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New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

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The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in Sakhalin,

Far East Russia: Ammonites, inoceramids,
foraminifera, and radiolarians

E. A. Yazykova , D. Peryt , T. D. Zonova & L. I. Kasintzova

To cite this article: E. A. Yazykova , D. Peryt , T. D. Zonova & L. I. Kasintzova (2004) The
Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in Sakhalin, Far East Russia: Ammonites, inoceramids,
foraminifera, and radiolarians, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 47:2, 291-320,
DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2004.9515057

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New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47: 291-320 291
0028-8306/04/4702-0291 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 2004

The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in Sakhalin, Far East Russia: ammonites,

inoceramids, foraminifera, and radiolarians

E. A. YAZYKOVA time. The radiolarian fauna appears to have survived this

Department of Ecosystem Stratigraphy interval without marked taxonomic change; a diversity
Faculty of Earth Sciences decrease took place later, near the middle/late Turonian
University of Silesia boundary.
Bedzinska str. 60
PL 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland Keywords Cenomanian; Turonian; biostratigraphy;
email: [email protected] bioevents; diversity; correlation; ammonites; inoceramids;
foraminifera; radiolarians; Naiba Formation; Bykov
D. PERYT Formation; Sakhalin; Russia
Institute of Paleobiology
Polish Academy of Sciences
Twarda str. 51/55
PL 00-818 Warsaw, Poland Within the Upper Cretaceous Pacific paleobiogeographic
d.peryt@ realm, the placement of stage boundaries is problematic. As
a consequence, there are uncertainties regarding inter-
T. D. ZONOVA regional and global correlation. Cretaceous stage stratotypes
VNIGRI [All Russian Science Research Geological were first established in European sections, but the Pacific
Petroleum Institute] is well known for the high degree of faunal endemism and
Litejny pr. 39 provinciality (see, amongst others, Pokhialajnen 1988; Noda
191104 Sankt-Petersburg, Russia & Matsumoto 1998; Zonova & Yazykova 1998; Zakharov et
al. 2002). These features hamper stratigraphic interpretation
and paleogeographic reconstructions. However, stage
boundaries are usually marked either by major faunal
VSEGEI [All Russian Science Research Geological turnovers within certain fossil groups or by globally
Institute] significant bioevents in the evolution of different faunal
Srednij pr. 78 groups (Kauffman & Hart 1995). Such boundaries
199106 Sankt-Petersburg, Russia may be indicative of major eustatic, climatic, or other
paleoenvironmental changes and so are likely to coincide,
or nearly coincide, with regional zonal boundaries for
Abstract The Cenomanian-Turonian succession of faunal different fossil groups. In the present paper, we continue our
assemblages identified in Sakhalin has enabled the work (Yazykova 1996, 2002; Zonova & Yazykova 1998;
establishment of 10 ammonite, 7 inoceramid, 4 radiolarian, Yazykova et al. 2002) on Upper Cretaceous stage boundaries
and 2 foraminiferal zones, which correlate relatively well in the northern Pacific province, with the emphasis on
with those recorded for the northeastern region of Russia documentation of the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary,
(Kamchatka and Koryakia) and for Japan. The problems the placement of which has been a matter of debate for some
surrounding placement of the Cenomanian/Turonian time. Unfortunately, the main criterion recommended at the
boundary in Sakhalin and in adjacent areas are reviewed. Second International Symposium on Cretaceous Stage
Significant macrofaunal turnover and radiation have been Boundaries (Brussels, 1995), namely, the first appearance
identified across the (locally defined) Cenomanian/Turonian of the ammonite Watinoceras devonense (see Bengtson
boundary, as well as in the middle Turonian for ammonites 1996), can not be applied in north Pacific regions of Russia,
and in the upper Turonian for inoceramids. The first due to the absence of this key species.
occurrences of the widely distributed Pacific ammonite
Jimboiceras planulatiforme (Jimbo), the cosmopolitan The C/T boundary bioevent is a relatively minor
ammonite Fagesia, and the inoceramid Mytiloides aff. Phanerozoic mass extinction (Raup & Sepkoski 1984;
labiatus (Schlötheim), define the base of the Turonian Stage. Kauffman & Hart 1995) and is related to a 2nd-order
The succession of foraminiferal assemblages does not exhibit sequence boundary (Kauffman 1985). Seven percent of
any major extinction at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary; marine animal families and 26% of genera became extinct
however, a temporary faunal restructuring occurred at that (Harries 1993). Generally, the C/T boundary interval is
widely recognised as one of the all-time sea-level highstands
(see, e.g., Hancock & Kauffman 1979, Haq et al. 1987;
Hallam 1992). The C/T extinction is closely associated in
time with Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 2 that was probably
triggered by areal expansion of oxygen-poor waters (see, e.g.,
G03006; Online publication date 20 May 2004 Elder 1989; Hirano & Takagi 1995; Vejmarn et al. 1998;
Received 23 May 2003; accepted 8 December 2003 Leckie et al. 2002). In the northwest Pacific province, OAE2
292 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 1 Map of Sakhalin Island

showing the location of the studied



has been recorded from the top of the upper Cenomanian al. 1995; see also Poyarkova 1987). It is possible that the
sequence in Hokkaido Island, Japan (Kaiho et al. 1993; Cenomanian OAE2 occurred in Sakhalin because, for
Hirano & Takagi 1995; Toshimitsu & Hirano 2000). example, the late Albian anoxic event (OAE1) recorded from
Generally, the carbon isotopic fluctuations recorded in the Lower Yezo Group has been documented in Japan as
terrestrial organic matter from the Hokkaido Cenomanian- well as in Sakhalin (Hirano & Fukuju 1997). Moreover,
Turonian (C-T) succession show a pattern that is remarkably Hasegawa et al. (2003) have recently recorded several carbon
similar to isotopic fluctuations in carbon reported from isotopic events, including a positive "spike" across the C/T
southern England, the Italian Appennines, and the Pueblo boundary, in terrestrial organic matter from successions in
section (Hasegawa 1997). Unfortunately, isotopes and anoxic the River Naiba valley, suggesting these could be correlated
events have not been studied well in Far East Russia; with those of carbonate carbon recorded from sections in
however, Cenomanian anoxic events have been recorded by other parts of the world.
Japanese scientists in mudstone beds of the Middle Yezo The present paper discusses the recognition of the C/T
Group, which are correlative with Sakhalin (Toshimitsu et boundary and coeval events in Sakhalin Island (Fig. 1), details
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 293

