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Swedish Institute’s Young Connectors of the Future Programme

Enclosure to the application for YCF 2018


Examples of who can be your reference person

 Colleague/partner
 Supervisor
 Employer
 Tutor/mentor

Examples of who cannot be used as reference person

 Family members/relatives
 Friends
 Individuals who demand compensation (money, goods, favors, services or other means) from
you in order to give you a statement of reference

Why do we require a reference person?

The referee is expected to state an opinion of the applicant from a professional perspective and thereby
provide an important supplement to the applicant´s response to the questions in the YCF 2018
application form and the curriculum vitae. The reference person can be a colleague, an academic
connection, represent an NGO, a public agency, a private enterprise or another actor/entity. The
position or professional status that the referee holds is not the important factor. Of greater importance
is that the referee knows the applicant personally, in a professional manner.


The letter of reference must be completed in English and cannot exceed two pages. Any additional
page will be disregarded. In order to be valid, the letter must be dated and signed.

The letter should preferably be completed by using the template provided by the Swedish Institute. If,
however the referee chooses to write a freeform letter of reference, the details of the applicant as well
as contact details for the referee must be provided. Furthermore, the referee is encouraged to answer
the questions given in the form.

The completed letter of reference is then to be scanned to PDF format (please do not include this
instructions page in the conversion) and enclosed along with your application. A letter that is not
signed will be disregarded.

Swedish Institute
Swedish Institute’s Young Connectors of the Future Programme
Enclosure to the application for YCF 2018

LETTER OF REFERENCE FORM (Two pages maximum including

this page)
The letter of reference must be completed in English. The referee may decide on how to allocate text
between the questions provided, given that the letter does not exceed two pages. Any additional page
will be disregarded. The completed letter must be signed and converted into PDF format.

FIRST NAME of applicant

LAST NAME of applicant

FULL NAME of reference person

TITLE/POSITION of reference person
E-MAIL ADDRESS of reference person
TELEPHONE NUMBER of reference person

Please state in what capacity you know the applicant

How long have you known the applicant?

1. Please evaluate the applicant’s leadership capacity and skills (e.g. in networking, motivation &
perseverance; problem solving and communication).

2. Briefly comment on the applicant’s potential to contribute to and/or drive social change in their

3. Briefly give an overall endorsement of the applicant (for example personal, intellectual and
interpersonal qualities), including your own opinion as to whether he/she will become a future leader,
decision maker or opinion former.

4. Additional remarks (optional).

Date and place Signature of reference person

Swedish Institute

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