing information about the
semiautomatic instruments with memory to simplify and broad geology and structure of the area quickly and cheaply.
speed up surveys. Of course magnetic maps are essential where outcrops are
The general procedure in carrying out an exploration sparse.
program is first to determine a geologic model for the gold Commonly, there are many magnetic anomalies in an
and its environment and then to identify the likely geophys- igneous or metamorphic area, and the geologic controls of
ical properties of the host and nearby rocks. mineralization must be understood to make reasonably clear
which magnetic rocks may be related to the gold mineraliza-
Types of gold deposits tion (Boyd, 1984).
Magnetite is by no means always a marker for gold. In
fact, magnetite depletion is characteristic of some deposits in
Some main types of gold deposits are as follows (for a
Canada and Australia. Ferromagnetic minerals in mafic
summary of types of gold deposits, see Boyle, 1984):
volcanics (e.g., basalts) are destroyed by carbonatization
resulting in areas of low magnetic values (Middleton and
(1) Deposits in Archean greenstone belts, mainly in Campbell, 1979; Middleton et al., 1984). On the other hand,
mafic-ultramafic rocks or in banded iron formations magnetic halos may occur areound silicic intrusions.
(ElF). Examples occur in Western Australia (WA), Grant (1984) has made a study of the occurrence of
Geophysical Exploration for Gold-A Review 137

magnetite in various rock types. He concluded that guides to Satellite imagery and airborne scanning
volcanic-associated gold environments could include the
identification of (a) greenstone belts on a regional scale, (b) Satellite imagery is a comparatively new technique assist-
major fault zones, (c) areas of alteration, (d) serpentinized ing the resurgence of the gold industry. The five Landsat
ultramafic rocks and BIF within or near alteration zones, and satellites have proven the most successful in providing
(e) highly altered mafic-ultramafic layers within volcanic detailed information for mapping (Longman, 1984), while
zones. NOAA satellites with lower resolution have provided data
for regional appraisal. More recently, radar mapping from
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Techniques in magnetometry satellites has been used for structural mapping.

Landsat satellites include multispectral scanners with res-
In recent years, companies in Australia have made great olutions of 80 m in four wavelength bands. Landsat I, 2, and
use of aeromagnetic maps produced by the Bureau of 3 also operated video cameras and Landsat 3, a thermal
Mineral Resources (BMR) for all types of geologic environ- infrared channel (Longman, 1984). Landsats 4 and 5 intro-
ments. Jones (1983) found that interpretation of the BMR duced the Thematic Mapper which had six sensors with
aeromagnetic data was greatly facilitated by reprocessing. narrower ranges and 30 m resolution and one thermal
Most of Australia is covered by BMR I: 250 000 aeromag- infrared channel. This improved the definition in the data.
netic maps which were flown at 1.5 km line spacing and The Thematic Mapper (TM) in Landsat 5, launched in 1984,
contoured at 25 or 50 nT intervals, but using only every tenth has potential for use in geoscience, but only experimental
data point. Jones used every data point to produce TM data have so far been recorded in Australia.
I: 100 000 maps contoured at 5 nT intervals, and a similar Visual interpretation of the satellite data includes the use
approach is also being made now by the BMR. of computer-processed color-composite images on a scale of
Companies are also flying additional, more detailed aero- I: 50 000. The multispectral scanner (MSS) band 6 (near
magnetic surveys in their exploration areas since 1.5 km line infrared) is particularly useful in some lateritic areas of
spacing is too broad. Smith (1983) shows an example from Australia according to Longman (1984) and shows the great-
Victoria, in which additional magnetic data revealed palae- est variation with minor compositional changes. By combin-
odrainage patterns prospective for gold. Line spacing of 250 ing MSS bands 4, 5 and 7, color composites can be made (in
m enabled contouring at 2 nT. Detailed low-level surveys in false color), which are useful for general mapping purposes
which flight-line spacing may be as little as 100 m and and give better detail than single-band images. For maximum
detector height at 30 m are being used in gold exploration in information, each area should be processed independently.
some areas of Australia (thanks to the largely flat terrain). Images produced by enhancement techniques developed for
This technique was developed during the nickel boom in agriculture or range management tend to suppress geologic
Western Australia for rapid coverage of large areas of information (Longman, 1984), particularly in areas of high
ultramafic rocks beneath magnetically "noisy" laterites. The laterite content. However, specialized processing can en-
use of color displays or shading is preferable to contours and hance chemical and textural variations in laterite, alteration
stacked profiles (Tucker et aI., 1985). zones can be defined and lineament and fracture maps can be
Rock relationships are best appreciated by using small- produced (see also Spray and Burgess 1985).
scale magnetic maps with the same scale geologic maps plus Remotely sensed infrared thermal data have been received
magnetic profiles (Boyd, 1984). A scale of 1:25 000 or from the NOAA-AVHRR satellite series, which are near-
greater is necessary for detailed work. The study of major polar-orbiting spacecraft at an altitude of 870--930 km. The
lineaments from magnetic and geologic maps and also from AVHRR is a five-channel multispectral scanner with a
Landsat images is now common (see below). ground resolution of 1.1-5.5 km (Wilson, 1986).
In Canada, horizontal magnetic gradiometry is used to add Research into the use of scanners in aircraft is being
further detail and reduce the required line spacing (Hood et carried out by the CSIRO Division of Mineral Research.
al., 1982). This is also being tried in Finland (Korhonen, Geoscan is operating the Carr Boyd/CSIRO designed 15-
1983) and lately in Australia, in the Kalgoorlie area. These channel multispectral scanner. The scanner has shown up
gradiometer measurements can be converted to vertical areas of high clay and carbonates produced by weathering
gradients (if detailed enough) and can also eliminate time and/or hydrothermal alteration (Honey and Daniels, 1985).
variations of the field and regional gradients. They sharpen The device in the aircraft scans a 4 km wide swath from an
anomalies but emphasize shallow sources, a disadvantage in altitude of 2000 m, and data are processed for each 10m 2 .
many Australian regions. Research work is also being carried out in the USA/
Australia Joint Scanner Project, ajoint project by Australian
groups (e.g., CSIRO and BMR) and the US space agency
Gravity surveys are not as common in gold exploration as NASA (Bureau of Mineral Resources, 1986). In 1985, joint
are magnetic surveys and are about three times as expen- flights were made simultaneously, using the NASA and
sive. However, according to Roux (1970) and Corner (1985), CSIRO aircraft and instrumentation.
gravity (as well as magnetic) work has played an important Seismic and radar reflection methods
role in the discovery of new mines in the Witwatersrand
basin. Examples are the Free State gold field, extensions of Seismic reflection surveys have been used in the Witwa-
the West Wits Line and the Klerksdorp gold field and, as tersrand basin in South Africa to map deep horizons associ-
well, the Evander gold field in the Kinross basin (Roux, ated with gold. Encouraging results have been obtained,
1970: Durrheim et aI., 1986). especially in resolving structures (Campbell and Peace,
138 Doyle
1984). Seismic refraction surveys have been conducted in a
few areas of North America and Australia to map buried
river channels for placer gold deposits. More recently seis-
mic reflection and even radar techniques have been at-
tempted (e.g., Davis et al., 1984). Radar transmitter anten-
nas were placed on the ground for maximum ground
coupling, and penetration of up to 30 m through sands and
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gravel was achieved.

