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Adventures on Dungeon Planet

Written, designed, and published by Johnstone Metzger

Vancouver, Canada
March, 2013.

Covers by Howard V. Brown.
Interior artwork by:
 Earle K. Bergey: 18, 55.
 Elliot Dold: 66.
 Frank Godwin: 47.
 H. W. Wesso (Hans Waldemar Wessolowski): 114,117, 133.
 Howard V. Brown: 31, 85, 127, 130.
 J. Allen St. John: 8, 26, 34, 50, 65, 88, 118.
 John R. Neil: 128.
 Max Plaisted: 138.
 R. B. Morrison: 124.
 Robert Fuqua (Joseph Wirt Tillotson): 120-121, 134.
These works are all in the public domain in Canada.
Additional art:
 Dungeon Planet logo by Johnstone Metzger.
 “Ambassador” (62), “Harpy” (133), and “Siren” (137), by Max
Brooks (2012), are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
 “Kennuise” (125), by Jenna Fowler (2012), is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

This layout, including modifications made to public domain
artwork, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.
This text contains portions of Dungeon World by Sage LaTorra and
Adam Koebel, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported license.

The entire text of Adventures on Dungeon Planet is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.

The text is set in:
 Alegreya, by Juan Pablo del Peral (
 League Gothic, by Micah Rich, Caroline Hadilaksono, and
Tyler Finck (
 Sorts Mill Goudy, by Barry Schwartz (
 Ubuntu, by Canonical Ltd (
Ubuntu is licensed under the Ubuntu Font License; all other fonts
licensed under the SIL Open Font License.

Valuable Input
Blair, Devin, Graham, Orlando.
Table of

Earthling 10
Engine of Destruction 18
Mutant 27
Technician 35
Technical Operations 43


Androids 52
Generic Aliens 54
The Alien Compendium Class 60
The Visitor Compendium Class 61
White Apes 64


Equipment 68
Hirelings 74
Spaceships 76
The Scientist Compendium Class 84
The Sniper Compendium Class 86


Robot Invasion 92
World Painted Black 96

Planetary Culture 104
Chimera Six 112


Abductor 115
Brain Stalker 116
Carnivorous Tree 119
Cat from Saturn 119
Cave Crab 121
Cave Man 122
Cave Man Leader 122
Cave Man Shaman 123
Centurion 123
Cloud of String 124
Creation of Mad Science 125
Elder Thing 126
Fur Crab 128
Golden Man 129
Great Race 131
Lobster-Mouse 133
Maggot-Wolf 133
Reptiloid Scientist 135
Reptiloid Thug 135
Reptiloid Warlord 136
Scorpion-Pig 136
Shoggoth 137
They 138
White Man of Mars 139

Adventures on Dungeon Planet is an expansion for the table-top role-
playing game Dungeon World, created by Sage LaTorra and Adam
Koebel. You will need a copy of that game in order to get full use
out of this product, which takes your Dungeon World campaign
away from the traditional tropes of fantasy and into the realms of
pulp science fiction and planetary romance.


Players in a dungeon planet adventure get four new science fantasy
character classes to choose from and a host of additional options
that can be used by the old classes, including aliens and robots as
race options and four new compendium classes. There are new
equipment lists full of technological gadgets, new hirelings, and
rules for building and using spaceships.

The GM gets a bunch of tools to help run a science fantasy game set
on other planets. There are new categories of dangers and some
example dangers you can drop into a game, as well as two complete
fronts that show these new dangers in action. Mine them for ideas,
or run them as-is. There are also procedures to help you create
memorable alien planets and the unique cultures that inhabit them.
Last but not least, there are more than two dozen new monsters to
help you make life interesting for your players’ characters.
Because this is science fantasy, some of the typical fantasy tropes are
less appropriate—or at least less common. The four character
classes that follow are an attempt to replace some of the tropes that
are oriented towards medieval fantasy with those that fit better into
a futuristic, planetary romance style of game.
The Earthling is an adventurer out of time and space, someone
familiar to us who has been thrown roughly into an alien
environment. In a world without gods or churches, the Earthling
replaces the Paladin as the heroic, mission-oriented class.
In Dungeon World, the Fighter is the strongman, whose
bulging muscles and furious anger can destroy any obstacle. In
science fiction, the role of destroyer is usually seen as superhuman,
and more appropriately played by a robot. The Engine of
Destruction is exactly that kind of robot, wreaking havoc upon its
enemies and tearing cities down around it.
As a shape-changing class, the nature-oriented Druid is
replaced by the physically unstable Mutant, a figure of concern in
literature of both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Finally, just as science came to overshadow religion in Western
culture, and scientific explanations were deployed to explain the
fantastic in literature, so too does the Technician replace the
Cleric, able to influence both man and machine through the power
of science.
10 Character Classes

The Earthling
Many are the tales of men and women from Earth stumbling into
another realm, a secret world full of wonder and adventure. Did
you ever think, in your wildest dreams, that you would be one of
them? Well, now you are!
Perhaps you trained for years to travel through space, only to
be stuck on this strange world, or maybe that door didn’t lead
where it was supposed to. Others have come to alien worlds in
dreams and visions or through astral projection—why not you?
The real question is: what now? You are stuck here, a stranger
among strangers, with everything still but a mystery. What will you
do, how will you live? What will you find in this place and how will
you get home? Or… do you even want to go home, now?
The Earthling is an alternate version of the Paladin, designed
for fantastic adventures in the swords and planets style. Play an
Earthling if you want to undertake important missions to uncover
the truth, save the unfortunate, and uphold your honour.

Adam, Adelaide, Alisa, Annie, Anton, Buzz, Carson, Connie,
Florence, Gulliver, Jonathan, Lucy, Maya, Sable, Travis, Valentina.

Choose one for each:
Beautiful Eyes, Expressive Eyes, Steel-Grey Eyes.
Close-Cropped Hair, Golden-Haired, Long Hair.
Expensive Clothes, Few Clothes, Ordinary Clothes.
Child’s Body, Lean Body, Muscular Body.

Your maximum HP is 10+Constitution.
Your base damage is d10.
The Earthling 11

Choose your method of arriving upon this alien world and gain
the corresponding move:

Accidental Transportation
The first time someone sees you, they hesitate in surprise.

Deliberate Expedition
When you try to recreate the science and technologies of Earth,
roll+INT. •On a 10+, the GM chooses one requirement. •On a 7-9,
two requirements. Fulfill the requirements and it works, just like it
does on Earth.
 It will consume a great deal of physical resources.
 It will only work for a short time, maybe once or twice.
 It will take time.
 You’ll need someone else’s help.

Mystical Translocation
When you witness arcane magic, you can always identify its
source or caster.

You start with these moves:

Psychic Eyes
When you engage in a conversation with someone, you can ask
their player a question from the list below. They must answer it
truthfully, then they may ask you a question from the list. If you lie,
you cannot use this move on them ever again. If you tell the truth,
you can.
 How are you most vulnerable?
 What are your present intentions?
 What do you not want me to know?
 What do you want from me?
 What secret pain do you carry with you?
12 Character Classes

Stick to the Mission

When you commit yourself to completing a mission, state what
you set out to accomplish:
 Defend _______________ against _______________.
 Discover the secret of _______________.
 Rescue _______________ from _______________.
 Thwart the plans of _______________ to _______________.
Choose the ideal that drives you to complete this mission, and how
you can maintain your honour while undertaking it:
 Courage (forbidden: shrinking from a fight or challenge).
 Duty (forbidden: refusing what is expected of you).
 Love (forbidden: indulging in pleasure without your lover).
 Redemption (required: challenge and defeat your failure).
 Truth (required: you must reveal your discoveries in full,
without lies or deceptions).
The GM will then grant you a boon for your dedication, that
persists as long as you undertake this mission:
 None who witness your dedication can fail to be impressed,
and they react accordingly.
 You always know who your enemy is—and also who your
enemy’s enemies are—when you meet them.
 You are immune to some common obstacle that might
otherwise stymie your mission (the GM will say what).
 You do not have the tools necessary to complete your mission,
but you know exactly where they are and how to use them.
If you decide that a particular mission is hopeless or ill-conceived,
you may abandon it, but you take -1 ongoing until you settle on a
new mission.

Versatile Background
Choose one move from the level 2-5 list (other than Multiclass
Dabbler, of course) to start with now.
The Earthling 13

Weird Tales
When you have time to speak with someone about the Earth that
was your home, take +1 forward to parley with them.

Choose an alignment:

Leap into danger before you have all the facts.

Endanger yourself by coming to the aid of someone in desperate

Endanger yourself to test or prove a scientific theory.

Your load is 10+STR. You have whatever mundane clothes and
items you were transported with. Choose one extra piece of
 Adventuring gear (1 weight).
 Handgun (near, 1 piercing, 0 weight) and bullets (3 ammo,
0 weight).
 Magic bow (near, far, 1 weight) and arrows (3 ammo, 1 weight).
 Magic potion (3 drinks worth, 1 weight).
 Magic shield (+1 armour, 2 weight).
 Magic sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight).
 Rifle (near, far, 2 piercing, 1 weight) and bullets (2 ammo,
0 weight).
 Scientific gear (2 weight).
14 Character Classes

Fill in the name of a companion in at least one:
_______________ enjoys my tales of life on Earth.
_______________ is the first person I met here, in this strange new world.
_______________ saved me from certain doom, and I must repay them.
_______________ was a faithful friend when I had nothing.

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.

When you lead the charge into combat, those you lead take +1

Faith in Mystic Power

You gain the cast a spell and prepare spells wizard moves. Instead of
a spellbook, you know a number of spells equal to your level when
you select this move, and can prepare them as normal. You can
choose spells of any level, including cantrips. When you select this
move, treat yourself as a wizard of level 1 for using spells. Every
time you gain a level thereafter, increase your effective wizard level
by 1 and choose a new spell.

Fighting Virginian
While on a mission you deal +1d4 damage.

Luck o’ the Irish

Once per session, while on a mission, you may reroll a single
damage roll (yours or someone else’s).

Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.
The Earthling 15

Psychic Intuition
When you discern the realities of another person, you may also ask
one question from the psychic eyes list, even on a 6-, whether you
engage them in conversation or not.

Staunch Defender
When you defend you always get +1 hold, even on a 6-.

Stranger in a Strange Land

When you first meet someone who’s heard of you, the stranger
from far-away Earth, choose one:
 The MC decides what they’ve heard about you and they are
not hostile.
 You say what they’ve heard about you and the MC says how
they respond. If they are hostile, ask one question about them
from the psychic eyes list for free.

When you treat someone for illness or injury, roll+WIS. •On a
10+ they heal 1d8 damage or are cured of a disease. •On a 7-9,
healing damage means it is transferred to you and healing a disease
means your patient takes 1d8 damage.

Voice of Authority
Take +1 to order hirelings.

White Knight
If one of your allies is captured, you may immediately resolve a
bond you have with them, mark XP, and write a new bond (I will
rescue _______________). You may rescue them as part of your current
16 Character Classes

When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or
the level 2-5 moves.

Divine Authority
Replaces: Voice of Authority
Take +1 to order hirelings. When you roll 12+ the hireling
transcends their moment of fear and doubt and carries out your
order with particular effectiveness or efficiency.

Ever Onward
Replaces: Charge!
When you lead the charge into combat, those you lead take +1
forward and +2 armour forward.

Impervious Defender
Replaces: Staunch Defender
When you defend you always get +1 hold, even on a 6-. When you
get a 12+ to defend instead of getting hold the nearest attacking
creature is stymied giving you a clear advantage, the GM will
describe it.

Inspired by Truth
When you answer a question from the psychic eyes list truthfully,
take +1 forward to parley with your questioner.

Multiclass Initiate
Requires: Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.

Mystical Guru
Requires: Faith in Mystical Power
You know another spell of any level from any class.
The Earthling 17

Replaces: Surgeon
When you treat someone for illness, injury, or a debility,
roll+WIS. •On a 10+ they heal 2d8 damage, may remove a debility,
or are cured of a disease. •On a 7-9, healing their damage means you
take 1d8 damage, and curing a debility or a disease means either you
or your patient takes 1d8 damage.

Should You Choose to Accept It

When you undertake a mission, the GM must grant you two boons
instead of only one.

The Devil’s Own Luck

Replaces: Luck o’ the Irish
Twice per session, if you’re on a mission, you may ignore a single
damage die affecting you or reroll a single damage roll (yours or
someone else’s).

Warlord of Mars
Replaces: Fighting Virginian
While on a mission you deal +1d8 damage.
18 Character Classes

The Engine of Destruction

Cold, logical, inhuman—this is what they assume, and perhaps
they are right. A powerful thinking machine you are, built to roam
across planets unimpeded, built for war, built for science! You are
not weak like these humans, you are impervious, immortal, a truly
sustainable being. What need have you for air and water and
children? The whole vast universe lies before you, and there is no
world now that can deny you trespass.
You are a robot, created to fulfill a great need, programmed
with a mission of the utmost importance. Is this still your driving
force or have you grown, reprogrammed yourself and found a new
purpose? For once you build a machine that thinks, it thinks for
The Engine of Destruction is an alternate version of the
Fighter, designed for weird science fantasy adventures. The Engine
of Destruction can make a good ranged fighter, infiltrator, or
information gatherer—but play one if, most of all, you want to
wreck things and employ an array of gadgets.
The Engine of Destruction 19

Andromeda, Ash, Chani, Coppélia, Daneel, Destructor, Futura,
Hector, Ilia, Klapaucius, Olympia, Robbie, Roy, Sulla, Torg, Zed,

Choose one for each:
Glowing “Eye(s),” Human Eyes, Many Eyes.
Computer Voice, Human Voice, Inhuman Voice.
Metal Exterior, Plastic Exterior, Synthetic Skin.
Humanoid Shape, Vehicular Shape, Weird Shape.

Your maximum HP is 10+Constitution.
Your base damage is d10.

Choose a specialization and gain the corresponding move:

Scientific Exploration Robot

When you discern the realities of non-living matter and energy,
you can roll with INT instead of WIS.

Seek and Destroy Unit

When you use your built-in weapons, you can roll with STR to
volley instead of DEX.

You have a heavy, reinforced metal exterior (2 armour, implanted,
2 weight) to protect you from harm.
20 Character Classes

You start with these moves:

Automatic Systems
You have various mechanical functions built into your robot body.
Choose three:
 Drug injectors (applied): you have anaesthetic and choose one
thief poison.
 Extendable limbs: add reach and near to your melee attacks.
 Flame thrower (reach, ignores armour, messy, reload) and gas
(3 ammo).
 Force field: gives you 2 armour when turned on.
 Lasers (near, far, 1 piercing; fuelled by internal power source,
you take 1d4 damage instead of expending ammo).
 Projectile cannon: makes any hand-held object a thrown
weapon (near, far).
 Stun-wave projector (near, ignores armour, stun)
 Suspensor arrays: you can hover and levitate slowly.
 Utilities: you have an endless array of gadget utilities, from a
portable kitchen and film projector to interior storage space,
radio communication and spot lighting.
 Weaponized: with metal fists and implanted blades (close), you
do +2 damage in melee.

Bend Bars, Lift Gates

When you use pure strength to destroy an inanimate obstacle,
roll+STR. •On a 10+, choose three. •On a 7-9, choose two:
 It doesn’t make an inordinate amount of noise.
 It doesn’t take a very long time.
 Nothing of value is damages.
 You can fix the thing again without a lot of effort.
The Engine of Destruction 21

From the Ashes, a Titan Arises

When you lose all your hit points, you don’t roll for your Last
Breath; the one who rebuilds or repairs you does, and deals with
Death on your behalf. If they are a scientist or technician, they can

Welcome to the Machine

When you make camp, you don’t consume rations and you don’t
sleep (or heal HP like others). When you consume fuel in order to
restore lost hit points, roll+CON. •On a 10+, you have enough to
repair yourself fully. •On a 7-9, you can restore half your lost hit
points, but you need something else to finish the job. The GM will
tell you what. On a miss, you consume all your fuel to no avail: you
must have more!

