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Civil Law


Pre- There is a pre- No pre-existing
CHAPTER 1: CONCEPT OF TORTS existing existing contract contract
Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes Burden of Contractual Victim.
damage to another, there being fault or proof party. Prove the ff.:
negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage Prove the ff.: damage
done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre- 1. existence of 1. negligence
existing contractual relation between the parties, a contract 2. causal
is called a quasi-delict and is governed by the 2. breach connection
provisions of this Chapter. (1902a) between
negligence and
1. Act or omission
2. Damage or injury is caused to another CONTRACT DELICT
3. Fault or negligence is present Vinculum Contract Act / omission
4. There is no pre-existing contractual relations Juris committed by
between the parties means of dolo
5. Causal connection between damage done and (deliberate,
act/omission malicious, in bad
NEGLIGENCE Proof Preponderance Proof beyond
• The omission of that degree of diligence which is Needed of evidence reasonable doubt
required by the nature of the obligation and Defense Exercise of
corresponding to the circumstances of the available extraordinary
persons, time and place. (Art. 1173, NCC) diligence (in
contract of
KINDS OF NEGLIGENCE carriage), Force
1. Quasi delict (Art. 2176 NCC) Majeure
2. Criminal negligence (Art. 356 RPC) Pre- There is a pre- No pre-existing
3. Contractual negligence (NCC provisions on existing existing contract contract
contracts particularly Arts. 1170 to 1174) contract
Burden of Contractual Prosecution.
OBLIGATION: Prove the ff.: presumed
1. existence of innocent until the
CONTRACT QUASI DELICT a contract contrary is
Vinculum Contract Negligent act/ 2. breach proved.
Juris omission (culpa,
Proof Preponderance Preponderance CIVIL LIABILITY IN QUASI-DELICT VS. DELICT
Needed of evidence of evidence
Defense Exercise of
QuickTime™ and a
Exercise of QUASI DELICT
available extraordinary
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
diligence of DELICT
diligence (in good father of a Liability of Solidary Subsidiary
contract of family in the Employer
carriage), Force selection and Reservation Civil aspect of Civil aspect is
Majeure supervision of Requirement the quasi-delict Impliedly
employees is impliedly instituted with
instituted with criminal
criminal action, action

—Adviser: Dean Cynthia del Castillo Head: Joy Ponsaran, Eleanor Mateo; Understudy: Joy Tajan, John Paul Lim;
Subject Head: Jomi Legaspi;
Civil Law Summer Reviewer

but under 2000 GOOD FATHER OF A FAMILY (pater familias)

Crimpro Rules • The only standard of conduct used in the
it is Philippines (Art. 1173 NCC)
independent • A reasonable man is deemed to have knowledge
and separate of the facts that a man should be expected to
Effect of Not a bar to Not a bar to know based on ordinary human experience.
judgment of recover civil recover civil
acquittal in a damages damages Corliss v. Manila Railroad – The law
criminal EXCEPT when presumes or requires a man to possess
case judgment ordinary capacity to avoid harming his
involving pronounces neighbors unless a clear and manifest
same that the incapacity is shown and the law does not
act/omission negligence hold him liable for unintentional injury unless,
from which possessing such capacity, he might and
damage arise ought to have foreseen the danger.
is non-existent

• NOTE: It is an existing doctrine that the failure of

the court to make any pronouncement, favorable
or unfavorable, as to the civil liability of the Corliss v. Manila Railroad – The law works
accused amounts to a reservation of the right to only within the sphere of the senses. Moral
have the civil liability litigated and determined in a consideration are not normally accorded
separate action. The rules nowhere provide that if great weight.The knowledge and experience
the court fails to determine the civil liability it of the actor is also considered in determining
becomes no longer enforceable whether he observed due diligence.

Castillo v. CA, 176 SCRA 591– A quasi-

delict or culpa aquiliana is a separate legal
institution under the Civil Code with a
substantivity all its own, and individuality that
is entirely apart and independent from a delict
or crime — a distinction exists between the • The action of the child will not necessarily be
civil liability arising from a crime and the judged according to the standard of an adult. But
responsibility for quasi-delicts or culpa extra- if the minor is mature enough to understand and
contractual. appreciate the nature and consequences of his
actions, he will be considered negligent if he fails
to exercise due care and precaution in the
commission of such acts.
• Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent Taylor v. Meralco, 16 Phil 8 – The law fixes
act use the reasonable care and caution which no arbitrary age at which a minor can be said
an ordinary prudent person would have used in to have the necessary capacity to understand
the same situation? and appreciate the nature and consequences
• If not, then he is guilty of negligence of his acts
• Could a prudent man, in the case under
consideration, foresee harm as a result of the
course pursued? QuickTime™ and a
• NOTE: Applying the provisions of the RPC,
• If so, it as the
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to seeof the actor to take
this picture. Judge Sangco takes the view that a child who is
precautions to guard against harm 9 or below is conclusively presumed to be
incapable of negligence. On the other hand, if
CIRCUMSTANCES TO CONSIDER the child is above 9 years but below 15, there is a
• Time disputable presumption of absence or
• Place negligence.
• Personal circumstances of the Actors • Absence of negligence does not necessarily
mean absence of liability. A child under 9 years