High-resolution seismic reflection surveys for gold have
recently been tested in the Telfer area of Western Australia
with some success (S. Tobin, Pers. comm.). The aims were
to delineate faults as well as old river channels.

Electrical methods

Resistivity.-It is well known that areas of low resistivity

are usually produced by sulfides, graphite, and salty over-
burden. According to Gaucher (1979), occasionally small
sulfide or even graphite concentrations correspond to very
valuable gold or uranium orebodies, such as the Detour Lake
gold discovery in Ontario. On the other hand, a high-
resistivity zone may be a distinctive signature of a near-
surface zone of silicification associated with gold concentra-
tions (Limion and Downing, 1984). The resistivity map is
then a guide to alteration-silicification patterns and the
high-resistivity areas to the near-surface drill targets, at least
in North America. An example is the discovery of the
Broulan-Porcupine prospect in Ontario (Kelly, 1957). The
orebodies were found in the silicified zones underlying the
high-resistivity bands, but in Australia such silicification
may be rare (Groves et al., 1984).
Resistivity surveys were used by the Western Mining
Corporation (1979, Gold, a review of the technology of
exploration and mining) in Victoria to determine basalt
thicknesses overlying prospective ground. Resistivity mea-
surements are usually made today as part of induced-
polarization surveys.
Scintrex developed the magnetometric resistivity method
(MMR) specifically for areas of conductive overburden
common in Australia (Seigel and Howland-Rose, 1983). This
technique has been used in gold exploration. It is rapid and
o, 200
, 600m
does not respond to uniform horizontal overburden layers
but does detect horizontal changes in resistivity (Figure 4).

~'+'--XB drill sections Induced polarization.-The serious application of IP sur-

~~lSA1-r--Ore body veys to gold exploration has only occurred in recent years.
CORK TREE WELL BLOCK Even in the richest ore zone, the gold concentrations them-
MMR selves are too small to make a significant contribution to the
IP effect. However, many, perhaps most, ofthe gold depos-
its discovered in Canada in recent years are associated with
FIG. 4. Magnetometric resistivity (MMR) contours (in %) at metallic sulfides (e.g. the Hemlo area of Ontario and Val
Cork Tree Well, north of Laverton, Western Australia. The d'Or in Quebec; Hallof and Yamashita, 1984). It is also true
data reveal a zone of moderate conductivity. Detailed anal- for many of the more traditional types of gold deposits in
yses of MIP data showed chargeable material slightly more
resistive than adjacent rocks (after Howland-Rose, 1984). A Canada, such as those associated with quartz veins. How-
second zone can be seen displaced to the north and east of ever, the amount of gold present does not appear to be
the Cork Tree Well zone but has not yet been drilled. related to the sulfide concentration in the zone (Hallof and
Yamashita, 1984). The same probably applies to many
Australian deposits.
The sulfides are often pyrite or arsenopyrite and occasion-
ally chalcopyrite. Pyrite occurs in 82% of the deposits in the
Geophysical Exploration for Gold-A Review 139
Abitibi belt of Quebec (Seigel et al., 1984). However, targets Downhole and in-mine geophysics
are usually small and responses are of low amplitude.
Hallof and Yamashita (1984) conclude that, with very few Geophysical loggingof deep, small-diameter diamond-drill
exceptions, zones of weak to moderate concentrations of boreholes has been used in South Africa and Canada to
evaluate the intersections of mineralized horizons. For ex-
sulfides, that could contain gold, can be expected to have a
ample Simpson (1951) used radiometric logging regionally to
significant true IP effect. However, there is no way to
correlate and locate auriferous and uraniferous conglomer-
determine which of several narrow zones of weak pyritiza-
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ates of the Witwatersrand System in the Orange Free State