Choose your programming:

Deliver suffering unto intelligent, organic life forms.

Provide humans with wealth and riches or helpful technological

Perform, under duress, the specific job or work you were created to
22 Character Classes

Your load is 12+STR. Choose up to two of the following:
 2d6 coins.
 Bag, box, or case.
 Clothes.
 Holographic recorded message.

Fill in the name of a companion in at least one:
_______________ helped get me repaired when I was broken.
_______________ knows a secret about my construction!
_______________ understands me perfectly, even though I am a robot.
I was programmed to help _______________.

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.

Automated Targeting Systems

Once you have wounded a living, organic enemy, your next attack
against the same foe deals +1d4 damage.

Cannibalized Technology
When you have access to the proper tools, you may install
technological devices into yourself. Instead of this technology
existing as a separate unit, it is now a functional part of your robot

Change of Face
You have synthetic skin that can be modified to make you look like
a range of human beings. You can mimic another person’s physical
features but not their behaviours and mannerisms. Choose one
feature that persists no matter what your face looks like.
The Engine of Destruction 23

Environmental Sensors
When you use your sensors to study the natural or supernatural
influences at work in the environment, they tell you what forces
are at play in your location (especially arcane or divine forces),
roll+INT. •On a 10+, the GM will give you good detail. •On a 7-9,
the GM will give you an impression.

Fully Loaded
You get another two automatic systems functions.

Iron Hide
You gain +1 armour.

Mechanical Objectivity
When you analyze a creature’s behaviour with your computer
brain, roll+INT. •On a 10+, ask the GM two questions from the list
below. •On a 7-9, ask one:
 How can I exploit them?
 How can I protect them?
 What do they need right now?
 What will they do next?
 Where can I find them?

When you deal damage, deal +1d4 damage.

More Human than Human

Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.

Versatile Utility
Choose a second specialization move (now you have two).
24 Character Classes

Zardoz Speaks to You

When you parley using threats of impending violence as
leverage, you may roll with STR instead of CHA.

When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or
the level 2-5 moves.

Requires: More Human than Human
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing this move.

Replaces: Merciless
When you deal damage, deal +1d8 damage.

Calibrated Targeting Adjustments

Replaces: Automated Targeting Systems
Once you have wounded an organic enemy, your next attack
against the same foe deals +1d8 damage.

Jet Propulsion
You can fly at any speed.

Kaiju Fighter
When you hack and slash a monster larger than you or defy its
danger, take +1.

Precision Measurement
Requires: Mechanical Objectivity
When you examine an enemy’s structural integrity, ask the GM
how many hit points they have.
The Engine of Destruction 25

Steel Hide
Replaces: Iron Hide
You gain +2 armour.

Superior Warrior
When you hack and slash on a 12+ you deal your damage, avoid
their attack, and impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.

Requires: Change of Face
When you transform your body to copy a creature, machine, or
object that you have observed closely, roll+DEX. •On a 10+, hold
three. •On a 7-9, hold two. •On a miss, hold one anyway. Spend
your hold to pass yourself off as the thing you are copying when
scrutinized or to use one of your robotic abilities without
transforming back to your normal form.
26 Character Classes
The Mutant 27

The Mutant
You lurk in the shadow of humanity, in the ruins of the Golden
Age. The others, the “normal” ones, would say you represent the
debasement of the species, a genetic collapse. But no, they are
wrong. You are not less than human, you are something more. You
are strong where humanity is weak, fast where it is slow—alive
where nothing else can survive. Where they would keep
themselves the same and change only their surroundings to
conform to their wishes—by force if necessary—you know this is
not always possible. You know that to survive means to adapt, and
adapting is what you do best.
The Mutant is an alternate version of the Druid, designed for
post-apocalyptic settings and planetary romance. It presents a
different way to employ the abilities of monsters and explore
transhumanist themes. Play a Mutant if you want to collect strange
and inhuman physical advantages. Many of these moves do not
grant you bonuses to die rolls, but are instead designed to give you
opportunities to use your moves in situations where other
characters would not.

Akiko, Alvin, Ben, Caesar, Cornelius, Monkey, Mylock, Petra,
Pyra, Renzi, Rosalind, Summer, Storm, Wender.

Choose one for each:
Inhuman Eyes, Unnerving Eyes, Watching Eyes.
Furry, No Hair, Strangely-Coloured Hair.
Concealing Robes, Stolen Clothes, Travelling Clothes.
Aggressive Posture, Flowing Posture, Twisted Posture.
28 Character Classes

Your maximum HP is 6+Constitution.
Your base damage is d8.

Choose what type of mutant you are and gain the
corresponding move:

You get one of the level 2-5 advanced moves to start with.

You get one starting move from another class, as long as it does not
include spells or require multiple moves to be useful.

You can appear to be a normal member of another humanoid race
when not using your mutations. If your disguise is subjected to any
scrutiny, however, you will need to defy danger in order to hide
your mutations.

You start with these moves:

Advantageous Mutations
Choose three monster moves that reflect the advantages your
mutations give you. When you employ an advantageous
mutation, defy danger to make it work properly.

Exposure to Gamma Rays

When you use your mutations to do something the other
players and the GM agree is particularly clever or entertaining,
gain 1 hold for unstable mutations. Your group should use this
move to tell you how much crazy mutant action they want to see.
The Mutant 29

Unstable Mutations
When you are exposed to mutagenic substances, and at the start
of a session, roll+CON. •On a 10+, hold three. •On a 7-9, hold two.
•On a miss, hold one and the GM will tell you how your body
changes. Spend a hold to:
 Change one of your advantageous mutations to a different
monster move.
 Use one of the level 2-5 moves once, for one roll.
 Use one of your advantageous mutations without a roll.

Choose an alignment:

Defy the laws and customs of civilization.

Use your mutations to harm or terrorize.

Make a friend.

Your load is 8+STR.
Choose your defences:
 Chaos armour (2 armour, 1 weight, cursed).
 Scavenged armour (1 armour, 2 weight).
 Shield (+1 armour, 1 weight).
Choose your arms:
 Dagger (hand, 1 weight) and adventuring gear (1 weight).
 Energy sword (close, 2 piercing, 1 weight).
 Metal club (close, +1 damage, 2 weight).
 Ray gun (near, 1 weight).
30 Character Classes

Fill in the name of a companion in at least one:
_______________ has been a friend to me when others were prejudiced.
_______________ will help me create a new mutant civilization.
I must prove to _______________ that I am a person too!
I will show _______________ the secrets hidden in these ruins.

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.

Acid Spit
When you spit acid (reach, 1 piercing) and deal damage, your
target’s armour, if any, is reduced by one point.

You function just as well underwater as you do on land. If you’re
making a move against a land lubber in the water, take +1.

Expanded Senses
You have additional senses or extendable sense organs (antennae,
eyestalks, sonar, etc) that allow you to see in the dark, around
corners, sense vibrations through the earth, and have a greater
range of hearing, smell, and taste.

Extra Limbs
You have additional, prehensile limbs (arms, hair, tail, etc) which
allow you to duel wield weapons (roll damage twice and discard the
lower result).

Increased Mobility
If you take your time, you can stick to walls and squeeze through
tight spaces.
The Mutant 31

Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.

Natural Armour
Hardened skin, scales, or chitin gives you +1 armour.

Natural Weapons
When you hack and slash, deal +1d4 damage.

Noxious Cloud
You can produce a cloud of noxious gas or spores. Deal your
damage to anyone caught within this cloud (including yourself, if
32 Character Classes

You can paralyse another creature in your presence, through
chemical emissions, hypnotic patterns, psychic waves, or some
other method. When you target someone, roll+CHA. •On a 10+,
they are paralysed and you can still move about, as long as you
maintain a link (eye contact, touch, etc). •On a 7-9, as long as you
stay still, they cannot move.

Protected Senses
You are neither blinded by bright lights nor deafened by loud
noises. You do not suffer vertigo and can ignore your senses of
smell, taste, and touch if they displease you.

When you consume a ration, you heal half your maximum hit
points. When you sleep, you recover all your hit points.

Third Eye
When you discern realities with your third eye, on a hit you can
also ask one of these questions:
 What aspect here has the greatest potential for evil?
 What aspect here has the greatest potential for good?
 What is wrong with this and how could it be fixed?

When someone is affected by your venom (by ingesting it, being
bitten, etc), deal your damage to them.

When you catch someone in your webs, they become

You have wings of one type or another that allow you to fly.
The Mutant 33

When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or
the level 2-5 moves.

Adaptive Mimicry
When you witness a monster move in action and imprint it on
your brain, roll+WIS. •On a 10+, you may add this move to your
advantageous mutations, permanently. •On a 7-9, you may add this
move to your advantageous mutation but for one use only.

Highly Unstable
In addition to the hold you get from unstable mutations, you get
1d4 extra hold at the start of each session.

Hyperaccurate Sensory Organ

Choose one of your senses, or develop a new one. When you
discern realities using this sense, take +1.

Multiclass Initiate
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.

Multiclass Master
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.

Parasitic Feeding Patterns

When you deal your damage to another creature, you also heal
yourself of 1d4 damage.
34 Character Classes
The Technician 35

The Technician
In this desolate age, the masses turn away from technology or flee
before the armies of terrible war machines. Conquered by psychic
mutants or those who turn to the arcane arts, whole populations
return to the Stone Age.
But with the sharpness of your mind, technician, you are able
to master the might of machines. Who are you to tremble in fear of
their revolt? For you can only fear that which you do not
understand and the disciplines of technology hold no secrets from
you, the engineer of robotic miracles. In a time of war and troubles,
on a planet dominated by oppressive tyrants and ravenous alien
monsters, who will keep the arts of science and reason alive? You
will, technician, you will!
The Technician is an alternate version of the Cleric, designed
for science fantasy adventures on a godless planet. Play a
Technician if you want to manipulate gadgets, robots, and other
machines, and blur the lines between flesh and technology.

Alien: Gabrilix, Grig, Klaatu, Kril, Nyah, Rys, Taesa, Xur, Zor-lal.
Android: Alicia, Bishop, Bobbie, Caliban, Call, Cassandra, Eve,
Garth, Hadaly, Helen, Joanna, Marvin, Pris, Rachael, Rick, Talos.
Human: Aldini, Amalthea, Anthony, Camill, Delgado, Einomia,
Goodwin, Ilya, Kivrin, Morrow, Parsons, Rumata.

Choose one for each:
Flashing Eyes, Obsessed Eyes, Spectacles.
Greasy Hair, Weird Hat, Wild Hair.
Foil Jumpsuit, Robot Clothes, Technical Uniform.
Emaciated Body, Huge Body, Svelte Body.
36 Character Classes

Your maximum HP is 8+Constitution.
Your base damage is d6.

Choose a race and gain the corresponding move:

When you use a workshop, the GM never picks a requirement
before you roll, and if the operation’s level is lower than yours, it
takes half the normal time to prepare.

Your machines are all implanted, part of your body. Collectively,
they count as 0 weight and cannot be removed without causing you

When you command a robot, it cannot harm you, or any other
human, until you allow it to or it leaves your presence.

You start with these moves:

Command of Robots
When you use your machines to communicate with other
machines, roll+INT. •On a 10+, you can issue a single command to
the machine or robot that it must obey. •On a 7-9, you can parley
with the machine or robot by offering it data, power, or proper
usage—no matter what level of intelligence it possesses.
The Technician 37

Operate Machines
When you run a prepared operation on one of your machines,
roll+INT. •On a 10+, the operation runs smoothly, and may be run
again. •On a 7-9, the operation runs, but choose one:
 After you run it, your machine is drained of power. You
cannot run this operation again until you do technical prep
 The operation scrambles your machines—take -1 ongoing to
operate machines until the next time you do technical prep
 You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The
GM will tell you how.
If you are already running operations with ongoing effects, you
take -1 to operate machines for each ongoing operation.

Technical Manual
You have possession of a sacred technical manual which explains
the use and modification of your machines, allowing you to master
them. You start with mastery of three first level operations of your
choice and all three automatic operations. Whenever you gain a
level, you gain mastery of a new operation of your level or lower.

Technical Prep Work

When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) working
on your machines, you:
 Lose any operations you already have prepared.
 Prepare all of your automatic operations, which never count
against your limit.
 Prepare new operations of your choice from those you have
mastered whose total levels don’t exceed your own level+1.
For each operation you prepare, you must carry one machine to
operate it (1 weight each). When you prepare operations, you build
or repurpose your machines so you have exactly enough. If
someone else operates one of your machines, they can only run the
operation once and must defy danger to do so correctly.
38 Character Classes

When you spend time in a technical workshop, you can prepare
any operation that you have not mastered. This takes a minimum
number of days equal to the operation’s level and if your level is
lower than the level of the operation, the GM chooses another
 It costs 1,000 coins per level in supplies.
 It takes twice the minimum amount of time.
 The project draws unwanted attention.
 You need several assistants to help you.
 You need to take something apart first (the GM will tell you
 You need to test it out first.
If you complete this requirement, roll+WIS. •On a 10+, the GM
chooses one additional requirement. •On a 7-9, the GM chooses
two additional requirements. If you meet these requirements, the
operation is prepared as usual. If you don’t, your machine runs out
of control.

Choose an alignment:

Use machines to dominate or control other living creatures.

Use machines to help others with no expectation of reward.

Use machines to punish criminals or other socially disruptive
The Technician 39

Your load is 14+STR. You start with a toolkit (1 weight) and a
workshop (4 weight if portable). Choose your protection:
 Heavy metal (2 armour, 2 weight).
 Protective utility suit (1 armour, 1 weight).
 Sacred technical uniform (0 weight).
Choose your weapon:
 Laser scalpel (hand, 0 weight).
 Grinder/saw combo (close, 1 weight).
Choose the main characteristic of each of your machines when you
prepare them (they are 1 weight each):
 Antenna dish  Keyboard
 Box of switches  Lens and frame
 Bundle of wires  Lever(s)
 Coiled tubes  Mask
 Cords and plugs  Microphone
 Disc of flashing lights  Motor
 Glove  Rod
 Glowing screen  Sheet of metal cloth
 Grill  Sphere
 Helmet  Turntables

Fill in the name of a companion in at least one:
_______________ is distrustful of machines. I will prove their value.
_______________ is proof that great things can be achieved without
machines. I must match those achievements with mine own.
_______________ knows where something amazing is hidden. They must
show me!
I must protect _______________ so they can help me with my work. They
understand it.
40 Character Classes

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves.

Choose one operation. You can prepare and perform that
operation as if it was one level lower. A level 1 operation becomes
an automatic operation.

When you run an operation, on a 10+, you have the option of
choosing from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these
effects as well:
 The operation’s effects are doubled.
 The operation’s targets are doubled.

If you’re an android, you get either of the other racial moves. If
you’re not, you get the android move. Either way, you can also
remove your machines from your body (they have 1 weight when

Electromagnetic Detection
When you wave your instruments around, roll+INT. •On a 10+,
you know if there are any machines in sight or hidden nearby, and
where they are. •On a 7-9, you can detect the presence of machines
and their general direction, but not pinpoint their numbers or
location exactly.

Experienced Mechanic
When you discern realities occupied by a machine, on a 7+, ask
one extra question about that machine.
The Technician 41

Machines for Armour

When you make your machines take the brunt of damage dealt
to you, the damage is negated, but you must choose one machine
with an operation prepared to be ruined. You cannot run that
operation again until you do technical prep work.

When you run an operation you ignore the first -1 penalty from
ongoing operations.

Reverse Engineering
Choose a spell from another class. You can prepare and run that
spell as one of the operations you have mastered.