faunal characteristics of the C-T interval in the reference macrofaunal and microfaunal analyses of the boundary
section of Cretaceous deposits (River Naiba valley) for four interval were carried out in southern Sakhalin at the reference
main groups, viz, ammonites, inoceramids, foraminifera and section in the River Naiba valley (Poyarkova 1987). This is
radiolarians, as well as addresses some possibilities for the most complete section available (Fig. 2) and forms the
correlation between C-T sequences in Sakhalin and elsewhere. basis for the present study. Eighteen additional sections are
distributed over the island (Fig. 1). Generally, the River Naiba
valley succession represents a sublittoral setting with
MATERIAL AND METHODS extremely high sedimentation rates of up to 190 m/m.y.
(Alabushev 1995). The thickness of the C-T succession
The present study is based on macrofauna collected from the exposed here is c. 600 m. In Hokkaido, Okada (1997) also
River Naiba valley (Fig. 1, 2); in addition, one of us (EAY) recorded high rates of clastic sedimentation (>185 m/m.y.)
collected almost 60 samples for microfaunal analyses during during a sea-level highstand during the late Cenomanian to
a field trip in 1999. Moreover, the authors have studied all early Turonian (Middle Yezo Group), reflecting tectonic uplift
specimens collected previously from the C-T sections N2-19 and highly active magmatism.
(Fig. 1) in Sakhalin; in fact, all conclusions are based on the
The Naiba C-T sequence comprises typically mono-
entire material from the island. Prior to photography,
tonous, rhythmic alternations of mudstones with thin (10-
macrofossils were coated with magnesium oxide. Photographs
20 cm) intercalations of siltstone, sandstone, tuffaceous
of microfossils are all SEM images. Inoceramids, ammonites,
sandstones, and sporadic marly concretions containing
foraminifera, and radiolarians were identified by Zonova,
numerous fossils. There is no evidence for a hiatus or an
Yazykova, Peryt, and Kazintsova, respectively.
unconformity at the stage boundary level here (Fig. 3). The
For high-resolution faunal analyses and paleoecological Cenomanian interval extends from Member 3 of the Naiba
reconstructions, data on non-inoceramid bivalves are mostly Formation up to the top of Member 2 of the Bykov Formation.
from Poyarkova (1987). Recent data on paleotemperatures The light-grey sandstone at the top of Member 2 of the Bykov
(Zakharov et al. 1996, 1999; Kodama et al. 2000), based on Formation has yielded much plant debris and numerous marly
818O in sections in the southern part of Sakhalin Island, have fossiliferous concretions with a marine Cenomanian
also been incorporated, and all existing reference data on macrofauna; these beds were referred to as "debris sandstone"
the C-T of Sakhalin Island have been assessed. by Zonova et al. (1993). Members 3-6 of the Bykov
Specimens studied are housed in the VSEGEI (Vserosyj skij Formation have been dated as Turonian (Poyarkova 1987).
Nauchno-Issledovatelskij Geologicheskij Institut-All Russian Previously, the C/T boundary was placed just above the
Science Research Geological Institute) Museum (Saint "debris sandstone" at the lower limit of Member 3 of the
Petersburg, Russia), at the University of Silesia, Faculty of Bykov Formation (Poyarkova 1987; Zonova et al. 1993).
Earth Sciences (Sosnowiec, Poland), and at the Institute of Member 3 comprises mudstones interbedded with black, grey
Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw). and green tuffaceous sandstones and siltstones and bentonitic
clay, reflecting shallow-water settings and strong volcanic
activity. That "coloured" interval is barren of any fossils and
LITHOLOGYAND STRATIGRAPHY is generally 40-50 m thick (Fig. 3). The first appearance of
In numerous sections around the world, sediments of the a Turonian fauna has been recorded in the black mudstones
C-T interval are represented by specific marker lithofacies just above the coloured barren interval (Fig. 4). Member 3 is
(e.g., black shales, black marl, black sand, red limestone, a useful marker horizon because of its distinctive features.
greenish clay or greenish sandstone), or geochemical In the River Naiba valley, Member 3 is best exposed at
evidence (Hallam & Wignall 1997; Vejmarn et al. 1998). locality 139 and it can be traced easily for c. 7 km along the
valley (Fig. 2). In the West Sakhalin Mountains (e.g., at
The C/T boundary level in sections representing the
Zhonkier Cape (Fig. 1, section 19), Hoj Cape (section 18),
northern Pacific paleobiogeographic province (British
and Verblud Mount (section 16)), this interval is also well
Columbia, Vancouver Island, California, Alaska, northeast
exposed and reaches a thickness of 30-50 m. Moreover, in
Russia, Sichote Alin, Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, Japan)
1986, Zonova and Yazykova observed the same lithological
is generally characterised by a c. 30-50 m thick sequence
features at the C/T boundary in the River Kelinejveem (River
of interbedded sandstone and shale facies with an
Velikaja valley) in northeastern Russia. The thickness of this
unfossiliferous interval at the boundary level, followed by
coloured barren interval does not exceed 50 m there, but
the first appearance of a Turonian fauna in the overlying
colours differ and are brighter, maybe due to the dominance
mudstone or siltstone lithofacies (see, e.g., Haggart 1986
of siltstone lithofacies in comparison to Sakhalin.
and references therein). The section in the central part of
Hokkaido is a good example of such a succession: the so- In summary, the C-T interval in Sakhalin comprises an
called "black shale" interval is almost 50 m thick there and apparently uninterrupted succession from relatively deep
contains only small-sized ichnofossils (Planolites marine, offshore mudstones representing an open shelf to
and Chondrites) that are indicative of an oxygen-poor sandstones of a shelf-slope basin, with a maximum
depositional setting (Hayakawa 2001). The C/T boundary transgression in the early Turonian but a short episode of
is provisionally placed within this unfossiliferous, black relatively shallow water across the C/T boundary. The
shale interval; a Turonian fauna has been recorded from tuffaceous debris sandstone in the upper Cenomanian and
above it, in dark grey mudstone layers with muddy bentonitic clay interlayers in Member 3 of the Bykov
turbidites (Toshimitsu et al. 1995). This succession is similar Formation, as well as the light-grey muddy turbidites in the
to that in Sakhalin, which is in the same paleobasin and lower Turonian, are evidence of abrupt volcanic and tectonic
biotic province. activity. Plate movements and magmatism in the northern
In Sakhalin, C-T successions are distributed mainly in Pacific were extremely active during Cretaceous time (Filatova
the southern and central part of the island (Fig. 1). Detailed 1995,1998). Major tectonic belts run parallel to the distribution
294 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 2 Locations of sample out-

crops of Upper Cretaceous deposits
\^ i
Member 3 in the River Naiba valley. A-E refer
'!/ to the correlated stratigraphic
\ ! i 5023 II
II 510*
sections shown in Fig. 4.

1 \ •

\ i
.'.' • 52()
5028 m
/ 522
3212 " y ^ 5 2 9
( ^f 530
/IQ/- Q

\ u »10^ • o
J i 548 _ #•543 U
544 f_J
G ^/l049
—fault 542f=5^
f \

Q onian :: Cenomanian

r I
^ 213... ](}/|7 —^ ^
~!! ir

075* 373
/ 1
^ 2 ^ C
U687 54
62 B
31a \\J

0 500 1000m
P018 ^ J ^ j

2138 ^

3 6

k 16233l4a
• 88

!1 j?7A
i 225 J
/ '27 . /
A- section on Fig. 4

Coniacian •' /
/ Turonian
/ ! Cenomanian

0117> / ;;
r ii

of volcanic and plutonic rocks from the Guangxi region in Studies of the mineralogical composition of the Naiba
southeast China to the Chukotka in eastern Russia, extending reference section deposits (Poyarkova 1987) have shown that
over 7000 km along the eastern continental margin (Okada the boundary between two mineralogical zones, namely the
1999). A similar, short-lived impulse of shallowing in the latest titanite-epidote zone and the garnet-zircon zone within the
Cenomanian has been noted in different sections during a heavy mineral tourmaline-garnet-zircon fraction, occurs just
general interval of sea-level highstand (Vejmarn et al. 1998). below the "coloured barren interval". Generally, the heavy
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 295

Fig. 3 Cenomanian-Turonian lithologic section in the River Naiba valley, at the Naidenova/Naiba confluence.

mineral fraction dominates in the Turonian up to the species, representing 13 genera and 7 families. The
Maastrichtian, whereas minerals of the light fraction prevail Acanthoceratidae and Gaudryceratidae dominate, with the
in Albian-Cenomanian deposits. Moreover, high percentages former represented by three cosmopolitan taxa, and the latter
of tourmaline (10%), zircon (60%), and titanite (15%) are by four typical Cenomanian species. The remaining
recorded from Member 3 (Bykov Formation). This abrupt ammonites represent one species of the families Turrilitidae,
change of the mineralogical composition and the high Puzosiidae, and Phylloceratidae, and two species each of the
amounts of some minerals at this level also demonstrate that Kossmaticeratidae and Desmoceratidae.
some tectonic activity must have taken place in the Sakhalin The Desmoceras (Desmoceras) kossmati Zone yields D.
paleobasin at this level. (Desmoceras), D. (Pseudouhligella), Parajaubertella,
Zelandites, Neophylloceras, and Anagaudryceras (Fig. 6).
Traditionally, the first appearance of Parajaubertella
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY kawakitana (Fig. 7.1,2) has been taken to define the base of
the Cenomanian in Far East Russia (Poyarkova 1987;
Ammonites Zonova et al. 1993; Alabushev & Wiedmann 1997).
The succession of C-T ammonite assemblages identified The Mantelliceras sp. Zone is characterised by first
in Sakhalin has enabled the establishment of 10 zones representatives of the genus Mantelliceras, a typical
(5 zones in the Cenomanian and 5 in the Turonian), based Cenomanian taxon known from many regions in the world
on first occurrences (FO) of zonal indices (Fig. 5) and (Tröger & Kennedy 1996), and comparatively long ranging
elaboration of the stratigraphic ranges of other key species Zelandites inflatus and Anagaudryceras buddha. The latter
(Fig. 6). Material collected from the River Naiba valley species was first described from the Cenomanian of India
presents a rich record of fairly well preserved specimens (Forbes 1846).
(Fig. 7-10), which allow recognition of the C/T boundary. Following Tröger & Kennedy (1996), the first appearance
Most of the zones have already been described in detail in of a representative of the genus Acanthoceras is taken as a
previous papers (Zonova et al. 1993; Zonova & Yazykova criterion for recognition of the base of the middle
1998). Cenomanian. Thus, the lower/middle Cenomanian boundary
In comparison with the Turonian, the Cenomanian in Sakhalin is situated at the base of the Acanthoceras
interval in Sakhalin Island generally presents a rather less sussexiense Zone (Fig. 5, 6).
taxonomically diverse record of ammonites. Four ammonite The lowest occurrence of Calycoceras is one of several
zones have previously been described by Yazykova (in possible criteria for recognition of the upper Cenomanian.
Zonova et al. 1993), namely those of Desmoceras However, a definition for the base of the substage was not
(Desmoceras) kossmati, Mantelliceras sp., Calycoceras sp., agreed in 1995 (Tröger & Kennedy 1996). The Calycoceras
and Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) japonicum. A fifth zone, sp. Zone, established in Sakhalin by Yazykova (in
that of Acanthoceras sussexiense, is proposed here. In total, Atabekian et al. 1991), yields Calycoceras, Gaudryceras,
the Sakhalin sections have yielded 15 Cenomanian ammonite Neophylloceras, Parajaubertella, Mikasaites, and Turrilites
296 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