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can still be subsidiarily liable with his property CHAPTER 3: WHAT MUST BE PROVED
(Art. 100 RPC)
• Absence of negligence of the child may not 1. NEGLIGENCE - plaintiff must prove negligence
excuse the parents from their vicarious liability of defendant
under Art. 2180 NCC or Art. 221 FC. Exceptions:
a. In cases where negligence is presumed or
2. PHYSICAL DISABILITY imputed by law - this is only
rebuttable/presumption juris tantum
• GENERAL RULE: a weak or accident prone b. Principle of res ipsa loquitur (the thing
person must come up to the standard of a speaks for itself) - grounded on the difficulty
reasonable man, otherwise, he will be considered in proving thru competent evidence, public
as negligent policy considerations
• Exception: If the defect amounts to a real
disability, the standard of conduct is that of a 2. DAMAGE / INJURY
reasonable person under like disability.
negligence must be the proximate cause of the
injury sustained by the plaintiff to enable plaintiff
Fernando v. CA – They should exhibit the
to recover. Thus, if plaintiff’s own conduct is the
case and skill of one who is ordinarily skilled
cause of the injury there can be no recovery.
in the particular field that he is in; The rule
regarding experts is applicable not only to
• NOTE: If plaintiff's negligence is only
professionals who have undergone formal
contributory, he is considered partly
responsible only. Plaintiff may still recover
from defendant but the award may be
4. NATURE OF ACTIVITY reduced by the courts in proportion to his
own negligence
• There are activities which by nature impose
duties to exercise a higher degree of diligence Proximate Cause – the adequate and
(ex. Banks, Common Carriers) efficient cause which in the natural order of
events and under the particular
5. INTOXICATION circumstances surrounding the case, would
naturally produce the event
Wright v. Manila Electric – Mere intoxication
is not negligence nor establishes want of CHAPTER 4: DEFENSES
ordinary care. But it may be considered to
prove negligence. 1. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE - the plaintiff
was also negligent together with the defendant;
• EXCEPTION: Under Art. 2185 of the NCC it is to constitute a defense, proximate cause of
presumed that a person driving a motor vehicle injury/damage must be the negligence of
has been negligent if at the time of the mishap, defendant
he was violating any traffic regulation
2. CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE – if both parties
6. INSANITY are equally negligent the courts will leave them
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
as they are; there can be no recovery
• An insane person is exempt from liability.
However, by express provision of law, there may 3. DOCTRINE OF LAST CLEAR CHANCE - even
be civil liability even when the perpetrator is held though a person’s own acts may have placed him
to be exempt from criminal liability. The insanity in a position of peril and an injury results, the
of a person does not excuse him or his guardian injured is entitled to recover if the defendant thru
from liability based on quasi delict (Art. 2180 and the exercise of reasonable care and prudence
2182 NCC) might have avoided injurious consequences to
the plaintiff. This defense is available only in an

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action by the driver or owner of one vehicle • Person exposed to the risk - A higher degree of
against the driver or owner of the other vehicle diligence is required if the person involved is a
involved. child.

a. Plaintiff was in a position of danger by his 5. DOCTRINE OF ASSUMPTION OF RISK –
own negligence Volenti non fit injuria
b. Defendant knew of such position of the
plaintiff REQUISITES:
c. Defendant had the least clear chance to a. Intentional exposure to a known danger
avoid the accident by exercise of ordinary b. One who voluntarily assumed the risk of an
care but failed to exercise such last clear injury from a known danger cannot recover in
chance and an action for negligence or an injury is
d. Accident occurred as proximate incurred
cause of such failure c. Plaintiff’s acceptance of risk (by
law/contract/nature of obligation) has erased
• Who may invoke: Plaintiff defendant’s duty so that his negligence is not
• NOTE: The doctrine is inapplicable to a legal wrong
a. Joint tortfeasors d. Applies to all known danger
b. Defendants concurrently negligent
c. As against 3rd persons 6. DUE DILIGENCE - diligence required by
law/contract/ depends on circumstances of
4. EMERGENCY RULE - "one who suddenly finds persons, places, things
himself in a place of danger, and is required to
act without time to consider the best means that 7. FORTUITOUS EVENT - no person shall be
may be adopted to avoid the impending danger, responsible for those events which cannot be
is not guilty of negligence, if he fails to adopt foreseen, or which through foreseen were
what subsequently and upon reflection may inevitable
appear to have been a better method, unless the
emergency in which he finds himself is brought REQUISITES:
about by his own negligence." a. The cause of the unforeseen and unexpected
occurrence, or of the failure of the debtor to
Valenzuela v. CA, 253 SCRA 303 – An comply with his obligation, must be
individual will nevertheless be subject to independent of the human will;
liability if the emergency was brought about b. It must be impossible to foresee the event
by his own negligence. which constitutes caso fortuito or if it can be
foreseen it must be impossible to avoid
c. The occurrence must be such as to render it
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his
NOTE: Applicable only to situations that are sudden obligation in a normal manner
and unexpected such as to deprive actor of all d. The obligor must be free from any
opportunity for deliberation (absence of participation in the aggravation of the injury
foreseeability); the action shall still be judged by the resulting to the creditor.
standard of the ordinary prudent man
• GENERAL RULE: Fortuitous Event is a
FACTORS TO CONSIDER: complete defense and a person is not liable if
• Gravity of the HarmQuickTime™
to be avoidedand a
the cause of the damage is a fortuitous event.
• Alternative courses ofto see
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed - If the alternative
this picture.
• EXCEPTION: It is merely a partial defense and
presented to the actor is too costly, the harm that the courts may mitigate the damages if the loss
may result may still be considered unforeseeable would have resulted in any event [Art. 2215(4)
to a reasonable man NCC]
• Social Value and Utility of the Action - The act • NOTE: A person may still be liable for a fortuitous
which subjects an innocent person to an event if such person made an ASSUMPTION OF
unnecessary risk is a negligent act if the risk RISK.
outweighs the advantage accruing to the actor
and even to the innocent person himself.