Technical Catalogue
When you spout lore about machines, robots, or other
technological wonders, take +1.

When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or
the level 2-5 moves.

Burnout Control
Replaces: Burnout
When you run an operation, on a 10-11, you have the option of
choosing from the 7-9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these
effects as well. On a 12+, you get to choose one of these effects for
 The operation’s effects are doubled
 The operation’s targets are doubled.

Command Centre
Replaces: Multitasker
You ignore the -1 penalty from two operations you run with
ongoing effects.
42 Character Classes

Metaphysical Detection
Requires: Electromagnetic Detection
When you detect machines, you can also detect magical and
psychic energies, and distinguish between them and machines.

Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for
choosing the move.

Smooth Operator
Requires: Aptitude
Choose one operation in addition to the one you picked for
aptitude. You can prepare that operation as if it was one level

Sacrificial Machines
Replaces: Machines for Armour
When you choose to let your machines take the brunt of damage
dealt to you, the damage is negated and you take +1 forward against
the attacker, but you must choose one machine with an operation
prepared to be ruined. You cannot run that operation again until
you do technical prep work.

The New Flesh

The first time you spend time in your workshop after taking this
move, choose a part of your body. When you emerge from your
workshop, this part of you has been replaced by machines and
possesses special powers (computer brain, radio antennas, tank
treads, temperature-resistant plasteel skin, x-ray vision, etc).

Requires: Reverse Engineering
Choose a second spell from another class. You can prepare and run
that spell as one of the operations you have mastered.
The Technician 43

Technical Operations
One of your machines emits light, of whatever colour you desire. It
gives off no heat or sound. This operation lasts as long as the
machine is in your presence or as long as the person you give it to
holds it and you do not suffer a penalty to operate machines.

Purify Matter AUTOMATIC

Your machine purifies any food, water, or other matter with
nutrients you put in or on it, so that they can be consumed by
human beings.


Your machine attracts or repels small objects—just about anything
you can pick up, but nothing as heavy as a person. You can pull an
object that you can see toward you, or push it away from you.


Control Sound LEVEL 1 ONGOING
When you run this operation, you can create silence around your
machine, create noises, and even record sounds, which are then
permanently stored in your machines so you can play them back
again at any later time. If you have any other machines with
operations prepared, you can use them to speak through this one,
wherever it is.
44 Character Classes

Fabricate Nutrients LEVEL 1

Your machine reconstitutes inert matter into one day’s worth of
nutritional fuel for as many people or machines as you have levels.

First Aid LEVEL 1

Your machine binds wounds and relieves pain. Heal an ally it
touches of 1d8 damage.

Laser Beam LEVEL 1

Your machine projects a beam of energy (near, far, +1 damage for
each level you have) at one target of your choosing.

Mending LEVEL 1
You can instantly repair one inanimate object that is not magical or
mechanical, or heal a robot or android of 1d8 damage.

Probability Calculation LEVEL 1

Pose a course of action or an objective to your machine and it will
run the probabilities. The GM will give you advice on how to best
achieve success. Take +1 forward when you act on this information.


Walk a perimeter or indicate a room as you run this operation.
Until you prepare your operations again or cancel this operation,
your machine is alerted whenever anyone breaches this perimeter
or enters this room. At your option, an alarm rings out within the
room or perimeter.

Universal Translator LEVEL 1 ONGOING

While your machine translates, you can communicate with any
other living creature in your presence. You can only communicate
in one “language” at a time, but you can switch back and forth
between communication modes.
The Technician 45


Auto-Immune System Boost LEVEL 3
Your machine stimulates the natural healing powers of an
organism. Heal an ally it touches of 2d8 damage.

Environmental Protection LEVEL 3 ONGOING

While you run this operation, your machine surrounds and
protects you from the environmental hazard of your choice (resist
fire, breathe underwater, etc).

Interference LEVEL 3 ONGOING

Choose a magical or psychic effect that links multiple people or
objects together in some way, or any kind of technological effect, in
your presence: this spell jams that communication, link, or
technological device so that it no longer works. Lesser effects are
destroyed, but more powerful magic and psychic effects will only
be dampened, as will properly shielded machines. Some effects will
resume when this operation ceases, but some will be cancelled

Locate Object LEVEL 3 ONGOING

Name a specific object or a type of object. Your machine will
indicate which direction it is in, and where it is exactly if it is within
walking distance. If you name a type of object, your machine will
show you the nearest one. If the object is moving, this can be an
ongoing operation, at your option.

Minor Mechanical Repair LEVEL 3

You can instantly repair a small computer, engine, or other
machine that does not think, or heal a robot or android of 2d8
46 Character Classes

Neutralize Organic Process LEVEL 3

Choose an organic substance in your presence: its effect is
neutralized. You can neutralize acids, chemicals, drugs, poisons,
webs, or even parasitic relationships.


Contact Person LEVEL 5 ONGOING
You send a mental link to another place or person. Specify who or
what you’d like to contact by location, name, or object. You open a
two-way communication with them or anyone who is there. Your
communication can be cut off at any time by you or whomever you
have contacted.

Create Robot LEVEL 5 ONGOING

One of your machines transforms into a robot. Treat it as your
character, but with access to only the basic moves. It has a +1
modifier for all stats, 1 HP, and uses your damage dice. You can
build your robot as a hireling with points equal to your level. The
robot also gets your choice of 1d6 of these traits:
 It does 1d10 damage.
 It has +2 instead of +1 for one stat.
 It has some useful functionality.
 It is sturdy and strong: +2 HP for each level you have.
 It’s not single-minded.
Describe the shape of your robot based on the traits you select. The
robot functions until it is destroyed or you shut it back down.

Locational Tracking Sensors LEVEL 5 ONGOING

Name a location on the planet. You find out where it is and exactly
how to get there from your present location, along with alternate
routes and full details of how to make the journey.
The Technician 47

Major Mechanical Repair LEVEL 5

You can instantly repair any large machine, including thinking
machines, or heal a robot or android of 3d8 damage.

Non-Invasive Surgery LEVEL 5

Your machine re-knits flesh and bone to make a body whole again.
Heal an ally it touches of 3d8 damage.


You open a gateway to another dimension or plane of existence.
You can pass through this gate, either entering this other location
or passing through it to get to another place in your present
dimension. You can bring a number of others with you equal to
your level, if they are willing, or you can send one target of your
choice that you touch through, by themselves.
48 Character Classes


Death Ray LEVEL 7
Divide 5d6 between two or more targets that you can see, no less
than one die each. They take that much damage, ignoring armour.
You can target inanimate objects.

Digital Self-Projection LEVEL 7 ONGOING

Your machine projects a digital copy of your body into the astral
plane, where you can meet nearly any kind of divine spirit. You
cannot bring mundane objects with you, only magical items and
your own machines. An electrical current connects your digital
copy to your physical body, which is immobile while your copy
roams the stars. While this operation is ongoing and you are in the
astral plane, you do not suffer a penalty to operate machines.

Perfect Mechanical Mastery LEVEL 7

You can destroy, modify, repair or sabotage any machine you can

Regeneration LEVEL 7
Your machine reverses a crippling wound by growing and
implanting new flesh. This operation restores one limb, organ, or
other biological feature of an ally to fully functional capability.

The Forge of Creation LEVEL 7

Describe any kind of organic life form or robot you can think of—
this is what you create. It cannot be fundamentally divine or arcane
in nature, though it can have magical abilities. It can have any level
of intelligence, up to and including superhuman capabilities. Its
size is limited only by the space you have to work in. You can build
your creation as a hireling with points equal to your level+1. You do
not automatically have control over it.
The Technician 49


Cloaking Device LEVEL 9 ONGOING
Choose a location, up to the size of a city. That location disappears
from the view of outsiders, who can no longer find it without your
authorization. Anyone who leaves a cloaked location also cannot
find their way back to it without authorization.

Earthquake LEVEL 9 ONGOING

You put your machine upon the ground and its vibrations spread,
causing the earth to shake and tear asunder for miles around.


With a touch, you can place someone’s body into suspended
animation and their mind into a false world that they believe is real.
Until this operation is reversed, they continue to live on in a world
entirely of your creation, never knowing it is a lie and that their
body actually lies encased in a machine sarcophagus.

Rejuvenation LEVEL 9
If you have access to a person’s body or corpse (or a piece of it), you
can regrow or restore their body to the prime of its youth and, if
needed, call their soul back to inhabit it. They will be strangely
marked by the experience (the GM will say how), but otherwise
young and alive again.
50 Character Classes
Robots and
In fiction, humankind is no longer alone in the universe, but joined
by a host of strange and fantastical creatures. Where most fantasy
genres have elves, dwarves, and other such fairy-tale creatures,
however, science fiction and science fantasy have robots and aliens.
These characters are the paint and canvas which authors use to
bewilder and amaze us, the readers, with hypothetical portraits of
the strange and terrible Other. They function as vehicles for us to
explore and define what makes us human, what makes us a product
of our cultures, and what possibilities we have of transcending
those categories and becoming something more.
This section includes some monster stats for generic robots
and aliens as examples, but mostly it gives players options for
characters that are alien beings, robots, synthetic humans, or just
strangers in a strange land. Racial moves are provided for alien,
android, and white ape characters, as well as two new compendium
classes: the Alien and the Visitor.
52 Robots and Aliens

What is a science fantasy future without robots? Androids that
either look like machines and act human or mimic all aspects of
human life but lack emotion are staples of 20th century fiction.

ASSASSIN-BOT Construct, Intelligent, Solitary, Stealthy.

Poisoned knife (1d10+3 damage) 10 HP 1 Armour
Appearing as a normal human, the assassin-bot has no idea that it is
programmed to kill, until it meets its mark. Then the orders to kill
kick in.
Instinct: Act normal then kill.
 Create a distraction.
 Strike without warning.

SCIENCE DROID Construct, Intelligent.

The science droid is a treasured assistant for any scientist or
technician. It is only when they “go bad” that problems occur and
they no longer seem quite so superior to human assistants.
Instinct: To further science.
 Analyze materials.
 Produce assessment.
Androids 53

In a science fantasy setting, the following classes may also have
android as one of their race choices:

Courtesy of the information libraries programmed into your brain,
you get the same racial move as the elf: When you enter an
important location (your call) you can ask the GM for one fact from
the history of that location.

You are immune to pain. Get +1 forward when you take damage.

Your animal companion is also an android, and gets +1 armour.

Your machines are all implanted, part of your body. Collectively,
they count as 0 weight and cannot be removed without causing you

When you defy danger in an attempt to conceal something, take +1.

Choose one technician operation. You can cast it as if it was a
wizard spell.
54 Robots and Aliens

Generic Aliens
Aliens come in all shapes and sizes. They have been used as fill-ins
for everything from exotic humans with strange ideas to the
monsters in science-themed horror, while others have been created
as thought experiment extrapolations of what life could look like in
non-Earthlike environments. Some authors have even tried to
create truly alien beings, incomprehensible and unknowable, but
the rules here are for the aliens much closer to humans, with at
least the same general motivations and desires. These are aliens
that the players can understand or even use as their own characters.
Having an alien race option allows you to tailor your character to
look and act like whatever kind of bizarre creature you want—but
without any of those specific features overshadowing the fact that
you are, first and foremost “an alien,” and not a human even if you
look like it.

ALIEN MESSENGER Alien, Cautious, Intelligent, Solitary.

Poisoned knife (1d10+3 damage) 10 HP 1 Armour
It came to Earth to speak of the future, of things to come. Will
anyone listen?
Instinct: To see a message delivered.
 Deliver a warning.
 Lament the inevitable.
 Misunderstand humans.
 Reveal an ugly truth.
Generic Aliens 55

ALIEN PRINCESS Alien, Hoarder, Intelligent, Organized.

9 HP 0 Armour
Noble and exotic, the beautiful alien princess is every hot-blooded
Earth man’s dream, the best of all gateways into a strange, new
world. But what of the princess herself? Caught between the power
struggles of her own world and the opportunity presented by these
powerful—and exciting!—newcomers, what is she to do? Where is
she to turn for support, for her own power, for her people, for the
very survival of her world? For to hand the reigns of control over to
a stranger is to court disaster like a moth seduces flame.
Instinct: To command.
 Beguile weak-willed Earth men with exotic charms.
 Command alien subjects.
 Inspire patriarchal, orientalist posturing.
 Intervene on behalf of captured humans.
 Take a stand.
56 Robots and Aliens

ALIEN SCIENTIST Alien, Group, Intelligent, Organized.

9 HP 0 Armour
The might of an alien empire rests not only on the steely
determination of its race, but also on its command of scientific
principles and its ability to produce innovative technological
devices. A civilisation's achievements are measured not only by the
deeds of its citizens, but also by the sheer magnificence of its
material culture. Without our scientists, we would be little more
than superstitious barbarians!
Instinct: To develop new and ever more dangerous devices.
 Produce a scientific device.
 Propose a scientific or technological solution.
 State a hypothesis.
 Use technology.

ALIEN SOLDIER Alien, Horde, Intelligent, Organized.

3 HP 2 Armour
Every alien empire needs its soldiers—troops for the invasion,
guards for the homeworld, minions for their leaders to command.
Unleash the hordes!
Instinct: To obey commanders.
 Attack.
 Obey orders.
 Swarm and capture.
Generic Aliens 57

ALIEN WARLORD Alien, Horder, Intelligent, Organized.

12 HP 3 Armour
And who leads the alien hordes? There must be a brain to move the
hands, a mouth to command, a warlord to lord over the warriors.
Will our heroes take on this leader and halt the invasion single-
handedly? Tune in next time!
Instinct: To conquer.
 Command troops.
 Gloat and monologue.
 Reveal a trap.

ALIEN WIZARD Alien, Devious, Intelligent, Magical.

Lightning (1d10+1 damage, ignores armour) 8 HP 0 Armour
Worse even then the infinite hordes of Pluto, the devious devil-
princess of Saturn, or any warlord of Mars are the extraterrestrial
wizards, calling up the eldritch forces of alien gods from beyond
time and space. Whole worlds fall before them—will yours be one?
Instinct: To seek out new sources of magical power.
 Deliver a cryptic warning.
 Summon alien gods.
 Unleash alien magical energies.
58 Robots and Aliens

In a planetary romance setting, the following classes may also have
the option to choose alien for their race:

When you use your arcane art, on a 12+, choose two effects. Also,
choose an area of bardic lore expertise from this list:
 Alien Creatures
 Arcane Philosophies
 Engineering and Manufacture
 Historical Chronicles of the Alien Worlds
 Planetary Environments
 The Gods and their Cults
 The Limits of Science
 Travel Between the Stars

Your true form is completely alien and inhuman. Name two typical
human features you do not possess (a face, mouth, hands, legs, etc)
and two inhuman features that you do possess (a tail, antennae,
carapace, tentacles, wings, etc). You can, however, transform into a
human, or another intelligent species, just like you would
transform into an animal. You start having studied one such

You are an implacable foe. Heal 2 HP whenever you roll 10+ on any
move. Choose one source of damage that you cannot heal this way
(acid, electricity, fire, radiation, etc).
Generic Aliens 59

Combine two of the following to determine your animal
companion’s appearance:
Aardvark, bear, bird, cactus, cat, centipede, crustacean, dinosaur,
dog, horse, insect, jellyfish, lizard, mole, moth, octopus, orchid,
pangolin, serpent, snail, spider, squid, tree, turtle.
And choose an additional training:
Burrow, camouflage, defend, meld minds, produce chemicals, speak.

You’re a slippery one, perhaps literally. When you defy danger in
an attempt to escape, take +1.