NAIBA valley

• V - • 727 • 103

• 729

• 107 • 548
«106 • 545
• 5028
45 • 5023
• 544
< 2138

43 • 542(=5)
• 543

42,225 • 2053
<7 • 075
< 41
< 40,227 • 214
« 31a • 213
<39 • 3212 • 1814b
• 139 «|95 • 1074
"68 • 073a • 531
• 530
36 • 073
• 1170
l ^ l ^ l < 57
i 35 • 231
100m «L047 529
27 •86 • • • •
• • • - Sandstones
0127 "54
• 522 6a
• 521 - Mudstones
V V -Tuff
• 73 •1049

62 •1048 • • - Sandy mudstones

511 - Conglomerate

509 - Gravelstone

^ ? > - Marly concretions

•86 - Sample number

Fig. 4 Cenomanian-Turonian stratigraphic section in the River Naiba valley.

Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 297

Ammonite Inoceramid Radiolarian Foraminifera

Zone Zone Zones Zones
Yazykova in
0 £ Zonova et al, 1993, Zonova in Turenko in
W CO Kazintsova, 2000
this paper Zonova et al, 1993, this paper Poyarkova, 1987
Inoceramus Planulina rumoiensis-
Jimboiceras mihoense
uwajimensis Globotruncana japonica
Orbiculiforma quadrata •
O. monticelloensis
Jimboiceras planulatiforme Mytiloides incertus-
Subprionocyclus sp. Inoceramus teshioensis
Scaphites planus futabaensis-
Inoceramus hobetsensis- Crucella cachensis - Rzehakina
Romaniceras (Yubariceras) I. iburiensis Alievium superbum subcircularis

Fagesia sp. Mytiloides aff. labiatus

Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) Haliomma sachalinica -

S. japonicum Inoceramus aff. tenuis Dictiomitra multicostata
Calycoceras sp. Ig Lipmanium sacra -
Glomospira corona-
Ammobaculites gratus
mentoensis -
Inoceramus pressulus-
I. gradilis
II Archaeodictyomitra
o .Q. squinaboli
Mantelliceras sp.

Desmoceras (D.)kossmati Inoceramus aff. crippsii

_J | - data gap ? - unfossiliferous interval

Fig. 5 Ammonite, inoceramid, radiolarian, and foraminiferal zonations of the Cenomanian-Turonian in Sakhalin Island.

(Fig. 6). For the time being, the middle/upper Cenomanian planulatiforme (Zonova et al. 1993; Zonova & Yazykova
boundary in Sakhalin is placed at the FO of Calycoceras. 1998). In total, 21 species, representing 16 genera and 10
The Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) japonicum Zone is families, have been identified from the Turonian of Sakhalin.
dated as Cenomanian, the zonal species being widely The number of heteromorph ammonites is relatively high
distributed throughout this stage in the Pacific Realm compared to the Cenomanian (only Turrilites costatus), with
(Vereschagin et al. 1965; Zonova et al. 1993; Toshimitsu et six genera (in three families) represented.
al. 1995). The occurrence of representatives of the genus Fagesia
All Cenomanian ammonite species disappeared at the is typical of the base of the Turonian Stage in many regions
C/T boundary. Not one representative of the genera in the world (e.g., Collignon 1965; Freund & Raab 1969;
Mantelliceras, Acanthoceras, Mikasaites, and Calycoceras Khakimov 1970; Chancellor etal. 1994, amongst others). In
is known from the Turonian of Sakhalin or from other regions Sakhalin (Fig. 8), this taxon co-occurs with Jimboiceras
of the world (Vejmarn et al. 1998). planulatiforme (Fig. 10), a widely distributed species in the
The definition of the base of the Turonian Stage on the Turonian of the northern Pacific subprovince
basis of ammonites is fraught with difficulties. Unfortunately, (Matsumoto 1959a,b, 1988; Zonova & Yazykova 1998) and
previous studies have not discussed this issue in detail. For of Madagascar (Collignon 1961, 1965). The FO of
instance, Alabushev (in Alabushev & Wiedmann 1997) Jimboiceras planulatiforme and the genus Fagesia are the
proposed the Romaniceras (Yubariceras) ornatissimum Zone main criteria for recognition of the lower boundary of the
as the lowest Turonian zone, but Poyarkova (1987) and Turonian in Far East Russia (Zonova & Yazykova 1998).
Zonova & Yazykova (1998) demonstrated that the lowest This is in contrast with data provided by Alabushev (in
occurrence of the Turonian ammonites Fagesia sp. and Alabushev & Wiedmann 1997, p. 4), who considered the
Jimboiceras planulatiforme (see Fig. 6) in marl concretions J. planulatiforme Zone to be of middle-late Turonian age.
in the mudstones of Member 4 of the Bykov Formation, just The survival interval in ammonite evolution following the
above the "coloured barren interval", predates that of R. (Y.) C/T boundary extinction equates with the Fagesia sp. Zone.
ornatissimum. During that time, long-lived genera of the families
The Turonian succession generally furnishes taxonomically Gaudryceratidae (Gaudryceras and Zelandites)
more diverse ammonite assemblages than the Cenomanian, and Phylloceratidae (Neophylloceras) persisted and
with new species and genera appearing (Fig. 6) and a marked representatives of Fagesia and Nipponites appeared (Fig. 6).
change of shell morphotypes observed (Fig. 9, 10). Five The genera Gaudryceras, Zelandites, and Neophylloceras are
Turonian zones have been recognised (Fig. 5), namely those conservative lineages that continued up into the Maastrichtian;
of Fagesia sp., Romaniceras (Yubariceras) ornatissimum, Fagesia disappeared at the end of the Turonian, while the last
Scaphites planus, Subprionocyclus sp., and Jimboiceras Nipponites occurred in the lower Coniacian.
298 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 6 Stratigraphic distribution

of Cenomanian-Turonian ammo-
nite species.

The recovery interval corresponds to the Romaniceras stratigraphically lowest specimens of the index taxon are
(Yubariceras) ornatissimum Zone, which allows correlation from locality 31a (Fig. 2,6). Thus, the lower/middle Turonian
with the European and Mediterranean realms based on the boundary in Sakhalin would seem to correspond to the base
distribution of the zonal species. According to of the R. (Y.) ornatissimum Zone (Fig. 5).
Küchler (1998) and Wiese & Wilmsen (1999), the The Scaphites planus Zone (upper middle Turonian, see
Romaniceras (Yubariceras) ornatissimum Zone is placed Fig. 5) is the time of radiation and maximum diversity of
within the middle Turonian of Spain. It is difficult to establish Turonian ammonites in Sakhalin and in the northeastern
the lower/middle Turonian boundary in Sakhalin, where the regions of Russia (Vereschagin et al. 1965; Alabushev &

Fig. 7 Some representatives of the Cenomanian ammonites from Sakhalin. 1, 2 Parajaubertella kawakitana Matsumoto: 1a-d,
N7/12769; 2a-c, N8/12769, lower Cenomanian, Mantelliceras sp. Zone, River Susuja, loc. 73. 3, 4 Neophylloceras seresitense
(Pervinquière): 3, N5/12769; 4, N4/12769, upper Cenomanian, Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) japonicum Zone, River Aj, loc. 29,
loc. 15. 5, Gaudryceras cf. varagurense Kossmat, N6/12769, lower Cenomanian, Desmoceras (D.) kossmati Zone, River Aj, loc. 233.
6, Zelandites inflatus Matsumoto, N1/12769, lower Cenomanian, Desmoceras (D.) kossmati Zone, River Juzhnaya Hondasa, loc. 1495.
7, Anagaudryceras cf. buddha (Forbes), N3/12769, upper Cenomanian, Desmoceras (Pseudouhligella) japonicum Zone, River Aj,
loc. 29. 8a,b Marshallites olcostephanoides, lower Cenomanian, Mantelliceras sp. Zone, River Nayba, loc. 18. 9a,b Mantelliceras sp.,
N2/12769, lower Cenomanian, Mantelliceras sp. Zone, River Firsovka, loc. 509. All figures xl.2.
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 299
300 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 8 1, Mantelliceras sp.