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involves damage without injury, therefore no obligation imposed in 2176 is demandable not
liability is incurred; there is no legal injury only for one’s own act or omission but also for
those persons for whom one is responsible (art
9. LAW – specific provision of law 2180).


Vicarious Liability – law on imputed
negligence; a person who himself is not guilty
of negligence is made liable for conduct of
a. Injury to right of plaintiff/quasi delict - 4 years
b. Defamation - 1 year
c. When no specific provision, must be counted • NOTE: Vicarious liability is not governed by the
from the day they may be brought doctrine of respondeat superior. Employers or
parents are made liable not only because of the
12. PROSCRIPTION AGAINST DOUBLE negligent or wrongful act of the person for whom
RECOVERY - Responsibility for fault or they are responsible but also because of their
negligence under quasi-delict is entirely separate own negligence (i.e. liability is imposed on the
and distinct from civil action arising from the RPC employer because he failed to exercise due
but plaintiff cannot recover damages twice for diligence in the selection and supervision of his
same act or omission of the defendant employees)
• EXCEPTION: the doctrine of respondeat superior
CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE a. Liability of employers under Article 103 of the
14. OTHER GROUNDS – Motion To Dismiss: b. Liability of a partnership for the tort
a. lack of jurisdiction over person of defendant committed by a partner
b. lack of jurisdiction over subject matter
d. plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue
e. there is another action pending between 1. PARENTS - The father, and in case of his death
same parties for same cause or incapacity, the mother are responsible for
f. cause of action is barred by prior judgment damage caused by minor children who live in
/statute of limitations their company.
g. pleading asserting claim states no cause of
action • Father and Mother shall jointly exercise parental
h. claim set forth in pleading has been paid, authority over common children. In case of
waived, abandoned, extinguished disagreement, father's decision shall prevail (art
i. claim is unenforceable under the provision of 211).
statute of fraud
j. condition precedent for filing claim has not • NOTE: Persons liable for the act of minors other
been complied with than parents.
a. Those exercising substitute parental authority
b. Surviving grandparents
CHAPTER 5: PERSONS LIABLE FOR QUASI c. Oldest sibling, over 21 years old unless unfit
DELICT or unqualified
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture. d. Child’s actual custodian, over 21 years old
WHO SHOULD BE LIABLE FOR A QUASI-DELICT: unless unfit or disqualified

1. TORTFEASOR - Whoever by act or omission 2. GUARDIANS - Guardians are liable for damages
causes damage to another, there being no fault caused by the minor or incapacitated persons
or negligence is obliged to pay for the damage who are:
done (art 2176). a. under their authority
b. who live in their company

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managers of establishment or enterprise are
responsible for damages caused by their • GENERAL RULE: The School itself is NOT liable
employees who are: as party defendants
a. in the service of the branches in which the • EXCEPTIONS:
latter are employed OR a. FC 218 – schools are expressly made liable
b. in occasion of their function b. St. Francis ruling – school’s liability as
4. EMPLOYERS - Employers shall be liable for c. PSBA ruling – school has liability based on
damages caused by their: contract, therefore:
a. employees and i. If culprit is a teacher, follow St. Francis
b. household helpers ruling (sue school as employer)
c. who are acting w/in the scope of their ii. If culprit is a stranger, follow PSBA ruling
assigned task even though the former are not (sue school based on contract
engaged in any business or industry (unlike iii. If culprit is a student - apply 2180
in RPC – subsidiary liability of employer
attaches in case of insolvency of employer FAMILY CODE PROVISIONS:
for as long as the employer is engaged in a. Family Code, Art 218 - The school, its
business/industry) administration & teachers or the individual,
entity or institution engaged in child care
• DEFENSES AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYERS: shall have special parental authority &
a. exercise of due diligence ins election and responsibility over the minor child under their
supervision of employees supervision, instruction or custody (authority
b. act/omission was made outside working & responsibility shall apply to all authorized
hours and in violation of company's rules and activities whether inside or outside the
regulations premises or the school, entity or institution).
b. Family Code, Art 219 - Those given the
5. STATE - The state is responsible when it acts authority & responsibility shall be solidarily &
through a special agent, but not when the same principally liable for damages caused by
is caused by an official to whom task done act/omission of the unemancipated minor;
properly pertains in which case art 2176 is parents, judicial guardian or person
applicable exercising substitute parental authority over
said minor shall be subsidiarily liable.
Teachers or heads of establishments of arts & CHAPTER 6: PERSONS EXPRESSLY MADE
trades shall be liable for damages caused by LIABLE BY LAW EVEN WITHOUT FAULT
their pupils, students & apprentices as long as (STRICT LIABILITY)
they remain in their custody even if they are
beyond the age of majority 1. POSSESSOR OF AN ANIMAL
• NOTE: Art. 2180 applies to all including • The possessor of an animal or whoever may
academic institution per weight of jurisprudence make use of the same is responsible for the
based on obiter of Justice JBL Reyes in the damage which it may cause
Exconde case. • Exceptions:
a. Force majeure
b. Fault of the injured/damaged person
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture. 2. OWNER OF MOTOR VEHICLE
• The basis of the teacher’s liability is the principle • In motor vehicle mishap, the owner is solidarily
of loco parentis (stand in place of parents). So liable with the driver if:
long as the students remain in the protective and a. he was in the vehicle, and
supervisory capacity of teachers, the latter shall b. could have, through due diligence, prevented
be deemed to have custody over the students. the misfortune
It’s not necessary for the students to board and
live with the teachers so that there can be • A Driver is Presumed Negligent by law If:
custody over them.