tion is of the greatest economic importance. They must all be gold fields.
tested with detailed measurements. If there is intense silici- Gamma-ray spectrometry, IP, and resistivity downhole
fication which has eliminated all porosity, there will be no methods have provided information on the changes in phys-
true IP effect but a higher resistivity. ical properties of rock near drillholes in the Timmins area of
Both time-domain and frequency IP (plus phase) measure- Canada (Mwenfumbo et al., 1983).
ments are used, typically with dipole-dipole, pole-dipole, or Sobolev et al. (1984), of the Soviet Union, have experi-
gradient arrays when there is moderately conductive over- mented with piezoelectric and other mechanoelectrical ef-
burden. Dipole-dipole arrays are recommended because the fects for in-mine surveys. Tests were carried out at the Giant
effects of a small local source are larger than for other Yellowknife Mine in Canada in 1983, Where ore-grade gold
configurations (Hallof and Yamashita, 1984). Short receiver- zones occur within large quartz lenses in a shear zone in
electrode spacings are necessary. Archaean volcanics. Strong signals were produced in the 8
Spectral IP measurements may have an advantage in kHz range, similar to piezoelectric signals produced in the
making possible further discrimination between sources us- laboratory from quartz samples.
ing the values of the time constants. Spectral IP involves
amplitude and phase measurements at six or more frequen- Scheelite luminescence
cies. An interesting finding at the Hemlo mine in Canada was
A number of gold deposits are associated with scheelite.
that the time constant in spectral IP data appeared to be Examples are in the Abitibi belt of the Superior Province,
larger where gold values occur, indicating larger grain sizes the Kolar gold fields of India, and the greenstone belts of
for pyrite with gold present (Hallof and Yamashita, 1984). Zimbabwe and Western Australia (Boyle, 1979). Scheelite
Webster and Johnson (1985) used time-constant mapping can be a difficult mineral to distinguish by eye so that its
over a variety of Canadian volcanogenic deposits to reveal fluorescence may be the only simple test.
fine-grained disseminated sulfides. Scintrex (Linford, 1983; Seigel and Robbins, 1983) has
The magnetic induced-polarization method (MIP) of Scin- developed Luminex instruments which detect luminescence
trex has been used in Australia, South Africa, and China to under daylight conditions. The method is based on the
reduce the effect of conductive overburden (A. W. Howland- time-resolved luminescence (emission life-time) produced by
Rose, Pers. comm.). The rapid reconnaissance MIP version an ultraviolet source and can detect a group of minerals
(RRMIP) is used for reconnaissance with large current- including scheelite. Airborne reconnaissance is claimed to
electrode separation of about 1 km. Where interesting con- be possible using a laser-based remote-sensing system (Sei-
trasts in IP responses are located, detailed arrays are used. gel et al., 1984).

Electromagnetic methods.-EM methods are used where
massive sulfides, conductive faults or fracture zones, or Archaean regions
more resistive silicified rocks may be associated with gold.
Virtually all of the mines of the Superior Province of
Some Archaean deposits in Australia are associated with
Canada lie within greenstone belts. Greenstone belts appear
semimassive to massive sulfides, and in these cases EM to be magnetite-rich in some cases, but deficient in others
surveys are an obvious choice (e.g., Lindeman, 1984). (Grant 1984). In Canada, greenstone belts and former green-
At Wiluna (WA), early EM surveys were carried out by stone belts can usually be recognized in large-scale aeromag-
the North Australia Survey (AGGSNA) in 1937. Frequencies netic survey data by their overall deficiency compared to
of 300 and 600 Hz were used with long grounded transmitter normal granitoid rocks (Grant, 1984).
cables (Blazey et al., 1940). This pioneering work helped to In the Abitibi greenstone belt, the relation of gold to
locate important fault zones offsetting volcanics related to magnetic anomalies has been described by Hood et al.
gold mineralization. The VLF method is quite commonly (1982). The principal gold deposits occur in limited areas of
used in North America as a rapid conductivity mapper but volcanic complexes, and most of these areas are close to the
has not been used much in Australia because of the conduc- edges of more magnetic portions of the greenstone belts. In
tive overburden and comparatively high frequency of VLF the Val d'Or gold field of Canada, many of the mines lie near
systems (20 kHz) and so small depth of penetration. a marked change in magnetic intensity, possibly representing
In Australia, in the areas of low surface resistivity, the a contact between mafic and felsic rocks. According to
magnetometric resistivity method (MMR) is better than VLF Koulomzine and Brossard (1957), the East Sullivan orebody
and is also rapid. In such areas there is no airborne EM was discovered by a magnetometer survey in an area totally
technique which is generally effective. In ground EM, tran- devoid of outcrop. Even more important was the contribu-
sient EM methods (TEM) have largely replaced other EM tion of geophysics to the understanding of the geologic
methods (Doyle and Lindeman, 1985). structure masked almost entirely by glacial overburden
140 Doyle