N9/12769, lower Cenomanian,
Mantelliceras sp. Zone, River
Firsovka, loc. 511. x0.61.

Wiedmann 1997; Zonova & Yazykova 1998). This typical Generally, taxonomic diversity patterns in the post-crisis
scaphitid facies is easily traced from the northeast through Turonian ammonite fauna in Sakhalin reflect a sequence of
Sakhalin to Hokkaido (Tanabe 1979); additional new genera phases (Kauffman & Erwin 1995; Harries & Little 1999). At
and species appeared during this time (Fig. 6). first there was a mass extinction at the C/T boundary followed
Locally, the middle/upper Turonian boundary has been by a survival interval (the Fagesia sp. Zone) with long-lived
established by the FO of Subprionocyclus sp. (= base of the conservative genera and two new genera. The appearance
Subprionocyclus sp. Zone; within Member 5 of the Bykov of numerous new taxa indicates the recovery phase
Formation, see Fig. 5). The same pattern has been reported (Romaniceras (Yubariceras) ornatissimum Zone) and the acme
from Japan (Toshimitsu et al. 1995) and Spain (Küchler 1998; of ammonites (the Scaphites planus Zone), and continues the
Wiese & Wilmsen 1999). At present, there are no other relatively stable phase (i.e., nomismogenesis (sensu Kauffman
cosmopolitan taxa of typically late Turonian age known from 1985)) prior to another faunal turnover at the Turonian/
this level. This time interval is characterised by a relative Coniacian boundary (Zonova & Yazykova 1998).
stability in ammonite evolution. The total number of species
decreased slightly and new taxa appeared gradually (Fig. 6). Inoceramids
The Jimboiceras planulatiforme Zone was described in The succession of C-T inoceramid assemblages identified
detail in previous works (Matsumoto 1959c; Zonova et al. in Sakhalin has enabled the establishment of seven zones
1993; Zonova & Yazykova 1998), to which reference is made. (four zones in the Cenomanian and three in the Turonian;
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 301

Fig. 9 Some representatives of the Turonian ammonites from Sakhalin. 1a,b Fagesia sp., lower Turonian, Fagesia sp. Zone, River
Firsovka, loc. 1814b. 2-6 Scaphites cf. planus (Yabe): middle Turonian, Scaphites planus Zone: 2-5, River Lobanovka, loc. 3812-1, 6,
River Nayba, loc. 41. 7, Tetragonites cf. epigonus (Kossmat), middle Turonian, Scaphites planus Zone, River Nayba, loc. 41.
8a,b Gaudryceras tenuiliratum (Yabe), middle Turonian, Scaphites planus Zone, River Naiba, loc. 213. 9a,b Eubostrychoceras cf.
japonicum (Yabe), middle Turonian, Scaphites planus Zone, River Naiba, loc. 214. 10a-c Anagaudryceras limatum (Yabe), middle
Turonian, Scaphites planus Zone, River Naiba, loc. 41. All figures xl.2.
302 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 10 Some representatives of the Turonian ammonites from Sakhalin. 1, 3 Nipponites mirabilis Yabe: 1a-c upper Turonian,
Subprionocyclus sp. Zone, River Onorka, loc. 547a; 3a-c upper Turonian, uppermost part of Jimboiceras planulatiforme Zone, River
Krasnoyarka, loc. 103. 2, Jimboiceras cf. planulatiforme (Jimbo), upper Turonian, Subprionocyclus sp./Jimboiceras planulatiforme
Zone, River Naiba, loc. 71a. 4a-c Jimboiceras planulatiforme (Jimbo). N27/12769, lower Turonian, Fagesia sp. Zone/Jimboiceras
planulatiforme Zone, River Naiba, loc. 31a. All figures natural size.

Fig. 5), as based on the first occurrence of zonal index The oldest Cenomanian zone is that of Inoceramus aff.
species (Fig. 11). Most of the zones have already been crippsi. The first specimens of the index taxon were reported
described in previous papers (Zonova et al. 1993; Zonova from Sakhalin in the 1940s (Matsumoto 1942, 1943). Some
& Yazykova 1998). The inoceramid zonation correlates years later, Matsumoto (1959c) established this zone but
relatively well with those of northeast Russia and Japan failed to provide details; its formal identification (Poyarkova
and matches the ammonite, foraminifera, and radiolarian 1987) and description in Sakhalin occurred much later
schemes well. Material collected from the River Naiba (Zonova et al. 1993). The zonal species is well known from
valley presents a rich record of fairly well preserved the Cenomanian of Tethyan areas (e.g., the Crimea and
specimens (Fig. 12-15), which allow recognition of the Caucasus; Pavlova 1955; Moskvin 1959), as well as from
C/T boundary. However, at present, it is impossible to the basal Cenomanian of France (Tröger & Kennedy 1996)
determine substage boundaries within the Cenomanian in and the upper Cenomanian of Poland (Marcinowski 1974).
Sakhalin using inoceramid species. In the Naiba section, Inoceramus aff. crippsi co-occurs with
The main feature of the Cenomanian inoceramid Actinoceramus nipponicus (Fig. 12) and Inoceramus pictus
assemblage is the wide distribution of the group, which (Zonova et al. 1993). The former species is widely distributed
comprises species which have a thin, flat shell with weakly throughout most of the Cenomanian in the entire Pacific
developed sculpture or none at all (e.g., Inoceramus Realm; the latter occurs in the Cenomanian of Europe and
pressulus, I. gradilis, I. pennatulus, I. ginterensis, and I. North America (Kauffman 1975). Generally, the early
reduncus;Fig. 12,13). The presence or absence of sculpture Cenomanian is a time of survival for inoceramids following
is not related to ontogeny (Pochialajnen 1988). an extinction event at the Albian/Cenomanian boundary
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 303

Fig. 11 Stratigraphic distribution

of Cenomanian-Turonian inoce-
ramid species.

i i i

i a

(Yazykova 2004). No Albian taxa have been found in the representatives of Cenomanian taxa occur just below the
lower Cenomanian of Sakhalin. "coloured barren interval" discussed previously.
Most representatives of the remaining inoceramid group The first Turonian inoceramids are found just above the
appeared at the end of the early Cenomanian and in the middle "coloured barren interval" in the upper part of Member 3 of
Cenomanian. This recovery interval, following the the Bykov Formation (Fig. 11). The Turonian succession is
Albian/Cenomanian extinction of inoceramids, corresponds generally characterised by the appearance and wide
approximately to the Inoceramus pressulus -I. gradilis Zone distribution of representatives of a new phylogenetic group,
with a radiation and maximum diversity in the Inoceramus that of Inoceramus lamarki, and the occurrence of the
aff. tenuis Zone. That is also the time of high abundance of Mytiloides aff. labiatus group in many regions of the world.
the Pergamentia group (Zonova et al. 1993), both in species The Inoceramus lamarcki group is represented by new shell
and number of individuals. morphotypes with well-developed sculpture, which were to
During the late Cenomanian, inoceramid diversity become dominant during the entire Turonian. The most
gradually decreased (Fig. 11). The upper part of the typical representatives of these are Inoceramus hobetsensis
Actinoceramus nipponicus Zone, which is generally equated and I. iburiensis (Fig. 14, 15).
with the upper lower Cenomanian up to the upper The Turonian inoceramid assemblage is taxonomically
Cenomanian, is characterised by a low diversity and by more diverse than the Cenomanian one. Three Turonian
the disappearance of Cenomanian species. The last inoceramid zones have been recognised in the River Naiba
304 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 12 Some representatives of Cenomanian inoceramids from Sakhalin. 1,3 Inoceramus aff. tenuis Mantell: 1, N130/10693, upper
Cenomanian, Inoceramus aff. tenuis Zone, River Susuja, loc. 73; 3, N87/12765, upper Cenomanian, Inoceramus aff. tenuis Zone, River
Naiba, loc. 86. 2, 4 Actinoceramus nipponicus (Nagao & Matsumoto): 2a-c N1 12/10693, upper Cenomanian, Inoceramus aff. tenuis
Zone/Actinoceramus nipponicus Zone, River Naiba, loc. 073; 4a-c upper Cenomanian, Inoceramus aff. tenuis Zone/Actinoceramus
nipponicus Zone, River Shadrinka, Naiba valley, loc. 24. 5, Inoceramus pennatulus Pergament, N102/10693, middle Cenomanian,
Inoceramuspressulus, I. gradilis Zone, River Firsovka, loc. 6a. 6a,b Inoceramus gradilis Pergament, N42/12765, middle Cenomanian,
Inoceramus pressulus, I. gradilis Zone, River Aj, loc. 29. All figures natural size.
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 305