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a. he had been found guilty or reckless driving 7. ENGINEER, ARCHITECT OR CONTRACTOR

or violating traffic regulations at least twice • If damage of building or structure is caused by
within the next preceding two months. defect in construction which happens within 15
b. at the time of the mishap, he was violating years from construction; action must be brought
any traffic regulation. within 10 years from collapse

NOTE: Every owner of a motor vehicle shall file with 8. HEAD OF FAMILY THAT LIVES IN A BUILDING
the proper government office a bond executed by a OR PART THEREOF
government-controlled corporation or office, to • Liable for damages caused by things thrown or
answer for damages to third persons. falling from the same


SIMILAR GOODS Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of
his rights and in the performance of his duties,
• They are liable for death and injuries caused by act with justice, give everyone his due, and
any noxious or harmful substances used observe honesty and good faith.
although no contractual relation exists between
them and the consumers Art. 20. Every person who, contrary to law,
willfully or negligently causes damage to
4. DEFENDANT IN POSSESSION OF another, shall indemnify the latter for the
• There is prima facie presumption of negligence Art. 21. Any person who willfully causes loss
on the part of defendant if death or injury results or injury to another in a manner that is
from such possession contrary to morals, good customs or public
• EXCEPTION: The possession or use thereof is policy shall compensate the latter for the
indispensable in his occupation or business damage.


5. PROVINCES, CITIES & MUNICIPALITIES 1. There is a legal right or duty
• Shall be liable for damages for the death or 2. The right or duty is exercised in bad faith
injuries suffered by any person by reason of the 3. For the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring
defective condition of roads, streets, bridges, another
public buildings, and other public works under
their control or supervision • Common element under articles 19 and 21: the
act must be intentional
6. PROPRIETOR OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE • An action can only proper when damage,
• Responsible for the damages resulting from any material or otherwise, was suffered by the
of the ff.: plaintiff. An action based on Articles 19-21 will be
a. Total or partial collapse of building or dismissed if the plaintiff merely seeks
structure if due to lack of necessary repairs “recognition”
b. Explosion of machinery which has not been • A defendant may likewise be guilty of tort under
taken cared of with due diligence, and the Articles 19-21 even if he acted in good faith. In
inflammation of explosive substances which these cases, liability to pay moral damages may
have not been kept in a safe and adequate not be imposed on the defendant who acted in
place QuickTime™ and a good faith.
c. By excessive smoke,
are needed which
to see this picture. may be harmful
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

to persons or property GENERAL SANCTION (ART. 20)

d. By falling of trees situated at or near For all other provisions of law which do not
highways or lanes, if not caused by force especially provide their own sanction
majeure a. In the exercise of his legal right or duty
e. By emanations from tubes, canals, sewers or b. Willfully or negligently causes damage to
deposits of infectious matter, constructed another
without precautions suitable to the place Article 20 does not distinguish, the act may be
done either willfully or negligently

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intercourse with another even if he is satisfied his