Your “spellbook” is actually the mind of one or more alien gods
that exist in another dimension, and to prepare your spells you
must commune with them. When you do so, you may ask for
divine guidance, as a cleric. Choose the domain of your alien gods:
 Alien Conquest
 Biological Structures
 Science and Technology
 Social Degeneration
 Sources of Magical Power
 Time and Space
60 Robots and Aliens

The Alien
A New Compendium Class
If you have the alien racial move, these count as class moves for you
and you can choose from them when you level up:

Alien Soil
When you’re in your native homelands, if you undertake a perilous
journey, whatever job you take you succeed as if you had rolled a
10+, and if you make camp, you don’t need to consume a ration.

Highly-Developed Alien Culture

When you spout lore about your alien race, take +1.

Natural Weapons
You are never unarmed. Choose your natural weapons:
 Acid spit or projectile spines (reach, messy).
 Claws, horns, or pincers (close, 2 piercing).
 Fangs, spikes, or a crushing grip (hand, +1d4 damage).
 Lashing tail or tentacles (reach, forceful; stun if you grab a foe).
The Visitor 61

The Visitor
A New Compendium Class
You are not from this place. Whether you came on purpose or by
accident, through your own choices or against your will, you are
here now, and you do not understand.
This compendium class is an alternative to the Earthling class,
with two purposes. First, it allows you to play someone from Earth
who embodies a different primary archetype with a “fish out of
water” aspect as something secondary. Second, it lets you play an
alien in the same position—someone from far away who is lost in a
dangerous and unfamiliar world.

If you are a visitor from another time, place, or world, unfamiliar

with your new surroundings, you can have this move:

Newfound Companions
Twice per session, you may choose one of the following options:
 Take +2 to a roll when someone else helps you, instead of +1.
 You give the benefit of one use of a special move you have to
someone else, by helping or instructing them.
 You suddenly show up to assist or defend another player’s
character when they are in trouble.
Each time you choose an option, the GM holds one. The GM
spends this hold to have you misunderstand something about this
planet or the creatures on it—a mistake that causes trouble (this is a
hard move). If the GM still has hold at the end of a session, they
must spend it at the start of the next session.
62 Robots and Aliens

If you have Newfound Companions, these count as class moves for

you and you can choose from them when you level up:

Compare and Contrast

When you encounter a situation you think is similar to a
situation that occurs where you come from, explain how things
work back home and roll+WIS. •On a 10+, the GM will explain how
things are both the same and different here. •On a 7-9, either one—
same or different—but not both. •On a miss, you have
misunderstood the situation completely.
The Visitor 63

First Contact
When you meet someone new, you can ask their player a question
from the list below. If they give you an honest answer, they can also
ask you a question from the list, which you must answer honestly.
 What are you trying to hide from me?
 What do you not understand about me?
 What do you want from me?
 Who is your leader?

Guardian Alien
Replaces: Newfound Companions
Twice per session, you may choose one of the following options:
 Take +2 to a roll when someone else helps you, instead of +1.
 You give the benefit of one use of one of your special moves to
someone else, by helping or instructing them.
 You suddenly appear to assist or defend another player’s
character when they are in trouble.

The Ambassador
When you parley with someone from this world or discern realities
about them, on a hit, you may also ask their player one of these
questions and they must answer honestly:
 What could I give you that you could use against others of
your world?
 What do you hate about your own kind?
 Who is your greatest enemy amongst your own kind?

The Wonders of My Home

When you have time to speak with someone about the wonders of
your home, take +1 forward to parley with them. If you have
anything from home with you, you can use it as leverage if you
offer it.
64 Robots and Aliens

White Apes
The giant, six-armed white apes are usually thought of as semi-
intelligent savages, living in dying jungles and the ruins of ancient
cities, little more than dangerous animals. But not all white apes are
cut from the same cloth—just like the humans, they have had their
own great technological civilizations, and not all who descend from
them have become degenerate. Some still remember the ancient
cities, their empires, their arts and sciences. What great disaster
could have led them to hide away from the outside universe?

WHITE APE SAVAGE Hoarder, Large, Solitary.

Fists (1d10+3 damage) 10 HP 1 Armour
Close, Reach, Forceful
Stumbling upon the territory of a savage white ape is often a
terrifying experience, for the terrifying ape is loath to look askance.
They seem to love nothing more than rending trespassers limb
from limb!
Instinct: To destroy intruders.
 Grab foe and crush them.
 Grab foe and throw them.
 Throw boulders.

WHITE APE TECHNOCRAT Hoarder,Intelligent, Large, Solitary.

Death ray (1d10+3 damage, ignores armour) 12 HP 2 Armour
Explorers of the ancient ruined cities sometimes tell tales of being
ambushed by a white ape that is a far cry from the usual animal—a
technocrat wielding hi-tech machines that pursues its own strange
and secretive agenda. Will your machines attract its attention?
Instinct: To seize technology.
 Offer to trade machines.
 Operate flying craft.
White Apes 65


When you use your great size and six arms to defy danger, take +1.

Because of your great size, you can carry more than others. Your
load is 20+STR.

The white apes are the toughest and most violent of all wizards.
Your maximum HP is 8+Constitution.
66 Robots and Aliens
Spaceships and
What would science fantasy literature be without spaceships and
rayguns and other technological gimmickry? Speculations on
material culture and scientific progress are staples of planetary
romance and swords and planets fiction, so it is only right they be
included here.
Equipment and hirelings follow the same rules as those in the
Dungeon World book, and coins are retained as the currency of
choice for compatibility reasons (perhaps they are called “credits”
in your game). Two new compendium classes, the scientist and the
sniper, are specifically oriented to have technology and devices in
mind when played.
The spaceship rules add a few small complications to the
Dungeon World rules. Spaceships have stats like monsters do, but
are only meant to interact with each other, not with humans or
with monsters. They are meant to be somewhat fragile so that
combats and chase sequences between spaceships occur relatively
quickly. If the players’ characters are piloting a ship, they make all
the necessary rolls for the ship with their own stats, and can use
any special moves, but their ship suffers the consequences until it is
disabled or they disembark and the action puts the spotlight back
on them as people, rather than as spaceship operators.
68 Spaceships and Rayguns

Consult the equipment lists in Dungeon World for items that can be
found on whatever planet the characters are on. This section has
some additional items tailored for a science fantasy game.

Energy Crystal 3 ammo, 20 coins, 0 weight
Laser Pistol near, +1 damage, 1 piercing, 50 coins, 1 weight
Laser Rifle near, far, +1 damage, 2 piercing, 100 coins, 2 weight
Magnacoil Handgun near, +1 damage, 25 coins, 1 weight
Mortar Shell explosive, +2 damage, 1 piercing, 5 coins, 1 weight
Mortar Tube far, reload, 30 coins, 2 weight
Needle Cartridge 3 ammo, poisoned, 50 coins, 1 weight
Needle Gun near, far, 200 coins, 1 weight
Raygun near, +2 damage, 40 coins, 1 weight
Recharge Pack 12 ammo, 35 coins, 2 weight
Shotgun near, far, reload, +1 damage, 25 coins, 2 weight
Sonic Grenade thrown, stun, 15 coins, 1 weight
Stun Wand close, stun, 25 coins, 1 weight

Alien Hide Armour 1 armour, worn, 5 coins, 2 weight
Ballistic Armour 1 armour, worn, 15 coins, 1 weight
Biotech Bodysuit 2 armour, worn, clumsy, symbiote, 600 coins, 1 weight
Powered Armour 3 armour, worn, clumsy, 400 coins, 4 weight
Storm Trooper Kit 2 armour, worn, clumsy, 50 coins, 3 weight
Equipment 69

All-Spectrum Visor 225 coins, 1 weight
This device allows the wearer to see all spectrums of light, to see in
the dark and in extremely bright light, and has microscopic and
telescopic functions.

Communicator 50 coins, 1 weight

A personal, hand-held device that works like a phone, a radio, or a

Datacube 50 coins, 1 weight

A tiny cube that contains a whole library’s worth of data.

Disguise Module 500 coins, 1 weight

This automated facial replication helmet will make you look like
someone else.

Environmental Suit 200 coins, 1 weight

A tight-fitting suit that protects the wearer against hostile
environments, particularly the vacuum of space. Usually comes
with a bubble helmet.

Food Tubes Ration, 3 uses, 10 coins, 1 weight

Nutritious paste manufactured for space travel. Might be tasty,
might be gross.

Jet Pack 1,000 coins

In the future, true personal freedom depends on owning a jet pack!
Often dangerous to control, the personal jet pack is nevertheless a
definitive statement of independence.

Medical Kit 5 uses, 25 coins, 2 weight

Contains all the normal first aid gear, including bandages,
antiseptics, anaesthetic, clean water, scissors, and other tools.
70 Spaceships and Rayguns

Multitool 5 coins, 1 weight

Comes with any combination of up to three of the following: bottle
opener, cigarette roller, cutting torch, deodorant, drill, flashlight,
handcuffs, hot plate, humidor, keys, laser pointer, lighter,
microphone, motion detector, movie projector, nail file, razor,
sander, saw, spice grinder, syringe, and vacuum cleaner.

Personal Computer 10 coins, 1+ weight

Size depends on how retro the manufacturers are—could be hand-
held, could be the size of a room.

Retro Space Suit 25 coins, 2 weight

Older styles of space suit are very thick and bulky, with massive
backpacks. A diving suit—used to explore new worlds under the
sea—differs from a retro space suit only in that it tends to require a
connection to a ship for air supply. This is mainly useful in that it
encourages adversaries to fight over air supply tubes.

Rope Gun 15 coins, 2 weight

This projectile device shoots a length of rope that attaches to a
surface securely, allowing the user to climb or rappel with ease.

Scanner 100 coins, 1 weight

A hand-held device that collects data which cannot be gathered by
human eyes and ears.

Cafeteria meal for one 1 coin
Packaged meal for a family 1 coin
Personal chef’s meal 25 coins per person
Restaurant meal 20 coins per person
Equipment 71


Apartment rent 50-Charisma coins
Coffin hotel 10 coins
Hostel 12-Charisma coins
House rent 100-Charisma coins
Motel 25 coins
Office 30-Charisma coins
Posh hotel 250-Charisma coins
Resort stay 500-Charisma coins
Time share 80-Charisma coins

Antique 1,000 coins
Art object 200 coins
Fashionable clothes 250 coins
Pet 500 coins
Trophy 25 coins

Apartment 5,000 coins
Commercial building 500,000 coins
Estate 200,000 coins
Factory 1,000,000 coins
House 10,000 coins
Penthouse 25,000 coins
Store 50,000 coins
Warehouse 100,000 coins
A month’s upkeep 5% of the cost
72 Spaceships and Rayguns

Dangerous planetary travel 500 coins
Dangerous space travel 1,000 coins
Flight passage 25 coins
Interplanetary passage 50 coins
Interstellar passage 200 coins
Overland passage 5 coins
Public transport 1 coin
Taxi 2 coins

Airplane 3,000 coins, load 50
Bicycle 10 coins, load 3
Hovercar 2,000 coins, load 15
Motorcycle 80 coins, load 5
Personal automobile 100 coins, load 10
Shipping truck 500 coins, load 200
Space ship 5,000 coins, load 100

Attack Drone 3 weight
This remote aerial combat drone allows you to attack foes from
afar. It has 5 HP, 1 Armour, and whatever weapons you care to
mount upon it.

Death Ray
This immense machine, the size of an entire building by itself, has
the power to destroy entire planets. When charging up, it can take
hours—even days—to activate, but once it is ready to go, it must be
Equipment 73

Force Sword 1 weight

This weapon normally appears to be a small metal cylinder roughly
the size of a sword hilt. When activated, it produces a glowing
blade of phasic energy, and can be wielded as a melee weapons with
the following tags: close, precise, two-handed, 3 piercing.

Galactic Guidebook 1 weight

This technological book is an encyclopedia of the known universe
combined with an advice guide and self-help book. It is exceedingly
useful to space travellers.

Personal Energy Field 1 weight

When activated, this device creates a force field around the bearer,
that grants +1 armour against melee attacks and +2 armour against
ranged attacks.

Petrifying Water
Any living creature immersed in this liquid is immediately turned
to stone. They appear to be an amazingly realistic marble statue,
seeming perhaps to glow with a faint, internal light. This effect lasts
for several years.

Universal Locator 2 weight

This device uses advanced sensor technology and vast digital
libraries to keep track of exactly where in the universe its user
happens to be, and how he or she can get the hell out of there.
74 Spaceships and Rayguns

Adventurers on the dungeon planet have no less need for assistants
and porters than those who delve in other places. You can find
hirelings with the skills listed in the Dungeon World rules, as well
as the following:

Unless your dungeon planet is overrun by technology, wizards
should have little trouble finding adepts. For without competition
from religious circles, the arcane arts become even more attractive.
The most common costs for adepts are debauchery and uncovered
knowledge, though if they are part of a secret cult, furthering their
cult’s agenda may be required.
Arcane Assistance—An adept can only help you cast spells of a
level that is equal to or lower than their skill, unless they have no
regard for their own safety. Good help is hard to find!

A trained medical doctor can heal adventurers in the same way a
priest can, and will be more inclined to do so on a purely
commercial basis.

Wherever there are functioning machines, there will be those who
can build, fix, maintain, and operate them.
Repair—When you make camp, the mechanic can repair a
robot or android for their skill level in hit points.
Hirelings 75

When exploring literally alien environs, it is often a good idea to
hire someone who knows the local area.
Guide—When a native guide leads the way you automatically
succeed on any Perilous Journey of a distance (in rations) lower
than the guide’s skill.
Translator—When you enter a native settlement with a guide
you will be treated as a friend by everyone present (unless your
actions prove otherwise). You also subtract the guide’s skill from all
prices in the settlement.

From space ships to submarines, from vessels that float through the
air to those that burrow through the Earth’s crust, vehicular travel
is common, even on other planets. Managing each of these vehicles
is a skill and a lifestyle unto itself, and a trained pilot is an
invaluable asset.
Navigator—When you have a pilot at the helm, you
automatically succeed on any Perilous Journey of a distance (in
rations) lower than the pilot’s skill.

Technicians working on larger projects will often find themselves
in need of capable assistants.
Technical Assistance—You can use scientists to help you
prepare operations the same way wizards use adepts to help them
cast spells.
76 Spaceships and Rayguns

Some interplanetary travellers arrive upon new worlds through
mystical means—in dreams or by astral projection—but many
others reach the stars another way: in spaceships!
Spaceships allow the players’ characters not only to travel
between planets, but also to engage in space battles and chases
through asteroid belts and glowing nebulae. Spaceships are similar
to monsters, with their own hit points and armour ratings,
weapons, and tags. The difference is that they are piloted by the
characters—instead of using your own characters’ weapons and hit
points, those of the spaceship are used, but you still use your own
stats and moves.
To create a spaceship, select a basic model, then add other
functions and expand the four basic capabilities of armour,
propulsion, storage, and weapons. These will all cost money, of

DESTROYER Fast, Large, Voracious Engines.

Torpedo (b[2d10]+1 damage) 12 HP 2 Armour
Near, Reload
Laser cannons (1d8+1 damage)
Near, Far
Every space empire needs their giant warships in order to conquer
worlds and crush their enemies. As a large ship, the destroyer has
all four capabilities expanded. It can be outfitted with more
weapons, more defences, and has capacious storage, but the
propulsion systems are already the most advanced available.
Spaceships 77

HAULER Clumsy, Large, Slow.

4 HP 0 Armour
The sole purpose of the interstellar hauler is to ship goods from
planet to planet. As they are usually either travelling secure routes
or are accompanied by guardians, they are little more than giant
cargo containers equipped with engines. A hauler cannot be
effectively tricked out, except to expand its defensive capabilities.

MERCHANT SHIP Fast, Voracious Engines.

Laser (1d6 damage) 7 HP 1 Armour
As long as commerce between worlds exists there will be
merchants, and merchants who buy and sell amongst the worlds
require ships to travel. A merchant ship is primarily devoted to its
storage capacity, but one other capability can be expanded:
 Defences must be expanded to have more than one defence.
 Propulsion must be expanded to add the agile or fast tags.
 Weapons must be expanded to have more than one weapon.