Fig. 13 Some representatives of Cenomanian inoceramids from Sakhalin. 1,5 Inoceramus tychljawajamensis Vereshchagin: 1, upper
Cenomanian, Inoceramus aff. tenuis Zone, River Pobedinka, loc. 8246; 5, N129/10693, upper Cenomanian, Inoceramus aff. tenuis
Zone, River Naiba, loc. 073.2,4 Birostrina tamurai (Matsumoto & Noda): 2a-e N70/12765, middle Cenomanian, Inoceramuspressulus,
I. gradilis Zone, River Kemo-Gava, Naiba valley, loc. 1074; 4, N72/12765, middle Cenomanian, Inoceramus pressulus, I. gradilis
Zone, River Shadrinka, Naiba valley, loc. 27. 3a,b Inoceramus gradilis Pergament, middle Cenomanian, Inoceramus pressulus,
I. gradilis Zone, River Shadrinka, Naiba valley, loc. 27. 6, Inoceramus pressulus Zonova, N1/10841, middle Cenomanian, Inoceramus
pressulus, I. gradilis Zone, River Gurjevka, Naiba valley, loc. 0127. All figures natural size.
306 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 14 Some representatives of Turonian inoceramids from Sakhalin. 1-3 Inoceramus teshioensis Nagao & Matsumoto: 1a,b
N194/10693, upper Turonian, Mytiloides incertus, Inoceramus teshioensis Zone, River Naiba valley, River Kuma, loc. 729; 2a,b
N191/10693, upper Turonian, Mytiloides incertus, Inoceramus teshioensis Zone, River Naiba valley, River Naidenova, loc. 46; 3,
N1 93/10693, upper Turonian, Mytiloides incertus, Inoceramus teshioensis Zone, River Naiba valley, River Kuma, loc. 729.4,5 Inoceramus
sp. aff. I. teraokai Noda: 4, N189/10693; 5, N190/10693, upper Turonian, Mytiloides incertus, Inoceramus teshioensis Zone, River
Naiba valley, River Naidenova, loc. 46. 6a,b Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao & Matsumoto, N156/10693, middle Turonian, Inoceramus
hobetsensis, I. iburienis Zone, River Naiba valley, River Naidenova, loc. 41. All figures natural size.
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 307

Fig. 15 Some representatives of Turonian inoceramids from Sakhalin. 1, 3-5, 7, 10 Mytiloides aff. labiatus (Schlötheim): 1a,b
N176/10693; 5, N173/10693, lower Turonian, Mytiloides aff. labiatus Zone, River Naiba valley, River Gurjevka, loc. 227; 3,
N96/12765; 4, N98/12765; 7, N97/12765, lower Turonian, Mytiloides aff. labiatus Zone, River Naiba, loc. 46; 10a,b N171/10693,
middle Turonian, Inoceramus hobetsensis, I. iburienis Zone, River Naiba valley, River Naidenova, loc. 42.2, Inoceramus aff. multiformis
Pergament, N46/12580, upper Turonian, Mytiloides incertus, Inoceramus teshioensis Zone, River Naiba valley, River Shadrinka,
loc. 26. 6, Actinoceramus costatus (Nagao & Matsumoto), N201/10693, middle Turonian, Inoceramus hobetsensis, I. iburiensis Zone,
River Naiba, loc. 5. 8, Inoceramus hobetsensis Nagao & Matsumoto, N368/12765, middle Turonian, Inoceramus hobetsensis, I. iburienis
Zone, River Naiba valley, River Naidenova, loc. 41. 9, Inoceramus pseudocuvieriPergament, N168/10693, middle Turonian, Inoceramus
hobetsensis, I. iburiensis Zone, River Naiba, loc. 213. 11, Inoceramus sp. aff. I. iburiensis Nagao & Matsumoto, N232/10693, middle
Turonian, Inoceramus hobetsensis, I. iburiensis Zone, River Naiba, loc. 106. All figures natural size.
308 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

section in Sakhalin (Fig. 5), namely those of Mytiloides aff. For the purpose of the present study, >50 samples were
labiatus (lower Turonian), Inoceramus hobetsensis - I. processed, but unfortunately most of them turned out to be
iburiensis (middle Turonian to lower upper Turonian), and unproductive. Kodama et al. (2000) were also unsuccessful
Mytiloides incertus - Inoceramus teshioensis (upper in extracting foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton in
Turonian). All three zones have been described in detail and the upper part of the Bykov Formation and the overlying
recorded from the entire Pacific Realm (see Poyarkova 1987; Krasnoyarka Formation. The only interval from which
Zonova et al. 1993; Zonova & Yazykova 1998). In total, 17 foraminifera have been recorded in the present study is
species, representing 2 genera, were identified from the Member 4 of the Naiba Formation (Fig. 16). Foraminiferal
Turonian of Sakhalin, although at the genus level the assemblages are dominated by organic-cemented siliceous
taxonomy of inoceramids is far from resolved. agglutinated taxa including Bathysiphon, Rhabdammina,
Generally, taxonomic diversity patterns in the post-crisis Hyperammina, Saccammina, Glomospira, Ammodiscus,
Turonian inoceramid fauna in Sakhalin show a sequence of Haplophragmoides, and Asanospira. A few calcareous taxa,
phases (Kauffman & Erwin 1995; Harries & Little 1999). including Quadrimorphina, Lenticulina, Astacolus, and
Following upon the mass extinction at the C/T boundary is a ?Valvulineria, occur sporadically. Tubular forms, not
survival interval (the Mytiloides aff. labiatus Zone) with low illustrated by Turenko (in Poyarkova 1987), are figured here
diversity (only three new species). The subsequent (Fig. 17). In taxonomic composition, the C-T foraminiferal
appearance of new taxa indicates the recovery phase and fauna from the Naiba River valley is transitional between
radiation (the Inoceramus hobetsensis -I. iburiensis Zone), the Ammobaculites Association of Haig (1979) and a so-
and continues the phase of nomismogenesis (the Mytiloides called "flysch-type" fauna (Gradstein & Berggren 1981).
incertus - Inoceramus teshioensis Zone) prior to a new faunal According to Haig (1979), the Ammobaculites Association
turnover at the Turonian/Coniacian boundary (Zonova & is most conspicuous in non-carbonate terrigenous deposits,
Yazykova 1998). especially dark grey mudstones and siltstones of shallow seas.
A flysch-type fauna shows little depth restriction, except that
usually it is >200 m, and it seems more closely associated
Foraminifera with relatively rapid deposition of organic-rich, carbonate-
Foraminifera from the upper part of the Naiba and Bykov poor, and fine-grained clastics (Gradstein & Berggren 1981).
Formations have been studied previously by Turenko (in
Poyarkova 1987), who recorded poor to moderately diverse
assemblages from this interval, composed mostly of benthic Radiolarians
forms, although the Bykov Formation (Fig. 16) did yield a A zonal subdivision has been established on the succession
few planktonic species as well. A distinctive portion of the of C-T radiolarian assemblages identified in Sakhalin
assemblages is composed of siliceous-agglutinated taxa (Fig. 5, 18). During the Albian, numerous representatives of
(Bathysiphon, Hyperammina, Ammobaculites, Saccamina, the genus Crolanium, with a triangular or quadrangular distal
Glomospira, Ammodiscus, Haplophragmoides, Asanospira, skeletal section, are dominant. Cenomanian radiolarians
Rzehakina, Silicosigmoilina, and Reophax). Calcareous differ strongly from those of the Albian. However, there are
benthic species are represented mainly by nodosariids also some long-ranging taxa that continued through the
(Lenticulina, Astacolus, Marginulina, Saracenaria, Cenomanian into the Turonian and Coniacian. For example,
Dentalina, and Hemirobulina), while gavelinellids occur in the Spumellaria were represented in the Cenomanian and
varying proportions. Planktonic faunas consist predominantly Turonian by two genera, Orbiculiforma and Phaseliforma.
of long-ranging, non-keeled species, identified by Turenko The Nassellaria comprises many representatives of
as Whiteinella brittonensis (Loeblich and Tappan), Archaeodictyomitra with striated shell surface and
W. portsdownensis (Williams-Mitchell), W. sp., Hedbergella Amphipyndax with complex, poreless cephalis and several
delrioensis (Carsey), H. planispira (Tappan), and H. sp. postcephalic joints (Fig. 19, 20).
These species are known to have their lowest stratigraphical The early Cenomanian Lipmanium sacramentoensis -
occurrences in the upper Cenomanian and highest in the Archaeodictyomitra squinaboli Zone (Fig. 19) yields more
Santonian. Keeled forms identified by Turenko (in Poyarkova than 20 species, 9 of which are long ranging from the Albian
1987, fig. 23) as Marginotruncana marginata (Reuss), M. onwards and 13 of which appear first in the basal
sp., and Archaeoglobigerina cretacea (d'Orbigny), appear Cenomanian. In an earlier paper (Kazintsova 2000),
in the upper part of the Bykov Formation. Worldwide, M. representatives of the genera Haliomma, Cromyodrimus,
marginata (Reuss) is recorded from the upper Turonian to Stylodruppa, Lipmanium, Theocorys, and Stichomitra were
the upper Santonian, while A. cretacea ranges from the upper recorded. Generally, spherical skeletons with numerous long
Turonian to the Maastrichtian. spines (e.g., Actinomma, Haliomma, Cromyodrimus) and
The interval studied by us was divided into two nodose skeleton structures (Praeconocaryomma) dominate
foraminiferal zones by Turenko (in Poyarkova 1987) (Fig. 5), in the lower Cenomanian. In addition, elliptical skeletons
viz, the Glomospira corona - Ammobaculites gratus with some inner concentric rings (genera Cromyodruppa and
Assemblage Zone and Silicosigmoilina futabensis - Stylodruppa) are observed. The Nasselaria is represented by
Rzehakina subcircularis Assemblage Zone. Planktonic species of the genus Lipmanium which have 'hat'-like,
foraminifera, occurring sporadically and represented by species double-chambered skeletons with a thorax rim. Six species
of low stratigraphic value, cannot serve as a basis for in this assemblage went extinct at the end of the Cenomanian.
distinguishing planktonic foraminiferal zones in the Naiba and The late Cenomanian Haliomma sachalinica -
Bykov Formations. This means that it is impossible to correlate Dictyomitra multicostata Zone (Fig. 20) has yielded more
this section directly by means of foraminifera with sections in than 20 species, 13 of which are long ranging and 8 are new
Japan where planktonic foraminiferal zonations have been appearances. At this level, representatives of Patulibracchium
established (Toshimitsu & Maiya 1986; Toshimitsu etal. 1995). with a brachiopyle at the end of three primary rays, of
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 309