(Koulomzine and Brossard, 1947), for example, the mapping

WILUNA - INTERPRETED GEOLOGY of batholiths associated with ore. In some localities, small
isolated magnetic features (e.g., from granitoid stocks) are
~ Mafic flows, unit 1
associated with gold, and detailed magnetic traverses are

Mafic flows, unit 2

Mafic flows, unit 3

employed. A cautionary note is that only 9% of discoveries
in the Abitibi belt can be credited to geophysics (Boniwell,
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Magnetic zones in unit 1 Very old faults which may have important economic
significance are sometimes easier to recognize from aero-
1/ Faults
magnetic maps than on the ground. An example is the
!! Main shaft Porcupine-Quetiev fault system in Ontario and Quebec,
(J Open cuts
which extends over at least 400 km and appears to control a
mineralized belt with gold and base-metal mines (Grant,
o SOOm
, ! I ! , r

1984). Faults oblique to strike can be recognized where they
displace magnetic layers, perhaps as narrow zones less
i magnetic than surrounding rocks (Boyd, 1984). Graded
\\ intensity maps or color displays show up such features well.
'\ In Ghana, West Africa, gold quartz veins at the Ashante
mine occur in greenstones, the one prominent magnetic rock
( group within the Upper Birrimmian (Cudjoe, 1970). The
\ mineralization occurs where the magnetic character of the
greenstone belt changes and where it is cut by other struc-
\ tures.
In Western Australia, many of the Archaean gold deposits
are associated with banded iron formations (BIF) or with
basic or ultrabasic rocks which are magnetic. Of the ten
largest deposits in WA listed by Woodall (1979), only one is
not clearly associated in some way with a magnetic anomaly
on BMR 1:250 000 aeromagnetic maps (Boyd, 1984).
At Wiluna (WA), the pioneering surveys of the North
Australia survey (Richardson et aI., 1942) and the more
recent work described by Coggon (1984) show that the
FIG. 5. Rocks in the vicinity of the Wiluna Gold mine consist orebody occurs in contact with mafic flows and in a cross-
of a series of basic lava flows (units 1, 2 and 3), intruded by cutting fault (Figure 5). At the Sons of Gwalia Mine (WA)
a microgabbro sill. The three major ore bodies that were gold occurs in a schist zone with an adjacent magnetic
mined occur along shear zones of three north-south trending horizon of the same strike. At Mt. Magnet (WA) gold in BIF
faults. Parts of flow unit 1 are magnetic and they indicated and chert is also at fault intersections (Groves et aI., 1984).
continuation to the southeast with faulting. Targets for gold
mineralization lie on these faults (after Coggon, 1984). The exploration by the Western Mining Corporation
(WMC) in the Mt. Magnet greenstone belt of the Murchison
gold field led to the discovery of several new gold deposits
including Water Tank Hill and Brittania Well (Lindeman,
4m sec
, 200 metres
1984). The Water Tank Hill body is associated with sulfides
25 ~ 6m.sec at depth. The host bed is a 20 m thick iron formation.
Aeromagnetic data, followed at a later stage by detailed
NOISE~ (100m loops-50m overlaps) ground and aeromagnetic work, were used to predict strike
o MM068 MM092 MMD55
extensions, thicknesses and dip of the BIF. Transient EM
GEOLOGY (TEM) ground surveys indicated the presence of the sulfides
II > 10% SULPHIDE (Figure 6).
1< 49/t Au Ore at the Hill 50 mine contains both massive pyrrhotite
and narrow layers of sulfide within an iron formation. TEM
INDUCED POLARISATION surveys were used to locate sulfides under conductive sur-
face rocks, and IP was used in the detailed stage. The IP
showed anomalies plus an apparent resistivity high, perhaps
related to the banded iron formation. The third TEM anom-
F.E.% aly drilled was the discovery (Lindeman, 1984).
Daytime reflected imagery and night-time thermal imagery
FIG. 6. Transient EM and IP data from Water Tank Hill, Mt can highlight sharp lineaments in the Eastern gold fields of
Magnet area, Western Australia. The apparent resistivity the Yilgarn Block of WA which have strong affiliations with
high appears to relate to banded iron formations (BIF). The
discovery hole MMD 55 was drilled to test the TEM and IP the main gold producing areas. For example, many of the
anomalies. The intersection was 35.6 m at 7.0 g/t of gold dominant dikes in the Yilgarn Block can be traced by their
associated with iron sulfides in BIF (after Lindeman, 1984). airborne magnetic and remote-sensing thermal responses.
Geophysical Exploration for Gold-A Review 141

1777 Hz
.--' __ \
op·- .-- '\ ' - 0


.Ii~ Q.. , ..,,---- -
<il 1000 [

'" E,

(ms l 2°1 .r ..•• _...•....•.
Downloaded 02/19/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

<1> E
10~ ~~ ... , ...... a:'c
TOTAL .... OJ. J:.I·~
•• -e..
.~ ..
'--_----.::..::. ~ a
FIEL 0 51500 • '-'-,
I •
f~<il 1000[ \ LII1e


'" E,
<1> E

Line E
~ a

FIG. 7. A composite section through a zone in the Timmins

area of Ontario, Canada, showing the relationship of the
geophysical surveys to the geology, which includes gold-
bearing carbonatized volcanic rocks. Graphite rocks corre- <il
spond to chargeability highs and are magnetically subdued. t; ~
These could be confused with carbonatized zones, but for ~
E .:, .
the fact that graphites are associated with resistivity lows ~ a /:
and EM conductors (after Middleton et aI., 1984). Bounds of the Primary Mineralized Zone

200 300 metres
! !