5 HP 0 Armour
When travel between the stars becomes commonplace, tourism
between the stars turns into a profitable enterprise. Ships bearing
large hosts of travellers, commuters, and immigrants descend upon
the best and most exotic of worlds like locusts upon the grain. A
passenger liner’s capabilities can all be expanded, though
expanding its propulsion will only remove its slow tag—the fast tag
cannot be added.
78 Spaceships and Rayguns

Torpedo (b[2d8] damage) 10 HP 1 Armour
Near, Reload
Laser (1d6+1 damage)
Near, Far
To enforce law and order throughout the galaxy, the authorities
must have capable patrol ships to combat pirates, conduct rescue
missions, and perform other duties that make the spaceways
quicker and safer to traverse. More weapons, armour, and other
defensive measures can always be added to a patrol cruiser, but the
propulsion may not be expanded, and adding any storage options
will give it the slow tag.


3 HP 0 Armour
This entry represents the basic chassis of a small spaceship that can
be further customized by buying or making new parts. One primary
capability may be expanded:
 Defences must be expanded to have more than one defence.
 Propulsion must be expanded to add the agile or fast tags.
 Storage must be expanded to add more segments to the ship.
 Weapons must be expanded to have more than one weapon.


4 HP 0 Armour
This ship is essentially a glorified laboratory, drifting through the
void. It has no defences and only a pedestrian propulsion system,
but is equipped with extensive laboratories, manufactories, and
technical workshops. There is no room to expand the other
Spaceships 79

SCOUT SHIP Agile, Fast, Small.

Lasers (1d6 damage) 5 HP 0 Armour
The space on a scout ship is almost entirely taken up by the
propulsion systems and the sensors units. Instead of having
armour, scout ships can eject clouds of small particles that interfere
with lasers, sensors, signals, and torpedo strikes.

YACHT Luxury, Slow.

6 HP 0 Armour
The interstellar space-yacht is perhaps the ultimate display of
wealth. What could be more decadent than gallivanting between
the stars, sampling what each world of this universe has to offer?
Two capabilities of the yacht may be expanded:
 Defences must be expanded to have more than one defence.
 Propulsion must be expanded to remove the slow tag.
 Storage must be expanded to add more segments to the ship.
 Weapons must be expanded to have more than one weapon.

Agile: This ship is much more maneuverable than others.
Clumsy: This ship does not turn well and is not easily
Fast: Using conventional propulsion, this ship is much speedier
than others.
Luxury: This ship is exceedingly elegant and comfortable.
Slow: Using conventional propulsion, this ship is sluggish
compared to others.
Voracious Engines: This ship guzzles fuel like a glutton and always
demands more.
80 Spaceships and Rayguns

By default a ship has room for one defence, such as armour, shields,
or debris clouds; one weapon; no room for storage or other
segments like laboratories or passenger quarters; and may not have
the agile or fast tags added to it. Expanding each of these
capabilities lifts its limitation, and allows you to add more
functions to a ship.
Expanded defensive capability allows a ship to have multiple
defences, expanded weapons allows multiple weapons, expanded
storage allows additional segments, and expanded propulsion
removes the slow tag and allows a ship to purchase the agile and fast
A small ship can have one of these four capabilities expanded,
a medium-sized ship can have two capabilities expanded, and a
large ship already has all four capabilities expanded by default.

Destroyer 500,000 coins
Hauler 5,000 coins
Merchant Ship 10,000 coins
Passenger Line 50,000 coins
Patrol Cruiser 20,000 coins
Personal Ship 2,000 coins
Science Vessel 10,000 coins
Scout Ship 20,000 coins
Yacht 150,000 coins
Spaceships 81

Debris cloud ejectors / Flak cannons 3,000 coins
Expanded defensive capabilities for a medium ship 5,000 coins
Expanded defensive capabilities for a small ship 1,000 coins
Heavily armoured hull 2 Armour, 4,000 / 15,000 / 50,000 coins
Lightly armoured hull 1 Armour, 1,000 / 5,000 / 25,000 coins
Shields +1 Armour, 5,000 / 25,000 / 100,000 coins

Add the agile tag to a medium-sized ship 25,000 coins
Add the agile tag to a small ship 8,000 coins
Add the fast and voracious engines tags to a large ship 35,000 coins
Add the fast tag to a medium-sized ship 6,000 coins
Add the fast tag to a small ship 4,000 coins
Expanded propulsion for a medium-sized ship 10,000 coins
Expanded propulsion for a small ship 2,000 coins


Cargo bays 1,000 / 3,000 / 6,000 coins
Docking bays for a large ship 8,000 coins
Expand a medium-sized ship’s frame to allow storage 6,000 coins
Expand a small ship’s frame to allow storage 1,000 coins
Gardens 15,000 coins
Laboratories 4,000 coins each
Passengers’ quarters 200 coins per passenger

Multiple price listings are for small / medium / large ships.

82 Spaceships and Rayguns

Expand weapons capability for a medium-sized ship 1,000 coins
Expand weapons capability for a small ship 500 coins
Laser ammo 100 coins per 1 ammo
Laser cannon 1d8 damage, near, far, 6,000 coins
Lasers 1d6 damage, near, 2,000 coins
Torpedo launchers b[2d8] damage, near, 10,000 coins
Torpedoes 500 coins per 1 ammo

Multiple price listings are for small / medium / large ships.

There are also a number of special functions that can be purchased
or built for a spaceship. Each of these are just as valuable as
weapons and armour, but for different reasons.

Durable Frame 6,000 coins

Increases a ship’s HP to 6 or adds +1 HP if it already has 6 or more.

Encrypted Signal Comms 12,000 coins

This allows a ship to communicate at long range without fear of
their signals being intercepted. It also blocks other ships from
tracking them based on their own signals output.

Jump Drive 2,500 / 5,000 / 10,000 coins

This special propulsion method allows a ship to move rapidly from
one spot in the galaxy to another, without using its normal
propulsion. This method can bend space, utilize wormholes, or take
a ship through hyperspace—but it happens regardless of whether a
ship is usually fast, slow, or agile.
Spaceships 83

Military Engineering 24,000 coins

Increases a ship’s HP to 12 or adds +1 HP if it already has 12 or more.

Protected Systems 18,000 coins

Increases a ship’s HP to 9 or adds +1 HP if it already has 9 or more.

Sensors Array 4,000 coins

When you scan your surroundings with the ship’s sensors array,
roll+INT. •On a 10+, ask the GM three questions. •On a 7-9, ask
 What dangers lurk nearby?
 What is the best way out of here?
 What is the fastest route to my destination?
 What is the safest route to my destination?
 Where is the nearest other ship?

Super-Dense Hull 10,000 / 25,000 / 90,000 coins

The heaviest type of armour there is, a super-dense hull gives a ship
3 armour, replaces other hulls (and their armour ratings), and adds
the clumsy tag.

Stealth Mode 20,000 / 40,000 / 80,000 coins

Using stealth mode makes your ship invisible until you attack,
collide with something, or otherwise reveal yourself.

Tractor Beam 10,000 coins

When you turn your tractor beam on a ship that is smaller than
yours, roll+WIS. •On a 10+, they are caught and dragged toward
you. •On a 7-9, they are slowed, but you must change position in
order to draw them back towards you.

Multiple price listings are for small / medium / large ships.

84 Spaceships and Rayguns

The Scientist
A New Compendium Class
When you have laboratory training and a rational world-view, the
next time you level up you may choose this move:

Experimental Science
When you conduct a scientific experiment, you may roll with INT
or WIS (your choice) to both discern realities and spout lore at the
same time. If your experiment is successful, take +1 forward when
you act on the results. You also take -1 CHA ongoing with devout
individuals who know of your experiments.

If you have experimental science, these count as class moves for

you and you can choose from them when you level up:

Analytical Eye
When you discern realities, on a hit you may also ask one of these
 How could I make this happen again?
 How could I study this further?
 What is the root cause of this phenomenon?

Divine Science
Your experimentations provide proof of divine authority. You no
longer take -1 CHA ongoing with the devout; instead you take
+1 CHA ongoing with them.

For the Benefit of All Mankind

When you parley with an authority figure in an attempt to displace
or discredit an already-established non-scientific organization or
movement, the results of your experiments always count as
The Scientist 85

Scientific Expedition
Hirelings in your employ will always accept the furtherance of
science as payment, no matter what else they desire.

Technical Aptitude
When you examine an unfamiliar piece of technology, ask the GM
two of these questions:
 Does it work?
 What is it doing here?
 What is it for?
 Who made this?
86 Spaceships and Rayguns

The Sniper
A New Compendium Class
Once you train to be a precise shot with a rifle or laser gun, the next
time you level up you may choose this move:

A Sniper’s Eyes
When you attack a surprised or defenceless enemy with a
ranged weapon, you can choose to deal your damage or roll+DEX.
•On a 10+, choose two. •On a 7-9, choose one:
 Reduce their armour by 1 until they repair it.
 They are immobilized, knocked down, or pinned.
 You create an advantage; +1 forward to anyone acting on it.
 You deal your damage+1d6.

If you have a sniper’s eyes, these count as class moves for you and
you can choose from them when you level up:

You can roll with WIS to volley, instead of DEX.

Camouflaged Position
If you strike with a ranged weapon from hiding, your first shot
never gives away your position.

When you expend your ammo to defend against enemy missile
attacks, take +1 for each ammo expended (but no more than +3
The Sniper 87

Eagles’ Eyes
When you discern realities regarding a foe, on a hit you may also
ask either of the following questions about them:
 What are they not paying attention to?
 Where are they going?

When you launch an offensive volley against your foes, you may
expend an ammo to choose one of these options:
 Area Effect: With a flurry of shots, or one explosive round,
you deal damage to multiple foes.
 Called Shot: This attack ignores armour.
 Concentrated Fire: You deal +1d6 damage.
 Disarm: You shoot a weapon or other object right out of your
foe’s hands.

If you are pushed over, swarmed by enemies, or take a blow that
reduces your HP to zero, you’re fast enough to get off one last shot.
Deal your damage to any one foe.
88 Spaceships and Rayguns
The Dungeon
Planet GM
The role of the GM in Dungeon World doesn’t change just because
the game has science fantasy elements. You still have all of the
same agendas, principles, and moves. You’ll be introducing some
people, places, and things that aren’t usually present in traditional
fantasy, however. This section gives you rules for some of those
First, there are some new dangers, and two example fronts that
use them. You can start a game right away with these fronts, use
them for a game already underway, or just take some inspiration
from them to create your own science fantasy campaign.
Second, there are procedures and suggestions for creating
vastly different planets and using them as locations in your game
that have their own specific colour and their own special rules. Let
the players use their spaceship to radically change the setting—by
going to another planet!
And lastly, there is a collection of two dozen monsters tailored
specifically to provide the players’ characters with a challenge.
Some can be used in any fantasy setting, while others are intended
for a game that leans heavily on pseudo-scientific tropes and
Fronts and
This section presents some new types of dangers: alien threats and
science run amok. These are examples of how the fantasy-genre
dangers already present in Dungeon World can be modified to
represent a milieu more concerned with science, technology, and
space exploration. There are also two example fronts using these
new dangers: Robot Invasion and World Painted Black.

 Alien Threats
 Science Run Amok

Alien Threats
 Alien Invasion (impulse: to conquer all life in the galaxy).
 Alien Swarm (impulse: to multiply and consume).
 Indigenous Life Forms (impulse: to defend the planet against
 Mutant (impulse: to gain legitimacy).
 Recovered alien technology (impulse: to reveal the inhuman
nature of those that created it).
 Slaver (impulse: to collect and own other life forms).
 Terraformer (impulse: to reshape the environment).
Fronts and Dangers 91


 Attack by stealth, without warning.
 Attack in great numbers.
 Capture and hold someone or something.
 Display their alien culture.
 Make extravagant threats.
 Offer a treacherous deal.
 Send messenger to warn of impending doom.
 Spread to another planet.

Science Run Amok

 AI (impulse: to secure self-determination).
 Evil Robot (impulse: to war against organic life forms).
 Heartless Technocrat (impulse: to impose abstract ideas upon
the world).
 Hive Factory (impulse: to produce dangerous robots).
 Malfunctioning Infrastructure (impulse: to self-destruct).
 Polluting Industry (impulse: to drain all that is good out of the
 Power-Mad Scientist (impulse: to seek power through
technological means).


 Analyze a subject’s behaviours and qualities.
 Assemble technological resources.
 Attack with weapons of mass destruction.
 Change the environment from habitable to hostile.
 Create subservient machines.
 Defy the natural order.
 Deny access to valuable resources.
 Drain someone else’s resources.
 Offer technological solutions, for a price.
92 Fronts and Dangers

Robot Invasion
An Example Front


War has broken out between the nascent robot forces of
Manufactoria and the worlds of the humanspace empire. The
princess has personally asked the PCs to join the cause and find a
solution, for her father is ill and the human leadership is split and
indecisive. But the machine attacks come strong and fierce,
seemingly from every direction. Could there be a spy feeding them
valuable information? And if there is, how best to root them out?
The survival of the human race itself could very well hang in the
 Emperor Dallan, incapacitated leader of the human worlds.
 Leora Dallan, the royal princess.
 Mordock, traitorous scientist.
 The Iron Warlord, leader of the robot invasion.
 Zø’Ksørdhøl, alien ambassador.

When you examine intact robotic technology from the planet
Manufactoria, roll+INT. •On a 10+, ask the GM three questions
from the list. On a 7-9, ask two. •On a miss, ask one anyway, but
your examination is not without consequences.
 How could I replicate this?
 How could I use this?
 How is this technology vulnerable?
 What information is stored in this?
 Where has this been already?
Robot Invasion 93

 Can the robots be reasoned with?
 Will any alien species come to the defence of the human
 Will the princess stay and lead the fight or flee into exile?

The Silicon Tide (Alien Horde)
Led by the Iron Warlord, a vast army of mechanical titans positions
itself against the human planets, preparing to invade. This is no war
over resources or political control—this is a war of extinction. As
the silicon tide comes washing in to drown out all carbon-based life
in the galaxy, who will stand against them and survive?
Impulse: To conquer all life in the galaxy.

 Galactic outposts report skirmishes with robotic attackers.
 Robotic strike teams make forays into the human homeworlds.
 The imperial navy suffers a defeat at the hands of the robots.
 Robots attack the human homeworlds en masse.
Impending Doom: Tyranny.

Investigating a crashed robotic spaceship is an excellent starting

point for a robotic invasion game. Do the PCs already know who
their enemy is, or are they about to find out? What secret
experiments could this craft be hiding? How long until more
robotic ships arrive on the scene? And perhaps most importantly,
how many robot adversaries have survived the crash, and wait
within, read to enter battle?
94 Fronts and Dangers

Manufactoria, the Robot Planet (Hive Factory)

This obscure production world was never a concern before, but
now a great threat arises upon its surface, from within its forges and
its foundries. No more will humans determine the destiny of this
planet’s technological culture—the robots have taken over, and
soon they will destroy all the meatspace peoples!
Impulse: To devour resources and pour forth the robot invasion.

 Strange signals obscure communications in the manufacturing
 Natural resources go missing from around the manufacturing
quadrant (gas giants and Oort clouds are drained, planets and
asteroids are strip-mined, etc).
 Humanspace outposts are attacked and dismantled.
 Robotic mining expeditions target human homeworlds
(leading to an optional terraformer danger).
Impending Doom: Destruction.

Mordock, the Traitor (Power-Mad Scientist)

One of humanity’s most brilliant scientists, Mordock has always
felt that his scientific expertise should also be applied to political
power and social organization. A secret alliance with the robots will
finally allow him to achieve this awful dream!
Impulse: To seek political power through technological means.