Cavaspongia with biconvex shells, and of Acanthocircus with belongs to Group A (Tanabe 1979; Westermann 1996).
simple elliptical rings, are found for the first time. At the Heteromorph ammonites of Group B are represented by
end of the Cenomanian, 10 species died out. relatively rare specimens of the genus Turrilites. Non-
The early Turonian Crucella cachensis - Alievium heteromorph ammonites have platycone, discocone, and
superbum Zone comprises nearly the same taxonomic spherocone shell shapes (sensu Westermann 1996). These
assemblage. No abrupt change has been noted at this level. shell forms suggest open, offshore marine settings (Tanabe
Generally, most species continued from the Cenomanian into 1979; Tsujita & Westermann 1998). Moreover, rare finds of
the Turonian and just a few made their first appearance, for torticone heteromorphs, which Westermann (1996)
example, representatives of the genus Crucella (Fig. 20). considered to have been planktonic vertical migrants, and
Skeletons of this genus consist of four crossed rays, with a thin, flat inoceramid shells also provide evidence for
central reduction and often with a patagium. relatively deep yet warm water. The abundance of
In total, the lower-middle Turonian has yielded 15 radiolarians points to high persistence of silica and other
species, 4 of which disappeared in the middle-upper Turonian nutrient loadings (see Racki & Cordey 2000, literature review
interval, after which there is a gap in data (Fig. 5, 18). The on pp. 23-25). The most abundant radiolarian assemblages
next radiolarian assemblage (late Turonian to early Coniacian have been collected from the basal upper Cenomanian.
Orbiculiforma quadrata - O. monticelloensis Zone (Fig. 20)) Relatively deeper environments are also indicated by the
is comparatively poor in taxa and in individuals; the few number of elongated or flattened radiolarian skeletons in
species represented mostly belong to the long-ranging genus Cenomanian assemblages (Casey 1993).
Orbiculiforma. Subsequentely, a brief regressive episode marked by the
Thus, in total, 39 radiolarian species have been identified "coloured barren interval" of Member 3 (Bykov Formation)
in the C-T succession of Sakhalin, 28 of them belonging to could be an expression of the combined effect of regional
the Spumellaria (17 genera), and 11 referred to the Nasselaria tectonism and volcanism. Whereas, most Cenomanian
(9 genera; see Kazintsova in Poyarkova 1987; Zonova et ammonite, inoceramid, and foraminifera species disappeared,
al. 1993). There is a marked faunal turnover near the there was almost no change in the species composition of
middle/upper Turonian boundary. radiolarians.
Globally, productivity event at the C/T boundary (OAE2) OAE2, as recorded in Hokkaido by Toshimitsu & Hirano
had a major effect on radiolarians (see Leckie at al. 2002, (2000), could possibly correlate with the black mudstones
fig. 7). In contrast, the radiolarian fauna from Sakhalin in the middle portion of Member 2 of the Bykov Formation
appears to have survived this interval without marked (Fig. 3). Moreover, the Hokkaido sections generally are
taxonomic change. A diversity decrease took place later, near characterised by similar patterns across the C/T boundary
the middle/upper Turonian boundary. However, at this level interval: a barren interval, a green and grey sandstone, black
there is an interval that does not yield any radiolarian data shales, and positive 13C values (Hirano & Takagi 1995;
(Fig. 5). Toshimitsu et al. 1995). In addition, the black shales in the
uppermost part of Member 3 of the Bykov Formation,
characterised by a low faunal diversity, might also be
Comments on paleoenvironment and paleoecology interpreted to represent an oxygen-poor paleoenvironment,
Based on analyses of fossil associations and lithological associated with abrupt cooling. Unfortunately, the positive
changes, it is possible to reconstruct a broad paleo- 813C spike documented across the C/T boundary in the River
environmental history of the C-T succession in Sakhalin, Naiba valley (Hasegawa et al. 2003) has been interpreted
which was deposited in an open shelf basin of an active too widely, corresponding as it does to an interval of 200 m,
marginal sea (Kirillova 1997; Kirillova et al. 2000). and lacking detailed biostratigraphy. With these data in hand
Generally, this interval is well known globally as the most it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to establish a
dynamic mid-Cretaceous time slice, associated with detailed correlation.
greenhouse climates, a sea-level highstand, and a warming However, it is interesting to note that a similar succession
peak followed by an abrupt basal Turonian cooling (Barnes is present in New Zealand, suggesting that this may be a
et al. 1995). Many regional studies have shown that the C-T signal of wider environmental events. In New Zealand, recent
transgression was relatively long lasting and was interrupted data (J. Crampton pers. comm.) indicate a conspicuous
by brief episodes of regression due mostly to local tectonics excursion in 813C (terrestrial) occurring in the Mangaotane
(see, amongst others, Matsumoto 1980; Naidin et al. 1980; Stream section, at about the same level as the lowest
Hallam 1992). occurrence of conspicuous red beds. Relatively positive 13C
Paleotemperature studies have shown the climate to have values persist through an interval of red and green beds which
ameliorated in Sakhalin at the end of the middle Cenomanian is, in part, barren of inoceramids (see Crampton et al. 2001,
(Kirillova et al. 2000). The highest ammonite diversity is in fig. 3). Thus, there is a pattern in New Zealand which is
the middle Cenomanian (Acanthoceras sussexiense Zone). closely comparable to that observed in Sakhalin, Korjakia
This part of the succession, from Member 4 (Naiba Upland (authors' field obs), and Japan: coloured beds, a
Formation) to Member 2 of the Bykov Formation (Fig. 3,4), carbon isotope excursion, and a barren interval.
records initially quiet sedimentation in a relatively deep water Zakharov et al. (1996,1999) documented relatively high
marine environment, suggested by the dominance of the paleotemperature (near 15°C) only at the end of the Turonian,
inoceramid group with large, flat shells and weakly developed based on isotope analyses of aragonitic ammonites shells
sculpture (e.g., Inoceramus pressulus, I. gradilis, and from southern Sakhalin and Hokkaido. The late Turonian
I. pennatulus) and plano-spiral ammonites with well- warming is associated with a significant decrease in
developed shell ornament, occasionally with coarse ribs (e.g., microfaunal diversity. The taxonomic increase in macrofauna
Mantelliceras and Calycoceras). Mostly these are morpho- both in benthic and planktonic groups, especially in
types of Group C (Tanabe et al. 1978); a smaller percentage heteromorphy ammonites, occurred approximately in the