CONTRA BONUS MORES (ART 21) lust without promising to marry the offended party
1. There is an act which is legal • It may not even matter that the plaintiff and the
2. But which is contrary to morals, good custom, defendant are of the same gender
public order or public policy
3. And it is done with intent to injure 3. SEXUAL ASSAULT
Damages are recoverable even if no positive law • Defendant is liable for all forms of sexual assault
has been violated
EXAMPLES OF ACTS CONTRA BONUS MORES: • A spouse has the legal obligation to live with
his/her spouse. If a spouse does not perform
1. BREACH OF A PROMISE TO MARRY his/her duty to the other, he may be liable for
• GENERAL RULE: Breach of a promise to marry damages for such omission because the same is
by itself is not actionable. contrary to law, morals, good customs and public
• EXCEPTION: In cases where there is another act policy.
independent of the breach of a promise to marry
which gives rise to liability 5. TRESPASS AND DEPRIVATION OF
a. Cases where there was financial damage PROPERTY
b. Social humiliation caused to one of the
parties 2 KINDS:
c. Where there was moral seduction a. TRESPASS TO AND/OR DEPRIVATION OF
d. If the breach was done in a manner that is REAL PROPERTY
clearly contrary to good morals • Liability for damages under the RPC and Art.
451 of the Civil Code requires intent or bad
Gashem Shookat Baksh v. CA – moral faith
seduction connotes the idea of deceit, • A builder in good faith who acted negligently
enticement, superior power or abuse of may be held liable under Art. 2176 NCC
confidence on the part of the seducer to • Art. 448 of the Civil Code in relation to Art.
which the woman has yielded for which the 456 does not permit action for damages
seducer can be held liable for damages where the builder, planter or sower acted in
good faith. The landowner is limited to the
options given to him under article 448
Constantino v. Mendez – Sexual
intercourse is not by itself a basis for b. TRESPASS TO AND/OR DEPRIVATION OF
recovery but damages could be awarded if PRIVATE PROPERTY
the sexual intercourse is not a product of • In the field of tort, trespass extends to all
voluntariness or mutual desire cases where a person is deprived of his
personal property even in the absence of
criminal liability
• Examples: theft, robbery
Tanjanco v. CA – For one whole year, the
plaintiff, a woman of adult age, maintained
intimate sexual relations with the appellant Magbanua v. IAC, 137 SCRA 352 – it may
with repeated acts of intercourse. There is cover cases where the defendant was
deprived of personal property for the purpose
here voluntariness and mutual passion.
Hence, no case is made under Article 21, of obtaining possession of real property. The
NCC defendant who was landlord, was held liable
QuickTime™ and a because he deprived the plaintiffs, his
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture. tenants of water in order to force them to
2. SEDUCTION WITHOUT BREACH OF PROMISE vacate the lot they were cultivating.
• Seduction by itself, is also an act contrary to
morals, good customs and public policy
• The defendant is liable if he employed deceit,
enticement, superior power or abuse of
confidence in successfully having sexual

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• STATUTORY BASIS: Art. 19-21, 2, 32, 33, 35,

Manila Electric Co. v. CA – The right to 2217, 2219(8) NCC
disconnect and deprive the customer, who
unreasonably fails to pay his bills of electricity ELEMENTS:
should be exercised in accordance with the a. The fact of the prosecution and the further
law and rules. Example: If a company fact that the defendant was himself the
disconnects the electricity service without prosecutor; and that the action was finally
prior notice as required by the rules, the terminated with an acquittal
company commits a tort under Art. 21 NCC b. That in bringing the action, the prosecutor
acted without probable cause
c. The prosecutor was actuated or impelled by
legal malice
• Damages may be recovered by both spouses if:
a. The abortion was cause through the NOTE: Presence of probable cause signifies
physician’s negligence or absence of malice.
b. Was done intentionally without their consent

• NOTE: A doctor who performs an illegal Globe Mackay and Radio Corp v. CA –
abortion is criminally liable under Art. 259 Absence of malice signifies good faith on the part
RPC of the defendant, good faith may even be based
on mistake of law. Acquittal presupposes that a
Geluz v. CA, 2 SCRA 802 – Husband of a criminal information is filed in court and final
woman who voluntarily procured her abortion judgment rendering dismissing the case,
may recover damages from the physician nevertheless, prior acquittal may include
who cause the same on account of distress dismissal by the prosecutor after preliminary
and mental anguish attendant to the loss of investigation.
the unborn child and the disappointment of
his parental expectation.
• Such acts also constitute an offense under Art.
7. ILLEGAL DISMISSAL 359, RPC (slander by deed)
• The right of the employer to dismiss an employee
should not be confused with the manner in which
the right is exercised and the effects of flowing Patricio v. Hon. Oscar Leviste - A person can
therefrom. be held liable for damages for slapping another in
• If the dismissal was done anti-socially and public.
oppressively, the employer should be deemed to
have violated Art. 1701 of the Civil code (which
prohibits acts of oppression by either capital or Grand Union Supermarket v. Espino – a
labor against the other) and Art. 21 defendant may likewise be guilty of a tort even if
• An employer may be held liable for damages if he acted in good faith if the action has caused
the manner of dismissing is contrary to morals humiliation to another.
good customs and public policy.