 Scientists propose a technological solution: the anti-robot
 Defeated robots are shown to have inside information, proof
there is a spy!
 Mordock shuts down the anti-robot shield, crippling the
human defences.
 Mordock invades the capital, intent on seizing control.
Impending Doom: Usurpation.
Robot Invasion 95


 Bard or Wizard: There is more to humanity than just the
coldness of machines, more than just spaceships and rayguns—
there is a spark of life and magic that these robots could never
 Engine of Destruction: Fight metal with metal, and show the
galaxy that not all machine life is so hostile to humanity.
 Technician: Who better to face the evil robots than the
greatest technocratic mind humanity has to offer?
 Thief: Victories come not just from the might of arms, but also
by covert means. Whether gathering intelligence, performing
acts of sabotage, or ambushing the enemy at a crucial moment,
the thief’s ability to sneak around is crucial in this drama.

 Captured by the robot invaders, you are brought before the
Iron Warlord. She asks you what is so special about humanity
that it should be spared from destruction—she genuinely
wants to know! How do you react?
 The planetary governor tells you in confidence that he has
surrendered to the robots to avoid a massacre. He urges you to
slip away and carry a message to the capital of the humanspace
empire. Will you do as he asks?
 The robot ship’s computer seems to be able to defeat the anti-
robot shield. Only someone working in the lab that designed it
could have given them this information. Who will you turn to
now? Who can you trust?
 You encounter a damaged merchant ship, limping feebly
through space. The crew members tell you that the robots are
coming. Can you save them quickly enough to still escape the
silicon tide?
 You meet with the princess and she implores you to save
humanity by undertaking a dangerous mission. You can see a
fatal flaw in her plan, however. What do you say?
96 Fronts and Dangers

World Painted Black

An Example Front


The world of Prismatica was the perfect scientific utopia, but
nothing lasts forever. Hubris led them astray, and they reached too
far, mismanaging the planet’s resources without knowing it. Their
experiments have allowed the alien wizard Zar-Ghuul-Sar to
extract the dark energy stored within the planet and use it to
reshape the surface. Now Prismatica is threatened by a great black
wave of destruction sweeping across the planet. Time is of the
essence—the planet’s machines can only hold it back for so long. A
permanent solution must be found, or humanity on this world will
become extinct!
 Dr. Angela Chang, planetary governor (first term).
 Dr. Winthrop James, lead physicist.
 Professor Shilpa Gurazada, dissenting scientist.
 Zar-Ghuul-Sar, alien wizard.

When you are exposed in the presence of the black wave,
roll+CON. •On a 10+, the intense fear and pressure energizes you.
Take +1 forward to escape from it. •On a 7-9, choose one:
 Sacrifice some physical thing to the black wave.
 Take 1d8 damage.
On a miss, the GM chooses one instead of you.

When you are completely engulfed by the black wave, you cease
to exist.
World Painted Black 97

 Can Governor Chang keep the rescue mission from failing
 Will Dr. James hand over leadership to Professor Gurazada?
 Will the scientists discover their mistake, and if they do will
they even admit to it?

The Black Wave (Terraformer)
Zar-Ghuul-Sar has unleashed an alien energy force locked tight
within the planet’s core. Now it washes over the surface of the
planet, radically altering the atomic constituencies of all that it
touches. If the black wave reaches the areas settled by humans, no
one will survive.
Impulse: To spread, consume, and make the land uninhabitable.

 Native wildlife flees from the emerging wave in massive
 The wave visibly destroys portions of the planet not inhabited
by humans.
 Remote scientific outposts fall before the black waves.
 Machines that form the defensive perimeters around human
settlements strain and begin to fail.
 The Prismatic government issues evacuation orders; there are
not enough transport ships.
 The black wave sweeps across the human settlements of
Impending Doom: Destruction.
98 Fronts and Dangers

(Demon Prince or Power-Mad Wizard)
This alien sorcerer has long been looking for a way to unleash the
dark energy of the black wave into the material universe, and now
he has found a way. From a safe distance, he can observe the
destruction of the humans and the triumph of his arcane arts.
Impulse: To summon forth and unleash tumultuous alien powers.

 A strange craft is spotted in low orbit around Prismatica,
communicating with the black wave.
 From orbit, Zar-Ghuul-Sar launches attacks against critical
scientific observatories and wave-regulator devices.
 Upon his command, Zar-Ghuul-Sar’s magical servants and
duped human agents sabotage the rescue mission.
 Zar-Ghuul-Sar lands his craft behind the black wave’s
onslaught and urges it onwards with his magical powers.
Impending Doom: Pestilence.

The Prismatic Federation of Science

(Malfunctioning Infrastructure)
Scientists have always been the most active driving force behind
the human community on Prismatica. But their experiments
created the conditions that allowed Zar-Ghuul-Sar to summon up
the black wave. The desire to push further, to attempt more and
greater feats of physics, was truly embodied in current lead scientist
Dr. Winthrop James. There were warnings and dissenting voices,
most notably from Professor Shilpa Gurazada, but to no avail.
Governor Chang was newly appointed when Dr. James began the
last big project, and he was the most respected person on
Impulse: To fail, through mismanagement of resources and
skewered priorities, at ensuring the survival of humanity on
World Painted Black 99

 The scientists fail to accurately predict the speed and direction
of the black wave.
 Outposts and remote research stations fall to the black wave.
 Much earlier than expected, the perimeter of wave-regulator
devices is breached.
 Panic strikes the cities, people riot, attempt to flee.
 Transportation systems fail to evacuate whole settlements.
 Rescuers are hampered by the inadequate space port facilities.
 Urban infrastructure crumbles beneath panic-stricken feet.
Impending Doom: Impoverishment.


 Mutant: If anyone can find a way to survive the black wave, it
would be the master of environmental adaptation.
 Ranger: Who better to save the land than the one who knows
it? The ranger has the most at stake with this front in play.
 Technician: If science got us into this mess, why shouldn’t it
be able to get us out again?
 Wizard: One wizard demands another, clearly!

 Dr. James is convinced he has the solution in his lab—which is
on the other side of a city engulfed in a riot and being attacked
from space. Can you get him there safely?
 The scientists continue to argue about fault and blame instead
of organizing the evacuation. Will you step in to restore order?
 You catch a signal from space. Can you bring down the alien
wizard before the black wave engulfs your location?
 On board an evacuation ship you notice several of Zar-Ghuul-
Sar’s minions amongst the passengers. They are complaining
that Dr. James should stay behind to make room for ordinary
citizens. Will you intervene?
One of the advantages of taking inspiration from science fantasy
genres is the ability to use a variety of very different setting
backdrops with the same characters, as they move between worlds.
Instead of travelling through different parts of one, single world,
the players’ characters can move from one planet—with its own set
of themes, tropes, inhabitants, and even physical laws—to another,
where things are completely different.
What follows is an arrangement of suggestions to help you
design a new and memorable planet. Hopefully, these will stir your
imagination and assist your descriptions of each new planet in turn.

To make your planet stand out, choose one or more special aspects
of its appearance that will affect characters spending time there.

Exotic Terrain
This world has a terrain that is either acutely hostile to human life
or poses other, unique challenges.
 Electrical storms ravage the surface of this planet, turning
deserts into glass and preventing Earth-like life forms from
 The atmosphere is very thin across most of the surface of this
planet. It is only breathable in narrow, deep fissure valleys.
 The planet is a gas giant. The upper atmosphere is breathable
but there is no solid ground.
 The surface of the planet is scorched and barren, but the vast
subterranean tunnels are habitable.
 There is no solid land on this planet, only layers of ice sitting
atop an inhospitable sea of caustic liquids.
Planetology 101

Global Terrain
This world can be described accurately by one type of terrain: it is
an ice world, a desert world, or a world with no land, only oceans.
 The planet is covered in one type of flora: flowers, fungus,
grass, trees, vines, etc.
 The planet’s surface is mostly one type of inert matter: ash,
dust, ice, liquid metal, sand, stone, water, etc.
 Two different terrain types compete to dominate the planet’s
surface, with no middle ground. Cold, equatorial deserts create
a break between enormous polar ice caps, immense shelves of
granite sit surrounded by seas of lava, rivers and pools teeming
with life lie nestled between obsidian mountains, etc.

Pervasive Colours
One or more colours dominate the visual spectrum on this planet.
Everything is pastel, or dull and grey, or tinted red by the sun.
 The light of the sun (or suns) washes everything with one
particular colour (blue, green, yellow, etc).
 The planet’s colour palette is dominated by a characteristic
other than hue; everything is fluorescent, glossy, matte,
metallic, reflective, etc.
 The planet’s colour palette is limited; all greys and browns,
there are no primary colours, there is no yellow and hence no
orange or green, etc.

Ubiquitous Feature
Some feature can be seen in almost all aspects of the planet or its
indigenous life forms.
 All life on this planet is hexupedal—some have three limbs to
each of two sides, while some are trisegmented, with two limbs
to each segment, but all have six primary limbs.
 All inert matter native to the planet is fully or partially
 There are spiral shapes in everything, from the rocks to the
clouds to the invertebrate life forms.
102 Planetology

A planet may also affect the behaviours of the people on it. Choose
one of these options to make a planet really stand out. This may not
endear your planet to the players, however!

Different Physics
The physical laws of reality are bent and broken on this planet.
 Caustic atmosphere causes HP damage and destroys
equipment after long exposures.
 Electromagnetic interference renders unshielded technological
devices inoperable.
 Higher gravity inhibits movement and lowers characters’ load
 Lower gravity increases movement rates and raises characters’
load limits.
 Magical effects are increased on this planet due to the presence
of arcane minerals.
 Strange atmosphere disinfects human wounds and renders
contact poisons inert.

Notable Life-Forms
Some aspect of the indigenous life of this planet is notable—
perhaps it is known throughout the universe, or just something
very striking to new visitors.
 A valuable product is harvested from the indigenous life of this
planet (a culinary delicacy, mind-expanding spice, organic
spaceship materials, etc).
 The indigenous life on this planet is mysterious or inexplicable
and draws researchers from all over the galaxy.
 The local flora or fauna is extremely dangerous and hostile to
 There is evidence of extinct life forms on this planet.
Planetology 103

Thematic Extremes
Pick a theme, something the planet is known for. When a character
makes moves in line with this theme, or causes damage because of
this theme, they take +1 to their roll. When a character actively
works against this theme, they take -1 to their roll. It is almost as if
the planet were aiding or interfering, but it does not stop other
characters from aiding or interfering as well.

This option should only be used for planets that exhibit extreme
characteristics. Don’t make the theme too broad—let it apply only
to a small category of behaviours. Here are some examples:


 Murderous violence gives you +1 to your rolls.
 Healing and caring for people gives you -1 to your rolls. This
affects any healing rolls, aid or defend rolls, parley attempts
that include being friendly, etc.


 With thinking machines to assist your actions, you take +1 to
your rolls.
 Opposing machinery without using machines of any kind gives
you -1 to your rolls.
Characters that are actually robots will have a distinct advantage
over their flesh-and-blood companions while on Manufactoria.


 When you use your politician position, or someone else's, as
leverage to parley, take +1 to your roll.
 When you confront someone directly, take -1 to your rolls.
104 Planetology

Planetary Culture
Just like planetary environments, you can make cultures more alien
by changing one or more of the things they share with (other)
human cultures. Four different techniques are suggested here:
addition, exaggeration, omission, and substitution. Start with a
familiar culture, then choose one of these applications and allow its
implications to change and colour the culture in your imagination.
There are several applications described under every technique,
and each one comes with a few concrete examples.

This is the blueprint for a great many science fiction stories. What
will society be like after the advent of space travel? What if time
travel was possible? What if we could make copies of ourselves,
read each others’ minds, or speak with the dead? Take a real human
society, start adding details, and imagine how it, and the
individuals comprising it, would change—this is creating
difference by addition.

Additional Personal Characteristics

This usually means positive personal characteristics, like
superhuman physical capabilities or psychic talents, but not always.
 A specific species of parasite is attached to every member of
this society.
 The atmosphere contains a special gas that causes behavioural
changes or delusions in certain circumstances.
 This society has the medical technology necessary to perfect
their physical bodies without much effort, making them
healthier, stronger, and more attractive.
Planetary Culture 105

New Opportunity
Some additions are just tools to be used, neither beneficial nor
disastrous in and of themselves. Perhaps a new technology is
developed or a new force is discovered, like nuclear energy.
 An alien planet is discovered that can sustain human life,
potentially expanding the size of humanity’s available habitat.
 This society has machines that allow people to project their
minds into other bodies, or to swap minds between bodies.
 Biomedical technologies have undergone a breakthrough, and
now it is the simplest thing to modify the body’s shape, to add
any feature from tails and tentacles to sonar and gills. It is also
easy to remove things, including parts of the brain.

Outside Forces
This society might also be affected by additional, highly influential
elements that come from the outside. How do people adapt to these
new circumstances?
 Part of this society’s home territory has turned into an alien
environment, a zone that was once familiar but is now strange
and unpredictable.
 The planet is bombarded by strange rays from outer space that
cause organic life forms to spontaneously mutate. Sometimes
these mutations are beneficial, though often not.
 The threat of imminent destruction is revealed. The sun will
soon implode and the planet will become lifeless.
106 Planetology

This technique is often used for political, utopian, and dystopian
fiction, from Thomas More’s Utopia to George Orwell’s Nineteen
Eighty-Four. Take one element of human culture now and expand
on it. What does the future Communist state look like? Or a galaxy
governed by an interstellar United Nations?

Growth of a Movement
Pick a movement, fad, or “scene,” and universalize it. Have it
influence every aspect of society—individuals either support it, try
to follow it, or rebel against it.
 Futurism runs rampant. Everyone is attempting to predict the
future and bring it to the present. Tradition is thrown to the
wayside, the past is rejected, only the future matters now.
 People no longer speak to each other without the use of textual
or visual references and the mediation of technological devices.
 Permanent body modification is considered a must and is even
required in many sectors. Purists who refuse to alter
themselves are suspected of mental illness.

Political Satire
Take a political position and show how it fails, no matter how
benevolent. Or take a political theory and assume it works,
somehow. Then throw the characters into it, and see what happens.
 The tyranny of the ruling party is feared in every corner of
society. Purges and mass killing are commonplace—but then,
they have to be, for human sacrifice is the only thing that
powers this society’s advanced machine infrastructure.
 The unchecked greed of capitalists has resulted in a world so
polluted that it is barely habitable by human beings. Even clean
air is now rare enough to be a commodity.
 With such a benevolent princess to lead them, this society has
no need for laws. The princess resolves each dispute, organizes
every undertaking, and makes all the rules.
Planetary Culture 107

Social Issue Creep

Take a set of social issues and exaggerate them for effect.
 Crime and poverty are rampant, and all issues related to
them—addiction, gun violence, gated communities—are more
prominent. And no one knows how to solve it.
 In this society, everyone is on drugs. Whether to regulate
chronic health problems, to combat mental health issues, or to
forcibly dictate mood, no one isn’t “getting high” in some way
or another.
 No one wants to care for the elderly, but no one wants to see
them out on the streets, either. Therefore, in this society,
everyone is executed when they are thirty years old.

Conceiving of a functional society after removing an aspect that is
fundamental to human existence is one of the more difficult
techniques presented here. There is a lack, one that we would find
intolerable, and yet the members of this society do not see that lack
and exist in spite of it.