They have a spatial association with some of the known gold FIG. 8. VLF electromagnetic resistivity profiles at the Haile
gold mine, South Carolina. The resistivity highs were suffi-
and base-metal sulfide deposits and can be traced for 100- ciently distinctive to map extensions of the mineralized
500 km or more (Tucker and Wilson, 1986), a greater zones along strike (after Wynn and Luce, 1984).
distance than geologically mapped.
The WMC has used the gravity method to help trace the
Golden Mile dolerite under sediment in the Kalgooriie area, schist belt of mafic schists metamorphosed to amphibolite
and also to trace felsic intrusives near Norseman that were facies (Menon and Bose, 1981).
expected to be less dense than the enclosing basalts (Cog- RRMIP has been used extensively in the Western Austra-
gon, 1984). One company found the gravity method to be lian gold fields to map beneath laterites, salt lakes, sand, etc.
useful, during gold exploration in the Yilgarn, for recogniz- (Howland-Rose, 1984). Where interesting contrasts in IP
ing cross-fold structures. response are located, detailed arrays are used.
In 1948, Urquhart (1956) of the BMR began gravity and In Canada geophysics and geochemistry have been used to
seismic refraction surveys near Kalgoorlie in an attempt to delineate stratigraphy, structures, and carbonate alteration
map buried channels on behalf of the WMC; however, the known to have gold associations. Time-domain IP and
gravity data were not very useful. Two possible buried magnetic surveys were used by Middleton et al. (1984) in the
channels were revealed at depths down to over 100 m, but Timmins area of Ontario to map zones of high chargeability
they may have been only deeply weathered sections. and carbonate alteration (Figure 7). Scott (1984) has even
An example of the use of resistivity is the location of a carried out waterborne IP surveys over Canadian lakes.
quartz reef under recent sediments by the WMC (1979) near Gold-bearing carbonate alteration zones were outlined by
Norseman (WA), using a gradient array. This revealed a the mise-a-la-masse borehole method in the Timmins area
linear high-resistivity feature. IP has been used by the WMC (Mwenifumbo, 1984). The gold was in quartz veins within
(1979, Gold; a review of the technology of exploration and structurally controlled alteration zones in basalt with dis-
mining) to map a marker horizon of graphite sediments at seminated pyrite.
Reedy's Prospect (WA), and also to map sulfides in the Beria Occasionally small sulfide concentrations or even graph-
area and at Water Tank Hill, Mt. Magnet (Lindeman, 1984) ites correspond to valuable gold or uranium orebodies (Gau-
(Figure 6). IP and magnetic surveys were used for the cher, 1979). Isolated anomalies may be targets for drilling
Gladiator lode northwest of Laverton (WA). This is a quartz whereas the extended conductors are often graphite layers,
reef in a 25 m wide structure in banded iron formation and especially in the Precambrian shield of Canada.
quartz porphyry. EM methods have been popular in Canada in the search
In India the Geological Survey has used IP to delineate for massive sulfides and now are being used for gold,
sulfide-bearing lodes in the Kolar gold field which is within a although of course this is a more subtle problem. An
142 Doyle
example is the Detour Lake deposit in Ontario, on the edge mapped by the gravity and magnetic fields along the entire
of the Abitibi belt, which was a purely geophysical discovery perimeter (Corner et aI., 1986a, b).
in an area mapped by geologists as granitoid (Jackson, 1984 A famous example of the use of magnetic surveys is that of
Amoco Pet. Canada report). INPUT and aeromagnetic sur- the young German, Rudolph Krahmann (1936), who went to
veys were used in this area, first in a search for massive South Africa in 1930. He had worked for Elbof Geophysical
sulfides. The gold is associated with sulfides which give a Prospecting in several countries, including Australia, and
response to INPUT (airborne TEM), ground EM, magnetic, had introduced the method to that company. Krahmann
Downloaded 02/19/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