• An action for damages brought
QuickTime™ and a by one against
another whomTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
aarecriminal prosecution,
needed to see this picture. civil suit, or Art. 22. Every person who through an act of
other legal proceeding has been instituted performance by another, or any other means,
maliciously and without probable cause, after acquires or comes into possession of
termination of such prosecution, suit or something at the expense of the latter without
proceeding in favor of the defendant therein. just or legal ground, shall return the same to
• The action which is terminated should be one him.
begun in malice, without probable cause to
believe that the charges can be sustained Art. 23. Even when an act or event causing
damage to another's property was not due to

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the fault or negligence of the defendant, the a. That the defendant was himself the
latter shall be liable for indemnity if through the prosecutor/ he instigated its commencement
act or event he was benefited. b. That it finally terminates in his acquittal
c. That in bringing it the prosecutor acted
Art. 2142. Certain lawful, voluntary and without probable cause, and
unilateral acts give rise to the juridical relation d. That he was actuated by legal malice, that is,
of quasi-contract to the end that no one shall by improper and sinister motive
be unjustly enriched or benefited at the
expense of another. (n) 16. VIOLATION OF RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES OF

11. OSTENTATIOUS DISPLAY OF WEALTH Art. 32. Any public officer or employee, or any
• Thoughtless extravagance for pleasure or display private individual, who directly or indirectly
during a period of public want or emergency obstructs, defeats, violates or in any manner
impedes or impairs any of the following rights
and liberties of another person shall be liable
12. VIOLATION OF RIGHT OF PRIVACY AND to the latter for damages:
FAMILY RELATIONS 1. Freedom of religion;
2. Freedom of speech;
• The following acts though they may not constitute 3. Freedom to write for the press or to
a criminal offense, shall produce a cause of maintain a periodical publication;
action for damages, prevention and other relief: 4. Freedom from arbitrary or illegal
a. Prying into the privacy of another's residence detention;
b. Meddling with or disturbing the private life or 5. Freedom of suffrage;
family relations of another 6. The right against deprivation of
c. Intriguing to cause another to be alienated property without due process of law;
from his friends 7. The right to a just compensation when
d. Vexing or humiliating another on account of private property is taken for public
his religious beliefs, lowly station in life. Place use;
of birth, physical defect, or other personal 8. The right to the equal protection of the
condition laws;
9. The right to be secure in one's person,
13. DERELICTION OF OFFICIAL DUTY OF PUBLIC house, papers, and effects against
OFFICERS unreasonable searches and seizures;
• May be brought by any person suffering from 10. The liberty of abode and of changing
material or moral loss because a public servant the same;
refuses or neglects, without just cause to perform 11. The privacy of communication and
his official duty (art 27). correspondence;
• REQUISITES: 12. The right to become a member of
a. defendant is a public officer charged with the associations or societies for purposes
performance of a duty in favor of the plaintiff not contrary to law;
b. he refused or neglected without just cause to 13. The right to take part in a peaceable
perform such duty (ministerial) assembly to petition the government
c. plaintiff sustained material or moral loss as for redress of grievances;
consequence of such non-performance 14. The right to be free from involuntary
d. the amount of such damages, if material servitude in any form;
15. The right of the accused against
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
excessive bail;
• Unfair competition in agricultural, commercial or 16. The right of the accused to be heard
industrial enterprises or in labor through the use by himself and counsel, to be
of force, intimidation, deceit. Machination or other informed of the nature and cause of
unjust, oppressive or highhanded method (Art 28) the accusation against him, to have a
speedy and public trial, to meet the
witnesses face to face, and to have
15. MALICIOUS PROSECUTION compulsory process to secure the
• ELEMENTS attendance of witness in his behalf;

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17. Freedom from being compelled to be d. Private - one that is not included in the
a witness against one's self, or from foregoing definition; affect an individual or a
being forced to confess guilt, or from limited number of individuals only
being induced by a promise of
immunity or reward to make such REMEDIES AGAINST PUBLIC NUISANCES
confession, except when the person a. Prosecution under the RPC or any local
confessing becomes a State witness; ordinance
18. Freedom from excessive fines, or b. Civil action
cruel and unusual punishment, unless c. Abatement, without judicial proceeding
the same is imposed or inflicted in
accordance with a statute which has
not been judicially declared WHO MAY AVAIL OF REMEDIES
unconstitutional; and a. Public officers
19. Freedom of access to the courts. b. Private persons - if nuisance is specially
injurious to himself; the ff. steps must be
In any of the cases referred to in this article, made:
whether or not the defendant's act or omission • Demand be first made upon owner or
constitutes a criminal offense, the aggrieved possessor of the property to abate the
party has a right to commence an entirely nuisance
separate and distinct civil action for damages, • That such demand has been rejected
and for other relief. Such civil action shall • That the abatement be approved by the
proceed independently of any criminal district health officer and executed with the
prosecution (if the latter be instituted), and mat assistance of local police
be proved by a preponderance of evidence. • That the value of destruction does not
The indemnity shall include moral damages. exceed P3,000
Exemplary damages may also be adjudicated.
The responsibility herein set forth is not
demandable from a judge unless his act or REMEDIES AGAINST PRIVATE NUISANCES
omission constitutes a violation of the Penal a. Civil action
Code or other penal statute. b. Abatement, without judicial proceedings