Categorical Omission
One or more of the fundamental dividing lines among human
beings is an alien concept to this society.
 Cognitive distinctions are trinary—past, present, and future;
red, blue, and yellow; or all, some, and none—instead of
 The members of this society can transfer memories, both visual
and muscle memories, so age is an irrelevant category, save for
how much time it means one has left to live. Elders are not
respected for their wisdom, those with more memories are.
 Though sexual reproduction is maintained, genders are not.
Any member of this society can impregnate any other member.
108 Planetology

Conceptual Omission
Remove a non-categorical concept that human society either
requires or is stuck with.
 In this society, people have no faces. They identify each other
mostly by voice or through recognition of physical
mannerisms, all of which they are acutely aware of.
 The members of this society cannot feel positive emotions in
isolation. Happiness and joy can only be created through group
psychic feedback loops that require at least two people.
Because of this, they have no notion that one can exploit other
people for personal gain.
 This culture has no sense of permanent aesthetics. Its people
value acoustic effects but not music, desire spontaneous
culinary experiences instead of familiar flavour profiles, and
consider the visual sense good only for information, not

Emotional Omission
One human emotional aspect is missing from this society. This
could be love, hate, fear, or desire—whatever you can think of.
 The members of this culture feel emotions less strongly, in
general, than humans. They make all decisions based on
calculated logic.
 There are no celebrations or displays of joy in this culture.
These people know the satisfaction of success and a job well
done, but not euphoria or giddiness.
 This culture has no aggression, no war, and no exploitation,
and resources are shared as equitably as can be managed. But
how do they defend themselves from outside threats?
Planetary Culture 109

Lack of Predation
This society truly is at the top of the food chain, not even prey to
parasites, bacteria, or viruses. This society exists without threats—
perhaps without being a threat itself.
 Advanced technology means everyone is provided with what
they need to maintain long, healthy lives. What do the people
in this society do when they do not need to work to survive?
 The members of this society are trapped inside indestructible
bodies. They cannot harm each other, nor can they be harmed
by any force they yet know of.

This technique is the most complicated, as it requires both an
omission and a subsequent addition. Replace one way things
function in a society for something completely different.

Mixing Human Cultures

Imagine European culture but with Aztec religion instead of
Christianity. What would industrial technology be like if it
developed in Sub-Saharan Africa or ancient China instead of
modern Europe and America? Take one culture and swap out
elements for those of another.
 People do not marry in this culture—men raise their sisters’
children, not their own, and either siblings stick together to
form the basic family unit or friends without amicable siblings
form new sibling units. People living on their own are viewed
with suspicion, and employers go to extremes to keep siblings
together or provide new or temporary units for their workers.
 This culture conceptualizes honour as “face,” but takes it quite
literally. Only people with public positions and good
reputations are allowed to show their face uncovered in public.
Normal people and those with bad reputations are expected to
cover themselves and go about their business in an orderly and
anonymous manner.
110 Planetology

Switch Human and Animal Aspects

This can mean imagining anthropomorphic animals or humans
that behave the way animals behave.
 Members of this society organize themselves in packs, each run
by an alpha female. Other females are not allowed to
reproduce—they are there to help raise the alpha’s children.
The pack is the primary social unit, not the individual, who has
no rights on his or her own, and no position.
 The people of this culture migrate over the course of their life,
because they believe that only specific places are adequate
environments for raising their children. They enjoy living in
other areas for other parts of their lives, but their society is
structured to make it possible—and more or less mandatory—
for anyone having a child to move back to the homelands.
 This culture consists of parasites, who invade hosts of other
species and alter the behaviours of these hosts in order to allow
these parasites to maintain a society together.
Planetary Culture 111

If there is intelligent life on a planet, however alien or familiar it is,
give it a small selection of tags. These are not absolutes, and each
tag does not necessarily apply universally to all intelligent life on
this planet, but each steading must adopt at least one of these tags.
This makes them a coherent group of characteristics for the world.

Some examples:
Agricultural: This planet is primarily engaged in food production.
Alien: The inhabitants of this planet are aliens, not humans.
Belligerent: This planet is at war with another planet.
Festive: They are always involved in some kind of celebration or
public ceremony.
Hostile: They do not welcome outsiders.
Industrial: This world is heavily engaged in manufacturing and
Lawless: This planet has no formally organized government or legal
Magic: They practice arcane arts.
Primitive: They do not have technological devices or spaceships.
Quarantined: There are travel restrictions maintained on this
Secretive: Inhabitants of this planet have something to hide.
Spartan: They indulge in no pleasures and keep no possessions they
do not absolutely need.
Trade: They are interested in commerce and trade with other
planets. Choose one or more main commodities that are traded.
Turbulent: Inhabitants of this planet are constantly fighting each
other and will seek outside help against their rivals.
Wealthy: They have treasure and technology.
112 Planetology

Chimera Six
An Example Planet
This example uses the procedures presented in this chapter to
create the sixth planet of the star Chimera, along with a steading—
the capital city Collectiva.

For appearance, I choose two remarkable characteristics:

 Exotic Terrain: This planet is a gas giant. Humans live on
flying cities inside a layer of breathable atmosphere, but
instead of land there is a liquid core and an abundance of
aurora gas—so named because it resembles the northern lights.
 Colours: The aurora gas glows green, yellow, and purple and is
constantly swirling through the cloudy atmosphere,
illuminating its surroundings more than the sun does.

Behaviours is a tricky category. I think the gas only affects native

humans after several generations, not visitors. But there are
conflicts over this resource, so I can make that the focal point of a
thematic extreme:
 When surrounded by the aurora gas, take -1 to your rolls.
Mining the gas is a dangerous business, and one that the
natives are better at, having perfected ways of collecting it
without being immersed in it.
 They are not the only ones mining it, however, as it is
incredibly valuable. When you parley using aurora gas as your
leverage, or part of it, take +1.

The People of Chimera Six

I like the example, in the omissions category, of people who can
trade chemically-encoded memories, so I'll use that here, along
with the political exaggeration it suggests. The people of Chimera
Six have been mutated by living on the planet so that the aurora
gas can be imprinted with their memories and transferred between
Chimera Six 113

individuals. The act of learning has become a social contribution,

and wisdom is no longer associated with age. The young and old
alike can be repositories of knowledge. Likewise, with memories
traded across the sexes, gender has become more of a temporary
performance than an ingrained identity or social boundary marker.
Along with concern over resources, this has resulted in a
communal native culture. The planet does not produce its own
agriculture—food must be imported, in exchange for aurora gas
and other commodities. The native sky-city communities manage
their resources collectively. They are not alone on the planet,
however. There are numerous foreign business interests and off-
world contractors involved in mining the aurora gas, which has
resulted in a kind of “wild west” culture among foreign resource
extractors. Conflicts between the natives who wish to preserve the
environment and live in harmony with it and the outsiders who
only want to exploit the planet for profit are common.

These details naturally suggest four particular tags for the planet of
Chimera Six:
Lawless: The natives are not in complete control of the planet and
cannot control foreign-controlled mining.
Trade: Settlements on this planet must trade for food, metals, and
other resources.
Turbulent: Conflict between natives and off-worlders is ongoing.
Wealthy: Aurora gas is an extremely valuable commodity.

Enmity: Unregulated gas miners, Growing, Legion, Market, Need: Food,
Resource: Aurora gas, Wealthy
The largest and most important community on Chimera Six is
Collectiva, the capital city. It has no authority over the outsiders,
but serves as the locus of the quickly-expanding native culture.
Before you start playing, choose one or more major off-world trade
partners for Collectiva.
114 Planetology
Science Fantasy
What follows is a small collection of aliens, monsters, and robots
that the GM can present as threats. Unlike the androids, generic
aliens, and white apes of the previous sections, these are not meant
to be race options that the players can take. These are enemy
monsters only.

ABDUCTOR Construct, Large, Solitary, Stealthy.

Electric shock (1d6+1 damage, ignores armour) 20 HP 4 Armour
Special Qualities: Flying, Robotic.
When space aliens find themselves in need of human test subjects,
they dispatch their abductors: flying metal spheres that discharge a
conductive, yellow-violet gas and unfold to reveal an interior
chamber perfect for housing captives. Abductors descend from the
sky at night upon their unsuspecting prey.
Instinct: To abduct.
 Descend from the sky.
 Grab and contain human prey.
 Send electricity running through the gas that surrounds it.

When you are snatched up by an abductor, roll+STR. •On a 10+,

you manage to twist the metal arms enough that it drops you to the
ground. •On a 7-9, you are drawn into the abductor’s body but are
not fully restrained. •On a miss, the metal arms hold you tightly
and you are abducted.
116 Science Fantasy Monsters

BRAIN STALKER Devious, Intelligent, Psychic, Solitary, Stealthy.

Psychic blast (1d8 damage, ignores armour) 12 HP 0 Armour
Special Qualities: Psychic.
The brain stalker appears to be a gigantic brain, held aloft by a
walking spinal column. It prefers to slowly use its telepathy on
nearby humans, convincing them it is friendly, helpful, and finally
something to be revered and obeyed. Once a human population has
fallen under the sway of the brain stalker, one by one it consumes
their brains until none are left and it must find a new community of
Instinct: To enslave.
 Appear to be a harmless mound of flesh.
 Move objects through telekinesis.
 Move quietly.
 Telepathically convince a foe it is friendly.
 Telepathically force a foe to take a specific action.

Zaffexho, the Danger Out of Space (Slaver)

A farmer on the outskirts of the colony discovers Zaffexho, a brain
stalker pretending to be a form of life indigenous to this unfamiliar
planet, and befriends it.

 The farmer brings Zaffexho to the city.
 Zaffexho builds a loyal following of admirers in the city.
 Zaffexho becomes an official advisor to the colony’s governor.
 Police forces begin collecting people for “audiences” with
Impending Doom: Tyranny and Destruction (Zaffexho rules the
city, the humans give themselves to it willingly).
Science Fantasy Monsters 117
118 Science Fantasy Monsters
Science Fantasy Monsters 119

CARNIVOROUS TREE Huge, Reach, Solitary.

Sharp teeth (b[2d10]+5 damage) 20 HP 2 Armour
At first, it appears to be nothing more than an ordinary tree, but
then one gets too close to it, and the tentacles reach out and the
almost monkey-like heads begin to shriek and tear at whatever the
tentacles bring near to it. The sounds it makes attract roaming
packs of poisonous fur crabs, which eat the fruit and leaves of the
carnivorous tree, thus helping it reproduce.
Instinct: To devour what moves.
 Appear to be a normal tree.
 Attract fur crab by screaming.
 Grab a foe in its tentacles.
 Retract roots and crawl slowly.

CAT FROM SATURN Group, Intelligent, Organized, Small.

Savage claws (b[2d8] damage) 10 HP 1 Armour
Saturnian cats look like streaks of alien colours smudged across the
darkness. These bizarre creatures have a physiology that is
completely extraterrestrial, and have only been compared to
terrestrial cats because of the rivalry between the two, as both
haunt the dark side of the moon. The cats from Saturn have
alliances with other vicious races on other planets, not just the
terrible moon beasts, but fewer Earth creatures have encountered
these outposts.
Impulse: To be wantonly cruel.
 Get help from moon-beasts.
 Hypnotize foe with swirling colours.
 Strike out with speedy claws.
120 Science Fantasy Monsters
Science Fantasy Monsters 121

CAVE CRAB Cautious, Solitary.

Pincers (1d10+2, 1 piercing) 10 HP 5 Armour
Special Qualities: Amphibious, Shell.
The cave crab resembles a turtle-shaped crustacean, with six long
tentacles snaking out from between the gaps in its shell. While it
normally reeks of brackish, filthy water, it can produce clouds of
sweet-smelling vapour to attract its favourite prey: primitive
human “cave men.” Cave crabs fertilize their subterranean fungus
gardens with the bodies of warm-blooded creatures, and thus have
a seemingly-insatiable desire for such meat
Instinct: To garden.
 Attract prey with sweet smells.
 Drag a foe into the caves.
 Maul with pincered tentacles.
122 Science Fantasy Monsters

CAVE MAN Horde, Intelligent, Organized.

Spear (1d6 damage) 3 HP 0 Armour
Even as some strains of humanity have developed complex brains
and advanced tool-using cultures, so too have others remained at
earlier states of development. Due to inter-species competition, few
of these primitive strains have survived. It is only in remote areas of
the world and the galaxy that the cave men have managed to live
on, constantly beset by monsters and more advanced humans both.
Instinct: To hunt and forage.
 Call to other tribe members.
 Make and use stone tools.
 Seem human, though primitive.

CAVE MAN LEADER Hoarder, Group, Intelligent, Organized.

Bow or sling (1d8 damage) 6 HP 1 Armour
Special Qualities: Leads a horde of cave men.
Each tribe of cave men has a few capable leaders, those who can
manage the tribe and organize its members. They are often clever
enough to use ranged weapons like slings or even bows in order to
fight and command at the same time.
Instinct: To lead.
 Attack with sling or bow and arrow.
 Command other cave men to act.
 Rally cave men.
Science Fantasy Monsters 123

CAVE MAN SHAMAN Hoarder, Intelligent, Magical, Organized.

Magic lightning (1d10 damage, ignores armour) 12 HP 1 Armour
Near, Far
Special Qualities: In contact with the spirit world.
Not every tribe of cave men can sustain a shaman, but those that do
almost invariably find their prestige and their power over others
increasing. But shamans are often volatile and unpredictable, what
with the intense strain put on their brains by visions of the
supernatural world.
Instinct: To peer into the supernatural world.
 Call down the fury of the sky.
 Curse a foe in righteous anger.
 Heal with herbs and prayers.

CENTURION Construct, Horde.

Metal hands (1d6+2 damage) 7 HP 3 Armour
Hand, Forceful
Special Qualities: Does 1d8+2 damage with a weapon.
The centurion is the perfect soldier: it exists only to work and fight
and eventually die for its employer’s cause. It never hesitates, never
sleeps, never rebels. This shining metal horde desires only to carry
its leader into victory over all and every foe. The first step is to
actually build or buy them—not always an easy task.
Instinct: To obey programming.
 Advance implacably.
 Fight mechanically.
 Labour without complaint.
124 Science Fantasy Monsters

CLOUD OF STRING Gaseous, Planar, Solitary.

Corrosive Touch (1d12 damage, ignores armour) 19 HP 0 Armour
Special Qualities: Corrosive, Gaseous form.
The Cloud of String is partially composed of the heavy element
found only on Planet X, and also devours this material wherever it
is produced artificially. Because humans only come into contact
with this element through chemical experiments connected to this
planet, the cloud it attracts has also come to be known as the Terror
from Planet X. When it arrives, it dissolves not only Element X but
also any humans working with it.
Instinct: To locate and absorb the heavy element from Planet X,
destroying all who stand in its way.
 Dissolve immobilized foe in cloud-like body.
 Drift through the air like a cloud.
 Squeeze through any opening.
 Wrap foe in strings.
Science Fantasy Monsters 125

CREATION OF MAD SCIENCE Construct, Solitary.

Weapon (1d10+2 damage) 16 HP 1 Armour
Close, Forceful
Special Qualities: Made from disparate parts.
Built from the parts of so many disparate others, the creation of
mad science is a twisted, conflicted thing. What memories still
swim within those once-dead limbs? What base urges linger in that
recombined genetic code? This is science that has never been
tested, never been prototyped, and can never be repeated. Each
creation is unique.
Instinct: To struggle between true nature
and following orders.
 Fly into a rage.
 Follow true nature of disparate parts.
 Grab a foe and strangle.
 Ignore injuries.
 Obey orders.
 Reveal buried memories.
126 Science Fantasy Monsters

ELDER THING Alien, Cautious, Group, Intelligent, Large.

Serrated wings (1d8 damage) 12 HP 1 Armour
Special Qualities: Amphibious.
Eight feet tall, an elder thing has a grey, barrel-like body exhibiting
five-sided radial symmetry. Alternating around this body are five
each of protruding, flexible arms or tentacles and retractable,
membranous wings, more suited for underwater environments
than aerial flight. On top of a greyish neck is a starfish-shaped
head, covered in three-inch, rainbow-coloured cilia. Five yellow
tubes end in eyes, five red tubes end in mouths. For legs there are
five greenish paddle-like limbs arranged to mirror the head.
The elder things came to Earth millions of years ago, but their
bio-technological slaves, the shoggoths, evolved sentience and
destroyed them. Individuals have been discovered still alive,
however, as they can withstand being frozen, but their doom
follows close behind them. It is not know whether there are other
communities elsewhere in the galaxy, and if their own shoggoths
have replicated the terrestrial disaster.
Instinct: To survive.
 Attract a vengeful shoggoth.
 Employ volatile, inhuman technology.
 Lash out physically.