and IP surveys. The gold occurred with pyrrhotite in arkosic noticed highly magnetic shales occurring several hundred
and graphitic sediments with occasional interbedded ultra- meters below reef conglomerates of the Witwatersrand dur-
mafic flows and tuffs. The main zone of mineralization is ing an outing and suggested to the New Consolidated Gold
centered in the cherty tuff. Fields Co. that the new Askania magnetometer should be
VLF surveys are rapid and economical for reconnaissance tried in the search for extensions of the gold reef (Cart-
and can be carried out in conjunction with an aeromagnetic wright, 1967; Roux, 1970; van Zijl, 1986). He was given
survey. In North America the VLF-EM method is flown as several months trial, and found the bed of Lower Witwa-
a conductivity mapping tool and used to locate sulfide bodies tersrand magnetic shales and some other beds to be excellent
or, by contrast, higher resistivity zones which may be markers that could be detected at depths of 1000 m.
signatures of near-surface zones of silicification associated The ferruginous shales were traced for more than 50 km
with gold (Limion and Downing, 1984). Another example is along the strike direction in the Far West Rand and so
the Haile mine of South Carolina (Figure 8). VLF data indicated likely extension of the auriferous conglomerate
showed high-resistivity zones correlating with siliceous host beneath hundreds of meters of overburden, mainly dolomite.
rocks which were metasediments. Magnetic data also clearly
The horizontal separation of three prominent anomalies
identified mafic and ultramafic dikes which cut the metased-
allowed calculation of the dip of the beds (Figure 2). Drilling
iments. IP was also useful to identify the pyrite content
proved the discovery (van Zijl, 1986). Magnetic surveys
(Wynn and Luce, 1984).
were also carried out in the East Rand and into the Orange
Some examples from Palaeozoic fold belts Free State. Aeromagnetic surveys have been efficient in the
Evander gold field area in reducing the magnetic 'noise' from
In the Lachlan fold belt of eastern Australia, gravity and the surface dolerites of the Karoo system and again in
magnetic data have been useful in mapping regional struc- identifying the Lower Witwatersrand rocks (Roux, 1970;van
ture, thanks to the high physical contrasts between shallow Zijl, 1986).
volcanic units and deeper basement sediments and granites The gravity data have been used to determine the thick-
(Tenison-Woods and Webster, 1985). They claim that copper ness of Ventersdorp lavas above the deposits and locate the
and gold mineralizing systems can be detected, because of less dense Upper Witwatersrand rocks where the lavas are
magnetite depletion. thin (Figure 3). Density contrasts between the light granites
In central-western NSW, gold-copper porphyry deposits under the basin, the heavy Lower Witwatersrand, the less
occur in association with andesitic volcanics. Regional aer- dense Upper Witwatersrand, and the dense lavas on top, all
omagnetic interpretation suggests the presence of a further of great thickness, cause substantial gravity anomalies
belt of prospective andesites (Jones, 1983). On the other (Roux, 1970; Corner et al., 1986a; Durrheim et al., 1986).
hand, ground magnetic lows indicate the presence of altered, The reefs of the Witwatersrand basin are typically found at
mineralized porphyries. depths of 500-4000m, where the deepest mines now operate.
In the Drake mineral field in northeastern NSW, covered Today's search targets comprise deeply buried basins and
by the Drake volcanics, the mapping of subtle IP effects structurally complex basin-edge areas, requiring more de-
showed that the gold-silver mineralization can be outlined by tailed information than the traditional magnetic and gravity
its association with hydrothermal alteration. The IP and data can provide (Campbell and Peace, 1984); a situation
resistivity study effectively resulted in alteration mapping,
akin to the search for hydrocarbons.
whereas geologic mapping mainly outlined lithologic and
Experimental seismic surveys for mapping the Witwa-
textural boundaries (Staltari, 1985). At Gidginbung (NSW)
tersrand basin had been conducted by the Union Corpora-
mineralization associated with sulfides is capped by a highly
tion in the 1950s, but proved of limited use because of poor
silicified zone of alteration making IP difficult to measure
resolution (Campbell and Peace, 1984). Since then, of
(Webster, 1985). At Cripple Creek, Colorado, negative grav-
course, advances in equipment and digital processing have
ity and magnetic anomalies occurred over a Tertiary vol-
greatly improved seismic records.
canic subsidence basin within Precambrian granite and
In 1982 and 1983, several wells in the West Rand and
gneiss (Kleinkopf et al., 1970).
Orange Free State were geophysically logged, producing
Archaean-Proterozoic sedimentary basins plots of sonic velocity and density. Reflection coefficients
were calculated and synthetic seismograms produced. In
The distribution of gold fields in the Witwatersrand basin 1983, seismic reflection tests were made, using a 96-channel
of South Africa is related to the pattern of structural depres- Vibroseis system. Vertical seismic profiles were also mea-
sions and highs in the form of domes of basement granite. sured in selected boreholes (Campbell and Peace, 1984).
The gold fields are located in the depressions between domes Despite relatively unpromising reflection coefficients found
and have the forms of fluvial fans or fan deltas (Campbell and in the original logging, good reflections were recorded and
Peace, 1984). The main features of the basin are clearly major geologic features identified. The vertical seismic pro-
Geophysical Exploration for Gold-A Review 143
WEST with some success (S. Tobin, Pers. comm.). The aims are to
'<, RESIDUAL GRAVITY PROFILE,.,- . ........-
delineate faults and old river channels.
DOl 'y ./


"'._./',.,- /'

Placer deposits

In the search for alluvial gold in interior Alaska, Joesting

(1945) found the magnetic method of value for mapping
28 \ ...~,,, many of the gold placer deposits through association with
Downloaded 02/19/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