• Any act, omission, establishment, condition of a. Public officers
property, or anything else which: b. Private persons - if nuisance is specially
e. Injures or endangers the health or safety to injurious to himself; the ff. steps must be
others, or made:
f. Annoys or offends the senses, or • Demand be first made upon owner or
g. Shocks, defies, or disregards decency or possessor of the property to abate the
morality, or nuisance
h. Obstructs or interferes with the free passage • That such demand has been rejected
of any public highway or streets, or any body • That the abatement be approved by the
of water district health officer and executed with the
i. Hinders or impairs use of property assistance of local police
• That the value of destruction does not
KINDS exceed P3,000
a. Nuisance Per Se - denounced as nuisance
by common law or by statute
QuickTime™ and a
b. Nuisance TIFF
Per Accidens
(Uncompressed) - those which are in
are needed to see this picture.
their nature not nuisances, but may become class of cases within the general rule that one is liable
for the injury resulting to another from failure to
so by reason of their locality, surroundings,
exercise the degree of care commiserate with the
or the manner in which they may be circumstances the attractiveness of the premises or of
conducted, managed, etc. the dangerous instrumentality to children of tender
c. Public - affects a community or years is to be considered as an implied invitation,
neighborhood or any considerable number of which takes the children who accepted it out of the
persons category of a trespasser and puts them in the category
of invitees, towards whom the owner of the premises or
instrumentality owes the duty of ordinary care
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• Adequate compensation for the value of loss

suffered or profits which obligee failed to obtain
• Exceptions:
a. Law
b. Stipulation


a. General Damage - natural, necessary and
1. Actual or compensatory; logical consequences of a particular
2. Moral; wrongful act which result in injury; need not
3. Nominal; be specifically pleaded because the law itself
4. Temperate or moderate; implies or presumes that they resulted from
5. Liquidated; or the wrongful act
6. Exemplary or corrective. b. Special Damages - damages which are the
natural, but not the necessary and inevitable
DAMAGE – the detriment, injury or loss which is result of the wrongful act. (i.e., attorney’s
occasioned by reason of fault of another in the fees)
property or person REQUIREMENTS:
i. Need to be pleaded
ii. Pray for the relief that claim for loss be
DAMAGES – the pecuniary compensation
iii. Prove the loss
recompense or satisfaction for an injury
sustained, or as otherwise expressed, the
pecuniary consequences which the law imposes
a. Liquidated damages previously agreed upon;
for the breach of some duty or the violation of
liquidated damages take the place of actual
some rights
damages except when additional damages
b. If damages other than actual are sought
DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA or Damage c. Loss is presumed (ex: loss if a child or
without Injury – a person may have suffered spouse)
physical hurt or injury, but for as long as no legal d. Forfeiture of bonds in favor of the
injury or wrong has been done, there is no liability government for the purpose of promoting
public interest or policy (ex: bond for
temporary stay of alien)
Legal Loss, hurt or The recompense
invasion of a harm which or compensation CONTRACTS AND QUASI-CONTRACTS
legal right results from the awarded for the a. Damages in case of Good Faith
injury damage suffered i. Natural and probable consequences of
breach of obligations
NOTE: ii. Parties have foreseen or could have
• A complaint for damages is a personal action reasonably foreseen at the time the
• Proof of pecuniary loss is necessary to obligation was created
successfully recover actual damages from the
QuickTime™ and a
defendant. No proof
TIFF (Uncompressed)ofdecompressor
pecuniary loss is b. Damages in case of Bad Faith
are needed to see this picture.
necessary in case of moral, nominal, temperate, i. It is sufficient that damages may be
liquidated or exemplary damages. reasonably attributed to the non-
• The assessment of damages, except liquidated performance of the obligation.
ones, is left to the discretion of the court
according to the circumstances of each case.


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a. Defendant is liable for all damages that are plaintiff's plainly valid, just and demandable
natural and probable consequences of the claim;
act complained of; f. In actions for legal support;
b. Not necessary that damages have been g. In actions for the recovery of wages of
foreseen or could have been reasonably household helpers, laborers and skilled
foreseen. workers;
h. In actions for indemnity under workmen's
VALUE OF LOSS SUFFERED compensation and employer's liability laws;
• Destruction of things, fines or penalties, medical i. In a separate civil action to recover civil
& hospital bills, attorney's fees, interests, cost of liability arising from a crime;
litigation j. When at least double judicial costs are
• Variables to consider are: WHEN IS ACTUAL DAMAGES MITIGATED:
a. life expectancy a. Contributory negligence
b. net income/earnings – total of the earnings b. In contracts. Quasi-contracts and quasi-delict
less expenses necessary for the creation of i. Plaintiff has contravened the terms of
such earnings and less living or other contract
incidental expenses ii. Plaintiff derived some benefit as result of
Formula: iii. In case where exemplary damages are to
[2/3 x 80 – (age at the time of death)] x monthly be awarded, that the defendant acted
earnings x 12 = GROSS EARNINGS upon the advise of counsel
iv. That the loss would have resulted in any
GE - Approximate Expenses (50% of GE) = Net event
Earnings v. That since the filing of the action, the
defendant has done his best to lessen
the plaintiff's loss or injury
LOSS OF PROFITS (Lucrum Cessans)
• May be determined by considering the average DAMAGES RECOVERABLE IN CASE OF
profit for the preceding years multiplied by the DEATH:
number of years during which the business was 1. Medical & Hospital Bills
affected by the wrongful act or breach 2. Damages for death
a. Minimum amount: P50,000
ATTORNEY’S FEES b. Loss of earning capacity unless
• They are actual damages. It is due to the plaintiff deceased had permanent physical
and not to counsel disability not caused by defendant so that
• Plaintiff must allege the basis of his claim for deceased had no earning capacity at
attorney’s fees in the complaint; the basis should time of death
by one of the cases under Art. 2208 c. Support, if deceased was obliged to give
support (for period not more than 5
• In the absence of stipulation, attorney's fees and d. Moral damages
expenses of litigation, other than judicial costs,
cannot be recovered, except:
a. When exemplary damages are awarded; 2. MORAL DAMAGES
b. When the defendant's QuickTime™act andora omission has
the(Uncompressed) decompressor
plaintiff to litigate with third MORAL DAMAGES INCLUDE: (PBMF-MWSS)
are needed to see this picture.
persons or to incur expenses to protect his a. Physical suffering
interest; b. Besmirched reputation
c. In criminal cases of malicious prosecution c. Mental anguish
against the plaintiff; d. Fright
d. In case of a clearly unfounded civil action or e. Moral shock
proceeding against the plaintiff; f. Wounded feelings
e. Where the defendant acted in gross and g. Social humiliation
evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy the h. Serious anxiety