N A I BA BY K O V formation <
1 1 en 1 K» U | •i en o> member

TO O) OX3) ^l-sl i\3N3 N3N3N3M \3N3 N3 N3 M M W N3N3N3N3 N3 N3N3IS3IS3rOISP M |

•>l OXD O - ' CJ OIOIOIOI O) O) O) O)
•g 23 o 0)0 U s OI^IOOCD _^l\3 CO 4^

-i N3 N3N1MN3N) N3N)C0 O. _
_>. IO M CO -t^ 0 1 0 ) ^ 1 COCOO k

C II ill] 1 1 I I I P 1 1 1|M It II • • i Mill --;• i • i • 1 1 1 i i in 1 1 I I l>> I ->> Bathysiphon alexanderi

o' l • - !• • i\j Saccammina complanata

3 • • • l | | a |
l l I I I 1 |l 1 • 1 - • • • 1 I • • I u Dorothia hokkaidoana
|: . i | *• Ammobaculites gratus
n 1 ui Trochammina naidenovica
3 Ill- |l 1 1I I l • l | | l l l • • •i l 1• 1 i II • • i • • o) Glomospira corona
o 1
1 1 1 I I I - • • • l •• • l • -J Glomospirella gaultina
|l l | l l • 1 • • •• oo Ammodiscus cretaceus
• 1• 1 1 • (o Ammodiscus hashimotoi
|l> I D •II "l-'l | . . | . . . . l | . . • • • • >l > l | M l 1 > 1 i Ihii 4 | i H I I | o Haplophragmoides obesus
. . . . 1 I i ^ Hyperaminoides barksdaley

•• • II ID 1 fo Bathysiphon brosgei
co Placentammina placenta
1 • 1
1 l-l
1 • •

• 1 •

• •

• £ Bathysiphon akanosawensis
oi Reophax troyeri
ll ill • • 1 i l l i • OT Hyperammina elongata
I . I| 1 • • • •• i j ^ Bathysiphon vitta
J • 4 oo Ammodiscus planus
• • V • •l l " i £ Asanospira hakagawaensis §
• | I >• | I . . | . 1 . i • • • • i i I- • • M I I o Rzehakina subcircularis
• > 1 • • • tJ Asanospira teshioensis
K Gyroidinoides depressus
• • i co Oolina apiculata
• i £ Gyroidinoides globosus rumoiensis


• • l 1 • • • • 1 1 •
tn Haplophragmoides kirki
o> Bathysiphon nodosahaformis

• 1 t j Textularia subglabra
H ••• l • • oo Oolina simplex 9
I I Eo Budashevaella naibica f
• 1 1 1 i o Trochammina hisanohamaensis
• • -1 II • • • • 1 • " Hyperammina bulbosa
• 1 • fo Haplophragmoides formosus
• to Textularia hikagezawensis
• i • I I £ Silicosigmoilina ezoensls
££ Marginulina reussi
• • •• •OTRamulina sp. A
: " ' s Dentalina catenula
: • : : " caSaracenaria pseudonavicula
• i
: i ;
• • • jo Hemirobulina nagaoi
o Haplophragmoides ex gr. excavatus
: : i : i Dentalina nana
; i ; io Whiteinella brittonensis
: : i

i ; • ; tiArchaeoglobigerina cretacea
• > ^ Whiteinella sp.
: : •
; • • • i ' • ai Lenticulina firma
: • : en Whiteinella portsdownensis
: : i j Hedbergella delrioensis s
: •• m Hedbergella planispira 2
: . • • i> • i • • • I :• • • • • • 1 <o Silicosigmoilina futabensis
: : • • o Nuttalides takayanagii
: : 2 Planulina rumoiensis
i ; M Pseudopatellinella cretacea
: i ' : c3 Trochammina yubarensis
: • • 1 ':• • • QAsanospira orlovica
: • o! Silicosigmoilina sagabei
:• • olAstacolus polandensis
:• SJ] Lenticulina cf. heiermanni
; • • • •• i • 1 S Spirosigmoilinella gorbushensis
; • • ; £5 Lenticulina ezoensis
: • . • • • § Lenticulina matsumotoi
• • • 2 Alabamina dorsoplana
•• • fo Citharina geisendorferi costata
• 2 Pseudofrondicularia lanceala
• g Lenticulina yabei
• • g Dentalina praecommunis
• i g> Frondicularia inversa
• 2] Enantiodentalina sp.
• § Marssonella oxycona
. g Marginotruncana sp.
• • : • 2J Marginulina texanensis
• ^ Marginulina bullata

IE.Ot li
• CD :
• |5! Citharina penna
I ^Stilostomella cf.stephensoni
1 • J| Pleurostomella subnodosa
Si i, o ^g£:
•^i =
IVJ en
CD •
rn <-> n . • 51 Lenticulina oblonga
CO g" :
• 3! Lingulina pygmaea
13 ;
V) ; • ^j Lenticulina obirashibensis
• 3J Globorotalites conicus

Glomospira corona - Ammobaculites gratus Zone Silicosigmoilina futabaensis - Rzehakina subcircularis Zone
312 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 313

Fig. 18 Stratigraphic distribution

of Cenomanian-Turonian radio-
larian species.
I i

O (B
p i
•S "S
i i
i i

I I I i i
I I I i i
•a E

II ; 11
1 1
1 1

I I 1 1
I I 1 1

J2 I I

| •;
£ • • 11

i i i £ s c-

i i:
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i
T T T T T f T T T T T T f T
f Is?
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
• numerous
I single evidence
I! I

middle Turonian. The worldwide acme of Turonian preferred shallower basins. Scaphites planus and Yezoites
ammonites and inoceramids has already been noted and puerculus are both found in close association with small
described in previous works for the northern Pacific (Noda aptychi, which is why these specimens are regarded as
& Matsumoto 1998; Zonova & Yazykova 1998), the Crimean autochthonous. The high diversity within Group C
Peninsula (Vejmarn et al. 1998), and for Germany and Poland (Anagaudryceras, Gaudryceras, Zelandites, Tetragonites,
(Walaszczyk 2000). Jimboiceras, Tragodesmoceroides, and Neophylloceras) may
According to Tanabe (1979), the increase in heteromorphs possibly be linked to the fact that morphotypes of Group C
(morphotypes of Group B) during the middle Turonian, in were adapted to wider habitats ranging from inshore shallow
particular in the widely distributed Scaphites facies, and the water to offshore deep water, in contrast to other morphotypes
appearance of new representatives of Group A (Romaniceras, (Tanabe 1979).
Fagesia, Subprionocyclus), provide evidence of inshore The most typical representatives of Turonian inoceramids
shallow-water habitats (near 50-80 m depth). Moreover, are species with new shell morphotypes and well-developed
numerous Nipponites and Scalarites (Fig. 9, 10) apparently sculpture (e.g., Inoceramus hobetsensis and I. iburiensis).

Fig. 17 Some representatives of the Turonian foraminifers from the River Naiba valley. 1,2,7 Bathysiphon gerochi Myatlyuk, ZPAL
F.49/1, ZPAL F.49/2, ZPAL F.49/7. 3, 4, 5 Bathysiphon vitta Nauss, ZPAL F.49/3, ZPAL F.49/4, ZPAL F.49/5. 6, 10 Bathysiphon
akanosawensis Takayanagi, ZPAL F.49/6, ZPAL F.49/10. 8, 9 Bathysiphon alexanderi Cushman, ZPAL F.49/8, ZPAL F.49/9.
11, 12 Rhabdammina cylindrica Glaessner, ZPAL F.49/11, ZPAL F.49/12. 13, 14 Bathysiphon brosgei Tappan, ZPAL F.49/13, ZPAL
F.49/14. 15, Dendrophrya sp., ZPAL F.49/15. 16, Hyperammina sp., ZPAL F.49/16. 17, Hyperammina elongata Brady, ZPAL F.49/17.
18, 19 Bathysiphon discreta (Brady) ZPAL F.49/18, ZPAL F.49/19. All samples are from Member 4 of the Bykov Formation, River
Naiba valley, middle Turonian. Scale bar = 200 (xm.
314 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 315

