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A very good morning to Madam Kam and all my beloved friends, today I am going to
deliver a speech entitled “Cybercrime”. In my speech today, I would like to focus on hacking,
stalking and also cyberattack.

Cybercrime is a crime that involves a computer and a network.

As youth are more at risk, it is important that there is control in various fields including
online activity. Research indicates that young people are more likely to seek out modes of
interaction and expression online. Cybercrime is an existing phenomenon, yet no more
common than any other crime. Research also shows that cybercrime victimisation is
associated with violent experiences offline and other possible psyco-social problems,
illustrating the need for a deeper understanding of the areas of overlap between the two in the
arena of Internet crime. Significantly, research puts forth the findings that cybercrime
victimisation is likely becoming an important category for the understanding of how young
people are exposed to crime.

According to Cyber law expert Dr Sonny Zulhuda, users need to balance the use of
devices and smart technologies with the efforts to preserve security, privacy or confidentiality.

Stalking is dangerous for it causes victims psychological harm and could be indicative
of potential abuse. “Enforcement should not have to wait for further damage or violence to be
caused. Stalking itself should be a crime,” says Women’s Centre for Change’s senior
advocacy officer, Melissa Mohd Akhir.

Now, I would like to tell you all a true story. Lara moves out of her house because she
feared for her life. She had lodged 23 police reports but it didn’t stop her abusive ex-husband
from coming after her. He stalked her relentlessly.

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