'\~ magnetite. Rayner (1940) had some success near Gulgong

\~ (NSW) using ground magnetic surveys to map basalt infillsin
Tertiary gold-bearing river systems covered by alluvium.
=: 20 Later Whiteley (1971) used the gravity and magnetic meth-

E ods in the Gulgong area. Some broad depressions were
16 indicated, thanks to a density contrast of 0.5 with bedrock.
12 " -. "" "" " _._.-.~
The Imperial Geophysical Experimental Survey (IGES) had
also attempted to follow the deep leads (channels) at Gul-



'" gong, using a torsion balance, seismic refraction, and fan
shooting (Broughton Edge and Laby, 1931).
In California, Chapman et al. (1980) used gravity and
.- seismic refraction work to map partially buried channels of
c 1850-2000mp CLAY & ._
0 BASEMENT GRAV~l. J '-;~SEMENT SURFACE early Tertiary age (Figure 9). Here, also, there was a density
1400 . -.. ' " FR~~AFT
.-....... ".... ..",
contrast of 0.5 between basement rocks and, in this case,
BASEMENT ROCKS auriferous gravels in channels. The gravity and refraction

1350 l 2800-5500mpl

(V.rt. .... g. _3)

data proved useful, but magnetic work did not.
Radar techniques plus seismic refraction and reflection
FIG. 9. Gravity profile and seismic refraction data from the methods have been used to map old river channels for placer
Port Wine gold mining district of the Sierra Nevada, Cali- gold deposits (Davis et aI., 1984). Penetration of up to 30 m
fornia, showing a buried Tertiary channel (after Chapman et through sands and gravel was achieved with the radar, with
al., 1980). a spatial resolution of about 1 m. The radar provided
excellent resolution of the bedrock surface with continuous
reflections, except when the two-way traveltime was over
0.5 ms. Seismic refraction surveying was also used to map
files proved invaluable for correct identification of specific the bedrock but with substantially less resolution, and seis-
reflections. mic reflection prospecting was attempted where bedrock
Radiometric logging was used by Simpson (1951) region- exceeded 25-30 m. A shotgun slug in a 40 em deep hole
ally to correlate and locate auriferous and uraniferous con- provided a satisfactory high-frequency source. In Canada,
glomerates of the Witwatersrand System in the Orange Free where many deposits may occur under the numerous lakes,
State gold field. high-resolution marine seismic surveys have been used to
Besides the palaeoplacer deposits of the Witwatersrand map lake-bottom topography and define shear zones where
conglomerates (locally called banket), other examples are deposits may occur (Goldak, 1984).
the Tarkwa conglomerate in Ghana and the Jacobina con- The NOAA-AVHRR day and night imagery has assisted in
glomerate of Brazil (Boyd, 1984). the reconstruction of structurally controlled palaeodrainage
networks within the Cenozoic sediments of Australia's cen-
Proterozoic deposits tral and western sedimentary basins (Wilson, 1986). These
palaeodrainage systems have potential as sources of placer
The deposits at Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory
deposits, especially when associated with mineralized Pre-
occur in Proterozoic turbidites and are associated with
cambrian provinces.
hematite and magnetite (Daly, 1957). These orebodies at
Tennant Creek are of high grade, but limited extent. For the Epithermal deposits
past 50 years magnetic methods have been used sucessfully;
ground and airborne magnetic surveys located deposits at Middleton and Campbell (1979) described the application
much greater depths than had been proven by the existing of geophysical and geochemical methods in Nicaragua for
underground workings (Thyer, 1979). A drillhole magnetom- outlining gold-bearing epithermal veins and a low-grade
eter system comprising three orthogonal fluxgate magnetom- disseminated sulfide gold-zinc deposit. Time-domain IP and
eters has recently been developed to search for gold-bearing magnetic surveys outlined the gold-bearing disseminated
magnetite bodies at Tennant Creek (Hoschke, 1985). pyrite-sphalerite in Tertiary volcanic breccia altered by deep
At Telfer in Western Australia, gold occurs in Proterozoic tropical weathering. The IP data defined an extensive dis-
pyritic siltstones (Groves et al., 1984), but the magnetic and seminated pyrite-kaolinite-sericite alteration zone, also
gravity methods were not very useful there, because of the shown by a geochemical anomaly. Gold patterns were
lack of sufficient contrast in the rock properties in the mine controlled by the lithology and the alteration zone and
area (S. Tobin, Pers. comm.). High-resolution seismic re- correlated best with the IP, resistivity, and magnetic anom-
flection surveys have recently been tested in the Telfer area alies. Areas of unaltered basalt were defined magnetically
144 Doyle

and also showed as high resistivity (Middleton and Camp- Corner, B., 1985, Geophysics in South Africa: Geophysics, 50,
bell, 1979). Most of the main deposit had low resistivity (less 880-881.
Corner, B., Durrheim, R. J., and Nicolaysen, L. 0., 1986a, The
than 100 n·m). VLF-EM surveys were also used to map structural framework of the Witwatersrand Basin as revealed by
fractures and alteration zones. Tropical weathering appeared gravity and aeromagnetic data (abstract): Geocongress '86, Inter-
to enhance the conductivity of the fracture. nat. Earth Sciences Congr., Johannesburg, 27-30.
Corner, B., Durrheim, R. J., Rodney, B. C., Wilsher, W. A., and
According to Reid and Hedenquist (1984), patterns of low Steenkamp, W. B., 1986b, Aeromagnetic coverage of the Witwa-
magnetic signature were the guide to initial drilling and tersrand Basin and techniques used in its interpretation (abstract):
Downloaded 02/19/18 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at