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i. Sentimental value of real or personal ELEMENTS:

property may be considered in adjudicating a. Plaintiff has a right
moral damages b. Right of plaintiff is violated
j. The social and economic/financial standing c. Purpose is not to identify but vindicate or
of the offender and the offended party should recognize right violated
be taken into consideration in the
computation of moral damages NOTE:
k. Moral damages is awarded only to enable • The Law presumes damage although actual or
the injured party to obtain means, diversions compensatory damages are not proven
or amusements that will serve to alleviate the • They are damages in the name only and are
moral suffering he has undergone, by reason allowed simply in recognition of a technical injury
of defendant's culpable action and not based on a violation of a legal right
intended to enrich a complainant at the • Nominal damages cannot coexist with actual or
expense of defendant compensatory damages


RECOVERED (Enumeration Not Exclusive):
a. Criminal offense resulting in physical injuries • More than nominal but less than compensatory
b. Quasi-delicts causing physical injuries where some pecuniary loss has been suffered
c. Seduction, abduction, rape or other acts of but its amount can't be proved with certainty due
lasciviousness to the nature of the case
d. Adultery and concubinage • In cases where the resulting injury might be
e. Illegal or arbitrary detention or arrest continuing and possible future complications
f. Illegal search directly arising from the injury, while certain to
g. Libel, slander or other form of defamation occur are difficult to predict, temperate damages
h. Malicious prosecution can and should be awarded on top of actual or
i. Acts mentioned in art 309 of the RPC relating compensatory damages; in such cases there is
to disrespect of the dead and interference no incompatibility between actual and temperate
with funeral damages.
j. Acts and actions referred to in arts 21, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34 and 35 REQUISITES:
k. The parents of the female seduced, a. Some pecuniary loss
abducted, raped, or abused b. Loss is incapable of pecuniary estimation
l. Spouse, descendants, ascendants and c. Must be reasonable
brother and sisters for acts mentioned in art
m. Art 2220 - in cases of willful injury to property
or breaches of contract where defendant • Those agreed upon by the parties to a contract,
acted fraudulently or in bad faith to be paid in case of breach thereof
• GENERAL RULE: The plaintiff must allege and WHEN LIQUIDATED DAMAGES MAY BE
prove the factual basis for moral damages and its EQUITABLY REDUCED:
causal relation to the defendant’s act a. Iniquitous or unconscionable
b. Partial or irregular performance
• EXCEPTION: Moral damages may be awarded
to the victim in criminal proceedings without the 6. EXEMPLARY OR CORRECTIVE DAMAGE
need for pleading proof of the basis hereof.
QuickTime™ and a
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are needed to see this picture. • Imposed by way example or correction for the
3. NOMINAL DAMAGES public good, in addition to the moral, temperate,
liquidated to compensatory damages
• Adjudicated in order that a right of the plaintiff, • NOTE: Exemplary damages cannot be recovered
which has been violated or invaded by the as a matter of right; the court will decide whether
defendant, may be vindicated or recognized, and or not they should be adjudicated.
not for the purpose of indemnifying the plaintiff for
any loss suffered by him WHEN IMPOSABLE:

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a. Criminal offenses – exemplary damages as a

part of the civil liability may be imposed when the
crime was committed with one or more
aggravating circumstances. Such damages are
separate and distinct from fines and shall be paid
to the offended party.
b. Quasi-delicts – exemplary damages may be
granted if the defendant acted with gross
c. Contracts and quasi-contracts – the court may
award exemplary damages if the defendant acted
in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or
malevolent manner.


• While the amount of exemplary damages need
not be proved, the plaintiff must show that he is
entitled to moral, temperate or compensatory
damages before the court may consider the
question of whether or not exemplary damages
should be awarded.
• In case liquidated damages have been agreed
upon, although no proof of loss is necessary in
order that such liquidated damages may be
recovered, nevertheless, before the court may
consider the question of granting exemplary in
addition to the liquidated damages, the plaintiff
must show that he would be entitled to moral,
temperate or compensatory damages were it not
for the stipulation for liquidated damages.

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