These morphotypes dominate throughout the Turonian. The inoceramids. No Cenomanian taxa survived this crisis. The
relatively shallow and warm, agitated and well-oxygenated extinction of the family Acanthocerataceae at the end of the
habitats, with normal salinity, may have allowed a Cenomanian and the wide distribution of heteromorph
proliferation of inoceramids and non-inoceramid bivalves; ammonites, particularly the development of the Scaphites
in addition, energy/dynamics may have been higher in facies in the Turonian, are marked during this interval both
comparison to the Cenomanian, based on the common in the Pacific and European Realms (Tanabe 1979; Kaplan
occurrence of bivalves with heavily ornamented, thick shells. et al. 1987; Hirano et al. 2000). The disappearance of
The late Turonian radiolarian assemblage consists of mostly Pergamentia-group inoceramids in Far East Russia can be
warm-water, spherical and subspherical, biconvex forms, correlated with the extinction of the I. pictus group in
which are also shelf tolerant (Casey 1993). Moreover, the European areas and the Western Interior of the United States.
deposits at the base of Member 5 (Bykov Formation; Fig. 11) Similarly, the Mytiloides event that characterises the base of
have yielded numerous, adult Inoceramus ex gr. lamarcki, the Turonian, as well as the wide distribution of the
which form coquina beds a few centimetres in thickness. "lamarcki" group throughout the Turonian, have been noted
Similar events are known from the northwestern coast of in many regions (Walaszczyk 1988; Harries et al. 1996;
Kamchatka and from the Western Interior of the United Kennedy et al. 2000).
States, with Inoceramus ginterensis Pergament (Sageman et During the C/T boundary event, foraminifera did not suffer
al. 1997). a catastrophic mass extinction and just a single planktonic
Foraminiferal data, in particular those in the present study genus, Rotalipora, became extinct. Benthic foraminiferal
and those supplied by Turenko (in Poyarkova 1987), indicate assemblages, however, do exhibit various degrees of temporary
a gradual deepening of the basin during the late Cenomanian faunal restructuring even in the absence of a major extinction
and Turonian. The water depth of the basin in which the upper (e.g.,Jarvisetal. 1988; Peryt & Wyrwicka 1991,1993;Kuhnt
part of the Naiba Formation (Members 3-5) accumulated, 1992; Kaiho et al. 1993; Kaiho & Hasegawa 1994; Coccioni
that is, during the early and middle Cenomanian, is estimated et al. 1995; Lamolda & Peryt 1995; Peryt & Lamolda 1996;
to have been a shallower shelf, as based on the absence of Paul et al. 1999). The major foraminiferal turnover occurred
planktonic foraminifera in this interval and the common to in the latest Cenomanian. In Member 2 of the Bykov
abundant occurrence of organic-cemented, siliceous Formation, an accelerated stepwise disappearance within
agglutinated types. The successive appearance of planktonic benthic foraminiferal faunas is visible. Two species became
foraminifera in the Bykov Formation, that is, globular forms extinct; others disappeared only temporarily. This sequence
(Hedbergella and Whiteinella) in the basal part (base of of events was terminated by the near-complete removal of
Member 1) and keeled forms (Archaeoglobigerina and benthic foraminifera within the "barren interval" in Member 3.
Marginotruncana) in the upper part (Members 5 and 6) Only rare specimens of Bathysiphon alexanderi have been
(Turenko in Poyarkova 1987, fig. 15), indicate deepening of reported from there (Turenko in Poyarkova 1987, fig. 15).
the basin to outer shelf depth during the late Cenomanian However, the foraminiferal faunas recovered very rapidly. In
and Turonian, following the bathymetric models discussed the lower part of the overlying Member 4, the first Lazarus
by Haig (1979), Hart & Bailey (1979), and Gradstein & taxa return, followed by new species appearances (Turenko
Berggren (1981). in Poyarkova 1987). Foraminiferal assemblages again became
moderately abundant and diverse in the early Turonian. A rapid
recovery in the early Turonian and a return of Lazarus taxa
have recently been recorded for foraminifera and calcareous
DISCUSSION nannoplankton from Tibet (Xiaoqiao et al. 2003).
At the Second International Symposium on Cretaceous Stage In the radiolarians, a remarkable faunal turnover is noted
Boundaries (Brussels, 1995) it was recommended that the near the middle/upper Turonian boundary, in contrast to other
main criteria for the recognition of the C/T boundary and for regions in the world (Leckie et al. 2002). No extinction has
the lower/middle Turonian boundary are the first appearances been established at the C/T boundary and the early Turonian
of the ammonite Watinoceras devonense and Collignoniceras radiolarian assemblage consists of 50% of long-lived species,
woollgari, respectively (see Bengtson 1996). Neither of these which continued from the early Cenomanian into the
species has been recorded from Far East Russia; thus, only a Coniacian.
detailed study of biotic and abiotic events can provide the Recently, Smith et al. (2001) have suggested that the
nessesary data for regional and global correlation. C/T "extinction event" was not an extinction at all, but an
The C/T mass extinction event is well known in different artefact of sea-level changes and biased preservation of
regions of the world, including Far East Russia. The present particular facies. Following Smith et al., planktonic forms
study documents the abrupt macrofaunal change in the (foraminifera and radiolarians) were not affected by the C/T
Sakhalin paleobasin well, namely for ammonites and boundary, while benthic taxa were. Generally, it might appear

Fig. 19 The radiolarian collection N421, lower-middle Cenomanian, Lipmanium sacramentoensis - Archaeodictyomitra squinaboli
Zone, River Naiba valley: 1,Actinomma (?) davisensis Pessagno, xl20; 2, Praeconocaryomma lipmanae Pessagno, xl50; 3, Cromyodrimus
mirabilis Squinabol, xl20; 4, Porodiscus sp., x95; 5, Gen. et sp. indet, x250; 6, Theocorys ex gr. antiqua Squinabol, xl30; 7, Lipmanium
sacramentoensis Pessagno, xl95; 8, Gen. et sp. indet., x325; 9, Stylodruppa tumefacta Kasinzova, xlOO; 10, Amphipyndax stocki
(Campbell & Clark), x240; 11, Amphipyndax ellipticus Nakaseko & Nishimura, x200; 15,16 Archaeodictyomitra squinaboli Pessagno:
15 xllO, 16 xl30; 18, Stichomitra communis Squinabol, x205, upper Cenomanian, Haliomma sachalinica - Dictyomitra multicostata
Zone, River Naiba valley; 12, 14 Haliomma sachalinica Kasinzova, xl50; 13, Phaseliforma meganosensis Pessagno, x200;
17, Acanthocircus ex gr. brustolensis (Squinabol), xlOO; 19, Spongurus ? sp., x250; 20, Orbiculiforma ? sp., x200; 21, Spongurus
porrectum Kasinzova, x200.
316 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 2004, Vol. 47

Fig. 20 The radiolarian collection N421, River Naiba valley. Upper Cenomanian, Haliomma sachalinica - Dictyomitra multicostata
Zone: 1, Spongurusporrectum Kasinzova, x200; 2, Amphipyndax ellipticus Nakaseko & Nishimura, xl50; 4, Dictiomitra multicostata
Zittel, x95; 5, Phaseliforma ? sp., xl20; 8, Archaeodictyomitra squinaboli Pessagno, x90; 10, Phaseliforma laxa Pessagno, x200.
Lower Turonian, Crucella cachensis - Alievium superbum Zone: 3, Archaeodictyomitra squinaboli Pessagno, xl25; 6, Amphipyndax
stocki (Campbell et Clark), x200; 7, Actinomma sp., xl25; 9, Orbiculiforma ex gr. cachensis Pessagno, xl25; 11, Crucella cf. cachensis
Pessagno, xlOO; 13,14 Orbiculiforma monticelloensis Pessagno, xl45. Upper Turonian to lower Coniacian, Orbiculiforma quadrata -
O. monticelloensis Zone: 12, Orbiculiforma quadrata Pessagno, xl20; 15, 17 Orbiculiforma monticelloensis Pessagno, x90;
16, Orbiculiforma ex gr. persenex Pessagno, x80; 18, Orbiculiforma sp., x80.
Yazykova et al.—Faunal assemblages, Sakhalin 317

as if the results of the present work would support such a benthic foraminifera is proposed and correlated with
model. This needs to be discussed. On the one hand, data on adjacent areas. The zonal scheme comprises
radiolarians differ from other regions in the world, as outlined 10 ammonite, 7 inoceramid, 4 radiolarian, and 2
above, and further research is required. On the other, we foraminiferal zones.
cannot be absolutely certain that planktonic foraminifera were
not affected in Sakhalin because of the absence of planktonic
species in samples N1–41 (see Fig. 16) and on account of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
only few, poorly preserved, indeterminate specimens in
Turenko's material (Poyarkova 1987). This pattern may be Research was supported by grant No. 48/2001 for Individual
Researches from Silesian University (Katowice, Poland). We are
consistent either with insufficient collecting and/or indebted to J. W. M. Jagt (Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht,
taphonomic processes. Numerous publications demonstrate The Netherlands) for reading earlier drafts of this paper and for
a major extinction of foraminifera (e.g., Jarvis et al. 1988; linguistic correction. We also extend our warm thanks to
Peryt & Wyrwicka 1991, 1993; Kaiho et al. 1993; Vejmarn J. Crampton (New Zealand) for his detailed review and useful
et al. 1998; Paul et al. 1999). Moreover, Xiaoqiao et al. (2003) comments, and to the managing editor Rob Lynch for kind advice
have just noted the C/T boundary in southern Tibet to be a and the possibility to publish the present paper.
major extinction of foraminifera (both benthic and planktonic
forms) and calcareous nannoplankton, well correlatable with
patterns documented for England (Jarvis et al. 1988), Japan REFERENCES
(Kaiho & Hasegawa 1994), Poland (Peryt & Wyrwicka Alabushev, A. 1995: Sedimentary formations of the Cretaceous
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