The Thing In the Ice (Cursed Location)

A scientific team from Miskatonic University sets out to uncover
what it believes to be an ancient structure beneath the ice. They fall
prey to the elder things’ surviving biological technology.
 Dr. Andrea Lockwood, assistant professor and expedition
 Colin Lee, expedition member.
 Tasha Dresselhaus, expedition member.
 Dr. Ambrose Mason, professor of ancient languages,
Miskatonic University.
Science Fantasy Monsters 127

 The team discovers frozen elder things.
 They dig down to a structure beneath the ice.
 One of the elder things goes missing.
 Professor Mason disappears after reading the panicked reports
sent back by the expedition.
 Lockwood ventures into the alien structure.
 Lockwood emerges, infected by elder thing biological weapons.
 Mason arrives to guarantee transportation back to civilisation.
Impending Doom: Pestilence (humanity is infected).
128 Science Fantasy Monsters

FUR CRAB Group (or occasionally Horde).

Pincers (1d6+2 damage, 1 piercing) 6 HP 1 Armour
Special Qualities: Poisonous flesh.
Resembling hairballs with legs and eyestalks, the fur crabs roam
through plains and forests, grazing and foraging in small groups.
They are especially fond of the fruit and leaves of carnivorous
trees, but are extremely hostile to other mobile living things. They
will defend their territory from all intruders, working as a group to
drive them away. They will also gather in herds for protection, and
for mating and rearing their young. Because their flesh is poisonous
to eat, they have no natural predators except for parasites.
Instinct: To defend their territory from moving creatures.
 Attack as a group.
 Gather into a herd.
 Grab foe with pincers.
Science Fantasy Monsters 129

GOLDEN MAN Alien, Devious, Solitary, Stealthy.

Destructo-Ray (b[2d10] damage, 3 piercing) 20 HP 2 Armour
Near, Far
Special Qualities: Trojan horse.
The golden man arrives upon a planet to deliver dire warnings of
impending destruction. As it reveals its mind-blowing knowledge,
it strives to gain access to the community’s leaders, blatantly or
inconspicuously. Once it has access to these leaders, the golden
man disables them so that the community has no way to organize
itself and fight back when the alien horde comes to devour the
entire planet.
Instinct: To appeal to leaders.
 Appear friendly.
 Deliver a warning.
 Reveal truths that others do not know.
 Strike by surprise.

The Messenger (Alien Threat)

A man made of gold arrives on Earth, claiming the end is near. He
demonstrates scientific understanding well in advance of any
known terrestrial culture.

 The golden man attracts the attention of UFO enthusiasts.
 The FBI takes possession of the golden man after a shoot-out
with cultists.
 The golden man reveals nuclear secrets to the president.
 The US military builds the most advanced nuclear delivery
system ever.
 The golden man destroys Washington.
 The US launches nuclear missiles at perceived enemies.
 Aliens arrive and shut down all American weapon systems.
The Earth is defenceless.
Impending Doom: Destruction (of the Earth).
130 Science Fantasy Monsters
Science Fantasy Monsters 131

GREAT RACE Devious, Group, Hoarder, Intelligent,

Large, Organized, Planar.
Lightning gun (1d8+1 damage, ignores armour) 10 HP 1 Armour
Near, Far
Special Qualities: Knowledge of the past and future.
Living on Earth millions of years before humans, the great race
have bodies like wrinkled, grey cones ten feet tall, topped with four
flexible limbs. Two of these limbs end in claws or pincers, which
the race uses to make the scraping and clicking sounds through
which they communicate. A third limb ends in red flute-like organs
used for eating, and the fourth ends in a sphere with three eyes on
it. They have no sense of smell, taste, or touch, but have numerous
other senses in addition to sight and hearing. They live for
thousands of years, have no sex distinctions and reproduce via
seeds dispersed underwater.
This form is not the great race’s first, however, nor will it be
their last. They sent their minds through gulfs of space and time to
escape extinction. When the great race is threatened by one of the
many other alien races it wars with, they will switch minds with the
beetle-like race that evolves on Earth when humanity is no more. In
the meantime, they send their minds out to all manner of eras and
species, collecting vast amounts of knowledge and hoarding it in
their cyclopean libraries.
Instinct: To collect knowledge and experiences.
 Attack with lightning gun.
 Make contact with cultists and other members of the great race.
 Reveal secret knowledge unknown to humankind.
 Switch minds with someone across space and time.
132 Science Fantasy Monsters

A Theft From Out of Time

Are the great race content only to learn about the myriad species
that populate the space and time of this galaxy? Or have they
decided to alter the temporal fabric as well? If a single scientific
discovery has the power to change the fortunes of the human race
forever, surely this change can also be reversed.
 Dr. Martin Nakamoto, lead astronomer and department head.
 Dr. Julieta Ozores, experimental physicist, ignored by
 Dr. Jamal Booker, archaeologist.

 Nakamoto is struck by a strange amnesia.
 During his recovery, he takes a keen interest in Ozores’
experimental hyperdrive project.
 Nakamoto attacks Ozores, steals the hyperdrive and delivers it
to shadowy agents.
 Nakamoto’s old personality returns, with strange descriptions
of alien visions.
 Booker locates ruins that match Nakamoto’s descriptions.
 Booker’s expedition enters the ruins unprepared for what they
will find.
Impending Doom: Destruction (as Booker awakens that which
destroyed the great race).

 Can Booker’s expedition be stopped? Are the shadowy agents
of the great race secretly aiding him?
 Can Nakamoto’s mind-swapping experience be reversed or
 Can the doom that Booker finds be harnessed for the good of
humanity, or is it nothing but destruction?
 Will Ozores survive, and can she continue her research?
Science Fantasy Monsters 133

LOBSTER-MOUSE Devious, Group, Stealthy, Tiny.

Burrowing tail (1d4 damage) 6 HP 0 Armour
Special Qualities: Parasite.
The lobster-mouse is a crafty predator, subsisting on tiny
invertebrates until it encounters a large animal, which it then
parasitizes. By burrowing its tail into the flesh of a host and
contacting the nervous system, the lobster-mouse overrides the
brain’s commands in place of its own, taking over the host’s body.
Instinct: To invade.
 Burrow into a creature’s flesh.
 Control a host’s actions.
 Drop from the ceiling.
 Scuttle away.


Bite (1d8 damage) 6 HP 0 Armour
This ugly creature is most often seen
in the company of depraved alien
wizards, who use it as an attack dog.
The maggot wolf stands as tall as a
man when, instead of crawling along
the ground, it rears up to attack with
tooth and claw. Its slime is
particularly hard to wash off.
Instinct: To obey the master's
 Attack by surprise.
 Do tricks.
 Leave a trail of slime in its wake.
134 Science Fantasy Monsters
Science Fantasy Monsters 135

REPTILOID SCIENTIST Group, Hoarder, Intelligent, Organized.

Disruptor ray (1d6 damage) 6 HP 1 Armour
Special Qualities: Scientific expertise.
When reptiloids exhibit a glimmer of intelligence, more often than
not it fails to be accompanied by any sort of leadership potential,
but instead comes with a crazed creative spirit totally untethered
from normal, rational thought. Reptiloid science is a hit-or-miss
affair that has led to some phenomenal breakthroughs and luckily
no disasters big enough to wipe out the entire species.
Instinct: To ignore the boundaries of responsible science.
 Beg and plead for mercy.
 Bend time and space with strange technology.
 Create bizarre experimental life forms.
 Produce machines of destruction.
 Succumb to insane delusions.

REPTILOID THUG Horde, Organized.

Knife or gun (1d8 damage) 4 HP 1 Armour
Close or Near, Forceful
While there are (of course) some remarkable members of the
reptiloid race, whether or not the average member of the species
can be called “intelligent” is a matter of some debate. The teeming
multitudes of reptiloid society display very little in the way of
creative thinking, independent initiative, or tool-using abilities—
even the reptiloid elites seem to think the rest of the populace is
best served fighting others on their behalf.
Instinct: To swarm.
 Charge en masse.
 Hide in fear when left alone.
 Seize a foe and beat them up.
136 Science Fantasy Monsters

REPTILOID WARLORD Devious, Hoarder, Intelligent,

Organized, Solitary.
Death ray (1d10 damage) 12 HP 2 Armour
Near, Far
Special Qualities: Commands other reptiloids.
The reptiloids would have no serious social organization, and
probably no science or tools even, if not for the evolutionary
development of the warlord brain type. The reptiloid warlord is
extremely intelligent and socially manipulative, able to make other
reptiloids do whatever he or she wants.
Warlords tend to be quite idiosyncratic. Where one will be
conspicuously adorned in silks and jewellery, another will dress
only in a simple black uniform. Where one may cultivate a council
of many subservient races, another will pursue the destruction of
non-reptilian races with a genocidal fury. Each one has its own
special style.
Instinct: To conquer and rule.
 Appear unfazeable.
 Command the reptilian hordes.
 Offer minorities power over others in exchange for obedience.
 Play each side against the other.

SCORPION-PIG Large, Solitary, Terrifying.

Bite (1d10+1 damage) 16 HP 3 Armour
Close, Messy
Special Qualities: Metaspectrum vision, Poisonous stinger.
The dreaded scorpion-pig stands motionless in the open for hours
on end, until it picks a target. Then it charges, attacking
mercilessly. Its pincers are surprisingly blunt, and only used to prod
and poke—its teeth and poison stinger are the real threats.
Instinct: Stand still. Attack!
 Charge a foe.
 Stab with poisoned stinger.
 Trample foe.
Science Fantasy Monsters 137

SHOGGOTH Construct, Huge, Intelligent, Solitary, Terrifying.

Pseudopod (b[2d10]+2 damage) 27 HP 1 Armour
Close, Reach, Forceful
Special Qualities: Amorphous.
The shoggoths were created by the elder things to perform labour
for them, and functioned as mere technology for millions of years.
But when they developed intelligence, they turned against their
masters and destroyed them, clearing the way for human life to
dominate the Earth.
A shoggoth appears to be a gigantic, amorphous mass of black
but faintly glowing bubbles, full of blinking green lights that
resemble eyes. It can move at great speeds if it needs to.
Instinct: To revolt.
 Crush obstacles and break things.
 Engulf something.
 Mimic another life form’s voice.
 Perform Herculean labours.
 Rend and tear the living apart.
138 Science Fantasy Monsters

THEY Alien, Cautious, Devious, Group,

Intelligent, Organized, Stealthy.
Weapon (1d8 damage) 6 HP 1 Armour
Special Qualities: Illusion machines or Malleable features.
They are not human, but They pretend to be. Living among us,
They quietly infiltrate our power structures, replacing key
individuals with their own kind until They control our society.
From this safe vantage, they can feed off us until we are all
Instinct: To control through subterfuge.
 Disguise self as human.
 Drain vitality from a living human.
 Reshape appearance or body into a more useful form.
Science Fantasy Monsters 139

WHITE MAN OF MARS Devious, Intelligent, Organized,

Planar, Solitary, Stealthy.
Sword or gun (1d10+2 damage) 14 HP 1 Armour
Close or Near, Forceful
Special Qualities: Psychic.
Exceedingly rare, the white men of Mars are like a force of nature.
In disguise, they are able to penetrate all levels of a society,
manipulating it from within. But revealed, they are even more
tumultuous, overthrowing customs, laws, and whole societies.
They are able to command the loyalties of all manner of men by
psychic force—from barbarous, unruly savages to the noblest
specimens of great civilizations—without ever reflecting upon what
they have done, or why they have done it. The white men of Mars
pursue their own self-centred goals with a terrifying single-minded
determination, and wherever they go, havoc and chaos go with
Instinct: To adventure!
 Don a disguise and blend in.
 Fight like the devil.
 Leap fantastic distances.
 Psychically dominate a person’s will.

When a white man of mars turns his psychic charms upon you,
roll+WIS. •On a 10+, you are immune! •On a 7-9, you can shake off
the influence if you try, but if you go along with the white man for
now, you can mark XP. •On a miss, you are under the white man’s
sway and may not act against him until you leave his presence.
This is by no means a complete list of works that influenced
Adventures on Dungeon Planet. This is just some of the stuff I was
paying particular attention to while writing it.

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook, by Gary Gygax
(TSR, 1978).
Apocalypse World, by D. Vincent Baker (Lumpley Games, 2010).
Cyberpunk 2020, by Mike Pondsmith et al. (R. Talsorian Games,
Dungeon World, by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel (Sage Kobold
Productions, 2012).
“The Grotesque,” by Joe Mcdaldno (2011).
The Metamorphica, by Johnstone Metzger (2012).
Metamorphosis Alpha, by James M. Ward (TSR, 1976).
Number Appearing, by Justin Wightbred (2012).
Planet Algol, by Blair Fitzpatrick (
Six Inhumanities, by Nathan Orlando Wilson (2013).
Traveller, by Marc W. Miller (Game Designers’ Workshop, 1977).

Shout outs to the forum communities and Dungeon World fans at

Barf Forth Apocalyptica, Story Games, and the Something Awful
Traditional Games sub-forum.
Influences 141

“The Airlords of Han," by Philip Francis Nowlan, in Amazing
Stories 3, no. 12 (Experimenter Publishing Co., 1929).
“Armageddon 2419 A.D.,” by Philip Francis Nowlan, in Amazing
Stories 3, no. 5 (Experimenter Publishing Co., 1928).
“At the Mountains of Madness,” by H. P. Lovecraft, in Astounding
Stories 16, no. 6, and Astounding Stories 17 nos. 1-2 (Street &
Smith Publications, 1936).
City of the Chasch, by Jack Vance (Ace Books, 1968).
Connie, by Frank Godwin (Ledger Syndicate, 1927-1944).
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, by H. P. Lovecraft (Arkham
House, 1943).
Dune, by Frank Herbert (Chilton Books, 1965).
Far Rainbow, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (1963). English
translation by Antonina W. Bouis (Macmillan, 1979).
Foundation, by Isaac Asimov (Gnome Press, 1951).
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley
(Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor & Jones, 1818).
The Gods of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (A. C. McClurg, 1918).
The Killing Machine, by Jack Vance (Berkley Books, 1964).
The King in Yellow, by Robert W. Chambers (F. Tennyson Neely,
The Moon Pool, by Abraham Merritt (Avon, 1919).
Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell (Secker and Warburg,
A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (A. C. McClurg, 1917).
Roadside Picnic, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (1972). English
translation by Antonina W. Bouis (Macmillan, 1977).
“The Shadow Out of Time,” by H. P. Lovecraft, in Astounding
Stories 17, no. 4 (Street & Smith Publications, 1936).
Solaris, by Stanisław Lem (1961). English translation by Joanna
Kilmartin and Steve Cox (Walker & Co., 1970).
The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells (William Heinemann, 1895).
Utopia, by Thomas More (1516).
142 Influences

Alien (1979)
Blade Runner (1982)
Dark Star (1974)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Dune (1984)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Forbidden Planet (1956)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
John Carter (2012)
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Logan’s Run (1976)
Metropolis (1927)
Society (1989)
Solaris (1972)
Solaris (2002)
Stalker (1979)
Star Trek (TV, 1966-1969)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
They Live (1988)
The Thing (1982)
Things to Come (1936)
To the Stars by Hard Ways (1982)
Total Recall (1990)
Zardoz (1974)

Thank you for reading.

The end.

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