discovery of the epithermal Hishikari deposit in Japan, Geocongress '86, Internat. Earth Sciences Congr., Johannesburg,
based on a geophysical model developed from the nearby Cudjoe, J. E., 1970, Progress in mineral exploration in Ghana during
Kushikino mine. the past half century (1913-1963), in Symposium Fiftieth Anniver-
sary Ghana Geol. Surv., 1913-1963: Geol. Surv. Ghana Bull 38,
Daly, J., 1957, Magnetic prospecting at Tennant Creek, Northern
Territory, 1935-7: Aust. Bur. Mineral. Resour. Geol. Geophys.
Exploration for gold is one of the most difficult applica- Bull. 44.
tions of geophysics. Much depends on the nature of the host Davis, J. L., Annan, A. P., and Vaughan, C. J., 1984, Placer
rocks and structures as to whether geophysical methods will exploration using radar and seismic methods: 54th Ann. Internat.
Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 306-308.
be successful, and their main use will probably always be in Davis, L. W., 1977, The geophysical volcanogenic target in eastern
improving geologic mapping and detection of associated Australia: Bull. Aust. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 8, 50-59.
rocks, faulting, alteration, old river channels, etc. Shaded or Doyle, H. A., Ed., 1984, Geophysical exploration for Precambrian
gold deposits: Geol. Dept. and Univ. Extension, Univ. of Western
colored detailed magnetic maps have become more common Australia, 10.
as has the use of induced polarization to locate associated Doyle, H. A., and Lindeman, F. W., 1985, The effect of deep
sulfides. weathering on geophysical exploration in Australia-a review: J.
Geol. Soc. Aust., 32, 125-135.
More recent developments have been the application of Dowsett, J. S., and Krause, B. R., 1984, Geophysics of the Casa
modern seismic reflection methods where the geology is Berardi Area: Can. Inst. Min. Metall., Geophysics for Gold
Symp. Abstracts, 50-63.
reasonably simple, satellite remote sensing, radar for very Durrheim, R. J., Corner, B., and Wilsher, W. A., 1986, The gravity
shallow "leads", and even piezoelectric effects for location field of the Witwatersrand Basin and techniques used in its
of quartz veins and pegmatites in mines. interpretation (abstract): Geocongress '86, Internal. Earth Sci-
ences Congr., Johannesburg, 215-218.
Fedynsky, V. V., Brodovoi, V. V., and Gelamkov, V. A., 1970,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Geophysics in prospecting and exploration for mineral deposits in
the U. S. S. R., in L. W., Morley, Ed., Mining and groundwater
I would like to acknowledge the geological advice of geophysics-1967: Geol. Surv. Can. Econ. Geol. Rep. 26,667-87.
Associate Professor D. I. Groves, University of Western Finucane, K. J., 1979, Geological methods, in Prider, R. T., Ed.,
Mining in Western Australia: Univ. of Western Australia Press,
Australia, and thank Dr. B. Corner, University of Witwa- 178-185.
tersrand, and Dr. J. S. V. Van Zijl, NPRL Pretoria, for Gaucher, E., 1979, Estimation of sulphide content of a potential
sending me copies of their papers. ore body from surface observations and its role in optimizing
exploration programmes, in Fitch, A. A., Ed., Developments in
exploration geophysics: Applied Science Publ. 4, 1-37.
REFERENCES Goldak, A. R., 1984, Marine seismic methods in mineral explora-
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146 Doyle
many of the largest Archaean gold deposits in Western receiver) can explore both resistive and conductive features,
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although in detail they are sited in subsidiary brittle-ductile Johnson et al. (1989) claim that the use of spectral IP (time
and brittle faults (second-order structures.) In such areas, domain) was useful where conventional IP response was
aeromagnetic surveys are particularly useful in aiding struc- weak, providing better quality and better diagnostic data.
tural interpretation of poorly exposed portions. da Costa and Byron (1988) used the NW Cape VLF
In remote sensing, sensors are being designed for mineral transmitter in Western Australia to detect conductors in the
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exploration, whereas the Landsat Multispectral Scanner Pietersburg Greenstone Belt of South Africa.
(MSS) is a vegetation sensor operating at frequencies where
there is least mineralogic information (Huntington & Green, REFERENCES
1988). Some sensors, such as SPOT, are improving resolu-
tion, approaching that of aerial photography. Short-wave Cunneen, J. P., and Wellman, P., 1987, The use of airborne
infrared spectra for minerals that occur in alteration zones geophysics and ground gravity surveys in understanding the
surrounding mineralization are being studied by the Austra- geology of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia: Expl.
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structure. This mine, which is now Australia's largest pro- alization in Western Australia: Mineral Deposita, 24, 1-8.
ducer of gold, is in a lateritic weathering profile. Cunneen Grauch, V. J. S., 1988, Geological tools for defining covered
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ies for river sediments with magnetite concentrations which stracts Oral Programme, 246-258.
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